The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, February 09, 1901, Image 8

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JtVho drives the horses of the bu j
Shall lord It but a day; 4.
Better the lowly deed wcro done, j
Aiid kept the humble way.
tTlie runt will And the sword of fame,
The dtiHt will hide the crown;
Ay, none hIiiiII milt no liicli his nam
Time will not tear It down.
tTlie happiest heart Hint ever bent4
WllH ill H0I1I0 (julct brunst
That found the common 'daylight sweet,
And left to heaven thu rest.
-John Vance Cheney.
Z Aye the Same.
rpIIISY were two hnppy ghost lov-
j cr, and they had slipped down to
- enrth ngnln to hcu how It fared
With earth-bound lovers now.
"Does It not Hceni strange, dearest,"
asked the girl ghost softly, ua they
floated along, hand In hand, Just above
the busy, material city of Chicago,
"that we were once bound to this liar
row earth, and bad to depend upon
niero word for exchanging thoughts
and opinions?"
"Do you ruinemlHT, my darling," was
die counter-iiuestlou of the man ghost,
"how we once quarreled and were es
tranged and unhappy for many months
licciiuso wo depended upon mero words
for communication mid misunderstood
tlio meaning of the tricky things?"
"Poor children! How slly we were,
ml yet how helpless," sighed the girl
4host, pityingly; "things are easier for
us In the Kami of .Shades."
"I wonder do other mere earth lovers
have thu namo troubles nowV" she
mused, n little later.
"Yes, dearest, always," was the man
Rliost's smiling answer. "We mny bo
miro of It. Love's ways aro aye the
"If we find nny, of them In trouble
let us lielp theuii" said tho girl ghost,
eagerly. "1 could be unhappy and sor
rowful now If I had not forgotten how
to think of what and how wo suffer
ed during Hurt terrible estrangement.
Dearest! What Hliouhl we have done,
bow should we have borne It, bad not
vouie one hi'lpci) us to understand each
other? I could not have waited until
we came up herol"
"There was no need," said tho man
ghost, tenderly, "our love was too
utroug to let us. stay apart,"
Ami for a moment the shadowy lips
and arms met and wer(mlugled, Just
us though thu earth still bound them,
while the shadowy hearts beat near
together. For Iqvo'ii ways are nye the
name for ghosts and humans.
They were llnatlug over a pretty hiiIh
urb thu suburb where she had lived,
iiiul where they had made love togeth
er. On the same veranda where this
had lmpiH'iU'd nhj bow long ago! oth
er lovers earth lovers were sitting,
tdlcutly and a little apart. The ghost
lovers read thu uuuttered thoughts
which kept tho girl's eyes stern and yut
tearful and the man's lips tense.
"If he really loved me liu would see
that I am not cross, but only troubled,
and ho would comfort me with loving
words and caresses."
So nui the troubled meditation of thu
"If she really loved mo she would
that I tun worried to death over
business matters, and that I need Just
n little boothlng and comforting my
eelf." So the man wns thinking, moodily.
"I think I will say good-nlght," ho
mild aloud, a moment later, mid his
voice was cold as the heart of wluter.
"Must you go 60 early?" und her
toIco was Just as cold.
lie rose Immediately mid had gone
half way down the steps, without ut
tering any farther farewell, bo fore the
ghost lovers fully ivallred all that was
happening. Wrapped In the varied rec
ollections called up by the little scene
nnd the surroundings they were stand
ing, motionless hut hand In hand, still,
Just behind thu earth couple, thinking,
thinking. Now they started forward,
Hlniultnneously, and whispered In the
ears of thu unhappy, misguided earth
"Once, a long time ago, I actod as
you aro doing, and my heart nearly
broke In consequence."
Thus the ghiwt man to his earth
"Once, n long time ogo, I let my lov
er go lightly, ns you aro doing, uud
1 was sad for inuny tuou'.hs,"
This from tho ghost girl to her earth
"Think! What If you should never
come together, really, truly, la heart
uud soul, a gal ill"
So whlsiiered both ghosts, earnestly.
Tho earth lovera turned suddenly and
gated upon each other.
"Dear heart! What la too matter
The original letter, telling Mr. Cudahy where to "deposit" the $25,000 la '
cold to S. th "return of his son, was written In the same style as tho one.
hum i" '"""" I
1,,. ninlvtl. Tills
fac simile of the
writing Is Identi
cal la all thu let
ters thus fur re
ceived by Mr.
Cudnhy'from the
Btipposud kidnap
ers, and, strunge
to say, these let
ters wcro all
mailed in Omaha
except tho first,
which was left
on the lawn In
front of the mill
ionaire's r e s 1
deuce. A letter print
ed with a lead
pencil was re
ceived by Mr.
0 u d a h y last
week, demanding
thu withdrawal
of the offer of a
reward for the
kidnapers. Tho
fact that thu ad
dress was print
ed In sluillur
stylo to the oth
er ones gave rlso
to thu suspicion
before It was op
ened that It was
from tin. smile
source, but Mr. Gtidahy pronounced It an
est significance to it. It was moiled In the Umaiiu postouice.
Tho lutter demanded withdrawal of tho Cudahy offer of reward and of the
city's offer as well under penalty not only of trouble for tho children, but the
destruction of the entire "Cudahy fainlly." Tho epistlo closed with an Injunction
to ''heud this warning."
wlth us both this cvcnlugl" they cried,
Next moment both had taken a step
toward the other. Another Instant and
their hands were clasped, the ghost
lovers gently lifting and pushing tho
hnlf-reluctnnt lingers Into place. When
tho girl's head wont down on the man's
shoulder and tho man's arm went ten
derly around tho girl's waist, the ghost
lovers looked nt each other ond smiled
happily. For love's ways nro nye the
name, In all times nnd places.
"Kiss her. kiss hcrl" murmured thu
ninn ghost to the masculine earth lov
er. "Say something kind nnd loving,"
whispered thu girl ghost to the other
Then, when their Roft commands linil
been obeyed, nil unknowingly, nnd all
was well liotween the earth lovers,
they Joined hands once more and limit
ed off sweetly, their shadowy hearts
beating close together.
"Thoy nro hnppy." said tho girl ghost,
naif wistfully, as thoy Roared upward,.
"So ure we," said tho man ghost,
softly, nnd they drew oven moro close
ly together.
Then they looked back nnd the lovera
were embracing. A
"Love's ways nro aye tho saine,"
said both ghosts, smiling.
We.lilliia Note thut Will liny Moe lliun
Thoce of u Cornet1 MlverThnmt.
No moro will Thomns C'ltctit. who
wns wont to play In Gllmore's band, bo
compulled to blow notes from the sil
ver throat of a comet. Tho now Mrs.
Hunt will supply all tho notes, neces
sary In tho family, for It Is said Mr.
Ueut's marriage portion Is $15,000 a
year. A good many men could lovo
for less than Hint. Six years ago llcnt,
who was leader of tho Old Quard baud,
eloped with Isabelle N'lxon, tho daugh
ter of a Presbyterian clergymnn of
uoto. Seven mouths ago alio died.
Then ho mot Mrs. Albort Wyckoff, a
widow of a year, aud worth several
million dollars. Sho Is 60 years old,
and a score of years his senior, but they
loved and were married at tho Waldorf-Astoria,
In New York, nnd have
gouo abroad for the winter. Bofore
thoy loft the groom declared: "I ought
to have waited a year bofore marrying,
but Mrs. Wyckoff couldn't arrango to
gut away theu," .
ltlcctrle lvnulno Kxiiected to Hun ISO
Mllea un Hour.
The development of clcctrotechnlcs,
particularly that part donllug with the
application of electricity as motlvo
power for rallroml trains, has mndo ro
markahle progress Iu Gertuany recent
ly. Iu April a scrkM of tosts with elec
trical locomotives was begun ou tho
branch Uuo betweeu Goauudbruiiiit'U
aud lagerhof, Prussia, which have
proved w successful that they promise
a complete revolution lu tho transpor
tation system of Germany aud of the
world lu gencrul. That Hue was cho
sen because It offered tho greatest num
ber of dlOicultlea In the form ot curves,
croetduga, and Bleep grade. An alter
n.itlnr current of 12.000 TOlU la BUt
nlltd by overhead wire and Is reduced
mis, hunt, nk wvcKoyr.
f Jom AG-w trie.
Boys itfe. At c Trice.
Wi'WimW th-. ?Cwrct
At. ovrr , q (ee.
Imitation, and did not attach the slight
to one-twelfth of Its tension by the
commutator placed upon the locomo
tive. Wnter power Is iikciI to generate
tho required c-loctrlcltr. The grentcst
practical siwed of Btentn locomotives Is
about sixty miles an hour, while with
Kt.MJrillU l.l.COMinlVK.
thu new electrical locomotive, It Is ex
pected to reach a velocity of 120 miles.
Tho cost of running n locomotive with
h tea m power Is estimated nt $7 a day,
while the cost of running oue or the
nev electrical railroad motors Is only
$4.'JS u day. Similar experiment Jinvo
been nindo on other lines In Oermany
mid In Italy.
WiiNtiliiKton Hollos. J
One of tho most Interesting reljcs In
tho Nntlonal Museum nt Washington Is
tho enmp chest used by Wushlligton
throughout tho revolution. It Is ( com
pact affair about tho size of u tourist's
wicker chest for cooking of tho present
day, two nnd one-half feet long, two
feet wide, one foot high, nnd It contains
an outfit consisting of tinder box, pep
per and salt boxes, bottles, knives,
forks, glrdlron nnd plates. Every bit
of the outfit save one bottle, which Is
broken at the shoulder, looks stroug
enough to stand another campaign.
Nearby nru tho tents used by Wash
ington, three In number. One is a
sleeping tent, twenty-eight feet long,
with walls six feot high and a roof with
a six-foot pitch. It Is mndo of linen.
The other two nro Marquee tents of
smaller size, one with walls, the other
n shelter tent, open'on tho sides. That
tho tenting mnterlal of revolutionary .
days wua good stuff Is proved by tho
excellent condition of these tpnts, which
sheltered tho great commauder
through nil his severo campaigns,
Hero nlso Is Washington's uniform,
worn by hltu when he guvo up Ids com-
mission us coiiiinuntler-ln-chlcf of the
army, nt Annapolis, In 1783. It consists
of a big shad-belly coat of blue broad
cloth, lined and trimmed with soft
buckskin mid ornamented with broad,
tint brass buttons; buckskin waistcoat
mid breeches. Tho size of the gar-
inents (which nro In n state of excel-'
lent preservation) testify to the big
Btnturo of tho "Father of Ilia Country"
mid suggest that ho had nn eye to a
tlno appearance In his dress. Wash
ington Post
Ijoiik Nooka.
Ono of Philadelphia's most dlstln
gulshed portrait painters asserts that
.i.. ....!,. A,nri.,n nrnmn.. r i..
I lUUULJJi--5""
TDoaoDO w3HHii
pjLcjipppp IDfllOlcHSl Hfl
L ins fi B 1 KKIUllHJBaHaHDi
coming longer and more slender year ' Portlam! City IJomestead. ud will in
by year. The high collar, he declares. Is 9?mP,Un? ""j 't3 com,aud8 on
responsible for It. All the life studies o0"dytlhe 8th da,yn n 5 bK'
aud portraits of women aeen at itu-' ,90, Jbo honrol lOo'clqck A. M..
dents' exhibits demonstrate this. "I th ? t00r t,"?1ulf c"
know a man,'; he sa.,1 the other day , sta e, el u? id
".I?.)00.,11 ta,0,men8U;efll tl' ,as property at pablio auetlou to the high
exhibit at tho academy of tine arts ami . .,'.,. ,, tn .,,,. t,,B h' ,.
succeeded in gettlug data for a compnrl-1
son of women's necks painted ten years
bku, o j " ' i"t
time, Ho claims that the average fern-
lnl.. nnnlr lulu IlKcnllla lnllL'Mtlil tn rtm
extent of nearly an Inch during tho last
"vw "- . , T , . .
five years.
The Uaerul Athelot.
James llalfour, member of the legis
lative council of Victoria, U snld to be
a man without a single redeeming vice.
NVhcu a dlscusslou arose In Melbourno
nlHuit the lulqulty of cooking dinners
on tho Sabbath he publicly nmioiiuced
thnt, though he lud hot jvotatoes for
tho principal meal on that day, they
were cooked by an atheist who lived
next door. Sydney Bulletin.
OrainRe Vemt.
A single leaf of the orange tree, care
fully planted, will of tea' take root and
The more you crnato paper money
the more you will Mt In-creajwa.
In the circuit court oi tne state oi
Oregon for the county of Multnomah.
Dnrtlonil Trtiat (Tntiinuttv. nl flriwnn.
In the circuit court of the State ol
-- - w-...,..--., , . .- ,
plaintiff, vs J, C. Huvcly and Anna
Havoly, defendants.
By virtue of an oxecution duly Issued
out of nnd nudor the seal of the abovo
entitled court, in tho above entitled
cause, to mo duly directed and datod
tho 17th day of January, 1001, upon n
judgment rendered and entorod in said
court on tho 18th tidy of Juno, 1000,
in favor of Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, plaintiff, und against J. J.
llnvoly uud Anna Ilnvoly, defendants,
for tne sum of $4,427,83 with interest
thoroon at tho rate of 10 per cent por
annum from tho 28th day of Docombor,
1000, nnd also tho costs of nnd upon
this writ, I did on tho 10th day of
January, 1001, duly levy upon the fol
lowing described real property, to-wit:
An undivided one-thiid interest in nnd
to tho following doscrlbod real prop
erty: All of lot sovon (7) in block sixteen
(10) in tho city of East Portland,
Multnomah county, Oregon.
All of lots ono (1), two (3),.throo
(), four (4), flvo (6), six (0), sovon (7),
eight (8) und "D," in block throe (IS),
in lirooklund Heights, an addition to
Kast Portland (now Portland), Multno
mah county, Oregon.
All that part of the south ono-third
(Ml) of the following described parcel
of land: Beginning ut a point which
is thirty-two. (1)2) chains and sixty
olght (08) links south and twTtot.-two
(22) chains uud sixteen (10) links
west of the quarter section post of sec
tions two (2) and eleven (11) town
ship ono (lj i south, ranyo ono (1) oast, of
Willametto meridian aud running
theuco east seven (7) oliuins; .thoncu
south throo (3) chains und ninety (00)
links; thence wot throo (!)) chains and
eighty (80) links; thoncu south two
(2) chains nnd ninety (00) links;
thonoo uorth oighty-nino (80) ilogroos
and fifty (CO) minutes west throe (!))
chains uud twouty (20) links; thouco
north II vo (5) chains uud sovuuty (70)
links to thu plucu of beginning, con
taining 2.01 ncros of land, moro or less
in Multnomah county, Oregon.
All of thu north thlrty-eevuii (U7) foot
of lot eight (8), block seventy-six (70)
Stephens' addition to tho city of Kast
Portland, in tho city of Portland,
Multiiiiiali county, Oregon.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of Bald ex
ecution, 1 will on Monday, tho 25th
day of February, 1001, at tho hour of
10 o'clcok, A. M., nt the front door of
tho county court house, in tho city of
Portland, snlit county nnd stato, soil ut
public nuutiou, suhjoct to redemption,
to tho blithest blddor, for U. S. gold
coin, cash in hand, all the right, titlo
aud interost which the within named
defendants or either of thorn had on
the date of the judgment heroin (the
18th day of Juno, 1000) or slnoo had,
in nnd to the ub no described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, interest, costs uud ull uccru
ing coats.
Datod Portland, Oregon, January 23,
Sheriff of Multnomah Couuty Oregon.
In the circuit court of tho state of
Oregon for the county of Multnomah.
' L. L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carrie
Jones, et a!., dofoiidauts.
By virtue of an exooution duly is
sued out of aud under tho keal of the
said circuit court to me dnly directed
aud dated the !lrd day of January,
1001, upon u judgment dnly rendered
and entered in suit! court aud cause
on tho 22d day of January, 1803, in
favor of said L. L. ilawkius and
.(...lnst Z. T. Wriuht. ot al theroiu.
ortho sum of $0, 102.80, with interest
thereon nt the rato of 10 per cent per
nnnum from tho 22d day of Junuaiy,
gQ2, uud tho further sum of $550.25
vvith interest thereon nt tho rata of 8
per cent per unuum from the 22d day
of January, 1802, and tho furthor sum
of $183.75 costs und disbursements
theroiu, which judgment has boon
heretofore duly cold, usilgned nnd
transferred to the Aiusworth National
Bank ot Portland, Oregou, and upon
which judgment there has been paid
aud credited certain amounts so that
there romniued duo aud unpaid thereou
on tho 14th day of March, 1000, tho
sum of $382.81. 1 did on the 7th day
ot Janumy, 1001, duly levy upon thu
following described roal property situ
ated iu the county otMultnouiah,
state of Oregon, to-wit.
Lota 1 and 3 iu blook 4 iu Highland;
also lot 14 in blook 13 iu Paradise
Stiriui; tract, and lot 8 in blook 50 in
nA .. nn ,, ,,,, to..vit.
i auce
mM wltl, lnterest thereon at the
W Jl. j -p ...,
,0 0f q per cent per annum Irom the
14(h ,, u, Maroh lo0o, uud the costa
. - . . ..
'ot ami upon saw vim.
Dated Portland, Oregon, January 14,
Sheriff o( Jlultuomah Couuty, Oregon.
I W, CAnXAH AN. I'rcaldam.
O. H. IIAUOS'KU. Vice ITe.lJi.nt.
W. W. TKllUY, Tnasurer.
Portland Implement Co.
1 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore.
O. jML Hofsteater
Between Morrison and Yamhill
Home Bakery
lletwcen Stark nd fc. oth riioncs
Weridlnir nnd party rake a ipcolajty.
Omul tlelherfd free In any part of city.
Hot and Cold I.nneliri. M? ennkj
cinplorcd. Lunelle carefully prepared
(or tQ'vctcrs and exciiralonlm.
$25,000 OUR GRAND $26,000
Ornithological Contest
Home Ihliig cntlrtly . now and Intcrc JtlnR.
Head what you aro to dn. Ym may pet II.WW.
Our contcit I lo -e vho enn waku the lanrot
lilt of name tor kind) of lilrd Irum the fol
lowing lilt ot letter!
Wc will rccrpnlrc as a bird anyihliiB belon
line to tho li-alFietcd trlus, v liet her it bo Ileii,
Crow, HlnKcr, or any other kind. ou can mo
any letter a miuiy Uinta lo make a namo a II
appear in tho lUt of letter a bovo: or In.
mancc WoodcoeV, 1'loter. , Biiuw lilril, etc- T"
am- rerton m ho ran mako a lit of " pr in nro
illfrcrt-nt nanii of blnn.wo will lfjei,,o,1,,,
ly Kllt:i: a beautiful l'rlxe alu ll.uW) or Km.
When you bne mado out your list fill out
the line on thu bottom ol tills BdyiTtUemeiit
and lend lo ti with a Hlatnpeil Addroied en
elniH.ataniMifoiir country will ilo. then 11
yh.1 art a ar'ded a wise oil can If J oil delr
1ft the !rlo by 1m cuintne autmcrltmr lo TA-ll-om-i.i'1
W.rl.f. We yhiill award a j.r lie to
every cron who finds tli" immo of ii lllrdp-,
nml our Kill Iw '" lV.. Ko.r ll"' b.Vl
ll.t VoUed each Uy, tiiW Wc ; or ho
u-ciiliil besl Milllllnn eneh !)' healltllul Im
ported! eaKe I : for tho leien liyxt bet solu
rioil.r).dy a Konrali Saklh II umond and
Huliy lllnci fur thu next bet oliillon,a(lold
leiei aid for all f.thel correct noiutlon.
Vtit'iol l.uod Value. , 'I h.-ao 1'rlie '
warded dally, you will not have to wait ajlmig before you know u'
nil. There Is io olemeiit of lottery In our
l.lan. It make, no dirferonro whether we jret
jour noltillnn laluor eariy 111 tlio day. All on
need I to mall this AdertlnMnent in u'.nnd
T..II .liiifl Imvn the ol'l Wnlnli orltsec
oud tt the beautiful Tea Pot. and o on. Wo
Kiiaranteo that wo Will award you a Prlic.
1. m . . ...!.. .. nnnnvlllnllV Ifl flllfOtVa
tlon on our parl-x. cannpt anonl It. W . want
for that reaion wo don't w ant you to wnd any
money until you know exuetly whaUrrlio you
hate gained by anwcrlnR the P"If' A
soon after 4 p. in. each day a powlble, the i ex
amlm r will Jndire the Hit to the best of their
ability, and will designate tho prlies. e will
wrlloto louatnnco notifying, you what prlxo
has been awarded you, then II you are satis
lied, you cu send your subscription to The
Womnn'i H'.irW, and your lirUo will go by re
turn of mall carrlsgo paid. To a person of
narrow Idt-as It seems Impossible that we
hntild be able lo mako such ft gigantic offer,
but wo have tho money, brain and reputation,
we know exactly what we aro doing, and If we
can legitimately gain a million ubscrlbcr bv
thl grand Idea, wo know that hi million of
well pleased subscribers can be Induced to reo
ominend The H'omau'i H'orW lo all Irlend.
thereby bulldlnc up our circulation i st 1
turthtr. We are willing to spend $AJ, o In
this lontest In building up J big subscription
list, and when this money I. spent wo rejerio
the right to pupllsh a iiotlflrathm that tlio
contest has been discontinued. Won't delay
until It Is tuo late. Tho contest will continue
Unxviis,ilelAl,llo.,.;,.Prl.of W, Independ
entof Iho person who sends In
the list gotten up In tho best and handsomest
manner. Our Committee will decide and
award prises dally, but the l,.-solKVte
will bo awarded In Hcitcmber, 1W1. Any bird's
name touud In the i1letlnarlv accepied.
Tkt "TTomnn't H'orM" U n thoroughly reliable trionn to ilo tiartly ante adver
tlif, M tnonr rtlhbiWy u nl r to any Adver
ti'ing Ageitt or lutinttt man of London or Act
To I.
A'awe - -
Street - - - -
Tbu-it Cbunlry. M.
S'. n.-ne careful and prepay .your letter 8c,
a wo do not receive underpaw leuers.
Ilreotford, r.undon, W., KiigUnd.
In the circuit court of the stato of
Oregou for tho tounty ol Multnomah.
L. L. Hawkins, plalutiff, vs. Carrie
Joues, et nl., defendauts.
lly virtue of un oxecution dulv is
Bued out of and under tho seal of the
said circuit court, to me directed and
dated the 3rd day ot January, 1001,
upon a judgment duly reudered and en
tered iu said court and cause on tho 22d
day of January, 1803, in favor of J, O.
Ainsworth and acaiust Z. T. Wright.
! et al.. therein, for the sum of $254.35
with interest thereon at tho rate of 10
per cent per annum from the 2 2d day
'of January. 1802, and the further sum
I of $80.80 with Interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum from the
I L'2d day of Jaunary, 1802, and the
further sum.ol $10 costs and disburse
mouts therein, I did on the 7th day of
'January, 1001, duly lovy upon the fol
lowing 'described real property situated
I in tho couuty of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, to-wit:
' Lots 1 aud . in block 4 in Highland;
also, lot H in blook 13 in I'niadiae
Spriug Tract, and lot 8 in block 60
iu Portland City Jlomestead, and will
in compliance witn its commands otf
Monday, the 18th day ol Februar,
1001, at the hour of 10 o'colek A. M,
at the frout door of the county court
house, In the city of Portland, said
county and state, sell the said real
property at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash to satisfy said judg
ment with interest thereon as aforesaid
and the costs of and upon said writ.
Dated Portland, Oregon. January 14,
Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon.
NOriGE. t
Notice is hereby given that in pur
nance of un order of the referee in
bankruptcy for the district court of
the United States for the district of
Oregon, residing at Portland, Orogon,
made on the 20th iloyof January, 1001,
in tho matter of tho estate of J. J.
Morgan, in bankruptcy, in said court,
tho undersigned trustoe of said estate
will receive sealcdbids aud wAl sell to
the highest bidder, for Msh, all the
accounts, notos aud judgments, llstod
as assets of said estate, nt tho time of
filing his sold petition in bankruptcy,
in said court. That all bills must bo
doliverod to me, or mailed to me, in
enro of A'lox Sweek, rofereo in bank
ruptcy, loom 000, Chamber of Com
merce building, Portland, Oregon, on
or be lorn 10 o'clock A. M., of tho 13th
day of February, 1001. Bids opened
at the offlto of said refereo.
Trust oo in Unnkruptcv of tho Estate of
J. J. Morgan.
Now on Johnson Street. Opposite
Union Depot.
Oregon Made Umbrellas
Repairing and Hecoicrlng of Kino Umbrellas
u a Hpeclaliy.
313 WRnhingtnii Htreet.
Three doors aboro Olds & King
-Manufacturers of
Separate Skirts and Waists
The But Made Good's on the Pacific Coast
21 4 First Street, dirtier Salmon,
...Roorn 614 THE DEKUM,,.
Tel. Red 2844.
sf s. ssslssTt T'A'V n I
Iron Founders and Machinists i
General Repair "Work Our
ireblteetural Iron Work
,id Bridge Cistlsfi
THE NORTHWESTERN UK Trilns D.lly between $t. Paul sod
Chlcsgo, com prlil u.
Ib latest Pullman Sleepers,
l'eerlrs Dlnlns; Cars,
Library and Ober-tlor Cars,
Free lleollulnr Chair Care
' lluni Ereiy Dsy ot the Year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
The TUrteer State Exprtsi. the finest Day Train
Running UetweenSl. faul and Cblce.o via
the short Line, Connections lieu ike)
Weit made Tla.
i The Northern PaclGc, i
Great Northers and
Canadian Pacific Railway I
Tbls Is alio tbe best line between Osaka, at I
1 Ul mUHIBnll
All Agenu sell Tickets via "The KwUi
era Une."
W. H. HEAD, Oeaaral AfMt
AL 1I8TEI, TraTslia ASl -
la Alder Street, r.rtlaad. .
r .
s '
u t
If -