ifc.y ?wTFr,p",w,'k - " 'h's . , V THE 7fnWJk&B, PORTLAND. OREGON. wpiJI w 1 n ' ffi , .it . if "vr f I 1 it, rrv SOME SPMNU HIJSTS. CALLED OUT BY DISPLAYS OF SUMMER GOODS. Btorea Blinvr Orcot Assortments of 'Warm Weather Material What 'Will the I'aalilonniilev feet the Bcul of Their Approval Upon? Now York correspondence: UMNO tlio next I lHvfr 1 deal of conslil Icrntloii will lie giv en to tlio stocks of Hiiiniiicr iiiiiturinis now In the hIioiis. , .ScltlliiK purclinsoH to oiic'h perHonnl tnsto would not bo n very dilllcult mutter, hut there In (lint inouientotiH UCHtion iih to wlnit innterinlH, trliiunlMKH nnd styles f n h h I o n lenders limy pick out from nil tlio Hue show nnd, by the mora fnct of their h o I u c 1 1 n K them, iiinko them tlio dlHtiiiutly cor licet choice for otli- crs to follow. Of ferings of fnhilcri nnd illHpluyH of model dresses nru not ho potent In Hcttllng tlio fiiHhloim n.t nre the decisions of u few iiltni-fiiHliloiuihle drcM'imnherN or tires wenriTH, Yet they constltuto uhout nil tliohlnt that cnu ho given nt thin time. Hummer silks nre n dainty temptntion, variety, heniity nnd newness churncter Izlnc them, hut sh UHiinl most of the more promising won von nro hlKh-pilced. India TO COMK nnd Uhliia hIIUm nnd foulards make a pretty showing, and to Judge by tho few model dresses that employ them will bo much used for the more Inelahorato dresses. That dues not mean that they will he made up In milk-maid simplicity, hut that they will not ordinarily show the oxtremely highly wrought effects that yronilho to ehurnetcrlxe the newer weaves, A fair sample of the suggested uses of these fabrics was sketched for to-day's Initial. This was u dark (due Ii)dln silk dotted In white. Tho skirt was lintrimmed, and on tho bodice weio a vctft and collar of white silk, rovers of blnck velvet and streamers of white satin, (lilt braid supplied the belt. For suggestions of what will be douo In tho OUUKKNT way of claboratu treatment of silks, turn to tho next picture. Tho seated woman displays a Unlet mouxsclluc taffeta hand somely embroidered In nlher nud white, with belt of heliotrope piiuno velvet ami collar of Ivory point lacv. Above this is shown a white orgumly over pule, bluo I MiW m M MM iHff W ' inw T., . u wr mfjfA am mi ii v I VHVd ' JMfflr$Etafi .isSfrk mm wXm i Wkmm &J i liW ISWSw&wA Mf I l aH $MWlm 12l Wlm If If r l (Pi! vM iwlillBySr o;. irwk'iV I It III 11 Wri IJfclTi tvfj VT tD iV MaM$imfdjLiiwMVl I mmu1 wmmmKmsmL silk, in princess cut, with a stenciled cloth jacket thnt lent a fnlnt Empire sug gestion. An electric blue Inndsdowne Rllk was heavily npplhiucd with cream lnce for the next gown, bencnth whose Jnckct wns a blouse of electric bluo fou lard figured in white. Lust comes n dove gray pongee finished with Persian pniiue velvet nnd narrow black chlffou niching. While the display of such dresses docs not make mire that their ma torlnls will be confined exclusively to such elaborate schemes, It docs make rea sonably certnln thnt such stnndards will be permissible. Such permission coming nt n tlnio when the liking for elaborate ness Is so general as to relegate the sim ple tailor gown to a hnck seat, means much more than It would were simple no tions In greater favor. Oowns In use now by fashionables give a few faint hints of the rules to prevail when warm weather becomes settled. They mnku plain that the winter goes out with the liking for showlness having pretty free way. The pictured quartet rcmninliig mny be considered as evidence of this. 1'lrst Is a white broadcloth, with nu nil-over luce bodice, and with Alaskan sable, blnek velvet ribbon and gilt cord ing and embroidery for trimmings. Then comes n gown whoso tan cashmere skirt was lintrimmed, yet wns set off by tho knotted ends of a white chiffon belt. Tho jncket wns mink, with luce hIccvo puffs nnd sailor collar. An exclamation mark would belong with description of that combination wero It not so stylish. A combination of hunter's green velvet and putty colored ladles' cloth wns Hindu in the third of these dresses, the finish be ing stitching and silver soutache. 1'nlo gray crepon was appllqued with gray taf feta nnd sliver eordlng In tho lust of theso dresses, white lnce nnd white sntln embroidered with silver nnd crystu! bends furnishing further trimming. The fea tures of these dresses thnt will hold over nre, first, the richness and elaborateness that means costliness. This, more thnn nil else, seems likely to continue. Next, IjATKU. the embroideries, applications and the trick of sticking on several sorts of trim mings that appear In the llrst and four;h models have not yet had their full lifts Then If the princess features of the right bund uair do not continue, successors akin to them will do so. The fur Jacket, of course, is near Its Inst gusp, but its delicate lace over thick fur was so illus trative of current tcudcuclftt as to make It deserving of n picture. Time was when belts were made strong nud the credit of one's waist lino was usually trusted to that ladt. Now belts are longer than ever before, for they must dip deep, nnd there Is no strain on them. Strips of imllned leather tiro used, tho leather richly dyed and often em- HXAM1M.KS, broblered or bcorohed In Intricate design. These fasten under a buckle, or arc pinned by xomo quaint stick pin. Some time the real fastening is set on the mi ller side mid is of tho patent glove fast ener variety. Copyright, 1001. O. M, Hofsteater PHOTOGRAPHER i65 J-2 THIRD STREET v- Between Morrison an'if Yamhill rOBTXAND, OIIKSON. . S. C. LYLE Home Bakery Deiicatesmon 80 SIXTH STREET, Between Stark and Oak. Both ttiones Wedding and party cakes a specialty, floods delivered free to any purl of city. Hot and Cold I.nnchei. Lady cooks cmplojcd. Lunches carefully prepared for travelers and excursionists. I'OUTLANIl. OltKGON. ..UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.. $25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 Ornithological Contest' Something entirely now, and Interesting. Head what j ou are to do. You mayRetll.OOo. Our contest Is to i e who can make the unrest lilt of names lor klndO"' birds from the fol lowing list ol letters: TDOOOCCKQUL1APR TARIDGESPN1ELV EBRDIMVADOHTL We will reccgnlie as a bird anything belonx ng to tho feathered tribe, lietlicr It boa Hen, Urow.Hlnger, or any other kind, oucanuse inv letter as many times to make a name as It ..,.,.... ! it.r. l(.t nt letters abovei'lor In- stance Woodcocl,l'lover.8nonr Bird, etc. To any persons who ran make a list of ii or more different names of birds, wo will ghe absolute ly KIIKK ft beautiful l'rlie value l,uu or leas. BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. When you have made out your list till out the lino on the bottom ot Hill advertisement and send to us with a Stamped Addressed en- clone, stamp ol your country will do, then II you art awarded a prise you can If you desire let the prise by Ucomlnp a subscriber to Th Vomnn'J Wrll. r shall award a prise to every person who sends the name of i3 'Birds, and our gilts will bu as follows: Vor the best list, received each day, atJold Watch: for Iho second best solution each day beautllul Im ported Tea Hot: for the aen npxt best solu tions each day, a Konrs.li Saklh lilamoud and Itttby Ittnn-t tor the next best solution, a (loul ii., .i .1 iir nil cthei correct solutions. l'rlie. of (lood Value. Theso ITIscs will bo for warded dally, you will not havo to wall Mlong tlmolnuneerioliity betore you know tho re sult. Thero Is l o ('lenient of lottery In our plan. It makes no dlffcrenro whether we get jour solution late or early In the day. All you need Is o mall this Advertisement to us, and on the day It reaches us.lt your list Is the best, ond best the beautllul Tea Set. and so ou. Wo Itnarantfe that wo will award you apelie. There Is absolutely no opportunity lor decep tion on our prt-we cannot afford It. Wo want to get l,ooo.Uio well satlstlcd subscribers, and lor tnai reason wo ooir j i " monoy limit you know exactly what prise you hate sained by answering the puiles. Ai soon alter 4 p. m. each day as possible, the ex. amlntrs will Judge tlio lists to the best ol their ability, and will designate the prises. VJo will write to )onatonco notifying you what prlso has been awarded you, then II you art i Ma iled, you ran send your subscription to Th ll'oinnn's ll'nrW, and your prlio will go by re turn of mall carriage paid, To a person of narrow Ideas It seems Impossible that wa ahouldbeable to makosuch a glgantlo offer, but wo have tho tnotioy, bralnaand reputation, wo know exactly what wo are doing, and If we can legitimately gain a million subscrlborabr this grand Idea, wo know that this mllllou of well pleased subscribers can bo Induced to rec ommend The IKoMiUM'f H'orW to all Mot" f, theroby bnlldlng un our clrculatfon still further. We are willing to spend 5.0 In thlsrontrst In building up a big mbscrlptlon list, and when thle money Is spent we reserve, the rlnht to pupllsh a notification that tho contest has been discontinued. Uon't delay, Hntn 11 ) too late. Tlio contest will continue until July Ist.lWl. , , , , , . We give A Bonus Prise of 2i. Indcpend ent of all other, to tho person who sends In IbelistKolteu up In the best and handsomest manner, Our Committee will "cciou ana ward prises dally, bill llie pecus aipnw .Till be awanlcd In September, ml. Any blrd'a name found In thodlctlomirlcs accvpled. WHO WE AKt. onctnt. ut are knoun to do tiartlg a$ w odver- tMng Agtnl or builnrss mos iy ioation or Acts ivrt. .Vnuts.. Strut.., Tumi.., M-...MMM.....M....-MM ..Cbsairy. N. B.-Be careful and prepay your le m we do not receive underpaid letters. our letter So, Address: , THK WOMAN'S WOKID," Brentford, London, W., Kuglaud. SHERIFF'S SALE. i In the circuit court of tho etato of Oregon for tho county of Multnomah, L. L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carriu Joues. ot al., dofondnuts. By virtuo of an oxooutiou dulv is sued out ot and mulct' tho seal of tbo said circuit court, to wo diroctod and dated tho 3rd day of January, 1001, upon ft judgment duly rendered and en tered in said court and cause on the 92d day of January, 1803, in favor of J. O. A ins worth uud against Z. T. Wright, et al., therein, for tho sum of $254.85 with interest thereon at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 32d day of January, 1802, and tho further sum of $80,80 with interest thereon at the rate, of 8 per cent per annum from the 22d day of January, 1802, and tho further sum of $10 costs and disburse ments therein, I did on the 7th day ol January, 1001, duly lovy upon tho fol lowluc'desoribed real property situated lu tho county ot Multnomah, state ol Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 1 and 3 in blook 4 In Highland; also, lot 14 in block 13 in 1'aiadUe1 Spring Tract, and lot 8, in block 56 j in rortlumt (Jlty itomosteau, ana will in compliance with its commands on Monday, tho 18th day ot February, 1001. at tho hour of 10 o'colck A. M, at tho front door of tho couuty court liouse, in tho oily of Portland, said couuty uud state, sell the said real i property at public auction to tho high est biddor for cash to satisfy Bald judg ment with interest thereon as aforesaid aad the costs of aud upon said writ. Dated Portland, Orcgou, January 14, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Sheriff of Multnomah Couuty, Oregon. NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that in pur luanco of an order of the referee in bankruptcy for tho district court of the United States for the district Of Oregon, residing at Portland, Oregon, made on tho 20th day of January, 1001, in the matter of the estate of J. J. Morgan, in bankruptcy, in said court, the undersigned trustee of said estate will recoivo sealed bids and will sell to the hlghost .bidder, for oasb, all the accounts, notes and judgments, listed as nssots of said estate, at tho time of filing his said petition in bankruptcy, in said court. That all bids must bo delivered to me, or mailed .to me, in caro of Alox Sweek, referee in bank ruptcy, room 000, Chamber of Com morco building, Portland, Oregon, on or beloro 10 o'olook A. M., of the 13th day of February, 1001. Bids openod at tho oflko of said roforco. ' THOMAS CONNELL, Trustoo in llnnkruptcv of tho Estnto of J. J. Morgan. CHARLEY Now on Johnson Street, Opposite Union Depot. LURCHES POT UP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Itepalrlng and llccoverlng of Fine Umbrella aHpcclalty, 31? Washington Street. Three doors abovo Olds it King POHTLANU, OrtEQOrf, GROSS, WEITZEH ( LIPPMAN Manufacturers of I ? ti nn uinr nniTri E Separate Skirts and Waists The Best Made Goods on the Pacific Coast 314 First Ntreet, Oornnr Hutmnii, IM)UTr,ANI, OIIKOON. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM,., PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel, Red 2844. BAKER CITY .IRON WORKS. HIGGIHS ft HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural Iron Work ...mi Bridge Cistlies WRITE FOR ESTIMATES. THE NORTHWESTERN LI Klsht Tralm Dally between 81. Paul sad Chlcaco, comprUInf The Latest fulluian Sleepers. 1'eerUaa Dialog; Cars, Library and Obaerretlon Care, free Keollnlna; Vhalr Cars. TH .TWENTIETH CENTURY TKA1N "TIE NIIMWESTEM ' LIMITEI" Rum Erery Day of the Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHICAGO BY OAYMOHT. The DKlfier 6tate Ezprru. the flnet Oar Train Kunming lletueen Si. Paul and Chlcso Tie the Stort Una. Connections front the Wil wade Tie. Tkc Nsrlkera PacIGc, Great Northern and Caaadlan Pacific Railways ThU la alio tt.e bet line betneen Omaha, St Paul aud Minneapolis. All Agents tell Tickets Tla "The Northwest sru Line." W, II. MEAD, OeiMral A&reat. 14S A14r Street. Portlaad, Or. PIONEER CyANP SOAP AHDCHjy N POrtUAND.OWCCOW. y mill! WELLINGTON OYSTER HOU8K AND SALOON. Corner Sixth aud Alder 8tl. ClfAltLES 110RYLUND. Columbia Phone 63 Oregon I'liono North 431. rOUTLAND, Oregon. mllE OEM EATINU HOUSE MRS. PARKER, rroprlctreu Meali 25 cents . Table Board S1.0 169 Blxth Street, North. PORTLAND - OREGON T J.HAItTZ WALLPAPER Paints, Plcturo Frames and Room Moulding! Phone Hood &U. K8)FIrt8treet. Portland, Oregon TyilY SUFFERt o Matter How Long Standing Or how many remedies tried, the OIIKKK RHEUMATISM CUI1K Will cure you. Call, write or phone L.T. LEWIS, Agent, ISOJi StKth Street QNOW FLAKE SALOON O. PETERSON, Prop. Tho Choicest Tlrands of Wines, Llqnors and Cigars. PrUuie Rooms. 280 niirnsldo Stroctr Corner Fourth, PORTLAND, OREGON. . pILT EDGE SALOON . W. 11. MOON, Prop. Choicest Liquors and Cigars Htearrt and Lagur Ilccr. SOS Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. Phono South 231. pAClFIC LAUNDRY CO. Main Ofllcc-tOnnd 42 N. Ninth 8treet. Gcntlcmen'a Work a Specialty.. Orders Promptly Attended to. 1IOTII PHONES. PORTLAND, OREGON. i COOK Dealer In CHOICE WINE?, LIQUORS AND CIGARS No. 01 8. W. Cor. First aud Pino Sis WEST COAST OYSTER CO. Importers, Planters A Dealers-In .Eastern and Paoifio Coast Oysters. 142 10th 8t., Opposlto Exposition Dldir. Branch of Darbeo .tt Immcl O) ster Co., Union Bquaro Market. 8an Francl.cn, 'al. Orster llcds.San Francliru liar and O)slcrvlllc,'hoal' water Hay. Ongon Phono South 4M; t'olum bla Phono 618. r'ree Delivery, Blue Point Oyster House L. T. LEWIS. 130) f Sixth Street. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. All kinds of Liquid Refreshments: WELSH KAHK1IIT, ,t-r f Eastern and OfympU Oysters Served in Any Style. OHA OregoiiPMn Columbia I'lr OHAWTIMH 8AMDWICHEM. o Hood 311. toue -U7. Private Rooms. PIANOS Phono Hood 09 ORGANS THE FISHER MUSIC GO. ALL KtiCM or Sold on Easy Payments, with Freo Lessons. Old Instruments 'lalcn lu Exchange lor New Ones. Columbia aud Guitar Zithers, Music and Strings. Tuning aud Ittpalrlng. MUSIC BCOKS AND SHEET MUSIC 54 Sixth St., Cor. Pine, PORTLAND - '- OREGON ..IDE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded, Telephones Columbia 7JO, Oregon Red 18C4 " PrescNptkm - Druggists 67 North Third Street PORTLAND m m OREGON SPRANOER'S ARCADE 30, 3a, 34 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladies' and Gents Reading Room E. H. SPRAN(ER,,Prop. Oregon Phone'Maln 734.. Columbia Phone 754 Portland, Oregon. Ask Your Dealer For 1SIJ5. MARK. wmTtsmws RAILROAD TIME CARDS. wm i OREGON Shorj line mmi and union Pacific TIME -iCIIEDU LES lisrAsr ARalTS Peruana. r. Chicago Portland Special 9:IMJk. in. Tla Hunt' il.Ktoi.. Salt Mke, Denrer, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kansas City, St. I,onl, Chicago and Eant. 4'SOp.n. Atlantta Express 0:nui. m. via linut- lngtoit Salt Lake, Denver, 8:t0a.m. Ft. WortlMimana, Kanas City, St. Ixiuls.Cnlcngoand East. Pt. PkUl Fat Mall U.00 p. in. v a Spiikano Walla Walla lwl- 7;00 a. m. toti.Spnknne.Min ncapolls.Ht. Paul, Dnliith. Mllwan kec.UhlcaRo.kKait OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Kit Oil rOHTI.AND. SO p.m. All sailing dates subject to change For Han Franclnco ball every 6 days. 4:0ft-p.i Dally Kx. Sunday s:uu n.m. Saturday lu:uo p. in. Columbia River Iteamtrt. To Astoria and Way Ijiiidlugs. 4.00 p.m. Kx. Sunday AiUUa.m kx.suuday Willamette Hlsr. 4:nop.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New- Derg, enieni, nine iieuilenco A Way 1 jtmllnca. 7:00 a. m. Tucs. "llmr. and Sol. WMIaastts and Yam. S:S0p. m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. bill Klers. Oregon City, Day- ion, A nay i.ami. Ing. 6:00 a.m. lues.. Tluir, andSaU Mlllamttte Rlxr. 4:30 p.m. Mon., Wed. aud Frl. I'ortlmid to Corval. Us A ay i.aud. tng. Lr.Rlparla 3:Ma. ui. Dally (aake Hirer. Klparla lo Ixiwlston Lr.Lewlston Dally 9 a. m. V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent, SMHathlngtonbtieet. ' A. L. CRAIG, General Pnivnger ArciU, rortlaml, Or. T11IC Pioneer Dining-Car Line sxll K Yellowstone National Park Route TIMK OtllD-POllTLANI). Vie TsnAmsi Ifjtst t lis Olympla, Gray's Harbor aim nt uui ncnti poinia, HiLaiir. lwlsun,Mos. No. 12 lcs 1P. M. miw Pnllm.lt llr.n.n. No. 11 Arrives 7:00 A. M. vlllv, Mlsioula. Helena, liuiin, oi. i uui, inline. ainii, unicaco, iu- llilf.. . . '., . ....WMV.-I prim, rtew tors, nosion anu an puiuis van auu southeast. For Tacoina. Seattle. No. 4 Spokane, Unite, Ana romla. Illlllnca. Omaha. No. .1 7:30 P.M. 11:30 P. M, Kansas City, St. LnuU, ii'rnier anu an points 'anntli m 11 4 arnli t h atl svuim eM Puuiutstsiy Throrsh service. Dining cars. Pullman fin t -flMxa and uphclitered Tourist Sleepers, Unexcel cd accommodations. Daggnge checked to destination ol'llckets. For full Information, t'ekets, maps ot routes and other Information, call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pss.enger agent. 2A1 MoirUou St., cor. Third., Portland, Or. A. W. ALLEN Phone, Oregon Mmln 409. Omhimmtm 14. 16 th mm MmrmhmN St:, 23rd end Savlmr Stm., PORTLAND, OREBON. 44t4444444044J : uo you : Know the News ? Teu eaa have It all for Per fCArr pr o inuiitii vv iTiuiim lnThelveatasTelefrasa. el Portland, Oteae. It la ijs largest evening new MfSTyBMiAedlaOrkiieai it McSitu ei sate news et ike aula u4 of tM na T tfoa. Trr it tar a nonth. A X e49ywUIh4j ssaUed W yea free. TI drees THE TELEGRAM, Portland, QrcfM. ttttUtt?ttlttt y, sllBs fisBllBIIIIIIV "SsatBisb!: v - -4 T '"?'' M" ' plrTtV AP n .! & . 9lBaaaaaaaaw,aHEHl