m tiimmthi jn vnrr -r fWTft1 . ,-rw wtfiWrawi jcswsstv dh-l fc. A " -iPtwrvX." '-ekr j. ...- &A THE NEW AGrEJPORTLAND, OREGON. ,? J , STYLES FOR MY LADY. WHAT THE NEW SPRING WRAPS ARE LIKE. Straight Front Fnalilona. Now Only Firmly Katniil lulled In Knvor, Are Al ready Threatened with Modification Velrct to Ifc Popular Another Benson. New York correspondence t TltAIOHT front fusliiuiiH lmvu be come! firmly c8tnl IIhIumI, tlielr accept nnco coinlni; lioth iiccniiHu of their cxtii'inn HtyllHlineHs mill bi'CiiiiHu of thu comfort they Of foul. Tlmt wouM Hoi'in to bu mi In dorsement t b n t hIioiiIiI hold for a Ioiik time, but nH winter ended Itiill cntloiiH were not Iik'IiIiib tlmt n sue- t'l'HNtir to tlivin WII8 licliijr. hdiikIiI, nliil tllt'XU llllltH llUVU Ki'own nioru nuiner oiih, I'robnbly the Htnilnlit front In too Hlroiiuly ilitielii'hed In woinen'H fnvor to be overthrown now, lint the opposition Ih flKUiliciint of bow in pill 1m the nhirt f I mil one Iden to nil other, nml it meiiiiH Hint even If tills (1pm t HHMiiult Ih nut MllcccHsfiil, xilceeeilliiK ones will win In time. Tin1 Hint bint emnu in wrnps tlmt were nimbi pronouncedly nhort-wiilNteil, mid Inter It wiih illnclimetl tlmt come of these wrnps Hhlfted from KOWiiH whose wide beltM NiiKKested empiro WRAPS THAT HINT OF fashions, There are always plenty of women ulin will welcome empire styles, so If when the change comes it comes in this way, It may not prove so legivtnble as now vioiild appear. An example of these einplic effects Is shown in the lit Ht of the nc(oinpmi.iiig pictures, n white, spi lug-v eight hioad cloth wrap dimmed w it li uariow edging of dark fur and witli crcuiu lace Then other cloaks swing fiee fioiu a deep joke, nnd still others shape sleudeilj to the tig me from the edge of the yoke, the wnlsi being suggested u good deal higher up than nt the usual corset Hue. .Many wraps me girdled under the nriiis, u great rosette at the back being made the start lug place for sweeping drnpeo that falls In the train, mid sometimes mi umiug- TWO MOW (U)W.NS AND incut of panler-llke folds curve from thu rosette over the elbows, making cape sleeves mid adding to tho short-wnUted look, For such wraps Ineo mid fur uro to bo companions, mid two or nuiro kinds of luce are often used. Two garments of this general grade appear In thu next pocture. The yoked capo was salmon pink de sole, drnpery nnd rose niching of white iiioiissellue. The other was white broadcloth embroidered In silver mid green, Hear fur Mid white chiffon were used In its embellishment, Long cloaks that display these short-wnlsted tenden cies almiiKt alwuys shape to a train, but lomctlmca they are bobbed oft ut tho back nnd parted to nearly tho waist, tlmt the train may sweep freely through, Velvet was very popular during tho winter, nnd many women nro Investing In It now, which shows plainly that they expect to secure, wear from It In another season. There has not beeu utiy cheapen ing iu tho priced for It to ludlcato that P III Mich I course aimnfe. White velvet or corduroy miik.A a beautiful gown, ninl when trlmmeil with strops of embroider, cd white broadcloth, nothing could be more dimple nnd elcKiilit. Black, blue nml Koldsti slinilvf of velvet nro often choscti, iinjj nrc trliwiieil with Htltchltitf, bunds of ckt or xiu, nml with Incu nppliiiue. Litco nnd velvet neein nlwnyu n beautiful coinbinutiou. Thu Unit gown of the next picture wiih an example of this treatment, Its golden brown corduroy being band ed with crystal embroidery nnd trimmed with lace. Even in such heavy material oh velvet, skirts nre very long, nnd the fullness which Ih more nnd more n fea ture of the backs of dresses, in not di minished. It hcciiih n pity to do It, but the under side of pleats nml tucks Is often removed when such arrangement provides fullness at back and hips. While the outline of almost all dresses In simple, except about the Hleeve, there is a ten dency to worry n lot of detail Into n dress, nnd all sorts of wonderful tracer ies and arnbcHucH nro accomplished on the surface of gowns by nppllcntlou of strap trimming or stitching. Two nnd three miiterinlH nre put to gether to make one dress, nnd though so far the letter of the overdress Ih escaped, still there Ih n spirit of It suggested In dresies where the under skirt hIiowh only I In front at the parting of the upper skirt. J There will be much of this for summer dresses, organdies nnd seml-trunspnrent ' materials fulling over silk that shows In front or nt Intervals, There Is to be n , revival of the use of two or more shades of u single color for this stylo of dress, ' too. The middle gown of this plcturu Is typical of the forthcoming treatment so far as It now Ih Indicated. It wiih nlle green organdy over wblto tafTcta, tho front breadth of the skirt being a dnrkcr green. There Ih promise of many two simile dresses In gray, too. The new frock coat It n stunner. Thu one pictured here was fur trimmed, but I.VCOMINO STYLUS. collui' mid double sleeves of velvet will bo thu thing for spring wear. Thu hip senilis of then garments arc curved deep ly to bring about tho long front cITcct. The skirts come well below the knee, mid me comfortably full at the back with almost u suggestion of the double ripple that dressmakers permitted to multiply, n few seasons ago, Into a clum sy pipe organ effect. Smooth cloth Is the choice for these coats, mid they nre made in deep led, gieen, brown and black, Some suggestion of strap trim ming Is often ndded. The front tuny be double breasted mid gentlemanly, or may blouse, with either single or double front effect. There Is a tendency to snug lit and small urinholes that makes only a rlose lilting bodice possible underneath. A SPUING: COAT. Tills design made In heavy black silk makes a very useful gurmeut. Copyright, 1W)1. MoriUH Keniliidersv, A button is planted upon many a bat tlement, Flounces still have a tendency to grow deeper at tho back, Hip-yokes, both deep and narrow, will be a feature- of skirts or gowus. White duck or butcher's llaeu will lie used for the shirt waist for strictly tailor-made wear. Soft chips and Neapolitan straws which can bo muutpulatcd into any shape arc promi-ed features of millinery. Allways know about how many and what sort of handkerchiefs, slippers, stockings, gloves, neckwear and tho like you need, mid when you seo any of them that are jiut right at a bargalu lose, no tlmo In investing, BUSINESS LOCALS. r" - -" t.i "i ..I .1 Alw7 Mlt for tk fop. Ommvb! patral aftita, ffeUjgtal. On Brerbody moke the eetafentftd If onogram and Paadora clgara. They baro no equal. Gall up Union 401 when la seed oi anvthlng in the Inel lino. Eaat Mor- rifoa Street Wood & Coal Yard. The A. D. T. MeaiengerCo. la the old ett and beat service of the kind in the town. Readers of tho New Age, give tfafem the proferenoe. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgagee bought 8. W. King, room it, AY aabington building. Oregon Butchering Company, Frod Metoger, manager, doalers in all klndi of fresh and salt meats and flab, 415 Everett street. C. A. Watson, Marino Drag Store, 89 N. Third street, Portland, Oro. Spe cialties: Fleckenstein'a Long Balsam and Celery Seltzer. Tho Popular, 138 First Btreot, bot. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, propriotor. TeL Ore gon red 934, Columbia 008. For fine fruits of all kinda for the traveling public, call at 100 North Sixth Btreot. Ice cream soda. Baskot fruits for travelers. Goorge Kiser pro prietor Don't wear baggy trousera or ahabby clothes. Wo call for, sponge, pres, and delivor, ono suit of your olothlng each week, sow on buttons, and aow up ripa for $1.00 a month. Unique Tail orlng Company, 217 Washington street, both phones. Jno. P. Sharkey, mannfacurar of harness, collars, saddles and atrap work; importor of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, eto. 60 Union are., Port land, Or. Portland Transior Saloon Chas. O. Blglin, propriotor. Choice wines, liquors and olgars. 331 Uliean, cor nor Sixth, Portland, Or. Frenoh Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work dono at very moderate prices. Dyeing and oleanlng of all kinds oi ladioa and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed In 48 hours. J. Deleau, proprietor, 455 Gllsan strt. Tli flnrst plaoe in the city to ebtala fist quality cigarsjj tobacco and amok era' artioles is that of Rosenthal A Budd, at 987 and 387tf Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth. Give these genial dealsra a call when you wish anything in their line. Tele pkone Main 76. Armory Drug Storo, 81 Tonth stroot, northwo.t corner Tenth and Everett attests, Portland, carries a full lino of drugs, toilot articles, school supplies, cigars, otc. Tho National I'ollco Gazotto, pub llshod by JUclmnl K. Fox, Polico News Standard, und nil other sporting papers. Subscriptions talcon nt A. W. Sohmnlo, booksollor nml noweUenlor, 230 First stroot, I'oitlnnd, Oio. Ma . ordort solioitod. For Xmns goods, Holding Bros., 45 N. Third stroot, linvo n choice selection of holiday goods in tho liuo of silver ware, pookot books, fancy jowelry, din monds, umbrellas, gold nnd silvor headed canes, wntohoa, lookots, oto. Call and inspect our atook. TO THE DEAF A rloh lady, cured of her deafuess nnd noisoa in the head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $2S,00J to hla institute, eo that deaf people unablo to proouro the ear drums may have them free. Address No. D 3881, The Nicholson In stltute, 780, Eighth avenue, New York On the Inside. ot a collar, shirt or cuff done up at this laundry means that you ate all right, aud that your linen looks as im maculate and of aa smooth and flue a finish as if it just came from the fur nlshers, Comfort aud aatiafaotiou we give you in every piece of lluen that we launder, and our prices are trilling for it. The Domeatlo Laundry, J. F. Robinson, Pendloton, Oregon. NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works orrios AND WORKU IU SIXTH STREET. PHOIE I00D 803 1UU rUancs), Died, rrcu4 and TTlmm-JJ UdlM1 ! and UrM OooJ. byed all Col rt, or Well CUud. Qtntltmsa'a Cloihluf Ctd, Dyed and Kptrtd. O.Hlch rtara Cuaiisd r Dyed all Colors and Nicely Curlsd. 4.., Fit Mil.' " tii,"l"'lJ .iHJr SHERIFF'S SALE. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah. Statu of Oregon, plnlutiff, vs. Rich ard Nixon, ns administrator of the outs to of Joseph Leonard, deceased, all heirs of the decedent (If aty there be) nnd all persons interested in said estate, defendants. By virtue of a rtocreo and order of snlo duly issued out of and under the seal of the nbove entitled oourt in the nbovo entitled causae, to me duly di rected nnd dated tho 14th day of Jan unry, 11)01, in which docroeo it was adjndyod nnd docreed tlmt the state ot Oregon stand and bo soizod of the following described real property and vested with tho title thereto, said real property being described as follows, to-wlt: Tho west half of tho east half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty-two iu Township two north of Rango ono west of Wlllumetto meridian, contain ing 40 ncrofl, nnd bolng within Multno- ninh county in tho stato of Oregon, i nnd in which docroo it was further ordorod that tho sheriff of Multnomnh I county, Oregon, bo directed to ninko salo of said real property to tho higheiit bidder for cash. Now, therefore, by virtuo of said decree nnd ordor of pnlo, nnd in com pliance with tho commands thereof, I will on Monday, tho UGtli day of March, 1001, nt tho hour of ten o'clock A. M., nt tho front door of tho county court botuo iu tho city of Portlnud, Bnid county nnd stnto, poll nt public auction, subjoct to confirmation by tho ! nbovo entltlod court, to tho highoAt bidder for U. S. gold coiu, onBh iu mud, nil of tho nbovo desoribod renl property, nnd nil tho right, title, and Interest which Joseph Lonornd, do cosRod, bnd on tho 4th day of March, 1807, or Richard Nixon ns administra tor of said ostnto siuco had, in nnd to thu nbovo described real property, or any part thereof, nB in said decree di rected Datod Portluud, Orogon, February 21st, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Shoriff of Multnomah county, Oregon. $25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 ..Ornithological Contest.. Fonu'tlitiiR entirely now and liitvreallnir. Head wlist you nretodo. Ycu hikv ROlfl.lKJO. Oiirronlval la lo uwhocitn make tne turnout l.'a of nniiica V" IcImL) ot blrila I rum the lol lowing I a. ot luttvra: 7DOOOCCKQULIAPR TARIDGESPNIELV E BR DIM W ADOH'T L Wew'll rcr kiiIic in ft IjIhI anything belong. ttiKtotliuft-Mhcri'd tribj,lictlu'r It ben llei, Crow, Milliter, or any other kind. You van uic any lutter naiimuv tlnu-a to mnlce a nnuio na li nplH-iua In tho lint of letlcii nbove: (or In-iluiii-e Woodcocl, Plover. Bnoiv Jllrcl, etc. To ,. .hnii, . 1m r.Mi in.Ln n II. f nf 'JA nr mnril different uiiinra ot blnla, we w III (tlo nbiollltu ly HIKE a beautiful 1'rUo nluu ll.UMl or Uii. BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. Wlion you hnvemado out your lint fill out tho lino on llio bottom ot tlila advcrtlximcnt ml tend to ua with a Htainpcd Addreaavd en lelope, atninpof your countrv will do, then If you nru awarded a prlte jo.u can It you dc.lre Kctthe prlto br bicouilnen auhacrlber to 7A ll'omnn'a W. rif. We hnll award a prlie to every pcraon who ainda tin iinme nf '.'4 lllrdu, ami our Klfta will boaa fo lwa: Kor tho beat Hit, rt'eehed each day, a Hold Watch; for tho second boat (oliitlnu uiioli day n bvntitlful Im ported Tea Sot: for the soven next bc.t loin llotia each day, a Konrnh Baklh lllantond ami Ittlby Itluir: for thu next U'.t tolutlon. a (lold Piece; ai d for all ether correct anlutloui, I'rliea of (lood Value. Thi-ae I'rliea will bo for wanluil dally, you will not have to wait a lung lime Intiiicorinliity before you know there stilt, 'there la 10 dement of lottery In our plan, It iitakva no difference uhcttior wu Ret jonraolulloulatuor early Iu the day. All you need la to mall tlila Adverllrement toua, ami on the day It roaches m, If your Hit la tho beat, you alutll liuvn tli (lold Wntoh orifaec (iii.l beat the beautiful Tea t-'et, mid ao on. Wo cuarauteo that wo will award you a prlio 'I hero U absolutely no opixirlunlty fordecep thin on our imrt no cannot aftord It. We want tot!Cl 1,100,000 well lattatled aubacrtbera, and for that reaioti we don't want you to tend any mono- until) on know exactly what prize you hno K-alncd by answering the ptuzlea. As anon alter 4 p. in. each day aa poislbte, the ex. nmltii ra will Indue the llata to the beat ot tliolr ability, and will dealitunte tho prliea. We will write to ) on at once notifying you what prize has been awarded ou, then II you are aatli tied, ou can aend your subicrlptlon to The H'onnn's ll'urfif, and our prize will ao by re turn of mall carriage paid. To a penon of narrow Ideas It aeema Impossible that we should be able to makoauch a gigantic offer, but wo hate trie money, brains ami reputation, we know exactly what we aro doing, and If we ran legitimately gain a million aubxrlbera by this grand Idea, we know that this million ot well pleased auhscrlbera can be Induced to rec ommend The W'omnu'i World to all friend., thereby building up our circulation Hill farther. Wo are willing to spend 25,t0 In thta contest in bulldltig up a blgsubacrlptlou list, and when thta mouoy la apent we re'ervt the rhtht to pupllah a notlncatlou that thi' rotiteat has h,vt dlacontlnued. Don't (tela) until It la tio late. The contest will contlnus until Jnlv 1st. 1001. We glQ A Hnnua Prize of IJIO. Independ ent of nllotlieis, to tho person who sends li the list gotten up IntheKvit and ttamtcouiea manner. Our Committee will decide and award prliea dally, but the apeclnl i50prli will be awarded In Per tember, 1901. Any bird's name found In thedlcttonartia accepted. WHO WCAte. The "H'oiimn' 11'orW" U athonmghly relfablt C'VifcTC, vt a e Inowii ro do exactly us tre udirr lite, .l.f'iour rtlttblli'v tet refrta any Adier U'iiia Auait or kutliien man vj London or .Yru Vo t. Xante Street - TvtcH., CVuntrjr. lt N. n.-no careful and prepay your letter 8c, is wo do not receive uudeipaldletters. Address: TIIK "WOMAN'S WOULD," Ilreutfortl, London, VT., Kugland. BOYD & ARINOL.D ...General Agents Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street, Near SUrk. Strong's Photographs Superior in Style and FinUhjJ trnjDio. In Goodnough Buildiiu;. D. Uiiia PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Ftmgm and Yacht Sail a Specialty OltKOON IMIONK 043 ItKt 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAH'S Evening Gowns Street Suit Fancy Waist Tailor Made Suits Riding Habits, Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON ..TRAIINS STOP.. ,AT Wilkins' Ealing House 30 Minutes for Meals I.unch Counter In connection. TI10 only Hat ing Homo ut llio Deiiot wliero you can uvt a First-Class Meal, ROSEBURG OREGON WIIKN YOU IIUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut Tlila Out and Oct a Reduction at Henry Jennings. 173174 Klrat Street. Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE mWaahliiKtonatrect llct. Fifth and Sixth PORTLAND, OREGON. GRIP Cured in One T. IltNDatcKsx.t PACIFIC TENT S AWNING 1111 11I1EI DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE Price 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES OVERLAND WAREHOUSE ' GENERAL STORAGE AT LOWEST RATES Low Insurance .. Rates KEL.UEY-CL.ARKE CO. PORTLAND - OREQOIV. Columb'a Phone 700 Ore. Pbona Grant 431 wmmasmmt v: Mill Cffice, m Ifih !t. liondif, 3(9 Mm St, .mLmmmmmitmmWSrmm .taflHaaHlairTflilFF: Jv iSaaaarl II ni rHA -aawaw .M.raBBBT(a...aiaBBBB aa jvbr 1A 3aT.av rTppHppipHlKu--flB---v fr. VviJavU ORTHOPEDIC) S3.50 PHOE DRYER'S POPULAIt SHOE . TPRE mi TMmI tryM, aVfwM akm.tti Pin. btnd fur Caulojue ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. ItATKSl European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Dai OSCAR ANDKU80N, Manager.. J. C. PENDEQA8T, Chief Clerk. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83J North Third St. Boots and Shoes Hade to Order Repairing: Neatly Done. Work called for and detlvored. All work guaranteed. H. C. RILEY, MANAGER. Headquarters for Capcn Co.'s Shoes Ij.W.OARNAiiAN. rrcaldont. O. It. HAKDNKIl, Vlco I'rcildcnt. W. V. TKURY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For "Washing: Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. W. A. WISE DENTIST .Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel, Red 2844. Day by Using s yrTrjsJfficltiyjgailj mm PP JtaTsTsWi'J . w- N. Portland.Orcgon "iOir. " tfrfcne "aySBM '" urill " , - rr li m ' i r i nira h rae r ' lndit and no other iboe t.dav n I o la ci ..-jraliidl i aortal reiiuutlom ottha Portland, wteme. '! .i..u oinsingmi(Hn aw -Jtta.-'