SMI wjm TSfKtAS! vm 7SiPPa StaagKMMiliMIUItftfll m.mimpmi VHWVm I,IU-"' -"" ysi. TMirt7V!l9pp6 J 'm f- irB K THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OHEGOK. vwwFmw wiwWiWwmm!&i&mj!mm Hi '! ft to i C. fl, STORES IiIQU0t CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled by Pabt Hrewlnr Co. Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. c '1 Salem Store, 142 State St. An Blia Any MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Itubber Boots and Shoot, Bolting, Packing nd Hoiti. and Met Complete Assortment ol all Kinds of Rubber Goods. OOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft. H. PKABE, President. F. M. BltEPAKD. JR.. Trsaturer J. A. SHXPARD, Secretary 73-76 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RUSSELL COMPANY BOU.DIRB Or ' Eitajtnmm, NoUmrm, Smw MlUm, Thrmmhmrm I If yoa BOfttemplate buying machinery, write ui for cataloguo and price. RUSSELL & CO. A. H. AVERTTX, Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. . C. ATKINS A COMPANY taHsflBBBVKsWBlBBBBflBBm ft meo Brnnoh, IJ t m .- i :m .1.1 I LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK v La Grande. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL FRENCH BLOCK. miLir V. CAK8AR, President TRUMAN W. GENERAL BANKING Interest allowed on deposits In Saylnr Department. Circular Letters of Credit lsss4 on iiKon?, China. and Yokohoaaa, Japau: also Drattsand Wllsof KxcUansluusdou China I Japan! and the principal cities ol Europe. Forelm moneys exchanged. em ma WB MAY BFKOIAI. FAOILITIBB IOR THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY DEALERS IN 8ICOND HAND MACHINERY. M last Watar Vtraat PORTLAND, ORKQON. ill ' ' ' '. hip II ' . ' ' I.I . Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. SUCCESSOR TO PATKICK, MASTICK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF f HARNESS, . SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS I THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES I OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. O .93 Front Street, Between Stark and Oak. Orvgoa rbois Mala 7... DRINK THE FAMOUS, FOR SALE AT ALL THE BREWERY AND OFFICE, rABLISMBB IMS. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: Se Commission Aimrcrimrttm WHOLESALE GROCERS ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. First-Class Accommodations and Prompt serv- Ice. Large Knmple Qooms for Commercial Tratelcrc. Phono 7. Oor. Pirt& Washington Sts. ALBANY, OREGON. The Unrivaled Piano of the World KRANIGH & BACH Established 1864. Visit our Warcroom and be convinced. Many other standard -and reliable makes of Pianos and Organs. We sell on EASY TERMS. No large first Payment required. C. A. WHALE HUSIC HOUSE M. C. MATTHIEU, Manner, 128 Sixth Street Quantity An Btjrla .PORTLAND, OREOOM. Manufacturers of PACIFICO ., PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SAWS No. BO First St. $72,000 - SDO.OOO TACOMA, WASH. ENOB, Vice-Presidents O. D. BKLVIO.Csshlsri IN ALL ITS BRANCHES HAHDUNO OOtD DUST AND BEUION PORTLAND. OREGON PRINCIPAL SALOONS TW.W-S?-TBs5r!fa?i?Vlr " IMeeBFOBATn lav?. EDUCATIONAL FADDISM. The Common School System Engulfed in Ex perimental Instruction. "Cities haviug uudortakonto supple ment the work o( the states in tlto mat ter of froo education hnvo assumed 'a grnvo responsibility, mid tlto character of the oitizeuBhip of tho future, as well as tho quality of tho government, tie p.'iids upon tho correct solution of tho problem involved," says lllrd S. Coler in Everybody's Manaziue. "With millions to spond for froo schools, there opouod u wido Hold for oxperimouts. llio education of tho masses is such n popular thing that any parson who proposes to contribute a plan or sue postion to tho scheme is cortnin of u honrinu, nnd too ofton of opportunity for mischief. A wave of faddlsm has swept over tho country in rocont years, and in many cltlea it has nlmoat en gulfed tho common schools that word originally tho means of tho freo cductf tlou for which propertv was taxed. Tho proper govorumont of any munici pality reqlros a prompt return to a ftya tutu of thorouuh instruction in tho pub lic schools in those studios that nro tho truo baso of all higher education. Municipal iucomo dooa not justify tho maiutouanco of any goneral system of so-called higher education or tho teach ings of fads and cxporimonts. If thero aro high schools, they must bo main tained to provide rewards of merit and industry in the common school s nnd they ought to tncludo a special course o study preparatory for sorvioo in the city govoruont. Hut tho real function and duty of good municipal govern ment Is to provide n thorough course of practical study which will enablo tho children of the poor to aoquiro tho true foundation of higher education before they aro compollod to go to work. The boys and girls who aro forced to work at 15 may, with n littlo assistance, ed ucato themselvos an they toll if thoy havo been thoroughly taught tho rudi ments of a practical Knplisli oduca tiou. For supplomoutal knolodtfo tho city can provldo tho moans with nli'ht schools freo lecturos, libraries and roadiug 'rooms." ! COMING TO OREGON. Cheap Railroad Rates Attracting Many People to This Section, It is nstonishing how tho largo num ber of homo-soi'kors nro coming to tho Pacific coast. Mr. A. D. Oharltou, Assistant Gen eral I'astongcr Agout of tho Northoru Pacific, rucoivod a tologram from Mr. Charles S. i'oi, G. 1. & T. A., at St. Paul today, saying that about COO left St. Paul this morning for tho West. This is on account of tho $30.00 rata from Chicago nnd !f2G.00 rato from St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth, placed in effoct by tho Northern Pa ullioKailuay Compauy, tho first excur sion starting Fobruary 12th, at which vhioh Tj, .t. fbfL, ots or", -,' timo al))ut 1.U00 purchased tickets points throughout tho West, and tho same number purchased tickets February 10th, for Pacific coast points,, and from tho tologrnms, rooeivod by Mr. Charlton today it would appear1 that thero wilt bo betwoon 600 and 000 roach tho coast via tho Northern Pa cfiflo about Friday of this wcok. Tho eyos of thousands of Eastern pooplo are turuod toward tho Went and as a result of tho low rates placed in ofToct by this compauy, tho stato of Oregon will undoubtedly recoivo a largo increase in her population and bo tho moans of adding very materially to tho wealth of tho state. Franchises Belong to the People. "Tho gouoral priuolplo that nil special rights, privileges and franchises in, ovor or undnr tho streets and high ways of tho oity aro tho proporty of the corporation and tho people," says Mud S. Color iu Evorybodys' Maga zine "has at last obtained gouoral recognition in public opinion and at tho bauds of lawmakers. It does not follow, however, that any considerable number of municipalities will shortly uudettako to provldo transportation, lighting, or other modern convenien ces; but proper government Mill not prevail until eveiy frauchUo and spe cial privilogo granted to individuals and private corporations is made to yield a rovunuo based upon Its actual earning vulue. Tho granting of per petual franchises must remain an un pleasant memory of the days when American cities were ruled and robbed, not governed. No fixed law or rule can be tnado for tho proper regulation of this importaut feature of tnunioipal businers, but in futuro the grant of any special privilege will bo restricted by contracts aud limitations to protect the rights of the people and secure a portion of the general income that may ono day supersede all direct taxation." Return of the Shirley Company, This olevor organization will plav a return engagement at Cordrny's theater commencing March II. Tho Shirley company made its debut in Portland a short time ago at this theater. It came to Portland without bein. her alded as a great dramatic organization, which is something unusual, bat be fore the week was finished theater goers discovered that the company was well balanced aud very olever. Its I'usiness increased 6ery night dur ing their engagement in Portland, which was a sure indication of gaining the admiration of the theater golug public. The Shirley company baa a long list of excellent plays, aud owing to the popular demand, the company has been secured fur a return engage ment at Cordray's theater, comroeao ing next Sunday evening. The reer tolre' for the week has been 'carefully selected and the plays will Jive the conirjanv an onMOrtunitt which it hum uot had heretofore of showing its' real DW or 1 M General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Progress of the Various LIihs of Human Endeavor Being Accom. pllshed by the Race. Among tho ratio aro 2,000 lawyors and as many physicians $12,000,000 of school proporty, $40, 000,000 of church proporty, 140,000 homos aud fnrnis valuod at $?r0,000,000, porronal proporty to tho amount of $170,000, 000. Tho National Capital Foarchllght, a now educational journal, has ap peared, and looks hearty enough to stay. It is edited by Mr. M. Grunt Lucas, and ho has plonty of pationco aud a capacity for hard, continuous aud oftimos uurequittod work, lie will miiko tho paper a go. Colorod men aro being promoted in tho census otllco. Mossrs. John V. l'opo, Walter. It Franklin, Horace Sodgewick aud Georgu 'A. Cox wero ndtnncod last woek from $720 to $000 por annum. Mis9 Dolln M. Whito, daughter of tho congressman, has lod her soctiou for boiuo timo, aud has boon promoted to $1,000. The highest Kalary is drawn by W. T. Ferguson, rated at $1,200. The " Pan-American Coons," n col ored show of sotno note, will open at Niagara Falls, Out.; it will be undor tho management of John D. Toll. Tho show will ho staged undor tho personal direotlou of Clarence Uissol, whllo Hilly S. LoVaid is stago man ugor. Tho rostor of company is: John son nnd Voioua, Hilly S. LoVard, UIhoii Mrothors. Sadie Keovoa, Ward and MoLcod, Silver Moll quartotto, lleo Moore, Kitty Wilkos and her Eight Komody Koona aud a band of ton piucos. Thoy will' play all summer aud aro booked well iu all tho loading parks aud fairs. Fayettovillo, N. C, has a silk factory owud by tho Ashloy & Mailey Co., of Patorsou, N. J. It is managed by Itov. T. W. Thurslono, colorod. Tho build-. lug is of briok. tliroo stones high, aud tho mill has 10,000 spindles and em ploys 400 oporathoj, mainly boys and girls betwoon 10 and 18 years old. Tho flrot floor coutalus tho reeling de partment uer which Mr. J. II. Scar borough, a youua German, is foreman; the seVond la devoted to wiudiug and doubling, aud Gortrudo Hood, daugh ter of Mlshop Hood is in churgo; aud tho third, weaving, with Hurry Field- houso, an Englishman, as foreman. Tho mill has tho npponrauoo of a well regulated school. The operatives nro orouBhly orgaulzeu and work with porfeo't systom. What tho Negro has done for tho South; so says Profufsor V. II. Coun cil, ono of our foremost educators: Ho ducod Negro illiteracy 45 pur cont iu HO years. Children in tliu common schools, 2,600,000. Students iu higher institutions, 45,000. Teachers, US, 000. Stu!outs learning trades, UO.00O. Students pursuing classical cuuisoa, 1,500. Students pursuing soieutitlo courses, 1,500. Students pursuing business courses, 1,000. Graduates, 20,000. Volumes iu libra ries, UOO.OOO. Number of higher in stitutions. 175. Negro doctors, 000. Negro 'awyers, UOQ. Hooks written by Negroes. 400. Negro banks, Ui Negro magazines, !). Negro newspapers, 400 Value of librarios, $600,000. Valuo of school property, $15,000,000. Valuo of church propertv, $40,000,000. 150,000 farms valued at $450,000,000. 150,000 homes, valued besides farms, at $925,000,000. ' Personal property, $105,000,000. liaised for his own ed ucation, $18,005,000. Tho 4,000,000 slaves had a taxable value of $:i,600, 000,000. Tho Negroes havn accumu lated iu 07 years nearly one-third of that amount. Slavery was 350 years accumulating $3,600,000,000 iu human (loth. Negro educatiou will adi' double tho valuo to tho material ealth of tho South in loss than a huudrod years. The Negro churches, schools, colleges and thought jxmor in which tho South is becoming rich can not bo ostimntod iu dollars. Tho bust thought of Europo aud America the wealth of Europo and America, has beeu directed toward oducutioii iu the South and toward tho material devel opment of the South. Iudiauapolls Frcemaus, Popular Agent for a Popular Route. Tho olegnnt now offices of a number of tho railroads coutorod iu this tily, which havo recently been opened in tho new Fuiliug building, corner Third und Washington streets, speak in uo uncer tain way of tho prominence which Port land has attained in tho matter of rail roads in tho past fow years. One of tho haudsomest and most conveniently arrauged ot auy iu "rail road row," 1b the local ticket otllco of tho Great Northern, No. 123 Third street, This compauy iu keeping with its well knowu progressive ideas has fitted up quarters secoud to none in the city, or in fact in the unrthwost, Mut that 'act alone will not do business unless there is associated with it court eous and capable gentlemen behind the counters. In this respoot the Great Northern is tho happy possessor of ono of tho most popular uud genial city passenger and ticket agents in the city, aud tho feeling toward this com pany which is shown by tho liberal patronage of tin peoplo of Portland is duo to tho personal efforts, uniform courtesy and general popularity of Mr CITY NEWS C. A. Hitter. Society IMItor. Wo shall know no favorites, and shall bo absolutolv impartial. To In sure publication, nil local news must roach us not later than Thursday morn ing of each wook. Mrs. Annlo Nowsomo is improving slowly. Mrs. M. E. Sykos continues to im provo iu health. Mrs. Sarah Gayfos is quito ill at her home with ploursy. Mrs. Clara Campboll loft for hor homo iu Fort Smith, Ark., this woek. Mrs. T. D. Thomas, Ilobcrt Hill and Tlios. Marstou wore roportodas slightly indisposed this wook. If things turn out right Mr. It. Crawford thinks he may bo ablo to Hoouru his pay for tho flat irons. Owing porhaps to tho teuton Buasou, thero has boon an uttor dearth of so cial hnppouiugs for tho past woek. Mr. Thomas Davis, who is iu tho employ of tho ougiueer coipa of tho O. M. & N. Co., spent Thursday iu our citv. Ho left for Walla Walla. Wo havo mot a fow Afro-AmoricauH this weok who aro keeping a weather oye open for samo benefits from tho changes expuoted to bo mado uuder tho now charter. Mr. Ed. Williams, who has bonu employed iu an Astoria saw mill for somo time, is in tho city looking for employment. Should ho bo success ful, ho will movo his family to Port laud. ( Tho juvcullo choir rocoutly organ ized undor tho auspices of tho A. M. E. Ziou church now numbers 20 voices, Thoy will mako their first public up poaranco on Sunday, March il, at 8 P. M. An oxcollout programmo lias been arrauged for tho (location. Tho Luoy Thuruiau League of tho W. O. T. U. hold a largo aud interest ing meeting at tho parsonage of thu Ziou A. M. E. church last Wuduesday afternoon. Tho next meeting will bo held at tho parsonage of tho Huthel A. Al. K. church, Wednesday, March (I, at il P. M. Ah business of great import auco will bo presented tho olllcors ask a full attendance. Interest still continues unabated Iu tho Paul Lawronoo Dunbar Literary Society. Tho debate at thu last meet ing was spirited, whllo tho now feu turo introduced at tho mooting this weok proved to bo all that tho com mitteo desired aud tho members huvo called for auothor trial of the "progres sive con volition," which will bo on thu programmo March 7, with sumo slight variations. Wo want your tradu. MiinIq half price; musical instruments of all kinds, cash or installments, H. II, Wright, wholesale aud retail dealer iu liuislo and musical merchandise. Tho Musio building, U40 Washington struot, Portland, Oregon, GRIP Cured in One DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE Price 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES rKBWr-,-Wif IF ? JXm ffj.jsLLWteLLHR "r-"vA fi tfmWjmW , AttaraaaSa ORTHOPEDiO $3. BO SHOE DRYER'S POPULAR SHOE STORE 07 Third , Bmtmmmn Omkmnd PJnm. PORTLAND, OJOTO. bad fur Catalogue. Eugenie Blair at the Marquam. Eugouio Illntr is featuring "Cannon" in hor reportolro this season, giving an cutiroly now and original version of tho dramatic possibilities of Piospor Merimoo'R tragic lovo romanco, which gained its first renown whon mado Into n grand opera with tho musical sotting by Mirot. Miss Mhtir will produco "Carmen,"' in addition to hor other great success, "A Lady of Quality," during hor engagement in this oity at tho Marquam Grand. Friday night And Saturday matiuoo, March 2, "A Lady of Quality," will bo thu play; Saturday night, "Car men." Lovers of beautiful gowns will oxporlonce a bountiful foast for tho eyos, as iu both plays Miss Mlnir makos sovornl comploto changes in oostumo. Tho advanco salo of Boats has boon heavy. Mr. W. II. Clark, who is aecrotary of tho "Itival Oil Company," ono of tho rocont groat promoters nnd succossos iu tho husluoss of locating aud drilling for oil on tho Pacific const, has estab lished a brunch otllco in this oity. There Is no representative of that busi ness west of Now England who is hot ter informed on tho mattora to which he is devoting Ills ouoraiui aud nono anywhere whoso reputation for honor able work la moro porfoot. Tho Now Ago recommends him cheerfully, be cause it kuuws him and suggosts that those who desiro to invest in stock in oil wells should call on Secretary Olarke, iu room I, Multnomah block, Fifth and Morrison. No doubt tho stockholders of tho lUval Oil compauy will bo ploasod to know that tho compauy is drilling on .wet iso. l. anil navu tinssuii tun nrnt 'nil sands, with oil, Stouk cau bo had for 60 cents per share. They own their laud,' aud will ..maknfot te. stockholders 'mnnv-'times their' invest men!, Mail orders will receive prompt attention, and purtluh interested aro invited to call at tho company' oflloo, loom 1, Multnomah block, Portland. They rufur, by poriulstion, to Mer chants National bank, Portland; E. W. Godfrey, stamp depattment, post j otllco; II. J. Martin, 'druggist, coruor 1 Washington aud Sixth. Tho Hiirllngton company has placed an ordur with tho Pullman company for five dining cars, Tho cost, includ ing china, linen, silver, etu will bo about $20,000 each. Tho oars will Havo tho now empire .roof, aud will seat 40 passengers. Tho furnishings will be rich, vut suvorely plain. In stead of using mirrors and llligroo work to enhance tho appearance of tho ars, tho builders will auhlovo the desired result by tho use of pollshod woods. Spraugnr's Aruado, E. II. Kpranger, rroprietor, Noiitnwest coruor Hixtn aud Couch streets. New and strictly up-to-date. Ladles' annex elegantly furnished and secure from intrusion, ltuaditii' room, two! aud billiards. NEW NOKTII- west Ixxlgo, No. 2554. G. U. O. of O. V.. meets at i!0,ru Kecoi d street, rorner of Salmon, first and third Tuesday of each mouth. All Odd Fellows in good standing are c-nnllullv. luvltfsl. F 1). THOMAS, K. WA'iSON, P. S. N.G. Day by Using: .THE ORTHOPCOn. S3.HO Sho Tmlm0htM Olmv SB8 Argument No article Kallm u reputation or-a nulne for llolf utile., thero lo merit twlilml It and iiontlier .line today mi Hie mark) t lias kIiik1 Molldetsrvvd reputation ol the - - "i A' J , .-- T5? M sassmsiMttoM ta tfc Cvsspasr. worth. ; " A. U. U. Ueuutston. 4 Fr. llx..l. Ma St ,. .:rrj mAJLM 31V T teas. adOrtsa at :