V "- wAn il i fcn i miM I , ' fi THE MJ5W AttE. PORTLAND, OREGON. -V.-vfii, , N -r a C; fl. STOKES IilQUOH GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled by l'nbjt Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wli. 1130 Pacific 'Avenue TACOMA - WASH. Salem Store, 14a State St. ' Any fills Any MACKINTOSHES,. RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Ituhbor llooti ami Short,, Melting, I'ncklna; nnd Horn. Largest and Mot Complete Assortment of all Kinds of Rubber Good. GQODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft. H. TEASE, President. F. M. BitEl'ARI), JR.. Treasurer J. A. SHKl'ARD, Secretary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RUSSELL & COMPANY BUILDERS OF Engine; Boiler m, Smw Mill, Thremhermm 1 If yoa BOntompUto buying machinery, writo us for cntaloguo and price. RUSSELL & CO. A. H. AVERIM.. Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. E. G. ATKINS & COMPANY ,sSKWiWA?J9L7HEhS'S fUXuHEo $ Branch, LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande. Oregon: CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL FRENCH BLOCK, raiLIP V. CAESAR, Presidents TRUMAN W. EKO", Vice-President! O. B. SELVIO, Cashier r JACOll 11. VANDKRBILT, Assistant Cashier. t GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Interest allowed on deposits In Baring Department. Circular Letters of Credit luoad on oncKonc. China, and okohoma, Japan: alio Draftaand llllli of hzehang Issued on China and Japan, and tha principal cities of Europe. Foreign money exchanged. Wg UAVB Bl'KCIAL, FACILITIES OK IIANDLINO GO I.I) DUHT AMI) BULLION THE H. C. AL6EE COMPANY DEALERS IN- SECOND HAND MO East Water Street f r Collins- Preston -'Wilson Co. SUCCESSOR lO I-ATUICK, MAHTICU A lO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HARNESS, SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 9193 Front Street, Between Stark and Oak. Oroion I'liono Matu7.. DRINK THE FAMOUS. FOR SALE AT ALL THE BREWERY AND OFFICE, MTABLIIHXB tail. INCOVFOKATBD l0t. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: & Commission Merc'nantj ' A WHOLESALE GROCERS To uti Udc J4r (41 CtmtclM w tht Com far, . A ! S4 rrBl'ltrt. hirtU. TOUTLAXO. . ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBL1N, Prop. Flrst-CldM AccommmliMldiiB nnd Prompt serv ice. LarRO Sample )iiTms (or Commercial Trawlers. Phone 7. Oor. First & Washington Sts. ALBANY, OREGON. The Unrivaled Piano of the World KRANICH & BACH Established 1004. Visit our Wareroom and he convinced. Many other standard and reliable makes of Pianos and Organs. We sell on EASY TERMS. No Targe first Payment required. C. A. WHALE HUSIC HOUSE M. C. MATTIIIEU, Manager, 128 Sixth Street Quantity Any Styln .PORTLAND, OREGON, Manufacturers of PA CI FI CO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SA WS No 60 First St. $72,000 $so,ooo TACOMA, VASH. MACHINERY. PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND, OREGON PRINCIPAL SALOONS " TT.Vr?c.l?.aSrrW:?r st LATEST NEW THINGS. DAME FASHION'S DICTATES TO HER VOTARIES. Boleros Retain Their Popularity With out Bluii or Waniitir Furs mid Their Uses as TrliiiinltiK Loiik Btrutrnle Agnlntt Drnpetl Overaktrts. New York correspondence f txOLKKOS soem likc pjl LC. Ir to hold tholr own &Y I J forever. To bo sure. ykj-- some of the new ones present bo iiiimy mi" pnrturos from early models time the nnmo seems fanciful. All thing thnt covers nny part of the torso. Including Home part nbovo nnd some part below the urmholes, Is u bolero. An n rule' boleros nre uinilu with Bklrt to match, mul are re ally separate from tin. Iimllee nvir which they are worn, but some stunning llttlo ones nre made all one with the- under bodice effect and 1110 meant for wear with any skirt. Seputate boleros of bril liantly embroidered cloths are promised as n feature ot the coming season and nlivady ate having trial. The box-pleated bolero is as novel as any form that Is sgfely established. It Is shown In the f Hc .Jti I 11 NKW KHATUUKS IN nOUOIlOSl Initial picture for which It was sketched In dove giay ladles' cloth, with trimming of silver soutache and joke of Ivory white nnd silver lace. Two widely dif ferent types, each nf which Is planned to go only with one skirt, appear In the sec ond Illustration, Tho first turned back from a waistcoat of white undressed kid studded with gilt nail heads, and was of black earners hair with black taffeta levers, gilt bullion trimming both skirt and jacket. The other jacket was hunt er's green velvet, and though put over a pi lua 8H gown of fnwn colored satin ftced cloth, was mated closely through jet passementerie trimmings. Often, of course, where jacket and skirt ure of OUUHDNT UK different materials, the jncket may lie used with other skirls, but this is a rule that bus rather more than thu uveragu Iniru nf t'lri'titinny. Since fur Is widely used as trimming, 1 It naturally adorns boleros, and as It Is usually emplojcd freely It so nearly dom inates as to muko the befurred jacket a distinct class. Its two distinct grades uiitienr In the rnneludliii! illuslrutinn. j The one is 'fur-trimmed Alaska sublo on dark brown cheviot, In this case; the ' other was entirely of Iteur fur. Each wus interchangeable, for though the trimmed one matched the skirt in mate rial and had cream laeo trimming, it was meant for double service. Tho rule plates the befurred bolero as n fixture with Its'bklrt, fur trimming on tho latter marking the union, but this, again, is a rule that often U broken. The all-fur bolero accompanied a skirt of heliotrope fchct tiimmed with the Mr. The rnt with such jackets Is even looser that, with fur-trimmed ones. Small jackets usually brim; fur tilininltiR on the skliK and large ones stand atone, bat iudlvid ual tnstu Invariably is the court of lasl result. All tho new fur coats that extend be low the wnlst nre made boxy, and Ibis season the simpler fms have been Ma tured. Sleees are some variety of Hlsh op. tery often open at the wrist to show cither the uiulersleeve of the bodice, or an midersleeve that belongs to the coat. This last Is of tchi't or of n fur con trasting with that of the garment. Com bination thus of two furs is quite the thing. An open, loose sleeve allows the cold to mount the turn, but a loose sleevo properly piotected at the wrist Is lovely and eo.y. A stjllsh coat of mink llntsh ed with black civet tabs and gilt but tons is shown here, and In another pic ture Is a seal coat, with collar, rovers nnd front piece of white Angora, cream and gold lace giving yoke effect. The third coat the artist presents was one of those oddities thnt nre ubtmdnnt. lt.s black melton was topped by ltusslan sa ble? with chinchilla for the rovers. The struggle against draped over dieses has been a gallant one, and the danger of hip drapery seems past. Tho long line from waist to tip of train is much Milned, and the overdress when worn seldom luterfeies with It. There Is a noticeable tendency to tilm the edge of the overdress and the skirt thnt shows below to correspond, thus softening the break of line still further. An example of this 1 1 pictured In a gown of corn colored broadcloth, with skirt nnd under skirt embroidered to match. Outlining -t2352- SKHKIUTS AND l-'UUS. With cord, steiielllug and all varlJtles of atitchlug are used for this, too. There was never a time when so many short dicsses were worn. They rarely tire shorter than ankle length, and with them most women wear any sort of hat and bodice or coat. This Is not good taste. A short dress calls for severity about tho lest of the costume, or a pic turesiiue out-of-door sliorlluess. The fuel that mery 0110 Is supposed to have a short skirt, and to wear It whenever she wants, makes It a rule that all other dresses shall lime long skirts, and so they have of the hcinlcst materials nnd the most elaborate cuts. They are not Intended to bo worn on the street. One I'.H OK KUIt. should take a cub, or us she walks for her car should hold up the gown. No ono lets It drug now unless absolutely cal lous to criticism. Muffs ure not correct with short skirls. Oolf mittens or gloves are thu thing. They aro very big, ure not a bit stilish unless they look more like skating caps than coverings for tho hand. Hcarlet. blue and black nre worn, but sple and spun white Is the most swagger. Women wear these over tho bare hands to the theater, muffs being so In the way. Thu mitts removal, thu bunds are bare dur ing thu evening. Copyright, 1001. Skirts for summer, which have their gores set together with Insertion, will lie all the prettier If butterfly bows murk the spot where the lusertiou ends uuU the tlounccs bejeia, , 4 ;o v j Mi') or m mi 1 , ! General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM 0JR VARIOUS EXCHANGES , Showing the Progress of the Various Llnu of Hunun Endeavor Being Accom. plishtd by the Race. If you will jiluv your pnrt In llfo, and seo that such part is good, tho Negro problem would miou Im hoIvimI. Oiiiuiuuatl has a now colored pollco man. This lucroiiHCH tho miiuhor to 14. Hubert It. Church, n colored citl'ou of Memphis, born it sline, lias contrib uted $ 1,1)1)1) to tlm Confederate Veter ans' reunion fund. John It. Lincli, ox-ooiigrusHinan from Mississippi, now 11 paymaster in tho United Stiitos army with thu rank of major, is Nlatlonud in Cuba. llnu. John O. .lonun, of Cook oomi. ty, Illinois, tlm only A fro-American imiinber of thu Illinois luigslaturo, has, introduced a bill for tlm Rupprotslon of mob violunco nnd .lynching. Tim nppolutmmit of Miss Eva L, Damon to a permanent clerical posi tion in tho Chicago pofitolllco at u Hil ary ol $('.00 will bo gratifying to all members of tlm race. Sim lias been assigned to tlm ordor division and mi jiys iliu diHtluutinii of being tho llrst A fro-American woman ever iiHilgned to that department The Whlto Slate llaptlst Convention of Columbia. W..0., V'i addrcsfed by KM ward Striik, a Nrgio, who has been punching the gospnl Tfi yrars. Ho was horn a slino in Hanover couutv, Vir ginia, August 18, 1800. WI1II0 tlm old man was walking, through tho church to tlm pulpit tho !I00 delegates arose in a body and luiuiilued staudliiK till hu was R'atcd. 'I hu Negio led thu cluHing pn.yer of tha day's Mission, Our esteemed contemporary, Mr. .1. M, (irlllln, of AlliiHiuiiniiie, Iiiih boon elected journal ulerk of thu Now Mux ico senate.' This will bo peculiarly gntifyiiif to thu members of tho Afro American nress. one of whoso bright- est and most aueuoHsfu) members Mr. Grlllln Is. All along tho llnu. with all sorts of opposition to uwroonm, our men am forging aheail and making crcditublo placoH in lifu for them- selves. A bill olTurcd by Congressman f-ou. II. AVIiItu, of North Ciiioliini, was passed by tlm house of rnproiieiitatlvcs January 21, appropriating $100,(100 of tho iiniOaiiuod funds dun thu colored soldiers of the civil war, to iruot a suitable .building on tho land owned by an association oruaul'iul to establish thu homo for thu aged mid liillrm col ored people of tlm Dlslrkt of Colum bia. Theio vveru Hid votes for, f0 against, six, who simply answered "present" and lft!l refrained from vot- inu. "The Country Girl" at Conlray's. "Ilm Country Girl." Wychorly's well-known comedy, will lie tint open ing hill of thu Shirley Company, whluh will begin it wiuk's engagement at uoniiays tntatir, Minu-iy nigiit. 'lint ng was a happy miouush in ovary way. Country Girl" is a play of a pist tun, Those who organled mid directed It and, therefore, It has uuiilutnoNs us wore pleased with thu romilt llnaiiulal oho point of merit. Wyuherly's plays y and oHpeolally grateful forasslHtanoo luivo loiif,' been oir thu s;ign and foi reculved in pro'outlng tho maiiy feat gotten, ami there's another thing in lis nre of onto talmiient which made tho favor. Not all of them are presenta- alTalr so eujoyablu to all. 'Iho miislu bin to a jmidernly coiiHtituteilaudlenie. and literary exerolsos rendered vveru 'Iho comedy is natural ami tho ilia oxcolltnt in every particular. Ico loguu spurklliiK when given creditably, creaiti unl caku were served mid iniioli 'Iho coiitiuny htiH u laijra repel toll 11 of enjoyud. The attendancu was gooil plays and will select thu moxt suuiom. and both old and young pasmd a very fill for presentation at Con'r.iy's happy o veiling. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephone - ( oluinbls "M, On on I ted ISM Prmocrfpticn - Druggists 67 North Third Sti'cot PORTLAND - - OREGON (jCsss855"") -mi-"- I'- f. "' O. F. meets at !i"a Set 01 1 slrtul. toiner ol Salmon, tiist uml third Tuesday of each mouth, All Ibid I-el bm h in yooil Handing are rortlLtllv Inviletl. F I). THOMAS. K. WA'IHON, I'. 6. N, (I. CITV NEWS ('. A. Killer Horlt ty Killtor. Mr. John Mltuhnll and bride, of Mis sourl, are thu giteM ol Mrs. .Morodlth. Among tho victims of tho gtippo this week wo llud tho MIhhos Mary nnd Suslo Crawford, Itov. CoIIIuh nuil W. L. llraily. Tim Martha Washington ton party to bo given at tho llothel A. M. K. churoli February 23 promises to ho nil en joy a bio nffait. Mr. Geo. Hhuppun), who lived in Salem aovoral yours ago, spout several days in our city this week. lie is at preseut residing in Kiuicus, Homo of tho employes of tho iiotol Portland gave an informal ruuuptlou to it miniliur of 'their friends at the res! duiiuu of Mrs. Dora Howinan, 1187 Da vis Hlrout, last Wudnsoday ovening. An oujuyiihlo tlino was passed by thono pret-ont. Mrs. Mainlo Allen's nwldonuo hud a vmy narrow eseape from being do stroxed by lira hist Huiidny umuiIiik. A lighted mntuh uarulessly thrown down sot lire to tho fringe on, a eotiuh. Thu llatnes were extinguished through tlm iihslHtanco of tho neighbors after cotiHldurablo daiuago was douu. Mr. Frank Smith, formorly oniplnyoil at tho Hotel I'oitlaml, alter an ubNouco of about two years, visited I'ortland for 11 few days tint early part of this wiok. Ho is nt present in the em- ploy of thu I'ullmnn 1'nlaoo Car Com pany, Lat Deuuiubor Mi Smith hail thu mlfnrtuuo tu I oho his mother after a brief lllnust. 'Ilm .luvenilo ilmlr urgnnled nniler tho ausplues ol tho A.'.M. K. Z16U" cliuruh is uxpeutml to tnKn wiiHrgu ot tlm muslciti pHrt'of fuu survlcns nu thu e onlng of tlm first Sunday in uoxt month. A largo number Inn expM ed a wllllugiiusH to assist ami credit ablo prograuiiuo will hu offorod. 1 With tho t'haiign In thu weather wo predict b'imortil improvement In tlm health of tho community. 'J ha at or. ago Wohfoot lias In lmn a certain amount of iiioUturu In tho atmosphere or ho does not fyjtl i uppy. '1 hu Imlluii- 'lions at piuseut aru that for a khort tt inn ho will bo in hi element. Tim Now Ar-adla Club has buon kIvoii new liiu by roliioorpurnllon and 'thu addlt on of new milliliters. Hh flub rooms are hauled nt 1108 i Alder street. Manager llurr Wl Haunt, who ih also pro.i'ieiii 01 1110 oiiiu, nas iuh plnyed excellent taet in making tho ultih jsipubir. Thu oluhroouis liavo tiuen newly furnished ami thu equip ment is in every way up-todato. At tho lust meeting of thu Afro American Couuuil in this city thu sub joct of thu frequent lynching il Negroes in tlm South was iIIkuusnu), also tlm uujinit laws discriminating ugaliiRt him being taHseil in that part of tlm country, mid tlm question was intro duced of endeavoring tu airaugu ways a'nd means to assist toiuu of our pcoplu to imlgratu to other states where they would he pormlMd to enjoy Ufa anil earn a living for themsolvis and fain Hies. Thu St. Valentino social held at A. ' M. !;. ,on churoli on Thursday oven U'o shall know no favorites, ami shall bit absolutely impartial. To in sum publication, all local news must reach us not later than 'lhursday uiorn lug, of each weuk, ( , I i'o want your trade, Miislu half 'price; musical instruments of till kinds, cash or Installments. , H, I Wright, wholesale ami retail dealer in iimihIo and musical iiieruliaiidisu. Tim Musiu bulldlug, iHi) Washlugton street, i'ortlaml, Oiegon. I Spraiifer's Arcade, II. II. Sprnugcr, 1 1'ropricior, southwest corner Sixth laud Couch streets. New and strictly ! iip-lo-ilnlo. Ladles' annex elegantly I furnished and securo from Intrusion, j Heading room, pool uml billiards. v v(l , V'1 iw vVf g PT" TTB fasaffif-.. - Tf--i -auriTi mtumitmmtiki itsm: h.iLft -mmJm, 4 A &, ltU.