X rikJ W ki i a .1. !-.. -Wffe ;,i THE NEW AGE, POBTIiAlTD, OBEGOK. l - " MiCfln C. k. STOKES LIQUOR CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Hottlid br Pabut Brewing Co. Milwaukee, WW 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. The Unrlvalod Piano of tho World EstaLlaliod 1864. Visit Cur Warorooms and Eo Gonvlcod. Marry 0(1:07 StcnJ ard and ticlteblo Makes ot PBAN&S sisasS ORGANS Wo Sell on Es. s'j Torma. Ko Ltcrg o First F a ntont Required. Send Your Old Piano to Eo Repaired by Rcllabto Workmen. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Mstsic Huzzas. M. O. MATTHIEU, Mngr: 311 E. Alder and 11G Un'oi Ave. Sale nt Ct ?ro, 142 1 1 Ho S, . n'Tsii ff tjr nifi "J yimiuii illy ilrii' MACKINTOSHES, BUBBBR AND OIL CLOTHING Itutibnr Itooti itittl Shoe, llnltltiff, Pnnklng nml Hour, '.argent Mid Motl Comilcle Aiixnrtmctit of all Kindt ot Hlibticr Good. GOODYEAR RfcJSBBR COMPANY R. IL rEABE, I'retldent. K. M. BUEl'AllU, Jit.. Trcnmrer J. A. SIIKl'Altl), Becrctary 78-75 FIRST, STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Any yutintlty RUSSELL & COMPANY DUII.DKKB OF Ermines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Thrashers. If yon M-template buying machinery, write ua for catalogue and prices. RUSSELL & to. A. H. AVERTTX, Manager. E. C. ATKINS ftpAjnEt, $ Branch, -) flflBi LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK ...LA GRANDE, OREGON... Cmpitml and Surplus - - $72,000 THE METROPOLITAN BAHK CAPITAL - - $50,000. FlfEMCH BLOCK. TAOOMA, WASH. PHILIP V. CAESAR, Pruldentf TRUMAN W. KNOB, VIcMVeildrntS 0. B. SELVIO, Cailiier: JACOB H. VANDERIIILT, AitiUnt Cahle, .... mcmatAL babhibb in all its branches..,. Intereit allowed on dcnonltt in fiavlnsr Pepartment. Clrrrbr l.etteri of Credit iMucd on Hone Kniiu. China and Yokoboma. Japan; alio Dratti and llllli of Exchange liaued ou China and Japan and tbe principal cltlei of Europe. Foreign mouejri exchanged, Wm Hmw - FmallMm tr HmnOtlnm Battt Burnt avtaf BvHkin. THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery ISO Ernst Water Straet. COUJNS-PRESTON-WILSON CO SUOOKBSOn TO PATRICK, MASTICK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Goods THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 91-93 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN STARL AND OAK. Oregon Fhona Mulu4tt7... DRIINK THE FAMOUS Weixilxgtrd's Beer For Sale at All the Principal Saloons Brmmry mmmJ Office STABU0HB Ml. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping A Commission Merchants WHOLESALE i TO SAVB TIME ADDBXB8 ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY. ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBL1N, Prop. Pint-Clam AcronmiodHt'ons nuit rrnmpt sorr- tee. lMtvc Minlplc quoins (or Coiuiuvrujul Uritrt'lirn. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. AKaiy, O:gor. Ay style PORTLAND. ORECOM. m COMPANY .PORTLAND, OREOOH. r Manufacturers ot PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SAWS . He. GO First St. PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND, OREGON - wttSMX MBBNrSNATEB 1S87. GROCERS... THE PIPERS OF THE POOLS Pipers of tho chilly pools, Plpo tho April In; Summon nil tho singing hosts, AH the wilding kin. Through tho cool and teeming damp Of tho twilight air, Call till all tho April children Answer ovcrywhero. From your pld nnd fluting throats Pipe tho world awaitc, Pipe tho mould to move again, Pipe tho sod to break. Plpo tho mating song of earth, And tho fecund lire, Lovo nnd laughter, pang nnd dream, Desire, desire, desuo. Then a wonder Bhall appear, Mlraclo of tlmo; Up through root and germ and sap wood, ' Llfo shall climb and climb. . Then tho hiding things shall hear you And tho sleeping stir, And tho far-off troops of exile Gather to confer; Then tho rain shall kiss tho bud And tho Bun tho bee, Till they all, tho painted children, Wing hy flower got free. And nmld the 'shining grass Ephemera arise, And tho wlndflowors In tho hollow Open starry eyes. And delight comes in to whisper "Soon, soon, soon, Earth shall bo but ono wild blossom Breathing to tho moon." Charles G. D. Roberts, In. April Now Lipplncott. A NEW DUSINESS HOUSE. Tho Pacific Coast Rubber Company's Portland House and Its Success. About half a year ago tho Pacific Coast Hubbpr Company established a branch houso In this city at 41-43 First strcot, with Messrs. John A. Gram and E. N. Whoolor as local man agers. This popular houso has branch houses in ovory Important city on tho coast, and has earned a business rec ord second to no competitor. It han dles rubbor boots and shoes nnd oil clothing; also druggists' sundries. This houso guarantees both quality nnd prlco of everything It handles. Manager Whcolor Is well and most fa vorably known in this city, whoro he has been prominent in business cir cles for yoars. Thoso who know him havo up hesitancy in recommending tho houso at the head of which ho hplds a responsible place Manager Grarii, although less Known horo per sonally, 1b a most popular business rann, and ho and Mr. Whcolor havo already succeeded in establishing a most oxccllont business. Tho houso they represent is ono of tho most ex tonslvo of its kind In tho West. Don't placo your orders until you havo consulted tho Pacific Rubbor Company, at 41-43 First street, this city. Now la the Time to Travel. If you aro going East do not pur chase your ticket, until you havo se cured rates from tho Illinois Cent ral railroad. Travel over a lino in position to givo you good service and quick time, and you will savo money. Wo can do both. Our ratoB aro as low as other lines, and our servlco Is excelled by none. If you nro going to sond East for your family do so now whllo rates aro low, but boforo depositing money for their tickets como in and seo us, or address 1J. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial agent Illinois Central Railroad, 142 Third strcot, Portland, Oregon. NEW TAILORING HOUSE. A. J. Armstrong, for many years head cutter for Nlcoll, has opened a tailoring establishment at 313 Wash ington street. This houso Is stocked with a comploto stock of up-to-dato goods. Tho cutting is tiono by Mr. A. J. Armstrong, well known as a first class cuttor. Style nnd fit guaranteed. Prices moderate. Good work and honest doallngs. ARMSTRONG. THE TAILOR, 313 Washington St. Hold on to your dollars until you get to tho Delaware Oyster House, 190 Third stroot, phono, Oregon Clay C57, under tho Kingston. Every thing first class. Oysters, shellfish and tamales. Seo our ad. in this paper. Mayor & Sharp, proprietors. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS Goto Runyon's Restaurant. 353 Washington Street PORTLAND, OREGON. A. E. SIEOELr. Dealer in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Chcew, Eggs, Etc Hun and Bacon a Speciaby. PfaoM, CUy 554. W N. Scvcatk St PORTLAND UMBRELLA WORKS II. ANDEHSOH, Proprietor, Umbrellas and Parasols Made to Order, Recovered and Repaired. Canes Repaired. IM Third St., W. TIW h. Tiytor. Tbone Dlack 061. ....Ptiill, Iflglll. The OEUW.BE OYSTER I0USE. MAVKK & 8HAItr, I'ropi. Oysters, Shell Fish and Tamales. j Optn All Night. I'rlrate Rooraa for Udlt Telephone Clajr 6J7. No. iooK TWrtf Street, ....PertlaatJ, Oregoa. NKtfttlKI General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing 'the Progress of the Various Lints of Human Endeavor Being Accom , pllshed by the Race. It Ib stated that Georgo F. Georgo intonds to establish a colony of 700 colored people on his farm nt Port Jorvls.JN. J. During tho month of December a new public school for negro children was established at Havana, Cuba, by Oblato Sisters of Providence. ,A nice building was donated them. Colored pcoplo support Bovcn col leges, nineteen academics, fifty high schools, live medical schools, twonly flvo theological scmlnnries nnd rnlso $11,000,000 for their education. P. P. Allen, ownor of tho largest plantation in Anderson county, S. C, worth about ?1,000,000 and ono of tho men presontcd by tho grand jury In tho Blavory case, drovo In from his plantation on Friday, tho 8th Inst., heard tho news of Ills presentment, and dropped dead In tho presenco of J. S. Fowlor, another of tho mon in dicted. Wichita, Kansas, March 1C Two years ago at Enid, O. T., n mob of whito men attacked a lot of Nogroos who wore Innocently enjoying a enko walk. Several whlto men and ono Negro wore arrested. On trial all tho whito men wcro discharged and Fed eral Judgo John L. McAtce, who is also a territorial Judgo, discharged tho Negro on his own motion. Ho lndlg nnntly addressed tho jury today, say lng. "I say to tho colored mon, do fond your race. If tho lawB aro not sufficient, the God of naturo bus placed in your hearts tho cqnsclous right to protect yourselves, and whllo 1 sit on tho bench, it whlto Juries cannot reach whlto offenders, black men shall not bo punished by mo if they dofond thomsolvos." Judgo McAtce sternly faced tho jury as ho uttered these words, Bollfountaln, O. Mrs. Nellie Jack Bon (whlto) ono of tho victims of tho West Llborty tnr and feathering mob, In "Novombor, 1899, secured n Judg ment against tho county (Logan) March 7th, for ?700 damages. Tho woman had boon living in tho house with tho father of her deceased hus band, both colored. Tho former, Ed ward Jackson, recently Becurod a ver dict for $1000 and has been paid tho money. D. Rlckman, another Afro American who was in tho house at tho tlmo of the raid, and who was also tarred and feathorod, has a suit pend ing nnd will win. Tho "Click" Mitch ell heirs' judgment (tor his lynching nt Urbana sovoral years ago) against Champagne county, wob for 15000. All thfe under Hon. H.. O. Smith's Ohio n(Vlynchlng law, which he passed In tho Ohio assembly in 189G and which has practically put an end to mob vio lence, and lynching in this stato. All honor to him I GRAND DENEFIT CONCERN. A Most Enjoyable Social at tho A. M. E. Zlon Church on Tuesday Evening. Tho grand b'onoflt concert nt Zlon church on Tuesday night wan n most entertaining affair in ovory detail. Tho programme, which was oxtenslvo, was oxcollently rendered, overy num ber thorcon being most cordially re ceived. Doth tho instrumental and vocal music wore muqh enjoyed by a largo attondanco of tho lending so ciety people of the city. It was by far tho leading ovent in church cir cles in Portland. It was a bcnetlt so cial for Rov. Swan, of tho A. M, E. Zlon church, at Thirteenth and Main. Tho Ico cream and cako feature of tho evening was sumptuous, abundant and much enjoyed. Following is tho programmo rendered: Part 1. 1. Piano solo, Lulu Eastman. 2. Solo, "His Day Will Come," W. H. Cartor. 3. Solo, "A Hundred Fathoms Deep," Mr. Joseph Leo. 4. Quartette, Messrs. J. W. Payne, A. A. Foster, John Woodward, Georgo Gardnor. 5. Solect reading, "Ono Christmas at Shiloh," Mrs. Kitty Gray. 6. Solo, "Aftor All," Mrs. Emma Leo. 7. Solo, "By Your Sldo," Mrs. R. Williams. 8. Solo, "She Rests by tho Swanoo River," Mrs. Sarah Stanfield. 9. Duet, "Oh, Tell Us, Merry Birds," Mrs. D. Newman, Mrs. Kitty Gray. Part II. 1. Solo, "You Toll Mo Your Dream, I'll Tell You Mine," Miss Hazoll B. Watson. 2. Solo, "Ashore," Professor J. W. Payne. 3. Comic Specialties," Professor L. B. Alston. 4. Solo, "Yerlta," Mrs, 'M. Ross. 6. Solo, "Sing Merry Day," Mrs. Dora Newman. 7. Solo, Mrs. Lula Easton. W. H. Carter,- director. INTERVIEW ON TIMBER LANDS. A representative of The New Age called on J, L. Martin, 601 Orogonlan building, and In answer to an Inquiry as to the state of tho tlmbor land market, he said; "The manifestation of a lively In terest In the early spring and the low prices of past years called buyers from the East, which encouraged tho holders to ask more price, having tho effect of diminishing and discourag ing those coming long distances, in tending to buy. This, with newspaper exaggeration, made a chasm between buyers and Boilers. But both parties have become more reasonable through the discipline they received, and have drawn nearer together the results of the late election having some little Influence on the buyers, and tho amount on the market and years of disappointment influencing the sellers, the market assumes a more healthy J tone, and we are now conducting fa- lfwf -- k r Tf f . yjStW vornblo negotiations satisfactory to both parties on tracts ranging from a claim to 50,000 acres, wo dealers would bo glnd to seo prices advance, but feeling the pulso of tho market, would not wish to oncourngo owners to mnko another gap betweon thorn- l,,111 bo nbsolutoly impartial, lo iu solves and tho buyors nt tho samo suro publication, nil local news must tlmo wo can confidently sny to tho roach us not later than Thursday mora buyer, do not hesitate nnd keep your lug of each wook. money idlo, whllo present prices rule, , .. ,, r- . nnd wo think nny Judicious buyer who Mrs. M. Jackson has greatly Im weighs all tho conditions In Oregon Proved since Inst week, today will not fall to securo his poV- ,A , . , tion." P Fritz Koobla left Inst. Sunday THE WASHINGTON LIFE 1NSUR - ANCE COMPANY. Miss L. Perry, of Chicago, is visit- No insuranco man In tho Northwest Jng her brothor, Mr. Robort Porry. Ib moro olntod ovor legitimate success ?h iriay spend throo or four monthB than Ib Mr. Blair T. Scott, gonornl n Portland. manager of tho department of tho Pa-I " clflo Northwest for Tho Washington ' Mr. Andrew Mltupii, who wna so Llfo Insuranco Company, whoso Port- Bovoroly injured whllo In tho dlB land ofllco Ib nt 010-011-G12-613 Cham- cnargo of nls dutlcB an porter on tho her of Commorco. Tho business done Pullman palaco car Is slowly Improv- by thnt woll-establlshcd company dur-.'n8' Ing tho past year In thlB city is an , " . k " earnoBt expression of public Bontlmont'. Mrs. Hattlo Redmond roturnod to favorable to Its strongth nnd ontor- Menclinn; luBt Tuesday, after n short prise. W. H. Browor, Jr.. Is presl- visit to hor father, Mr. It. Crawford, dent of this company, which hua dono of Grant strocL 41 yenrs of honest work, during which I , , , , tlmo It has mndo n most honornblo' A pleasant neighborhood birthday record, its paid policy holdors now lnrty wnB arranged Monday ovonlng, number 35,537.705, nnd its yearly in-("nor tho supervision of tho Misses como Ib ovor throo million dollars. ' Duncan, nB March was tho birth- Whut better recommendation should nny conlpnny hnvo? Try tho Wash' lngton Llfo. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Tho Placo for Homoscokors to Go to nt.tnln fMinlftncif Ttnrrrnlna Tho Vnlloy Ronl EBtato Exchange at 9 Mi First strcot, conducted by a pioneer in tho business in this city, whoso namo is a synonym for hon esty nnd honorable treatmont, Is tho in.u i - i,0 ,.,, ,i.Dir r obtnln chances for homes. Ho haa yw and old, to meet at tholr homo residence nnd farm property, and " Harrison street, whoro an onjoya makes a specialty of acroago, fruit W evening was spent, onllvonod by tracts, chicken ranches nnd dairy. prncB, music and n rogular old-fash-ranches nt low prices. Tho coiii.,'nod. "candy pulling."- Dainty ro pnny has lota nnd housos to sell nnd freshmonts wore served nnd all voted to rent at phenomenal liguros. Ro- tho young ladlos to bo a great success member tho number 9 V. FirBt street, B entertainers. Clty Rov. E. I. Swan, of tho A. M. E. -.. .!. oui. u r,. h Zlon church, nnuouncod last Sunday The Finest Service to the East nd ., Umt ,,0 ,, rocolvo(1 trmiH. -,u J,0UJ"' I for to tho Baltimore and Philadelphia Tho O. R. & Co., in connection with confuronco, and stated that ho hopod tho Oregon Short Lino and tho Union to ,)0 ft,)Io t0 ,nout jt,, tham tll0 Pacific, offors tho finest sorylco nnd mttoV ,)ftrt of Mny Whllo olh to tho fastest tlmo to Bait Lako, Don- llftV0 hhn ,i0j,urt tho congrogatlou vor, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul, roaizo that tho opportunities nro far S,L .LoUn',?' ch'cn?0' a,n, H P?,Int.8 greater Kast for an nnililtloue young """M ,;: i. , ' iiw ".imnn wonting in me minisiry man liiuii, Willi uiiuii:u ui mini uuiuiuub routes. Palaco and tourist sloopors, library, dining nnd chair cars on all trains. Write A. L. Craig, G. P. A., O. It. & N. Co., Portland, Oregon, for par Ono of tho prettiest restaurants In n ,irunkon'husband was tho moro dot- tho city is that rocontly opened as rmcnt. At tho mooting this wook "Runyon'B Restaurant' at 253 Want- tho BUUj0ct will bo. -Should capital lngton street, near Third. It is olo- ,ninHhmont bo abolished?" All aro gantly furnished, provided with oyory- jnvjto(i to tho mcotlngs, which nro thing neccsBnry to make up tho cholc- hoI(l onch Thursday uvonlng at tho est bill of faro, prepared by cooks who A M jjf z)on cj,urcn, aro not excolled on tho coast, and Its patrons nro served by gontlomon who Mr Wj ht n piummor, who waa thoroughly understand tho minutest ..nxiolntotl by Governor Goor na Bpo- dotall of tholr business. A visit nt cn, commissioner for tho stuto of meal tlmo to Runyon's Restaurant will Oregon, vlco Rov. A. Andorson, do- convince you that It Is tho best placo ccnacj, to solicit funds for tho pro- in the city to eat. posod monument to tho Into Charles Local. Sumner, hnB entered upon tho work with an earnest determination to Wo want your trade. Muslo half muko n showing that will bo crodlta- price! musical Instrnmeiits of all Wo to both t,""" 0Wn ind. ca.h or installments. II II. ,1 .JSXSS Wright, wliolesalo and retail dealer in w u,(, urK0 our ,)0op,0 to reBpond iiiuato aud musioal merchandise. Tho uborally whon approached, as tho oh Muiio building, 840 Wahingtou strent, .joct is ono thnt should appeal strong Portland, Oregon, ly to ovory ono of our race. Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS M im MSB TmylmrSt 3lail ESSr 1 IbS l3 --- IRS KIB9 IrTjL Ka-"5 -r1 ,' m. IMfflff mSt ""ITX' T F?',i. 7 ? 1 1 , Y 1( -j C. A. ltlUcr.Boclotj-Killtor. Wo shall know no favorites, nnd nigut lor lacoma to iook aner nis . business Interests there. month of Miss Grace Duncan. Tho Initial entertainment given by tho Goidon Link Sbclcty nt Mount Olivet Baptist church Friday even ing was n success in ovory particular. An excellent nrogrammo was pre- I sontcd and tho now society made a I favornblo Impression on nil thoso In attendance. Mrs. M. Edwards Ib pres ident and Mrs. RubsoII, secrotary. MIbbcb M. Forscytho and C. A. Rlttor Invited n number ot tholr frlonds, horo, bo they wish him God-speod. Tho Paul Lawronco Dunbar Lltor ary Society at tholr last mooting do bated tho mibjoct "which Is tho moro detrimental to a homo a drunken tmahnrwl fir n nlln rrnlanmn lvlfn?' Thn I 4nrv flnnlilnil Hint If wna ulinurn Mint. Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware nd Household... Specialties... Handled by All First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OREGON ii Uil A at r.