X k, V THE jsBW AGKE, POBTLA.ND, OREGON. !-. U i 1 GOWNS tfOH EVENING. THIS SEASON HAS BEEN FOR THEM. EASY Great Latitude Allowed In Cut and FJnl-h Many Pretty Idena for Bite vcn -Two 1'rlticess Drcsec that Are Very Pretty Notes on the Mode. New York correspondence: UIjHS for ovenlnjr 1 gowns hnvo been piwy cm I winter; that Ih, In nearly every pnrtlculnr of tlielr cut nin! flnlflh n wide flvlil of choice linn been left to the individual. HloeveH hnvo been luilMuiigth, short or long. The mom pop nlnr bIppvo Ih n triiiiHpnrent hnlf Hlcevu. The Hhort Hleevo tuny bo u close cup, n Htrnp or n uioilillciition of tin- olibfiiMliloned bnby puff. Home viirlntlon of the enp bIcovc, trnnxpuretit n ml llttliiK clone over tliu Hhouliler, Ih ninth favored, (Hows meot the hIpuw, wherever that may be, though elbow rIowm need not bo worn with Hhort hIpowh when the arm Ih very pretty. A few fanciful compromise! nru shown In hIpowh, nH n lattice work of rib bon or of In co stropping, making a "long" UNI) 01-' TIIH HKAHON bIccvo, or a full elbow sleeve of traUMpar ent material silt on tho Inner side of the arm, ho that tho "sleeve" Is rather u drap ery than a covering. Except for very formal wear the cut out Is not very low, A yoke, cut out to low Cecilia effect, UiiInIiph under a tint scrolling of lace, and Hofu crepu Is drawn In tiny pleats from under tho lace to tho belt. The gown funlcim under the arm and over tho Hhuiilder, A finish of Hat laco scrolled elaborately makes an urtU tic edge to (he Hiilnt Cecilia neck. Often princess effect Ih secured by moatiH of an orerdtesH of laco or other transparency. Two such gowns appear In tho lUTOuipntiylug Illustration. Tho first was cream all-over laco over pulu blue taffeta, Hprays of pale pluk velvet roses increased ItH look of richness. The other princess overdress was knife pleat ed black chiffon over white taffeta, with olnbornto trimming of laco and silver se quins. Tho bolero appears In evening towns, of course, In many counting as a haudtfomc addition. Tho little Jacket of the gown sketched for today's Initial was very pretty, though the most Milking fea ture of this drvhs was Its odd sleeve. They reflected the general tendency of sleeves- for with all their variety sleeve how a general tendency which Is to widen below the elbow, White silk crepe, white luce touched with gilt and narrow stvv - ifi m NO V K I. IN CUT AND -'NlSll. "ST 'jt',v black velvet ribbon wcrp ItH material!. Of the two other examples sketched tlu first wn pluk moucselinu taffeta appli qued with red silk roses and foliage. A band of heavy white guipure showed on the bodice and gave the sleeves. The oth er gown was white silk muslin, finished witli rufllcH of the goods, with tucking and with embioldery III gilt thread. Ilotli were for very formal use, to which the cut-out of limited round Is not deemed siilllclent. In respect to their elaborateness, nfter noon reception dresses nro almost the equals of evening gowns, and iiultu outdo the average dancing get-up. Their em broideries are wondrous, and there Is a teudency to force loud colors. Still, black Is much used, nnd because It can be al tered readily Is an economical choice. Princess slips of black laco set over chif fon or silk undersllpH are nlways pretty. The effort at tight fitting bodices has suc ceeded, yet the front of the reception gowns may be a little loose or on the straight order. Yoko nnd sleeves to match of transparent material are as popular as ever for reception gowns, the yoko often Btartllngly deep. Tho under sleovo Is here in all Its glory. For It nro tho choicest lace and the most delicate embroidery. Often yoke and undersleevo match. The half-sleeved bolero over nn tiuderbodlce allows for all sorts of elab oration In sleoves. Half-sleeves are more worn than long sleovcH. The close strap cuff that finishes most sleeves Is often Jeweled, nnd sometimes n band of gold braid slipped through n buckle Is used, In which caso the edge of the sleevo up pears In rullle finish below tho bracelet. To such an extreme of fanclfulness do many of these gowns go that the four ox- KVKXINO WKAlt. amples grouped hero by tho artist arc not a whit above the average of elaborate iichh demanded by fathlouables. llrlef descriptions will show, however, Unit sim plicity had no place In them. First U a pale gray cashmere, with skirt panels of lillick velvet appllqued with cream lace, and with rovers, collar and cuffs finished with white satin embroidered In silver. Next comes an ecru cloth finished with tucking and white stitching, and with front and ituderHleeves of very delicate white all-over embroidery. The third pic tured gown was lavender ulhatross, gilt braid, applique of lolet silk and a helio trope velvet belt being other Oct nils. Last Is a biscuit broadcloth embroidered In green and white. All brand new notions of cut and finish are doubly welcomed for such gowns, and they rarely have been showier than throughout this hciinou. A dainty trimming for both evening and reception gowns consists of wreaths of chiffon flowers. Those are made either flat or petaleJ, and are laid about tho cut-out or the edge of the yoke, and oftou are applied on tho skirt. In black they are swagger on gown of any shade. Copyright. 1001. Most economical in the party line Is tho lowly dress of whltd Swiss or organ Ole, which will ero equally well for OrvsD-up lu summer. w ".ann 'iMBn'iiuM SHEHlFFa HALE. In the ciroult court of the Stat of Oregon for the county of Multnotnak. Portland Trust Company, of Oregon, plaintiff, va J. 0, Ilnvoly and Anna Ilavoly, defendants. By virtuoof an oxecntion duly Issued out of nnd undor tho seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to mo duly directed and dated tho 17th day of January, 1001, upon a judgment rondered and enterod in said court on tho 18th day of Juno, 1000, in favor of Portland Trust Company of Oregon, plaintiff, and against J. O. ilavely and Anna Havoly, defendants, for tne sum of $4,437,83 with interest thereon at tho rato of 10 por cent per annum from tho 'J8th day of December, 1000, and also tho costs of and upon this writ, I did on tho 10th day of January, 1001, duly lovy upon the fol lowing doacribod real property, to-wit: An undivided one-third interest in and to tho following dosoribod real prop, erty: Ail of lot soven (7) in block sixteen (10) in tho city of East Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon. All of lots ouo (1), two (2), throe (U), four (4), flvo (5), six (0), seven (7), eight (8) and "D," in block throe (8), in Drookland Holghts, nn addition to Fast Portland (now' Portland), Multuq mah county, Oregon. All that part of tho south ono-third (13) of tho following doacribod parcel of land: ilogiuning at a point which is thirty-two (82) chains and sixty eight (08) links south and twenty. -two (28) chains and sixtoon (10) links west of tho quarter sootion post of sec tions two (2) and eleven (11) town ship ono(l) south, range ono(l)east, of Willamette meridian and running thenoo east soven (7) chains; thence south threo (8) chains and nlaoty (00) links; thence west throo (8) chains and eighty (80) links; thonco south two (2) chains and ninety (00) links; thence north olghty-uluo (80) degrees and fifty (60) miuutos west throe (8) chains and twouty (20) link; thonce north five (5) chains and sevouty (70) links to tho placo of beginning, con talnlug 3.01 acres of laud, moro or less, in Multnomah county, Orogon. All of tho north thirty-sown (87) feet of lot olght (8), block Rovouty-aix (70) Htophons' ndditiou to tho city of East Portland, in tho city of Portland, Multnmah county, Oregon. Now, Thoroforo, by virtuo of said ex eoutlon, I will on Monday, tho 20th day of February, 1001, at tho hour of 10 o'clcok, A. M.i at tho front door of tho county court house, in the olty of Portland, said county and Htato, sell at public auction, subject to ledomption, to tho highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all tho right, title ami lntoroit which the within named defendants or cither of them had on the dato of the judgment horoin (the 18th day of Juno, 1000) or since hal, in and to the ulmo dosorlbed real nron- erty or any part thereof, to satisfy sijld execution, iuterost, costs and all acc.ni- CtU 20l lng costs. Dated Portland, Orogon, January 1001. WILLIAM FKAZIKIt, Sheriff of Multnomah County Oregon, SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho circuit court of tho state of Oregon for tho county of Multnomah. L. I. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Currlo Jones, tt nl., defendants. ily virtuo of an oxooutlou duly is suod out of anil under tho sonl of tho said oirouit court to nio duly dlroctod and dated tho llnl day of January, 1001, upon jiulgmout duly roudurod and outorud in said court and causo ou tho -'I'd day of January, 1803, in favor of said L. L. Hawkins and against Z. T. Wright, ot nl., theroiu, lor tho sum of $0,102.80, with iuterost thoroou at the rato of 10 per ceut per annum from tho 23d day of January, 1803, uud tho further sum of 550.a6, with iuterost thoroou at the rato of 8 per cent per unuum from the 23d day of January, 1802. uud tho further sum of $1811.75 costs nnd disbursements , thoreln, which judgment has boon heretofore duly sold, aailgued and transferred to tho Ainsworth National Dank ot Portland, Orogon, and upon which jiulgmout thoro has boon paid aud credited certain amounts so that thoro remained duo uud unpaid thereon on tho 14th day of March, 1000, tho sum of $U82.8l. 1 did ou tho 7th day ot Jauuaiy, 1001, duly levy upon tho following dosoribod real proporty situ ated in tho county of Multnomah, stato ot Oregon, to-wit. Lots 1 ami 3 iu block 4 in Highland; also lot 14 iu block 13 iu Paradise Spring traot, aud lot 8 in blook 50 in Portlund City Homestoud, aud will in oompliuuco with its commands on Monday, the 18th day ol February, 1001, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the county conn homo, in the city of Portland, said county and statu, soil the said real proporty at publio auotiou to the high est bidder for cash to Batisfy the bal auce due on sail judgment, to-wit: 1382.34 with interest thereon at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 14th day of March, 1000, aud tho cost! ol and upon said writ. Dated Portland, Oregon, January 14, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZIER. Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon, L. W. OARKAH AN. Trasldsnt. u. 11. tlAHDNElt, Vice 1're.ldeat. W. W, TKUHV, Troasurer. Portland Implement Co; JOHN DEERE PLOW8, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. 2!5L. O. M, Hofsteater PHOTOGRAPHER 165 i-2 THIRD STREET Between Morrison and Yamhill rOUTXAND, OltEGON. S. C. LYLE Home Bakery Delicatessen 80 SIXTH STREET, Between stark and Otic. Both Phones Weddlnir and party cakes a specialty. Ooods delivered freo to any lint mill rinlit I.nnchea. . part of city. Lady cooks employed. I.unchci carefully prepared lor traveler aim cxcuriumia. I'OllTI.ANU. ortitaoN. ' ..UNDEH NEW MANAGEMENT.. $25,000 OUR GRAND $28,000 Ornithological Contest Something- entirely now and Interesting. Head what you are to do. You may set ,11,000. Our contest fa to sib who can make tho largest list of namci lor kind.) of hlrdi from the fol lowing list of letters: WDOOOCCKQUL1APR T ARIDGESP N1EL V EBRDIM W ADOHT L We will rocosnlio ai blid anything belong ing to the feathered trlbo, v hether It bo a Hen, Crow, Singer, or any other kind. ou can uie any letter ai many time, to make a name as It appear In the list of letters above: for In itanco WoodcocV, Plover. Snow Bird, etc To any persons who ran make a Hat of 2i or moro different namci of blrdi.we wlllgljeauiolute ly KKKE a beautiful Prim value I1.W0 or less. BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. When you have made out your list All out the lino on tho bottom of this advortUcment and tend to ui with a (Stamped Addressed en volope, stamp of your country will do, then If you are awarded a prlio you can If you dcslro got tho prlie by Incoming a subscriber to Th: Woman't World. We hnU award a prlic to every perion who icndi the name of 24 lllrd, and our gift will bo a follows: Jor the best Hit, received each day, aOold Watch) for tho econd bot solution ouch day a beautiful Im ported Tea flotj for tlio socn next beit solu tion! each day, a Konrah 8aUlh Diamond and Itttby lllngl for tho next boil solution, adold I'lecol aid for all other correot so utloni, Prise of (had Value, 'liu-so I'rlics will bo for warded dally, you will not have to wall a (long tlmo In uncertainty before you know thu ro suit. Thero Is to -lenient of lottery In our plan, It make no dlfferenro whether wo get your solution laloor'early in thu day. All you need I to malt thla Advertisement lout. and on tho day It reache us. If your Hat Is the i best, you ahull h tlm Hold Wtpli or It sec ond best tho beautiful Tea Set. and so on. Wo ?uaranteo that w win awaru juu iiruv. henttsabiolutcly no opportunity for decep tion on our part-we cannot afford It. We want to get l,0O0.Uw well satisfied iiibicrlbers, and for that reaaon we don't want you to tend any money until you know Micui-mi ino juu nave gaincu vj ninriius r nuiile. A toon after 4 p. m. each day as posalble, Uioex amln-r will ulna tlm liiii to the belt of tbelr u.ii.iA vmiiinnM nntlfrlnr you what tirlio .lillltr. anil will des mate ino prucs. no win ha been awarded you, then II you are salt, fled, you can solid your subscription to Tht iromnn'i H'orW, and your prUe will go by re turn of mall carrlago paid. To a person of n.p,ni lilaal It oin lmDOSllblO lhat WO should be able to mako such a glgantlo offer, but wo have the money, brains awl reputation, we know exactly what wo are doing, and If wo can legitimately gain a million subscribers by this grand Idea, we know that this ml llou of well plcaied lubicrlbcrican bo Induced to rec ommend 7V ll'oman's H'orW to all friend;, thereby building un our circulation it II further. Wo aro willing to spend tU.m In this contest In building up a big subscription list, and when ttilvineney la spent wo re-erre tho right to pupllili a notification that the contrit hai been dlicontlnued. Don't delay until It li too late. Tho contest will continue until July lit, 1WI. , , , , Wo glvo A Iionui I'rlxeof 2M). Independ ent of all others, to tho perion who sends In the Hit gotten up In thobeit and handsomest manner. Our Committee will decldo and award prlies dally, but tho special too prise will be awarded In September, JWI. Any bird's nam found In tho dictionaries accepted. WHO WE ARE. Tht "Womnn't World" U n thoroughly rtltablt cmictrn.veart itioun to do tzaclly at ut odier til. A Incur rtlfobtlliy we rrirto any Ailitf tiling Agent or buiintu man oj Umdon or JStt Yoii. Same., Stmt.. I.M..I....M.......M...... . I...M................... HlWWIWtWWIIIII Town - ............ COunfry-... N. n.-Ile careful and prepay your let 4 wo do not receive, underpaid letten. your letter 8c, Addreis: TDK "WOMAN'S WOltlD," Urentford, London, W., KugUiid. SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho ciroult court of tho state of Orogon for tho county of Multnomah. L. L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carrie Jouos. ot nl., delendauts. Ily virtue of an oxocution duly is sued out of and undor tho seal of tho said ciroult court, to me dlroctod and dated the 3rd day of January, 1001, upon a judgment duly rendered and en tered in said court and cause on the 22d day of January, 1809, in favor of J. O. Ainsworth and against Z. T. Wrlht, et al., therein, for the sum of $254,25 with interest theteon at the rate ot 10 per cent per annum from the 32d day of January, 1802, and the further sum of $80.80 with iuterest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 22d day of January, 1802, and the further sum of $10 costs and disburse ments therein, I did on the 7th day of January, 1001, duly lovy upon the fol lowing 'desorlbed real property situated in tho county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lots 1 and 9 in block 4 in Highland; also, lot 14 in blook 13 in Paradise cspriug Tract, and lot 8 in block fiO in Portland City Homestead, and will iu compliance with its commands on , Monday, the 18th day of February, 1001, ut the hour of 10 o'colok A. Al, at the front door ot the county court house, in the city of Portland, said county and state, sell the said real property at publio auction to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judg ment with interest thereon as aforesaid aad the costs of and upon said writ. Dated Portland, Oregon, January 14, 1901. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Sheriff ot Multnomah County, Oregon. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the referee in bankruptcy for the distriot court of tho United States for the district of Oregon, rosiding at Portland, Oregon, niado oq the 20th day of January, 1001, in the matter of the ostato of J. J. Morgan, in bankruptcy, in said court, tho nndersignod trustee of said ostato will recoivo sealed bids and will soil to the highest biddor, for cash, all the accounts, notes and judgments, listed as assets of said estate, at tho time of filing his said petition in bankruptcy, in said court. That all bids must bo delivered to me, or mailed to me, in caro of Alox Sweek, roforoo in bank ruptcy, room 000, Chamber of Com morce building, Portland, Oregon, on or botoro 10 o'clock A. M., of tho 12th day of February, 1001. Bids opened at the oflko of said refereo. THOAlAStJONNELL, Trustoo in Bankruptcy of tho Estato of J. J. Morgan. CHARLEY i pin mm Now on Johnson Street, Opposite Uulon Depot. LURCHES POT OP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Impairing and Recovering ol Floe Umbrella a Specialty. 313 Washington Stroot. Three doors abovo Oldi & King rOHTLAND, OREGON, GROSS, WEITZEH ( LIPPMAN Manufacturer of lilEolllllflll MADE SUITS Separate Skirts and Waists The Beit Made Goods on the Pacific Coast Jtl rirt Htrdt, Corner Halinon, rOUTlAKII, OIIKOON. c.AND SOAP AND CH rc O W. K WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM,,, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel. Red 2844. BAKER CITY IRON WORKS. HIGGINS A HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Specialty. Our Architectural Iron Work ...tnd Bridge CistlBgi WItlTK FOR ESTIMATES. THE NORTHWESTERN LI Elf ht Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chlcsto, comprising Th Latest fulluian Slitpsn, rrWss Dialog Cars, Library Bn4 Observation Cars, Vr Itcollnlng Chair Cars, THE TWENTIETH CENTURY TRAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITEI" Runi Erery Day ol tba Year. The Finest Train In the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHICAGO BY OAYUOKT. Tht Badger State Express, the finest Day Train KuaMuc Between St. faul ana Chlcsto Tla the Snort Line. Connections trom th West made via. The Northern Pacific, Great Northern n& Canadian PacIGc Railways Thli li alio the best line between Omaha, 8t Faul aud Minneapolis. All Agents sell Tickets via "The Xorlhweat sru Une.' W. H. MEAD. aeseraJ Azt A. L. SISLER, T. A. 148 Alder Street. Portlaad, Or. L aaasaa(aTaatsstBtatfjatatiaaa2vr.' POrtUANO.OITtCON. mllE WELLINGTON - OYSTKlt. HOUSE AND BALOON. Corner Sixth and Alder Sts. CHARLES RORYLCND. Columbia I'lione 63 Oregon I'lione North 431. PORTLAND, -Oregon. mllE GEM EATING HOUSE MRS. PAUKEIt, ProprietreM Meals 25 cents TnMo Board 11.0 109 Sixth Street, North. PORTLAND - OREGON J' HARTZ ..WALLPAPER Pnlnts, Picture Frames and Room Mouldings Phono Hood 615 224 Klnt 8treet. Portland, Oregon T.YY SUKKERT No Matter How Long Standing Or how many remedies tried, liio GREBK RHEUMATISM CUKE Will euro you. Call, wrlto or phone UT. LEWIS, Agont, 150)j Sixth Street ONOW FLAKE SALOON O. PETERSON, Prop. Tho Choicest Brandt ol Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars. Private Rooms. 280 llurnildo Street, Corner Fourth, PORTLAND, OREGON. rjILT EDGE SALOON W. II. MOON. Prop. Choicest Liquors and Cigars. Steam and Lagur Beer. 808 Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. Phone South 231. pACIFIC LAUNDRY CO. Main omce 10 nnd 4. N. Ninth Street. Gentlemen's Work a 8pcclntty. Orders Promptly Attcmltd to. BOTH PHONICS. PORTLAND, OREGON. J. COOK Dealer Iu CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS No. 01 B. W. Cor. First and Plue Sli. WEST' COAST OYSTER CO. Importer, Planters & Dealers In .Eastern and Paoifio Coast Oysters. 14. 10th St., Opposlto Exposition Bldg. Branch of Darhcc A Immcl Ojstcr Co., Union Squnro Market. Ban Francl.co, I'al. Oyster Dedsit-an Francisco Bay and Ojstcrvllie, Shoal wntcr liny. Origon Phono South 481; Colum bia Phone 018. free Delivery, Blue Point Oyster House L. T. LEWIS. 130H Sixth Street, Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. All kinds ol Liquid Refreshments. WELSH RAREBIT. Eastern and OlympLx Oysttrs Served In Any Style. CRAWFISH SANDWICHES. Oregon Phono Hood 311. Columbia Phonu 437, Private Rooms. PIANOS Phono Hood 809 OROANS THE FISHED MUSIC GO. ALL KINM OP, Sold on Easy l'aments, with I'reo Lesions. Old Instruments Taken In Exchango for New Ones. Columbia and Guitar Zithers, Music and 8trlngs. Tuning aud Repairing. MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET MUSIC 54 Sixth SC, Cot. Pine, ' PORTLAND OREGON ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 750, Oregon Red 1864 Prescription - Druggists 67 North Third Street PORTLAND - - OREGON SPRANGER'S ARCADE 30, 3a, 34 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladies' and Gents Reading Room E. H. SPRANOER, Prop. Oregon Phono Main 794. Columbia Phone 754 Portland, Oregon. Ask Your Dealer For TftAOC TUB. MARK, fJMa-B-saaP!-SjsjM MKTEtrcrc 9t .1 J" ' n Ml .-J