i . ' l Ji AM THE JNJDW AGE,. PORTLAND, OREGON. -w Scrofula Thin root of niahy evIlB Glandular tumors, nbscesseB, pimplcB and other cutaneous erup tions, sore ours, inflamed eyelids, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, readi neBB to catch cold and inability to get rid of it easily, paleness, nerv ousness and other aillnents includ ing the consumptive temloiicy-7- Can bo completely and perma nently removed, no matter how young or old tho suiTeror. Hood'sJSnr'nparllln wns given the daugh ter of Silas Vernooy, Wiiwarslng, N. Y., who had broken out with scrofula sores nil over her faco mid head. The ilrst bottlo helped her and when shehnd taken six tho sores were nil hculctl and her (aco wns smooth. Ho writes thnt she 1ms never shown any, sign of the scrofula'returnlng. Hood's Smrsmpmrlllm Promises to euro and keeps the promise. Ask your druggist for it today and accept no substitute. Different 'Sort "My daughter," romnrked Mrs. Nox doro, "has dovotopod a porfeot passion (or music." "Yea, roturnod Mrs. Peppery, "I'll warrant it isn't as strong as the pas sion yoar daughter arouses in my bus-1 band." Stoma tho Dough mnd wwormm uww me uoia Laxative llronio-Quiniun Tablets cure a cold in ouo dny. No cure, No Pay. Prioe 25 cents, Quakers In Parliament. Tho Quakors nro the most largoly represented community in tho British parliament. Thoro nro only 18,000 ruoinbora of the sect, and thoy have flight M. P. b. Many complicated diseases and union suffering run It (rum con ' itlimtton. HAKI'IKMi TbA cures the moit Obstinate case of stomach and bond derangements. Encouraged. Jane It is always surprlso to mo what a lot o( houtoly wouieii got mur riod. Bertba No doubt It is a reflection that glvos you a groat doal of encour agement, doar. 1.1 fe to it I.Hiy Iilvtirl Lay, lenfen liters cause nlno tenths of all deaths. Ulvu nnr liver Ifu witli Uascarcts Candy Cailnutlo ami tao your own HIol All truggltts, 10c, JSe, We. The Stxtt, Mrs. Honpeck I wonder why thoy --Insist on calling women "the woakor stel?"-. . i ' tyr. Honpeok I can't imagine. She ' f onerully carries tho most sail. Mothers will find Mrs. Wluslow's Sooth ing Syrup tho best remedy to use for thrle Ihildjreii during the teething period. Lepers Should Not Eat Fish. A leoturer at tho Loudon polyclinic deolurod at a reaeut meeting that cos atiou in tho progress of loprosy could be attained if Btifforers would abstain wholly fiom outiug fjsli. Rfeeiisnatism Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain lag food they require. The whole system feels the effect of this acid poison : and ot until the blood has been purified and I Brought Daca: to a neaituy condition wui the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Kell, of 707 Ninth afreet, N. It, Washington, V. C, writes as followat "A. few saoBlha ago I had an attack of Sciatic Rheiuna, tUm In ita worst form. The ala was ao lutemc that I , became completely proa trated. The attack waaaa trauaaally seTere one, and ay condition was rcgard efaa befog very dauger tia. I waa attended by nc of the mot able doc tor la Washington, who la also a member of the fac- ltv of a laadloe- medical aeilegc here, lie told me to continue his prescript twos aud I would ga would get well. reVrt?niTenaiVg5SS ' itiau hia treatment ant . twtlra Umea without Waa&L I declined toec iea w lecllnc Syiugl edfoi rr. Uivlur htiraol a. ft. H.i mmeiided for Xhumatlaa, I decided, a Imoca in daalr however, to gtre tut medicine atrial, j aj. . . i-tz t ... .-t.,-. SbWt around oacrutohea, and Ttryaoon there. I tr bad 00 u for them at all, B. s. p. .having tared mo anund and wall. All the distressing. tiu hart left me, my appetite baa returned; tSaibm kw to rclortd to pCTfed I nw'jgpw tw the great' vegeUble Lw w purifier and tonic, is , bk 'k the ideal remedy in all 1 ftPWrheuBistic troubles. I TJ&aEJ?$!!13 ' r""..":::V.'w,r We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer facta this painful disease should read. It is the tost complete and intercatint: book df the kind in existence. It will be sent free lt any one desiring it. Write our pbysi ifis fully and freely about your case. W taa ao chartre for medical advice. Tl2 Wr trtCIFlO C9-, ATUMTA. A. Don Sto? Touch Suddenly It Injures nenrous syAem to do so. IIACO CUKO la the only cure that rntliv ourea ) nd not! flea you when to atop. Sold with a guarantee that three boxes will curt any case. ' guarai IMI W&lEMXSfiXNRu&'lZ (laaaaaaaBBMBBBBBBBaa Vat wai.e-a 1 7 Via, At all druggists or by mail prepaid, f 1 a box; g boxes ti50. llooklet free. Write .ckka Cbshic lCo I-a Croase, Wis. HELP rSEK TO F.MPLOVER1. Cooks, Walters, Loggers, Mlllmen, Knglneers, Bake", U. It. mr n. Domestics, Clvrks, Carpen ters, V)'oodrhnpr, lloite fllrU. II tela, Itea taurants. Prompt attention to mall orders. M itnttKII MM. Ik. W( HBVH. rWUIl.H. rPPtiK All ILX FAliS. t Coustt Sirn iBTroa. musuws. tn tUae. Sold by draaaim. Jtt la ami mtm. au. u iajis. f B tn tUaa. old by dnngltu. B .a I Georgie's Gab. Vnnderbltt nnd Unml Mnrrlnut. "I can't understand," maw sod after Bho got thru teaching Little albert tho Golden text for next Sunday, "why the papers haft to print so much about Lsouio peeple when they gut married. Look at tho Vauderbllts. When ouo of them Gets married you would think It was neerly as grate as a piosttdenshul rejection or a prize lite. My Gooduuss it's funny If a Vaudcrbllt hasn't a rlt to Get married Just tho same 11s euuy buddy else without having all the He porters that he brot Down on his prlvut yot snooping nrbund to find out If they can't bco the pi Ice marks On the solud Bllrer sets that conic from the Groom's uuklcs and stealing In llku tliiofs at nlto- to take snap uliuts of the ten trill ion doller Check the Bride's fnwthcr put out where none of them could help but see It when tho prlvut Detectives showed Them thru. It seams to me that's taking too Much privilege with a pursou's personal affairs. The rltch Have somo rites as well as the rest of us, and I say its roug for the papers to cross tho Sacrud thresh Hold and make tho Modest yung ctipplc blush for shalm by Telling how much older She Is then ho will be his next North day and Giving a picture of the seen nt tho alter bo that It Hardly docs cnuy Good for them not to Invito livery buddy enny more Uecoz tho ones that Got snubbed Ilavo a chance to Find out all about It just the Same ns If they would bo Amung tho onncrcd gests.", Q "Well," paw says, "mebby the papers Don't treat tho Vandcrbllts Just rite In Boiuo Itrspcckts, but Arc they enny thing In Enny of tho papers about tho Wedding thut you haven't red?" "No," maw told him, "0" If they arc I couldn't 11ml It." "I gess that's tho reason the papers pny cnuy a Tensilon to It. That's where wlmmcti do roug. Look at tho men They never eumplalu becoz the pnpei had too much In about the lite biwucn Casey and ICId Muldooti, and then hurry around tho Corner and Ituy an uthcr one Ilecoz It mite have some more details. Hut tho wlmmen always put up a Holler about tho Btiered Thresh Hold and then send Out for the next edition to see If they are euuy more peeplo that Got Intervowed about it." "Well, enny way," maw Told him, "I can't sec why the Duke that Queen Will Hellmeanla wants to Get married to Goes ami makes such a Fuss. 1 should think he'd be Glad to marry a queen." "I sposo ho would be If ho wasn't a Duke," paw sed, "hut you Can't hardly blame him for not wanting to Ito a Cotiic-ou when they are so little In It. Just Think. Hero they refows to Give him tho rite to stuy In tho room When tho prltuo minister couch to whisper state secrets to tho Queen, nnd you never Cau toll In These days when young men are Coining to the fruiit bo fast how soon they mite Have a prime minister that wasn't within two or Threo Laps of being a Grandfawthcr. 60 you can't blamo tho Duke much. Lou tin around the throne's a nice, easy Job, I spnsc, and they are plenty of boys who are trying to make Suiuthlng of thelrselvcs that would be Glad to Get It, but It's different with tho Duke. Of corse they offer him $30,000 a year moro Thau tho presaduut of tho United States gets If he'll slue, but still you haft to Always remember ouo Thing." "What's that?" maw ust. "With his Title ho's worth a half a million dollcrs A year to nearly enny American girl's fnwther" that was Born freo and Eakwul and can afford to Leave a prouder hurrltago to bis DIb sendents. Aud tho Duke probably knows It. too. No wonder Ilollnnd can't bluff him with' her llttlo old eighty Thousand dollars' worth of Blue chips." Chicago Tltncs-Hcrald. A IUblical Juko.v "When a man has a family of grow ing children ho learns lots of things that, while they may bo old, aro now to him," said a pnfhilnent member of tho Produce Exchango yesterday morn I 1 in "Dnn nf mr voumrsters snranir a rlo on mo last night which runs this way: 'Who was a wel-kuown Biblical character never named In the Ulblo. wllOSO death WOS the most PO' CUllar in history. WUOSO Shroud Is 0 part of every household, and the cause . , ,,. . ,. , - of whose death was the tltlo of a widely read novel?' I'll wager none of you fellows can give me tho answer." Not being students of Biblical lore, they all give It up. "Lot's wife Is the character," went on the proud parent. "That's the only name by which she Is known In the Bible. She was turned Into a pillar of salt, consequently her shroud Is In every household. Her death resulted from looking backward, tho title of Bellamy's famous book. Rather Ingenious, don't you think?" Philadel phia Record. Renewed Hope. "Henrietta." said Mr. Mcekton, "did you say you bought this necktlo be cause you thought It suited me per fecUy?" "Yes." "Well. I'm dad to bear It I'm en- lngtowearltandKoout Into tho world with renewed hope aud courage. You know It's an old saying that hand some men are not as a rule the ones who really achieve things." Washing ton Star. A blind girl got married and recov ered ber sight a few days later. Mar riage is certainly a great eye-opener. The average man Isn't willing to ad mit that be has enough until be gets' too much. Over 50,000 Passengers a Day. The Northwestern elevated rond of Ohicago, which has been in operation six mouths, reports nil averavo dally tralllo of 40,000 passongors for that period, and in tho last throe months an average of G0.404. Still More Counterfeiting. The Secret Service has ttnrnrthed nnother band of counterfeiter-., mid ret-tircd a large quantity of bogus I11IM, which nresocloer ly executed the itvernce person would never sujcct them ot being MiprloU. Things nf great value are always selected for Imitation, notably IlustcttnrV Stiini ncli Hitters, 'Which has many imitators, hut few equal fonllcmlcrs like Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, tiervnusnes nnd general debility. Alwins go to reliable druggists who hnve the reputation of giving what you usk for. Art and Nature. Frflddio What's tho dlfforonco be tween a portrait aud a photograph, dad? Cobwlggor -Sometimes a photograph looks Ilka you. Valuable Almanac Free. We hnve received a copy nf the new nl mnimo for 1001 published by the Koynl linking Powder Co. It Is nn nrtlstlo mid useful bonk and will be of interest to housekeepers. A noteworthy feature of me nuuanno is n prediction 01 tne ueainer for tvery dnv of the year, by Prof. PoVoe, who correctly prophesied the great Galves ton cyclone aud other Important meteoro logical events. We are authorized to say that any woninn render of this paper can secure a copy without cost hveeunliig tiro quest to tho company, at 100 Wlllltun St. iew York. Origin of Sing Sing. Sing Sing's nnmo is dorivod from "Slut Sics," tho tltlo of a former branch of tho Mohcgnn Indians. The Inhabitants nf tho town mint to rail It J Osslnlug, which is the lianio of the vownsmp. &&& ynrin This signature Is on every box ot the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tabieu the remedy that cures n colli lit on day Bonnet Nearly 4,000 Yeras Old. Tho oldost honnot was found on an Egyptian imimnty, that of n princess who was interred about 2,000 yours boforo Christ. Ijtats or Ohio, Crrr or tolkivo, LvcAi County. " Frank J. ciii.Nr.Y mule oMh that he la the senior vartcr ol tho firm of V. J. Uiirnky A Co., doltiKbusinrMln llio City of Toledo, County anUHlmealorcimld.and thnt aald Ann will iay thoaiimm ON' sKliUNIiltKII)UI.I.AHHfareaph and every care, nf Catarrhttint cnunot bo cured DT inu UIO OI HALL'S I'ATAHnil UUHC. FUANK J. OHKNEY fiworn to before me ami subucrlbcd In my presence, this till day ot December, A, D. ItUM). J SKAL I A. W. gLEABON, h'olary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure It taken Internally and acta directly 011 llio blood and mucoue aurlacca of the ayateni. Bend for teitlmnnlals, tree. K. J. CIIKNKY Ji CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druagUts, "Sc. Uall'a Family l'illa are the best. Variation of the Loot, "That friend of initio in the flrltUh army sent mo a keg of Chlnoso wine that he looted in l'ekiu. The stuff was half water." "Evidently dllatod." PIjo's Guru raunot he to liltrhly spoken ofnsa coMgh cure. J. W. O'IIribk, 3'i2 Third Ave, N., Mlnuciipolls, Minn., Jan. 0, lOoO. ' ' Dees In Palestine- Under rational treatment tho avor ago yield of a beehivo in I'alistlue is 100 pounds. CITS Ptnnantnllr Csrod. No fill or nrroiDeM rl IO IWJr.'.l'.i.frriir. Kl.'lrrtNtnr llNt-.rvr. hii.lf.,rFHKi:8i.00l.lllH.iileMi1.ltrt. it. nn.O.11 Ku,Ud..VJIAivuSt..rhlUdlhU.l'a. Mineral Products of the United States. In 1800 the mineral products of tho United Statos amounted to $010,000, 000 and iu 1800 to $070,000,000. YOC KNOW WHAT VOO ARKTAKINQ When you take Grove's Tasteless CJhill Tonio because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form. Ho Cure, No Pay. 60o. Will Use Partible School Houies. St. Joseph, Mo., is to follow Hot ton's example, aad provide portable school houses for the overflow from the regu lar schools, MI'K OK QUKKN VIOTOUIA. Coinills Ufa ot Quean Victoria Rest lioob, beat teriua, Outfit lliullrd free, Atldreia H. O. Hitler Co., I'urtUud, Or. Guards the Chickens Well. Aocordiug to an American the belt guardian for poultry is a Scotch collie. It is readily taught to guide ducks, geete, eto. to their feeding grounds and bring them back. The collie, it appears, takes a livoly interest in the work and his courage makes him a good protector. 1 tfhfi I DOWNFALLS 1 Kcmetiroca In winter at erery step there ia danger of 1 SPRAINS I I BRUISES I which cripple or hurt vi deeply, but at any time) w from wnatcTer cause i St Jacobs Oil 1 will otre aarely aad proaaptly Of ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Comments on Kvcrydar Matter by nn Original Genius The plain, ordinary man is a good deal better than tho ideal man. Put your nanils In your umbrella, and nine out of ten people who Hud It will trciuru 11. In dealing with the men, tho women should lay aside clubs, and try tears and houey. After annan becomes old, times flics so fast that tho monthly magazines bo come dallies. It Is fortunate for most people that salaries are uot regulated by their use of saw and seeu. We know a man who owns an um brella, and never raises It when thoro Is ralti or hot sun. The women think they have a right lo be consulted In every love affair within live blbcks. When a woman returns homo from trip, aud no ono meets her at the train, it breaks her heart. No woman truly loves a man unless she laughs at his Jokes, and really thinks they nro fuuny. When there Is a rain after a long dry spoil, every church member claims that bis church prayed for It. To get Into n story book, a girl must bo either a winsome little b.oude, or a cold, statuesque brunette. When a woman remains cheerful In getting over a love affair, It Is a sign ho Is starting In on another. When u guest refuses dessert, the ap plause of tho children at tho table Is sincere, though It may bo silent. There Is only ouo excuse for buying on credit: tho hope that the merchant will forget to charge your purchase. A woman docs not mako as much of. her troubles as she might unless sh6 speaks of the "Iron entering her soul." The laziest man in every country town rides to the ihjpot at least once a day with tho driver of the hotel 'bus. There seems to be as llttlo excuse for somo people as there Is for weeds aud ( uugs; and they arc us hard to got rid of. It Is tho hardest thing In the world to glvo au old maid a' good time after she has settled down to tiavellug Iu & rut. The day after a girl gets her engage ment ring, she goes down town with ,.. ....i... ... ,.., u ' I '" "'"" " " " "" "u " broideries When It lb necessary 'to test tho sin cerlty of n church member's desire to do good, she Is sent out to solicit sub scriptions for a church social. , There are many beautiful things In the world, but none of them compare with a young dining room girl wcur Injia white dress and bluu sash, Aien you give a boy a nickel, he usilAly' leaches for U with his left hafJ, and his mother says: "Which batidV" and "What do you say'" If a girl Is seven, and her father calls the piano hers In a Joke, sho re members It when she marries twenty years later, aud steals It from her sis I tors. A woman, to please a man, should I tell him early aud late that sho Is only a poor, weak foolish thing, ami ho will have no trouble In remaining an Idol It j ho confesses and repents onco every day. , It Is funny, but In reading, women fairly gloat over a heroine who moots tho hero, both full Iu love without Intro i ductlou and nru married, while Iu real llfo the average woman will scream II ' her daughter speaks to a man shu tun I met every day In ten years, but to whom sho has not been Introduced, When you sit ou a porch In tho even ing, and rip opeu your neighbors, and put salt In their wounds, you do nol hurt your neighbors, but you do glvi tbo Impression that you have a low, malicious nature. Try speaking well of people. They enjoy It, and kludnesi will do you no harm. You cail And something commendable In everyone of your acquaintances. Will IJo Jlurrieil Awuy. A young fellow employed In ono ot tho downtown olllces came to work lit, t yesterday morning ami looked as If hi had left bis boarding bouso Iu a hurry. Ho cxplaluod It In this way: Ho has tho bad habit of sneering at tho mental abilities of women. Yes terday mornlug ho remarked, shortly after arising, that women wero the only animals extant known to be de void of mental power. The dispense! of viands for the establishment, who It woman, luijulred If ho really believed that. "With limitations, yes," bo replied. 'The human body Is so constructed that It must havo a governing Intlu enco for tho muscles of locomotion Ic the femalo as well as tho male, henci the presence there of tho cerebellum. The cerebrum In women Is a' great deal like tbo third eye which tho aborigine! are supposed to have had. Having fallen out of use, It bos disappeared." lie left the houso hastily and without breakfast. Cleveland Leader. Quick-Wltu-il. It was a cold, damp morning In De cember, and as Jones took his morning paper from tho bauds of an equally cold and damp newsboy he said, "Are you not afraid you will catch cold on. such a wet morniug, my son- guic as a uusu mc uinu iu svpiicu, oeuiiiH newvpapcta ki-l-iib uji iiiu iiii'iiiiiijuii. sir." That boy ought to grow up to b a humorist. Name for Votltijr Machine. A name for voting machines has been invented. They are now called vote meters. There Is no end to the rJugs a womajj wears. CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. Released by Pe-ru-na Congressman How ard's Recovery Congressman Geo. Ha White's Case. La Grippe is epidomlo catarrh. It spares no class or nationality, 'iiio'gnppo l seomau to ho auootcd uauiy cultuioil aud tho iunoraut. tho nristo nrnt aud tho naunor. 'llio manses and rtho classes aro alike subject to la grippo. None aro exempt all are Ha bio. x Have you tho grip? Or. rather, has tho grip got you? Oiip is well named. Tho original I'rouch ttjrm, la gripioH has boen shnrtouod by tho busy Ameri can to road "grip." Without intoul lug to do so a now word has been coined that oxaotly describes the onto. As if somo hideous giant with awfnl GRIP had olutuhed us iu its fatal clasp. Men. wiituon, childron, whole towns and cities aro caught iu tho banoful grip of a torrlblo mounter, re-rii-iin Kur flrlp. Mrs. Dr. (J. D. Powell, president of Kpworth Lcitguo, nUo president of Loyal Tonipurauoo Legion, writes from Ghohalis, Wash,: "I havo usod several remedies iu cnaos of fiuvero colds and lit grlppo, but nono I eonsidur of inoio value than Peruna." Mrs. Dr. O. D. Powell. The Pciunn Medicine Co., Columbus, , Aflrr-Krrrcte of I.n Grippe. Mies Emma Jourln, prosidont Golden Rod lowing Circle, writes from 40 Hurling street, Chicago, HI., as fol-' lows: "This spring I suffered eoveroly from the after effects of Iu grlppo. As the duotors did not seom to holp who I bought a bottle ot Peruna." Miss Km ma Jouris. . , Congressman Howard's Letter. Fort Payne, Ala. The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, Ohio: Qcntlcmcnl have taken Pe runa now for two weeks and find I am very much relieved. I feel that my cure will be perma nent. I have also taken It for la grippe and I take pleasure In rec ommending Peruna as an excel lent remedy to all fellow suffer ers." At. W. Howard, Member ot Congress, Lis Urlppe I.eitvea tile Hyatem In a Drplitrxble Giinilltloii. D, L. Wulaao, a charter member of the International Harbors' Union, writes from 10 Western avenue, Min neapolis, Minn.: Disguised. Adversity is often a blessing iu dis guise. t G t ItflKl.l) TKA purities the blood and cures all (onus of Indlges llouj aclfar, health)' complexion and good health result from Its use: itlansdeirom IIKIllti. A lilt; Warthousc Kansas City is to have a big banana warehouse, large enough to huld -6 cur loads. The ileet I'resrrlpllnn fur Hlrla Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves lasteleas Chill Toulo. It is simply iron and qninine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay, Price COo. Osdput of Rujilan Gold Mines. iinMian gold mines avorngo an an- Buttj yj0j,j 0f 8fl(fjn8 pounds. TO OUIlK A COLO IN ONK I1AT Take Laxative llromo QtAuiue Tab lets. All driitfiiitU refund ths money If it fails to cure. K. W, Grove's sig nature is on each box. 36o. Electrical Works of Germany. The electrical works of Germany reptaaent an Investment of 1300,000,-00). j '"Following a severe attack of fa all over. "One of my customers who was groatly holpnd by Purumt advised mo to try it, aud I . procured u bottle the sumo day. Now my head is cloar, my norvos nro,, steady, I oujoy food, and ront well, Poiuna has been worth a dollar a doso to nio;" L. D. Wullace. Grip Cnuaea lte.l'nsa. Mrs. M, A. Hhuriuk, chaplain G. A. It. Woman's iMjof Cori, wil'cs from Fremont, Wash.: "When la grippe "wirtSe prevailing illness in this Western country I wan laid up tho whole winter, 1 partially lost my hearing, and had a vory bad case of catarrh of tho head aud throat. "I read of I'orunu, triod it and had my hearing restored mid catarih cured. I cannot speak tou well of I'oruna." Mrs. M. A. Shiirlok. I.it (Irlppn Currd In Ha first RUgc. Lfoutounnt Clarice Hunt, of tho Salt Luko City barracks of tho Salvation Army, writes from Ogdnii, Utah: "Two months ago I wns aiifTorlng with so severe u cold I could hardly speak. "Our captain advised me to try Pe runa, ami pronurod a bottlo for mo, and truly it worked wonders. Within two weeks I was entirely, well." Clarice Hunt. OuiigreasniMii Whllc'a Letter. Tarboro, N. C, Gentlemen "I am more than satisfied with Peruna and find It to be an excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh. I have used It In my family and they all Join me In recommending It as an excellent remedy." Geo, If. White, Member of Congress. IteiiiHluetl In Ferbln llmtllli After Uurrrt or I.m Gilppe, Mrs. f. W. Colllnn, treasurer Inde pendent Ordor Good Templars, of Ever ett, Wash,, writes: ' "After having a sevoro attack of la grippo I continued in a feublu condi tion even after tho doctor called mo cured. My blood seoiuod poisoned. Pertitu cured me." Mrs. T. W. Col litis, Addross Tho Peruna Medicine Co,, of Columbus, O,, for u freo book on ca tarrh. Increase In Populallon of Cities. Tn 1800 only 4 per cent of tho people of tho United States lived in cities. Toduy 80 per cont live in cities. Sour Stomach "Aft.r I was latliiced te try tMBUA- UK'I'S, I will neierbe wltliMiHIIieiu In the bouse. Hr liter was lua Terr btd hi, and mr head 4i-hl aud I liscl suimavti troubla Nu sine lak ma l.'atcarets. I (el Sua, Jlj alt liai also used theia wltti tieimSclal results lur suur stuuaea." JOS. KutULINU, IMI Cuuaiess St., Hi. Lwuls, Uo. CANpV i bAinnniiu rsaot mann aieieTtaso JIBM.JM..UMV isiiM-muix rieasaat. I'alatabla. roienl. Tuts Oood. p O004, .STrblcsii. SVeakan or iil t. ICe. Ue,(S. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sl.rlUi S.a.S; (;, kl..a, tlMUttl, Si tut, JJS Uft.Tft.lin Mi and anaraiiterit br all drug. nil I U-IAU ilm to UVKK lr.h4.) liable M. r. N. V. Mm. 7-101. WHEN writing U ltd vert Isara iileaaa IT tuantlea tula l i.& .! A M m '1 . tU,l fc, 'lM Ve4k)ebra it