The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, February 16, 1901, Image 1

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The New Age.
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Deilsnntail llnnltnry ttntl FIiimiicUI Agent of the United Stiitea
President, H. W. Cotbett; caahler, E. 0. WltliltiRton; assistant caiUler, J. V. Ncwldrk; second
assistant cashier, W. U. Alvonl.
Letters of credit Issued. ".valluMe In Kuropo
tcleiirniililc transfers sold on New York, llostoli,
tho iirlncllial points 111 the .Northwest, bir-iii ami tirao uim uraw n in sums 10 sun on ujuuoii,
I'arti, Borllu.Franktort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong.
Collections inadn on lavorablo terms at all ncccsslblo points.
Kstnbllslid In 1850.
Interest allowed on tlmo deposits.
Collections miulo nt all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued
Tallablo in Europe and the Eastern statta.
Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. Louie, Denve', Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Transacts a General Bank lliulnes". Drafts Issued Available In all cities of tho
United States and Kuropo.
Vlce-1'rcslilot.t ; JACOll KAMM
Cashier ..V. C. MILLER
Pendleton, Oregon. '
Capital, f"0,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $00.00(1.00.
RESERVE AGENTS Flrft National Bank. Chicago. 111.; Klr-t National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, Now York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS T,' vt Ankony, President ; V. F. Matlock,
Vice President: O. B. Wade, Cnshior; II. C. iiuorensy, Assistant Cathicr; J. 8.
McLeod V. 8. Byorn, V. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson.
Organized March I, 1880. Capital, $50,000; Surplus, $03,500.
Interest allowed on tlmo deposits. Exchango bought and sold on all prin
cipal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vlco-Presldentj T. J. Morris, Cashier.
Letters of Credit Issiiol available In tho Kaslern Mates. Bight KxrhaiiRO and Tclegraphls
Transfer mid on New YrrV,'hlpo. 8t. Loulj. Kan Kranclsco, I'ortlaud. Ore., Beattle. Wash,
nd various points In Orction and Washington. Collections xnado at all points on favorablo terms.
Loewenberg &
3t2Q to 235 Taylor Street
189 to 1B4- Seoona Street
BJ L-JiJI HB"' "2.. f i.
Aft.r a continuous residence of over 10 years In this Famous Valley, and a close study of tha
rat accomplishments and future possibilities of Itskoll, and a personal knowledge ot Itaclt.
mate, I feel that nooue, icbUIuk a home, will make any mistake In locating here.
Your Correspondence Is Solicited, and All Questions '
....Cheeifully Answered....
Land and Immlgratfon A gems Loan and Inauranca Agesu
M. L. CAUSEY, General Manager.
The Causey Real Estate Co.
Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches,
, Mining: Properties. j j J J J
Office: Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR.
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers,
aw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery,
Power Transmission Machinery.
W. ar. constant! developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which
.uJ 5J Update plant in.hles us to build accurately and economically.
anil tho Eastern sinter. Bight exchanRO and !
Ulilcftfto, Omnlia, St. l'anl, Sun KrancUco and
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware and
Handled by'AII First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the Market
news or i m
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penings of the Past Week In a
Condensed Form.
Tho JofTorlos-Ruhlin fight is post
Anothor iusurgont band has boon
broken up.
A state of siogo has boon proclaimed
at Madrid.
Guns were used in a Fnloon raid at
Wiullold, Knu.
Poit Dowot is nt tho Capo trying to
bring about peaco.
Civil govornmout has been establish
ed in Pampnuga province
Gouoral Davis will conduct tho Car-nmu-Carrnnzit
Chnrlcs M. Schwab ia to bo presi
dotit of tho now Morgun stool compituy.
Floods at La Pnz cost rtinny llea
und dostrovud property worth $1,000,
000. Au ntldrcas of loyalty from tho oity
of Loudou hob proseutod to King Ed
ward. Tho hoadloss and mutllatod body ot
a man was found in tho rour of a Co
in mil lis, O., saloon,
Pensions for Oregon Indian war vet
eran) has boon left out of tho substi
tute hill in congroiis.
Tho nmeor of Afghanistan has writ
ton uu oxtromoly sympathetic luttor to
Lord Curzon, on tho occuslou of the
death of tho quoou.
Otto W. Meysouhurg, formerly presi
dent of thu Wolla & French Car Com
pany, of Chicago, id dead nt his coun
try homo, Alma Siota, Cal., at tho age
of 53 yours.
Frank Crawford, uged 10, was shot
and instantly killed by his hrother
Charloy, aged 14 years,- at Uallugee,
V. Yn. Frank objoctod to Charloy
going out huutlng.
From an ash barrol that had boon
couslguod ton dump at Plalullold, N.
J Colonel Julian Scott, tho woll
known unlet, has ipscued a doatb
mask of Napoleon.
Margin McCluro, convicted of assist
ing in tho wreck of tho Rutland, Vt..
MeGhauts' National Bank, was sou
teiicod to soven yours in tho county
houso of corroutiou.
Firo in tho flvo-story hlookiu Boston
occupied by Willam IK Blood & Co.,
shawls, cloaks, etc; Crood ,& Co.,
fancy goods; Edward Bullor & Co.,
liuings, and M. 11. Pulaski & Co., em
broldorlss, causod a loss of $160,000,
Mrs. Nation got a chilling welcome
in Chicago.
Tho rohul goueral, Mnlbas, was killed
at Slbuguu.
A sovoro snow storm is raging in In
dian territoiy.
Spain is passing through another
critical period.
Eight olllcors and 70 men surrender
ed nt Kan Miguol.
Thousands have diod from tho plague
in Western Siberia.
Lincoln day f banquets wero hold in
many Eastern c'ltlus.
Rioting students in Madrid wero dis
persed by the polico.
Tho British sqnadron cruising in
West Indian wators, will call ut Ha
vana. Tho civil contract in connection with
tha coming royal Spanish wedding was
Tho Taft commission tins gone to
Northern Luzon to establish provluoiul
A minority stooklmlder in Erie rail
road seeks to restrain the company
from carrying out .Morgan's deal.
Tenders for 11,000,000 exchequer
bonds weio alcosed in Loudon. Twenty-live
millions were applied toe. The
average price was 07 6s -id.
At Helena, A. J. Kelly and George
Ilundtcbiit were convicted of steuling
three calves and were sentenced to 14
years each in tho penitentiary.
Tho annual meetiug of the Agrarian
Association of Tax and Economio Re
formers, at Berlin, adopted rorolutiuus
in favor of iucreaeiug agricultural du--
The contest between Billy Fmlth and
Owen Zeigler, at Erie, Pa., was
stopped at the end of the 10th round,
church people demanding the sheriff
to enforce tho law.
Members of the crews of the German
battleship Kafser'Wilhelm II and the
Itussian cruiser Askold got into au al
tercation at Kiel und tha- Husslaui fa
tally stabbed three Germans,
The annual meeting of the executive
board of the United Mlue workers is ia
session at Columbus, O. The board
devoted most of it. time to the dUcua-
aion of matters not considered by the
national convention at Indianapolis,
Doings of Importance at the State Capital
Bills Passed.
Two Railroad Bills Killed.
Tho houpo after spending noarly an
other half day In consideration of rail
road bills, disposod of two moro Wod
liosdny. Ouo of thoso measures was
Poorman's followsorvaut bill. It was
dobatod at lougth, find although oven
its opponents admitted it had good
points, it wtis dofentod bv n voto of 81
to-22. Tho other railroad bill which
was disposed of, and which mot a sim
ilar fato, was tho hill of Harris to fix
the liability of railroad corporations
iur injuries, juut ju votos woro oust
in favor of this bill.
i No Holiday at Saltm.
Wnshinaton's birthday, Fobruary S3,
is u legal holiday, but it Is not a legis
lative holiday unless tha legislature by
specific act chouses to mako it so.
Inasmuch ns Washington's birthday
happens this year to fall on tho 40th
day ot tho session (tho usual day ot
sine dlo ndjnurnmont) it is probablo
that business will bo proceeded with
inuoh as usual. Tho constitution of
tho stato does not limit tho sossious to
40 days, but doos limit tho total com
poiisttiouof each membjr to $130 at
$!) por duy; thoroforo, few legislators
can bo oxpoated to bo so solf-saoriUc-iu!
as to work long for nothing.
Bills Paittd.
Tho .sonato Wodnosday passod tho
following bills: Sonato bill 70, to cor
roct tho description of tho boundary of
Whooler county; somite bill 14!), to
protect liotol and boarding houso koop
ersi by Hunt, rogulating stroot rail
ways In Portland; sonato bill 7tt, to
enact tho Torrons syBtom of registra
tion ot land titles; sonato bill 173, to
regulato insurauco companies; sonato
bill 31, to provide for tho olootiou of
road supervisors; senate bill 107, to
orcnto tho o 111 co of county anditor ot
Multnomah county; sonnto bill 217, to
ambnd tho charter of Shorwood; sonata
bill 3 10, to fix tho salary ot prosoout
lug, attorney in tho Seventh judicial
I The h'onse .Wednesday passed bills
nB .fallows: house bill 37, providing
mrASnltorsj system ot mine bell hlg
u19!OWTntl)r.,.;i it a.eriiwe
to CftiBve or, interfere with milling lo
on marks; nouso liHI-137, rogulat-
Kimo suijjjr ui niutii lur iiri(juiiuii
The Senatorial Vote.
Tho joint voto for souator Wodnos
day was: il. V. Corbott, 512; Dinger
Hermann, 20; Georgo II. Williams,
1; H. D. luman, Democrat, 20; W. E.
Ilobertsou, Democrat, 1; ubsout, 1.
License Bill Defeated.
Sonato bill 10, lor tha Ilcousing ot
stationary ouglnoors and (Iremou was
dofeatod Monday.
Woman Suffrage Defeated,
An effort was mado in the houso
Monday to reconsider tho voto by which
sounte joint resolution 71, for woman
sutTrttgo, was dofoated. Tho voto for
recou.idoratlou'wae lost, 28 to 21.
Law Without Governor's Signature.
Governor Geer Monday filed the
baVber Sunday closing bill without
his signature, thus completing the
proceedings necessary to mukeitu law.
As it bears an emergency olauso, it
went into effect Monday A)d will mako
barberiug on next SuudBjQ crimo,
Passed Both Houses.
Tha following bills havo passed both
houses: House bill 3, relative to
school libraries; houeo bill 01, to pro
hibit harboring oil Sunday; houso bill
203, appropriation for legislative ex
penses and deficiencies; seuato bill 12,
proviling for sslo of school lands; son
ato bill 16, exemption of earnings ot
judgment debtors; senate bill 17. fix
ing fees of wltnosios in Douglas, Jack
eon und Josephiue counties in criminal
uotious; seuato bill 06, fixing salary ot
judge ot Claokamas county. Incorpor
ation bills, Sheridan and Whitney.
Signed by 'he Governor.
The following bills havo been Blgned
by the governor: Houso bill 3, amend
ing Albany bridge act; houso bill 4,
appropriating $46,000 lor Oregon agri
cultural college; house bill 26, appro
printing $47,600 to Oregou state uni
versity; house hill 180, for payment of
scalp bounty warrants; house bill 224,
relative to Portland tax ley; house bill
267, relinquishing ground to United
Status for iiostofllco at b'alom; senate
bill 6, relative to licenses ou stato fair
grounds. (A law without governor's
signature); senate bill ID, to pay ex
'pemti of Indian war voteraus to Wash
ington; senate hill 80, to submit initia
tive and referendum; sonato bill 104,
removing incline ut Cascade looks;
sonato bill 11, to authorize Portland
to levy a special tax; Incorporation
acts for the following places: Hose
burg, Canyouville, Silverton, Elgin,
Fnnmierville, Baker City, Antelope,
Dallas, Sumpter, Myrtle Point, Mud
ford. The Vote for Senator.
Toe vote for senator Monday stood:
Corbott 30, George 11. Williams 23,
William Smith 26, Blnger Hermann,
0, not voting 1, abieut or paired 6.
Filipinos Warmly Welcome Amer
ican Commissioners.
Judge Taft and His Associate Have Gone to
Bacolor to Organize a Provincial Govern.
ment Bulucan Will Next Be Visited
Snn Fernando, Provlnco ot Pnmpan
ga, Istuud 61 Luzon, Philippines, Fob.
14. Bacolor and all the towns ndjacont
to the railroad, which names are his
toric on account ot tho florco battles of
tho earlier porloda of tho American oc
cupation, turnod out to welcomo tho
Uuitod States Philippine commission
as it procooJod northward, on its first
trip to organlzo provincial govern
ments. At every station, including
the hamlets whoro the train did not
stop, thoro wore bursts ot muBlo from
tho native bauds and clioors for tho
American commission and the partldo
(oderalo. Tho ctowd at Mnlolos, tho
former soat of tho iusurgont govorn
mout, was smaller, in proportion to
tho population, than nt tho villagos.
At all tho stups addrossos woro deliv
ered by tho natives, and responses
wero made by Judgo Taft, tho presi
dent of tho commission; Professor
Worcostor, Gouoral Florcs, Chief Jus
tice A roll no and Dr. Tavern, president
of tho Fodornl party. Tho natives re
poatodly tloclarod the pooplo woro bo
ginning to understand tho purposo ot
tho Americans, adding that tho com
mission's nets showed its promises
would ho kopt.
Judgo Taft told tho pooplo ot the
towns in Bulucan provlnoo that n pro
vincial government will shortly bo
established thoro. Tho American party
alighted at San Fernando, passed un
der nu arch ot wolcomo und was
greotod by tho military and hundreds
of children waving Amoriain Hags and
singing "Hall Columbia." Tho uutlre
American party was thon drlvou to Ba
color, capital ol the province ot Vam
panga, whoro they will be cordially
entertained JomQrrwsrMlHnUIpmy
(Bg tfeft pruvlndaT goveTtllueHt to lrn-'
panga, thore will be a.publlo discus
sion of tho laws oniiotod.
Gouoral Grant rooelvod Information
that n hnud.of Turlaa luaurgonta is ap
proaching for tho purposo of harassing
tho pooplo of Bacolor. Ho has sent
scouts out nftor thorn.
Eight Officers and Seventy Men Give Up
the Fight.
Manila, Fob. 14. An insurgent col
onol, Simon Toohou, seven Iusurgont
olllcors and 70 men, with 00 guns,
have surronderod unconditionally to
Captain Cooles, of tho Thirty-fifth regi
ment, at San Miguol do Mayumu.
In a fight at Sibuyan, Bataugus, tho
robol goueral, Malbas is roported to
have liceu killed. Six insurgout offi
cers and 20 men wero captured,
Murlquiua is tho scono ot an Im
mense peaco mooting 'ot tho Fodoral
Tho Women's Poaco League mot at
Judgo Tuft's houso toduy. Seuoilta
Poblo attemptod to introduoo n resolu
tion roqulriug thoielouseof tho impris
oned luaurgentB. Mrs. Taft and other
ladiospoko ou it rosolutiou urglug tho
insurgents to surronJor. This was
adopted, instead of Souorlta Poblo's.
Bonds Mine In North for Quarter of a Mil
lion Dollars.
Port Townsond, Wash,, Feb. 14. A
miuing doul was consummated hero to
day of more than usual interest, owiug
to tho amount Involved, and that It
! transfers a mau from tho rauks ot pov
erty to afllueuco, brick Moluudor, a
boiler maker, of this oity, who had in
vested his earnings ,in Mouut Sicker,
It. C, miuiug property by tilling
claims Btaked for him on extension ot
Tyee und Lenoru claims, bus bonded
his holdings to London and Purls in
i vestors for $260,000. Tho papers wero
I made out and siguod today. Moluudor
t spout lust seasou at Nomo, but failed to
i mako his fortuuo. Ho roturnod ou tho
steamer Charles Lauo, and whon her
, boilers gave out ami the vessel was In
danger of ivumpiug, he repaired tho
boilers so that the steamer, with 300
1 passengers, reached port in safety, und
for which lio was presented with $600.
, Silk Weavers Locked Out.
Scranton, Pa., Feb. 14. The strike
. of the 4,000 silk workers in Scranton
has resulted in a lookout. Tho mill
owners und managers today declared
they will not reopuu their mills until
tha girls are willing to resume at thu
wages vrhioh were offered uearly two
woek ago and in which thero was a
concession of 26 cents a weok to each
employe. Tho strikers are determined
to stav out until their demands shall
1 lie granted. They havo a sked all silk
workers in the country for moral and
material aislstunce, requesting them
i to strike it tho mills at which they
(are employed handle material from the
I Scranton mills
State of Siege Proclaimed In the Spanish Cap
italMany Arrests Were Made.
Madrid, Fob. 1C. Muslo on the
public squaroB and a gouoral holiday
bud been arranged M today 'h pro
gram mo of tho Asturias-Boarhon mar
riage festivities, but alt this has been
nbandouod on account of tho attitude
ot the populace,
With nightfall, every approach to
tho Puorta del Sol was jammed with
tho Idlo populaoo. Insulting remarks
woro hurled at the police and olvil
guards. A trumpeter sounded a charge,
which wa9 made with swords drawn.
Heads were not spared, many persona
woro injured, and there were numerous
arrests. The scattering crowds sought
the shops and hotels. All the front
doors of the Hotel de Paris wero
smashod In, a great crowd assembling,
thore. The polico and guards charged
into the streets, bat the dispersed
throngs quickly reassembled.
As was anticipated, the funeral ol
Don Bttinon de Catnpoamor, was at
tended with serious disturbances. Tho
woather was beautiful and enormous
crowds gathered along the route taken
by the funeral cortege Considerable
disorder murkod tho pnssngo ot tho
procession, but tho troops stood at
stroteglp points and proventod any
very formldahlo outbreak until the end
of tho oity wnB reached. At that point
tho domoustratorH, who inoluded many
studouts, ralsod tho ory of "Long live
liberty,'1 and, having hrokon up into
small parties, proooodod to various
parts of Madrid to ronow tho demon
stration. Ouo baud ot studouts stoned
a convont.
In tho evening fresh riots took place
at several poiuts. Goudurmos charged
wttu drawn svvonis, ana n numuer
woro brulsod nud woundod. Tho
domonstrators replied to tho charges of
tho gondarmos with a shower of stones.
Altogether some 30 nrrosts were
made during the day, including a mili
tary o (11 cor, wIiobo arrest rosultod is a
protost by his brother olllcors, the mat
ter being roforred to tho captain-general.
Tho authorities have warned the
nowapaporato abstain from tho publi
cation ot nows or cominnnta calculated
1st fan tltu tiviiaant avttattnu.
mwviih 2 ij-vvimm'Rattr
Raxor-w Ihc'Hand of a Mm Crates' WMhUsftJOT
Nearly Causes Death.
Foalt'lo, Fob. 16. Mad with tho
effects of liquor ami at thu timu infur
iated with tho thuught that his com
panion had robbed him ot a sum of
inouoy, James Flood attaokod James
Dorcuy with a razor in a room in thu
Globo'hotol nt 10 o'clock today, and
by the narrowest margin possible' a
luurdor wan avortod.
Both men hud been out on a spree all
night and had jut unterod their room,
whou suddenly Flood turnod upon bin
roommate and accused him uf stealing
$60 of his money from a coat pocket.
Dorcoy denied it. Flood whipped out a
razor, nud mado a slash ut tho aston
ished Dorooy. A gash an Inch deep
and the full longtli ol tho fleshy part of
the urm was cut. Territlod boyond
moasuro, Dorcoy Hcroumod frantically
for help. Proprietor ilovvltt came in
and tried to mako poaco. In his mad
fury Flood turned' upon him with
murder in, his eyes, but did not suo
oood in cutting him. Hood wus over
Government to Use Them for Service on Ala,
ka Coast.
Seattlo, Feb. 15 Major Bullion, In
charge ot tho United Stutos quurter
mustor'ri dopurtmont horo, has rooelvod
instructions from tho department ut
Washington to iuvlto bids for tho con
struction of one seagoing tug nud two
400-ton llghtors, to ho used in handling
gnvcrmnout supplies ut Nome and St.
The boats will bo finished In tlmo
for ubo this m'uhoii in tho north. Thu
bids will bo uloHod on Saturday night.
hh thu work will probably bo a tush
order. The tug will he 80 tout long,
17 foot beam and four feet draught.
The amount ot busluesH dono by thu
govornmout iu tho north warrants
building tho craft Instead of dupoudiu
upon prlvuto contracts.
Brakes Would Not Hold.
Butlo, Mont., Fob. 16. Ono of tho
Northern Puclllo frolght trains, wlillo
lniiiliriL Himnlies to thu Alice mine nu
htup of tho hill, got beyond oonttol of
the brakes, ami ran away. Asa result
William 1'ldler, brakemau, is dead,
and the following aro injured: John
Cahill, brukemau, bruised, not serious-
1 ly; John Hurdon, engineer, may die.
i The train was working up tho steep
grade of what is known as tho Hill
; Line, leading to tho mines at Walker
i vlllo, with luiubor nud other supplies
for tho Alice mine, All at ouco thu
1 wheols begun to slip, and whou tho air
wus applied thu brakes rotated to hold.
Earthquake Near Cadiz.
Malaga, Feb. 14, Thero was an
earthquuke shock today at Grazulemu,
40 miles from Cadiz. It was accom
panied by loud rumblings. The inhab
itants becumo pauio-strlckou aud niuuy
buildings wero damaged,
O !
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