.-. w-JJgji' STS5B THE NEW AGE.. PORTLAND. OREGON. ! ft" ' W' H 4V ! 7 L K- if T ARSON & LONO- 15 NORTH FIFTH ST. Fine wines, llquori and cigars. Olre us ft call. H KMtY IIKWKTT ft CO. Fire And Marina Insm-Anr. Rooms 20 ami 27 Sherlock Building, Corner Third and Oak Street. Portland ... Oregon. T. A. WOOD. IlKAL E8TATE AND PENSION ATTORNEY. itootn iu, una fellow' nuiidiiur. PORTLAND, ORE. TjUlRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. Fairbanks, Morse & Company, First and Stark Streets. Portland, Oregon, Tilcphono 84. T)AXTON, HKAtill ft HI.UON Attorneys-at-Lavr. 510 Chamber ol Cuminerce, Portland Oregon. T KAY8ER Dealer In OROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS SCI Third Street, Near Madison. Oregon I'tione Hood SSI. PORTLAND, OREOON mUK IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors and High Grade Cigars. J.8. HILDEllURN, Prop. rhono Main Si3. Comer Cans and Bhcrldfifti St ROSKIIURO, OREOON. J. J. KADDERLV, , DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Ranges, Tin. Copper and Granite Iron-Ware, Crockery, Ulamwaro nnd House Furnishing Uoods. Jobbing promptly at (ended to. 14M4J First St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Illdg,, PORTLAND, ORE0,ON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dam Mnx, Proprietor. :..HIgncst Price Paid for Old Gold nnd Silver... No. 74 Third Street, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loan money on all kinds of security.' Unre deemed pledges sold for amount loaned. T II. WILD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS' ' 132 Third Street, OpposltoMasonle Temple. Portland, Oregon. T HE IIAVARIA SALOON A. II. BURGER, Prop. Imported and DomoMlo Wine, Liquors and Cigars. We In hard's llccr. ,, Phone Oregon Mack 1913. 8. K. Corner Second and Oak Btrcets, PORTLAND, OREGON. )ORTLAND ROLLING MI LI J Manufacturers of II AH IRON AND STEEL. N. E. AVER, Manager. Twcnt)-econd and Nlcolal Streets. M EVER A SCHILLING FINE WINES ANII LlqUORS. LA GRANDE, OREGON. TTERBERT A, HALE. Mt. Hood. Columbia River and Northwest Views. Portraits, Water Colors, Crajoni, for the trade. Electric Light and Iiromldo Enlargements. 132Third Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, ORE. w C. NOON RAO CO. Manufacturers' and Importers of HAGS. TWINES. TESTS AND AWNIN08, FLAG8 AND MINING HOSE. Dagclng Material. Canras, Ball Making In all its Branches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc S:-U N. First 8t. and 210-212-2H-216 Couch St., PORTLAND, OR. c. MURPHY A CO. WINE AND LiqUOR DEALERS. Welnhard'a Heer oi-Draught, Rats' Ale, Guln ness' Porter, Vat lllatx Milwaukee Ileer and the Celebrated J. 11. Cutter Whiskey for Family Use. 45 Third St , Uet Couch and Davis. Goods Delivered Free. PORTLAND, OR. pHOTO BTUDIO SUM First Street, Bet. Salmon and Main, PORTLAND. OREGON.' Photographs taken any slie or style; also Photo Buttons made from life or any picture. Out door viewing done, also finishing Kodak's for amateurs. Instructions In Photography. Cop log and Enlarging. E. KRAFT, Artist. mllE OREOON LIVERY, FEED, BOARDINO AND SALE STABLES. Columbia Phone 687. Oregon Phone Hood 681 IMBRIE A. IMBRIE, Props. Bpeclal attention ghen to boarders. Our car, rlage meet all trains, Cor. blxth and Couch Btrcets; Portland, Oregon. H AYES & SHOUT ARTI811C PHOTOGRAPHERS. New Studio EeTenth and Washington Streets, Over Dresser's New Grocery. w B P.Y GOOD WAGES To Good People For Good Work , WAR LAUNDRY CO, No. ' Glisan St, near Tfclid. rf ea 'Phens 77. trf.Tilit.iMati--A QTEIINKKN A JULIEN- Wholerale and rcatalt grocers, aiI-314 Burn side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. .Tele phone, Oregon Black IKS', Columbia iw. T HE OLD RELIABLE SEVENTH AND GLtSA EXCHANClE. J. L. O'FAHRELL, Prop. Seventh and Gllsan tits. PORTLAND. ORE. roii.V KKI.I.Y General Irurancc Agent, Fire and Marine. Scottish Union A National Ins. Co., Edliiburg and Loudon; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. Slj Third st., Columbian Bldg. K. Munson. E. Munon. rpiIE ANIIEUSER Bt'SCH-Flne lunch every JL day. Rest beer on earth. Fine nines, liq uors and rlsars. '2H Morrison St., cor. second, Portland, Or. T HE WESTERN LU.MBER COMPANY Office; Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. B ROWN & M'CABE, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. Ships mall promptly delivered. Cahlo address Brown. mllE ORIENTAL v J. W. GRUSSI, Proprietor. 328 Washington St., Opposite Imperial Hotel Drinks 10 cents. DccrSccnts. A HMOItY DRUG STORE Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Articles Stationery. Confectionery and Domcstlo Cigars. Prescriptions a Specialty, N. V. Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. nillE POPULAR 1M First Street, Bet. Washington nnd Alder Phono Oregon Red 034 Phono Columbia K8 JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor, Portland, Or. T E. HABELT1NE & CO. Importers nnd Dealers In IRON STEEL ANB COAL BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Carriage .6 Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumber 43 A St Second St. PORTLAND, OREGON. IX S. CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Clothes Cleaned, Dcd and Repaired. Your Clothes Sponged and Pressed for f 1 per Kr month. Called for and delivered Phone Clay DOS. 431 Wushlngtou Strco Between Twelfth and North Thirteenth PORTLAND. OREGON. A INDAHL BI0N8 Japanning. Tin Decorating STOJi Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON H OME BAKERY AND DELICATE ESSEN D. II. I.EAMINO, Prop. A Full Lino of Fruits, Candles nnd Nuts Aluajs on Hand. Newly Opened at SOT Third Street. Remember the placo. Opposite the , Ta lor Street Church. 1 RLINGTON CRIIAMERY N. J. RITTER, Prop. Wliolsalee and Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEESE HUTT'ER AND E008 207 Burnslde Street PORTLAND - OREGON. tLAZIER BROS. Club Itooms.Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Hall Oietfon Phono Grant 71 H3 Burtisldu 8t. PORTLAND ' OREGON. rvAY HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE.. Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Phone puck 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th Sts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. G RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. 8TOVE8 AND TINWARE, Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON PORTLAND ROLLINO MILLS Manufacturers of PIQ IRON ANB STEEL. N. E. AVER, Manager, 22nd and Nlcolal Streets. TELDING BROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 43 Third St. Bet. Pine and Ash. Old Gold and Silver Bought. Portland, Or. n o.pick Office: tS First, Between Stark and Oak Phones 606. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: comioodnus tire proof brick ware bouss. Front and Clay Streets. X H.FISK MINERAL ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Gold Dust Bought SOttf Washington BtteeU pia4j. itv HER WEIGHT IN GOLD. BIG RANSOM PAID A MEXICAN BRIGAND. lie Had Stolen the Tntof of Rich Man's Children and the Sweetheart of Ills Ban A. Romance of the Mouutulns. Kroni tho mountains of Mexico cotnes a Btory thnt roads moro like a rouiauco of medieval times than n ti.irrntlou of occurrences Iu modern life. Indeed It hnrdly bcciiis possible that even In Mexico such nn event could occur. One hundred and twenty pounds of gold and alongsldo It 120 pounds of glrlll'lio gold ransomed the girl nnd tho. son of the innn who paid tho rutmoui now Is the husband of the girl. Among tho Inst lingering bandits of Mexico I.ulgl Cortlnas still holds place, his abode, If It may bo so called, being the mountains of Western Chihuahua, whereoilBhootsolTtheSlorra Madres cut away from tho main range by the Gulf of California afford him a hiding place. The rural es havo not yet found him, nor Is It likely they will, for Cortlnas Iiiih just retired from 'business' with tho proceeds of his new venture, esti mated at $10,000. It 1b an Ideal bandit story. Senor Poyerlma. grown rich by his mines, realized, when no longer young, that his children's education was de fective. Ills friend. La France, sug gested that ho send for Lorena Jarrett. his niece, and make her the tutor of his children. Loreua lived In Texns. Sho was sent for aiul eanio' quickly. Sho became more than a tutor to tho chil dren. Tho son saw In her much to ad mire. They been mo lovers. Frequently ilRlGANDS OIIDUKHD they ratio out together Into tho nioun tnlim. It wnHononooftheso Joyous, free rlde.4 thnt tho shadow of Cortina fell upon them. It linpnenpii thnt MIhs Jnrrott and young Poyerlinn were riding itlong In tho foot hlllfl. drinking In tho scenery nnd Htlmulnttd by the wlne-llko ntmos nhero of autumn, when two men Htcp- ped from tho wood, nnd pointing their rifles at them ordered them to dis mount Of course they complied. In fact ro blstnuco vn Impossible nnd they offer ed none. Tho bandits tied tho hands of their captives behind them nnd ordered them to move on, Tho orders wcro not delivered In most cholco language, but there was no misunderstanding them, Telr horses wero ridden by their cap tors; nnd so they slowly clambered the steep, narrow trail In tho hills. At last they reached n spot thnt seemed to suit tho views of their cap tors for n stopping place. Tho camp ing was brlof nnd simple. They wero ordered to sit down on tho ground. They compiled. Tho enptorn then went to playing cards, not for amusement, but to dlvldo tho spoils, Tho winner was to havo tho girl la mucbacha and tho loser must content blmself with tho boy. It btv camo evident before they had played very many minutes thnt neither of them wanted tho boy, nnd that which ever got him would loso uo tluio In shooting h!ra: While tho game was still In progress, nmld much cursing as luck seemed to vibrate from one sldo to another nnd then back, n tall, typical Mexleau htrodo Into tho recess and looked on. Ho seemed oblivious to tho presence of the two captives, but very much Inter ested in tho game. Hut. seeing no stakes, which In Mexico nro always kept fn sight, ho Inquired what tho gamo was for. When the two players had replied the tall Mexican with tho mustache strode over to where tho two captives wcro crouched, and asked them who they were. Tho very Instant young Poyer lma hnd made known bis identity ho remarked: "I am Pprtlnnr Ills name was sufficient. Young Poy erlma practically felt bis doom sealed. Hut Cortina continued; "1 know your father well. We wwo BhtSBWctbaAiUaKJ y M& tttaxv iMflflil F MB y Tjmlwm'm I Miff I ti rvor'-' Skt J ''Iff ft 1IWH 1 wMni I IB . yiiBil i J Ww h li J I J-imMmBhSm lilt 1 -lafe mtiMeers together In the old days be fore ho grow rich, and ho knows mo. He knows my word Is perfectly good, nnd you need havo 'no fear If you will followviny directions. Como with mel" lie took the young man asldo and then told him his plans. They wcro simple and brief. In short, Cortina remarked that ho was anxious to nbandou his career as a brigand, but must havo money enough to live as a gentleman should. He then told young Poyerlma to go o his father and tell him that he could ransom tho girl on paying her weight In gold 'which," continued Cortina, "Is cheap, as sho Is not very heavy." There was an agreement na to a placo and.tlmo for meeting, and young Poy erlma rode away with his own horse, leaving Miss Jarrett to wonder what fate imd In store for her. Young Poyerlma lost no time In hur rying home. He speedily acquainted his rather with the facts. Ordering tho pnrk nnlinals to the front of the haci enda, lie loaded two of them with sacks of gold, partly In bars nnd partly In coin, and, tho son leading the way, the party set out to tho hills to keep Cor tliia's appointment. Reaching there, they found that a scalo had been made by balancing a polo over the bough of a tree, and at one end a hoop of leather thongrtshowed where tho young woman, who was to ho tho weight, should sit. Attheother nn open-mouthed sack hung ready to receive Poyerlma's gold. Miss Jarrett was brought from tho woods and placed In the sent. Sho al most fainted with fear, for she knew nothing of tho strango ceremony In which sho was taking part, although tho presenco of tho Poyerlmas, father nnd aon, renEUrred her. Put sho real ized her position when tho poous began pouring tho gold Into tho sack. THEM TO DISMOUNT. Just ns tho polo tipped Cortina step ped forward. "Not another peso!" ho called out, grnudjlo(uontly. "I Raid her weight iu gold, and thatjH enough." Then sho was given Into tho enro of, Poyerlma, whllo Cortina, with mnny nourishes nnd bows nnd udlos, followed his men back Into tho woods. There was n wedding soon after, as might be expected. Mrs. Poyerlinn lives with her young husband at tho ninrblo qunrry In Texas, Just ncross tho Hue, nnd tells tho story only when tho neighbors press her to. Hut tho Mex ican" call her "La sposa del oro" tho wife of gold. HpmiUh Titles (or Halo. An ncent In Paris Is sending out a circular marked "confidential" to rich but untitled .peoplo In Kuropo ottering to sell them titles of Spanish nobility. Soino circulars have been received In I this country, but havo met with few or no responses. When nn American wants to buy n title these days ho Is mighty particular as to tho quality and buys It In tho open market after a care ful examination of tho goods. Not, so a Kuropenn, who will take any old tltla which be can buy and bo thankful. The enterprising Paris broker offers tho tltlo of baron, viscount or count at prices ranging from $500 to $1,000 and de clares that tho letters patent conferring i PORTLAND, tho title chosen will bo attested legally L by tho Spanish government. DUcouriiKcd, "You used to bo something of an al ' trulst," said tho friend. i "Ves," answered Wllllo Wlshlngton. "I was n Theosophlst for u while, too.' Hut I bad to give up. I've tried being n whole lot of things, but I nover got far enough along to find out what the! names by which they nre called uctuf ally meant." Washington Star, ' Horses lu Des .MofncM, PcsMolnes has more horses In propor tion to her population than any other city or town In the United States, the census showing a total of 0,0:11, or one horso for every ten of tho population It: China. First Statesman Then wo have, agreed to tho demands of tho powers) ' Second Statesman Ves. Tho next, question Is how shall we avoid comply Ing with them?-Puck. THE ROYAL AL YOUNG, Prop. Dealer In Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 309 Irving 81. Electric Cars to tho Door. One Block from Depot. Telephone Red 1893, Portland, Oregon. NORTHWEST HILL POSTING AND ADVENTISI.NO COMPANY. 840 Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. Telephone Ml South. WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are headquarters for Ration Health Qub Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole "Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. B. B. RICH 103 THIRD ST. PORTLAND HOTEL CIGARS O. M. Hofsteater PHOTOGRAPHER 165 U2 THIRD STREET Between Morrison and Yamhill rOUTLANI), OlllCOIIN. S. C. LYLE Home Bakery Deiioatemmen ..88 SIXTH MTKT.. Between Stark and CaV. Both Phones Wedding and party cakes a specialty. Goods dullvered freu to any part of city. Hot and Cold Lunches. Lady conks emplojcd. Lunches carefully prepared for travelers and excursionists, PORTLAND. OURCION. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BAKER CITY IRON WORKS. JUGGINS & HARDENBR'OOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair 'Work Our Specialty. Architectural Iron Work .. ...and Bridge Cistloga WIIITK FOIt KHTIHATKS. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher ..DENTIST.. flraduate of tho Northwestern Unltrrslty Deutal College. Flrst-Cliss Work and Prices Rtasombl 711 Dekum Bld'g, Cor. Third A Washington. PORTLAND, Or. Oregon 'Phone Oroeu 49 4. W ALLEN Dlmpmnmlnn Phmrmmclmt Phone, Oregon Main 405 Columbia 4-Mm 19 In anil Maruhall Sim., 23rd and Savior St:, OREGON. Do You Know the News ? Yeueanhartlt all for Per Month 50c aTCll t t t Month Man. fr si Fry II south. fty His saallad to ros) frs. area THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. X i . .. ust v jywiBi. laTkt MTsnlng Tslsgram, of Portia OrtfM, It U Pis largest trentag na PMM ttbUsb41tt Oregwat It cants IB tks saws al Iks stats and of ika mHE WELLINGTON OYSTER HOUSE AND SALOON. Corner Sixth and Alder Sts. I CHARLES BORYLUND. Columbia Phone A3 PORTLAND, Oregon Phone North 431, Oregon. mHE GEM EATING HOUSE MRS, PARKER, Proprietress Meals 25 cents . Tablo Hoard $1.0 1C9 Sixth Btrcct, North. PORTLAND . . - OREGON T J. 1IARTZ WALLPAPER Paints, Plcturo Frames and Room Mouldings Phono Hood 64). 223$ First Btrect. Portland, Oregon WHY 8UFFERT No Matter How Long Standing Or how many rcmcdlca.trlcd, tho ailEKK RHEUMATISM CURE i Will euro you, Call, wrlto or phono L.T. LEWIS, Agont, 150)f Sixth Straot CJNOW FLAKE SALOON 0. PETERSON, Prop. Tho Choicest Brands o( Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Prhato Rooms, 280 Burnsldo Stroct, Corner Fourth. PORTLAND, OREGON. riILT EDOE SALOON W. II. MOON, Prop. Choicest Liquors and Cigars. Steam and Lagor Rccr. SOS Aider Street. Portland, Oregon. Phono South 231, , pAClFIO LAUNDRY CO. Main omco-40 and 4i N. Ninth Street. Ocntlcincn's Work a Specialty. Orders Promptly Attended to, BOTH PHONES. PORTLAND, OREGON. COOK Dealer In CHOICE WINES, LKJUOR8 AND CIGARS No. 01 H. W, Cor. First and Pino Sts. WEST COAST OYSTER GO. Importers, Planters it Dealers In .Eastern and Pioifio Coast Oystirs. 142 19th St., Opposlto Exposition Bldg. Rranph of Darbco & I mm el Oyster Co., Union Hquara Market, Han Franclaro, i.'al. Oyster Beds, san Francisco Bay and 0)sturvllle.Hhoal Mater Ray, Oregon Phono South 491; Colum bia Phone 018. "roe Dulhory, Blue Point Oyster House L. T. LEWIS. 1MJ,' Blxth 8lrcct,Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. All kinds of Ll'iuld Refreshments. WELSH RAREIIIT. Eastern and Olympla Oysters Served in Any Style. OHAWriMH SANDWIOHE9. Oregon Phone Hood 311. Columbia Phone 437. 1 Prlvato Rooms. PIANOS Phono Hood 809 OltOANH THE FISHER MUSIC GO. ALL KINDS Of Bold on Easy Payments, with Free Lesions. Old Instruments Taken In Exchango for New Ones. Columbia and Guitar Zithers, Music and htrlngs. Tuning and Repairing, MUSIC BCOKS AND SHEET MUSIC 54 Sixth St., Cor. Pine, PORTLAND - - OREGON ..1 BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescription Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 7S0, Oregon Red 1W4 Prmaorlpilon - Druggists 67 North Thlra Street PORTLAND - - OREGON SPRANGER'S ARCADE 30, 3a, 34 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladles' and dents' Reading Room n. II. SPRANQP.R, Prop. Oregou Phone Main 7M. Columbia Phone 71 Portland, Oregon. Ask Your Dealer For WWTESHWTS j ,.i-w m-iw.ji i LfalBS I mmM-Tm sSf; MARK. Ad. x rv VI IV BMnssaaBjtjaBMaaBisjsapsaBjBMBJsjaBjsjBjJB 41 4 y .9 . ' 4t ? i 4 m m n 9 : V I m 'I i v,;