The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, February 23, 1901, Image 1

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Dotlgnntml Depositary ami VlriMticli.1 Agent of tha TJiiltnl States.
President, II. W. Corbettj CMhtcr, E. 0. WitMngton; assistant cashier, J. V. Ncwklrlc; second
assistant cusliier, V. C. Alvord.
letters o( credit Issued, available In Kuropo and the Eastern state. Sight exchange and
telegraphle transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, St. Paul, San Francisco and
the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London,
farls, liorlln.Frauklort-on.the-Maln, Hong Kong.
Collections made on lavorable terms at allnicccsslblo points.
Established in 18B9.
Interest nllowed on time deposits.
Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued
available in Europe end the Eastern ttates.
Sight exchange anl Tolegrnphtc Transfers sold pn New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Transacts a General Dauk Ituslness. Dralts Issued Available in all cities ot the
United States and Europe.
Vlce-I'rosldeut JACOII KAMM
Cashier - -F. 0. MILLER
Pendleton, Oregon.
Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $00,000.00.
RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. III.; Firt National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Clicmiral National Bank, New York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS L-vl Ankeny, President; W. F. Matlock,
Vlco President: 0. B. Wade, Cashier; II. O. Huercnsy, Assistant Cashier; J. S.
McLeod, W. 8. Dyers, V. K. Matlock, II. F. Johnson.
' Organized March I, 1880. . Capital, ffiGO.OOO; Surplus, $53,500.
Interest allowod on tlmo doposlts. Exchango bought and sold on all prin
cipal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, Prosldent; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier.
Letters o( Credit Issued available in the
Transfers old on New Wrk, I'lilrmro. St. Ioul,Hiin Kranrlsco, Portland. Ore., Brattle, Wash.
and various points In Oregon and Washington,
Loewenberg &
229 to 239 Tmylor Street
199 to 194 Second Street
n $gg&. 1
1 m.sS.Sn m W v
Afttr a ronttnnons residence of over 10 years in this Famous Valley, and a close study of the
past accoroiilUliments and fhture postlbllltles of its soil, and a personal knowledge ol It ell.
mate, I feel that uo one, seeking u home, will make any mistake in locating here.
Your Correspondence Is Solicited, and All Questions
....Cheerfully Answered....
Land and Immigration Agents Loan and Insurance Agcsu
fto. L. CAUSEY, General Manager.
The Causey Real Estate Co.
Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches,
Mining Properties, j j j j o
Office: Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR.
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Ertginos and Boilers,
taw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Criiding and Corrugating Machinery,
Power Transmission Machinery.
Ws sre constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which
ouf up to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically.
Kastcrn States. Bight Exchange and Telcgraphlfl
collections made at an points on lavorable te
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware and
Handled by All First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the Market
HEWS OF 1 Ifll!
Frnm All Darfc nf trio Nu WnrM
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Impoi
penlngs of the Past Week In a
Condensed Form.
Kinp Edward may visit Ireland in
the Riirlmr.
Kitchener narrowly escaped oaptnre
by tho lioors.
, ,,
Tho Von Waldersoo oxpodltion may
bo nbnndono'J. ..
Admiral Sampson is siok at J3oatoh,
bnt not soiiously, .'
Northwestern rounsylvaoia is beitig
swept by a bllzzurd.
Rockofollor 1ms contributed $250,000
rtMJ$tP' 1
to Drown uuivorsity. ylapparontly to warn tho saloon koepor
Gonoral Davis will tako up the du. t,1Bt thy nicnu buslnois, whilo two
ties of provost marshal of Manila. .raon approachod Hudson with levoled
r , ,, , . , , , ., 'Runs. Hudson grabbed the barrels of
Lord loborta has boon offorod tho j, g for DU ,U8tnnt HUtl thon fol
lord vardouship of tho Ciuquo ports. to tho oon TJ0 nB woro .h.chared
The yonornl tiont of tho Tnbaoaleria as ho foil, the discliaruo from ouo strik
Compauy was arrested for aiding tho iug tho wall and that from tho second
I!oltlunH nro implicated in a plot to
kill nn American olllcor in tho i'hili
pines. t
Tho (Jhlncno havo ofTored to coin
promise, which tho foreign envoys havo
Humor anys tlint Minister Wn hr.a
approached bankers iu an ollort to se
curo .fl00.000,000 loan for Uliiua.
An earthquako 100 miloa north of
Vancouver, 11. O., causod tho crost of a
mouutiin to slidu oil into Lough
borough iulot.
Tho famous obsorvntory on the Ze
biirtr, at which tlio colobratod astrona
mora Euekola, Sack and Linden
workod, has beon burnod.
Thirteen negro minors were ontomlw
in tlio coal mines of the state insa:
asylum, two miloa from Tsoaloosa
Ala., by a flood of wator from an abafa"
donod bhaft.
A tTinll tnnli Tsnfo nAVtiisman n iass)
from tho Mona. Ark., oltv W 0 w? "I"8'011 bnt 'ow m,,nut "
hanKed him to u treo. Ho was aceuaeaNi"11 h d?t,,U wro ,uot cei uutu
of ussaultiug a 19 year old girl, whose.
uuuuiiiu.1 in uruiuui.
Tho jury in tho en so of tho atato of
Minuosota nut' lust Frank II. Hamilton,
charged with mnideriug Leonard H.
Day, brouiiht in a verdict of man
slaughter iu tho first dogreo.
John HudFou, tho husband of tho
woman shot iu tho saloon raid at. Mill
wood, Kan., says ho kuows who llrod
tho shot that killed Mra. Hudson, and
will mako his uiiuio known at tho prop
or timu.
A robol garrison was captured on the
Cavito coast.
Deported rilipinod woro landed at I
Guam, Juuuary 13.
Paul Armnud Silvestro, tho Frcnoh
poet uud critic, ia dead.
Tho natioual convention of batter
makers ia in soanou iu St. Paul.
Couger has boon instructed to protest
against tho proposed expedition.
A saloon raid at Millwood, Kan., re'
aultod in tho killing of n woman.
Londou ia onvoloped iu a douso fog
which has caused many ucaldouta.
Kmployos of two Muuila companies
havo been arrested for aiding the reb
els. Tho foreign envoys gave China night
days in which to inauo satisfactory
Miuister Wu will apeak in Glove
land, O., on "Washington and Confu
Seven bodiea of the 05 entombed
minora at Union, 11. O., have boon
taken out.
Influenza ia raging at Ghrlstlnuia,
Henrik Is nor, tho Norwegian poet, is
ill of the malady.
Steamship Almond Ilranch collided
street brldT !
y damSng the I
y aamagmg tbe
with the Morrison
Port laud, Or., seriously
Orders will bo issued by General
Otis today directing tho immediate en
listinout of men for tho now Twenty
ninth infantry.
The opening session of the 10th con
tineutal cougress of the National So
clety of tha Daughters of tho American J
ltevolutiou was hold at Washington.
Sixty poach growers of Catawba
Island, Ohio, have formed a combina
tion to fight the San Jose scale. The
association will spray the trees with
crude oil.
It is believed Whltolaw Hold is to
be namod envoy extraordinary of the
United States at the coronation of King
Kdwaid VII, which will probably takeflHtle girl was taken to tho iwlico sta
place In June,
All of the big silk thread manufac
turiug concerns lu the United States
aro to bo consolidated. The money la
to be furnished by the Coates Thread
Company. Tbe capitalization will bsf
I Saloon Smashing In Kansas With Fatal Results
j Raiders Wire Masked Men.
Lcavon worth, Kim., Fob. 31. Twen-
y muskod farmers, nnned with shot-
RniiB, nttemptml to raid n saloon nt
' Millwood, n email plnco 14 miles north
of lioro, Inst night, nud in tho nieloo
that followed, Mrs. Iioso llndeou, wifo
of tho bartoudor, was iustautly killed,
: her hond boing complotoly blown off.
wllllnm Wobli, ono of the raldors, was
shot in tho arm, nud two or thron oth
ers woro Bllylitly hurt. Ono hundred
shotB wcro llrod. Tho town ia in n
fover of excitement, and furthor tron
! bio is oxpeoted.
Tho saloon was run by Mrs. Michael
1 Lochuer. Sho had boon wnrued to
j lTAh,,PAn !? j bu "B'e.?:
I S 1U U UiUUK IIINV Illgllt U IS1CU, Hll
armed and wearing handkorchiofs for
masks, approachod tho saloon. Two of
the nnmborenterod ami ordered drinks.
Barteudor'Hudson had sonrcoly sot tho
glasses on tho bar when tho mou gnvo
tho sliinal. Immodiatoly tho door was
burst open and tho masked mou mshod
into the placo. Half a dozen shotguns
wero raised to tho ceilins and fired,
piercing tho stovo.
Mrs. Hudson rushod to tho scono
from tho living rooms iu tho loar and
stood in tho doorway. Sho had barely
' reaohod tho spot whon n gnu was level
, cd at the spot and discharged. Tho
shot struok her in tho forohead nbovo
( tho eyos, and sho foil mortally wound
, ed. lluilson rushod to his wifo's sldo
to admiuister to her, but she diod bo
1 foio ho could carry hor to another
During tho shooting William Wobb,
ono of tho raiders, was accidentally
shot in tho arm, and two or throo oth
ers wero woundod slightly. A few
wore shots wore llrod, but tho mob,
alarmed at the killing of Mrs. Hudson,
qalckly left the place without stopping
tstaattoy the liquors and fixtures,
Amikipatlng the. attack, Hudson had
it MhlsslO ;
a; probably pre
d;a bloody riot.
ktlha mornlug, tho raldors having goue
quietly to their homos. Tho members
of the party are nil believed to bo
young farmers who ltvo noar Mill
wood. Shorlff Kvoi hardy wont from
horo to Millwood today and nrrestod
four farmers, who havo boon iudgod in
tho county jail horo. Tomorrow the
county attorney says ho will illoaconi
plaint anginal them of murJur in the
first degree Hack of tho alleged jaid
thore la said to havo exlstod a (oud ol
long standing.
Mart Who Killed Another Alleges ft Was Doni
In Self.Defcnse..
Vanconvor, I). U., Fob. 21. A ape
olal from Greonwood, 11. O., atatoa
that James F. McGlll de Itlvern is iu
jail charged with tho murdor of Harry
Kowund, who was killed at Denoro
last night. De Kiverre ia a Fronoh
Canadian who was formerly a civil
engineer iu tho sorivco of tho Crow's
Nest Pas railway. He has latqly boon
in ado tho victim of several practical
jokos at tho Denoro mining camp.
l)a Ilivorru killed ilowaud with a four
Inch casokutfo, and while Do Itlverro
admits that it was his hand that gavo
the fatal blow, ho declares it was iu
folf-dofousQ uud circumstantial ovi
denco in a moasuro confirms this view,
for Itowaud had boon drinking, and
not finding sulllolentoxoltument iu jok
ing tho llttlo Freuehmau, attempted to
hold him over n red hot stovo. It was
thou that tlio knlfo was used. Do
ltiveno subsequoutly surrendered to
the' proviucial poliuo, Tlio deceatod
was formerly a railway paymaster in
the Kast.
Uborer Had His Skull Crushed.
St. Ilelons, Or., Fob. 21. Yester
day morning Oliver Melvillo, an em
P10?0 ' D'' Bel1 Cairoou's loglug
'""P. ''k ' G b' 0B ,,a ,lHa thu
Uoje & Ne,mlBn nnuAt im j,i.
skull crushed by a timber, which was
moved by tho fouling of the blocks on
one of tho donkey engines -which is
mod for hauling logs, Deceased was
S3 yems of ago and leaves a wife and
child. He was u now man uud had
just gouo to work iu the morning.
'flio coroner was summoned and a jiuy
empaneled. The verdict exonerates all
counecled with tho work and states
that "death was fro purely accidental
Shot Brutal Father.
Fort Wayne. Ind., Feb. 21. Desile
Slator, aged 16, shot aud probably fa
tally injured her father to cave her
mother from death at his hands. Tho
tion aud after an inquiry was let go
Slater came homo lu the ever. lug,
throw his wife on a bed and proceeded
to olioko her. The llttlo girl secured
a revolvor and fired a bullet into her
lather's back, lulllotiug a dangerous
33, 1901.
Mi W Mi
Employes of Manila Companies
Under Arrest.
Belgian Corunl, Who Was Also Suspected, llsstl-
ly Left f r Europe Rebel Garrison
Captured on Cavlle Coast
Manila, Fob. 21. Captain Jonos, ot
tho Eighth infantry, hno beon arrested
at a town on tho bay province of La
guna, Floronta Ortuua and Migul
Poueo de Leon, agents of tho Tabaoa
loira Company, and William Wobb,
Pedro Lorouz and Victoria Soonta,
employed by tho lMiilipplno Trading
Company, on charges similar to thoso
brought agalust D. M. Carmnn, tho
Amorican contractor, uamoly, furnish
lng tho insurgonta jvith suppllos. Tho
Tabacalorla Company, tho rlohost cor
pnratiou in tho Philippines, la accusod
of aiding tho iUBurgonts ofton and
aotlvoly. Tho luen arrostod aro promt
uout aud tho ovideuco against them ia
vory strong.
M. llrlxholtorman, n Uolgian, con
nected with tho Phllipptuo Trading
Company, has beon arrested at Ma
nila, and M. Edward Andro, tho Pol'
gian consul here, and liiiumuor of tho
Phllipptuo Trading Company, hastily
loft Al nulla with Ills family, on his
way to Europe on tho steamor, Montu
vldlo. Andre had previously boon bus
poctod. Other arrests aro oxpootod.
Colonel Schuyler, with 100 mou of
tho Forty sixth reglmont on tho gun
boat Jlosco, laudod on tho Cavito coast,
near Tomato, and, proceeding inland,
captured a small robol garrison. Con
tinning his march along a mountain
trail, Colonel Sohuylor was attackod
by robots of Trias' command. After
a sharp fight tho onomy wore boaton
and ecattorod, Ono American was
killod nud ouo waa woundod.
Tho United States transixtrt Rose
crans has returned here from Guam,
alter, lauumgt hmo neruipino ptiaon;
irtea w
tiritda site: four mHs
Tho prison is called tho 'Presidio. It
la attuatod on an ascont, and strict dis
cipline is maintained.
Tlio olllulala of tho branch of tho
Hong Kong bank horo, havo announced
that lioss, tho Englishman in tholr
employ, who wroto a lottor published
iu an Australian paper, criticising tho
Philippine commission, Amorican 0 Ul
cers and American pulley In gonoral,
lias boon ordorod to proccod to Hong
Kong. Tlio llrittsh community hero
la woll pleased that tho man has beon
sout away.
Gonoral MaoAithur's rocoptlou at
Mulaoan oxceoda anything in tho Span
ish rouimo. Tho palaco was beautiful
ly docorated and brilliantly illumi
nated. Thousands of persona ntteudod
from army, navy, olllctal, consular,
clerical, business uud social circles,
American uud foreign. Tho Filipino
population wan woll represented.
Gonoral Parry waa master of common
ios. Gonoral MauArthur and tho ladles
of tho United Statea commission ro
colved tho guests. Dancing followed
tho reception. Tho Filipinos woro
especially pleased at bolug accorded a
prtvllogo uovor boforo atTordod them,
aud General MaoArthur'a tact aud
courtosy wero greatly appreciated.
Asbury Park, N. J., Man In Jail Incommunicado
for a Term of Five Months.
New York, Fob. 31. H. O. Uullls,
of Ashbury Park, N. J,, after having
endured imprisonment for moro than
flvo months iu Maracaibo, onozuolu,
has rottirned homo to pross a olatin for
$fi0,000 damageH through tho United
Mutes government against tho South
American republic,
Mr. Uullls waa nppoinfod mechani
cal uud electrical ougiueor of tho Mara
cailo Electric Light Company two
years ago. In a political uprising ho
was compolled to climb a telegraph
polo and seek protection under an
American ling, which ho tied to tho
Tho police last Auugst found a quan
tity of ummuuitlou m tho olootrlo plant
with which Mr. Uullls was connected,
and ho waa arrostod, charged, us he
supixibed, with bolug iuleuuuu with tho
revolutionists. Ho declared his Inno
cence, but repoated appeals to the
American consul wero unheeded. The
authorities, believing ho had no friends,
cauoed his removal to a military prison,
where hu waa kept flvo mouths Incom
municado. Mr. Uullls smugglod a let
tor to the American minister aud in 2
hours afterwards tho Vouozuolauu gov
eminent complied with u peremptory
demand for his release.
Contract for Yukon Boat.
Pittsburg, Pa., Feb.' 31. Jamos
Iteote & Huns have just takeu a con
tract to build for tho Canadian Devel
opment Company a 1100,000 tow uud
passenger craft to ply on tho Yukon
river. The purchasing company is a
Chicago interest, of which W, 11. I sou
la one of tho chief executives.
NO. 47.
Officers Successfully Foiled Mob of RaIN
road Men In Topeka.
Topokn, Knn., Fob. 22. Tho vigil
nnco of tho ofllcors waH all that saved
"Slick" Slater from lynching by nn
iufurlatod mob tonight. Ho will yet
bo lynched if ho can bo found. Slater
assaulted 17-year-old Lottio Gorbcrlok
Monday ovouing, and was captured by
tho Topokn ollluors tho noxt day nt
Carbondalo. This became
known that ho waa horo, and Immedi
ately tho Santa Fo shopmen, of whom
tho nssanltod gitVa fathor, George Ger
borlck Is ouo, doolded that ho should Ira
lynchod, Thor at onco sont a commit
teo to watch the jail whilo thoy quiet
ly arranged the dotails of the expected
Ity 0 o'clock thoro was an angry mob
of 1,000 around tho jail, demanding
that tho prlaonor bo dolivorod to thorn.
A brlgado of sturdy bollermaken,
armed with heavy slodgo hammers,
stood ready to mako short work of the
jail in caso tho demands wore not
granted. Sheriff Cook told tho crowd
that the prisoner had been romoved,
and offorod t lot a commit too search
tho jail. Ton men, headed oy George
Gorborlok, made a thorough search, but
Slater could not bo found, Thoy re
turned and told tho mob, but that did
not satisfy them, and twlco thoy started
to break in tho jail doors.
Early iu tho attornoou, tho Bhoriff,
in anticipation of troublo, ordoron n
doputy to got Slator out of town. He
was ordorod not to loavo him in Jack-
I sou county nor to tako him to Louvou
worth. Tho doputy drove to Hoyt with
Slater and outoroct a north bound Itock
Island train. It is thought that Slater
I is now in jail in AtehlKon. Tho Santa
' Fo shopmen nro calmly determined to
lynch Slater when ho ts brought back
horo lor trial. Thoy havo appointed
1 largo vigilance oommittco to bo con
Htautly on tho outlook, aud vow that
Slater will novor loavo TopokaNallvo.
Tho shopmen havo pastrouorda in cases
of this kind, Thoy lynched John Oil
pliant 12 yoara ago for a like offense.
An Unusual Sterm
- , '
half a dozeu feet, of snow on eosatry
roads and outlying districts, andllatoli
troot burled uudor 12 foot of snow.
Corry caught about tho worst part of
tho Btorm.
Tho Wostorn Now York and Penn
sylvania railroad accommodation
train, duo horo this ovnning, waa stall
ed in a drift higher than tho engiue
staak, whilo rushing down a hago grndo
south of this city. It waa dug out
with dlfllculty nud again startod on its
procarioua journey toward ilult'alo. It
probably will not get through tonight
This road ia operating its trains with
throo ougiuos, and hna throo plows at
work on 00 miloa of track. Tho worsts
drifts nro nt Summordulo, where they
reach n height of 20 feet in spots. On
tho Philadelphia & Erio, a enow plow
jumped tha track at Jackson's, while
endeavoring to forco its way through
u big drift. Trail! a was delayed sever
al hours. For tho first tlmo in many
years this road has beon compelled to
iiso auow plows, Tho Eire ia alio
compolled to operate hastily Impro
vlsod snow plows, somothiug unheard
of on tho main lino west of Salamanca.
Tho Lake Shore & Nickel Plato are
running tholr trains, but many hours
behind tlmo,
Negro Fiend Hanged by a Furious Mob Has!
a Bad Reputation.
St. Louis, Fob. 32. A apeoial from
Menu, Ark., says: A mob of eight
determined men took Peter Uerryiiian,
a dospurato negro, out of tho city jail
at 1 o'clock this morning and hanged
lit 111 to a tree, Tho crime of which
llerryinim was accused was an nssault
on a 12-yoar-old girl, whoso condition
ia critical. The masked mou met
Night Oflicoi Jouos aud compelled him
at tho point of guns to hand over tho
koya uud his revolvor, Two of them
wero loft to guard Jouos, whilo tho
others wout to the jail aud secured
the negro. About 3 o'clock thoy re
turned to where tho olllcor waa being
guurdod. and gavo him his keys nud,
gun, Then tho mou qulotly disap
peared without a word.
About two mouths ago this negro at
tacked an engineer with au ax, neatly
killing him, aud ho has been guilty of
numerous other offenses, Prompt ac
tion was taken by tho authorities, but
no clew has been found as to who aro
tho members of tho mob.
New Minister From Colombia.
Washington, Feb. 22. Dr. Carina
Martinez Kllvella, tho Colomhinu min
ister of foreign affairs, appeared at tho
state department today to arrange for
tho presentation of his credentials as
miuikter of Colombia to Washington.
The new minlstor comos hero princi
pally to advance the Interests of Colom
bia in connection with thu Puuuiiih,
canal, as opposed to tho Monraguu,
routo, aud tho length ol his stay will
depend ou the outcome of the canal
Ratine :l HtHsWiis- ' .'
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