The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, February 16, 1901, Image 8

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The hour wan on tin; where the man!
tt'Iie fateful Bands nnrnltcrlug rau,
Ana up tlie v.ty of it-urn
lie came Into tlie yearn,
Our imstornl cnplnln. Forth he cttno
As one that answer to IiIh name;
Nor dreamed how high IiIh charge,
Ills work how fair mid large
To set the Bto'ics hack In the wall
'Lest the divided Iioiiku huouIiI fall,
Am peace from men depart,
Uopu and the childlike heart.
Vc looked on him; "'Tin he," wo cald,
"Come eroHiilesi and unheralded,
The Hhciilierd who will keep
' The lluukv, will rold the sheep. "
ipnknlKhtly, yen: yet 'twaii tho mien
l'renlnK the Inimorlal scene,
Home Imttl" of lua warn
Who nenlctli up the stars.
.Not he would take the pant between
III hnnilK, wipe valor'M tablets clean,
L'oiiiiiinndliiK KreiitncHx wait
Till he Hlui.d ut the Rate;
Not he would cramp to one arnnll head
The awful laurela of the dead,
Time1 tnliility vintage cup,
And drink all honor up.
No flutter of the li itinera hold
'Home by the Itixty minx of o'd,
The hiitiKlit coiiiiiieriira
Set forward to their wara;
Not lila their hlnre. their pageantries
Their goal, their glory waa not his;
llnnilily he came to keep
The HoekH, to fold the aheep.
The need cornea not without the mnnl
The prescient houra imreiiMlng run,
And up the way of tears
He came Into the yearn,
Our pnatornl captain, akllled to crook
a he apear Into the priming hook,
The aliipte, kindly man,
Lincoln, American.
John Vnnre Cheney, In the Independent.
iottTFs investment
Lottie uIhIhmI ho'iiiiicIi to do Honietlilns
to help the Ilttlu hoy nrroKM the wny who
llinil lieen ill nil tho winter. Ah noon iih
ilie wnH nhlu to alt up ho hnil lieen put In
n liirgii cluiir with pillow nil itroiitiil him
nml drnwn up Iti front of tint window.
J.ottJo did not know tliia Ilttlu hoy; Unit
In one of tltu wityn of city life, not to
Know oiiea nelKliliorn n very Imnl wny,
too, for HlrniiKcrH, who iiiIki tlio old
friend of the old home, mid Ions for
vonIh of Mympiitliy nml n friendly cnll
now mid then. The hIkIu of the lioy'a
thin, imlo fiiee touched Lottie IovIiik
heart. Wlien the snow iviih on the Kroiind
nlio Rot her yonnj: frleinla to help her
linlld n hiiow iiiiiii where tlie little fellow
could look nt their work from his win
dow. There were hoiiio very cold ilnya
when Lottle'n inotlier would not let her
' -
Detroit Kr.o PrcHH.
play out-of-doors; then she would hold
her pef plgcji "''; hn glliss where the
"llftle'boy couhlVHej u. She wished many
times she knew that littlo boy and her
iiiammn knew his miimmii; she would like
to lend him her picture books.
Lottie hud some money given her for
valentines. She was a great favorite with
her young ft lends, nnd she thought to di
vide that money Into sums Unit would
buy a valentine for six of her dearest
friends. "It was such lovely fun to send
valentines," she suld, and still more fun
to hear those who received them guessing
nnd guessing again who sent them.
The day before Valentine's Day Lottie
stood In the store selecting her valentines,
and as she looked over them nil she was
attracted to one which wiih a handsomer
oiui than she had over seen In her life.
She asked the price, and found that I
would take all the money alio had In her
little purse,
she tlinllL'ht.
Oh, If she were only rlelijin the laughter. Mr. Lincoln, In tho
A crent many people older ' course of his remarks, twitted his oppo
than Lottie luivwlidicd Just as she din,
when they have seen things they wanted
Mry much and bad not enough money tu
get them.
It would be such a lovely valentine to
send to that little boy across the way who
bud been In the house all winter and lost
all the outdoor winter fun. Hut If she
bought It, her other friends would not
get any valentines from her. She stood
thinking It all over In her mind. "1 know
this one will make that sick boy very
huppy." Hhe thought, "and the other girls
mid boys will have some valentines sent
them, I am sure, llesldes, they are all
well and have lots of fun every day, and
they really don't need valentines. That
littlo sick boy does need a large, pretty
one to cheer him up. and ho does not
know mo and he will wonder who sent It;
It will be lots of fun for him and lots of
fun for me. I'll take this one," Lottie
mild, as she counted out all her money.
She skipped Hiid bopped along the
street on her homeward way iih happy
children often do. Hut when slut reached
bome hhe remembered that she did not
even know the little boy's mime. How
vhoiild she nddresH It? Somehow lere
there Is a will there Is always a way.
When she tallied the matter over with
iniiuimn, she told her to address It In
these words: "Knr the boy who Ih III,"
nnd take It over nfter dark the night bo
fore St. Valeiitlne'H Day, ring the bell,
nnd leave It right on the mat before the
door. This Lottie did, running down the
steps as fast as she could ufter pulling
the bell.
The next day what was her delight to
eo tlie huge chair drawn up before the
window, the little luvulld in It, and In his
bunds tlie valentine. He took It out of
tho envelope nnd looked nt It for a long
time; then his mother came and leaned
over the buck of the chulr and looked at
it, too. They smiled nnd talked about It,
but of oouise Lottie could not hear what
the) said, but hIio knew by their looks
that they were very much pleased with It.
Lottie hud made the child very happy.
A few dns afterward Luttle saw a car
ilnge standing In front of the Iiium, and
soon a gentleman caino down the steps
with the little boy nil wrapped up In fur
In his arms. They got In the carriage,
and then a Indy came down the steps
with bugs, and bundles; she got In, too,
mid the driver started Ids horse and off
they went out of sight, Then moving
wagon c.ime, and men curried out all the
furniture. The house was shut up after
that, nnd the sign, "To Kent," wus put
up on the door,
Lcttlo never knew the littlo boy's unuie,
but she apeak of him ns her "No name
vnlentlne," and hopes some tlino to meet
him Hoincwhcrc In this ereat world nnd
Bet reully nc(iinlntcd with htm. She
nayr It will bo just like n atory book If
buc does. Tho Evangelist.
One of Ills Flrnt Servant-; Telia Some
Nice ThltiKa About lllm.
In n modest Clilengo eottnge- Uvea Mra.
Mnry (Jnnglian, n Musherwoninii, who Is
proud of the fnct thnt hIic wns a domestic
In the Lincoln household while the ninrtyr
President wnB yet n HtriiBgllng lawyer
nt Springfield. Mra. Gntiglinn tells some
intercatliii; things about Lincoln's home
"Mr. Lincoln wns very regtilnT In his
hnblts," she snys. "He wns n grent rend
er nnd would he Konernlly found nt home
nights with his hooks nnd pnpers. He
used to like music, too, nnd wns very fond
of listening to his wife while she played
tho piano. The family wns popular with
all clnxscs of people. When the Cnth
ollcs were trying to rnlse funds to build
their church nt Springfield, Mrs. Lincoln
linked a enke, which brought $ nt n
church fulr. She una n famous cook, and
would prefer to prepare her own pastry
rnthcr than patronize the Vnkcrlea.
"Mr, Lincoln wna kind to everybody.
JiiHt the winter nfter his election to tho
Presidency and before hia inauguration
ho used to keep a cow. In the extremely
cold weather he used to Insist on milking
tho ntiltnnl Illume!, lir.nnnun ho ilhl not I
think I ought to expose myself. His
wife, however, used to object to his doing
the milking. She wns n good woman, too
a smarter womnii thnn he was a man.
She would often help me waah, Iron or
bake, ro thnt I could get off nnd plny with
little Tad. He used to" love to play blind
iiiiiii'h buff, and Mr, Lincoln often shnred
In the gnme. We used to tie a handker
chief around his eyes. Many a time while
he was plnylng blind man he would tum
ble oi er a chair In order to give Tad an
opportunity to escape capture.
"When Mr. Lincoln went to Washing
ton he used tu write Imelc to Mrs. Dr.
Todd, IiIh wife's sister, for whom I wns
working, that since he had been nt the
capital lie was not nble to have his Intiii
ilry work done as neatly as Mnry used to
do It, aud-the cook nt the White House
waa fnr different from Mnry, nnd he did
not enjoy the hitter's dinners iih much na
the.fninous meals thnt Mary used to pre
pare." JiIiIcoIii'h I'rnvrrliH.
An autograph letter that I would llko
to own was shown me n few days ago.
"A. Lincoln" was boldly signed at the
end of It, and this wisdom was there,,
paragraphed In this wise: "Do not wor
ry." "Kut three Kquaro meals n day."
"Say your prayers." "Think of your
wife." "He courteous to your crcdltora."
"Keep your digestion good." ."Steer clear
of lililoiihiit'HH." "Exercise." "(3o slow
nnd ensy." "Mnybo there are other thing
Hint your special case require to mnko
you huppy, hut, my friend, tin-He. I reck
on, will give you a good lift." Now York
I.nto Htciry ol' Lincoln.
Among the reminiscences of tho Lin-colu-Douglim
debate is one by (!en.
Chirk E. Carr, formerly minister to Den
mark, It cmphnslzcH the wonderful tact
of Mr. Lincoln, (ion, Cnrr said:
"Mr. Douglas hud the opening and
conclusion, and he got In one shot on, Mr.
Lincoln that was so put that oven the
adherents of that gentleman had to join
nent witn iimuiiig only one speech; a set
oration which he delivered to each new
audience, the suggestion being that he
was Incapable of changing his stock ad
dress. In reply Mr. Douglns snlil that
he admitted the charge, mid conceded
that his rival Knew in udviuico what he
wiih going to say. Hu wished that lie
could foretell with the sumo exactness
what Mr. Lincoln was going to say, but
aliis! Unit was impossible, since he chang
ed his argument to suit his audiences,
making a tierce abolition Milk, In commu
nities where that sentiment wuh stiongly
entertained, ns at tlulesburg, but In
southern Illinois Ignoring abolition ami
standing up squurely us uu old-timu
A llncliulor'it Valentino,
If 1 were youuger, Mnry June
Would not so gayly Hunt me.
Of If she did I'd make It plain
She could not do without me.
She will not he tay valentine.
forsooth, the maid are plenty
I'll venture that she would bv tula
If I were oue iiiul'tneuty.
Why, forty years ago there wer
A score I could hae married,
And every one outfaiored her:
Hut then, of coure, 1 lurried
Till Ann and I.ou and Sunle, too,
And all the ret I mind me.
Dropped me hecitue, they said, they knew
They knew not w here to dud uie.
Hut as It U the Widow IVlack,
Thank heaven, luu some reiuon.
And knows that men, like fruit, don't lack
In worth If out of e.ioti.
To her I'll fcfiul a billet do m
And atate my fortune clearly
Some thouaanda, I'll admit to irou
And she will lore me dearly!
No Fund.
a, Q
"You promised to be my valentine, you
"Yes, but your valentine cauie with
a 'pontage due' stamp."
. - n
In tho circuit court of the State ol
Oregon for tlio county of Multnomah.
Portland Trust Company, of Oregon,
plaintiff, vs.J. (J. Hiively and Anna
llavoly, dofendnnts.
By virtue of an execution duly Issued
oat of 11 ud uudor the seal of the above
entitled court, in tho obovo entitled
cause, to mo duly directed and datod
the 17th day of January, 11)01, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
court on tho 18th day of Juno, 1000,
in favorf Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, plaintiff, and against J. C.
llavely nnd Anna llavoly, defendants,
for tlio sum of $4,427,81) with interest
thereon at tho rato of 10 por cont por
annum from tho '2th day of December,
1000, and also tho costs of and upon
this writ, 1 did on tho 10th day of
January, 1001, duly levy upon the fol
Ionian described real property, fo-wit:
An undivided onothird iutorest in and
to tho following doscribod real prop
All of lot sovon (7) in block sixteen
(10) in tho city of East Portland,
Multnomuli county, Oregon.
All of lots ono (1), two (2), throo
(U), four (4), flvo (5), six (0), sovon (7),
eight (8) and "D,' in block throo (!i).
in Urookland Heights, an addition to
East Portland (now i'ortlaud), Muitno-
mail county, Oregon.
All thnt part of tho south one-third
(1-U) of tho following described parcel
of land: iloginuiug at a point which
is thirty-two (82) rhaina nnd aixty
eight (08) links south and twenty, -two
CJ2) chains and sixteen (10) links
west of the quarter section post of sec
tions two (2) and eleven (11) town
ship one (1) south, range ono (1) oast, of
WHIainotto meridian and running
theuco oast' sovon (7) chains; thence
south threo (!)) chains and uluoty (00)
links; thotico west threo (I)) chains and
olghty (80) links; thonce south two
(L) chuius and ninety (00) links;
thonco north oighty-niuo (80) degrees
and fifty (fS0) minutes west three (!1)
chains and twenty (20) links; thonco
north live (5) uhaijia and sovouty (70)
links to tho place of beginning, con
taining 2,01 aeios of land, tnoro or less
in Multnomah county, Orogon.
All of the north thirty-seven (87) feet
of lot night (8), block sovoiity-slx (70)
Stephens' addition to tho city of Kast
Portland, in tho city of Portland,
Miiltniiinli county, Oregon.
Now, Thoroforo, by virtuo of said ox
edition, I will on' Monday, tho Sfitli
day of I'ohruary, 1001, nt tho hour of
10 o'clcok, A. M at tho front door of
tho couuty court houso, in tlio city of
Portland, raid county and stato, soil at
public auction, subjoct to ledomptiou,
to tho highest bidder, for U. S. gold
coin, cash iu hand, nil tho right, title
aiid iutorest which tho within named
defendants or either of thorn had on
tho dato of tho judgment heroin (tho
18th day of Juno, 1000) or since had,
since had,
roal psbp-
atlsfy l)id
all ucVu-
in and to the lunvo doscribed roal
crty or any part thoreof, to sa
oxocntlorj, intercut, costs and
ins costs.
Datod Portland, Orogon, January 23,
Sheriff of Multnomah County Oregon. ,
In tho cirouit "court of tho stato of
Orogou for the county of Multnomah.
It. L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carrie
Jones, et ill., dofendnnts. '
Ity virtuo of an oxooution duly is
8uo(l out of mid nndor tlio honl of tho
said circuit court to mo duly directed
and dated tho Urd day of January,
1001, upon a judgment duly rendered
and eutored in said court and cause
ou the 22d day of January, 1803, in
favor of said L. L. Jluwklns and
ni.iliimt '. 'P V7.-li.lif nf .it tl,arilt.
lor the sum of .$0,1(12.80, with intorosrj
theroon nt tho rato of 10 por cent per
an nu in from tho 23d day of January,
1802, and the further sum of JJ55UVJ5
with interest thereon nt the rate of 8
por cont por annum from the 23d day
of January, 1802, and tho further sum
of 11811.75 costs and disbursements
therein, which judginont has bcoii
heretofore duly told, assigned and
transferred to tho Ainsworth National
Punk ol Portland, Oregou, and upon
which judgment tlioro has boen paid
and credited certain amounts so that
there remained duo and unpaid thoroou
op tho 14 tit day of March, 1000, the
sum of $382.81. 1 did on tho 7th day
ot Jauuaiy, 1001, duly levy upon the
following doscribod real property situ
ated iu tho county of Multnomah,
stato of Oregon, to-wit.
Lots 1 and 3 in block 4 in Highland;
also lot 14
iu block 13 iu raradiso
Spring tract, and lot 8 in block 60 iu
Portland City lloinestoad, and will iu
coinpliaiico with its commands on
Monday, the 18th day ot February,
1001, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M.,
at the front door of tho county courj '
houso, lu tho city of Portland, said
county and state, sell the said real
proporty at publio auctiou to tho high
est blddor for cash to satisfy the bal
ance due on sai i judgmeut, to-wlt:
$382.84 with interest thereon at the
rato of 10 per ceut por annum from tho
14lh day of March, 1000, uud the costs
ot and upon said writ.
Datod I'ortlaud, Oregon, January 14,
Sheriff ot Multuomah County, Oregon,
L.W.CARVA1IAN. President.
C. II. liAUDNKIt, Vice 1'rc.tdent.
W. W. TKKIIY, 'Ireaiuror.
Portland I mplement Co.
188-194 Front Street, PortlandOre.
O. M. Hofsteater
t 165 t-2 THIRD STREET
Between Morrison and Yamhill
Home Bakery '
lletwccn Btarlc and Halt. Doth Phones
Wedding- and party cakes a specialty,
floods delivered freo to any part of city.
Hot and Cold I.nnchca. I.aily cooks
cniplojcd. Lunches carefully prepared
for traelcr and excursionists.
$25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000
. Ornithological Contest-
Something cntlrtly new and Interesting.
Head what ) ou arc to do. You may get ll.oou.
Our coiilrit la lo a -u who can make the lurirent
Hat ot nainci tor kind.) of bird, from the fol
lowing Hat ol letters:
Wo wilt rccrgnlio as a blid anythltiB belong
ing lo the leathered irlbs, v hether It oe a lien,
Crow, aitiRcr, or any other kind. o t can ue
any letter ai many tltnea to make a ininie aa II
appear In tho lint of lotlcra above: for In
Matice Woodcock, Plover. Hiiow Illrd, etc. To
an v i eroti w ho can make a Hit of tt-v or more
different names of lilrua, wo will five iiluoltile
ly KKKK a beautiful l'rlru value H.UiU or lias.
When you have made out your llt fill out
the line on the bottom of thla adv-ertbeincut
and lend to tin with n Mamped Aildrekml en
velope, atatnp of your couiarv will do, then. If
you are awarded a prlre iirl can If yuii iief i-o
ielJlio iirlio by lc6iiiliicubicrlber to 77i
rV8fiiM'J W. rfil We Mi all award a prlie to
every person who mi la t)inameof UV Illrd,
and our Kilts will bo an followi: Kor the ben
lint, received each day, a Hold Watch: for tho
necotid bent solution ouch day a bcatitllul im
ported Tea Hot: for the aoven next bet iolu
tlmi each day, a, Konruli Haklh Diamond and
Itulty Itltnrt for the next be.t loliillon, a Uold
Piece! aid fur all tthct correct aoitilUiiii,
Prlieof (I. .od Value. 'Ilnne I'rltciwlll bo for
warded dally, you wilt not have to wait a ,1 iiir
time lu iiiiceriuliit before you know tho re
mit. There li 10 Hem en I of lottery In our
i.lati li innki.a in. ill rt.Tnnr whether wo iret
jour lolutlon lalunr early In the day. All ou1!
tied litoina I tin AdverlHcmoni loiii.aiiu
ou the day ll feachei in. If your Hit l the i belt,
you liiill Iihv Hi" tlolil vvuieii oriiiec
ond beit the beautiful Tea hot. and o on. e
Kiiaranleo that we will award you a prlie.
There is absolutely no opportunity for decep
tion on our part vro cannot afford It. W e w ant
to get l,M0,too well latlifled itibicrlbcri, and
for that reaion wo don't want you to tend any
money until ou know exactly what priioyou
have sained by amwerlint the puzxlei. Ai
iooii alter 4 p. in. each day a poialble, the ex
amltu n will jiulne tho lliti to the belt t their
ability, and will deilgnate the prliei. Vvo will
vvrltoto youatonco notllyliiK you what prlie
ha been awarded yon, then II you aro latli
fled, jou can icnd your subscription to The
ll'umnn'a ll'iirfil, and your prlie will ko by re
turn of mall carriage paid. To a penon ol
narrow Ideal It aeeini Imposilblo Ihat we
ihould be able to make iiivli a gleantlo offer,
but wo havo tho money, bralna and reputation,
wo know exactly what we are doing, and If we
can legltlmaiely.Kaln a million inbicrlbera bv
thl grand Idea, we know that thli million of
well pleaied mbtcrlbcra can be Induced to rec
ommend Thr ll'uman'f H'orW to all frlem I a,
thereby building un our circulation it It
turilier. Wo are willing to ipend .3,ii00 In
this conteit In building up a blgiubicrlptlon
Hit, and when this money la ipent wo reierve
the right lo pupllih a notification that the
conteit haa been discontinued. Don't delay
until It Is Co late. The conteit vrlll continue
...iii iniw 1., inoK
We give A lloiiui Prlie of J. Independ
ent ot allothen. to the penon who lendi In
Ihollitgollen up In tho belt and handiomeit
manner. ur Committee will decide and
award prliei dally, but the im-clal .'Mprlie
will be awarded lu Pcrtember. 1901. Anv blrd'i
name lound In tliedlctlunarles accepted.
The "TTomna' ICord" i i thoroughly rtUable
f)iira, 'a t Iwoeii lo ilo ezntlly m tre oifirr
ff. .11 foour rtllxbiWu M rrf rto anv A'lrer
ll'Oio Aatnl or luiliitte wioiio London or .Vt
lo .
.Vnrat.. - - ...
Toun Country.
m ii nn -r.fnl BinV itrenar vour letter 8c.
m vvo do not receive underpaid letters.
llrentford, I.oniluii, Vf, Knglaiid.
In tho circuit cqurt of tho state of
Orogon for tho county of Multnomah.
L. L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carrie
Jones, et al., defendants.
Uy virtuo of an execution duly is
'sued out of aud under tho .seal of tho
said circuit court, to ine directed aud
dated the 3rd day of January, 1001,
upou a judgmeut duly rendered and en
tered iu said court aud cause on tho 32d
day of January, 1803, iu favor of J. O,
Ainsworth aud agaiust Z. T. Wright,
et al,, tbereiu, for tho sum of $264.36
with inlerest thereon at the rate of 10
per cent per aunuin from the 32d day
of January, 1802, and the further sum
of $80.80 with interest thereon at' the
rate of 8 per cent per auuuui from the
22d day of Jauuary, 1802, aud the
further sum ot $10 costs and disburse
meiits thorein, 1 did on the 7th day ot
January, 1001, duly levy upon the fol
'owing described real property situated
iu tho couuty ol Multuomah, state oi
Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 3 in block 4 in Highland;
aUo, lot 14 in black 13 in l'aiadtse
Spring Tract, aud lot 8 iu block 50
in I'ortlaud City Homestead, and will
in compliance witn its commands on
Monday, tho 18th day ot February,
at tho hour of 10 o'colck A. M,
at the frout door of the couuty court
house, iu the city of Portland, said
county and state, sell the said real
property at publio auction to tho high
' est bidder tor oash to satisfy said judg
ment with interost thereon as aforesaid
aud the coats ot aud upou said writ.
Dated Portland, Oregou, January 14,
1001. ' "
Sheriff of Multuomah Couuty, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby givon that in pur
uanco of an order of the roferee in
bankruptcy for tho district court of
tho United Btatos for tho district of
Oregon, residing at Portland, Orceou,
mado on the 20th day of January, 1001.
in tho matter of tho estate of J, J.
Morgan, iu bankruptcy, iu said court,
the undersigned trustee of said estnto
will recelvo sealed bids and vvAl soil to
the higheit bidder, for oash, all tho
accounts, notes and judgments, listed
ns nnsots of said estate, at tho time of
filing his said petition lu bankruptcy,
in said court. That all bids must bo
delivered to mo, or mailed to me, in
caro of AIox Pweok, roforoo in bank
ruptcy, room 000, Chnmber of Com
merce building, Portland, Oregon, on
or beloro 10 o'clock A. ,M., of tho 12th
day of February, 1001. ilids opened
n't tho ofiko of said rqfereo.
Trustoo in Daukruptcv of tho Estato of
J. J. Morgan,
Now on Johnion Street'Oppovlta
Union Depot.
Oregon Made Umbrellas
Repairing and Hecovcrltig ol Fine Umbrellas
a Specialty,
.113 Wiialiini-tnii Street.
Threo doors above Olds & King
Manufnctnrcri of
Separate Skirts and Waists
The Bt Made Good on the Pacific Coast
314 1'lrat Htrert, Oornnr Nnlinon,
...Room 614 THE DEKUM,,,
Tel, Red 2844.
Iron Founders and Machinists
Repair Work
Architectural Iron Work
...and Bridge Cistlogs
Eight Trains Dallr between St. Paul and
Chicago, couiprlilDg I
Th T.ittast Sleepers,
l'eerlrit UIiiIiik Care,
titbrary anil UbservMtlon Cars,
free Iteeltiilu; Chair Cart.
Hum Kvcrr Pay of the Year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
The Bsdser Stale Kx press, the fi net Ijr Triln
KunnliiK llelueeu St. i'aul aud ChlCKgoTla
the bhorl l.l lie, Coiiucctlons hoax the
West made via.
The Northern PaclGc,
Great Northern and
Canadian Pacific Railways
This Is aim the best line between Omaha, 8
Paul and Minneapolis.
All Aienu tell Tickets Tla "The Northwest,
em Mne."
W. H. MEAD, General Agent,
AL SI8TEB, Trareling Agent,
la Alder Streat, fartlaad. Or.
N- k liWP - sTI
Ask Your Dealer For
, 1SLB.
Phono, Orogon Main 4-OB
Columbia 4-14-
16 th and Marshall Sta.,
23rd and Savior St,
Do You
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Portland. Oregon.
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Only S 670 a Year.
Greatest Weekly is the CoNitry,
$1.56 A YEAR
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I'nsei, cf Nrws. I.ltirilure and G-nenl lufor
malUms 1k a nusulflceut Aerlculturil ml
llorllcntUnl Drpirtinvut. Ibis li ooe of tbo
jrntckt ilepiitmeiits In ny paper on I hit
()i.t Kveryininc wruien i unea on ei.
lrlenr lu lbi Cait SUtei, not on Ktitcmj
men's knowledge ot their own localltlis. I
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TIIK CIIUO.N1CI.K li.k nlth tbv (rvatcst
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, n .',
TIIK CIirtONICI.It'S Trkcrapble ire
(be Ultit aud m i rellnliV. It Ix-mI Nm"h
(ulle ai'tl iplrli'it, nnd IU Kdl'urliU fioni b
ibli'il l-t lu I l.i M-untrj-.
, Tilt' Clli;OM''I.K ha ilwijri ttcea, and si
vijri '" b lb.) frtcnJ and rhi'oplon ot Iba
wiplt, a. agolutt ciimMnattou. cttrjiK. corpora.
turn or opimttliitis nt fur liu.1. It Mill Uv lnO
lnJcm In cvcot'iliv. m-mral lu notblns.
Reversible Map?
Showing tbe United StHtes, Dominion
Canada and Northern Mexico
Map of the World
tad 3 and t tb Map and Weekly Caroalete
la Osw Taar, poetaf prepaid on map aad payac
. d YOUNG,
Jr-vpriator B. r. Ckraalota.
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nrfffih-rA 1