viV 4 f i AGKE, THE :new PORTLAND. OREGON. ui I'tT tvvviii i m i r" i The New Age. A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. OrrlOE 8 MORrtlSON 8TIIEBT. Oregon Talnphone Oak 501. Etitorsd at the Poatomce at Portland, Oregon, aaond clasa matter. HUltBCKIl'TlON. aaYar, Fayabla in Arttanea S3. 00 THE IlKSULT. Tlio dofent of Jlon. llonry W. Cor lictt, in Ills crunimlgn , for olection to tho United Status BoiintoMiiip, Is ft party calnmity. Tlio Now Ago will not pay, liowover, thot tho oloctlon of Hon. John II. Mitchell is 11 public calamity, for Mr. Mltoholl is known to ho n man of ability and oxperionco in tho lino of duty for which ho has just been ro-cliosou. However, taking tho political view of it, tho llopubllcnn party of tho stato has lost heavily in tho result. Thero is no doubt that Mr. Corbott was tho party's choico, for the stalwart ma jority of tho legiBlatuio exposed its do iilro in a constant oxprossiou, from day to day, in favor of tho grand old man f tho stato. Ho should havo succeed edand unhappy will bo tho fato of thoM) who led tho rovolt against tho party's expressed purpose. Mr. Corbott 1b an oxpurioncod, ablo, nctivo and good man. iio is honorable beyond, nny popslhlo assumption of doubt nml ho knows what Orogon necdH. Ho has already tlo'no more for tho stato than any othur man in it and no dosorvod to bo honored at this time by oloctlon to tho United States Bona torship. Ilowovor, Mr. Corbott and his friende, who aro tho most promlnont men in tho party, accopt tho rosult Kracofnlly and will lot it go at that, for tho present. Tho fact that tho Domocratic party had to bo "induced" to Join tho Ilo publican minority in tho llnal effort to make a choico of United Statoi sena tor Ih ovidutico enough of tho character of tho opposition to Mr. Corbott. FOtt SCHOOL DIHKOTOK. - .TI.O Tifliuiliir candidato for school dliector, to bo olootcd on March 11, is I'rnfontor 11. K. Warren, ouo of tho most prominent educators of tho stato and ox-principal of tho schools of this city. Ho Ih now chairman of tho pub Ho Hchool board, in which capacity IiIh K)rvlco has been notably ollloieut, an it has boon in ovoiy other position ho has hold In tho intoroat of our pub lic schools. Profi'SMir Warren is eminently qual ified for tho position which hu now oo cupioH and for which tho people of tho city liavo again Induced him to becomo a candidato. His oxpurionco covers long porlort na teacher and director of ftlui'Htiounl matters, dnrltig which timn not a complaint has boon made from those in whoso interests ho has so ably served tho commonwealth. Thoso who havo slnceio regards for tho public schools of Portland urgo liliii to contiuuu to servo thorn and, be yond a doubt, thoy will niako liU oloc tlon curtain. Tho strenuous llfo led by tho members of tho Austrian relchbrath would place Itoosovolt'H endeavois by comparison in tho tamo plaoid and uneventful alusH as tho Sunday sohool ploulo. As noon as tho speaker taps hU desk at tho opening hour it la rough houeo from that on until closing timo with -0 miuutos for rofreshmeuta at noon. Hanlly two membors speak tho sumo variety of languago and tho member who is not talking thinks ho la not earning his money no matter how many others havo tho iloor, so that tho deliberative proceedings of that body mmnd liko n joint debato between a traotlou eugluo aud a steam calliope with a Mississippi steamboat whistle for iforoo iuhI u boiler faotory or two for fpocUtors. In live or ten minutes all the avallablo Hjmco in tho room is filled with languago; then It Is every body for hluuolf according to tho mar quia of Douuybrook rules, nothing barred except 13-luuh guns or larger. At tlmca tho uproar calms dowu until ouo would think is was a reunion of Texas cowboys; thou it swells again to tho normal volume. When night falls on tho scone tho mombers feel as if they had been plow lug nil day in a Hold of stumps with a team of balky mules. How tamo aud iuslpld tho lit tle oxerolso of throwing lukwolls and revolving chairs, tomotimea indulged iu by our legislature, eoeins in con trast. Tho rclcli8nth is at least con sistent in not legislating against foot ball. Ita Missions mako that game ap pear Hko a ciniot, orderly pink tea. Tho proposed Nebraska nii'asnro for bidding cartoons without tho consout of tho cartoonod will find no favor with tho politicians who havo passed tho examinations and aro now in tho " iso boy" class. Tho cartoon is tho best friend tho politician has, and ho knows it. Follows who wont favors may try to mako him think thoy aro bolter friends, but ho is not to bo foolod. Ho knows his face would not bo aa familiar in tho best families as that of tho man who has beon cured by a patont modiclno if tho car toonist did not burn midnight oil to that end, with a slnglonosa of purpoao worthy of a hotter causo. Ilathhouso John rocoguiz'ja that fact without tho aid of a Hold glass. Ho thinks if tho cartoonist will juit koop on ho will bo mayor of somothing, sometime, with "IHnky Dink" for his "llobbio" llurko. Mark Hnnna has a fair opinion of himself but ho knows that had it not beon for tho cartoonist ho would be but llttlo bettor known than 1)111 Jones of Drownstown. Mark Hanna further knows that if ho paid tho debts ho owes to Cartoonist Davenport ho would not bo ablo to pay off tho national debt this Hprluir as ho contomplates doing. DEWEY'S WASHINGTON HOME. Ilonae Presented to the Admiral by the American People. Tho homo purchased for Admiral Dowoy, with money raised by public lubscrlptlou, Is one of tho handsomest ind moat dealrnblo sites In Washing ton iiixl It Ih a mntter of note that tho souho selected finally wan that which Vduilral Dowoy Indicated aa hla choice, ooforo tho committee began lta work jf examining more than sixty sites. Tho house was built by .Tamos K. Fitch for hla own use, and has n frontage of ADUIUA.I. ltKWKY'H NKW 110U8K. twonty-seveu feot, with u' depth of seventy-two feet. Thero la no rear building aud tho llrst tloor la divided Into threo apartments of equal site. Tho two upper lloora nro arranged for looping rooms. Tho parlor la Mulshed In white and gold, tho library In old oak aud sliding doors separate the rooms, giving au effect of spaciousness dltllcult to tlud In a house 6f similar ilro. Tho house contains soventeon rooms and four bath rooms. Tho houso Is built of brick, with brown tone trimmings. There la quite a wide plaza In front of tho house. GROWTH OF ENGLISH. May Soon lie the Lauicuane Universal ly KeconnUcil Anions; Nations. Tho International Academy of Sci ences adjourned without solving the language problem, and recognized Kug- Huh, German, and French na equal medluma of com munication. If tho growth of tho Hngllsh language continues at Ita present rnto for fifty yearn, how over, It will not need tho mandate of any academy to make It tho universally recog nized in o d I u m n among civilized nations. In 1801 K u g 1 la h w h a spoken by S0,500, 000 people, being surpassed at that tlmo In uumheru by the Freuch, German, Spanish, and Hub slaii languages. In 1SIH), on tho other hand, Kugllah waa tho mother tongue of 111,100,000 people, mora by nearly 40,000,000 than spoko any other Hiiro pean language. Next to English stands tho Herman language, with 75.200,000 people to whom It la the mother tongue. All over Kurano traveler tlttd that when tho residents of any country speak any languafco but their owu It la usually English. A Musical KtiiK- King Oscar of Sweden tu his young days wus regarded as tho most accom plished tenor Iu Europe, niul-couhi havo made a fortune out of his voice ou the stage. aaBCaflSTaBElaVaaBBA&uBsV'lVY 99wUf999MS9j9H99VU!yf i aMnWMwaaaagMaWaaMJWJMrty?lLMJ"a1 83w4flaaaaaaaaHavMluhoJa&C-V ffhTw i -arf'""'l"iaMi1liii iiiiiiiii. "T Am s."vVi J . sW NUM I T rr, rr I RECORD OF OREGONLEGISLATURE. BILLS PASSED BY BOTH HOUSES. j ?i H. D. 1, amondlng mining Jaws. , , II. 15. 6, times and places o court, Second district. 11, li. 19, relating to electric wires on hlgnays. II. U. 20, validating certain marriages. II. li. 21, ponaltlua for injuring or destroying rocorda on public lands. II. U. 24, ntnouding law for roltof of iuldgeut soldiers. II. 1). 20, reorganization df (Oregon National Guard. II. II. 27, uniform system of mine- bell signals. II. II. 88, appropriation flfooo for Soda Springs. II. IJ. 80, rolatlvo to taxation of porsonal property. H. U. 44, to aid Oregon Historical Society. II. 1). 54, Amending Lnncruit bonding act. II. II. CO, punishment for poisoning domestic animals. II. 1). 02, consolidating ol'Jues in Multnomah county. II. 11. OU, providing for building hioyclo paths. 11. II. 05, providing oxtra clerical aid for stato ttoasuror. 11. 11. GO, fixing witness'! (cea iuMultnomah county .coroner caaos. II. I). 71, regulating sorely companios. ' II. B. 70, providing for, 'oloctlon of road supervisors. II. 15. 88, rogulating purchase of public supplies. II. 13 07, publlo bidding for county supplies. H. Ii. 100, protootion of labols and trademarks. II. II. 102, to provout coercion and iuitmldntion (A voters. II. 11. 108, for collection of road poll tax and manner working roads. II. 11. 110, protection of forests, git mo and wild fowl. II. 1). 113, duty of surveyors in establishing boundary linos. II. I!. 121, duties of stato snporiuteudont of publlo instruction. II. 1). 122, amending trespass law. II. II. 120, amending law in rotation to kidnaping. II. 11. 128, amending law authorizing furnishing of publio records. II. 13. 144, protoctlng copyrightod plays. II. 1). 140, rotating to mining claim locations. II. 13. 140, providing panlshmout for dosecration of American flag. II. 13. 171, appropriation for . oneral oxponsosof state. II. 13. 172, providing for domestic irrigation. , II. 13. 177. reserving oyster beds in Notarts bay. II. 13. 178, regulating ditbarmont proceedings. , II. 13. 170, rogulating flihing on Alsen river and bay. II. 13. 183, rogulating reoording of clmttol mortgages. II. 13. 187, rolatlvo to service ot citation. II. IS. 188, primary election law for Multnomah county. II. H, 180, abolishing Mparato board of commissioners for Mnltnomah county. , N II. 13. 200, inoroasing salary of doputy olork of Malhour. II. 13. 205, providing for collection of road poll taxes. II. 13. 208, deolaring certain thoroughfares to bo conuty roods. II. 11. 217, protection of oystoia and lobsters. H. 13. 210, propagation and protootion of salmon. , II. II. 22S, relating to flcnl accounts of idmlmstratora. II. 13. 220, providing for standard weights of produco. II. 13. 237, fixing Mnltnoinah-Columbia boundary lino, II. 13. 240, fixing salary of certain county tieasurera. II. II. 200, appropriation for stato departments. II, 13. 202, providing manuor of soiling stato lands, II. II. 274, rolatlvo to Eastern Orogon District Agricultural Soolotlna. H. U 27C, rolatlvo to Southern Orogon District Agricultural Sooiotloa. 11. II. 280, anuoxing panhandlo to Iiakor county. II. 13. 280, compensation of Lnno county olllcors. H. II. 202, oxtoudlng timo for construction of Siuslaw & Eastorn Railway & Navigation Company lino. II. 11. 204, muktng Vancouver avouuo n county road. II. li. 208, punishment for mutilation of hides of cattlo. II. II. 200, fixing compensation clerk of supremo court. II I). 311, increasing salary judgo of Malhour county. II. II. 318, increasing salary judgollakor county. H. II. 840, defining duties of attorney-general. II. It, 848, appropiratiou for payment of claims against tho stato. II. II. 347, goueral appropriation bill. II. 11. 340, authorizing city of Portland to levy tax for Oriental fair. S IJ. 1, providing for exprosilon of choico in solootion ot Unltod SUtei ontoiB by tho pooplo, R. 13. 10, rotating to drawing of jurlos. 8. il. 18, taxation of gov'ts, inorohandiso, oto., in citlos and towns, i S. II, 23, incroajilug aJkoiouoy of publlo schools. ,. R. II. 20. nnthnriiinir Portland to disnnsn of mnrknt hlnntr. ' " 8. 13. 87, lor publication of revised code. S. 11. 38, fixing fooa cou ity ollioora iu Multnomah county. 8. II. 44, sosslous of cir uit court iu Soveuth district S. II. 60, declaring uun tvigablo Btroatns highways. S. 13. 01, soleotlou and dale ot stato lauds S. II. 02, relative to moutiug by stato university regents. S. II. 03, food and dairy commissioner not. 8. It. 04, amondlng code rolatlvo to .Multnomah judgos? S. 11. 72, relating to actions iu justlco courts. S. It. 75, providing vestibules for ftroot cars. 8. It. 70, amending aot oroatlng Whooler county. S. It. 84, monument fund for Second Orogon voluntoora. (Houses disa gree ovor amendments. Dill falls.) 8. II. 80, creating ollico of 4tato baotorinlolgst. ' 8. II. 88, preventing unlawful iutorforouco with to'ograph or tolophono wiros. 8. It. 07, appropriating 98,000 for stato fair promiums. S. It. raising salary of supremo court reporter. 8. It. 108, authorizing district and high schools. 8. It. 108, providing for soalp bouutioa. ' B.Ml. 112, providing bounties for destruction of fish doitroyiug animals. 8. H. 114, rolatlvo to diroctors in corporations. 8. It. 110, relating to school lands. 8. II. 120, auditing claims ugaiust tho state. S. It. 130, providing for on ro of orphans and foundlings. 8. II. 137, creating office of auditor of Multnomah county. 8. II. 138, dollnlug liability of owuors of vossels for damage. 8. It. 142, requiring deposit of oauoollod warrants with seorotary of state. S. It. 14(1, lolating to location of mining claims. 8. It. 102, providing additional 'compensation for governor. 8. II. 171, incorporating port of Portland. 8. It. 173, enacting Torroni law system of tltlo registration. 8. It. 174, providiug for tlsh hatcheries. 8. II. 170, limiting printing of btonulal reports stato oflienrs. 8. II. 180, amondlng Australian ballot law. S. II. 180, relatlug to filing of report by stato officers. 5. It. 100, relative to Oregon Soldiers' Home. 8. II. 101, primary law for Multnomah county. 6. It. 100, fixing salary of superintendent of schools in Wheeler county. 8. it. 107, mending law regarding to transfers of stocks of gooda. 8. II. 201, uniform lyatoiu for taxation of property. 8. It. 202, acceptance by state of curtain lauds. 8. 13. 200, incorporating oity of Portlaud. 8. 11. 200, prohibiting saloons within 300 feet of sohool buildings. 8. It. 210, regulating sale of liquors noar mines. 8. It. 210, amending law relating to prosecuting attornoys, 5. it. 220, fixing salaries of certain olllcors in linker. Malheur aud Olat op counties. 8. It. 221, charter ooinmlsiion for Portland. 8. 11. 237, providing water for state institutions. 6, It. 33, method ot building branch railroad lines. 8. 11, 231, fixing salary certain county treasurers. 8. 13. 238, appropriating $25,000 for Pan-American exposition. CHARTER BILLS. Enterprise, Myrtle Point, Medford, St. Paul, Tillamok Oity, Coquille. Salem, ltuttovllle, Antelope, Dillus, Gleudale, Alkali, Oalkand, Burns, Stay ton, Cottage Grove, Granite, llouanza, Lnbauon, Prairie Citv, Whitney, Neha lem, Yeruonin, John Dy. Louo Hock, Pendleton, Vale, Bay City, Condon, Joseph, Ashland, Newburg, Philomath. Canyonville, Baker Cltyj Roaeburg, Sllvertou, Summerville, Elgin, Sumpter, Sheridan, Grant's Pass, YoncalU. Mitchell, Falls City, Albany, Heppner. Warrenton, Hood River, Cornelius, Wasco, Grass Valley, Sheridan, Milton, North Yamhill, Independence. Sea side. Astoria, Portlaud. I SIGNED BY THE II. B. II. it. 11. 11. 11. 11. II. B. H. It. II, B. H. B. H. 13. II. . 11. I). II. B. 9, establishment and maintenance of school libraries. 4, appropriating f 15,000 for Oreogn Agricultural college. II, relative to property bidding for taxes. 10, amending act relating to county courts. 18, Timo ot holding courts in First judicial distriot. 25, appropriating $(7,000 to Oregon State university. 62, to ameud code relating to appeals. HI, to reimburse Oroiron voluntoora for clothiug money. 178, to regulate dLbaruient proceedings. 180, for payment of scalp bounty warrants. 203, appropriating money for legislative expenaea aad deficiencies. 833, establishment experiment station at Union. GOVERNOR SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho circuit conrt of tho etato of Oregon, tor the county of Multnomah. Stato of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Rich ard Nixon, ns administrator of tho estate of Joeoph Leonard, deceased, all heirs of tho docedout (if ncy thero bej and nil persona interested in raid estate, defendants. Ity virtue of n nocrro and order of snlo dnly issuod ont of and uudor tho seal of the above entitled court in tho nbovo entitled causBo, to mo duly di rected and datod tho 14th day of Jan uary, 1001, in which docroeo it waa adjudgod aud docrecd that tho stato ot Oregon stand and' bo soized of tho following described real property aud vested with tho tltlo theroto, said real proporty bolng describod us follows, to-wlt: Tho wost half of tho cast half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty-two in Township two north of Rnugo one wost of Willametto moriduin, contain ing 40 noroa, and bolng within Mnltno mah county, in tho stato of Orogon, and in which docroo it waa furthor ordered that tho ahoriiY of Mnltnomah county, Oregon, bo dirocted to mako salo of said real property to tho highont bidder for cash. Now, theroforo, by virtue of said docroo and ordor of snlo, and in com pliauco with the commands thereof, I will ou Monday, tho 25th , day of March, 1001, at tho hour of ton o'clock A. M., at tho front door of tho county conrt houso iu tho city of Portland, said county and stato, sell at public unction, subject to confirmation by tho nbovo ontitled court, to tho highest biddor for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all of the nbovo described real proporty, and all tho right, titlo, and interest which Josoph Louornd, do cossod, had on tho 4th day of March. 1807, or Ricbaid Nixon as administra tor of said ostato slnco had, iu and to tho abovo dosoribod roal proporty, or any 'part thoroof, as iu said docroo di rected. Datod Portland, Orogon, Fobruary 21st, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon; PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To tho Houorablo County Court of tho stato of Oregon for Multnomah comity. Wo, tho undoralgncd legal votois within product No. 07, M lltnomnh county Oregon, horoby petition aud pray that Ford Motzger bo allowed a licenso to soil spirituous, vinous mid malt liquors iu Greshain within said prooinot No. 07, in said county aud stato, iu loss quautitioB than ono gal lon, for tho term of ouo year. In accordauco'with tho abovo peti tion, I will, ou Maroh 11, 1001, apply to bald county court for licouse. Date of llrst publication, Fobruary 10, 1001. SIGNATURES J. D. Reguor, J. II. Molzgor, It. W. Gibbs, F. C. Mark wnrdt, Albert Clovolaud, R. D. Mason, R. L. Wiutora, E. O. Lindsoy, L, C. Motzger, D, W. Motzge'r, II. E. Pres ton, H. W. Preston, D. Honing, Irin Edwards, David Shane, J. R. Larsou,' 11. M. Rimoy. W. A. Horrlng, E. P. Smith, G. II. Sunday, J. G. Chimlo, P. .1. Dououi, A. J. Miller, C. Rey nolds, F. E. Gibbs, John Stobnll, It. L. Mayhow, W. J. Wirfo Ross Hoin oy, G, W. Halo, Josoph II. Preston, Frank Iloinoy, Cash McCarthy, John Antonio, G. Crouchor, Chaa. Lesllo, E. Chllcoto, A. Poier, R. Wright, A. F. Johnson, D. Weaver, W. R. Slmmn, J. S. DonaUUou, E. E. Gloso, A. L. May boo, E. E. Storet, P. Collins, Alphou so Pierce, A Wobbols, Shattuo Bros,, E. L. Palmquist, John Wiutora, W. L. Gordon, E. L. Thorpo, A. It, Gibbs, Clias. Robinson, Chaa. Sleborg, II. W. Forsyth, -R. KerBlako, Then. Andoisou, G. A. Thomas, Frod Exley, Frod Ohao, W. B. Akins, Geo. Hilleary, Goo. Rorhrook, E. Simonsou, F. Goo, E. Roborts, O. W. Hilloary, J. II. Dickson, Win. Boors, Jaa, Collins, ChiiB. Clevoland, John Flynu, C. Wy okolf, W. J. Powoll, E. L. Stoltz, F. Stotsan, D. Miller. R. Forbes, II. Wntor, Pat McGurrln, C. J. ltettls, W. 1). Milhalllu. E. Boors. A. Hovio, J. G. Motzger, A. Grant, M. Mull, John Grant, W. II. Dickson, II. O. Connoll, Frod Znhl, Peto Knoueuberg, P. I. llllsa, Wn. Booth, T. Owens, David Baker, Chaa. Baker, Houry Thompson, Fred Crouchor, F. B. Ra noy, R. F. Johnson, Jaa. Kelley, Noah Kestorson, F. Fox, B. F. Rollins, Jaa. IlainoB, Fritz Spot, A. Springer, A. Feidler, E. E. Goodman, A. J. Miller, Alox. Thompson, F. Bosbee, II. B. Ilailey, M. Hilleary, John Lynch II. M. McNoblo, P. Lynch, M. Kronen berg, A. Kunmell, Joe Kronenberg, Albert Copas, D. C. Rosa, Frank Maria. The Leading FURNITURE DEILER AND OP EASTERN OREOON IS ..W. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Erabalmer lAdy AKilitaut. FKHM.KTOX OKEGON Union Depot ..Restaurant 173 Sixth St., PORTLAND, OR. Regular Dinner at Noon - 25c Lunch Put Up for Travelers, KAIMtOAl) TIJ1K UAItllS. OREGON Shot line and Union Pacific TIME SCHEDULES' Portland, rn IIEI'AUT Anittvs Chlrapq I'ortlniut Special T:0O(i. in. vIa Hunt ii.Kton. Bnlt i-nke, Denver, Kt. nrtli,nmalni, KntifM l!ltr, 8t. I.onls,CMcRgoaiiil Kant. 420 p. ra. AtlMltlO Express DiOup. in. vln Hunt ington Snlt I.ftkc, Denver, Kt. Wortli.Onmlin, Knntns City, 8t. Iiilli,CiilcngoRti(I Knat. 8:40 a.m. . St. 1'hUl Kftt Mull (1.00 p. m. via 8po).nno ll Wnlla lwla-tun.BpnkHlio.Mlll-neapolla.Pt. I'mil. Dillntli; Mllnnn-ki'C.CIilCRsoAlidst MRjJfSRfi In k 7:00 n. ra. ,' , ocean'and river SCHEDULE v. KItOJl rOHTLANll. All falling dateit 4:n0 p. m. SAX) p.m. attujvet to ciiAtige For Pah Frnnclico fall cvory 6 dsya. Dally Ex.HnmUy 8:00 0. m. i-rliirday 10:110 p. in. Columbia Rlttr ttairntri. I'o Aatnrlannil Way Landlnga. 4 00 p. 111. Kx. Sunday, fl;OU a. m. Kx. Hiliulay Wlllamtlts Rlttr. Oregon City, New. berg, Mom, Inito pcinlenco A Vy l.andliiKi. 4:80 p.m. 1." Kx. Sunday 7:00 a. in. Tina., Tlinr. and Bau Wlllimalle and Yam hill Hlvart. OrcKon city, Dnr ton, A Way ,niitl lllK. S;no p. in.- Mini.. Wed. and Krl.r 0:00 h. in. Tnca., Tlinr a nil Sat. Wlilamalts Rlnr. Portland to (,'orval. Il A Way l.nml lng. 4:S0p.m. Mini., Wed. and Frl. I.r. lllpnrlA 8::h a, in. Dally Snakt Rlar. Itlparla to tawliton I.r.lAMrUlon i Dally 0 a. in. V. A. 8CIIII.UNO. City Ticket A (tent. iMNRihlimtonbtrect. A. L. CRAIG, Ociicral I'lisauiiKcr Agent, l'ortland, Or. ...TIIK... Pioneer Dining-Car Line &m blClti i II K Yellowstone National Park Route TIMK OUt-rOIlTr.ANI). For Taroma. Heat tie, OlymplA.dru) Harbor and Kulli llend points. iiMikniii). Ituliion. Mon No. J2 I,eaea l;4J P.M. ro w, I'ullniAii, Clransc. No. II Arrives 7:00 A.M. vine, Jiiaroiiin, iieiens, llulte. St. 1'anl. Mlniie. npolli, Ohlenpn, WaiIi liiKtuu 0. C, 1'iilladel phis, New York, lloaton and all potuis eail and aonineaai. For Tacoma, Peattle, Spokane. Unite, Ana. couiln, JiIIIIuks. Omaha, Kanaaa City, St. I-miU, Denver and all nolnu No. 4 lliSO P.M. No. 3 7:80 r. M. aouin aim aouiueaai. Tliroogli jervlcc. Dining cars. Pullman tlnt-clana and uphohtercd Tourlat Blefpcra. Unexcel'ed Accommodatloni, IlaKgnge checked todeitlnatlon ol tlcketa. For full Information, tlcketa, maps ot routes and other Inlormailon, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Aaalatant General Paaiengur agent. V& Morrlton St., cor. Third. Portland, Or. A. W.ALLEN Dlmpmnmlng Phmrmmolmt Phonm, Ormmtn Mmlm 409 Omfumhim f. 19 tk mini MmrmkmH 9f.t 93rd aritf 9mvlmi St; PORTLAND, fMEmOM. Do You Know the News ? f Ih m kra au (or rW kil, rCr.. 50c Month Month iBTasaVrsBlaf Tslaffasa. of rortlaa. T OtHM- It It tn Urg MTsTcnloa; asws- X tasr DabUaasdlD Oraaont It contains all Usjiswa oj tbs tuts and of ths b- iioo. Ttt ii ror a taontn. a aaaasis coaywuisa ava aall4 to yo Ira. A4- X drsaa THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Orcgoa. M AAA 9k 9k 9k AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi i. ti It .J r i (bS" K -Tjfw waitnffia.aaammjHawafftagi a--s-ta