The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, March 23, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. ' V.
NO. 51.
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Deelgnnted Depositary and Financial Agent of the United Btatae.
rrettdent, U. W. Cotbitt; cuhler, B. 0. Wlthingtom Militant ctauler, J. W. Newklrki teoond
Militant cuhler, W. C. Alrord.
Letter! of credit liiued. available In Karope and the Eaitern etate. Bight exchange ana
telegraphic tramferi aold on New York, Boiton, Chicago, Omaha, at. Paul, San Francisco and
the principal point! In the Northwest. Sight end time bills drawn In lutni to tutt on London.
Paris, Berlin, Frank lort-on-the-Maln, Itong Kong.
Collection! made on tavorablo terini at all acceulble points.
Ketabllehed In 1889.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued
available in Europe and the Eastern btatts.
Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. lmis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various paints in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on Loudon, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Transacts a Oeneral Bank Htnlneii. Drafts liiued ATallable In all cities of the
United Etates aud JSuropo.
President - .TYLER WOODWAltD
Vlce-Preildeut -..- vJAC0tl KAMX
vtlulirii t.t. eeeeieee eeeeii tee ttF Jt Jd laULiCR
With Which Is Aroalgnmatrd
Capital Paid Up, $8,000,000 Reserve, $3,000,000
Transacts a Qcneral Banking Business.
Accounts opctitd for sums of III) and upw arrii, and Intrrot nllowcil on minimum
monthly baluticc. Hates on uppllcatlon.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, 100.000.00.
RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. II!.; Firct National
Bank, Portland, Orrgon; Chemical National Bunk, New York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Lvl Ankeny, President; W. K. Matlock,
Vlro Piesldent: 0. B. Wade, Cashier; II. O. (iuerensy, Assistant Ca&hler; J. S.
McLeod, W. S. flyers, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson.
Organized March I, 1880.- Capital, 850,000; Surplus, 853,600.
Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on ail prin
cipal points. 8pecial attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier.
tetters of Credit limel aralUhle In the Eastern Rtatcs. Bight Exchange and Telegraph)!
Transfer told on New Yr rVl:hloKo. Ht. l.nul.Hn Kranrlscn, I'ortland. Ore,, Rrattle, Wain.
. 1 I -!.. SA - .... .. U'n klnitlnn Pnl tartlntif n mtitk mt sill nnl nil An fawnra I1 a
IdO TKrlOUl MJIPiS 111 Uri'KUM HU ttsi5si
Loewenberg &
X9 to 235 Tmylor Street
tSS tm 1B4 Smoond Street
t, t ' . r.'i
j KMPal iiTtfv4UUt'Cutw
DKaLB in grain, brkt and FRUIT LANDS IN TBI BEADTirCb
After a continuous resldance of orer 10 yean In this Famous Valley, and a cloaa study of the
tiaal aeeompllshmenti and future poaslbllltlM of lusoll.anda, personal knowledge ol lis ell.
mate, I feel that no one, seeking a home, will make auy mistake In locating here.
Your Is Solicit. ri, and All Quentlens
....Cheerfully Answered....
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Engines nd Boilers,
taw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Crlndlng and Corrugating Machinery,
Power Transmission Machinery.
We are constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, whlck
our up to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically,
E. A. WYLD, Manager
wweevweewM v!V -I ('uiitieuii mivtauts lUIUlSe
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware and
Handled by All First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the Market.
own m m
Hems of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
K Brief Review of the Growth and Improve
ment! of the Many Industries Through
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Ashland Construction of tho Ash
land freight depot has begun.
Pendleton Young men of Pcndle
ton have organized a cornet band.
La Grande A largo fruit cannery
will bo established at La Qrando.
John Day Tho Sheep Gulch mine,
near John Day, has resumed opera
tions. 8alem Tho O. n. & N. Co., whoso
docks wero wnshod away, contem
plates replacing them.
Euaene Many oifcrs aro being ro-
eelved for Eugeno Bchool bonds, which
tho district will sell to tho amount of
Summervllle It Is reported that
tho complete outfit of now machlnory
for tho creamery at Summcrvlllo has
been ordered.
Weston Two quarter sections of
flno farming land, one and ono-halt
miles south of Weston have changed
owners. Tho prlco paid was $13,500.
Quartzburg Qunrtzburg will soon
bo connected with 1'ralrlo City by
tolophono. Tho wiro has boon
stretched nearly tho cntlro distance
Clatsop Tho Elk Creek toll road,
In Clatsop county, Is almost com
pleted, and win soon bo open for
travel. Ono bridgo remains to bo
put In.
Gold Beach Oola Beach Is now in
telephone communication with tho out
sldo world. Tho lino has bcon ox
tended across tho rlvor from Wod
dorburn. Eugene A bridgo on tho Ehnlra
mall routo, about eight miles west
of Eugono, Is in a dangerous condi
tion. It will bo rebuilt as soon as tho
water recodes.
Ashland S. H. Calhoun, of Ash
land, has ozchanged ICO acres of land
near that placo for a llko amount of
land in Klamath county belonging to
O. II. Falothorpo.
Baker City Mr. C. McEndry, who
owns placer claims on Pino crook, on
tho Burnt rlvor slopo, has boon ex
hibiting in Baker City a gold nugget
which weighs ?107.
Pendleton Frank Frazler Is mak
ing plans for a horso parado at Pen
dloton oarly noxt May, similar to tho
ono Inst May. All kinds of woll-bred
horses will bo allowed to tako part
Ashland Inquiry of lumbor denlors
at Ashland roveals tho fact that while
improvements havo bcon going on
steadily all wlntor, building will tako
on a fresh Jmpotus with tho open
log of spring;
Milton High water In tbo Walla
Walla rivor wnshcu out tho under
pinning nt tho Milton end of tho
bridgo near Brown's mill, and con
siderable work waB nocossary to re
pair tho damago.
Sumpter Tho Sumpter Valley rail
road will commonco work on tho re
maining thrco miles of road to tho
now town in a fow days, and trains
will bo running from iiakor to Whit
ney soon. Wtfltnoy will bo tho tor
minus of tho company at present.
Eugene Shoriff W. W. Withers
rounded up a gang of 11 hobos in
tho woods beyond tho rlvor opposite
Eugeno and took them to tho city
Jail. Residents beyond tho river had
complained that many of tholr
chickens wero missing. At tho camp
of tho hobos preparations for a big
chicken dlnnor wore going on.
Wheat Walla Walla, OD'jOGGVfc;
valley, nominal; bluoatom, G'Jc por
Flour Best grades, 12.8003.40 por
barrel; graham, S2.G0.
Oats WhUo 4445c por bushel;
gray, 42043c.
Bnrloy Feed, 1C.B017; brow"-?,
flG.50017 per ton.
MUIstuffs Bran, f 16 per ton;
middlings, S21.G0; shorts, ?17.G0;
chop, 16.
Hay Timothy, $12012.50; clovor,
1709.50; Oregon wild hay, SG07 per
Butter Fancy creamery, 2216025c;
dairy, 18020c; store, 11013c per
Eggs Oregon ranch, 12,i4c per
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,500
5; hens, $505.50; dressed, 11012c
por pound; spring, $405 por dozen:
ducks, $500; geeso, $G08 per dozen;
turkeys, livo, 9010c; dieusod, 130
14c per pound.
Potatoes 15055c per Bnck.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers.
$4.75; ewes, $404.50; dressed, G.0
7c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $50
$5.25; light, $4.7505; dressed, 607c
per pound,
Veal Largo, 7ailAc per pound:
small, 809c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4,500
$4.76; cows, $404.50; dressed beef,
708c per pound.
Hops 12014c per pound; 1899
crop, 607c.
Wool Valley, 14015c; Eastern
Oregon, 0012c; mohair, 21023c per
Other Secret Treaties Between Russia
and China,
LONDON, March 21. Dr. Morrison,
wiring to tho Times from Pekln, says:
"Princo Ching rccolved mo today
and confirmed tho information as to
Russia's modification of tho Man
churlan convention. Tho Chlneso min
ister nt St. Pctersourg officially re
ports that Russia has agreed to elim
inate tho clauso granting her exclu
sive privileges in Mongolia and Turk-
cstnn, and also to modify various othor
clauses objected to by China. Princo
Chlng warmly appreciates tho assist
ance rendorod China by tho interven
tion of Englnnd, tho United States
and Jnpnn, but ho is not optimistic
concerning tho return of tho court to
. "Tho Russian amendments do not
seem to modify sonslbly tho char
acter of tho convention as creating a
pormanont protectorate. Tho amondod
clauso Giving Russia tho right to con
struct a railway Joining tho Man
churlan lino to tho great wall declares
thnt tho concession for tho railway
between Shan Hal Kwnn and Now
Chwang to a foreign company was a
breach of n provlous agreement be
tween China and Russia. No ngroc
nicnt has hitherto bcon published with
which that concession could conflict,
and it Is evident thoro havo bcon a
series of such secret agreements, be
ginning with tho secret tronty which
LI Hung Chang negotiated during his
mission to Russia In 189G, I ques
tioned Princo Lhlng concerning tho
trcnty, nnd ho assented to my sug
gestion of Its existence without tho
slightest I havo reason to bo
llovo It orlglnnlly promised China pro
tection only against Jnpnn, but was
modified at China's request to lncludo
protection against nggrcsslon by all
foreign powers. China Invoked Its
provisions after Gormnny secured
Kino Chou, but Russia turned a deaf
Demonstration and Fighting in
ST. PETERSBURG, March 20. Tito
etudontB organized today what was In
tended to bo an Imposing demonstra
tion in front of tho Cntnodrnl of Our
Lady of Knzan, tho occasion being tho
anniversary of tho uoatn of Votroora,
tho girl who committed Bulcldo somo
years ago In a dungeon of tho political
prison in tho fortress of St. Potor nnd
St. Paul in ordor to cscapo persecu
tion. Iramonso crowds nssombled on
ttio Novoskol Prospect, tho principal
sVeetofthe city, and tho adjacent
thoroughfares, Tho military in ovon
greator numbors occupied tho district,
closed tho entrances of nil houses and
shops, patrolled tho streets, and tlmo
after tlmo clenrod tho pavomonts,
malting many arrests, Including teach
ers and pupils of tho higher grado
girls' school. Sovoral of thoso young
women resisted arrest. Tho demon
stration was hold, but, owing to tho
prcsonco of tho troops, It was rather
a mild affnir, although for h tlmo ho
rious consequences seemed likely .to
follow tho brutality of tho Cossacks
in driving bnck tho pcoplo with whips.
A number of students who hnd re
cently protested ngulnst tho excom
munication of Count Tolstoi nssom
bled insldo tho cathedral nnd begnn
smoking, shouting, throwing things
nt tho holy Irrages nnd whistling whllo
preparations were bolng mado for tho
Bacramont. Thoroupon, tho congrega
tion began to thrust tho disturbers
outstdo, nnd a general fight onsuod.
Ono of tho cathedral banners was
seized by tho BtudontB, who used it
in tho fighting outstdo tho cathodral,
whoro proclamations woro thrown
among tbo crowns containing such
phrases as "Long Livo Llborty and
Free Government," "Down With tho
Czar," and "Down with tho Rotton
Officials." Finally tho students ob
tained a rod flag, nnd nn attompt by
tho police to solzo It wus tho signal
for a gonoral flgnt.
Severe Storm Raging In the Missouri
CHICAGO, March 21. A snow storm
'approaching a blizzard in severity
swept over tho Missouri valloy today,
and tonight it still wns raging. Ne
braska, Wcstorn Iowa, South Da
kota and Wyoming nnd Kansas felt
tho effects of tho storm, which tied
up stroet-car traffic In many cltlos aud(
uciayea ruiiruuu iruiuc. in ouiuiwboi.
Michigan, whoro tho railroads hud
hardly rocovorod from last weok's
storm, a heavy snow fell and contin
ued nil night. It was feared It would
do moro damage than tho lust storm,
and arrangements woro mado to side
track trains to prevent tholr being
snowed in. Wisconsin reports Bnow
and rain storms, with rivers nnd
streams out of tholr banks. Near
Racine serious floods aro feared. At
Pralrio du Chlen, tho lower part of tho
town is floodod and 18 Inches of wator
is over the railroad trucks. Minne
sota also is in tho grasp of a suvoro
Northwest Postal Orders.
Wnshlngton, March 2i. Tno post-
ofilco at Grlswold,, San Junn county,
Wash., has been moved two miles to
tho west ami Adelbort D, Tift ap
pointed pobtmnstor.
Tho postofflco at Clover. Okanogan
county, Wash., will be dlscontlnund
March 30, mall going to uonconnuuy,
A Dostotllco has been established at
Lcona, Douglas county. Or., on the
rouso from Dram to Comstock, nnd
Thomas E. Blodsoe appointed post
Tho postofflco at Echo, Elmore
county, Idaho, has been rooed 4
miles to tbo west, and Anna It. Wilton
appointed postmistress,
Tho office at Klupcn. Ncz Porces
country, Idaho, has been moved 200
rods north, and Andrew J. Erlcksoa
appointed postmaster.
Russians Refuse to Give in at
Tien Tsin.'
General Wojtck Refutes to Accept Von Wl
dente'i ArBllratlon Engluh Troops
Being Ruihed (0 the Scene.
LONDON, March 22. "Gcnornl
Wognck hns refused to nccopt Count
von Wnlderseo's arbitration nt Tien
Tsin," says tho Pekln correspondent
of tho Dally Mall, wiring yesterday,
"nnd dcmnndB that tho British not
only withdraw, but apologlzo for io
moving tho Russian flag. General
Barrow refuses to do cither, and in
bo refusing has tho support of tho
British government. British relu
forcomonts aro being sent."
"Hussla'B proceedings in Corcn,"
says tho Kobo correspondent of tho
unuy Mall, nro now openly nggres
slvo, and It is honored that sho Is
nbout to mnko further domnmlB in
connection with Masampo."
Tho officials of tho foreign ofilco
hero hnvo received no Information
of nn outbreak of hostilities at Tien
Tsin. Tholr Intest advices sny tho
situation remains tho same. Tho ru
mor (crodltod by 11 no wb ngoucy to
tho London stock exchange and pub
lished In Now York) thnt tho British
nnd Russians had fired at each other
at Tien TBln, has not oven reached
tho lending stock oxchango firms.
Preparing for Trouble.
Tlon Tsin, March 22. A special
train benring reinforcements of Aub
trnllan troops loft Pekln for Tlon
Tsin nt 10 o'clock this morning. One
French, nn Italian nnd a Gorman war
Bhlp aro outsldo tho bar. A dust
storm prevented Count von Waldor
sco, who arrlvod lioro yesterday,
from proceeding for Pekln until this
morning. Ninety British mnrlnes nr
rlvod hero Inst night from tho Taku
foits to teplaro tho Indian guards on
tho disputed land. In nddttion totho
Australians, outposts from tho linos
of communication are coming to bo
ready In case of necessity. Tho Brit
ish are undor nrmn to provont the
Bottlomont bolng rushed, but thoy do
not antlclpato such extremes.,
Gonoral Lorno Campbell, thoEng
llsh commnndor, nnd Gonoral Wog
nck, commanding tho Russluns, met
Count von Wnldorseo upon his ur
rlvnl horo. Lonrnlng thnt both hnd
received Instructions from tholr gov
ernments, Count von Wnldorsco snld
thnt It wns useless for him to glvu
oven nn opinion regarding tho in ut
ters nt Issuo.
It Is tho gonornl feeling In Tlon
Tsin that tho trouble Is not llkoly to
reach 11 point whoro blood will bo
shod. Both dotachmonts on gunrd
havo ordors to do nothing aggressive
unless forced to do bo by tho othor.
Except tho army aud camp followers,
tho only Russians now residing hero
nro tho members of tho consular stuff,
two clerks nnd two Jowb, who nro
running stores, nnd who loft Russia
In ordor to buvo tholr llvos. Thoso
nro now bolng offered Inducements
to move to tho Russian concession.
Tho French concession Is quiet.
French gondannes are on duty at
tho British concession to prevent the
soldiers from trespassing, and an Aus
tralian naval brlgada la preventing
tho Slhks from Invading tho French
Gonoral Lorno Campbell, upon
hearing of tho death of ox-Presldont
Hnrrlson, ordorod nil tho British Hags
to bo flown nt hnlf-mast.
Our Claim Against Morocco.
European Diplomats Watching the
Case With Interest.
NEW YORK. Mnrcli 22. A Bpeclul
to tho Hernld from Washington snyn:
Tho European diplomats In Wash
ington uro deeply Intorestod In tho
nctlon of tho United States In sond
Ing tho armored cruiser Now York to
Morocco to nid tho Amorlean consul
general In exacting nn apology and
obtaining n settlement of claims ag
gregating $60,000. Franco's Interest
Is probably greator than that of any
other country because It Is no secret
that sho hopes somo day to oxtend
her sovereignty over tho wholo north
western coast of tho African contl
nont. Franco requested tho United
States Bomo tlmo ago to denounce Its
negotiations with Tunis, over which a
French protectorate had beon estab
lished, and this would probably havo
been a step in tho direction of hav
ing tho United States donounco Its
treaties with Morocco, under which It
is proceeding in demanding tho net
tloment of claims, Tho United Statos
declined the request. It is treating
with Morocco as n sovereign powor.
Whllo no bomuardmont of any
Moorish town Is contompluted, tho
presonco of an American man-of-war
Is expected to havo a salutary effect
In obtaining immediate compliance
with tho demands of this government.
Tho Now York will remain nt Mnsnr
gan until Consul Gonornl Gummoro
returns from Marakesh, and an
nounces a satisfactory settlement.
Murder by Bulgarian Brigands.
Washington, Mch. 22. Tho Turkish
minister has received a telegram from
the governor-general of Salonlca stat
ing that Bulgunan brigands, after
having murdered four Mussulmcu in
habitants of tho Miknhelnhl mount
ains, burned tnelr bodies. Tho crim
inals were arrestod and confessed.
They were turned over to tho court
It Justice by tho authorities.
8oldlers In the Northwest Who Were
Recognized by Last Congress.
WASHINGTON, March 22. Tho
following Northwest ponBlons havo
been granted:
Original Timothy P. Clovelanil,
Portland, $8.
Incrcnso August Forcht, Now
berg. $8.
Additional William Doak, Tho
Dalles, $10,
Increaso Frederick Emily, Hurl
burt, $8.
Original Abram S. Ktuzcr, Noblo,
Original widows, etc. Jamina E.
Randall, Nowborg, $8; special act,
Fobruary 15, Nancy M, Lo Francis,
Albany, $8.
Original Special act, Fobruary 1G,
William Lyman Chlttondcn, Soldiers'
ttomo, Rosoburg, $8.
Original Francis M. Sanderlln,
Bnndon, $8; Isaac Sampson, La Fay
otto, $G.
Additional Robert M. Wlckhnn'i,
Oregon City, $8.
War with Spain (original) George
M. Hnys, Pendleton, $G.
Original Lambert Domkos, Port
land, $12; Abram Wilkes. Elkton, $8;
Gcorgo V. Orlswold, Salem, $G; Wil
liam Haynnm. Oroonvlllo, $8; Abram
Wymoro, Tlgnrdvlllo, $G; Angelo Bal-
mnnno. Portland. 11:,
Additional Charles II. Mlllor, Hop
kins, $8.
Increaso William Kortson, Ons
ton, $10.
Original widows Spocinl act, Fob
runry 1, Snrnh B. Evans, Shurldnu,
Incrcnso John J. Roynolds, Forest
Grovo, $12; John L. Scovlll, Orant'n
PnsB, $8.
Orlglnnl John Lnngdon, Sonttlo.
$0; Honry Avurbock, Soldlorn' Homo,
Ortlng, $G; William S. Arnold, Ta
comn, $8.
Incrcnso Conrnd II. Stonby, Syl
vnn, $30; Andrew A. Roynolds, Med
ical Lnko, $8.
Orlglnnl Chancellor Cutler, Ed
monds, $12.
Incronso Wllllnm T. Pnrkor, Soat
tlo. $8.
War with Spain (orlglnnl) Thomas
B. Young, Fremont, $30.
Original Royal G. Eraklno, Bout
tlo, $8.
Addltlonnl Allon Brown, llwnco,
lncrooBO Potor Wolff, South Park,
Orlglnnl widows, etc. Cordelia
Phelps, Monroo, $8.
Orlglnil Flngor Erlckaon, 'Wvor
aldo, $8. ' "v
Increase Jnmos Gllflllan, Blnlno,
Orlglnnl Thornton Hams, Spoknno,
$0; John 11. Crawford, Colvlllo, $0.
Original widows, etc. Elizabeth L.
Frary, Dnyton, $8.
Orlglnnl Alphonso G. Klllnm, Spo
knno, $0.
Additional Thomas Hnlvorson, So
nttlo, $8.
War with Spnln (widows, etc.) Ru
fiis W. Fletcher, father, Lntoua, $12.
Addltlonnl John E. Foster, Oiym
pla. $10.
Increaso Joslnh Smeadloy, Moun
tain View, $8; Joseph Dion, Spoknno,
Original widows, otc. Mary L. Lu
hrocht, Seattle, $R; special act, Fob
ruary 9, Susan Day, Bossburgf $8.
Original Potor J. Pnuchot, Auburn,
$0; Georgo W. Uulleno, deud, Beat
tlo, $12.
Addltlonnl James E. Coursoy, Bo
attlo, $8.
Original Andrew Burrls, Lock
wood, $8,
Additional John T. Hawks, Hunts
vlllo, $0.
Incrcnso Wllllnm Plummor, Sol
dlors' Homo, Ortlng, $12,
Original FnuiKlIn Slytho, Puyal
lup, $8; Jacob A. Froldny, Tncomn,
$U; JiiBtlnus Simon, Long Branch, $8.
Increuso Almond W. Foy, Seattle,
Original Lewis Ho x worth, Spring
dale, $G; Philip Masters, Vancouvor,
$15; Thomus N. Ogle. Wutorvlllo, $.
Increase Ansel JI. Brown, Gig
Harbor, $8.
Original Albort A. Blnko, Ortlng,
Orlglnnl widows Spocinl net, Jan
uary 31, Joanuetto Williamson, Lu
tonn, $8.
Original Clarenco A. Heath, South
Bond, $8.
Additional Aaron Krlbs, Dayton,
Original widows Spoclal act, Feb
ruary 4, Sarah F. Catlln, Spoknno, $8.
Orlglnnl (wur with Spain) ThomnH
W. Soden, Plonoor, $U,
Mustering Out Porto Rlcans.
Washington, Mnrch 21. An ordor
issued by tho wur department directs
thnt tho volunteer Porto Rlcnn regi
ment bo mustered out on or before
June 30, This nctlon la tnkon in ac
cordance with tho law which provides
that all volunteer enliHtmonts shull
oxplro by July I. This action does
not mean thnt either tho'ofllccrH or
men shall bo discontinued, ns tho re
organization law authorizes a regiment
of natlvo Porto RIcuiib to bo organ
ized under conditions similar to that
of tho regular urmy, with thrco Imi
tations officered by Americans, Pro
vision Is mado that tho present vol
unteer officers utid enlisted men of
tho Porto Rlcnn regiment may bo
continued in tho sorvlca if they bo
Revenged a Lynching.
Now Madrid, Mo., Mnrch 22. Tlp
tonvlllo, Tonn., burned last night. Tho
fire Is said to havo boon incendiary
and is su imposed to havo been started
by nogroos out of revenge for tho
lynching of Iko Fitzgerald Saturday.
As tho sheriff was tuklng Fitzgerald
to tho Jail a mob took tho prisoner
nnd hanged him to n tree. Before ho
was hanged tho nogro was tortured
In a horrlblo manner.
1 J
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