BTK , a Hr" .vS.kl. 1,7S WB V 4 v jlTECE jJSW AGE, 'EOItTLAJflTJ, OREGON. .. .,- , - . 3ia mill,,, nl , I jSZJSzSLjmtammm i. iWiipuliiatiwW'' ''' J''11 ., .juaswu. ft? v I K mtlK OLD REMADIiR SEVENTH AND QMSAN EXCHANGE. J. I.. O'FAMtKi.L, Prop. BTenth and (lltsati 8ts. FOKTI.AXD, QUE. 4 hTISTIC MONUMENTH IN NATIVE AND jHl foreign marble and granite: new and orig inal designs H. J. Ilt.Ah.SI NO. Olllce -mid Works 267 Third street, nenr Madison. A LURKS k SCHNElDEIt CO.-tl. AU1EUS, A. Prcs. and Mgr, Tlios. Bclitielder, Vlce-Pres., It. Albers, Sec'v. and Treas. Proprietors U. 8. Mill" i and Merchant Holier Milt. Manufactur ers of Uolled Oat, Oat Meal, Flaked Wheat, Buckwheat Flour, IVarl Hurley, live Plour JVholo Wheat Flour. Corn Meal, Kjo Meal, Hominy, Farina, Steel Cut Wheat. Pasto Fac tory Maiaronl, .Vermicelli, Spaghetti. Dealers In Grain, Flour, Hbv, Hhlnglrs, seeds, Etc. All kinds Mill Feed. Office. 'JIUIJ Front Street, corner Main, Portland, Or. G. J. Erdner R. Hochult, CIHICAOO MARKET 1 Krdncr it Hochull Dealers In freh and cured meats; all kinds ol salvages. 311-U Rxliltitrtnii street, Portland, Oregon. Roth 'Phones ho. 413. 1HARLES J. SCHNAREIi Attornya(.l.nw, SIS Chamber of Commerce RulldlnR, Portland, OreRon. A RMORY DRUG STORK nro DriiRs and Chemical, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domestic CI sum. Prescriptions a Specialty. N. W. Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. .8aggage and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Office 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark Sts. Tolopuono 433. PORTLAND, OREOON. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. Bnggape checked at resi dence to nny destination. Branch Offices: Hotel Portland: United Carriage. Co., beventh und 1 ay lor. L. H. ADAMS, Manogor T. IlKNtirtlCKSEN D. DAIIK PRACTICAL SAIL lAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails , a Specialty OltKOON l'HONK 043 IlRl 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Wholesale Dealers. Mechanical Rubber Goods, Belting, Hose Packings, Fire Department Supplies. Rubber Boots, Shoes, Rubber ClotblDf Rubber Goods of All Kinds 18 20 Front St. ... I HE... J. McCraken Co. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street... PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHEN'S UK Evening Gowns . Street Suit Fmncy Wmit Tmior Mad Suit Kitting Hmbit, Etc 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON .TRAINS STOP. ..AT...... Wilkins' Ealing House 30 Minutes for Veals I.nneh Counter In connection. The only Eat- 4ns House at the Depot where you can get a Irtt-Class Meal. ROSEBURG OREGON B. B. RICH IB MiX j MBwti CIGARS OTKHNKRN A JUI.1EN C I Wholesale and reatall grocers, 312-814 Tiurn. aide street, ncorner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tele phone, Oregon Mack lEWi, Columbia (80. IHIE WESTERN LUMDER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. B ROWN A M'CAIIE, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. Blilp's mall promptly delivered. Cablo address Drown. mllE BAVAUIA SALOON A. II. OUKOER, l'rop. Importod and Domcitto Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Wcluhard's licor. Thone Oregon Illack HM3. 8. E. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREOON. mllE ORIENTAL J. W. QRUSSI, Proprietor. J28 Washington St., Oppostlo Imperial Hotel Drinks 10 cents. Beer 6 cents. Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID THOMAS, Prop. Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. THONE, RED 1818. FAMILY RESORT. Cor. Chapman and Jefferson 8ts., Portland, Or' Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials V Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washington street llet. Fifth and Sixth PORTLAND OltCUON. BOYD & ARNOLD ...General Agents... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street, Near Stark. The Golden West FURNISHED ROOMS. .,KASSON SMITH, Proprietor..- Rooms Mc Special Rates by Week or Month Everything now and clean. Beit loca tion In tliu eltv. Specially desirable able (or parties desiring a quiet place. No Children. 4 Doors South of first National Bank Main St., Oppoitto Fred Ernst. BAKER CITY - - OREGON HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES TRANSIT SOLICITED ...BOTH PHONES... Travelers should take ''8" Street Carat Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill fctrect to Katt AnVney Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wto'esale Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor. Burnside, A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting: of Building?, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. PirtlinJ General Electric Ci., SEVEITN AMI ALIEI STS. Both Tkonw 345. HOUSE MOVING IN CHICAGO. Work Still Heme by Old KohloneJ Methods. Last year 473 houses were moved U Chicago, suya tiro Chronicle. Thus there was an average of more thnn ono house moved every day during the en tire twelve mouths. Frame houses, brick houses and even stone structures are moved from one place to another by thohe experts who make a business of this particular kind of real estate trans fers. That house-moving Is still nji Important 'feature of the city's Indus tries Is attested uyvthe foot that thcro are Jlfty llrniB In the city devoting spe cial attention to taking dwellings from their foundations and carrying them bodily to some other point. The opera tion has been reduced to such a scleuco that during the Journey of tho house not a timber or a brick In the structure Is disturbed. The trip Is regarded as so safe ami so certain to be free from accident that often families do not move out of the dwclllnjrs nt all, but remain In them perfectly securo while the houses change locations. House-moving seems a very simple process, but there are In reality moro complications connected with tho proc ess than a man who has never moved a house could conjure tip In tho wildest (light of his Imagination. In tho llrst place, a house cannot be moved except by movers who hold n city license granting them the privilege to engago In such work, llefore n man Is given such n license he must Hie a $5,000 bond with tho city housemovlng department This bond Is a safeguard demanded by tho city' to protect the municipality In enso an accident should occur during the moving nnd n damage su(t should follow to which the city of Chicago might bo mnde n party to the defense. The housemovlng department has solo power to lay out the route along which the Iioiiro must bo taken. Whenever It Is possible the movers are compelled to effect the transfer by wny of streets that are little lined. A fee of $5 for the privilege of moving tho houso must be paid (o the city. This does not end the mover's trou bles or those of the owner of tho houso by nny means. All of the rules and regulations of the moving department of tho city must bo compiled with nnd an Inspector Is always around to seo that these nro observed. The houso owner does not have itreckon with tho neighbors from whose midst ho Is go- HOUSE MOVING lug to extract his house, but ho Is com pelled by city ordinances to llguro pret ty cnrofully with the neighbors among whom he proposes to plant his building, ir n majority or the residents In tho block and on tho same sldo or the strcot where tho man wants to put his uoiuo object to tho proceedings then tho whole nfTnlr might us well bo declared off, ror an Insurmountable barrier has been encountered. Or ir the property owners ror ISO reot In olther direction on tho apposite side or tho street object tho efforts or the mover might ns well bo discontinued. Tho law requires that tho majority or tho proporty owners In tho block on the sldo or the street to which tho house Is to bo moved and tho majority ,or those within 1M) reot Ju either direction on tho opposite sldo must first give their consent to tho placing or the houso In the new local- Artcr all or the6o matters have been looked arter and settled satisfactorily then tho actual active preparations ror the moving or tho houso are begun. Houses are still moved by that satno old simple process that has been In uso ror decades. Tho houso Is raised rrom Its roundntlons on Jackscrows, or "Jacks," as they are called, and arter ward placed upon broad, heavy rollers or solid wood. A great windlass Is placed firteen or twenty rods down the street and Is anchored by heavy plus driven Into .the ground. A big, thick rope, strong enough to pull many tons, Is then pullcl rrom tho windlass to which one end Is fastened. The other end Is fastened to tho house. A horno Js attached to a shaft connected with jho windlass, nnd as the animal walks round and round the center pin the rofjo Is wound about tho latter and the houso Is pulled forward. When the houso has been pulled up tp the windlass then the latter Is set forward again and the pulling process Is repeated. This opera tion Is performed over and over agalu until the-house has been draws to the new location which It Is to occupy. "The housemovlng f business Isn't what It wed to be In this old town not by a long shot." said a professional mover who has been moving bouses la U -gR! ' s. Chicago erer since the Are. "You see a tire, or frame house, limit was estab lished a long time ago, and nowadays there Is Imrdly ever a single move with in those bounds, for you see most of the buildings Inside of It arc permanent tu the extreme, the frame houses nro get ting scarce nnd big brick nnd stone houses are not moved ns often na tho wooden ones. Most of the houso mov ing Is now contlned to the outskirts of the city nnd people nro getting so well settled that there are comparatively few occasions for transplanting a dwelling." 8tccl Wool in tho Arts. "Although steel wool hns only boon used as a substitute for sandpaper dur ing the last six years, It Is now very extensively utilized for polishing pur poses by metnl workers, enrpeuters, enhtnet-mnkers. house painters, sign painters and emitters throughout tho United States." said n wholesale dealer In tho mnterlal to the writer recently. "Steel wool Is nn nrtlclo of regular manufacture nnd It Is put up In one pound packages very much resembling rolls of cotton batting. It Is composed of shnrp-edged thrends of steel, which curl up like wool or tho familiar wood fiber known ns excelsior, but It U much finer In texture than the lntter material, tho llucst qunll'ty being not much coarser than tho coarsest of natural wools. "The superiority of steel wool over the ordinary sandpaper consists In Its great pliability, which eunblec a work er to polish or smooth down Irrcgulnr parts of moldings or ornamental wood work. Such work can be dono with steel wool far better and much mora expeditiously thnn with sandpaper. Tho latter clogs In use, but steel wool al ways retnlns a more perfect polishing edge or surrnce. The wool Is made In various degrees, or coarseness, tho conrser grado being best adapted ror taking oft old pnlnt or varnish nnd ror smoothing nnd cleaning doors like those or bowling .Mleys. The wood Is gener ally used with gloves to keep tho sharp etuis from sticking Into tho workman's fingers." Washington Stnr. An (Jnlbrtuiinto MiihIi. An amusing accident occurred on a Front street cublu-cnr tho other even ing. It hnppcued Just ns tho car nenred the turn nt Pike street nnd 1st avenue. Away up toward the rront end or the car a lady was sitting. Sho und n Inrge OM3W AT WOIHC. basket, and bundles galore. One she carefully deported on tho scat beside her. Just ns the car nenred IMko street a young m nn Jumped aboard n very homely young man to others, but to hlmhclf n verltnblo Ileau Hrummell. He Marled to walk tho length or tho car to take a seat. Ho seemed perfect ly satislled with himself in every par ticular. Then the car rounded tho curve, nnd with that Jerk Ave are all so familiar with ho was precipitated very suddenly Into a sent next to our friend with the bundles; In fact, ho was thrown against her ns ho sat down. "Sure, and you havo mashed me cake!" she exclaimed. "Well." ho replied, with a brilliant nt tempt to bo runny,. "I am sure or ouo mnsh, anyhowl" "Yes, Indndu!" was tho quick reply; "and, sir, Judging rrom tho looks or yez, It's tho llrst wan ye Ivor mndul" The young man left tho car at the enrlloM opportunity. Seattle Mall and Herald Prominent Women HurrrnirlNtM. Here Is a list or wmu ot the distin guished men who hive advocated tho ballot ror women; Abraham Lincoln, Charles Sumner, William II. Sowurd Chief Justice Chase Henry W. J,ong rellow, John J. Whlttler, Wendell Phil lips, 'ohn Stuart Mill, Phillips Jirooks, Italph Waldo Emerson, John Qulncy Adams, George W. Julian, Joseph Cook, James Freeman Clarke, Charles Kings ley, Thomas Wentworth Hlgglnson, Itev. David Gregg. (Jeorgo W. Cable, George William Curtis, Itlsliop How man. Henry Wnrd IJeechef, Charles F, Twlng, Hlshop Hurst, Hlshop Simpson, IHstiop Gilbert Haven, George F. Hoar, Itev, Mlnot Savage, Ilev. John Pier pont, William Lloyd Garrison, Theo dore Parker and James A. Garfield. Association of ItlenN. "See, mamma, the lively little lambs." "Nonsense, child! Those nro not lambs they nro little pigs," "Why, mamma, what did they do?" Fllegende Illacttcr. It Is better to receive a S10 bill Uuui a Mil ror ? 10. BUSINESS LOCALS. Always nak (or the itmons General Arthur cifrar. Ebrg-QuMtClgrCo., gsnsral agents, rortUnd, Or. Krerybody smokes tho celebrate Monogram nnd Pandora cigars. They haw no equal. Call up Union 401 when In need ot anything in tho luel lino. East Mor rison Stroot Wotnr& Coal Yard. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. is tho o1d est and best sarvico of tho kind in tho town. IteaderB of tho Now Age, give thorn tho proforence. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or nny good securities. Notes nnd mortgages bought. 8. W. King, room 45, Washington building. Oregon llntohcring Company, Frod Metzgor, mnnngor. denlors in all kindi of fresh nnd salt moats and fish, 41S Everett stroot. C. A. Watson, Marino Drug Storo, 88 N. Third stroot, Portland, Oro. Spe cialties: Flcckenstoln's Lung Balsam and Colory Soltzor. The Pnnulnr. 19ft Flrnt atrnnt. tint. Wnshlnuton nnd Alilnr. Porllnml. Or . John Eoklund, proprietor. Tol. Ore gon rod 034, Columbia 608. For fine fruits of nil kinds for the traveling public, call at 160 North Sixth stroot. Ico cream soda. Uaskot fruits for travolors. George Kiser pro prietor Don't wear baggy trousers or shabby -1...1... u. nn for. snonno, nrot. and ilollvor, ono suit of your clothing each week, bow on uiuiohn, mm ,. rips for $1.00 n month. Unique Tail oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phoues. Jnn. P. Rlmrltnv. msnnfscursr of hnrnoss, collars, saddles and strap wnrlr! Iirmnrtnr of nnildliirv. hardware. whips, pads, etc 66 Uulon arc., Port land, Or. " Portland Transtcr Saloon Chns. O. Glglln, proprietor. Choloe wlns, liquors and olgars. 031, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. Frenoh Dyeing nnd Cleaning Works, All work dono at very modurato prices. Dyeing and cleaning ot all kinds ot ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Doleau, proprietor, 466 Gliian str-C The flnrst place in the city to obtain fit it quality cigar,1 tobacco and sinoa ers' articles ia that of Rosenthal A lludd, at 987 nnd 287 K Washington street, botweon Fourth and Fifth. Give these gonial dealers n call when you wish anything iu their line. Tele-plione-Mahi 73. ' Armory Drug Storo, 81 Tonth stroot, northwest corner Tenth nnd Kvorott sticotc, Portland, carries a full lino of drngs, toilet nrtiolos, school suppllos, cigars, otc. Tho National Pollco Gazette, pub lished by lUchanl K. Fox, Pollco New 8 Hmtlnrd, nnd nil other sporting papers, Subscriptions taken at A. W. Salimnlti, bookseller nnd newsdealer, 3S0 First street, I'oitland, Oio. Mm . orders solicited. Fur XmiiH goods, Holding llros,, 46 N. Third street, havo u choice solouttcii of holiday goods iu tho Hue of silver ware, pocket books, fancy jnwelry, din. monds, umbrellas, gold and silver headed canes, watches, lookots, oto, Call ami Inspect our stock. TO THE DEAF A rich lady, enrod of hor deaftidHH ami noises in tho bond by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gavo iK'G.OOJ tu his iustltuto, so tliHt deaf puoplo tumble to procure tho car drums may havo them free. Ad'IrtwN No, D IIMSl, The- Nicholson In stitute, 780, Eluhth avenue, New York On the Inildc. of a collar, shirt or cutf dono up nt this laundry means that you aie all right, anil that your linen looks as lin maculute ami of as smooth and flue u finish as if it Just came from the fur nishers, Comfort und satisfaction ho clve ou In every piece of linen, that ! we Inuuder, and our prices tiro trilling J for it. The Domestic Laundry, J, F. ltobluson, Pendleton, Oregon. NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works . OrVlVK AND WOHKHl 92J SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hits Cleincd, Pred.PrtMfd and Trimmed LsdltV lrees slid liti (Juods Dred ill Col urs, or Well Ulesued, (ieiitlt-men's Clothing Cleaned, lired and Kenalrid. Otlrlcli fcatheil (.'issued or Ujred all Colors and Nicely Curled. g -THE- Multnomah Trunk Co llANUFACTURiHU) OP TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. ...THE OLYMPIAN.. 148 Fifth St., Noar Morrison BLUNDEN &. VELTON, Props. TIIK FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT Mow Hulldlng-, New Fixtures, Choice Goods. W. I.. McCabs, tieattlo. X. 8. ItAMtLTOK, Tacoma M'CABE & HAMILTON x .'. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. I. Hoad Offlco: Tacoma, Wash. Csbls Addrois: McCABK GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. HRiEG ft LEVY (ISCOlll'OKATKD.) jGROCERS COFFXK AND TKA A SPECIALTY. 304 WnslilMBtnii Ntrixtt, Cornitr Tanth THY OUIl Cn.KIlltATKD COFFKK. Until niotiei H3H. I'OIITI.AND, OK. OLYMPIC STEAM LAUNDRY 407 South J Street MICHAEL J, BJORN & LOUIS J. BJOIN 1'ltOritIKTOitH TACOMA, WASH. TROY lffrfiM?" Aro noted for quality of work and prompt fiorvicn. 'v II 101-6 E. Water SI. Phone 6033. PORTLAND DAIRY ASS0GIATI0J1 WIIOI.DHAI.K A ItKTAIIi .Cream and Milk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Manager Milk Dellvored tu All Parts ot tliuCltr. Oregon IMiiiiio North !)01t. EAST PORThAHD WOOD CO. E. M. LAMBERT. Dealers In All Kinds ot WOOD AND COAL Wood sawed to order In yard or on street. Orriion I'luimi I'nlim 431 foliiiul.U I'liotie biii YAllli ANI OFFHJKl Cor. Kl Moirlaim mid WntorHIre la I'OHTI.AM), OIIKUO.V. i Tho Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit, TRY RED SEAL BRAND, 56-60 E. Water St,, Portland, Or. I'll HI . V" 1 -'I 1 . JZtomfrAt'-