The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, February 09, 1901, Image 7

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of Pure Blood
Thiit is wlint ib required by every
orgtin of llio body, for tllo proper
peiformanco of its functions.
It prevontB biliousness, dyspep
sia, constipation, kidney complaint,
rheumatism, caturrb, nervousno's,
weakness, faintness, pimples,
blotches, and all cutaneous c.up
It perfects all the vital processes.
W. P. Keeton. "Woodstock, A In., tonk
Hooil'uSnrc npurllln (o iiiuke hl blood pure.
He writes tlint ho hnd nut felt well hut
tired forixnnp time. Define he had nuished
the llrxt bottle of tills medicine he felt bet
ternml when lie hud taken the second a
like another innn free Irom Unit tired feel
lug and ublo to do his work.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to euro and kcops tho
promiso. Accept nix-substitute, but
got Hood's today.
v A Word of Sympathy.
We should speak comfortably to
thOBO in sorrow and to tho depressed.
' A wofd ofsympnthy tlnioly spoken is
bnlm to a woundod heart. The letter
written in tho spirit of Him whoso
words woro full of comfort is some
times tho opening of the soul to gruco
and peace.
This slrnatar Is on erery box of tbs genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tabi.u
tbs reaaedy that curra a cold la osms day
Pan-American Banners.
Fnn-Amorlcnn bnnnors nro now fly
ing in tho streets of Now York, Phila
delphia, Boston and other largo Ameri
can citios. Hono.ith thorn millions of
people pans every day, nnd thcro aro
few of theso who do not look up nud
take noto that n great exposition for
all tho Amoricaa which will bo tho
biggest thing of its kind that ovor Imp
poaed, Is going to bo hold in Buffalo
thii year.
If you bare had la frlppe, a
few doits of Uarncld Tea will
be biiiilflclal, as It will closnie
tbe system ol all Impurities.
The Pan-American Floral Display.
Tba great floral display at tho Pan
American Exposition will includo 600
beds of popular (lowers.
triTa or Ohio, crrr or tolido, ..
FaamcJ. Ciunkv makes oath that he fa the
senior parter of tbe firm of P. J. Chimrt & Co.,
uoins; Business in me uur 01 loieao, county
ana 8tat aforesaid, and that astd Arm will per
tbe sura ot ONK IIUNDKKO DOLLARS for etch
and ererr case oi Catarrh that cannot bo cured
by the use of If all's Uatarmi Curs,
Bworn to before me and stibicrlbcd In ray
preaence, tbls (th day ot December, A. 0. ISM.
KotdTV Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Kend for free.
,.,, X. J. C11BNKY 6t CO., Toledo, 0.
Hall's Vamlljr I'llls are tbe best
Tower 391 Feet llhjh at Buffalo.
An olectrio towor 301 foot high will
be the couterpioco of tho Pau-Amorl-
tnn Exposition.
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonio becauso the formula is plainly
printed on every bottlo showing that it
is simply Iron aud Qulnino in a tasto
leas form. No Curo, Ho Fay. 60o.
The Midway of the Buffalo Exposition.
The midway of tho Pun-American
exposition at Buffalo costs 13,000,000.
Sores and Ulcers never become chronic
ajnjees the blood ia in poor condition is
sluggish, weak, and unable to throw off
the poisons that accumulate in it. The
system mutt be relieved of the unhealthy
matter through the sore, and great danger
to life would follow should it heal before
tbe blood haa been made pure and healthy
and eilitn purities eliminated from the sys
tem. S.S.S. beginsthecurebyfirstcleans
lag aad invigorating the blood, building
p the general health and removing from
Wheathia haa been accomplished the dia
csarge gradually ceases, ana ine sore or
succrseajs. uiiucicaucncyui iuckuiu
indolent acres to grow worse and worse,
and eventually to destroy the bones. Local
appllcatioaa, while soothing and to some
extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat
f the trouble. S.S.S. docs, and no matter
kn-aa anfusi-aHtlss ttAfulua t-.fiaf -r n A 1 4 1 r -
4own, it wilf bring relief when nothing
tlaecau. It aupplfe. the rich, pure bloo3
Bcceaaarr to heal the aore and nourish
ftla-a. .K.llffit AlcmBmA Ki-wltf I
Mr. 1. B. Talbcrt. Lock Box Ui. Winona, Ml,
ajrst ' Sis years sko my leg from tbe knrc to
Use foot was on solid sore. Serersl pbyiician
traatcd m and I sude two trips to Hot Springs,
fct found no rtlUf . I was induced to trjr S. S. S ,
atMttt mad a complete cure, I hat been a per
McMy wtll aaa r since."
atfjfc- attjav av U the only purely veg
f f saa." etable bloodf purifier
W k W known con tarns no
kkaBksBBssB-aW poisonous minerals to
sw 'sssbw ssw min the digestion and
----- j -
avid to, rather than relieve your suffer.
In. If your lean does not heal readily '
when scratched, bruised or cut. your blood
tain hri ramlitioa. and an v ordlnaxv sorts
k apt to becoase chronic. I
Send for our free book and write oar
phyaiciasa about yemrcaae. We make a
barge for this service.
latt MHf T H.CrF C M-. ATLANTA, SA.
I Bast Usttfta J run, T ata GootL Da I
Hi mom. sola or or
Prank of Mischievous lloja Makes II I m
a llovlnc Lunatic.
A set of crimson goggles on a bull Is
i combination as rare ns It Is bizarre,
but this is Just exactly what John An
ichutz, of Stowe Township, Pa., run
across tho other day when he went out
lo take a look at his black and white
bovine, Dexter. The null was inueuteu
for his new ornaments to a bevy of
mischievous boys, who wanted to dem
onstrate the generally received theory
that anything red renders a bull ob
streperous. When Dexter woke up the next morn
ing he saw everything had a decided
reddish tinge. By the time he had como
to the conclusion that every object ho
gazed on had unaccountably been
transformed Into carmine he becamo
furious. Ho noticed 'that hlo cattle com
panlons had all taken on the new color
that the grass was no longer green;
that tho landscape had been painted In
Jhe prevailing tint and then ho became
a bovine lunatic.. To cap tho climax
he saw ho was near n red barn close to
a red fence, nnd that the milkmaid was
a red girl, who carried a red bucket
nnd a three-legged stool of tho snmo
ft'ow, ho wan simply a pent-up volca
no In cow skin, nnd the trouble began.
With a snort he made a pass at a straw
stack that was tho color of a brick
yard, but failed to knock It Into tho
next county, though ho had the supremo
satisfaction of witnessing the tcrrlflod
nntlcs of red chickens, red geese and
red ducks In their wild endeavor to get
out of his way.
Without stopping to enjoy his satis
faction In having turned n peaceful
barnyard Into a cyclone-swept prairie
ho butted up ngalnst the wenthcrbonrd
Ing of the barn, making the red splln-
tcrs fly like straw In a whirlwind, and
accelerating tho flight of the red-headed
girl Into a bright red spring boiiBe.
Next tho panels of tho red fence suc
cumbed to the furious onslaught; a
meadow with red grass wns crossed,
nnd Mr. Bull found himself on tho bank
of a stream, the water of which was as
ml na blood,.
iii-ro. nfter nn hour of unsnoken mis
ery, tho poor bull sank down exhaust-1
od. nnd tho red toggles dropped from
his deceived eyes. Mr. Anschuts has
offered a reward for the arrest of tho
bloody-minded boys.
Ono niaolc Sheep Every Faintly.
One of tho stories that tho late Son
ntor Palmer was fondest of telling had
to do with an nged gentlewoman bear
ing the same name as himself, who
lives Bomewhcro dowu on the eastern
shore of Virginia In tho county whero
Senator Palmer's grandfather was
born. Ono of tho Senator h Washington
friends happened to meet tho old lady
down there, and asked her If suo woro
not a kinswoman of his. 8ho did not
know, but thought perhnps she might
be. Tho gentleman wns of Virginian
descent, wns bo not? And In the Uni
ted States Senate Yes, she wns qulto
sure he wns a kinsman.
"Was ho Ifi tho army?" she asked.
"Yes," answered the Senator's
friend, "ho was In the nrmy and a
Tho old Indy wns posit I vo that ho
was a relation.
"But." went on the friend, "ho was
a gencrnl In the Union nrmy."
The old lady's fnco fell, but she ral
lied. "Well' she snld, "you know there's
a black sheep In every family." Wash-
ington Post.
Flrat Emancipation Decree.
The first emancipation proclamation
Is said to bo on the gravestone at Con-
cord or John Jack, nntlvo of Africa,
mliA , n. In 1 ?Ti nnnA tf ft ltant ti ( e
t will as God wills- God's will be done
l?"l fL ta aaS of Blawry hV
Thousft bom in alntiii or slavery, be
WttB UV I II li-V, IUUUrII lit? UUtl III U
land of liberty, he lived n slave, till by j
honest though stolen labor ho ac .
,.l.,1 , nnil- nt Hlfivirv wlilnt.
the source of slavery which
gave him his freedom." The rest of tho
epitaph which must have been written
by a forerunner of Wendell Phillips, is
equally biting.
Why the Diamond Gleam.
The diamond is full of phosphorus.
V! quality has been known for cen
tuVles, and still there aro many who do
not know It. That Is the reuson often
that gleams of light are seen Issuing
from the atone In the uarlc. To this
quality alone attaches a great deal of I
value. Tire most phosphorescent stono !
Is tbe one thnt Is the best cut. If there ,
Is phosphorus In tbe stone It Is greatly j
enhanced by proper cutting, so that Its '
scintillating faculties are Increased,
Time Is
no uola.
tile that wears, but makes
. ... .......... ... . . . . . i
TLriSKak miA w
itVMft .
V., i n W&Zm
C 7Z
Most of the Celestial. Gntia Are Trap
Hiintliiur Tli(ert.
The Chinese shotgun or glngnl hns
never reached high enough develop
incut to bo of much service 1n hunting.
The barrels are emit, and many of thcK0 0no can got tho most out of llfo ex
cheaper ones look us If made of pot cept by contact with his fellows.
mctul. They aro mounted on stocks H6v. T. B. l'avuo.
that look like cxaggcrateu pisioi nan
dies. But the Chinese have never In
vented anything like the percussion
cap. Their guns bifve no triggers or
hammers; instead, there Is nt the base
of the barrel a small vent and Hash pan.
Over tho stock is a holder shaped like
our hammers, made of soft steel and
split so us to hold between tho two
lingers n piece of lighted lnccuso or
punk. Iu order to tide this weapon, tho
Chinaman must till tho Hash pun with
fresh powder, blow the ashes olf his
punk, tnke aim, and then with his
thumb push tho holder forward until
tho lighted cud of tho punk touches
tho powder In tho Hash pan. So un
certain Is tho weapon that the Chinese
rarely use It, except In pot-hunting for
rlccblrds, blackbirds aud that class of
i game.
Most of the Chinese hunting Is done
with traps, says Forest nnd Stream.
Tho moors nnd plains abound In par
tridge, grouse aud rabbits, aud tho
Chinese tnke Immense quantities of
them by means of nets and running
nooses. For largo game they resort to
pita and deadfalls.
-It Is npj. generally Ituow'n that the
mountains of north China abound with
bear, both black nud brown, nnd thnt
leopards and tigers arc by no means
uncommon. Tho so-called Siberian
tiger, which is the most mngnlflccnt
specimen of tho cat family, far surpass
ing oven tho royal tiger of India, Is
really a native of tho mountain rnnges
thnt lio between the plains of Mon
golia and Manchuria nnd tho plains
about Pclcln. In enrly days tho hunting
of leopards nnd tigers was n feature of
tho royal hunt, which sport reached Its
greatest popularity In tho reign of the
Mongol dynnsty during the thirteenth
nnd fourteenth centuries. Tho Ming
dynnsty, which followed them, nlso
found ninny devotees of tho chase, but
they con lined their hunting to tho less
dangerous pursuit of tho deer, nnd es
tablished tho mngnlflccnt deer parks
which are now to bo found near Pckln.
The famous decoration of tho peacock
feather, which hns been tho subject of
ho initsy internntlonnl Jokes In connec
tion with Ll-IIung-Clinng's yellow
Jacket, was originally nwnrded to those
members of tho royal suite who suc
ceeded In killing n stag. Tho early em
perors of tho present Mnnchu dynnsty
were nlso great sportsmen, but for tho
last forty years tho throne has been
occupied by minors, and the manly
pastltno has fallen luto disuse;
In a new computing scale the fulcrum
of the prlco-ludlcntlng beam Is movable
and can be set at tho price of one pound
of the material being weighed, the slid
ing weight being then moved until the
benm balances, Indicating the total
A Westerner hns patented n handy
tool for cleaning pneumatic tires, con
sisting of a flat casing containing n
crescent-shnped blndo on one sldo nnd
pointed blndo on tho other, both
Ing locked open or shut by nn Internal
To prevent otock wnterlng troughs
fromfreer.lngupnu Illinois Inventor hns
designed a trough which has a flanged
edge to rest on the top of n wooden
casing, the walls of tho casing allowing
the passage of heat from a lamp set un
der the trough.
To change eye-glasses into spectacles
a new attachment has a senil-clrcular
rim with a bow extending from Its cen
ter nnd spring clamps nt the ends which
engage the rims of tho glass nnd hold
the bow In position to extend back to
tho side of tho hend.
Tho spindles for blind slats nre mnde
of metnl In a Western man's pntcnt,
being formed of a flat plcco of tin Kent
Into a toothed clamp, with a rounded
prejectlou at tho end, allowing tho slat
to bo cut from a shorter strip of wood
and making it leas llnblo to split.
I In a now automatic regulator for
electric motors n ball-governor Is re-
volved by njKjrtlon of tho current de-
nveu rrora tuo generator, moving n sys
tem of levers nu tho speed Increases
and decreases to shift tho brush car.
rier of tbe auxiliary exciting generator.
Tea Service Coat $00,(1110.
At a sale in London a service of old
So'vres ware was sold for 5,000, The
genuineness of this set was proved by
certificates turned to the owners by the
French government. But by fur the
' most valuable service turned out at tbe
,ho Czarlna Catherine II. of Russia, aud
mmUM of 745 P18' w,,lcu
,,... .. ,lf ln .' nnH ,..,..
'P 1 1 a Ua t? tAa trnrn r)A nm m is 1 n I .
.,,',,,, ... , t..t.,.
""" "v.. w. ..h...v o..UJL4;l
tastefully arranged. Although the Hev
res works are still In operation, they
are kept busy In copying undent Chi
neso aud Japanese models, Instead of
increasing their rcputatlou In the
manufacture of the wares which made
them famous.
The Princess of Wales has a tea ser
vice of sixty pieces, each one of which
is- decorated with a different photo-
graph which she herself took while
We have known lots of good men
who talked of heating the voice of (Jod
in the tempest and In the summer's
breeze, who didn't act as If they heard
it when the baby cried.
Don't regard your friends as personal
Something Out of Life
It Is not to be denied thnt each one
it getting fometliitiK out of life. The
man who lives for nioro dollnrn and
cents is not pet lug tho most out of life;
nor ho who llvns fur tho indulgence of
tho bcdlly appotitos, or pleasure only.
The Power of the Press
Is a common expression, hut few realise
iti ncttinl power. (Ireat as Is the luiiucucu
of the pre, it cannot bejtln to equal the
power of llnstettrr's Stomach Hitters over
disease. The Hitters strengthens tho stout
nt'h, purities the blood, nud cures dyspep
sia, indigestion aud constipation. It will
tone up tho nerve, stimulate inactive kid
ncjj.uiul nsau appetizer, it Is unequalled,
If . vim want to :e'- well, andkeep well, use
Hostetter's Stomach Hitter.
"There's n bepgernttho door; shall I
givo him anything?"
"Givo him our bath tiokots thnt are
left over. It's too cold now, anyhow"
Tho Host l'rescrlptlun for
Chills and Fover is a bottlo of Grovos.
Tnstolosa Chill Tonic. It is simply
iron and quinino in a tasteless form,
No Curo, No ray. Prlco EOo.
Oregon at the Pan-American.
Tho Oregon commissioners to tho
Pnu-Atnerican Imposition say thnt the
state's exhibits will includo niuo
ponud potatoos, tho largest cherrios and
applos grown aud trees' six feot iu
Cnm-ilnte life ot 0,11cm Victoria. It(t
bonk, belt tnrins, Ontflt innllrtl free.
Aildreas H. C. Hitler A Co., Portland, Or.
Origin of the River Jordan.
Tho river Jordan has its origin in one
of tho largest springs iu the world.
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt r Signature of
Me Pac-Sfsalto vVrappar Balew.
Tear asaasl as r
osuiuinsi Murq uaiiAtu.i.
raaralr Tt'taWa.jir-5
Ohio's School Expense.
The atnto of Ohio oxpunds $14,000,
000 annually on its 1, ..'00,000 school
ohlldren. Of this fuud Cincinnati
pays 11.000,000.
Plso's Cure Is tho best medicine we ever
used for nil allectiuus ot the thrum and
lungs. Wm. O., Vaubureu, liid..
Feb. 10, 1000.
Pointer for Liar.
A man who can tell a He tho same
way twice is entitlod to some oiedit.
ETS'Prm,neiitlr Cured. No (Its r n-nronueai
rl It n-r tun '(.'u.-nriir. Klin.1 (!r-tNr
Mt.-rr. Ittoil fur KK Kit Si.OS trial Iwtlla ami Ucat.
. na.U.11 Kn-,l.tU..KilArcliBtlJtilUJ.ltUla.ra.
No Typhoid In West rtirlc.
Inquiry made in Polynesian Islands,
in New Guiueu, and West Africa in
dicate that typhoid fever doos not
occur in those rogions, but seems to be
a byproduot of civilization.
The Kind You Huvo Alwnvs
ture of CIiuh. II. Fletcher, and has been mudo uudcr IiIh
perftonal Huiwrvlaion for ovor Jia yenrs. Allow no ono
to decelvo you in tills. Counterfeits, Imltiitloiin mid
JtiNt-aH.good" aro but Experiments, and eudmi-rcr thtj
health of Children Kxperlenco nfiruIiiKt Kxporiiiiuut.
CaMtorla is n Imrmlcss HtibHtltnto for Cnstor Oil, Pare
goric, j)ropn and Soothlntr Syr tips. It 1m Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic;
KUbstiincc. Its ojro Is Us fe'iiurantee. It dcNtroys "WorniH
and alluvH Fcvci1hIijich.h. It cures Diurrhwa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures C'otihtlpatlou
and Flatiilcucy. It nswliullates tho Food, requisites tho
Htomacii and Itowels, Klvliifr healthy and natural Bleep.
Tbe Clilldren's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
th csirraua (, r auaiur arairr, hiw veaa cm,
In Justice to Herself, Her Hus
band and Her Children, Her
Health Should Be Her
First Consideration.
Thoupiiuds of women ouduro tho tor
tures of living death nud at lant sua
ottmb to tho tlis?nses poauliar to their
sex without kudu-lug of tho lifo and
health which might bu theirs if proper
troatmout had boon usod. How pa
thetio is tho story of thousands of
young mothers who overy yonr aro car
riod to their graves leaving llttlo chil
dren to struggle nlouo in tho world
without tho toudor care and viso conn
sol ot n mother. And hovi doplornblo
when it is known that thcro is a ronio
dy so oxuotly suited to tho needs ot
Buffering wo m on thnt it euros tho
most stubborn of thoir dUoasos.
Immediately nftor tho birth of her
first ohild in 18U0, Mrs. Graco Camp
boll, of No. 801 Lognu street, Grand
ltnplds, Mich., now L'8 yours of ngo,
wns aflliutod with n complication of
diseases. Her story, as told in hor
own words, follows:
'Tho birth of my first child loft mo
in a doplornblo condition. My system
wns broken down nud 1 suffered from
gouornl debility. I wns exceedingly
nervous nud rhoumntism nlso troubled
inn. My nppetito failed nnd the most
dolicnto aud inviting food failed to
tompt mo. I wns thin nnd pale, nnd
had neither ouorgy nor ambition. My
caso had boon gtowing stoadlly worse
for two years. I had naod sovorai so
called romodio" bnt found no curativo
qualities in thorn.
"In tho summor of 1808 I wns visit
ing my grandmother in Ludlugton,
Mich., nnd tlicro lonrnod of tho won
derful cures olToctod by Dr. William s'
Pink Pills for Palo People I tried tho
pills nud hnd not finished ono box bo
foro I felt in u oh bottor. I coutiuuod
taking them through tho yonr and tho
result was a perfect curo. I nm no
lougor nervous or rhottmntio nnd havo
nioro thnu regained my lost llosli. I
cortalnly recommend tho pills to nil
who naod thorn and thoir rosulta havo
always boon bouellolal."
Subscribed nnd sworn to beforo me
this 20th dnv of July, 1000.
Foal. Notary Public
At nil druggists or diroct from Dr.
Williams Modielno Co., Sohuoatndy,
N. Y,, on receipt of prlco, 50 cents per
box; aix boxes for $3.60.
Silken Garments In Ancient Days.
Silken raiment haa a standing among
the oldest gnrmeuts in the world.
Robes of that mntorlal were worn by
men and womou nlike 2,500 years bo
foro tho birth of Chirst.
gStopa tho Oough anil
Laxative llro'iio-Quinlun Tablets ouro
a cold in ono day. No ouro, No Pay.
Prico 25 couts.
Perfume as a Preventive of Cholera.
The cholera rupontodly during the
last century visitod Loudon nud Paris,
but nt no timo wns thuro a death from
that dlHoaso among the operatives of
the porfumu luotorios,
If too naren't a regular. Iiealthr mpreraf nt of tbl
bowels tiirj dar, -uu're lck. or will bo. Kcxn ioui
boniou opoii. and bo well. Korea. In tho ibai.nnl
TNADi sua asaisnaeo
Plaataot. Palatable. 1'otcnt.Tait Opod. Do O nod
MtTerblckcn. Weak.n, orUrlp. lOo. too WrlM
for free ample, and booklet on bealln. Addrvtt
Slrll.( ,) M,ur, IkUtf. S..U.4I, S Tck. ISl
nnuirht Ihih imrnn tii Hir-,m-
Signature of
Bridge of the Three Americas.
Tho Bridj-o of tho Three Americas la
ono of tho contributions the' ally of
Buffalo hns m ado to tlio PnuAmcrioan
Lxposition. It spans tho. narrow pas
sace in tho bonutlful lako iu Dolnwnro
park, which is iuclttdod within tho ex
position grounds, and haa threo arches
typifying tho uulon of tho tlnco Amir
icas, '
Sample Room In Constantinople.
Consul aSchuninn, of Maintz,
thnt a Gentian snmpfrt room has
oponod at Constantinople.
A Budget of Roosevelt Stories.
Twonty excollont storios nnd nncc
dotes of Tlioodoro HoorovoH, never bo
fore printed, nud told ntiouymnusly by
tho "intlmntcs" nnd ulosost friends of
tho vica-prosl'Jont otect, will bo pub
lished iu tho noxt iesuo of tho Ludios'
Homo Journal.
Take Laxntlve llroiuo Qululuo Tab
lets. All drttgehts rolund tint money
it it fails to ouro. F. W. Grove's sig
nature is on onuh box. 25o.
Some Statlittcs Prom Finland.
Finland produces nonrly 40,000,000
buBhcls of corenls every yonr nnd ox
ports onts to othor countrios. lty tho
Inst censuB thoto wero 800,060 horses,
3,1)08,180 cuttle, 1,007,084 -.hoop nnd
107,850 hogs in Flnlnud and tho peoplo
produoo a surplus of 22,750,000 pounds
of butter nnd 400,000 pounds ot choose
nuuually. Tho exports of dairy pro
ducts from Finland amount to nonrly
97,000,000 annually.
Fountain Display al Buffalo.
For tho fountain display at tho Pan
American Exposition 80,000 gallons ot
water per mlnuto wMl bo roqnl-od.
Stories of Army Life.
Collior'a publishes tills wook the Inst
of tho scries of Frederick Pnlmor'u
tales of nrmy llfo In tho Philippines.
They aro (lotion of tho most fasuinnt
ing kind. Mr. Palmer has been
through many campaigns nud ho knows
tho typos which ho describes. His
odlcors nro tho ronl. officer; his nrmy
womou tho real army womou. lloth
dwell In a wonderful little world ot
romance of which tho outside woild
knows too little.
Chronlo UonMlpatlmi Onrail.
The canst important dlaroverr nt recant
rars Is Uia poltvo remedy lor ciliilltlon,
Cacarets Candr Cathartle. Cut Uuaranlel,
brutKlst', 10, tie, Wc.
Copper Deposits of Alaska.
The rich copper doposita of Alaska
are beuinuing to be developed, the
flrat shipment from the White Horsa
bolt having been dispatched to Tacoraa
already. This belt, traveralug a tribu
tary of tho Ynkou, is 95 mllrs long
aud four miles wido. The oio is said
to rnngo from 20 to 70 per cent, copper
and carries $0 to $10 per ton gold.
Mexico's Cxhlhlt a) Buffalo,
tho Moxieiui government oxhlblt at
tho Pitn-Amurlcun Exposition will oo
cupy 10,003 8quuro feot of tpnuo,
Mothers will find Mrs. Wiiislou' Sooth
uigHyrup the best remedy t.ruso for thrlt
ohildruii during the teothinir period.
Automobiles at the I'sitAmcrlean.
Tho nutomobiln fnd or f.nlilon, which
ever yon pleiiHti to term It, hnu como to
stay, and visltord lit thu I'liti-Ainorlean
Exposition will suo soino exhibits in
this lino wliluli will npuu thoir oyes, na
to thu extent nud clmrnutor of the auto
mobile lndithtryit the prenout day.
Concession to Superstition.
un tlio big stotmor Oconnlu there is
no B0t ' '"Wo wiirttw No. 10, nor number. This
isa concession to superstition,
Uncle Sam Alms
to buy the best if everything which is why
he uses Carter's Ink. lie kuuws whin's
To Prevent Accidents,
A ftussinti euifiuoor hns invoutod nu
electrical itppamtus maiiipulnteil from
the stniie of u thonter by which at one
touch nil doors nud exits uro opened
toward tho outside.
Traveling Liburles In Wisconsin.
Thoro uro '.'U8 truvollmt librurios in
WIhcoiihIii, nud tho number is coustnut
ly iuureusiuj-,
As a saleKimtd aifln.t la tcrl
Ills ttell toclianto Ilie.ynUin
with Uarfleld Ten, I tic Wuiiilurful
Bvrli atuillulii.
Iron Vlillln Cards.
Iron visiting cards aro popular
Germany, The miiiio is priutod
silver, ami 40 of tho shoots only mens
ure oUe-teuth of nu inch in thickness.
Will be as Light as Day.
Moro than 200,000 eluotrio lights
will bo used to illuiniuuto the i'uu
American oxikjhIiIoii.
Heirs of Union H1 Hers kIio lioin.triiikd lens
llian l(0cr. Ufo it Juno Vi. Wi (no mutter l(
ati-n oiit'it), alKiiiiil aililitx
JIKMtV . COI'I', WitaliliiElon, l. O.
Iiur Jrr.iu tlie inanufaciiirer, l'rh In lull rolls
8 feet it hi, VO feet Ioiik II.CA
all l M .. J7
A II I .. II ,1 ., Ml.
J . ,y ;-?S
b '"T,,."!7.,.'....-.m
All Kind ot Wlra and Iron Work,
140 front hi,, I'urtluiiil, Uiokoii,
hist it with us, Wo are mrixtaiitly n.
crcaMiiK our number of Eastern and
Alaxka buvera, Address ALASKA