Is. 1 'v ) t i Tr ' ." 'We . '.- ,i'rw f THE NEW AGKE, PORTLAND,' OREGON. : fllirefo-. is -if i Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers !M3iK3r?H RARGMNK iililut .UNREDEEMED, PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles of Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All (luoili Hold un IiulHllinnnta. 01 Third Bt.. Oor. Pine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Totrol furnished to llnrbcr. Doctor, Oftlcef nil 1 1 ii alii e,, Wo alio do First Class Laundry Work. fourth "ml Couch Ht. POHTLAWD, OK, OrcEon Phono 429. Columbia I'liono 410. Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey ...AND Shaw's Pure Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale I.I(iior A Ulnar Dealers BOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C. P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single mid Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stork kIvoii tlio very let of care, ltato always reasonable and t.utl(aotlou Kirtr aimed. Phone Main 51. Cor. Rose and Oak SU, ROSEBURG, OREGON. EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 RENA S1INS0N, Lad Atlltttnt. .Merchant Hotel. COUNKIl TlllllD AND DAVIS 8TIIKKTS l'OKTI.ANO. OKKOON. 1IOTKI, IS KKWI.V 11KNOVATKD. Thti ( tho best equipped moderate rate hotel on the I'aclilc Coast and ha. all the conven. lenccs ol hhth-prioed hotel.. Complete wlthi ettctrlo light, ami belli, ami arte. Ian water in , each room. Hath room on each floor. Klevalot I for accomodation t KUesls. Italia Hand 11.21' per day, Mcala 2.1 cents, ripoclal rales to lam.) Illc. and theatrical artlc. r'no 'Inn to ami from all train. 30O looms, Only four blocks from Union Depot. Fire I'root llulUlhii:. F. K. HILL, Prop, j Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. J JACOB CASSELL. Prop. Hrletly Vlr.t.Clasi. Itattl 1.00 I'.r liar mill Up. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Com merclal Sample Room. &m mmmmmmiJr ji-f dm fHTJJJJJkv 1 utt -THK- Multnomah Trunk Co MANUFACTUrtKRS OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St., Near Morrison BLUNDEN &. VELTON, Props. THE FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New null Jlrifr. New Flxturci, Choice Goods. w. r.. mcoadr, Seattle. E. 8. Hamilton, Tacoma. H'GABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. I. Hoad Office: Tacoma, Wash. Cable Address: McOADU GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. KRIEG & LEVY VNCOltrORATKD.) jmm GROCERS COFFKB AND TEA A BI'KGIAl.TY. 304 tVnahliitiin Htrrnt, Corner T.nth TllV OUIl CKt.KIIKATKD COFFKK. iioth riiono. H3s. l-onrr.ANi), on. OLYMPIC STEAM LAUNDRY 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN 4 LOUIS J. BJORN ntomtiKTOits TACOMA, WASH. Troy laundry co. Are noted for quality of work and prompt sorvlco. GENTLEMEN'S UK I SPECIALTY 101-5 E. Water St. Phone 6033, PORTLAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION WHOI.K8A1.K A HKTAll. .Cream and MIIlc. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Manager Milk Delivered to All Parts of the City. Oregon Phone North 9011. ERST PORTLAND WOOD GO. E. M. LAMBERT. Dealers In All Kinds ot WOOD AND COAL Wood tawed to order In yard or on atreot. Oregon I'liono Union 491 Columbia I'liono &K8 Y.Vlll ANI OKriOKl Car. Kail; Morrison ml Water Stree ta VOUTI.AND, OUKdON. The Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc, - Is Won on. Merit, ' TRY RED SEAL BRAND, 56-60 E, Water St,, Portland, Or. I MM II II If III H Ml I . Ill umnm rnunnu uu. FACTORY BEGINS DAILY TOIL WITH RELIGIOUS SERVICE. L. II. Crcngcr, who operates rt fitnvo and heading factory In Washington, Intl., employed the Kcv. Mr. Corby, pas te of the Presbyterian Church, to de liver fifteen-minute sermons to the fac tory hands every morning. The Idea proved such a success and had such a wonderful lullueiice upon the workmen that Mr. Creager placed the choir of tho First Haptlst Church upon the pay roll. Tho choir now assists the Itcv. Mr. Gorhy In the dally religious services at the factory. Heforo the llfty workmen about the place begin tho day's toll they assemble In the factory for a short religious service. This novel Idea orig inated with L. II. Creager. Tho Ilov. Mr. Oorby, who Is a local Presbyterian minister, says that the plan has been a big success, and ho expects to see It spread to other factories and to other cities. Mr. (Jorby's "iinino appears on HANGED ON CAT ISLAND. I'ntc of n Crooked Unuiblor in tlio Kurly UnyM nit tho .WitHourl. "Tliure itsutl to lu n i)!acc on thu rh'er north of liciu that wna callud Cat Isl iiml," Haul Hilly Alfonl to a St. .)omuii News man tho otliur day. lie was an ultl-tlmu uiiKiUL'or, and tnany yea in aj;o was with ovory ni.lo or tuu .Missouri Itivur. Ho was assured that an Island benrlng tho satno uamo was still In exlsteiicf. "It may be the same lilneo and It may not," said Alfoid. "Tho river Is so tiouoherous that It inny have washed that Island away and formed another oiie In Its place sluce I knew anything about It. There was a big tree on the Island as I remember It, nuil we used It onco to bang the rankest gambler on the river. Wo tol erated that man three seasons, because tho river men did not want to resort to violence. At tlrst ho boomed to be square, but wo began to hear whimpers about him. It was In '58 that ho lleeced a. young fellow out of ?3,000-Just n plain ease of robbery. Ho had lot the young fellow win Just to get him Inter ested, and then aimed to rake In the whole thing. Somehow the young fel low got hold of the wrong cards when there was ?ll,U0O In the pot. Tho youth reached for all the money on tho board, but tho gambler innilo a grab ror It and took all his hand would hold. Stutllng It In his pocket as he ran, he Jumped overboard and made for tho shore. Hy tho time we realized what was going on ho was far astern, but tho captain sunt n boat after him, loaded with armed men. They had to shoot him and break his arm before ho would stop. That was near tho place known as Oat Isl and, and wo headed tho Henrietta that was the namo of the boat for the shore. Tho malo'and n dozen men Jlld tho Job, and tho Inexperienced yong mau frotn the East got his money back. Tim vniini? man left the boat at Omaha and came back dowu the river ahead or us. When wo returned tho body of tho gambler was still hanging to the tieo. The other young man who nan ueen lleeced came to St. Joseph and coin-i inltled suicide on account of remorse. I Ills body and money were sent back to ' his father, and 1 heard afterward that the old man said tho boy was worth ' more dead than ho was alive, ne sain tho youth bad left homo with ?t0 and it new suit of clothes. It seemed that ho know the cards himself and that he had got the best of the man we banged In a former game at Cincinnati. Wo used to feel mighty queer after that when wo passed Cat Island In the night. 1 nv,.r imihw wliv It was called Cat Isl and, but Imagined It was given tho uamo because It was inuaimwi oniy uy phi A. I know I could hear their cries every time we pass-ed the place after that hanging and It tiuuie tue com sniv- ers run down my back. There Is a closo connection between cats ami murueis and ghosts, nnywny. I have wondered a thousand times who tho man wns wo hanged on tho Island that night with so llttlo ceremony. Ho was not n young man, but he was a handsome follow, and might have had a family some where. 1 linvo wondered ir somo worn tut and llttlo children did not wait years and years for him to como back, nud wonder what had become of him. They might have believed him to be an hon est man. engaged In a legitimate busi ness, and even If they know ho was a gambler they might havo loved him Just as well. I don't believe tho body wns over taken off the Island, but 1 don't really know what beeatno of It. I never heard anything moro about It. St. Joseph News. OUR CHANGING TRAFFIC, Haw Cltlci AilJiut Thorn. elvc. to New Cotidltlnim. "It Is not to bo understood, of course, that the changes In trade relations sig nify that the older communities como to a standstill, or go backward, or are oven relatively less Importaut becauso of tho sectional Untile that Is taken away from them. When New York lost to Cincinnati tho raw product trado with the South, compensating gains wero made In other directions. Ameri can communities are not like those of Italy where, when the grapo and wine business declines year nfter year, tho people are at tho end of their wits, and poverty seems tho only available em ployment. On the contrary, when Philadelphia lost tho raw product business which New York captured by tho building of tho Erie ditch, her peo ple sottled themselves to the making of loco1 motives ami steamships, So, when Toledo lost tho grain of tho West slio went Into uuiuufacturlug agricultural Implements. Wheu the Fur West put Its short Hues Into Chicago, Duluth and Memphis and deprived the Ohio States of their advantages In the South, NOVKI. FACTOHV INNOVATION. tho factory payroll with that of the other men. tho hauling of grain and pigs nud cat tle wns given up for the making of cloths nnd tools. "Indeed, one of tho vital aspects of tho law that Is taking nwny from New Yorw the lines of trade to retnln which Its merchnntfl nrc contending, probably In vain, Is that it Implies tho building up of tlio country Into groups of sec tional specialties. As the years of ex periment nnd of temporary leadership pass, tho several prlnclpnl localities dis cover tho Items of trade In which their resuorces or their facilities for man ipulation are tlu greatest, and adhere to theso tenaciously nnd suecessfully. Somo mnuufneturo locomotives, and others, like Knlamnzoo, In Michigan, do nothing so famously ns the growing of celery. Some, like South Henil, In In diana, make wagons, nud others, like Philadelphia, build war vessels, Some, like nelllnghnm Hay, In the Stato of Washington, can Hnlmon, nud others, like Fresno, In California, dry raisins." Altisleo's. WHERE THE JOKE CAME IN. Tlio Ilojra It i tiled the l'rofcaaor Itnck, .Viich to Their Clumrln. A very good story Is told of the hend of a college, who was the possessor of a very clumsy old-fashioned vehicle, "to which ho was very partial and which ho constantly used In riding through tho streets of the town, to tho disgust of most of tho students. A plan was formed among some of tho boys that on a certain night they would remove this ofTcuslvo vehicle from tho coachhouse to n wood about half a mile from tho college. Their In tention wns to run the carriage Into tho thickest of the woods and underbrush nnd lenvo It there. nut tlio prlnclpnl by somo means learned or suspected their Intention. Accordingly, In tho evening, ho quiet ly went out to tho coach-house, nud well wrapped up, crouched In a corner of tho carriage, and waited. Soon tho boys came, very stenlthly, nnd, without looking Into tho vehicle, began their operations very quietly; nud In whispers, and with many a "Hush." nud "Take care," nnd "Look out," they succeeded In getting It out of tho house nnd yard, and into the road. , There they wero nil right, but they were puzzled to 11ml the thing so heavy to haul: and amid grumblings and puff ings nnd paintings, varied occasionally with n strong expression of disgust, they succeeded In reaching tho woods, the principal listening to their com plaints, ami rather enjoying tho situa tion. Having with somo tlltllciilty backed tho carrlago Into tho brush, they began to congratulate each other on tho suc cess of their mnneuver. Tho old gen tlemau, letting down tho window, to their utter surprlso nnd alarm, very quietly said: "Now, young gentlemen. Just tnko me back very carefully, If you pleaso." Spare Moments. LIGHT ON THE COLONIES. Qraphlc I'cicrlptlnu of the I'hlllpplnca mid Their lwivlronineiit. Speaking of now light on tho Philip pines, hero's some, geographical, com mercial and general, that Is certainly expressed In n now way If It does not actually convey real and vnluablo Infor mation. It gives tho Impressions of a private In tho Seventeenth Infantry. He writes: "Tho Philippines nro a bunch of trouble gathered on tho west ern horizon of civilization. They nro bounded on the north by rocks and de struction, on the south by cannibals and earthquakes, on the east by ty phoons and on tho west by hoodoolsm nnd smuggling. Tho soil Is very fer tile and largo crops of Insurgents and treachery are produced. The Inhabi tants' chief occupation Is building trenches nnd making bolos. Their houses nro made chletly of bamboo and laudscape. Manila Is one capital city. It Is situated on Manila bay, a largo land-locked body of water full of sharks and Spanish submarine boats for which Dewey Is responsible. Cav Ite, tho next city of Importance, Is not ed for being no good ns n naval station, for a large number of saloons nud Chinamen. Tho principal export of the Island are rice, hemp nud war bulletins. Thelmportsnro American soldiers, arms and ammunition. Communication has been established between the numer ous Islands by substituting tho mos quito for tho carrier pigeon, tho mos quito being larger and better. The cli mate Is pleasant and healthful for mos quitoes, bugs sunken, tarantulas, roaches, scorplous, centipedes and alli gators," Iu closing, the young man express a longing for homo. Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID THOMAN, Prop. Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. THOSE, RED 1818. FAMILY RESORT. Cor. Chapman anil Jeffcrion Sts., rortland, Or' HISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees Tho Most BpRrkllnfr, Dellclona and Aro matic COFKUK8 Kvcr I'laced on this Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Pour Blends.. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplie. Lighting of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Go. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS. Bolh 'Phones 355. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures 7 7 ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wto'esale Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St,, Cor. Burnside. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transloni Sollottmtl ...IIOTH I'JIOXES... Travotonthonld tnlco"S" Street Carat Union Depot and tramter at Yamhill Hired to Kut Aiikney Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. GROSS, WEITZEH S LIPPMAN Manufacturer, of E Separate Skirts and Waists The Best Made Goods on the Pacific Coast 314 Flrat Street, Corner Satiuuii. rOKTLANI), OKKOON. CHARLEY 1 PIONEER RESTAURANT Now on Johnion street, Opposite Union Depot. LUNCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Repairing and Recovering o( Fine Umbrella a Specialty, 319 Wa.hmctnii Street. Three door, above Olds A King TORTLAND, OREQOK, Union Depot ..Restaurant 173 Sixth St., PORTLAND, OR. Regular Dinner at Noon - 25c Luach Put Up for Travelers. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Can leave Portland. Corner Flrt and Watb Ington streets, (or Vancouver as follows: Vancouver 45 Minute. 'A. m.-u:18, 7:03. 7:4S. 8:S3, :i8, 10:03, 10:4S, 11::m I'. M.-iasiu, 1:03. 1:48. 2:83, 3:18, 4:03, 4:48, 6:33, 6:18,110:4.1,111:2.1. (Leave First and Jet- feon streets. 4 minutes curlier.) Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect, with cars bs follons: A.M. a:4S, 7:S0, s-.l 9:00, 9:43. 10:30, litis V.':oo M, 1'. M. 12:45, l:so, 2:15,3:00, 3:4J, 4:30, 6:15, 6:00, cm:., jii:io. Cars leave corner. First and Washington streets for Woodliuui as follows: A.M. 0:l8,6:.U,fl:l8,7:03,7:lS, 7:33,7:48.8:03, 8U8, 8:33, 8 M.S. 0.11.1, Utl8, 9:8.1, VMS 10:03, iu:i8, io::m, iomh. 11:0.1. 11:18. li :33, n:. P. M. 18:03, ll!:18. 12:33, 12:48, 1:03, 1:18,1:33, 1I4S, 2:0-1, 2:18,2:33.2:18, 8:01. 8:18.3:83, 3:48,4:03, 4:i8,4:43,4:i8.6:o:i, 6:18,6:33, 6,48, 8:0.1, Oilh, fl:S3, 8:48,7:03,7:18.7:33, 7:48, 8:0.1, 8:18.8:33. 8:4, 9i3. 9:23,9:43, 10:03. iu:23.lo:i3, U:u3, 11:23 fl':3. AVoodlrtirn 30 Minutes. Cars leavo Wnodlawn tor First and Washing ton streets as follows: A M-,5:l5,'0:oo,,o:ia,d:DO, 0:45,7:00, 7:18,7:45, 8:00,8:15,8:31), tm n:0o. fl:is. 9:30, 9:43, lo:oo, lu:is, 10:30, lo:l5,ll:oo, 11:15, 11:30, 11:45, 12:00 M. P. M.-I2:i l2::io, 12:4 1:00. 1:15, 1:30, 1:45.2:00. 2:i6,2:3u,2:4 3:oo, s:i5,,3M 4:oo, 4:13,4:30. 4:iv fi:oo, a:is.k, 6:4'., 6:oo, C;18. OKI', 0:43, 7:00, 7:15. 7:30.7:43, 8:00, 815. o:3o, s:W. 9:io, 9:30, 9:30, 10:10, 10:30, 10:30,5 11:10, 11:30. Dall', except ftinilnrs. I)ally, except Wcncsdarii and Saturdnys. tU'cdnisdays and i-aturdays only. Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agents for KNOX HATS BUFFUNI & PENDLETON 94 f Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. (Eatakllmhma 1832.) F.B. DALLAM & CO. Wholeiale Dealers In Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Paper, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran-. itoware, Eto. 232, 230, 228 Front St., Mun Frmnaltco, ami. mud 11 Front ftlroot, Portland, Ormgoiu Write for Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY rjv ? i r JVJ JJVGT ffi m GOLDEN WEST 1 BAKING I I I I I POWDER It Is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST U Tea An ITet CiUittl Tow Uotir Bits CtoauT Jt Drvaas, Portland, Or. .' mmmssmsmssmmi iLOis2ila- LIPPINCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tin But in Currant Literatun 12 Complctc Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pen year ; 25 era. A corv NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copvriohts Ac. Anyon. .ending a sketeh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an tnvxatlnn t. probably patentable. Communlc. nou i. pruD.Diy pAieniaoie. L- omi on I iionotrictireonsaentlai. llandbookonl'atenta vc sent free. Oldwt acener (or aecuriug i Patents t&isn tfirou.b Wuna X Co. receive ic ener ror .ecunu? b.ti mtttaktutles. without cbarve. In the Scientific flmcrka. Abasdaomtlf lllarirated weekly. I-trcest cir culation of any (denude loumal. Tern,.. S3 a juri faaraoaUta,4U..8ol41aU'naexlealera, MUNN I Co.M,B"- Mew York Snaeh OSsoe. Sttret, Wathlsctoa. IX C. tlAND SOAP AND CHfX V PORTLAND. ORtCON. gy ? M t; , v H ,.v HP-,.... 1s)ejwwT.i-JsLt ? :t . l v .f-irr' '"IW" '