ll'. l.'7w " ;' ' V r ' - ' - ' tftr , i n t wr ; , - i nit , " .SSsssssl sssssss P I ssssMl i ! I I II 1 II I II I III in HI 111 ij.sV'.nmr wJ1ir -r-5TisT( -t- , rm "r jrr' i m ";.tf1 T ry 7,i ' " '' V ft "WSf- n' Ip5' ,f4'f yWji -'. THE NEW ACrE, POBTJiAND, OllEGON. nnrBHpBBBM u i' --fiwumeruzaxeam fi . i, -pL - . . i.i ' - ' ' ' aflBi 'll . ,i It ?M0 i ,r-?WJ f4 'rx yAHr , 1 . t - 'f ' i' 1 ' ' ' 'Sf . C. fl. STOKES JiIQUOR GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled br Pabjt Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. Salem'Store, 142 State St. Any Site Any Quantity Any Stylo MACKINTOSHES, RTOBER AND OIL CLOTHING Rubber Boots and Shoes, netting, Packing; and Hose. Largest and Most Complete Assortment of all Kinds ot Rubber Goods. OOODYEAR, RUBBER COMPANY ft. IL rEABE, President. F. If. BIIEl'AUD, JR., Treasurer J. A. SlIEl'ARD, Secretary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RUSSELL & COMPANY BUILDERS OF Engine, Mailer e. Saw Mlllm, Thre therm If yon bob template buying machinery, write na for cataloguo and price. RUSSELL & CO. A. H. AVERTTX, Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. E. G. ATKINS VSnzo J Branch, Mm rfOWsW LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - - $72,000 ' -'i sr THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL. FRENCH BLOCK, taiUr V. CAESAR, President; TRUMAN W. ENOB, Vice-President; O. B. BELVIO, Caahltri JACOB H. VANDERBILT, Assistant Cashier. GENERAL BANKING IN ALL4 ITS BRANCHES Interest allowed on deposits In Baring Department. Circular Letters of Credit Issnsdon Peng Kong, Chios, and Yokohoma, Japan; also Drafts and Bills ot Kxcliangs Issued on China and Japan, and the principal cities ot Europe, Foreign moneys exchanged. WI HATK aFKOIAI, rAVlLXTIBB FOR HAXDMNQ GOLD DUST AND BULLION THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY - DEALERS IN- SECOND HAND MACHINERY. Cast Water Vtroot PORTLAND, ORKQON. I. ' ' , " Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. UCCKISOR TO PATRICK, KAtTICK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HARNESS, SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 9 1 -93 Frnt Street, Between Stark and Oak. Ortfo. rhoa. Main 4t7... DRINK THE FAMOUS. FOR SALE AT ALL THE i BREWERY AND OFFICE, ABLiaas mi. ALLEN M-ilppina: 5e Commission MrcHmritJi WHOLESALE QROCEftS T sars tarn aSSVsss) att ssissaaisatUM to tho Csaaaay. ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrst-Class Accommodation!! and Prompt .err- Ice. Laritc Sample Qpoms for Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Oor. Erst & Washington Sts. ALBANY, OREGON. The Unrivaled Piano ofhc World KRANIGH & BAGH Established 1804. Visit our Wareroom and be convinced. Many other standard and reliable makes of Pianos and Organs. We tell on EASY TERMS. Nb large first Payment required. C. A. WHALE HUSIC HOUSE M. C. MATTIIIEU, Manager, 128 Sixth Street COMPANY .PORTLAND, OREGON, Manufacturers ot PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SAWS Mo, 60 First Sim 00,000 TACOMA, VASH. PORTLAND, OREGON PRINCIPAL SALOONS - i " W::i!fVL&VW ut IMOOBromATK IMf , & LEWIS aBjsjv-Sl' " iT m Little Gray Sheep" is tho tltto of Hie now novel by Mrs. Hugh Frnzer, who is n sister of Marlon Crawford, from the Llpplncott press. Pnul Leicester Ford, whoso mnrrlnBO has recently occurred, had sold of his last novel, .Tanlco Meredith, 243,000 copies on tho day of his wedding. Ten thousand more were then in press. Punch announces the Immediate pub lication of a three-part serial by Frank II. Stockton. It Is entitled "Tho Glided, Idol and tho Conch Shell," and deals with American life on tho side of poli tics. A study of modern social conditions as they nffect tho Jews in tho United States is presented by Miss Emma Wolf In her novel, "Heirs of Yester day," published by A. C. McClurg & Co., of Chicago. A new edition of Charles Klngsley's works Is In course of preparation by his daugutcr, Mrs. Harrison (Lucas Mnlet). Her Introductions to tho vari ous volumes will contain much Inter esting unpublished matter. American authors, It seems, arc help lessly exposed to tho depredations of Russian publishers. An illustration of the pillage which constantly goes ou Is scon in the fact that Henjaililn Ido Wheeler's "Llfo of Alexander tho Great" Is now being reprinted In tho Neva, a Russian magazine published In St. Petersburg. Tho biography first ap peared In the Century magazine, and then was published as a book with drawings by Andro Castalgne, which are.nlso being pirated by tho Russian magazine. A picturesque event happened recent ly at Garden River, a part of tho OJIb way Reservation, nine miles from tho Canadian "Soo," as Sault Stc. Mario Is familiarly called, when Miss Allco Long, fellow, and her sister, Mrs. J..G. Thorp, of Cambridge, and other descendants of the poet Longfellow, wcro formally adopted Into the OJIbway nation. Tho Longfellows. with others, formed a party who have been camping in Geor gian Ray, about thirty miles from Gar den River, the latter place being the ancient residence of tho OJIbway Kings, who ruled there a hundred years ago, when this nation was supremo among the aborigines, the last King of tho Ojlbwnys being tho father of tho Chief Bukwuk Jlninl, who taught Longfellow tho legends on which his Hiawatha was founded. This country Is supposed to have been tho scene of most of Hiawatha's explolta, and hero the OJIbwoys, who aro entertaining tho Longfellow party, presented a drama- 'tlzed version of Hiawatha for their guests, which was given out of doors with much realistic effect Tho morn ing after tho adoption of tho Longfel lows bito tho OJIbwny Nation, Miss Longfellow presented their Hosts witn a handsomo portrait of her father, framed In birch bark, wlilch will hang In their Council House at Gnrden River. Tho wholo story Is not only one of much Interest, but should form a strik ing eplsodo In all future lives of tho poet Sign. "I shouldn't bo surprised If I done sold dat muio aftuh all," remarked Un do Rasbcrry. "Is you got any offers?" "No. Rut 1's.gwlnter git ono purty soon. Deacon Thompson stops hyuh every yuthuh day an' was'cs half an hour tellln' me 'bout whut u no 'count animal it is. An' dc deacon doenn't put in his time wlfout'n he's got na object" Washington Stan pILT EDGE SALOON W. II. MOON Prop. Choicest Liquors and Cigars. Hlcam and Lagur liter. SOS Alder Street. 1'ortlnnd, Oregon. J'hoiiB South 231. PACIFIC LAUNDHY CO. . Main OfflcetOund ii N. Ninth 8treet. Gentlemen's Work a Specially. Ordirs I'ruinptlr AttcnOtd to. DOTH I'lIONKS. rOUTLAND, OUKGON. COOK Dealer In CHOICE WINES, LIQUOH8 AND CIOAKS No. 61 8. W. Cor. First and I'ine Sts. SPRANQER'S ARCADE 30, 3a, 34 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladies' and Ocntfl' Reading Room E. H. SPRANOER, Prop. Oregon I'hone Main 7M. Columbia I'lione 7M Portland, Oregon. The Leading FURNITURE DEALER INI ....UHKER OP EASTERN OREOON IS ..W. A. RADEf.. Funeral Director and Kmbalmer Lady AksUtant. PKMHETON - OKEOON DOlHinHM General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Progress of the Various Lints ot Human Endeavor Being Accom plished by the Race. With tho close ot this session Mr. White of North Carolina, tho only colored man in tho liouso of represent utivos, goes out n( congress. January 20th, in tho holme, Mr. Wliito pro nouueed "tho Negro's toniporary faro well to tho Amoricau congroes" in nu impnssiono.l speech, which brought forth upplauso on thu floor and in tho gullcrioti. "I want to outor a plon for tho col ored mni), the colored woman, tho col ored boy and tho colored girl of this country." sutil Mr. Wliito, in piirt. "I would not digross from tho question at iflsuo and dotaiu tho liouso in n ills- oumion of tho interests of this particu lar peoplo at tliih time hut for tho con slant and tho persistent efforts of (.or tain gtiutioiiicu ou this lloor to mold nnd rivet public eontlmout against us nrt a people nuil to Iojo no opportunity to hold up tho unfortunate fow who commit crimes ami depredations and lend livos of infamy ami shnmo, na 'other racos do, as fair specimens of repreeontaties of tho ontiro colored I nice And at no time, porhaps, during tho Fifty-sxith congress woro those charges and coutitorclinrges, contain ing, us thoy do, slanderous statotuouts, tnoro porsistoutly maguillod and pi 08od upon tho attention of tho na tion than during tho consideration of tho recent apportionment bill, which is now a law. As stated homo rtnyB ago on tills floor by mo, 1 then sought diligently to ohtaiu an opportunity to answer some of tho statomeuts by gou tlomou from dilTerout statos, hut the privilego was denied mo; and 1 there foro must onihraco this oppoituniiy to say, out of season, that which I was not permitted to say in teasou, "I would liko to advance tho state ment that tho inuRty records of 1808, II led away in tho archives of Southern capitolf, as to what tho Negro was 110 years ago, is not a proper standard by which tho Negro living ou tho thresh hold of the twentieth century should bu measured. Since that tlmo wo havo reducod tho illltoraoy of tho raco at least 45 per cent. Wu have writ ten and published nearly 600 books. Wo havo nearly 800 newspapers, tliroo of which aro dallies. Wo havo uow in praotico over 2,000 lawyers, and a corresponding number of doctors.' Wo havo accumulated ovor $12,000,000 worth; ot school property and about 140,000,000 worth of church proporty. Wo ime about 140,000 farms and liomiff, valuod at in tho neighborhood of $760,000,000, and personal property valued at about $170,000,000. Wo have raissd about $11,000,000 for edu cational purposos, and tha proper tj per capita for every colorod man, woinau and child in tho United States is ostlniatod at $75. "Wo nro operating suoeoesfnlly sovoral banks, commercial euterprifou among our peoplo iu tho Koutiilaud, in oludiug ono silk mill and ouo cotton factory. Wo iiavo 112,000 teachors iu tho schools of tho country; wo havo built, with tho aid of our friends, about 20,t 0 1 ohurohos, and support seven colleges, 17 acadomioB, 50 high sohoolu, live lav? schools, 11 vo modical BohoqlH, and 25 thoological RomiiiarloH. Wo havo over 000,01)0 acres of laud in the South alou. The cotton pro duced, mainly by black labor, has in creased from 4,000,770 bales iu 1800, to 11,235,000 in 1800, All this wo havo douo uuder tho most ad verso clr oumstHnces. We havo done it iu tho face of lynching, burning at tho stake. with the humiliation of 'Jim Craw' can and the disfranchisement of our malo citizens, slander and degradation of onr women, witli tho factories closed agalust us, uo Negro permitted to be conductor on the railway cars, whethor run through the streets of our cities or across tho prairies of our groat country, no Negro permitted to run as engineer ou u loomotivo, most of thu niiues closed against us," We wont your trade. Music half price; musical instruments of all kinds, cash or installments. II. II. Wright, wliolesalo and retail dealer in musio and iiuihIcuI merchandise. The Music building. 840 Washington street, Portland, Orogon. Spranger's Arcade, K. II. Spranger, Proprietor, southwest corner Sixth and Couch streets, New and strictly up-to-date. Ladies' annex elegantly furnished and secure from intrusion. Reading room, poo! and billiards. NKW NORTH- west Ixxlue, No. 2554. G. U. O. of O. P.. tiifota at 2151 Secot d street, rorner of Salmon, first and third Tuesday of each month. All Odd Fellows iu good siam ling are cordiallv invited. F I). THOMAS. K. WA1SON, P. S. .. ..lit BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones-Columbia 7S0, Oregon Ked IWI Prmmoriptlo - DrumMm 97 North Third Street POmiANO - - OREOON Ca"u,"s) HEJSwM V JBr stmWTZS TUSKKGKK NOTES. II. T. ,Toliii"oii, oditor of Tho Chris tian Recorder, arrived at tho institu tion Tuesday of tills week. Ho comes for tho purposo of delivering a series of lectures to the students of thu Phelps Hall llihlu Training School. Many wealthy ai.d prominent visit ors are expected to bo present at tho coining sotsiou of tho Tuskogeo Negro conference, which will bo hold Wednesday, February 20. Wo havo grown nearly 5,000 bushels of sweoc, potutooH ou both farms this yoar. OVRUS OAMPFIKLD. Tuskcgco, Ala., Fob. 10, 1001. One of thu most successful llfo in surauco companion of tills country is tho Washington Life Insurance Co., of Now York, lllair T. Scott is general mauagor for tho North I'aciflo depart nient of tho company, with gcnoral ofllcos in tho Chamber ofv Commerce building, Portland, Or., mid branch oIIIcoh iu Now York block, Seattle, Wash. Tho company's Orcuon busi ness is vorv largo and a number of tho most ptoinluout citizms in tho stato aro policyholders in this company. SUMMONS. Iu tho circuit court of tho stato of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah. Statu of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Rich ard Nixon, as administrator of tho ostato of Joseph Leonard, deceased, all heirs of tho decedent (If acy tlioro lag and all persons interested in tald estate, defendants. lly virtue of a nocreo and order of salo duly issued nut of and under tho seal of tho above entitled court In tho abovo entitled causBo, to mo duly dl- rootod and dated tho 14th day of Jan - nary, lUOl, in wiilcn tiocroeo it was adjudged and decreed that tho stato ot Oregon stand and bo seized of the following described roal property and vested with the titlo thereto, said real property bolng desaribod as follows, to-wit: Tho west half of tho east half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty-two in Township two north of Itaugo nuo wost of Willamette meridian, contain ing 40 acros, and being within Multno mah county, iu the state of Oregon, and iu which docroo it was further ordered that tho sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon, ho directed to maku' salo of said roal proporty to tho hlghont bidder for cash. Now, theroforo, by virtue of said I docroo and order of sale, and iu com pliance with tho (ommands thereof, I will on Monday, thu 25th day of March, 1001, at the hour of ton o'clock A. M., at tho front door of tho county court houso iu thu city of Portland, said county and slate, foil at public auction, subjoct to confirmation by Iho above ontitlod court, to the hlglieht lililftnr for IT. 3. until ifiln. ntiuli In limwl nil tit til,, ntinv'.i flaui.vllind mill I ....a..., .... w. ...- ......u ..vnva.wwi. aw... property, and all tho right, titlo, and iuterost which Joseph l.ounrad, do csssed, had ou tlia 4th day of Maruli, 1807, or Itichatd Nixon as administra tor of said ostato siuco liad, in and to tho above described real proporty, or any part tboreof, us iu said docroo di rected Datod Portland, Orogou, February 21st, 1001. WILLIAM FltAZII-.H, Sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon, GRIP Cured in One Day by Using: DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE Price 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES 2teHBNf?w7rW I; ' mm ORYHOPEDM $3. BO SHOE ORYEH'S POPULAR SHOE STORE 7 Third Hrmt, BmtwmQm Omkmnd fftto. PORTLAND, OHCmOM. beitii lor LataIuKUWv CITY NEWS C. A. Hitler. Society Kill I or. Wo shall know no favorites, and shall liu absolutely impartial. To in sure publication, all local nows must roach us not later than Thursday morn ing of each week. Miss Mary M. Robinson will ho mar ried ou tho 24th inst. at San Francisco to Mr. Powell, a resident of that city. Mrs. Clara Campbell and mothor, Mrs. Palmer, oxpect to leave for Fort Smith, Ark., tho early part of next wook. Master Claronco Taylor, son of Mrs. Sarah Taylor, had tho misfortuno to be severely scalded on tho l.'ltli lust, by a tea kottlo of hot watei being over turned upon him. Mrs. L, Iloldon and Mrs. Annio Now Homo aro still quite ill from u sovoro attack of grtppo. W. L. Ilrady and Win. Fry aro rapidly recovering from an attack of tho samo malady, Tho Martini Washington tea given by tlio llothol A.M. K. church was a success, both financially and socially. I An excellent programme was rendered ami a bountiful supply of refreshments .served. Thursday evening the Paul Lawreuco Dunbar Literary Society hold nu in 'teresting session. A large uuinbor woro present aud nu excellent pro gramme, both musical and literary, was rendored. Itolroslimonts woro served. Tho noxt meeting will bo , February 28 It is rumored that Miss Mary Craw ford amuMrs, Lulu Huston havo con sented toutct as bridesmaids iu about tin oa wcoks. Wo aro not informed as to who the participants are." ' Mr. Mr Miller ex'pocts to visit Tacomo In about "three weeks". Tlioro miiv ho ""nu coneonou uoiwcen inm itom ami tho ono proceeding it. 'lime will toll. Tho members of tho A fro-American league doslro to warn the public against any and all persons who may solicit goods or money iu tho tiamu of their organization. This, organization is self sustaining and no ouo is author- ifzed to hhIc ojiarlty in its bohulf, anil lluH,ro ,lmt mi ''"slstanoo or encoutngo- nient bo given to any persons who may make sucli appeals "The Eleventh Hour" t Cordrsy's. Lincoln .1 Carter, author of "The Fast Mail,J' "Heart of Chicago," and other oiiually popular nlajs, will uro "'" '" mmousii. "ino niovoiiui j, in., iitt u.iiiiiiy n tfiiiMltu ilUAb week. Iu "Tho Klovotith Hour," Mr. parlor has succeeded iu doing what fow authors do, viz., to blend pathos and comedy iu a uiauuor that pleases thu ontiro audience, holding tholr in terest throughout tho play. "I'liu Kluvonth Hour" will bo prosoutod by u niokt capable compnuy, with elabor ate sceuia effects, and tho nicety of detail for wlilch Mr. Cartoi is so justly famous. Tho patrons of Cordray'st bo ater liavu a rich trjut in' store for thorn, of which they will no doubt uvall thomsolves. .THE OHTHOreOHJ. $3. BO Shoe Tmlmnhonm Olmv 883 Argument No artlvlu (.'tins u reputation or n iiiunu (or luell unlets lliero ki merit Ixtlilmt It ami tut other slum lixlit) on Ihs market lias Kaltinl vii'llileisrved reiiuialtun ot thu ' ,s Wt 1 T"1!T" 1-0 i 4 ! i 'I V 4i a. i at sr.t SUaat. Marssa. jrj0( - r?.-. ;. yimJt- V'J