- cm THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OITEGON. TOPICS OF ) TUB TIMES. This proposed mining of (ho Mnlno linn n double IntcrcHt. It Ih a I ho at tlio bottom of tliu late Aiiicrlcnn-Hpanlsli war. There vnn n duel the other dny near I'hocnlx, Ariz. The ParlH fnsliloiw do not prevail In that suction. A man was killed. I'rlnco Henry In wild to be the home liest man In Europe, but candidates for IKMtniuBterHhlpx do not toll Queen Wll liclmlnu bo. Tho nnthor of "The .Man with the IIoo" might bring hlniHolf up to date by writing a few warm versus on "Tho Woman with tho Ax." If It's true that unoaHy lien tho head that wenra n crown, about tho only remlnlBcoiieo of the old racing days Klng Kilwnnl may have Ih an occa- nlonal nightmare. According to a Now York newBpaper, Nikola Tenia Ih "preparing" to tele graph ncruiw tho ocean by tho wlrelcHM inetJiod. Yep. Preparing, rreiiatlng Is Nik's long suit. Somo of tlioHo dayH a mnddencd woman with a hatchet will mako things Interesting for tho grocer who coverH the sidewalk In front of bin tore with bin goodH. In WllkoHbarre, l'n., a man thrashed his wife expecting hIhi would bring action for divorce, but hIiu merely had him arrested for assault, 'flip man him not, been born who can llguro'oul In ad vance Just what a woman will do. Twenty cadets were found deficient nt tho recent West 1'olnt examinations, niitl were discharged. Every one of them failed In mathematics. Thero may bo consolation to tho young men In tho fact that In Greater West Point, othcrwiKo known as the world at large, many reputable and useful citizens aro poor mathematicians. , AH classes of people nowadays recognize- the value of advertising. A pub lic Institution In an Eastern city re cently had a number of unclaimed lm bleH to dispose of, 1'ubllclty soon brought over a hundred applicants for the little strangers. A minister In Ohio has Increased tho attcudiiuco at his church by means of largo display ads. He pays the regular rates, too, and takes caro to get top of column and next to reading matter. lie Is his owii nd. writer, and gets up his nils, in a bright, nttractlvb manner. Vorlly, tho methods of commercialism are spread ing to all walks of llfo. Tho peanut seems to bo playing tho part of "clvlllzer" In somo of tho for eign possessions In tropical Africa. Traders glvo a negro a bushel of nuts for seed on condition that ho returns four bushels from his crop, and slnco the yield In good years Is twcutyfold, tho black man generally has a surplus which he can sell at the rate of a shill ing a bushel. From a single station In Kciicgamhla there were shipped, In 181)8, twenty-nine thousand tons. Small ltoys ami scientists have long lxHu in agreement touching tho value of tho peanut; now statesmen iiImi will have to do It honor, since It seems like ly to lead tho native African Into tho paths of agriculture. Ouo does not need to bo a lawyer In order to realize tho force of (Jen. Man demon's address before tho American Unr Association, rospectlpg the neces slty of uniform divorce laws. No two States exactly agree In statutory treat ment of tho subject. What Is cause for divorce In one State Is not cause In an other. Tho result In that the legltl. maey of children Is culled In question, real estate titles are clouded and many other Injustices and annoyances con tinually arise which could bo wholly avoided by uniformity of divorce laws lu till the States. Nor Is there any se rious obstacle In tho way of attaining Htich uniformity. A Joint convention of representative lawyers front the va rious Stales would agree iion a de sirable statute and tho various Legis latures would undoubtedly enact tho ueovMsary legislation, Any Governor who should take the Initiative In the matter might depend upon meeting with n friendly response from his fel low executives. And oven If thero should bo a few dissenters a largo ma jority of tho Stutes would reach an agreement which would greatly Itn prove tho situation. It Is unfortunate that there sliuulit be any necessity at all for divorce. Tho severing of tho uiurrlHge tie Is perhaps the most seri ous act with which tho civil law con. rem Itself. Hut If we aro to have ill-vorevs-nnd thero Ib small hopo that wo can abolish theiu-lt Is at least advisa ble that tho laws governing tlieui should be tho same throughout tho na tion. It Is tho part of wisdom to mini mize a bad business. The States should get together and reform the divorce laws. 1'erhaps If they were to do that they would see tho advisability for uni form legislation In many other matters respecting which thero Is a great and most undesirable divergence of sta tutes, Mont jiooiilu who aro not In kooiI health Know In a t;enoral way what nils (liom; home of tlicin know wliut Mini of food they oiiBht to eat lu onler o overcome their bodily Intlriultles and p'l'veut a recurrence of them, Itui neo l'lo who huvu 1,'ood heultli usually con- sldcr only" their taste or their pocket book when they ordera meal, An ex periment which otto of the Hoston ho tels is making shows' that others be sides Invalids are beginning to under stand that It Is Important to have tho right sort of food as well ns. to have It properly cooked. Tho cafe of this ho tel provides not only it bill of fare, but a diet list made out by a physician and intended as a guide to the p.ittous of the house. It prescribes tho food best suited to various physical condi tions. To tho fat man it offers a va riety of dishes that tickle his palate, and at the same time check his ten dency to grow fatter. Tho thin and anemic can procure the things which mako blood and tissue and build up an enfeebled system. The new way of looking at tho food question puts health llrst and preference afterward. It con siders tho needs of the Individual, and makes practical application of the old saying that "one man's meat is another man's poison," It tries to make the diet like n well-stocked wardrobe, of fering plenty of variety, yet designed for and lltted to tho person fur whom It Is Intended. I, line Ih n charming color, but the red-haired girl does not need it to enhance her peculiar charms. Sir loin steak Is a toothsome and desirable thing, but melons and coarse bread may bo better for'thc full-blooded man who has a tendency to rheumatism. How one can lit Ills diet to his own needs Is a matter which the physician can best decide. It Is certainly easier to preserve heath by the use of proper fooil than to regain it by taking medi cine; and the prescription III led In a restaurant is plcasauter to take than one compounded by the druggist. Tho presence of hundreds of young sters of all ages wearing glasses lu our public school should have admonished the school authorities long ago that present school methods or practices aro largely responsible for tho Impairment of tho eyesight of children. In many In stances It Ih noted that before a child him passed through the primary grades It Is found necessary to embellish Its face with n pair of rpectacles. While tho present tendency to cover with glasses the face of childhood may he partly ascribed to tho modern Industry and persistence of eye specialists, It Is nevertheless a fact that In the largo percentage of cases thero Is positive Im pairment of vision ami the glasses aro Indispensable to study and to good health. There Ih no longer any disposi tion to challenge tho statement that visual defects have a posltlvoiiuddlrcct effect upon tho nervous organization, Interfering with digestion or heart ac tion or causing headaches and mental depression. An Investigation of tho eye sight, or visual acuity, of children lu tho public schools of ouo city, has re sulted recently In somo Important dis closures, among them being tho fact that 3- per cent of tho boys thus far ex amined have loss tl'iau two-thirds of tho normal keenness! of sight, while 117 per cent of tho girls fall below two thirds of uormalN It Is also ascertained that tho llrst three years of school llfo Increase eyo defects one-third. Tho marked Increase In tho visual defects lu tho first three years of school life Ih attributed to tho greater concentration of tho powers nf vision In tho effort to learn to read. In older persons, where u cursory glance at a fow letters lu a lino of reading reveals tho meaning, the ef fort to read Is not attended with much eyo strain, provided tho type Is of good slzo. In children however, the eyo must tulip In tho form of every letter In evory word. Increased eyo defects In the lower grades aro also duo to tho fact that tho primary rooms aro Invariably tho poorest lighted. When It Is known that eyo strain has n deleterious effect upon tho general health and that eyo defects aro uniformly accompanied by decline In mental power, amounting In many Instances to dullness, It Is easy to Justify overy movement on tho part of tho board, no matter what tho ex pense, to remedy theso defects and to remove ns far as posslblo tho causes of visual Impairment among school chil dren. Tho rooms should bo bettor light ed and no text books should bo allowed In tho schools that tiro not printed In largo typo. Courteil ftir Twonty-ono Yenrn. Twenty-iino yearn iiro Dr. William II. Kck of I'ottatown. l'a fell lu love with Mlsa A mm Itliomls of the Mime town. He lias been courting her assidu ously ever since. Ten years ajro Dr. Kck built a bit; stouu mansion on a hill overlooking 1'otUtown, and the goxalini mado up their minds that the Ioiik courtship was Mil. W, II, fcCK. alKiut to come t oau etui. It was taken for grunted that Dr. Kck and Miss Ithoads were to bo married tit last. Hut they were mistaken. The great Htouo house was never furnished or occupied. Gradually the grass grew tall and rank on the lawn, the bats and owls Invaded the empty mansion, and tho gate and fences fell Into ruin. Kverylxxly called It "Kck's Folly." Still the old physician kept up his regular calls ou Miss Ithoads, and sho revolved him with ns much favor ns over. Ftual ly tho whole community nettled down to the belief that they would always remain single, Then It was the doc tor's turn to get up a little surprise ou his own account. Ouo evening last week he and Mtw Ithoads were quiet ly married and moved Into thu big house on tUo hill, A force of painters and decorators was put to work nnd now "Kck's Folly" has become "Kck's Delight." 801110 tni'ii tiro unable to boo through u inlll-stono after they liavo been shown tho hole. is OF p ALSTON CO. Sealers In Furniture, Carpets, Wall Taper and Shades. ' Uudsrttkliig a ood i. LA ORANDE, OR. J. W. WISDOM & CU. Druggists and Apothecaries. Preicrlptloni carefully compounded. Artlclei. Toilet Main Street, BAKER CITY, OR. "iy PATTERSON Proprietor of THR EXCHANGE SALOON Me Agent for "Old Barboe." Woodford County, Ky., Whiskey, RAKER CITY, OREGON. w ATERMAN Si ECIIM1TZ Wholeialo and Retail Dealeri In WINES, LIQUORS AND CIQAR? BAKER CITY. OR. T.a TAYLOR THE "HARDWARK MAlf." Hardware rdwar. Stores, Tin and Copperware. Lime, Plaiter, Cement, Coal, Iron and oicci auu jiyurauno ripe. T31 Main Street. PENDLETON, OR. QTAR BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of tho Famous HOP GOLD BEER VANCOUVER, WA8II. vy B. BOWMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTIST Vlowi of All Description Specialty, Kodak Developing and Finishing . Main St., Near Bridge, PENDLETON, OREQON. pOTTAaE CHOP HOUSE It. C. COTNER, Prop. Open at all hours day or night. Tho hest raeall served In LaUrando lor the price. Remember tho location East Side ot Depot Street LA GRANDE, - OREGON. Commercial Livery Stable ! Opposite Hotel PendMoi PENDLETON; OREGON ...TELEPHONE NO. 10... Finest turnouts ot all kinds In Pendleton Geutlo single, drivers tor ladles Hood, competent drivers always on hand Boarding horses given tho best ot care. G. M. FROOflE. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that b kept In a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drugt.JM. A. C, K0EPPEN & BR0 Manufacturing Chemists. 116 Oonrt St., PENDLETON, 0B. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MKLLQUIUT, Prop. BEST BRANDS OF WINKS AND LiqUOKD i?oPfmoDAN,,, ClUARS.... . Corner Depot Street and JeSersou Aenuc, LA GRANDE, OR. Hotel Pendleton.. PENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORQEON. A. NEUBERGER DXALXK IM Fine Whiskies ind -Cigars tjtadouartm fes? Mala aad CmubbwcUI Wsim LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS EASTERN OREGON. lAKIROTY QMGON LeoH Business fin ol me Dnlles fTtWK CELEDRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY J. AUGU8T BUCHLeR, Prop. Thin well-known brewery Is now turning out tho bout Deer anil Porter east o( the Cnncndei. The Intvat appliance for the mamifiicturo of good healthful Beer have been Introduced, nnd only tho first-class article will be placed on the market. East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. MAYS & CROWE Whoteaale & Retail Dealers In HARDWARE. STOYES AND TINWARE . Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacjcsmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OB. General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant OIIlce and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handling our specialty. Grain bought and told. When in The Dalles ,.CALL AT.. the BANK CAFE Next Door to tho First National Dank. The Only First-Clan Placo ft) tho City. Choice Liquors, Vines and Cigars O. J. STUBUNQ, Prop. The Regulator Line. The Dilles, Portland S Astoria NAVIGATION CO. .THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood Rivet and all Points on the 'Washington side. Trie steamers Dalits City and Regulator leavt 'or Hand arary morning (except Sunday) at 7 nd The Dalles at! a.m., arriving at destlna (on In ample tlsne (or outgoing trains. Freight Rates Greatly Rtducoa. W. C. ALLAWAY. O.n. Agt., foot ol Court Street, The DalUs, Or WASHINGTON HOTEL N. P. J. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Board by tho Week, 15.00. Meals, 13 cents. Rooms by the Week,l.U0andup, Tronslents solicited. BAR IN CONNECTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. ,'Phone, Clay 653. PORTLAND, OR. GO TO' SPANISH ORIGINAL TAIALE RESTAURANT 266 Dull Sired, Bet. Third ind Fourtb For tkt Best Meal (or the PrlM sin the city. Quiet and Clean. Cooking by Noted Chats. H. . THOMPSON Fire Insurance Real Estate Loans,.. Rents... 264 STARK STREET X. Munson. B. Munson. THE ANHEUPER llLBCrt-FIne lunch every day; Beit Lifer ofl earth. Fine winca, 11a ,uors and cigars. 334 Morrison St.", cor. Second, Portland, Or. T HE POPULAR 125 First Street, Bet. Wellington and Alder Phone Oregon Red til Phone Columbians JOHN ECU LUND, Proprietor, 1'urtlnnu, Or. w ILLIAM RUSSELL MACKENZIE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PORTLAND, OREGON T E. HABELTINE & CO. Importer! and Dealers In IRON STKKL AND COAL BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Carriage !c Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumber 49 A 51 Second St. TORTLAND, OREGON. u. 8. CLEAN1N0 AND PRESSING CO. Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and-Repaired. Your Clothe Sponged and Pressed for 1 per per mouth. Called (or and delivered Phone Clay 008. 451 Washington St roe Bctwcen,Twcltth and North Thirteen PORTLAND, OREGON. A INDAIIL SIGNS Japanning. Tin Decorating 270' Alder Street ' PORTLAND, OREGON. H OME BAKERY AND DELICATE ESSEN D. B. LEAMINO, Prop. A Full Line ot Fruits, Candles and N.uts Always on Hand. Newly Opened at 207 Third Street. Remember tho place Onposlto the . Ta lor Street Church. ' pONIlAD L. IIOSKA FUNKIUL DMKCTOIt COUNTY COUONEK Corner Ninth and Railroad Street TACOMA. WAB1I. A llLINOTON CHCAMKIlY N. J. niTTKIt, Prop. Wholsalce and itete.lt Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CIIKE3E DUTTER AND Ed 08 207 Durnsldo Street PORTLAND OREQON. B" ,AZIEH BROS. Club Rooms Becond Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Hall Oregon Phone Grant 71 213 Uurnslde St. TORTLAND OREOON. QTANDARD FI8H COMPANY 1C9 North Sixth Street WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Also Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco. Fruits and Lunches (or Tourists. REED BROS., Props. F OR FAIR DEALINO PATRONIZE O. I. a PLUMMER. Drugi, Medicine and Chemicals, Toilet Artlclei, Trusses, Palms, Oils, Ulasi, Etc......... a E. Corner Third and Madison 8treets. TVAY & HENDER80N All Kinds o( FORNITURE , ' Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Pboue Black 47. Cor. V lllamette and 7th Sts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. rjRIFFIN HARDWARE CO. , . Wholesale and Retail Hardware, 6TOVE3 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON PORTLAND ROLL1NO MILLS Mannfacturers ot PIO IRON AND BTEKL. E. AYER, Manager, 22nd and Nlcolal Streets. T17ILLIAM8, WOOD A LINTHICUM, Geo. II. Williams. C. E. 8. Wood, L. B. Lln thlcutn, J, C. Flanders, Attorneys-at.Law. Chamber ot Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon "DKLDINO BROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watehri, Jewelry, 81lTerwartj Spectacles, Etc. BXPAIRINQ A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARtUNlKD. V 43 Third St. Bet. Pine and Ash. Old Gold and Bllrer Bought Portland, Or. PORTLAND CLUB AND CAFX ISO Fifth Street Out BpeclsJtles: II Monogram and III Crrna Noble Whiskies. '"" A RZSORT FOR GENTLEMEN. Oregon Phons, Main 908; Columbia Phone, 47 rOIIN KKLI.Y e ."J".! I.,u"?cf,-f ntt " BI Marine. Scottish union A National lm. r.r trinw.. and London; Western F. and M. Assuranca Co- i, LONG- , 15 NORTH FIFTH ST. ' Fine wlnca, llquori and cigars. GIto us ft calL TTKNllY njKWKTT CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 88 and 27 bhcrlock Building, Corner Third and Oak 8treot!. Portland - Oregon. m A. WOOD. liEAL ESTATE AND PENSION ATTORNEY.' Room 10, Odd Fellow.' MMnfc -TU1RBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. ' Fairbanks, Mono fc Company, Flnt and 8tark Streets. Portland, Oregon, TileplionoSI. pAXTON, ItKAOH & SIMON , Altorncys-at-Law. 610 Chamber ot Commerce, Portland w v. Oregon.') F. W. ARI83 F. W. ARIS3 & CO, Wholesalo Brokerage and Commission No. C3 Front Street. Columbia 'Phone 219 Portland, Or.- L. KAYSER Dealer In ' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 261 Third Street, Near Madison, , Oregon Phone Hood 384. PORTLAND, OREOON mHK IMPERIAL 8ALOON , Liquors and High Grado Cigars. J. B. HILDEBURN, Prop. Phone Main 243. Corner Cass and Sheridan St ROSEBURO, OREQON. K T J. KADDERLY, ' DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stovei, Ranges, Tin. Copper and Grnnlto Iron-Ware, Crockery, (ilasswaro and Homo Furnishing Goods. Jobbing promptly at tended to, 14I-11J First St., cor. Alder. Odd Fellows' Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Matix, Proprietor. ...Hlgntst Prlco raid (or Old Gold and 8Uver... No. 74 Third Street, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. l Loans money on all kinds ot security. Unre deemed pledges sold (or amount loaned. J. B. WILD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In . WINES AND LIQUORS . 182 Third Street, Opposite Masonlo Tempi. j Portland, Oregon, 1 : PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers ot ;' BAR IRON AND STEEL. ; N. E. AYER,' Mana'ger. Twenty-Eecond and Nlcolal Street. M EYER A SCHILLINQ FINE WINES AND ' LIQUORS. LA GRANDE, OREQON. H ERBERT A. nALE. Mt. Hood. Columbia Rlyer and .Northwest Vlem. Portrait!, Water trade. Colors, Crayons, tor tho Klectrlo Light and Bromide Enlargements. 132Thlrd Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, OREj y O. NOON BAd CO. MannUctnrers and Importer of BAGS, TWINES. TENTH AND AWNIN08, F LA08 AND MINING HOSE. Bsggln rglng Material. Canras, Sail Making In Itsllranches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc. all 82-34 N. First St. and 310-212-214-218 Couch St.. PORTLAND, OR. r MURPHY A CO. WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Welnhard'S Beer on Draught, Bas Ale. Oulo neis' Porter. Val Illats Milwaukee Beer and the Celebrated J. H. Cutter Whiskey tor Family Use, 43 Third St , Bet Couch and Darls. - Goods Delivered Free, PORTLAND, OR. pHOTO STUDIO 2K First Street, Bet. Salmon and Main, PORTLAND, OREGON Photographs taken jsny also or style: also rtioto Buttons made (rom life or any picture. put door Tiewlnjr done, also finishing Kodak's tor amateurs. Instructions In Photography. v-upj nig ana enlarging, K. KRAFT, Artist mUE OREGON LIVERY, yKKD, BOARDING- ANP BALE 8TABLE8, Columbia Phone 687. Oregoh Pbone Hood Ml IMBRIE & IUBRIE, Props. Special attention glren to boarder. Oar car riages meet all trains, Cor. Sixth and Couch btreets, Portland, Oregon. H AYES 4 SHORT ARTI8TIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. New Btudlo 1 t Seventh and Washington Streets, Over Dresser's New Orocery. WK PAY GOOD WAGES To Good People) For Good Work STAR LAUNDRY CO, . T ARSON . No- QUm wTVr4r V(H -igBI (49, JMMmS - .Ajflsss. &. W ww,w J .m..m .M, VW4WHW1WI ajllf.