W Sffl'BYffinirfa.ls """ ' -- t'T":' ' i-taT Nothing Tastes Good And cnting is simply perfunc tory dono bccuiiBO it must be. This is tho common complaint of tbo dyspeptic. . If eating sparingly would cure' dyppppaia, fow would suffer from it long. Tlio only way to cure dvBpopsia, which sjjb difficult digestion, is to give vigor and tono lo the Btomach and tho wholo digestivo nystom. Hood's Sarsanarltla cured the nleco of Frank Fay, 100 N. St., South ltojton, Moss., who writes thnt she hail been a (treat sufferer from dyrpensla forslx Tears! had been without appetite uud bad been troubled with sour stomach and headache. She lnul tried many other medicines In vain. Two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla niado her well, Hood's Sarsaparllla Promises to euro and keeps tho promise wont wait till you nro worse, but buy a bottlo today. Perpetual Motion Discovered. James Conroy, of Jorsoy City, N. Y., olnlmB to huvo dovisod n system of springs nnd weight which, opernting as n balance, will run machinory with out the aid of fuel, eloctrlolty or any other motive power. 9t0B thm Omttfh -af Workm Off thm Oeaf. Laxative nromo-Qulnlno Tablets cure a cold in one day. ,No cure, No Pay. l'rlce28cenU. Oldest Misslonsry. Dr. Ellns Riggs, the oldest mission aiy of the American board, died in Constantinople, aged DO years. He bad beou iu torvico for 00 years. MFK OK QUKKN VIOTOKIA. Cnitiplrlo I If" r Qurn Vlotnrlw Unit bonk, bitst term, Ontllt mulled free Aildram H. O. Millar - Co., Portland, Or. New York City's Water Works. Now York oity has the most oxpon sivo wntur works plant iu the country. It bus cost up to duto $116,620,748. BTATC OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLIDO, I I.uc-s county. " Fkank J. Uiikney makes oath that he Is ths senior purler of tho II rm of V. J. Uheniy it Co., doing buniiicii In tlio Cllr of Toledo, County and btate afori'aald, and that said Arm will pay the sum ol ONK IIUNDKKU DOLLARS for each and every cane of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this th day of December, A. D. l&M. ir7 A. W. OLKABON, l.l Kotarv Public Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Hend for testimonials, free. F. J. OH ENKY CO., Toledo, O. Bold by drugciits, 76c. Hall's Family Fills are thtt best Preparing for Rebellion. According to advices from Dahomey, tho Moslem tribes are openly pre par lug for robelllon. Ihey refuse to re cognize tho sovereignty of King TofTa. tiik iiKitn oimis ron oitip. Grip and colds may be avoided by keeplnc the system c.eansed, tho blood pure, and the diges tion good. Take Garfield Tea. Care of the Eyes. If you would havo good eyes, never rend, writo or sow immediately after coming from comparative darkness Into a bright light. Carter's Ink has the largest sale of uuy Ink in the world, because It is the best Ink thai can be made. A Municipal Pawn Shop. Chicago has the only municipal pawn shop In tho country. Paris and other European cities have had them in operation for mauy years. No External Symptoms. The blood may be In bad condition, ret with no external alga, bo skin eruption or sores to indicate it. The symptoms in such cases being a variable appetite, poor digestion, aa indescribable: weakness and nervousness, loss of flask and a general run-down condition of the system clearly showing the blood has lost its nutritive qualities, has become this and watery. t is in just such cases that S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and saost effective work by building up the Wood and supplying the elements lackiaf to make it strong and vigorous. " My wife used sev eral bottles of & 8. 8. as a blood purifier aad to tone up a weak aad emaciated system, with very (Barked effect by way of isBprovcaaemt. "we resraru si a peat tonic and blood punner, .r,uvmwt Princeton, Mo. fkfc sftfc U greats of all BL kj' tonics, aad you will sl"fi-d the appetite ia- 0 sjP 0 proves at once, strength returns, and nervousness vanishes aa new ( rich pure blood once more orcuiam through all parts of the system. S. S. & is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contains bo mla crals whatever. Send for our free book ea blood and akin diseases and write oat physicians for aay Information or advie anted. No charge for saedlcal advice. TMI WIFT WICINC C, ATLANTA. A. . TstLuit-TtMsT atttrnTAKrsr Bttt l'oub ttjrup. TauwOood. UaaBI BJ in lima. Sold by dnngltu. MB THE MARSHALL CENTENNIAL. Anniversary of the Great Jnrlst's In tnllatton na Chief Justice. On Feb. 4 the centennial of tho In stnllntlon of Chief Justice Mnrshnll, the eminent American jurist nnd fa mous Interpreter of the United States Constitution, was observed at Rich mond, his former home. In view of this the General Assembly of Virginia char tered tho John Marshall Memorial As sociation, organized for the purpose of buying his old home In order to pre serve it as a permanent memorial. Among those In' tho association nro Chief Justice Fuller, ex-Prcsldcnt Har rison, Senntor Ilonr and Lyman D. Brewster. Chief Justlco Marshall was born In Fauquier County, Va., In 1765, and was tho eldest of fifteen children. lie fought during tho Revolutionary War, participated In tho battles of Brandy wine and Monmouth nnd suffered tho hardships of Valley Forge. After the war he devoted his attention to law. Hi distinguished himself In tho Vir ginia convention for ratifying tho United States Constitution; sat on tho Supremo Court bench of that State; was pi mm CHIEF JUSTICK MARSHALL. one of tho envoys to Franco In 1703, seeking n more perfect amity between the countries; entered Congress In 1700, becoming ouo of the ablest men In thnt body; was Secretary of State and of War and In 1801 becamo Chief Jus tice, holding tho position uutll his death In 1835. Chief Justice Marshall maintained n commanding position In tho Supremo Court. Tho most Important decisions, especially thoso on International law, wcro pronounced by him. Ills decis ions are to-day regarded tho standard nuthorlly on Constitutional questions, and In tho words of a biographer have "Imparted life and vigor not only to tho Constitution, but to tho body polit ic." Ho is regarded as one of tho world's most eminent Jurists. Tho centennial of Marshall's Installa tion was observed not only at Rich mond but at tho nutlonal capital, where, under the direction of the Supreme Court, with tho co-operation of Con gress, cotnmcmorntlvo exercises wcro held. Tho day was also observed In American colleges, law schools and public schools. GREAT FLOWING OIL WELL. Where Oil Gntliea Five-Inch Stream Into the Air. A record-brenklng oil well is that of Colonel J. M. Guffey, of Dcaumont, Texas. It gushes In a five-Inch stream 150 feet Into tho air nnd never a stop. Tho oil Is covering tho territory for acres around. Dums nnd dikes havo OIL WELL AT BBAUMONT, TEX. been constructed around the well, with a view to saving aa much of the pro duction of 25,000 barrels per day as pos sible. When the drill tapped "the pay" the four-inch tube In the well was shot out of tho well high Into tho air. An estimate of what the well Is doing may be arrived at by bearing In mind that the derrick Is seventy-two feet high and tbo top of the stream reaches an altitude as high again. Sato to Ship Wet CoaL It has long been considered highly dangerous on account of the danger of spontaneous combustion to ship coal for sea transportation In a wet condi tion. Experiments have now been made which show that after all this la quite the safest condition In which to ship It. When a man looks thoughtfully Into the Are, his wife is a superior sort of person If sbe doesn't conclude that ha la thinking of some other woaua. xHJfl x-JflW AGKK, POKTLAJSnD, OREGON. M INTERESTING USE. PARENTS OF GROWING GIRLS APPRECIATE IT. WILL The Story la Told tir n Father Who la Grateful for III Daughter's IteooYerjr. No. 01 Lincoln avenue, Cortland, N. JT., was onco a houso of sorrow and sadness. Tbo danghtpr of Geo me Loucks, tho prido of tho household, seemed going into a deolino as she roach od her early womanhood and her condition oauBod tho groutost anxioty in tho family. Tho happy ending of tho tnnt tor caused considerable oxcito ment in the neighborhood nnd, when questioned by n roportor, Mr. Loucks made the following statomont: "About two yoars ago my daughter, who was then in hor 10th year, was in bad health. Sho was pnlo and thin, without strength or vitality, intact her condition was that whioh is generally j called all run down. Wo wero, of , course, worriod about hor and employ ed the host physicians to attend hor. Thoy Btudiod hor case and although they did everything popsihlo, gavo her no relief which was pormnnont. The Into Dr, Anglo had first called niv at-1 tontion to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pcoplo, nnd my wlfo had heard ' they woro a flno tonic, so wo dooidod , to try them for my daughter. We did j so and inside of oight weoks tho pri mary causo of hor troublo was remov ed and sho showed a docidod gain in health, strength and flosh. "A great many peoplo will buy a modioinb and take a fow desos. Then if thoy nro not curo.i thoy throw it BBido as no good, or tako it spa'modio ally. Wo hollovo iu o lair trial in strict accordance with directions and our faithfulness was rewarded for she was greatly benefited by them. Hor color camo to hor cheeks and sho con tinued to gain in woight nnd strength. Wo havo told a groat many pooplo about thorn and huvo boon clad to do so. Signod, GKORGE LOUOKS. Subscrlhod and sworn to boforo me this SOth day of Juno, 1000. F. O. PARSONS, Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills f)r Palo Peoplo aro sold by all doalon, or will be sent to any addross postpaid, on re ceipt of prlco, GO conts a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by Dr. WillUms Med iciuo Co., Schonootady, N. V. A Tragedy. She -If you had no iden when we could get mariiod, why did you pro poso to mo? "To tell the truth, darling, 1 had na idea you would aocopt me." New Proposed National Park. The national park of 1,207 square miles proposed at the head waters of the Mississippi will, if it is estab lished, be the first in the central regloa of the country. Literary Note From the Century Co. Tho Coulnry is to havo a serial story by Irving Iluoheller, tho author of that popular novol, "Ebon Holdon." I: is a border tale of 18 IS. Two types of the men who have helped to maka America are sot forth in it: ono, a Northern Yonkoo, quaint, ruggod and wiso; tho other, a man who has the hardy traits of a Puritan with tho ro mantic temporamout of a cavalier. The scene of the story is in the neigh borhood of Lake Cake Champhiln, and the titlo is "D'ri and I." It will b-w gin iu the March Century and run fox six mouths. Canada at Pan-American. Canada will have a building at the Pan-American exposition, uud make a comprohenslvo display ot tho coun try's great resonioes uud industries. As She Remembered Him. Mr. Sklmmorhorn (as the partici pants in tho debate becamo personal) I was a thundering fool when I asked yon to marry me I Mrs. Skimmerhorn Well, you look ed it, dear. Will Throw Lhjht SO Miles. A searchlight on the eloctrio tower of the Pan-American exposition will cast rays for a distance of 60 miles. Largest Guns In the World. The biggest things in the way ol gnus ever produced will be exhibited at the Pan-American exposition. Three Rules of Life. Edward Everett Hale gives the fol lowing three good rule for life: First, live as much as possible in the opes air; seoond, touoh elbows with the rank and file; third, talk every day with a man von know to do your su perior. George Washington In the Civil War. The attention of the pension bureau has been called to one regiment in the civil war in which, according to the rolls, 28 colored George Washington! served, Fried Smelts. Smelts can be fried to perfection la the blazer. Clean them, wipe dry, season and dip in flour or fine bread crumbs. Egg them, dip in crumbs again and fry in plenty of hot bntter. Serve with sauce tartare and Saratoga chips. Horns Truth. Mr. Biddle Those shoes are absurd ly small or you, my dear; but one must suffer to be beautiful, I know. Mrs. Biddle Ahl bnt how one suf fers toying to be polite yon will neve know. PRACTICE 0JF HAZING v I JCj 1 CUSTOM ORIGINATED IN COL I f LEGES OF THE EAST. Atrocious tlrntolltr to Defenaoleaa Btudcnta Una Stirred the Country Merita Penitentiary Term Rule of CouJuct l'rcacrlbed for Freahtucu. Great Interest In tho subject of col lego hazing was stirred throughout the cntlro country by tho startling chnrges which wcro made In connection with tho death of Cadet Hooz of tho West Point National Military Academy. Tho PA1NT1JJO A OAllKT's FACK. Investigations of tho military board ap pointed to look Into tho accusations brought by tho young man's family wcro closely followed by tho public, nnd every nverngo American citizen read with honor nnd disgust tho allegation thnt tho life of tho boy was ended by, hazing of tho most outrageous charac ter. Tho blood of nil decent and Intel ligent men or women boiled when they read the revolting story that tnbasco sauco had been poured down tho throat IIAZISRS AND ONK of tho student, who was nt tho mercy of tho lingers. Tho victim was so ter ribly Injured by tho fiendish act, so runs tho story, that death nt last camo to his relief as n natural consequence of tho j wounds Inflicted. When the barbarity of this Inhuman treatment of a defense less student was realized there was a demand for nn Investigation nnd tho detection and punishment of the stu dents who were guilty of such atrocious brutality. Tho demand resulted In tho appoint- ment of tbo military board, which at once began taking evidence. Tho caso was not more than fairly started when a second Incident was brought to light through the statements of other par ents, who alleged that they had lost a son whose death was directly traceable to hazing which bo had received at West Point. These two cases provo qulto conclusively, If any proof were needed, that the Infamous practice of hazing Is fur from extinct, ut least In some parts of the country. Hazing Is distinctly a product of eastern collego life. It originated thero and there has never been much of It Indulged In out side of the colleges of the East. It has been practiced to a limited extent In tho universities of the West, but It nover found a strong foothold In the Missis sippi valley nor In tho States beyond. Origin la tinar. College bazlug Is so old a custom that its origin Is somewhat hazy. Ono theory Is that It was at least a partial outgrowth of tbo fagging system of English colleges, In which It wns the custom to make new students do me sial work for the upper classmen. The I X I '. I I V Jf .. A,mi jHiM? m. I " TOS8l.NO IN X Ht.AMKKT. hnzlng which has been Indulged In hns largely been practiced upon freshmen, but occasionally other classmen havo been hazed, To hazo means to disturb, harass, annoy, and It was In some way figured out that this was Just what ought to be dono to men entering col lege for tho first time. It was decided that they should bo Bervlle and that they should do whatever they were told by tipper claBsmcn, no matter how absurd or degrading nn act should bo demanded of them. As early as tho year 1700, sixteen years beforo tho breaking out of the Revolutionary War, tho following regulations wcro enacted at Yale University: "It being tho duty of seniors to teach freshmen tho laws, usages and cus toms of the college, to this end they nro empowered to order tho wholo freshmnn class or any particular mem ber of It to nppcar, In order to bo In structed nnd reproved, nt such tlmo and placo as they shall appoint, when and whero every freshman shall attend, auswer all proper questions nud behave decently. "Tho freshmen aro forbidden to wear their lints In tho collego ynrd until tho Mny vacation, nnd whenever a fresh mnn cither speaks to a superior or Is spoken to by one ho shall keep his hat off uutll he Is bidden to put It back on. "A freshmnn shall not play with any of the members of au upper class with out being nsked. "Freshmen nro required to perform nil reasonable crrnnds for nuy su perior." "Freshmen shnll not run In tho col lego ynrd nor up nnd down stntrs, nor call to any ouo through a college win dow." , In tho "Ancient Laws nnd Liber ties" of Harvard similar restrictions upon tho freshmen are found. Among them nro: "No freshman shnll wear his hat In tho college ynrd unless It rains, halls or BiiowB, provided he bo on foot and huvo not both hands full. OF THEIR VICTIMS. "Freshmen nro to consider all other classes us their seniors, "No frcsliuinu shnll speak to n senior with his hat on, nor have It on in n senior's room, nor In his own If a senior bo thero. "When nny person knocks nt a fresh man's door, except In studying time, ho shnll Immediately open tho door without Inquiring who Is thero." I'IkIiIiiik I'rcahniHii huitiilneil. Tho death blow to tho hat law and most of theso other absurd regulations was struck over 100 years ngo, when Levi Hedge, who was afterward a fa mous professor, thrcateied to knock down u senior who demanded that ho removo his hat. Tho troublo was brought beforo the president of Har vard for adjudication and hu decided In favor of Freshmnn Hedge. Although (hose regulations wero early overthrown the spirit underlying them was kept alive and frequently mani fested Itself In tho mlstrciitmeut of members of tho freshmen class. Tho now college men wero "smoked out," taken 'from bud nt midnight and doused uudcr tho town pump, painted with green or red paint, made to eat or drink vllo combinations, blindfolded and made to run three or four miles, made to sing or danco or deliver orations, while very often they wero shorn of their hair completely. Ttero have been many Instances of the most vicious kinds of practices. Young men have been thrown luto rivers or hikes, head ed up In barrels aud rolled down hill, etc. Occasionally freshmen have re sisted tho perpetration of theso out rages. Revolvers hnvo been drawn by both sides, but when tho freshman who was thus Inclined to defend himself has been caught unarmed ho has often been mado to pay dearly for his self-defense. With tho progress of education uud civilization theso practices have be come lesa common Iu many of the largo universities, but that they still exist to some extent and In their worst form Is evident from tho developments In tho West Point case. This fact led an old college man to remark the other day: "Tho time has coino when tho brutal college hazer should bo treated In ex actly tho same way as any other crim inal. No effort should bo spared either by the collego or civil authorities lo catch the culprits and when appre hended they should bo given the full penalties ullowcd by the law, If a few of tho young wretches, who nro nothing but brutes In human form, were sent to tho penitentiary ns they should ho for five or ten years It would hnvo a most salutary effect upon collego hazing." AMERICAN POETS LONG-LIVED. With Route Kxceptlouii, Our llarilalluvo Iteuchcd the Allotted Akc. A most striking fact Is tho longevity of our poets. The typical American poet when ono thinks of It and no tices tho faces that look down from his library walls Is found to be nn nged, hoary man, says Oscar Lovell Tclggs In tbo Forum. Of tho eight poets pic hired on tho frontispiece, six nre gray beards aud Incline to baldness uud of tho black-haired heads, Laulcr'llved to bo U0 nnd Poo to bo 40. No American poet has had tho advantage of John Keats of dying young with still enough nccompii8iica to uo compared wiiu Shakspearo on the ground of his prom ise. Many fair hopes centered In Corn Fnbrl, Anno Aldrlch nud Winifred Howclls, tho youngest of tho sister hood to lay down their pens; but their work wns too Incomplete to glvo prophecy of their maturity. Joseph Rodman Drnko nt 25, Stephen Crano nt 20, James Kerry Itcnsel nt SO nnd Francis ltrookH at :il had hardly begun their true poetic enrccr. Probably our lltcrnuro sustained Its greatest loss In tho denth of Richard Hovey, who wns destined to nccompllsh grent works nnd to win high renown; nt .'10 ho wns Just prepnred for bold ndventure. Tim rod nud Emmii Laznrus had fulfilled much of their promise nt US. Edward Row lauds Sill nud Hay an! Taylor, whoso prcmnturc deaths were much lamented, hnd yet time nt 40 nnd 03 to accom plish not n llttlo well-rounded nud well proportioned work. Longfellow, Low ell, Whitman, Story nud Hnlleck en tered the 70th; ISmcrsou l cached tho 80th mnrk: while Frcuenu, Whlttler, Holmes nud Bryant passed It. Dnun lived on Into the 00th, Sonio few sensitive natures, like Poo nnd Richard Renlf, suffered pain nnd travail, largely tho fault of their pe culiar temperament; Ill-health affected the output of (tome; tho Civil Wnr cut short tho lives of several; accident closed u few careers; and four suffered violent denth at their own hands, Rut for tho great majority tho currents of llfo rm smoothly, nud, savo tho or dinary Incidents of change, they lived in serenity of spirit. GREATEST OF BATTLESHIPS. Jnpnn'a New Wnr Vraael I the Moat Powerful Allo.U. Tbo Vlckcrs, Sous & Mnxlm ship yard at Harrow, England, wob tho scene recently of tho launching of tho now JnpaucHo battleship Mlkasa, tho largest of such craft In tho world. Her launching weight wns 8,000 tons, this being practically only her bnro bull. Sho is over 400 feet long nnd her dis placement will bo about 10,000 tons. Her engines aro 15,000 horso-powor, nnd sho will hnvo n conl capacity of 1,400 tons which will allow of her traveling about 0,000 miles nt n speed of ten knots before replenishing hor bunkers. Four twelve-Inch breech-load-lug guns nro mounted In pnlrs, forward nud nft, nnd thero are fourteen In tho armored citadel. Ah tho vessel slid down tho wnys Into tho wnter n Inrgo globe of colored pn pers suspended from her bows, ac cording to Japnnemi custom, opened nnd liberated a dozen pigeons. This Is the Jupnneso equivalent of breaking a bottle of wlno across tho hows of n hlp. Speaking nt tho luncheon which followed tho launch, the Jupniicso min ister remarl.rd that tho Mlknsn might M rt2'-?2rtt ok pizprp LAUNCH Or TIIK HIKA8A. nt hoiiiu future tlmo bo fighting sldo by sldo with n British licet, but hu was Hiiro sho would nover bo found Iu un tiigoulsm. An Uiiovoii Content. "They hud u lively boxing match at Splinter's tho other night." "How wus thnt'" "Splinter enmu homo late, and us ho passed through tho hall his wife's tall est palm touched him on tho cheek. Splinter wus in au excited condition, uud thought It wns somebody's fingers. So ho struck out wildly with both lint uud succeeded In knocking over two palms nnd severely bumping his own bend." "Hut why do you call it a boxing match'" "Ilecuuso Splinter put up his knuc kles against his wife's palms," Clovo luud Plain Dealer, Tho Largest Inoubutor. Now South Wules has not only the largest duck farm In tho common wealth, but also probably tho largest incubator In tho world. Tho farm und Incubator aro situated at Holnny, nenr Sydney, tho Intter, according to a 8yd ncy paper, having a capacity of 11,-j-io thick eggs, or 14,080 hen eggs. It Is not necessary that it should bo filled ut any ono tlmo. Tho eggs can bo put In ut lutervnls, n they aro uvallublo. With fifty eggB only It will works Jtut ns well us If It wero filled. Tho Incubator wnti designed und constructed by Its pro prletor, with tho aid of an Ingenious local mechanic, IBtBKammxft 3 mJt aN t J ' Ml mini. im.ir nn- i" J ' --' ' .1 iim, - nilil, I i I V1 ' ' BBBlBBMMa-ssssiBs- i ' im ' iSiiisi i-- , , i v d w " k L tfl