Iv - I?? THE NEW AGKE, POHTJiAND, OllEGOK. S TOPICS OF ) Wo mny linve to npjiolnt a commis sion to grade1 nlitl Inbul our war heroes. If you toll a woman hIio is Rood hIio may thank you. Toll her bIiu la pretty and she will love you. One reason why 11 little learning Is a dangerous thing Is that It to8sesor Is likely to write a historical novel. Tenia meanwhile does not Insist that ej thoHO making signals from Mars are relutives of the man in the moon. Hiding with a girl In an automobllo Is better than oil a tandem bicycle. The latter accustoms her to talking back. Yellow fever Is not such a terrlblu disease, after all. Of the 1,'JM eases In Havana In 1000, only 121 per cent were fatal. If Pnttl gets cash for her castlo sonni kind friend should ndvlho her to keep her count away from the brlc-a-brac si ores. Most of the people who severely criti cise Mr. Cudahy for giving up 5,000 to the .kidnappers nro people who have no children of their own. Isn't It strange that ull these peoplo who knew about tho salt cure never thought to mention It until tho Chica go professors spoke up? Four times as many men as women killed themselves In New York last year. Yet no suffragist can bo counted upon to take tlds Into consideration. Alfred Austin's reasons for declining to read the remarks of his critics are not altogether unlike those of the peo ple who prefer not to read his poems. A Long Island dog died tho other day of appeudlclt.s. It Is needless to add that thu'dug moved In tho best canine society previous to Its sad but glori ous llnlsh. To some It will hcciii that tho "crim inal mistake" was made when the au thor of "Colonel Carter" pioceeded to nit lu Judgment on tho creator or "Undo Tom." The women In the neighborhood are always anxious to tell a hrldo how to manage her husband, but the men pre fer to let the groom llud but his trou bles for himself. "Conhdence meil riiTy Hint pvop"lew',m cat with their knives are the easiest victims to dealt with. This Is only natural, ami It Is' more or less gratify ing, too. A ulan who eats with his knife ought to be hit with a gold brick as often as possible. There are more rich men In this coun try thau'lu former times, and Individual fortunes are relatively larger. Hut, as a rule, rich men are more liberal with their means than ever before lu the world's history. Klch men more than ever recognize the fact that wealth Is n trust and that tho day of reckoning Is coming. What Hooker Washington Is saying to the men of his own race, another clear voice Is saying to the white folks: "What tho South needs Is respect for work. We must put on our overalls and use our hands." There Is no sec tionalism lu such n lesson; It Is law and gosiH'l for all latitudes and longitudes. Industrial development otTers both ha uls and security for all higher humau Interests. Among the noteworthy IwquiviU for charitable purHscb during the past jear was that of a Navajo Indian, whose estate, valued at over $110,000, was left for tho establishment of a freo medical dlopcusary, as "an aid lu ex tinguishing cruel aboriginal supers!) tloim lu tho trllw." The giver recog n I zed the fact that, lu an Important m'iim', It Is for the Indian to say what the future of the Indian blmll be. Of tholt.lfcl railroad locomotives man ufactured lu American shops last year, 605 were scut abroad. The llrlllsh rail roads iKiught more of these than any other country, Uuhsla Indng a eloo sec ond. There Is no longer liny denial of the ability or American manufacturers to turn out locomotives more cheaply 'and rapidly than their European com petitory though tho (ermaiis are at ivady using American engine as mod els. It is not unlikely that the exporta tion of railroad locomotives may be come nu Important branch or our for eign trade. Kugllsh shoe manufacturers who are tegliiulng to surfer from American eouietltlon allege that, although the British workman's dally wages are only ultout half as large as those or the American operative, tho "labor cost" or a pair or Bhoes Is rally lift ttr cent more lu Kuglaud than In the United States. Most or the responsibility ror this fact Is laid upon the Hrltlsh union of boot and shoe operatives, which, 1 1 -1 Is said, forbids Its members to turn out more than a certain amount of work. Possibly this union has round the solution to the labor problem; but the manufacturers doubt It, and base their doubt upon tho experience or tho race that men who ar afraid or doing too much eventually ilnd It hard to get anything to do. The American peoplo are uuhiuo in that they llud uu eudlow fund of Uuiuor In their own weaknesses, and nothing has produced mote smiles than the Ui voice court. I'leachers have talked, Judges have solemnly protested against the abuse of the law, l.oglslatuies have been mcmorallxcd, but the matrimonial (separator continues grinding, while all tho world keeps its humotous eje" un the newspapers for "a good divorce stoty'." One element of society believes In a universal law that would d I voice people whenever they thed of tliu marital relation. That would rcmoc from many divorce cases deceit, false wltt'ess and stupendous lying. It would obviate the necessity of lawyers select ing "an easy Judge" to hear their doubtful cases. It would also do more to wieek homes, make the woid duty meaningless and harm the children than can be estimated. 'It Is too easy now to break the marital bond. It is a subject of congratulation that out of many thousand home only one has any need of the divorce court. All the money possessed by America's richest man couldn't buy him one min ute's respite from soriow. When Johu I). Itockefeller came face to face with the problem of Life and Death he found lie was no more than a beggar. The price of a life he could not pay, and his money was a fortress which Death stormed with ease. The woild knows John D. Itockefeller ns a money grubber, a man who has wrung mill ions from the legitimate channels of trade and refused to hear the cries of the victims to ids capacity for busi ness. Tlieie Is another side to his char acter. The love of this strong man was lavished on little John McCor illicit, his grandson. They were a strango pair. They played together, they watched tho building of a house together, they admired the chickens and ranged the great barn on the Itocke feller estate together. The man made tho boy's pleasures Ids own. Little John McCormlck became 111 and Death refused to be stayed. The business Mr. Itockefeller poured oil money and hired special trains to convey doctors who could earn fortunes by saving the life of a baby. Hclenco was Invoked. I0v erythlng possible was done. "One lit tle life for a baby for an old man's sake," was the cry. Tho answer that came back from tho tomb was "No," and after nights of worry and days of pain there were a little white cotllu ami a poor old man bowed down with grief. What is tho good of millions that will not buy the things that the heart values more than hope of heaven Itself? Where land Is so vuluublo that every square Inch represents a dollar or more, business blocks must go Into the air In stead or spreading over the ground. Ily the old method or building It would be hard to carry n structure higher than )jlyeHlx storloa, unless ,tho walls wero made as thick as a fortress. So u man with an Imagination struck out a now, method, embodying In steel an Idea that Is working a revolution lu tho business centers of cities. Like other 'wonderrul developments or recent years, the sky scraper lias become so common that to some It may seem commonplace. Yet (Joorgo A. Fuller, the designer or It, was only forty-nluo years old when he died lu Chicago tho other day. Indeed,, It Is only a row years since the Im provement In elevators made It possible to rent olllces ten or more stories above the street; and almost simultaneous, was tho decline lu the price or struc tural steel to u point which enabled builders everywhere to gain the advantages- offered by tho steel-rrame construction Chief of these Is the fact that a sky-scraper may be carried to almost any altitude, like the St. Paul building In New York, which Is twenty six stories high, and rises more than three hundred feet above tho street level, Such a building yields an enor mous rental. There are no massive walls to reduce the rentable space. Tenants willingly pay high rates for tho light and airy otllces. The structure shelters ns many persons ns a whole township, and It provides facltltleHaud conveniences row towns could afford. Whether tho steel skeletons will ultl mutely corrode and crumble, time will tell. At present we know tho sky scrapers are practically lire-proof, and seem beyond the power of any recog nized agency or destruction, ir it shall prove that tho designer of them did not build for the twenty-tlrst century, It must at least bo admitted that he served his own generation well. The Matter ot'tlolts. The Massachusetts Supreme Court has decided that street ear Jolts do not prove contributory negligence on tho part of tho motoriuau. This seems to leave the Held wide open for the Jolters. Tho niotoriuan If of a revengeful or playful disposition can Jolt the very socks off his uncomplaining load for what's the good of complaining In the face or the Massachusetts precedent? Some time ago a passenger on tho Wade 1'ark line happened to let his gaze wander to tho heaving floor or the car. "Sir," ho said between Jolts to tho man opposite him, "your raise teeth ap pear to have been Jolted out or your mouth and onto the tloor or the car." "Sir," said the unfortunate passenger ns he took a fresh grip on the olgo of the seat, "I am well aware or the un pleasant fact. Don't you seo that I. am sitting here watting for that bruto" of a motorman to Jolt 'em back agalu!" As they say In the higher Institutes of learning, "Wouldn't that Jolt youl" Cleveland Plain Dealer. (loir Mlltt CllCKB, Foozle 1 suppose you tiro willing to admit Uint golf Is an Intellectual pas time? ltuukeiv-Ye, In about tho samo senw that chess U au athletic kuwo. Boston Transcript LEADING BUSiNiiSS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. iej pALSlON A CO. DcMcrs In Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper find Shades. Ukdstlaklug Goods. LA GRANDE, OR.,' J. W. WISDOM A CO. Druggists and Apothecaries. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Toilet Articles. Mnln Bttcct, BAKER C1TV, Oil. iy PATTERSON Proprietor of THE EXCHANGE SALOON 3ole Agent for "Old Barbcc," Woodford County, Ky.,liliUy. t -, BAKER CITY, OREGON. w ATERMAN A fcCHMlTZ Wholcsalo and Hctall Dealers In WINES, LIQUOR8 AND CIGAR? BAKER CITY, Oil. ' , rn C. TAYLOR THE "HAHDWAItK MAX." i ! Hardware, Stoves, Tin and CopperwareT Lime, Planter, Cement, Coal, Iron and "' Steel and Hydraullo Pipe. 21 Main Street. PENDLETON, Oil. ClTAIt BREWERY CO. Brewers and Dottier! of tho Famoui HOP GOLD IIEEK VANCOUVER, WASHY "iy S. BOWMAN i PIIOTOaitAI'HIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTIST Vluwf of All Description Specialty, Kodak Developing and Fiiilslilng Main St., Near Urldgc, , PENDLI.TON, OREGON. " , pOTTAGE CHOP HOUSE II. 0. COTNEH. Prop. Open nt all hours day or night. Tho r-cst meali served In Lu Grande lor the price. Itemember tho location ' . East Side of Depot Street LA OIIANDE, . . OUE0ON.,( Commercial LiVery Stable Opposite Hotel Pen MuTeiln ennw S PENDLETON, OREGON.; ...TELEPHONE NO. 10... Finest turnouts of all kind In Pendleton " GeullealUKlo drivers for ladles (iooil. competent drhers always on hand Uoardlni; homes Kheii Hie host of caro. G. M. FROOnE. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that Is Jcept In a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drugs..ttM A, C. K0EPPEN k BRO., Manufacturing Chemists. 115 Court St., PENDLETON, 0& THE MINT SALOON O. L. NffLLQUIST, Prop. nF.ST 1UIAM)3 OF WINES AND UQUOUd 1MPOUTF.D AND DOMKM'IU C1UAU3..... Corner Perot Street and Jefferson Au'luie, LA auANPE, on. Hnto Pendletorr. iU ; PENDLETON HENRY RUST ,5 a Pacific Brewery' BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER ! it W M 1 XOR.I ... tJsT , '- loans... - Fine Whiskies and ci98PS, Danc Headquarters for Mlnlnc and Commercial Men... AKEROTY OREGON1 '1 01 mllE CELEBRATED COI.UMUIA BREWERY T..E AUGUST BUCIir.nit, Prop. Thin well-known brenery I now turning out the best Beer and Portcrcast of tliu CbacikIcs. 1 lie Inhm HtipllanccN for the maiiufiicturo of fVKiil healthful lleur lirno been Introdiued, and only tlio llrst-clnss article will bo placed on the markit. Knit Second Street ' THE DALLES, OR. MAYS & CROWE holesalc A Retail Dealers In HARDWARE. STOVES AND TINWARE Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Cart luges. Iron, Steel, Coat and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles. Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. ' General Forwarding Commission Merchant l Oftlccs and Warehouses at ! RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handling our specialty. Grain bought and told. When in The Dalles CALL AT the BANK CAFE Next Dcor to tho First National Hank. The Only First-Class Place rn tho City. Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars O. J. STUCUNO, Prop, The Regulator Line. The Dalb, Portland 8 Istorif NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT ANP PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of Steamers Between Porllind, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and all Points on the Washington side. Tho steamers Dalles City and It gnlator tearr Portland ersry morning (exrtnt Sunday) at ' and The Dalles at 1 a. in., arriving; at destina tion In amnio time for outcoliiK trains. height Hates Greatly Kedueed. W. C. AM.AWAY. (Jen. Alt., Foot of Court Street, Tho Dalles, Or WASHINGTON HOTEL . N. P. J. FOLEN. Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Iloard by the Week, ftOO steals, in cents, Honins by tho Ycck,l,JOatidup. Transients solicited, !MIt IN CONNKCTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, Clay 6S3. PORTLAND, OR. GOTO SPANISH 0RIGINAL TAMALE RESTAURANT 266 Davit Street, Bet. Third and Fourth For the Best Meal for the Price in the city. sV vtli vtruftiiisj vj iutcu UVUt Ailldt an.l Plain PaaI Inn ! n.wl Pkala M. E. ' Fire Insurance Real EstdtO 264 STARK STREET THOMPSON T ARSON A I.ONO- 15 NOItTIt FIFTH Br. Fine wines, liquors and cigars. OIto us a call. H BNRY HKWKTT A CO. Flroand Marion fnittn-nnni. Rooms 20 and U7 Sherlock nulldlne, Corner Third and Oak Streets. Portland ... Oregon. T A. WOOD. ItKAI. E8TATE AND PF.NBION ATTOKNnY. Room 10, Odd Kellows' Jlulldliic. PORTLAND, ORE. F AIRDANKb' STANDARD 6CALK9. Fairbanks, Morso & Company, ' First and 8tark Streets, Portland, Oregon, Telephone 84. pAXTON, 1IKAOI1 & HIMON Attorncys-at-Law. 610 Chamber of Commerce, Portland . . , , . , Oregon. Tp W. ARIS3 F. W. ARtSS & CO. Wholcsalo Ilrokcracc and Commission No. 6S Front Street. Columbia 'Phono 219 Portland, Or. L. KAYSER ' Dealer In OROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS 201 Third Street, Near Madison. Oregon Phone Hood SSI. PORTLAND, OREGON rpHK IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors and High Orado Cigars. J.H. HILDEIIURN, Prop. Phone Main 245. Comer Cats and Sheridan St ROSKBURO, OREGON. T J. KADDEKLY, DEALEIl IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Ranges, Tin. Copper and flrantto Iron.Wnro, Crcokery, (llnnmnro and IIouso riiiiii.iiiiiK uuuu. jouuing pronipiiy ui tended to. UMtJ First 81., cor. Abler, Odd Fellows' Illdg.," PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICK Dan MAnx, Proprlolor. ...Hlgnest I'rlce Paid for Old aold,and Sllrer... t No. 71 Third 8lrcct, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loans money on all kinds of security. Unre deemed pledges sold for amount loaned. T B. WILD Joblilng and Retail Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS 1$2 Third Street, OppoiltoMasonlo Temple. Portland, Oregon. )ORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers of BAR IltON AND STEEL. N..E. AYEIl, Manager. Tnenty-Seoond and Nlcolal Street. M EYER A SCHILLING FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. LA GltANDE, OREGON. II KIIDKRT A. HALE. Mt. Hood. Columbia River and Northwest Views, Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, for the trade. Electric Light and Bromide Enlargements. lft-'Jf Third Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, ORE. y O. NOON BAG CO. Manufacturers and Importers of BAGS, TWINES. TENTS AND AWNINGS, FLAGS AND MINING 110HK. Bagging Material, Canvas, Sail Making In all its Branches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc. 82.31 N. First St. and 210-2t2-2U-'.'lt Couch St., PORTLAND, OH. n MURPHY A CO. WINK AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Welnhard's Iteer on Draught, Rasa' Ale, Gutn nvss' Porter. Val Blats Milwaukee Beer and the Celebrated J. H. Cutter Whiskey for Family Use, 45 Third St , Bet Couoh and Davis. Goods Delivered Free. PORTLAND, OR. pHOTO 8TUDIO iiSK First Street, Bet. Salmon and Main, PORTLAND, OREGON. Photographs taken any site or stylet also Photo Buttons made from life or any picture. Out door viewing done, also finishing Kodak's for amateurs. Instructions In Photography, Copying aud Enlarging. , E. KRAFT, Artist. mllE OREGON l.IVERY, FEED, BOARDING AND SALE STABLES. Columbia Phone 637. O.-egou Phone Hood 681 IMBRIK A IUBRIE, Props. Special attention gt en to boarders. Our car riages meet all trains. Cor. Sixth and Couch btreets, Portland, Oregon, H AYK3 A SHORT ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. New Studio Seventh and Washington Streets, Over Dresser's New Grocery, w E PAY GOOD WAGES To Gool PeopU , Fur Uood Work 'STAR LAUNDRY CO, No. 2$t Gltsan St, near Third, Oregon 'Phone 77s. K. Mnnsnn. Munson. TIIK ANIIEUPKR lltiSCft fine liineh overjr day. Rest beer on earth. Fine ulne. liq uors and cluars. "iH MorrUou St.. e'jr. feccond, ljortland, Or. qiHK POPULAR )2A First Street, Del. Washington and Alder Phono Oregon Red 911 Phono Columbla&CS JOHN KCKI.UND, Proprietor, Poitlami,Or. w ILLIAM RUSSELL MACKENZIK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT rOKTLAND, OREGON T E. IIABELT1NE & CO. Importers and Dealers In IRON STEEL AND COAL BLACKSMITHS' 8UPPLIE3. Carriage !t Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumber 4tr i. 61 Second St. PORTLAND, OREGON. IT 8. CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Clothes Cleaned, D.cd and Repaired. Your Clothes Sponged and Pressed for $1 per ler mouth. Called for and delivered Phono Clay 009. 451 Washington Stro Between Twcltlh and North Thirteen PORTLAND. OREGON. i INDAHL SIGNS Japanning. Tin Decorating 270f Alder Sttcet PORTLAND, OREGON. H OME BAKERY AND DELICATE K8SKN D. II. LEAMINO, Prop. A Full Lino of Fruits, Candles and Nuts Always on Hand. Newly Opened at 207 Third Street. Ilrmpint)cr tlio rtlaoe. Opposite roll. the 1 aj lor Street Churc pONRAD L. H08KA FUNERAL DIRECTOR COUNTY CORONER Corner Ninth and Railroad Streets TACOMA, WASH. A IlLINGTON Cltr.AMKRY N. J. HITTER, Prop. Wholsalco and Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM. CHEESE BUTTER AND EGGS 2C7 Dumstdc Street PORTLAND OREGON. B' LAZIER BROS. Club Rooms Second Floor , Wlno Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Haltf Oregon Phono Grant 71 213 Burusldc St. PORTLAND - OREGON. QTANDARD FISH COMPANY 119 North Sixth Street WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Alio Groceries, Clgnrs and Tobacco. Fruit and Lunches for Tourists. REED BROS.,, Props. F OR FAIR DEALING PATRONIZE O. P. R PLUMMER. Drugs, Medicine and Chemicals, 'loilet Articles, Trusses, Palms, Oils, Glass, Eto a E. Corner Third and Madison Streets. rAY A HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE. Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Phone Black 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th Sta. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. p RIFF1N HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. STOVES AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREQON PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers of PIG IRON AND STEEL. N. E. AYER, Manager, 22nd and Nlcolal Streets. WILLIAMS, WOOD & LINTHICUM, Geo. II. Williams. C. E. 8. Wood, L. B. Lin thicum.J. O. Flanders, Attorneys-at'Law. Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon TELDING BROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles, Eto, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 45 Third St. Bet. Plue and Ash, Old Gold and Silver Bought. Portland, Or. PORTLAND CLUB AND CAFE 130 Fifth Street, OurSpecillilee: II Monogram and III Crraa Noble Whiskies. A R230RT FOR GENTLEMEN. Oregon Pbcns, Main 90S; Columbia Phone, 497 rOII KKI.LY General Uurance Agent, Fire and Marine. Fcotn.h Uolou A National Ins, Co., Edlnbarg and Londcni Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. 82j Third 4L, Cohimblaa Bid. A 11.1