The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, March 30, 1901, Image 4

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    ..-TVVl m tsr3M j IVMIf-'"TV" LMiMttihuWi
The New Age,
A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager.
orriOR o Morrison stiikkt.
Oregon Talophnna Oak 801.
Xntertd at the I'ostonlce t Portland, Oregon, i
a secead elm matter. ;
OaaTaar, rayableln Adranco S3. 00
The manner In which Editor Cay-
ton, of the Seattle Republican, one
of tho moat Influential weekly pub-
HcatloiiB In tho state of Washington, J Bimnl had to pass In order to reach
was treated by representatives of the "lm rendered tho undertaking a timl:
Hhcrlff's omce, at his homo In Seattle ot extreme peril,
on Mondny night, Is outrageous In
nn oxtromo degroo; nnd Tho Now Ago ' TH13 FIFTH YEAR.
will predict, without having full
knowlcdgo of all tho circumstances , The Now Age closeB Its fifth vol
leading up to and attending It, Unit; nine, with this Ibsuo, In a spirit of
It will bo rememborofi sorrowfully by j'gratltudo to Its many patrons, nmong
those who bo brutally nnd vulgarly whom nro tho most substantial bust
mistreated a man, although colored, ncss houses of tho city nnd stnto, nnd
of Mr. Cayton's prominence nnd pop
ulnrlty In tho politics of tho stnto.
Mr. Cnyton has Just returned from
n visit to tho South. During his nb
nenco his editor gnvo tho enemies of
tho pnper excuse to chnrgo It with
having criminally libelled tho now
mayor of Seattle For this Cnyton
was nrrcstcd In his homo nt n Into
hour of night, tho sheriff's representa
tives trentlng him most shnmcfully.
They bohnved Ilka 111 mannered
trnmpB In his elegantly furnished
liouso, nnd refused to permit him to
tarry until Ills wlfo returned to enro
for tiolr two-months'-ald babo. A
neighbor wiih nwnkenod nnd given tho
custody of tho child, whllo Cnyton
wnn hnuled to Jull In tho patron
wngon llko n common criminal. Ho
wns not oven pormlttod to cnll nny
of his friends to his nsslstauco until
nftor ho had "registered" at tho
Subsequently, Unnkor Hogc, who
formerly controlled tho Dnlly Post
Intolllgencor, nnd who Is ono of tho
prominent nnd wealthy men of tho
stnto, submitted his check for the $500
ball required, but tho authorities re
fused It, promising to rolcnso Cnyton
only on n ensh deposit of that nmount.
This was done
Tho chief element In this outrngooiiB
proceeding Is politics. Tlioso who
liuvo prcclpltntod this scnndnl will bo
norry, beyond n doubt. Their flrBt net
is disgraceful to tho stnto nnd n rank
discredit to tho city in which It was
Oregon domocraey, which lins boon
suffering from congestion of tho norvo
for a long tlmo, has at last concluded
to apply tho herolu treatment of re
organization of what remains of It.
Tho prostrato form of tho' de'.odont
democracy of tho stnto tins been sub
jected to n most serotinous examina
tion by eminent .party doctors for
murks mid iiiiirtHnntl scars rocolvod
In lb) battlo for years with nn Im
pregnable foo, nnd tho result of tho
illngiioslH Is tho discovery that tho
party yet possessoH life enough for
reorganization of Us fragments, Tho
oontlmont of thoso who havo proposed
this reauscltntlou Is that tho various
and varying eloments of tho original
organization can bo harmonized nnd
Tho mooting of thoso hitherto dis
cordant olomontH, including democrats
straight, gold domocrnts, silver demo
crats, populist domocrnts, social dem
ocrats, fusion domocrnts and all othor
makes nnd brands of that pocullar
political trlbo, will bo a mutual con
solation conference tlrst, nnd, second,
a comparison of various types ot gold
bricks, trlnkots and mementoes with
which they havo been favored during
recent elections, stnto nnd legislative
After shedding a fow ot Inst yonr'a
tears, n quantity of carbonated cement
will bo applied to tho edematous sur
face of tho party nnd tho healing pro
cess will begin In earnest.
As n mnttor ot fact, domocraey
ought to bo reorganized In this state.
It will help to unlto tho republican
ruction., ami aim gaiety to iiuuro con-
testa, Kucourngo democracy to re
organize, by till means.
General Fuustnn, ot Kansas, now
doing notable sorvlco in tho Philip
pine Islands, has Anally captured
Kmtllo Agulualdo, loader of tho Fil
ipino revolt, and tho lutropld war
nils. Jull. Thoro appears to bo no
nllu Jail, Thoro appears to bo no
doubt ot tho authenticity ot this ro
port. This will probably havo n strong In
fluence In speedily bringing tho In
surrection to a close. Without Aguln-
nldo'a encouragement to the lenders
of his trlbo In Luzon the war could no
doubt have been determined many
months ago. With the chief deprived
of his liberty and, therefore, of his
authority, the Filipinos will certainly
lose courage In their confusion and
consent to the conditions long ago
presented by the commission.
I General -Funstun's exploit was one
of tllO most daring 111 tllC history of
the work of the American forces In
the Philippines. Although Agulnnldo
was lilddon away only 200 miles illst-
ant from the capital of tlio Islands,
the mountains nnd Bwamps and the
tompor of tho people through whose
districts the general and his body-
to Its thousands of readers throughout
tho Northwest.
No wcokly publication In Oregon
tins succeeded nioro satisfactorily than
has tho Now Age. Its patrons nro
among tho most prominent business
concerns nnd professional men In tho
stnto. Tho constancy of their pntron
ago Is n source of Inflnlto plensuro to
Its publisher. Its contlnuanco will bo
rocolvod with nn equal degree of gratl
tudo, and It will be attended In fu
ture, ns In tho past, with faithful enro.
Tho coming year holds much In
promlso for tho Increased growth una
dovolopmont of tho Northwest. Ore
gon naturally oxpects nn nbundnnt In
tercut In that development. Tho Now
Ago will bo n busy factor In It. And
It expects to grow nnd oxpnnd pro
portionately with tho growth and ex
pansion of our wonderful resources.
Loss than that would not satisfy Its
James Urocn, who assassinated E.
llonjamln in such n cowardly man
ner nenr Underwood Landing, on Sun
day morning last, becauso tho lattor
was friendly to a woman who nt ono
tlmo had ngrued to bocomo Mrs.
Clrcon, but who finally clmngod her
mind nbout It, has boon nrrostod nnd
Jailed. Ho confossod that ho was Bon
Jiimln's murderor; thnt ho slipped up
to tho wftidow of tho residence In
which tho dancing party, of which
Donjamln was n member, was lunch
ing, nnd dellborntoly shot him to
death. Hut Green wns not lynched.
No mob npponred to wrenk swlftl
vengeance on' tho fiendish nssnssln,
although his guilt Is fully established
by clrcumstnuco nnd tho murderer's
own confession. Lot this bo said to
tho credit nnd honor ot tho commun
ity In whlcirtho tragedy wns enacted.
Hut, wero Greon n colored man, and
had committed his awful deed In tho
South, ho would havo boon burned nt
tho stnko within twenty-four hours
after his capture There's tho dif
ference between tho civilization ot
tho Wost nnd thnt' of tho South.
Tho Press Association of Oregon
will go to tho Drooklyn Exposition in
n special car. Oregon will bo ndvor
Used extensively. Tho enr will carry
Tho banner for tho stnto on Its "outer
walls" nnd much good will bo dono
by ovory mombor of tho Association
as It passeB along its wny to Its ilea
tlatlon, ns woll ns grand work for tho
stato when tho delegation shall reach
Its destination In tho great fnlr.
Tho deadlock in tho Nebraska leg
islature Booms harder to break than
was that of Oregon. Probably Bryan's
lnlluenco has boon good in nn In
verse order, ns It usually Ib In other
And Is Your Wlfo Fond of Good
Cheeso and the Choicest Cream?
Tho T, S. Townsond Crenmory Com-
It II tit nfr AX Qfnrt atawt tinn t 1
I,; ucqu,r0ll ft ,eaiBg placo ,
tno business in this city. This com
I ,. I.n. ..! ...1 .
imii) i uoui it juuuer mm ninuuiuc
turer and handles crcamory buttor
and full cream cheeso of tho first
quality, On this fact it has estab
lished its reputation. Tho manager
says: "Wo preparo a cream that will
carry to Chicago In u perfectly sweet
condition." Nobody else In this city
has been doing that.
Thoso who havo tested tho buttor,
cheeso and cream that Tho T. S.
Townsond Company puts out nro
never found coiner olsowhorA for thoHO
goods. They aro tho best to bo had
and tho buyor knows It.
Give this company a trial order and
soo for yourself. Order by 'phono,
Grant 1421, or go in person to 44 Sec
ond street, between Pino and Ash,
and oxamtno tho products.
Hon. John F. Caples, for many years
ono of tho republican wnr-horscs of
Oiegon nnd to whoso campaign
spccclies much of tho pnrty'a buc
cess may bo attributed, Is coming
home, having resigned his position in
tho consulnr service nt Valparaiso,
Chile, to which ho was appointed by
President McKInloy. Mrs. Mota Mat-
thlou, who Ib a daughter of Judgo Ho Is on'o of Oregon's pioneer bust
Caples nnd manager of tho Whale ncss nnd professional mon, nnd ns n
Piano House of this city, recently re- polltcnl cnmpnlgnor ho has had fow
celved a letter from Consul Caples, equals on tho Pacific coast during tho
dated Valparaiso, February, 0, In past quarter of a contuiy.
Borne Thlnga that Show Their Biiperlfn
Intelllucucc. Xhero aro a good many ants of differ
ent varieties on the lot at my country
placo nenr Covington, nnd last year I
began to make a systematic study of
their hnbh. I found It n most fnscln
ntlng pursuit, nnd have resumed It with
much enthusiasm during several visits
this year. A llttlo Investigation will
couvluco almost anybody, I think, thnt
the ant approaches nearer to a man In
point of Intelligence thnn nny of tho
lower nulmnls. Some of tho things I
havo seen nro so marvelous thnt I
would hesitate to spunk of them If slm
liar wonders bad not been fully record
ed by trained scientists.
Near ono of my flowerbeds Is n colony
of small red nuts thnt nro extremely
industrious In collect lug food, nnd they
frequently perform tho most astonish
ing engineering feats In transporting;
heavy burdens to their homes. Not long'
ago I watched n party of nbout a dozen
that had found tho body of rWBiwtllV
spider, and wero dragging Ittownrd tho
nest. Tho spider had hairy legs, which
struck out In every direction and
caught on obstacles, greatly retarding
progress. For several minutes tho nnts
rolled nwny with their nwkwnrd booty,
nnd then stopped nnd seemed to hold a
council. A mlnuto fragment of dryJeaf
was lying on tho ground; presently they
all laid hold ami pulled tho spider on
top of It. They then seized tho edges
and slid It along without dllllculty.
On another ocnslon I saw n lnrgobody
of these snmo ants start out for a raid
on another colony. They marched like
nn army, with scouts thrown out nt tho
sides, nnd, when several feet distant
from the nest, divided Into two parties.
Ouo kept straight ou nnd wns soon en
gaged In (torco coiubnt with tho other
trlbo, whllo tho second detachment
mndo a detour nnd fell upon the hill
from tho rear. Tho result wns a groat
victory for tho Invaders.
Anybody that feels Interested In the
subject, and thnt will put In n little
tlmo nt close study, will be ctTtaln to
witness exploits fully ns nstonlMiIng ns
those I havo described. Times-Democrat
Good Etorlea Recalled of the Knitllth
liieliop of Oxford.
An amusing story Is told of Dr.
Stubbs. bishop of Oxford. An Impor-
tuuato lady, knowing his experience of )
tho holy land, kept on nsklug him what
places sho ought to visit, as she wai '
starting on n trip to Palestine. After '
answering topographical questions ,
without number he was again asked:
"But, renlly, what place would you ad-
"to jkhiciio, madam."
vise wo to go to?" "To Jericho, wad
am," said tuo bishop, sweetly.
Another atory turns on a remark at
niaue some time ago at a uig uieeuui
ot church dignitaries. On the way t
the meeting he had passed through a
somewhat hilarious crowd, from .which
ho emerged with a damaged tall hat.vj
This caused no little amusement on his
arrhal, and some ou proposed that
the hat should be brought forward aud
put on the table for general view. "1
propose," said the bishop, "that It be
which tne Judgo says that his resig
nation has ueou nccopted, nnd that ho
and his daughter Jennie wero pre
pared to loavo on their return homo
on tho following Tuesday, via Liver
pool and London, tholr purpose being
to enjoy a glimpse of tho Old World
on tho way back.
Judgo Caples will rccclvo n cordlnl
welcome on his arrival In Portland.
Hurfnoo lutllcntlons.
From "A Hook on Dartmoor,"
written by the Itev. S. Unrlug-Gould,
comes n story which might bnvo come
from n Ich trustworthy source:
The wild and romantic country of
Dartmoor consists of u table-land with
rugged peaks or tors, and till but Im
passable marshes. After n dry sum
mer It Is easy to pick one's wny ncross
parts of which at other times nro full
of pitfalls. At ono of the hitter perlodH
n man wus cautiously threading his
way across one of these treacherous
marshes when he saw a hat lying brim
downward on the sedge. Ho gave It
n gentle, good-humored kick In passing,
and almost Jumped out of his skin
when n choked voice called out from
"What be you n-dolug' to my 'at?"
"Bo there now n chap undcr'n?" ex
claimed the traveler.
"1m. I reckon, and n boss under mo
l'rlnooim ltoyn.1.
The title of Princess Itoynl, borno by'
the Empress Frederick of Genrinny be
fore her marriage, Is not given to tho
eldest daughter of English sovereigns
hut only to the first child should It Imp
pen to bo a girl.
Borne of the Quaint Kbymea That Uacd
To lie lletlevetl.
To dream of tho lnrk Is a good aug
ury for future wealth, health and
riches won by Industry. It Is somewhat
doubtful. If 11 search among old lore and
records of tho past would roveal a sin
gle oiuen, legend or proverb disrespect
ful to this merry bird. We aro told, "If
larks fly high and sing long, expect line
weather," nnd another prognostication
Is evidenced If they rise beforo tlicy
sing at dawn, with nu overcast sky,
wheu rain muy bo looked for, but when
they fly very high, singing as they rise,
a flue day Is to be expected. If Hold
larks congregato In flocks severe cold !
Indicated. Regarding finches, tho plain
tlvo note of this bird Is by many taken
as Indicating ram, and In Scotland the
following Jingle Is common:
' Dreep-dreep!"
The feathered denizens of the farm
yard have ever been associated with
proverbs, such as "Children and chick
en must always be pJckln'," "Curses,
Hko chickens, come home to rooet,"
"A laying hen Is better than a standing
mill." "Snuco for tho goose Is sauce for
tho gander," "The fool puts bis lost hen
In the pot," "Tlui crowing cock lovoa
his own music," and "Geese follow
their leader, If he's a Dig enough
goose." Of fowls thoro la a rhyino thus:
If fowls roll In the saud,
Italn Is at hand."
And when they look toward the sky, or
roost In the daytime, rain may be ex
pected: but if thov trim their feather
! during a storm the rain la about .to
cease, while their standing on one log
is considered a sign of cold weather.
With regard to ducks and geese, we
are told:
"When ducks are driving through the
That night the weather takes a turn.
( In the Morayshire there la a rhyme
thus: .
"Wild geese, wild geese, ganging to the
Good weather It will be;
Wild geese, wild geese, ganging to the
The weather It will spill."
The whiteness of a goose's breast
bone is supposed to ludtcate or fore
shadow tho quantity of snow during
the coming winter, as shown In the fol
lowing lines;
"It the November goosebone be thick,
So will the winter weather be;
If the Norember goosebone be thin,
Bo will the winter weather be."
When turkeys perch oa trees and re
fuse to come down snow may be looked
for. When swans fly It Is a alga of
rough weather, while guinea fowls
quail more than usual Just before raia.
No donbt the stockholdors of tho
Hival Oil company will ho pleaeed to
kn.nv that tho oompnuy is drilling ou
well No. 1, and havo psssud tho first
oil sands, with oil. Stock can bo had
(or GO cents per share They own
tholr land, and nil! mako for the
itockholdors mauv times their invest
mont. Mail orders will receive prompt
attention, nn 1 parties Interested nro
Invited to call at tho company's olllce,
loom 1, Multnomah block, Portland.
They rofor, by permission, to Mer
chants National bank, Portland; K
W. Godfrey, stamp department, post
oflico; II. J. Martin, druggist, coruor
Washington and Sixth.
Tho picturesque lino nnd tho roynl
ono back to tho homo of your child
hood Ib via tho Northern Pacific.
You will rldo over tho Rockies,
along Clark's fork of tho Columbia
nnd tho beautiful Yellowstone; skirt
ing tho shores of Lake Pend d'Oiellle,
through tho famous Bad Lnnds of Pyr
amid Park nnd ncross tho wheat' fields
of tho Red rlvor vnlloy you go nt
fifty miles an hour, and sloop and cnt
in perfect comfort as tho solid vcstl
bulod train rushes along.
For detailed Information, tickets,
sleeping car reservations, maps of
routes, etc., cnll on or write
Assistant Gcncrnl Passenger Agent,
255 Morrison street, corner Third,
Portlnnd, Or.
west Ixxlgo, No.
2554, G. U. 0. of
O. l'. meets nt
205Js Socor d street, rorner of Salmon,
first and third Tuesday of rnrh month.
All Odd Fellows in pood standing nre
rordlsllv invited. F D.T110MA8,
E. WATSON, P. S. N. G.
riNF v, inf., i.mucms rnivATr. kamily kooms
4tS ailsan Street, Corner Tenth
a66 Pine Street, Between
Third and Fourth...
Choice Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Family. Rooms.
Eltib'llhtdJin. 1. 1889.
Incorporated July8, 1891.
Portland Coffee and Spice Go.
For tho Trade Only.
Tea, Coflec, Spices, Baking Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUK HI'KCIAIi llUAtlDS: Hplccn. Acme. Mult
nomah; llnWIni; l'muler. Duflnnco, Double
tjulck; Coffee, Koyal lilenil; SiiRnr, xxzx liar.
S4.20 Front Stmt,
Bet, Amh and Ankmny.
Oregon Tiiono 367.
Columbia PJiono 307
Corner Front and Main Street!
Corner Fourth an dlloyt Street!
Manufacturer of
United 0ti. Oat Meal. FlaVed Wheat, Duck
wheat Flour, Gra'iam Flour, lte Flour, Whale
Wheat Flour, Cum Meal, lire Meal, llomlny,
Farina and Steel Cut Wheat.
Offlcet 941-343 Front HI., Cor. Main,
l'OHTr.ANl), Oil.
Telephone, j gftSaifta.
Hack, Livery and
Boarding Stable.
Ambulance fr hire on short notice.
All Riga have Rubber Tires.
Albert. Feldcnhelmer. Charles Feldenhelmer,
KstablUhed 1868.
Jewelers and Silversmiths.
Importer of Precloui Etone
and Art Uooda.
Cor. Third and Washington tits., Portland, Or,
M, V. Telephone 1252.
Farms and City Property for Bain and Ex
change. Fire Iusuranee In the best Companies.
Larue tracts ot Washington and Oregon Tim
ber Lands bought and sold. Strict attention
siren to care of property for non-residents.
SiH Srkea Block, 2M Hennepin Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
will liirnlth Timba. Government or State
Scrip, B'hool, Heeded or Claim Lands, mill
sites, logging, wood and lie chances, or muni
cipal bouds help you some way. Write us.
J, L. MARTIN & CO., 601 Ottgonlan Bldg.
8plendld Ranches with or without timber; SO
IV f,VW aviva ,
...81'CCKKSOns TO... - y t
OltlUION PIIOKE OAK 8fil. , ''"
Second and Morrison Sts.
it j, l . V( .A
'f , nt : - t - st -v
? f vt .-, " s;
. w
-. V.W.wtWV J
viMimw www
E. H. M00REH0USE '& CO.
Wall Paper, Frame and Room Mouldings,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, '.
Brushes, Etc.
305 ALDER ST, Near Fifth,
Iiotli l'linnca. Portland, Oregon.
Unruh & Shannon
W ifitVt'jffl
Mi r '
Wnrlr Palliwl fnr an.1' rtalltrarn.l . -.P'Ld'J
All Repair Work Guaranteed.' tjfi ' "
'Phono Us for Piiroa, Etc.
J nit acrou tho bridge,
Thono Union lira.
Portland, Oregon.
Jobhon and manufacturers ot
Fancy Creamery Butter
Full Cream Cheese.
We Preparo a Cream that will carry
to Chicago in a Sweet Condition. '
Give Us a Trial Order.
Phono Grant U2I, Portland, Oregon.
Walla Walla, Wash., Advertising.
McBride Bros.
Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage
Telephone 66. J24 E. Main St.. .
S. SIMON, Proprietor.'
' ' " ' ?
Formerly Simon House. Jt'
Rate $20to$3.0d. -,
Machine Ship mi Flinty
Willi Willi, WishiiftM.
Manufacturers of PRIDE OF WASHING
TON Taraaen, Self Feeder, Drap
ers and Machine Extire of
Every Description.
Catalogue Free.