TH35 XEW AGE, 'jRdRTLAND. OREGON. Spring Humors of the Blood Como to a large majority of people Probably 75 per cent, ot theso are cured every yenr by Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and wo hopo by this advertise ment to got the other 25 per cent, to take this great Spring Medicine It will sharped your appetite, euro all stomach troubles, rcllovo that tired feeling. Its strength as a blood purifier Is demonstrated by Its marvelous cures of Scrofula Salt Rheum Scald Head Bolls, Pimples All Kinds of Humor Psoriasis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh Malaria, Etc. All of which aro prevalent now. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla "Will do you a wonderful amount of good. Bo suro to get Hood's. Prince to Stick Type. Like all tho male members of the royal houso of Germany, tho crown prince Is about to learn a trado, which will probably be that of a compositor. TO CUIUS A COLD IN ONE OAT Hake Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All Ironrlsta refund tho money Hit falls to cure. . W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 23c. Can't Take the Medicine. Dobbs Laughter Is a cure for In dlgcBtlon. Dobbs But a man can't laugh whou ho haa dyspepsia. Baltimore Amer ican. nv inklnc nAUPIKT.O TKA, the danger ot contracting la gr p In Icurncil, for Hie stein It ck imetl. tho blood imrlflcd and the digestion tcrfccicd by thii grvnl herb cure. Buying Land In Sweden. In Swedon ttioy havo a land ar rangement of this kind: tho former will glvo a tenant so many acres of ground, provided tho tonant will glvo him so many days labor for bo many years, tho labor to bo paid as wantod. The Ht Proscription fur Malaria Chills and Fever la a bottlo of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron andqulnlnoln a tasteless form. No Cure. Mo Pay. Trice too. The Caspian 8ea. Tho Caspian soa Ib lltornlly a great depression In tho surfaco of tho earth. It Is 84 foot bolow tho regular sea love!. Besides this, Its wators havo very llttlo salt In thorn, being almost fresh. A NEW ACCOUNT BOOK Of Particular Interest to Thrtihtnncn and , Farmers. , Russell & Co., o( Portland, Ore., the largest dealers in machinery on the Pacific Const, havo just issued at con sldorablo expense- a neat and veiy com plete account book for tip-to-date threshes men, eto. The books aro lor free distribution, and all peoplo who want .them should write immediately to KuBfoll ib Co., Portland, Oro. Only ThlnkTheyAro Thinking. When somo men think they aro thinking, they aro only killing timo. Chicago Daily News. FITS r.rm.n.Nllr Cured. No flu r ntrroanum Fl I ar nrMi'.Ti.oriir.KII.'.(lrt N.m CMtorrr. Snil for VKK K S J.OO ttl.l Until d;I trk I. Va.ll.II KtiN.tlJ..VJIArcUat..rLIUul.lrhit.fa. Antl-Automobllo Law. Denver has an ordinance which pro hibits operating an automobilo at a speed groater than six miles an hour, and employs a mounted policeman to enforce it. CATARRH Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met With. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simnle inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it Very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison tbrougn the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. docs. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst cases. Mr. T. A. William, trading dry-good jner. chant of Spartanburg. 8. C, writes t " For years i naa a severe case oi tiasal Catarrh, with alt the disagreeable effects which belong to that disease, ana which snake life painful and unendurable. I used medicines prescribed by leading physicians and augKCited by numbers of friends, but without retting mny better. X ben began to ta.e S. B. B. It tad the desired effect, and cured me aftr taVtnv trtifn bottles. In my opinion 8. a. a, is the only medi cine now in use that will effect a permanent cure of Catarrh." B Bk Bfe is the only purely veg F1 r r eUble blood purifier . known, and the great LJLJrst of all blood medi W0 "Bw "4bW dnes and tonics. If you have Catarrh don't wait until it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at once the use of 8. S. 8., and send for our book, on Blood and Skin Diseases aad write our physicians about your WC WHfT eVICtf W Cft ATLANTA. U. BCorro ta-tesOooT Deal I to tana. Sola by droaaUU. I mHglBHX METALS USED IN JEWELRY. Consumption of Gold and B.lverlatbe Arta aad Manufacture. Tho director of the mint at Washing ton has for many yours made au esti mate of tho amount of gold and silver consumed In thta country lu our Indus trial 'arta and manufactures, which estimate haB been based upou tho bul lion supplied by tho mints und assay olllces, as well as tho ligurca from private rctluerles and manufacturers to whom Inquiry has been scut on this subject. For tbo last decade, however, experts have seriously questioned the estimates of the coin in circulation and coin consumed lu the arts, as made by tho bureau of the mint on these ligures and on the table based ou au elaborate Investigation made in 1885. To remove nil doubts ou this subject und to accu rately detcrinlno the comsumptiou of gold and silver, both bars and coin, In the Industrial arts lu tho United Stated, the director of the mint, Inst December, sent circulars to jewelers throughout the couutry, asking as a favor that tho jewelers fill out the blauk showing tho amount of coin or bars, gold or stiver, which they consumed either In their repair work or In manufacturing. Tho returns from these inquiries, though by uo means complete, served to mako much more accurate tho figures on tho consumption of gold and silver lu tho last report of the. director of tho mint, and an effort bo mado to ob tain even fuller returns for the next re port With this object In view a circular and blank, similar to that sent out last year, will bo Issued to "all manufact urers using gold or silver, as well as to all Jewelers, Including thoso who do even the smallest of repair work, with the request that the recipients fill In tho figures required. In doing this the jew eler mny feel suro that his llguVcs will never bo used except In making a grand total and will be held strictly confidential by tbo treasury depart ment Among tho reasons which It Is believed caused persons In tho pnst to hesltato In answering theso Inquiries was the fear that they had, lu using up coin, Inadvertently violated n statute and that nn admission of this fact might bo used ngaltmt them. Such n fenr, however, Is absolutely without foundation, as there Is uo contention that tho uso of gold coin In manufact ures Is contrary to law. Tho only object In asking for the In formation Is to enable tho treasury de partment to estimate as accurately as possible the money now on hand by de termining tho amount of United States coin lost annually by being melted up for manufacturing purposes. It Is not claimed that any manufacturer Is re quired by law to glvo tho Information, but as there Is no reason why ho should not aud every reason why ho should, for tho benefit of nil It Is confi dently hoped that the responses from tho Jewelry trade tottho department's now circular, will be as completo and satisfactory as tho authorities of tho mint can desire. HOW MEN MAY WALK WELL. There Ta nn Art In the Kxerclse tba Hhoulil Not lie Overlooked. Theso suggestions for tho benefit of pedestrians aro made by n writer on hygienic matters: Not every man can be a good walker. Thero Is no better exercise. Even slouchy walking Is good, but It Is cnBy to drop tho slouch part and mako tho every day walking ono of the best of health helpers. Every normal man does miles of walk ing each day, regardless of cars nnd carriages. Let him mako his walking a llttlo tnoro careful, a llttlo more thoughtful. No uecd to tako an extra step unless tho delight of It Inspires the oflort. Walk with tho head up, chin down, shoulders back, abdominal mus cles tenso nnd ending each step with a too tip. "Too out" slightly, bend knees without a wabbly motion and avoid pounding tho pavement with heels. Carry bead and shoulders steady without any sldo swaying. If unused to such effort It will require much thought nt first to keep from lapsing Into careless ways. After a few trials the ease, comfort and Inspiration of such walk will encourage persistence. Breatbo deeply, slowly and through the nose. Walk when you can, bearing lu mind that perhaps "ho who rides lu a cnrrlage rides toward his grave." Do not sit hunched up at a desk or a table. Hold tho upper body as lu walking, Bend nt tlio hips and at tho neck when necessary, but never hump tho back and shoulders. Give the lungs room, keep them filled with new air and do not let tho buck bono curvo either to the right or to tho left Sleeping on tho right side Is best. On the back Is the snoring position. Tako plenty of sleep; to rest in bed Is the best of nerve tonics. Worries aro sleep Bearers. Tit fur Tat. Ilere Is a good story they are telling In Europe about the German emperor: Tho kaiser, at a recent review In Ber lin, reprimanded old General von Meer Scheldt for losing his mind at a critical momeut "If your majesty thtnks that I am getting too old, I beg of you to allow mo to reslgu." "No, no," replied the kaiser, "you are too young to re sign. Indeed, If your blood didn't course through your veins quite so fast you would be a more useful army lead er." On the evening of that day the kaiser and the general met at a court ball. The. general was talking to some young ladles. "Ah, Meerscheldt," cried William, "that is right; get reao to marry. Take a young wife, then that excitable temperament of yours will soon vanish." The geueral bowed low as he retorted; "I beg to be excused, your majesty! A young emperor and a young wife would be more than I could possible stand." Philadelphia Telegram A RECENT PHOTOGRAPH OF THE LATE MRS. WILDMAN AND CHILDREN Consul General Wlldman and his family were nil lost In tho Rio dc Janeiro steamship disaster. Mrs. Wlldman was Miss Aldrlch, a niece of Mrs. W. M. Stewart, wife of the junior Scnntor from Nevada. At ono time In Washington she prepared for tho stage, but abandoned her dramatic ambitious with her marriage. HARRIS AT HEAD. Sketch of the New President of the C. a & Q. y. Charles E. Perkins recently resigned as president of the Chicago, Burling- ton nud Qulucy Railroad Company, nnd Georgo B. Harris, second vice-president of the company, was elected to tho place. Tho new president, Georgo B. Har ris, Is considered one of tho most effi cient railway managers of the couutry. For the Inst ten yenrs the active man agement of tho Burlington has fallen to him. Ho was born in 1848 nt Brook Hue, Maps., and entered tho railroad service on the Hannibal and St. Joe road In 1800 ns ollleo boy. Later ho became paymaster of that rond nnd then went to work on the Burlington nnd Missouri River rond, now part of tho Chicago, Burlington nnd Qulncy Railroad, as clerk In the land ofllcc, un- dcr his father, who was then Land Commissioner. Subsequently ho hold tho following olllces successively: Purchasing agent of the Burlington and Missouri River In Ncbraskn at Omaha. Superintendent of tho Atchison nnd Nebraska at Atchison, Kan, Assistant general freight agent of tho Burlington nnd Missouri River at Omaha. General freight agent of tho same road. Purchasing agent of the Chicago, Burlington aud Qulncy at Chicago. In 1883 ho went to Topcka as assist ant to the general manager, A. A. Rob inson, of the Atchison, Topeka nnd Santa Fe, while In 1884 ho took chargo of the Chicago, Burlington nnd North em Railroad, then In process of con struction, with headquarters nt St. Paul. He held that position until tho road was sold to tho Chicago, Burling ton and Qulncy Railroad Company In 1870, when ho camo to Chicago nnd assumed the position of second vice president nnd chief executive officer of tho Chicago, Burlington and Qulucy system. SHOT BY A RABBIT. Cotton-Tail Fire a Load of Shot Into a Itoyllunter'e Lear. "Br'er Rabbit" has been outdone In real life. Near Parkersburg, W. Va the other day a rabbit of tbo cotton-tall variety fired a load of No. 8 shot Into the leg of a 14-year-old boy and cut for tall Umber before any other member of the bunting party could take aim. Peter Frees and his son Louis, togeth er with Chris Reich, had gone out rab bit shooting. The dog chased one of oko. n. iiAnms. I H T f 15 JTV.'ist aV ffPsssssfr IMKfi'''' SHOT BT A BABBIT. the little creatures luto a brush pllo and tho excited boy rushed up, laying his gun on the ground and taking up a stick with which to punch tho rnbblt out. Tho weapon was cocked, nnd when bunny ran out In nn unexpected place his hind foot struck tho trigger of tho gun, sending tho chargo of shot Into Louis' leg. In the excitement both tho father and Reich forgot to flro nnd the rnbblt family In thnt section of country has a renl hero. MONEY OF EVERY VARIETY. There Ta Currency of AM Port In Cir culation nt Waelilnjtton. A gentleman from the far west stop ping nt one of tho uptown hotels says tho Washington Stnr, handed n $100 noto to tho cashier this morning lu liquidation of his bill, and received back ten crisp, new fO bills, which had never bcon even creased, nnd were fresh from their original package, ns pinned together In the treasury. From repent ed handling tho 1100 bill looked moro llko n piece of dirty, blnck, wntcrsoak ed paper than tho real thing. "That's nlco money," ho said to the cashier. "Where I come from some peoplo might look nsknucu nt It beforo acceptance, ns It nppcars too new nnd too much llko whnt they might consider counterfeit In Chicago, In n restaur ant, I once offered a brand-now bill of largo denomination, fresh from the treasury, nnd It was refused by the cashier, who hnd her 'suspicions' of Its genuineness fact I nsstiro you, on my honor. However, wo never see nny of these fresh, crisp, now bills out In the far west, southwest nnd In tho far south. Whenever I como to Washing ton I always tako nwny with mo ns much of this nlco clean money ns I can carry. I consider It a duty I owo to the public nt largo to cutiso Its dissemina tion. Here, I understand, the residents fall to notice tho money they handle, hnvlug becomo accustomed to seeing It" "Thnt's true," said tho cashier "Washington Is tho great currency clearing-house for the entire tuition, m well as tho central point of Ihsuo of money. At this hotel wo send dally to tho treasury u certain sum, which Is ex changed for brand-new money, nud 1 pnsa It out to our guests, taking their old bills instead. Guests are much pleased as n rulo to receive It; they carry It away to nil quarters of the couutry, It enters Into general circula tion nnd costs us nothing for our trouble It Is n good prnctlco and one which could bo emulated. It Is nn act ual privilege to handlo this clean money, which nil Wnshluglonlans en Joy, but which they do not lake Into account by reason of their fin lurlty wlth It. Tho government pays hh em ployes semimonthly In hills fresh from the treasury, which quickly find their way Into general circulation Ip the city and Indirectly outside of Washington." Natural. Captain Charles D. Slgsbeo of the United States nnvy Is n great admirer of newspaper enterprise. At a recent entertainment lu Washington n pretty girl piled him with questions about the Maine disaster, aud he gladly answer ed all ho could. Finally she said: "Tell me, Captain Slgsbee, what was tho first thing that came Into your mind when you heard tho explosion and realized Just what hud happened?" "It seems out of place to say It," he replied, "nnd was ull too trifling a thought for such an nwful occasion, but It Is true I mentally exclaimed; 'What will tho New York newspapers soy to-morrow?' "New York World. Ilia Position Heouro. "So ye nro goln' to marry Garrlty's wlddy, are yczV" "OI am." "And fwnt will ycz do f win sho takes to tellln' yez how much the better inon her first mon was?" "She won't Didn't OI used to bo llckln' Garrlty God rest Mm ! about once a fortnight fer t'reo year?" Hho Made a lilt. The suspicion grows that Mrs. Na tion's theory of strenuous temperance Is only a blind to cover a far deeper aud more malevolent motive. Can she be set upon puncturing the no-woman can-throw-straight superstition? When a man throws himself away, it can be always depended upon thai some woman will find him. A VERY PROMINENT MAN Owes Health and Happiness to Pe-ru-na. Coiigrciitiian Howard from Alabama. Washington, Fob. 4th. 1899. Po-ru-nn Drug M'f'g Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen I havo tnkon Pe-ru-na now for two wcoks, nnd find I nm very much relieved. I feel that my euro will bo pormnnont. I havo also :akon It for In grlppo, and I tnko ploasuro In rocommendtng Po-ru-nn as an excollont remedy to all follow sufferers. Very respectfully, M. W. Howard. Congressman Howard's homo ad drcsB Is Fort Payno, Ala. Any man who wishes porfoct health muBt bo onttroly frco from catarrh. Catarrh Is well-nigh universal; almost omnlprcsont. a. o-ru-un Is tho only nb soluto safeguard known. A cold Is tho beginning of catarrh. To provont colds, to euro coids, Is to cheat catarrh out of Its victims. Address Dr.Hart mnn, ColumbuB, U., for a frco catarrh book. New Industry In Australia. Tho culture of tho ollvo has rocontly been Introduced Into South Austrnlin and Victoria, nnd good crops of fruit nro now being obtained, yloldlng an ex cellent oil. Tho industry bids fulr to becomo nn Important ono. Family Tics. "How closo Is your rolntlonBhlp to that millionaire?" "Oh, his brother married my brother-in-law's sister." Detroit Frco PrcBs. Too Previous. "Sco horo!" exclaimed tho shopper, excitedly, "thoro'a a man Just droppod dead In thnt bargain crush." "How Inopportuno!" cried tho floor walker. "Wo havo not yet opened our undertaking department" Philadel phia Rocord. It Sometimes Happens. "Curses on him I" growled tho hard worked humorist. "Curses on html Ilia wlfo gavo him a letter to mall, and ho inallod It!" Gnashing his tooth and othorwlse comporting himself with rage, tho h. h. continued to hurl nnathomas nt tho man who spoiled tho Joko, Bal tlmoro Amorlcnn. He Was Emphatic. "I am Informed thnt your husband Is a professor of Innguago, and I called to find out whnt hlu terms aro," "Woll. whon he's oxcltcd, they aro unfit for publication." Richmond Dispatch. A Hopeless Case. "It's no uso; Chumlulgh novor will havo 8onso." "Why? What has ho dono now?" "Paid mo $10 ho owed mo right In front of my tailor." Her Definition. "What Is your doflnltlon of satlro?" "Satire," Bald MIbb Cayonno, "Is something that compels you to laugh against your will In ordor to let It appear that you aro not angry." Washington Stur. Police Hard to Dismiss. A Now York pollco commissioner declared that It was castor to hang a man for murder thoro than to dismiss a policeman. "Last year," ho said, "tho board had to pay out 1130,000 In back salaries to mon who had ueon reinstated by the courts. The Doctor's Order. Mother (an invalid) Johnny, don't you think I ought to punish you for being bo bad? Johnny (aged G) No mamma. You know tho doctor said you was not to Indulgo in any violent oxerclso. Quick Exit. "Mr, Lew told mo that ho was a Yalo man. Do you know what class ho was graduated from?" "From tho sophomoro class." Har lem Life. Age. A quarrol recently occurred be Iwcfcn two roaidon ladles. Bald th younger ono; "I wonder If I shall lose my locks, too, when I get your ago?" Tho Older Ono You will bo lucky If you do. Tlt-Hlts. Change of Name. Mra. Greeno I supposo tbo Chit lings aro awfully stuck up slnco they got that money from Mrs. Chltllng's uncle? Mrs. Gray Not so much as one might have supposed; hut I notlco that whon tboy havo mincemeat on the table they call It croquettes; It used to be plain hash. Boston Transcript Cut Bono? "They say that Old dotroi la barely ablo to wrlto his namo." "Now, that shows the Injustlco ot things. Here I could write my namo to a check with the groatest ease; but what's the use?" Indianapolis Press. Germany's New Navy, The German naval programme, which according to the original an nouncement, was not to be completed until 1910, is now, It sems, to be finished by 1906. In that year Ger many will have at least 40 ships, 20 large cruisers and 2$ small cruisers. BRITISH ELECTIONEERING. What It Costa a Cnn HJnte to tlecotna a Member of Parliament. To tho worried London voter, unit ing lu two minds, it mny be n consola tion to know thnt, If thero happens to be n contest In his constituency, ho will have cost each of two candidates the sum of 0 pence. Thnt is tho election agent's estlmato of the expense of a metropolitan or a borough election. In the country tho expense will be much moro than that. There, where miles of hedgerow nnd stubble stand In place of n trip on top of nn omnibus, an election ngent js al lowed nbout 200 or 300 for traveling expensqs, nnd tho bhiuo claim Is per mitted to subagents und to the candi date himself. Thnt Ib one of tho Items which make a provincial vote an ex pensive commodity. In both town nnd country tho ex pense to n candidate depends on tho size of the constituency ho proposes to capture. For nn overage-sized consti tuency of, say, 8,000 votes, the candi date Is allowed 300 In expenses. Tho limit of London's largest constituency Is nbout 1,400. In addition, tho can dlduto cnn spend, without saying why, the sum of 100 ou personal expenses, nnd the agent's bill amounts to about 170 or 200. Tnko It nil together, n borough can didate mny spend 1,000 on nn election, und n country cnudtdnto half ns much again. Whnt tho cnndldnto of his agent may not spend is pcrhnpa more Important than what ho may. A ennvnsser who wants to cast his vote nnd wishes to shnro n cnb with a fellow-voter has to be lu n position to swear that each oc cupant of tho vchlclo has sepcrntcly and Bevernlly pnld IiIh own shnro lu tho fare. If n ennvnsser treats n friend to a drink nnd the friend hns n vote In tho constituency, the oppnslto party can endeavor to show that tho drink was Intended ns a bribe. Tho Illegal prac tices act of 188T has made tho path to Parliamentary glory thorny nnd hazard ous. London Mull. THINGS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW. In 1000 tho German mints coined ?:i0,4i,000 lu gold nnd $5,1)1:0,000 lu sil ver. Lignum vltno Ib tho thoughest wood known. It cannot bo worked by split ting. Fourteen women received the doctor's degree Inst year at tho University of Zurich. Naturalists sny tho lobster will Boon follow tho buffalo und dlamond-baclc terrapin. Sugnrcnno grows In slzo according ts tho chance given. Its height ranges 0 to SO feet. Two billion passnngcrs nnd 050,000, 000 tons of goods nro(cnrrIed lu a year on tho world's railways. In Brussels automobiles nro taxed from 30 to CO francs per annum, ac cording to horse power. Olllclul returns show that last year Liverpool's Imports aud exports exceed ed Loudon's by 10,000,000. All over northern Siberia nro scat tered men who mako a business of rais ing Kskliiio dogs for the market. Ireland lias never won tin Interna tional association football giimu against either ICnglund or Scotland. The profits of the I-ondon Dally Mall during last year are understood to amount to tho substantial mi in of 80, 000. Tho Liberty statue lu New York In 101 feet high, the pedestal is 105 and the total height above low water mark iHltor. feet II Inches. Tho percentage of Illiteracy in Kan sas In less than It ts lu nny statu In this Union or lu nny country ou tho globe save Belgium. Tho highest trees In tho world belong to n species of eucalypti found lu Aus tralia. Kluglu specimens havo grown to a height exceeding -100 feet. Vale ami Harvard universities nro negotiating with Cainbildgo und Ox ford for mi International athletic con test to take place lu Amerli-u. It Is said that posts planted lu tho earth upper end down will Inst longer than those which nro sot In the natural position In which tho treo grew. Wireless telegraph stations aro to bo erected nt Iulshtrnhull, In tho north of Ireland, aud tit Klldouun, Arrau, Scot laud, respectively, for tho purpose of reporting and signaling vessels at sou. The town of Katonvllle, Fin., bus I ,'.'00 Inhabitants, with not it single white among them. It has a full quota of ofllcluls, u hank aud other business establishments requlslto In a town of Its size. Now a Telegrupli Hoy. A nobleman once Insisted on his head gardener taking as an apprentice a young lad lu whom he wus Interested. Tho lad was very lazy, und tho garden er wns not at all pleased at having such a youth thrust upon hlin. Some time ufter, his lordship, walking In tho garden, camo upon his gardener and said; "Well, John, how Is my young friend getting on with you?" "Oh, 'E's tloln' fiuul" replied the gar dener, with a smile. " 'K'a workln' away there at the very Job that suits Mini 'IVs a-chabln' of tho snails ofl'n tho walks!' London Answers. Finances of Hlu do Jauelro. ltto do Juncrlo has a muulclnal debt of almost 00,000,000 mllrels, nbout $12,- 000,000. tho annual tienet is nearly oiio aim u unit times tue enure tuconio. Tho female student In chemistry should be ablo to analyze her own com plexion. Nothing worries somo women like the absence of worry lu others.