KrvmrwV'''' " r ir to. bf .. .'if, " . D-tStBr-T1 . J f v - ; 4 , , THK STEW AGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. 1tw7' .- imifF mmrvrrrr'-. ""rwwmmmmmmmmti PtrCSjSj ', S'A..BBWBSBBBBBBBBBIII f 1 A' f ' ' . ", ' . ,' "7 v,WM'"IA'ii j''iP''. -i -" . i . U' II tl H ISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees Tho Moit Sparkling. t)e1l"Iotn nnd Aro matic COIKKK" Kvor Placed on this Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Four Blends.. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will Icate Portland, font of Washington fit., Rlindny, Tuesday and 'Ihtirsdav livening nt 0 o'clock, tor Hilivle' laland, Ht. Ilclctip, (japlea, Deer limind, Martina, Knlamn, Nccr City, Jlaiitcr, Ml. Collin, Mayger, Hlella, Oak I'ollit, 1'rroiiiHiii, Manzanlllo,Clatiikanlo and all way landing. BEST LINE TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dultitn, Chicago, And all Points East. Through Palnce nml Tonrlal Sleepers, Dining Car (mcnlaii la untie), lliirrol,8mnkliig, LIMary Cam. For ticket nml full Itiforinatlon regarding Jjmtcni trlii, call at city ticket nlllcc. 'JM Mnrri Miiiitrui't. A II. ('. DKIKION, City I'aai. and Tii hot Agent. Strong's Photographs Superior In Style and Finish.1. STUDIOi In Goodnough Bulletin?. ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. Ono of thu moat rompluto bakery! lu thu Northwest. Bikes the Best Pullman Bread la the West M. SHIELDS, Prop. 347 Morrison Ht. I'OHTI.ANlt, Oil, v And 4itt Union Avenue, cornor Pacramontn, 1 Alliliu. Homc-iiiado bread, cakes Mini pies. llakcd brana and Muslim Drown llrrsil every , Hatiirday. Tel, Itcd Ul'ii Tul. ItiHimi, BARRHOTEL Europoan and American Plan. Furnished in Pirst-Class Style. New house, newly fnrnlrhed, two blocks from Union depot .All the modern tliilirovoineiKa, Urr-i'ioof, hut and cold water, centrally lo cated. Iiatos, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Meals 250, llalhsiBo. Cor. Sixth and Qllsan, Portland. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Can lcaxo Portland. Cornor First and Wain. Ingtim streets, for Vauruiuer as follow ) Vancouver lo Minute. A. M.-'nsIS, 1-M, I'M, 8:3.1, OilK, 10:03,10:4 11:11 1'., i:ai. i,n, .:ft.t,:l, 4:03, 4:H,fts3.t, H:1H, Ui:M. Iliril. (Leave I'lrst and Jet (itmiii streets, 4 in I n ii l oh curlier.) Terry lean- Vancouver to connect with can II follows) A. M.-'ii:ts. 7:30, h:1 o:oo, 0:45, low, n:li ia:wi M, r. M.-i.'itJ. i::, 2:15. 3;W), 3:U, 4:;w, 8H5, 6:oo, 11:0,111:10. Cars loaxe corner Hrst and Washington street for Wnodtnwn as tolloua; A. M, :a.M:IH.7:iU.7!tO,7:.'U,7i.8:(W, hUK, :x, k;is., u:iH. i:s3, v:(s. io;ai, uislN, 10,11, lo-ih. it:o,i. u:is, ii:;u, u:s. 1'. M.-l'.'iui, l'.'ilt. U-a-i. lists, l:o., 1:18,, i:tu:o.t, .':i8,'j,;u,;)',i 3:ai, ann, 3:S.i, 8:K, :o.i, t:)M, 4:i.i,4:ih,6:o.i, o:i8,A:3.i, MH.fl:ui, fl:iH. r.:3.i, (IMS, 7:oa, 7ila,7iS.i, 7:in,s:iu, mix, Kiitt. :ts, U:i3. 9:-,o:i3, 10:03. lOik n:it, u:o3, ii:t(U:4J. Viimllill )10 Minute., Caralrine Wooillawn for Klrtt and Wathlng tonatrcetaai fotUma: A M-'ast-S'itjivi, d:u Miso, fl:is,7:oo, 7:l7:5, 8:00, 8:l, 8:30, :l 0;txi, 9:1.V :30, 9:i lo:ix,, H)tu:w), uiu, u:so, U!4iMM. I'.M.-Kill, W.:M.tS:4VlilXl.l:I.Mi!W,ltl3i(n. .l:l,i'30,'.,:4s!rti. 3:l. 3:w, 3:4:i, 4:l.4:.'M,4il ft:tv, 6:l.V MO, y.t :tx r.:i,, 7U.V 7:30.7:0, :ix, M.V ::. :w. trio, 9:30, 0.50, n;iu, io:so, IO,W,fllllU, IIIOU. Dally, except SnndaNs. tDally.oxicpl i'IumI s and Saturdays. jodlid) and faturdajs only, Employment agency.. W. T. PHILLIPS. SOOJi Stark street, betvtcen Front and First, l'houe, Oregon, Clay 441. PORTLAND, OREGON. Heir of all kinds lurnlihM on short notlc. Wanted! Itallroad men and deck hands, cooks, waltera and general house, work, lartu hands, mill hands and city work. Krai estate listed and aold, I Supply sunt fur tho Kaiy Mop Wringer, vat ut applied for, tilate and county rights tor sJo. j WHITE COLLAR LINE rOLUMMA IUVKIt A PUGKT SOUND NAVL (MTION CO. PORTLAND AND A8TOIUA. Ftcamcr lfcrcnlca takci thn place of Hallcy Ontrvrt. Leave every morning Inthe week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday-. Returning, leaves Aatorta every night In the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday, Olllce, Alder street dock. Telcphono Main 8M. Columbia 'phone 351. E. W. CIUCHTON Agent. A WS WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS IIETWI.E.V Portland, Astoria Seaside I-cnven Tor Mny(ter, Haln-' Arrlyca Union Depot ler.ClHtakan leUnlnn Depot I'ortiailU Hoipori, million, runi.uu AKinrm, itarruii' Ion, Klnvel, dear hart I'urk and bea fclilc, 8:00a. m, 7:00 p.m. Anlorla A Hcahore l.xprcM Dally. Artorla Kxprom Dally. 11:15 a.m. 0:40 p. m. Ticket ofllce, 'AW Morrlion street, and Union depot, rortland. ..... J. 0. MAYO, (Jon. I'naa. Agent, Astoria, Or. hatters and Furnishers Eole Agents for KNOX HATS .BUFFl)M & PEHDIiETOH... 04 Third Stroot, PORTLAND, ORE. wKRrrrarCK OOLDUN WEST BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST If Tea Ati ret CitltSil Tear If : jit Ei:i Cu) ft DtviM., lMrtlaml, Or. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST Graduate of the Northwtttem Unlevritty Dental Collage. First-Class Work and Prices Reasonabli 711 Dokum nid'g, Cor. Third A Washington. rOUTI.AND, Or. Oragon '1'hona Qreen 491 . USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tho Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pen year; 25 era. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES kverv number complete in itself hfcai5toJif.ifcig. itfi"i rrmi t..t. WUpWKWa RSi I 1 I m i I I I ffl t The colleges which hnvo agreed to ft uulforui ndnilsslon test for matricula tion, as decided by n Joint committee, nro Princeton, Columbia, Unlverfilty of Pennsylvania, UutgerH, Union, Cornell, Vnssnr nud ywnrthmore. Thcro la a niovement on foot to unify tho admis sion tests for Western colleges as well. The annual report of tho Commis sioner of Education furnishes food for reflection, showing as It docs that over 120 per cent of tho cntlro population is enrolled In the elementary and second ary schools, numbering lDl(Vt8,715, with 1U,733,:1G2 In nil the public schools. This grand total Is satisfactory to tho frlciuls of education and ought to con fuse those who arc pessimistic about the work the public schools arc doing. Tho teachers of tho wholo country have been watching with deep Interest tho light of thu Chicago teachers for an Increase of taxes through tho as sessment of property not hitherto as sessed, amounting to some millions. It has been n game of win and lose, nnd Just when It was thought they were doomed to defeat something would make success seem likelier, but at pres ent It seems luuvltnblc that they hnvo lost the fight Put after all, they have fought for a principle, and have won In a way, and there nro better times com ing, nil because of tho heroic struggle which they have made. Congress does not approve of homo study for growing children, nnd lu ac cordance with Its recommendation tho Hoard of Kducatlon of tho City of Washington has decided thnt there must be no home study In grades be low the sixth. Commenting on this action, the Missouri School Journal says that "in thu opinion of 'many thoughtful men muru children nro hurt from thu lack of study than from too much of It. If the children had fewer things to study and gavu these more thought both In school and nt homo tho result would ho stronger nud mora sat isfactory mental development." Thcro Is also n movement on foot to rcduco the minimum of outside work required In thu seventh nud eighth grades. It Is the dreary routine work thnt lessens thu vitality of thu child, nud not tho good, healthy Intellectual effort. Judg ment on tho pnrt of tho teacher Is nil thnt Is necessary to make homo study a delight and an ntd to mental develop ment Instead of n hindrance. Tho public schools lu tho Philippines will during tho yenr receive otllclal ns Hletnnco' thnt must provo quite an Im petus to their advancement. Tho Phil ippine commission has under considera tion a bill establishing n system of pub lic education and appropriating il, 050,000 for tho maintenance during tho year 1001. Tho general superintendent, Dr. W. P. Atkinson, has had chnrgo slnco Sept. 1, nud hns used his utmost endeavor to systematlzo tho schools. Gen. McArthur Indorsed tho bill, as did, also, Gen. Otis. Through tho dis trict commanders, theso Gcncrnls hnvo reopened schools, furnished text books, nnd supplied teachers, tunny of tho hitter being soldiers. In localities where money could bo raised by taxa tion or local subscription It hns been done. Tho bill empowers tho super intendent to appoint, subject to tho military Governor's approvnl, superin tendents In each of tho eighteen 'dis tricts, at salaries of from $2,000 to ?-. r00. Local advisory boards nro to bo orgnnlzcd lu tho municipalities ns civil government becomes established. Eng lish Is to be tho basis of all tho studies and 300 teachers nro to bo secured from tho United States, nt salaries of from ?75 to ?100 per month. No ro llglous denomination will bo nllowed to tench Its particular faith lu schools, partly or wholly, supported by tho pub lie fund. Whero thero Is poverty, tho necessary aid will bo furnished by tho government, and ?:00,000 will bo ex pended under tho direction of the mili tary government for training nntlves as teachers. Appropriations aro mndo for three normal schools and an nrmy of tlcer Is directed to report upon on agri cultural school. A t-AMOUS COMPOSER. The I.nte Oluaopio Verdi, Who Attain ed ii World-Wide Kuuie. Tho death of Gluseppo Verdi, which occurred recently at Milan, Italy, re I moved a composer of International ro- oiuskim'k vr.Kni. uowu and n tlguro at ouo tliuo prom inent lu Italian politics. lie was born at Itoncole, duchy of Parmar, In 1SUU He developed a great tasto for music and at 11 was tho or xaulst of the village church. When, aaft- fSi EST?lal I fvl lLkF I 1 -r!skW T?'v- vTWrBREv9 a S through the Influence of a distiller, An tonio Uarezzl, whose daughter he sub sequently married, he was sent to Mllnu to enter the conservatory there, ho was refused admission on tho grouud that ho "had no untural aptitude for mu sic." Ho plnccd himself under the di rection of u composer nnd In 18.TJ, nf tcr yenrs of study, produced his first work, which met with considerable success. Ills second work wits n failure and for a year Verdi retired to private life. In 1842 ho produced Nnbuco, which Im mediately established his fame. ' In 1851 came the llrst of his masterpieces, Itlgolctto. Two yenrs Inter he pro duced nuothor mnsterplcce, 11 Trova tore, nud within three mouths I.n Tra vlata. By theso works In particular tho fame of Verdi will bo known to posterity. Verdi figured In politics for several years. Ho was n deputy to tho llrst Parliament of united Italy nnd lu 187C was appointed a senator by Victor Em manuel. Prom 1850 to 1800 his nnina wns tho rallying cry In tho Itnllnn struggle for freedom. It wns then treason to shout "Vim Victor Emman nolo, lto d' Italia" ("Llvo Victor Em manuel, King of Itnly"), nnd when n phrase was sought ns n sort of pass word the people discovered that by crying Viva Verdi they gnve utterance to the Initial letters of tho forbidden sentence. VerdPs works nro numerous nnd through them he acquired n handsome fortune. To the Houso 'of Host for Aged nud Indigent Musicians, which ho founded, he gnve $200,000. He owned a mngnlflccnt cstnto on the Bny of Naples nnd another homo In Genoa. Innumerable marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him at nil tho great courts of Europe. Re MOVE AN ANCIENT TOMB. Milton's Itttrlnt IMncj to Mnke Way for Improvements. Old St. Giles, Crlpplognte, In which John Milton Is burled, will soon by demolished to mnke room for some "Improvements," and thus will disap pear ouo of the oldest structures In thu g0$?J llUHm. PLAOK OP Ml.TON. very old city of London. Tho original building wns erected moro than 800 years ago, In 1000, by Alfuuc, proctor of St. Bartholomew's, only thirty-four years after tho battle of Hastings. In 1302 the church was almost entirely rebuilt, enough remaining, however, to continue the llfo of ouo of the llrst structures built after tho Norman con quest. Iu tho great Loudon tire, In 1000, St. Giles was threatened, ns wns almost every other building lu the city, but was ono of tho-so which survived without any serious damage. Again, only threo or four yenrs ngo, tiro nt tucked It, when, In 1807, the flames created so much consternation In thu most hlstbrlc part of London, nnd ngnlu the old church wns saved. Now It Is surely to succumb to the vandal ism, tho Icouoclasm or the progress, whichever may be tho most pleasing to the reader, of the modem citizen of London, Whether this Individual be wrong or right, ho cannot in the futuro assail tho Americans with charges of n lack of veneration. Milton wns burled In the church, toy the sldo of his fath er, on Thursday, Nov. 12, 1074. n large number of people attending tho funer al. HlKh Moteorologloul Observations. The Observatory of Iiluo Hill, Mnss., reports a moteorologlcnl observation taken nt tho great altitude of 11,000 feet by means of a team of llvo kites, and n strlug of piano wlro 24,000 feet long. Tho weight of tho wlro wns sup ported by the kites, which were at tached nt distances apart of about 4,000 feet. Tho weight of tho wlro and kites wns about 120 pouuds. This metero logical observntlou was taken nt an altitude considerably higher than any previous ouo by similar methods. Tho upper air was found to bo (June 10, 1000) very dry nnd nt a temperature of r0 degrees Pahreuhelt, and an upper wind of 25 miles per hour was blow ing from tho northeast, while tho air at tho surfneo was eutlrely calm. London's Police Force. London's Metropolitan Police num ber 15,705. During the past year 81 wero Injured whtlo stopplug runaway horses, nnd 21 wero hurt by vehicles while regulating tho tratUc, Tho prop erty stoleu In tho twelvo months was valued nt 112,000, a sum less thnn has been recorded since 1S90. Thero were 1,708 burglars, against 1,872 In tho previous year, Tho number of ex-con-vlcts let looso from Loudon during the year amounted to 0S1, Tho public left In licensed vehicles 17,000 umbrellas and 200 watches. Mexican State Fair. A permanent state fair s soon be established nt Ohlnuanuo, Mexico, for tho special purposes of developing agri culture and cattlo raising. Tho man who Imagines that great wealth guarantees great happiness Is a fooL iSHS'-ffl jUSa w- ,- - m Mr rw Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS ntiHii UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles of Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All .Goods Sold on Installments. 01 Third St.. Oor. Pine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. TowoU furnished to Ilarbcra, Doctors, Offices and llmlnesa IlotKes, i:tc. Wo also do First Class Laundry Work. Fourth nml Vouoli 8ts. POIuLAND, OK. Oregon I'll ono 420. Columbia l'hono 410. Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey J.....AND Shaw's Pure Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale Mquor A Cigar Dealers SOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale .Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop; Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stock given the very best of care. Kates always reasonable and satisfaction guar, antced, Fbone Halo 51. Cor, Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507' DENA STINSON, Lsdi Assistant. .Merchant Hotel. CORNER THIRD AND DAVI3 8TREKT8 j l'OUTLAND. OIIKGON. HOTEL 18 NEWLY RENOVATED. This Is the best equipped moderate rate hotel , on the l'aclfic Coatt and has all the conven. i lences of hlgh.prlced hotels. Complete with I elictrlo lights and bells, and artesian water In each room. Hath room on each floor. Klevatot for accomodation of guests. Rates II and per day. Meals 25 cents. Special rates to lam- llles and theatrical parties. Free 'bus to and trom all trains. SCO rooms. Only four blocks from Union Depot. Kire Proof llulldlng. F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop. Strictly Flrst.Class. Rats 1.00 l'.r Day nd Up. I . mercial Sample Room. I29sty5fp STEAMERS ALTONA AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR Salem and Waj Landings. 9SBHSBBBSSSJBSwSBlSBSBHHSlM,- Leaves Taylor street. . Halem Arrives Portland ..6:45 A.M. ,.7:00 A. M. ..4:30 P.M. SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leave Portland. 10:SO A. M., 2 and 8:00 P. M. Leave Oregon Cltr 12S30, 3:80,6:30 P. M. Oregon City Trans. Go, Promptness and quick dispatch our ipccialtr A. B. GRAHAM, Agont. Office and wharf, foot of TaylorBU Phone 40. WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are headquarters for Ralson Health Qub Foods, Grano, Acme Rolled Oali, Health Proce- Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 835 North Third St. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing Neatly Done. Work called for and delivered. All work , guaranteed. H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Capen Co.'s Shoes CUhhlSOfl & GO. Wheat and SK Brokers DIRECT TO New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ESMOND HOTEL Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. ItATKHl European Plan, 50c to $J,50 Per Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Dat OSCAR AN DKR80N, Manager. J.G FENDEQAST, Chief Clork. WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOR HOUBEKEEPINO. Cut This Out and Oct a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First Street. f. V. BROOKE DRUG CO. 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TELEPHONE: COLUMBIA 760. OREGON RED 1804; 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Maims DCSIONS COPVRIOHTS AC. Anrons sanding a sk.lrh and description mar qotcklr aacrtaln our opinion fre whether an Invention UprobablrPtntati Communlea. tlonsalrictlrconndentlal. Handbook oa Patent tent Ire. Oldest aaencr for securtiifpateMs. Pat.nts taken through Munn ft Co, reclvt jMrtti notUt, without cname, la the Scientific Jlincrkaii. A hsndsomalr Hln.trati-4 weeklr. T-areeat cir culation of anr aclentuts journal Terms. S3 a v.ari four months, IL Bold bj all nawadeal.ra. 'WftMum