ftesJPWCii;iWMtss ---i vm . r" THE NEW AGKE; PORTLAND. OREGON. H .SLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees WHITE COLLAR LINE COMJM1IIA IlIVKll & I'UOKT 80UNI) NAVI GATION CO. OLD-TIME WOOD SAWING. Horse-1'ower Mill In f till Widely Used In Country Districts. "Well, there Is one time-honored old Institution that hasn't kept step with the march of the nges," mild a man out lu otic of the suburbs of Chicago the' other day, jib he pointed to an old horse power sawmill that was running full blast. "The old machine docs seem to he about the same as It was when we were boys, replied tho man wfio had been nddressed. , "That's right; It's tho same thlnjj to a dot, and If I'm not mistaken that Is the Identical old horse that 1 saw run ning a machine about forty-three years ago. lie Is keeping up tho pace all right, but he seems to have been left at the distance polo by tho ages. Ho As a sanitarium for the criminal Fresnes Is unique. As his or lier pres ent home It boasts the proud record of being only half full of crime, or at least punishment by Imprisonment for crime Is diminishing In France. The system at Fresnes Is Interesting; possibly It Is worthy of Imitation, The authorities believe In fresh air and sun shine, tljosc sworn foes of the microbe and friends of health. Hence, as al ready stated, the prison Is a model sani tarium. Otherwise the criminal' Is gently educated. He works nt some trade and can purchase from the pro ceeds of Ills work extra food and per sonal requirements with the exception of tobacco. When the prisoners go to worship, which Is not compulsory, or to "school,1' which Is, they wear hoods so ns to prevent mutual recognition on re- Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. STEAMERS ALTONA AND POMONA Tho Most Pparklltic DelWons find Aro matic COKMKKH Kver Placed on thin Market. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling1 Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. DAILY EXCEPT 8UNDAY t FOR Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Four Blends.. Salem and Way Landings. PORTLAND AND A8TOHIA. Ftcnmer Hercules takes tlm place o( llallcy Oatzcrt. (.envoi every iiicirtiliiR Inllio week nt 7 o'clock, except Hilnday. llctiirnlw;, Icacs Astoria every night in tlie week nt 7 o'clock, execjit Kimilny. Olllcc, Alder street dock. Telephone Mnln a',1 Columbia ', K. V. ntlCHTON Agent. Leaves Taylor street-. " hafcm Arrives Portland . 645 A. M. ... 7:tK) A. M. it.M430 " M ''vjssiH -'I . . 1 ' , ' r V JtIHbGHBCjHHBEiHHHbHHbW 5G&3&! ', SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot ol Washington Ht., tiiindiiylucsilny ami 'lliiirMlay uveulnir nt 0 o'clock, for niivle IhIiukI, Ht. Helen, Caples, Deer Island, Marlins, Knlatria, Neer City, Hauler, Mt. Collin, Miiyitcr, HtHIa, Oak Point, l'rieinniis, Mauraulll,Ulalflkaule And all way landing. BEST LINE St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, Chicago, And all Points East. Through I'hIhph ml Totirliil Weeper, Dining Oars (uicnlsa lacarfe), lliirrcl,Hmoklii, Liftfary Can. For tickets and (nil Information regarding Knstern trip, call at city ticket ollko, ViJi Morrl ton street. A. II (J. HKvaslhTON, City I'awt. and Tnkot Atfent. Strong's Photographs Superior In Style and Finisho STUDIOt In,Goodnotifh Bulldlne. ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. Ono of the moat complete Imkerys In tlm Northwest, Bakes the Best Pullman Bread In the West M. SHIELDS, Prop. 317 Miirrlani.Ht. I'OKTI.AND, OK. And tWiUnlon Avontie. corner Hacramuntn. AlL'lna,4lnit-titrdO', cakes and plea. linked liitaim and Huston llrown llrcad ovurr Haturdav. Tel, Ited Wi; Tel. Hod lit I. BARR hotel I Europoan and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. Now ltott.p, newly (iirnl.lied.two blocks from Union depot ..Ml tliu niiHlorii Iniiirovuineiits, lire-proof, hot uiid cold nutcr, veutrully lo CUU'll, Rutos, $1 and $1.25 a Ucal2So, UalhiSSo. Day. Cor. Sixth and Gllsan, Portland. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Can lcato Portland. Comer Klrxt and Wash lUKlou b trill", for Vrtiii'uiiver tt follmts: Viint'oiivtir in fltliniti'., A. M,-'o:lH. 7:iu. 7:H.8::il, Otis, 10:0J, lO:tS 1 1 1. M. tunc. Itttt. I: in 2:3.1, asm. 4:0.), t:is,fl:ii, i.llh, luill.ll:.M. (I.eaurirklntul JOI- I fir-on kIki'Ik, 4 inliiiili'H earlier.) . Kerr leates 'aneottor toeonneet wllltrars I in follottkl . A. M.-Miln. 'TlM, H 9:W, Dill, 10:30, llilS VJMHi M. J'. M,- Wtt.V 1 :., 2:15,3:00, an t:w, 8:l. 0:00, fi:IJ. 111:10. Cars leave corner I'lrst and Waihtugtoii l Ui'cL for Woodlatvu aa lollowai J A'. M. rt:IS,,t.:i1.M-IS,,7ll.7:3.1,7MS.8:iV1, hllS, h.Xl, M:IH. U:UI, UilM, Ui.-M, VMS, 10:0.1, lo:lb, 10:11, 10:18, 11;(U. mix. ::u, Huh. 1. Jl.-l'.':iw, I'.'sM.' ii:x.i, I'.'iih, l:wt, i:in, i:3.t, i:i '.Mil, i in,'J:.u,'j:is, anvi, ;i:is, 3::u, :i:ih, iivi, lis, t:i.i, cih. mm, a:is,a::u,,aiK, ::u, fi:ts,7:o.t, 7:is.7:s.i. 7:18. Mat. 8:IH, i.u. 8:ts, :., t):i3,uj, 10!(U llljiU 10:3, ll:W, Ili'AIIitl, Woodlnwii 'J I) Mlitiit... Tars lento WVodlawu (or lint and Waililnf ton ttreel. it follow.: A M-'ft.t :on,flii. :, il:5,7:W,7;15,7:iJ, 8:0,8iH,8:W, 8il 0:0O. 0il.V9:rU.0M W:tv. lu'lMUiSO, lo:Mi:oo, ll:l.v u:30. n ai.':niM P. M.-i::i . U::i,ri,ti:ixi i:i.M:so,i:tvs:(M. 8-1A .'::i.'.'MV3:u). 3tlft. 8:M).3:lV4!00. 4 l.CSO, ll ft:u) otia..VW, A !t 6M I r. i ., ii'W,ti ts,7.oi 7:1s. 7:tu, 7:is, 8:ixi. M, '.m, Htso, 'io,9i)..&o, 10:10, I0:30, i 10NI,l.IOvllt3lV, J Miall). I'xcci't Snndats. f Iull, exi i'I'I WeiicMlati slid Saturdays, I Wvdiit.dii) and HttlimU) only. ..EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.. ! W..T. PHILLIPS. I 2001,'SUrV. street, hetuceu Kronl and First, Plume, Oregon, Clay 441. PORTLAND. OREGON. Help of all kinds I it nil. lied on short notice. anted; Itailroad men and deck hands, cooks, waiters and general liouso work, Uim hauds, mill hands ami city mirk. iu'hi I'.mie miisi ami kuh. IIMippi) MHt lor the rs.j y atop wringer, pat. id county rights for nt amiiieu (or. Ulale ami sate, ASIOi&COHl no sirall Passenger Trains Dally with THROUGH PARLOR CARS JII'.TWI.UN Portland, Astoria Seaside I .vine Union Depot Portland Tor Maygcrs, Itiiln ler, Clntuknn lc Wcntport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flavel, Near linrt Park and tea zle. Anlorla ,fc Seashore hxprcxK Dally. I Arrhcs I'nlon Dcot I'ortlnnil 8:00n .ft 11:1,-, it. in. MKIp. 111. AKtorln Dull). Kxprcn 0:10 p. in, Ticket olllce, 'AM .Morrison street, ami Union depot, Portland. J. MAYO, (Jen. Pu". Agent, AiUorlii, Or. Matters and Furnishers Sole Accnt. for KNOX HATS ...BUFFUM & PEHDUETOH... 94 Third Stroot, PORTLAND, ORE. BAKING POWDER It is 1HJRI2ST It Is CIII-AI'GST It Is UHST If Tou An ITst SiUt it! Tcur Ucy B:i t'M)iiKT ft DikVkua, INirtlaml, Or, 0r'l"J affltvsmvan 'A?!CV msm& Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST Ortdusto of tba Nortltrestorn Unlovrslty Uoutul Collego. First-Class Work and Prices Reasonable 711 Dokum Illd'K, Cor. Third A Washington. POUTLAND, Or. Oregou 'Phono Green 49 USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND CONVINCED. BE LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES ANQ PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CT3. A COPV NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF m OOLDUN WEST I I m 1 I wSSbKbsihcS '&8tf y jitmwmiAakTTALmssss. sLSPCr- -i.'J Br-jSaKyaSBaBB I HOItSR TKKADMILL AND DUZZSAW. keeps koIiik nil rlBlit, but he uover gets unywherc." "Hut lie saws the cortlwood up nil rlpht. Vou ahoiiltln't expeet more. Even n liorso enn't suy unytbliiK when bo Is Kiiwinj,' wood." "Nevertheless It does seem Btrnnge thitt while everytlilnp; else In the world Iihh been ndViuicliiK, proKtesslnjj nnd InipiovliiK this old horse-power saw mill htiH remained stationary, absolute ly untouched by u slugle change that would bettor It." "If you Rentlelnen will excuso mo for cutting Into your conversation Instead of contlnuliiK to cut wood for a mlnujo I will cullKhten you n little nbout this business, which a cuius to trouble you so much." wild the man who had bcu busily cnRtiKed In pushing BthAa HKnlnst tho buzz saw. "Tho point lis right, here," continued tho mnn with tho saw, "you gentlemen are llylug jn little too fnr above the ground. In otlnfr words, you tlon't know what you arc talking about. You are complaining that a machine has not Improved when, its n mutter of tnct, It reached a state of perfection when both of" you wero children. The horse-power sawmill tcun't bo made bt'tter than It now Is, for i thero Is absolutely no chance for Im provement. "I supposo you think thnt tho dawn of the twentieth century should have found these machines run by electric ity. Why should wo go to tho expense of having this run by electricity when we can ruu It for nothing. This old horso you seo walking up hill In the machine Isn't worth 00 cents nt n horso market. lie Is ail years old, Is blind In both eyes, Is string-halted and has four other diseases, but he furnishes nil of tho power wo need niid Just as good power as might be desired for sawing cortlwood, nnd nil he costs mo Is his feed, nml I might add that he has a very poor appetite. There you nre that Is the whole proposition In a nut shell. Why should 1 wnut power that would cost fno ten or twenty times as much to run this saw when I cuu hayo It run for next to nothing'" Then the suburbanite went back to his work nnd vigorously begun push lug big sticks of wood against the wlilrUng saw, while tho old horso plod ded upward without ever reaching any top, nnd 'the two men from Chicago looked on for a moment at the opera tion ami then turned away without venturing any responso to tho remarks of tho sawyer. They coudded nt Inst to ench other that they guessed the, twentieth century had not left the horse-power snwmlll so very fnr be hind, nfte'r nil 'In tho country districts nnd rural neighborhoods the old-fusU-toned mill Is as common as It was sev eral decades ngo, for It Is still found to be the best and cheapest method of cut ting wood Into the right lengths for tho stove ami tho tlreplnce. Chicago Chronicle. World's largest Prison. I France's new prison at Fresnes, some I eight miles from l'arls, is tho largest In tho world. It takes the place of j three old prisons, s situated In a I healthy district nnd covers, with Us mnln buildings, tlower gardens and villa residence of ottlchUs, over half a siiuurc mile. The prison, unlike our penitentiaries, Is not built ou tho star plan, but con sists of tlvo rectangular blocks, ope of which Is the lutlrmary. The plan la the cellular nnd tho number of cells' renches the uugo total of 1,824. As, however, accommodation Is provided on the "association" system for 400 privileged prisoners, the total criminal capacity of the Fresnes prison la 2.SM.' lense. In some of the workshops this rule does not obtain. The reason for this apparent Inconsistency Is not clear. IlCHiiitl Cowotl tho Cnb Driver. Sir Wulter Besunt Is known In Eng land ns ond of the best amateur boxers in me lami. lie tins more than once given proor or the possession of both science nnd muscle, nnd although he Is by no means quarrelsome his friends discreetly avoid giving him ofTcnse. He Is credited with having once settled n disputed cab fare In n novel manner. Ho drove from Piccadilly to some place In the suburbs outside the radius. On getting down he tendered tho driver 3 shillings nnd (I pence, which was a lit tle ovor the proper fare. The man, however, wanted C shillings. Itcsant refused. , "I'd like to light you for It," said tho driver. "The very thing," snld Besant. "We'll have the light lu the buck garden. My brother will look on, hold the stakes and see fair." The cabman got down slowly, ns If he did not finite enre about It after all. He followed Into the garden, where there was a lovely bit of green turf. Besunt placed the f shillings In his friend's hands, took off his eont nnd waistcoat and rolled up his sleeves all with the air of cheerful alacrity. "Now, my friend." said he. "I nm rendy ns soon ns you nre." Ills nnxlety was grent, but It decreased ns ho watched the cabman's face express successively all the emotions of bounce, surprise, doubt, hesitation and abject cowardice. "No, no," he said at last. "Glmmo the three-nnd-slx. I know your tricks both of you. I've been done this wny before." Puzzles for tliu l'ostinan. The other day a fair Baltlmorenn gave a man relative two postal cards to mull. He did not look at cither uutll he wns about to drop them In tho box, Then he found one was addressed, "Tho wlno shop on Blank uveuuo with the big demijohn lu front of th door;" and the other: "Ida, Pear street, betweeu Fayetto nnd tho uext street." Tho masculine relative didn't mall tho enrds; he took them buck to tho writer lustanter. "See here," ho said, "you can't ex pect thlugs directed In this careless fashion to reach their destination. Why, It would tnko an Old Sleuth to hunt these people up. If I wero a post mau " Tlm wMrinn tnsil? tfiA raiista fmm 1,1m .. i ii. t .... m . and looked at them. "If you were a postman," she said, "you'd have more. .. , , t sens) titan you nave now. iiwn. Ajitrii; a those nrlilroeo. uiose uauress- mall them." ..W O nothing the matter with es. Take tho cards nnd And sure enough, tho next day tho wine shopman responded and tho cook Ida returiKKi to her labors, so the worn-' an thinks thnt Is suttlclent Justltlcatlon of her mot hods, nnd keeps right on for getting numbers nnd giving the post men puzzles to work out Very Dear. EtneiT-Tuey say u costs rercy von Noodle ten thousand dollars a year to live. Penelope Goodness! Life Is very dear to him, Isn't It? Puck. Some beneflt comes out of every thing. The girls who wear their hair down over their ears do not need ear muffs. , MVhen everything else falls, people can still quarrel over religion and medicine The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS iiiiiiii, .UNREDEEMED, PLEDGES. Money Loaned on All Articles of Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All Oooda Sold nil InatMlliiKititi. 61 Third 8t dor. Pine," Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towch fnrnUhcd to llnrbcrc Doctors, Office! and iltinlnens, I'M. Wo alio do Klrat Clan Laundry Work. Ori'ICK: Fourth unit C'uuah 8t. PORTLAND, OR. Oregon Phono 129. Columbia Phono 410. Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey ...AND.., Shaw's Pure Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale Liquor A Cigar Doiler BOLE AGENTS. 110 Pturth Street EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stoek given the very best of care, Kates always reasonable, and satisfaction guar anteed. Pbone Main 51. Cor. Rose and, Oak Sts, R0SEBURG, OREGON. EDWARD HQLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 RENA STINS0N, Lady Assistant. I 1 HJJttm.iiifi.t.wn-mMiv3iM 1 TMWruM'ik.iailtmiamcmm m .Merchant Hotel. CORNER THIRD AND DAVIS STREETS rOUTLAND, OHKQON. HOTEL 18 NEWLY RENOVATED. Thts is the best equipped moderate rate hotel on the Pacific Coait and has all the conven- ,?nc'01'1 (1!Bh',r,,fed, ''"'"J'- complete with electric lights and bolls, and artesian water In urn ruoin. ximiti room on eaun ' 'or accomodation of guests. Itai perj. Meals 25 cents. Hpccla Idea and theatrical parties. Fi KVI .UUlll. ..., IUI1III uit c-vu I1UU(. etc mm Itates II and 11.34 elal rates to tarn. parties. Free 'bus to and from all trains. SCO rooms. Onlr four blocks from Union Depot. Fire Proof Hulldlng. F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop. Strictly Flnt-CUss. Rates , t.r Day and Up. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Com mercial Sample Room. iIMHImk aWSVijaaDnHaW SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leave Portland. 10:50 A. M 2and6:00 P. M. Leave Oregon City 12;S0, 3:30, 8:80 P. M. Oregon City Trans. Co. Promptness and quick dispatch our specialty A. B. GRAHAM, Afeont. Office and wharf, foot of Taylor St, Phone 40. WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We ire headquarters for Ralson Health Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 835 North Third St. Boots and Shoes Hade to Order Repairing1 Neatly Done. Work called for and delivered, guaranteed. All work H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Capcn Co.'s Shoes CULLISOH & GO. Whe.t and St"-' brokers DIRECT 1..a. IO New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ESMOND HOTEL Portland. - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. ItATKS: European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Da OSCAH ANDKKSON, Manager. J. C. I'ENDKQAST, Chief Clerk. WHEN YOU DUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves ' FOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Get a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First Street. f. V. BROOKE DRUG CO. 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TELEPHONE? COLUMBIA 780. OREGON RED ISO. Traoc Maims DESWONS Copyrights c Anrona sending a aket eta and description soar lolcklr ascertain our opinion fraa wb.lh.r aa qolcklr ascertain our opinion free luT.mlon la probably patentable. I luT.iitlon U probablf patentable. Coanaaalen. lloniatrtctlvconatlentfaL ItandbookonFataBta tlonsatrtctlrconOilentu DooJ unn e.nt I re, uwmi arency lor Moannapairau. nt rre Oldest .rencr Tor Mctmn Dai. 1'at.uts taken tbroueh Muna to. recatrt Mrioi notica, without cb.rva, ta the SckMific flmcrkait wfcMlsssssstaf. BO YEAR!' .OlHK' EXPERIENCE Hotel fins SBBBsa sBBgBJaasBBBBlBflBBBSiBBBBBBBl lrtllnrtrat4 weaklr. Lsraest r anr .rtemiao Journal. Ternia, aa nontna.ll. SolJbyaU newsdulara. Saea. m St, WaaalBsHon, D. tS i - 4 ht si I, wmmmmMtmiMifflimmmmJm '. l, aM Li'siii&iattj $ .TJL ISlJSl. JiLiuMMtum rfeaoua ' " ' ".SaMF " " "" " ' . . - -- T-r'"'n-