w . .'.' fmiw j "'$?. i xmvfftr i".. i , ' THTC NJCW ACTR. EORTLATTO. OREGON- ..." "IWrnftaESSMBBm!? : ' wIm1P - , " r j, . aff.wyi',ii.cii.'!i!w'vn' .n " ' d.il1.v .. ..hp., t-niw tt, j r.i.iA.-i Aiu .1.1 rvj :w tinKtri iijnif j t n . t t f ,, j- m-, i tl- v nj jt vat si r. il ' -i t : 'Jitd "' """ """-'iTi ii islam " " -- MMfci 'mmwm'- " i. i .t 'i If I It NT. ft r V.'-" ! rtYv Wi i ; ' ft fcA- !. fhn s ! m 5? to JPv " " Bif f He S f I Ey:'v a J WHITE COLLAR LINE COI.UMMA lllVKIPA-l'UOKT SOUND NAVI GATION 00. I'OIITJ.ANIJ AND AST0MA: Steamer Hercules (caves every morning In Iho week nt 7 o'clock, except BiituUy. llrliirn Inp;, leaves AstorlnflYcry nllit In llio week at T o'clock, except Sunday, OIUcc, Alder street dock. Telephone Main K1. Columbia 'plinno Ml. K. W. OIlICIITON. Agent. A & with THROUGH PARLOR CARS lllfTWLKN Portland, Astoria Seaside Leaves For Mayecrs. llaln. lrr,(lintswnn lo Wrstport, Clifton, Arrives Union Depot Portland Union Depot roruauu Astoria, warren ton, Klayel, Hear. Iiart Turk and Uca tilde, Astoria A Peashoru KxpmH Dally. Astoria ICxpress Dally. 1:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:40 p. m. Ticket ofllcr, 2.1ft Morrison street, and Union depot, Portland. . , ' J. C. MAYO, Gen. I'ami. Alien!, Astoria, Or. Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agent. fcV KNOX HATS ...BUFFUIH & PEflDIiETOlL 04 Third Stroot, PORTLAND, ORE. GOLDUN WUST BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It In CHEAPEST It Is UEST !( Tsa An l'o( dtttiSil Tear Uwj Sick . i 'CUiwktA llHVKUi, INirtUnd, Or. mmmmmmm Dr. Fred. A. Reisaeher ..DENTIST Ordinate o( llio Northwestern Unlevrslty lMiilul Coll.ge, First-Class Work aud Prices Reasonabli 711 Del urn llld'.) Cor. Third A Washington. roilTI.ANl), Or. Oro-ou Phou Qriwn 4M USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. LIPPINGOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family liqrary The Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pen, year; 25 era. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSKLr aaraa pt?WSW,CrrH,fW!rWWTKrWMfl'!?reSW'l AiMfIWfMJMfKMfislfCajtvlSS I 1 if 1 a HISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees Tlio Moil SpnrkllnK. Delicious ami Aro matic COKKKKS K:r Placed on thla Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them Pour Blends.. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot ot Washington Rt., Huti'Iay, 'lucidity and 'llmrnlny uveliiliK t 6 o'clock, lor Miiivlei island, ft. Helena, Caplt-x, Deer I.hhiiiI, Martins, Knlamni Neur City, ItHiiler, Ml. ('oillii, .Mni!vr, Stella, Dak I'olnt, Freuiniiini, ilulizanillu, Clutsltunlu and alt way inndltiK. BEST LINE , TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutn, Chicago, And nil Points East. 'IhroMifli ralnceand Tnnrlnt Hleepem, Dlnlnic CiirH(iiiL-HUitlacartu), llnftol.Hmokliig, MDtary L'arH. i, For llcki'M ntnl (nil Information regarding KiiMitii trip, cull at city ticket otllcc, Morn Kinatrcct. A. II. (J. DKVMhTON, City I'aim. ntid Tirkot Audit. Strong's Photographs Superior in Style arm Finlsho STUDIO: In Goodnough Bulldlne. ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. Ono ot tlio moit comploto bakcrys In tlio Northwest, Bakes tba Best Pullman Bread Id the West M. SHIELDS, Prop. .'147 Morrison Ht. l'OKTI.AM), Oil. And 40:1 Union Avenue, corner Harramento, AIIiIiik. Iloinr-iiiadn bread, rakes and pies. IIiUimI beans and Moitt.lt llrown llread every Knliinlay. Tel. Ited 131.!; Tel. Iloil 311, BARRHOTEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. Newhniue, newly (itrnl.lird, two blocks from I'nlon depot .All tlio modern Improvements, llrr-piool, hot and cold Mater) centrally 1 filled. Rntos, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Meals .Je.DatusSSc Cor. Sixth nnd Gllsan, Portland. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Cari leavo Portland. Corner Klrst aud Wash lugtou striTI, (or Vaueoiueras follows! ViHU'ouvor 4A Minutes. I A. M.-'fltlH. '7:03, 7:i.::a, 0:1, 10:03,10:4 ll:!u P. M.-1.':IH. l:t. I: is. :33. R:18, 4:03, 4:(s,A', il:IH. l(i:).l. Iltril. (Lento First aud Jet- ' fiTMMi streets, 4 iiiluutos varlli'r.) , Kerry lenes Vauenuer toculiuect with cars nHfoliiius; I A. M. -'cms, 7:30, tt:t o:oo, :, 10:30, tt:n l'.'iOUM. P. M.-V,':i.l!30,'.';j,3:00, 3:45, 4:80, 4: is, 8:00, bus. ii:lo. I Curs leave corner First aud Washington streets (or Woodlanu as follows: A. M. ,rt:l8.,rt:3S.,C:ts.,7:(Vt,7:l8.7:33,7:.8:M1 , hits, :s:i, 8:ts. aau, :ts.9:S3,o:in, io:03, I iu:1h. io:;n. 10: ih. 1 1:0.1. mis. n ::ti. nus. P. M.-l'J:t3, u-M. vs. liM, 1:03, 1:18,1:83, l:(V.':o:i, ;:i8.'j::n.'j:4S 3:o.t, s:i, a::B, :ii;iu, 4:le,4M3, 4tw.ft;o;i, ft:is, a;:ul fi.4x. n:o.i. rt:l. 0::u. n:48.7:ia. 7:18.7:33. 7:48.8:0.1.8:18.8:3:1.8:4)), tf:3. V:i3,9:43, lo;iu. to;;'3. 10:13, u:o3, ll:aU:3. ' Wuiidlnwn t0 Mliintri, Cars leinii Woodlnwu (or First aud Waihtiif- ton slreeln as lollown: A M-,o:4ii:iv,ii:is,;50, 6:,7;00, 7:1J,7:4J, 8:w. 8:15,8:30, ;i 0:ai, 9:15,9:30,9:4. loaxi, io:i5.io:3, io:45,ii:oo, U:i5, 11:30, UM5, Ui)M. P. M.-ii:i;., i.':30. ii:i 1 :cnv 1 :15, 1 :, 1 145, 2:00. -.:IA,Ui.'M.'JMVi0. Sth atw, 3:45, 4:00, 4:i.V4:so,4:4 ft:u, n:i5..vw, 5:n, :txi, 6l0:n,i;:l,7:ui, 7tl. 7:so.7:U, 8:w, 815. 8:80. 8:.Vl. 9:10, 9:30, 9:50, 10:10, 10:30, 10;,'), $11:10, 11 ;S0. Pally, except Siindas, t uniiy,exeepi m i'iu'm ami r-aiuraajs. vtediiida)niid e'auirdays only. ..EMPLOYMENT flGENGY.. ' W. T. PHILLIPS. , AHJ,'8tark street, between From aud First. J 1'lioue, Oregon, Cla; 441, PORTLAND, OREGON. Help of all kinds lurnlihed on short notice, Waiitedj ltailroad men and deck hands, cooks, wallers and ireuerat house work) larm hauds, mill hands and elty work. t Iteal estate listed aud xdd, llc-upnly sutiit fur the t'axy Mop Wringer, pat etitaniWd (or. Blato aud eouuty rights for sale. MANY DEERS IN CONNECTICUT. Their Nimilicr I'robnbly Greater .Not) tlimi ISO Vcurs Aixii, It suutns to be a fact, proved by al most dully observation now, that the deer arc returning to Connecticut, ttnd In t; odd ninnbeiH, too. Uoports are heard almost dailyof one or more 'of these graceful anlinnls being seen In one or another part of the good old State, under circumstances which tlx It that they tiro new arrivals. There are probably more deer In Con ncctlcut to-day than at any previous time within the lust ICO years. They are seen on railroad track!), In Holds j and gardens, and even feeding with the I domestic cattle. Where they nil come from and what Is drawing or sending them seem not to bo very clear. They are not only Keen In moat unexpected places, but appear to be singularly Tree from four of human beings. They are seen, too, In nearly all parts of the State. A day or two :u;o a young lady down the river below Mlddletown suc ceeded in photographing one of tlioni by a snap shot. At almost tiny time wltliln the Inst hundred years down to 1000 If a hunter wished to shoot u deer j he made a long trip to Hud his game going either to the Adirondack or the far backwoods of Maine. Their nppenrance In such numbers might be, accounted for by the disap pearance of the wolves that formerly destroyed them; but the wolves hiivo been gone. In almost all parts of New England, for a long time and tthclr dis appearance cannot nov be relied upon to account for the deer. Whatever tuny turn out to be the cause of tholr sudden and rapid Increase In numbers In old Connecticut, It Is a pleasant thing to sec them returning. What a pleus nnt addition to the neighborhood of our forest patches their graceful presenco would mnkc if their seeming trust In human kind Is permitted to take root and stay. BARRED FROM GREAT NECK: Ne.ldeiitn Will Not 1'ertiilt Actrcaa lo I'lircluiMp a Home There. Minnie Ashley, nctress and singer of the Daly company In New York, has caused n stir among the fashionable residents of Great Neck, I. I., by en deavoring to purchase a home In that aristocratic community. They are up in anus against what I hey choose to regard as an Intrusion upon their 'ex cliislveness, and n committee of cltl ecus has undertaken to frustrnto her MINMi: ASIII.KV. purchase. When tlio committee called upon her to Reek to dissuade her she burst Into tears and exclaimed: "Why, I'm going to retire from the Btngo next year. I'm going to marry WllJIum As tor Chandler." She Is reported to have revealed tlio secret only after her pride had been stung to the quick by the action of a committee of the' prop erty owners who waited on U. Smith Stanton, n real estate agent with whom Miss Ashley was negotiating for tho purchase of tho Xorthum estate on the Shore road, Great Neck. Tlio .Modest Huot. Lovo of country Is so line a vlrtuo that it seems tlllllcult to carry It to ex cess. A resident from n small village In tho north of Scotland paid a business visit to London the other day. lie hap pened to call on a merchant who (un known to him) had once iiiado n Ktay In his native place. In the course of conversation tho visitor made use of au expression ,thut led tho other to ex claim, "Surely, you eomo from (lien McLukloV" Tlio assertion, however, was denied. Presently, to the mer chant's surprise, another Won Mcl.u kio expression was heard. "My dear Mr. MacTavlsli, I feel couvlneed that you urc n Glen McLuklo man after all," Insisted tho merchant. "Weel," returned tlio other, "I'll no deny It any longer." "Then why didn't you say . so at UrstV" demanded the Englishman. "Weel," was tho calm response, "I dlduii like to boast o' it In I.&tidou." London Chronicle. Now Cliouilonl Protttiuta. Messieurs Molssan and Stooks, tho or iginal discoverers of carborundum, a mineral tmrd enough to cut diamond, have recently announce! two new chemical products which may also bo of use In the arts. They are compounds of boron, which Is best known In tho' salt which Is culled borax, and of sill, cou, which In combination with oxygen forms tiuaru, tho scientific name of ' which Is silicic acid. Iloth borou and silicon are noninelalllc chemical ele ments. Tho two compounds just dls covered arc lu tho form of crystals hav- lng nu adamantine luster and are so html that they scratch the hardest ruby with east ' j When trouble comes wabbllug along a woman gives way to a flood of tears nnd a man proceeds to tint tho atmos phere blue, -V miser Is a great lover of geuerosltj lu everybody except himself. l'S1BfijjS') oHHl. j. fBW i jHL pW f HOLDS A COURT OFFIOE. PennsrlTonln Olrl la Deputy Cterk In the 'l'rothonotarjr'a Court. Probably the only woman court offl clal In the United Slates lives and holds her olllce In Pennsylvania. Miss Itcuo Ilelkes, of Carlisle, Is head clerk of tlio court there and discharges the duties of the position to the entire satisfaction of the judge, the members of tlio bar and those outsiders having' business at the temple of Justice. Her father Is chief clerk of the court, and through the actlvo Interest Miss Ilelkcs took In MISS BKNK 1IK1KKS. his work she gained a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of what would bo required of her to Oil tho po sition of deputy prothonotary beforo slio received her appointment to that olllce. She discharges her duties with an case and accuracy equal to that of any of her nuilo competitors. Kor ono year previous to her appointment MIbh Ilelkcs waa chief clerk In her father's olllce nnd discharged practically the sumo duties that sho docs in iter olllclal position. When she was appointed to succeed Deputy Prothonotary tleorgo A. Sullcnbcrgcr she accepted the honor gracefully and cheerfully shouldered the responsibilities connected with tho charge. LAW AS INTERPRETED. An Insurnnco agent forbidden to tnko a risk, but whoso clerk forges his unine to a policy without his consent and without any prollt to him, is held, in Bradford vs. Hanover Fire Insurance Company (O. O. A- Ud O.), 40 L. II. A. 530, not to bo liable for tho loss on the risk. Decision by an association of persons Jointly llnblo on n policy of lusuranco to ono of Its members, which provides that the association shall ilnnlly deter mlnq tlio amount duo on any loss, al though not strictly an award, Is held, In Perry vs. Cobb (Me.), 40 L. It. A. 3S0, to bo binding on tho member except for cnuso shown to tho contrary. Substantial damages for nu Instanta neous death caused by wrongful act aro held, In Itroughcl vs. Southern New England Telegraph Company (Conn.), 10 L, It. A. -10-1. to bo recoverable un der n statute providing for the survival of all causes of action for Injuries to the person of a decedent, whether they do or do not Instantaneously or other wise result In death. Patrol license from one lot owner in a town to another to pass a tlio drain un der the former's lot for tho purpose of drainage, Is held, In Plfcr vs. llrown (W. Vn.), -11) h. It. A. 107, to be revoca ble at tho plensuro of the licensor. Witli this case there Is a very extensive note reviewing the numerous decisions and the different theories on tlio subject of tho rovocnblllty of a llcenso for a bur den on laud after expense has been In curred on tho faith of It. llitrdoitetl with Something. Jesse Gove was recently examining a witness In the course of the trial of ono of his Iiennlngton street cases. "You bad goods destroyed by the flood-of 18118?" "Yes, sir." "You bought those goods from Mr. Blank?" "Yes, sir." "Did Mr. Blank go to Ireland lrfst summer?" v "No, sir. lie Is a poor mnn." Hero Sam Child Interrupted tho ex amination by remarking thnt ho prob ably hoped to go to Ireland next sum mer. "Well," said Jesse, "that depends." After the storm hnd subsided Jesse turned to the witness and nsked lilm what Mr. Blnuk did last 'summer?" "He burled his wife, sir." "I knew," said Jesse, "that I bad something on my mind," Boston Rec ord, Karttuiuakes in Greece. It la with some surprise that ono reads in u rvceut report of tho director of tho national observatory at Athens that, taking area into account, earth quakes are about twice ns frequent In Greece as they are lu Japan. Tho latter country has usually been looked upon as par excellence tho land of earth quakes. It woul t appear that Its earth quakes nre, upon tho whole, moro se vere than tbose lu Greece, although tlio great architectural monuments of Greece have suffered much from seis mic disturbances. X-Uiija AldliiR Archaeologists. I Italian archaeologists aro now mak ing uso of It oen t gen rays to aid lu read- J lug obscure liupredslous aud lu dlscov- erlug forgeries. I STEAMER9 ALTONA AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR Salem and Way Landings. -T mill , mr' . , Leaves Taylor street. . 8nlcm. Arrives I'ortland ...fi:A.M. ,..7:(0 A. M. ...4i30 P. M. SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leavo Portland 10:30 A. M 2andft:00 P. M. Leave Oregon City 1J:30, 3:30,6:30 P. M. Oregon' City Trans. Co. Promptness and quick dispatch our specialty A. B. GRAHAM, Agont. Offlce and wharf, foot ot TaylorSt. Phone 40. WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are htacfquirien for R-bon Health ' Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole "Wheat Flour. j ACME MILLS COMPANY. 1 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83J North Third St. : Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing; Neatly Done. Work called (or and delivered. All work guaranteed. H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Capcn Co.'s Shoes GUMtlSOH GO. Wheat and SP' Brokers DIItKCT Wlhij'IO New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade ' Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ' ESMOND HOTEL Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. ItATKSl European Plan. 50c to $1.50 Per Day I American Plan, $ I to 52 Per Dxr OSCAK ANDBIISON, Manager. J. a I'EXDEQAST, Chief Clerk. WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOIt HOUSEKEEPINO Cut This Out and act a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First Street. f. W. HOKE DRUG CO. 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TELEPHONE: COLUMBIA 760., OKKGON RED 1861 CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks DESIGNS COPYRIQHTS C Atiroo sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion fre whether an liif.nlloa la probably twuntabla. Communing tlons strictly coruMentlal. Handbook ou I'atcnU sent Ilea. Ulitest azency for ..curing talents. t'at.uta taken tbroueh sluna.4 Co. reclr lfUI notiet, without cb.rve. In tba Scientific JUmrkatt A. handsomely Illustrated weekly. Jarsest etr. filiation ot any srlemUKi Journal. Terms. II m j.ari fitur months, IL Bold by all n.vsdeal.ra. llUKN Jt CoBtBro,. Hew York Hcaaci OBc. tttrSU Washkmton, D. C, : 7 5 ct.nT I 'JOT I PJP Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling: Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. d. G. REDDIOK, Manager. iThe Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS iilliit UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on AU Articles ot Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All Ooods Hohl on Installments. 61 Third St.. 6or. Pine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towels furnished to Ilnrucrs, Doctors, Oftlcel nnd lluslness llou.es, i:tu. Wo also do First Class Laundry Work. Fourth mill Couch Hta. PORTLAND, OH. Oregon Phono 429. Columbia I'bono 410. Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey . AND Shaw's Pure Malt 4 Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale Liquor .1 Cigar Dealers 1 BOLE AGENTS. ' 110 Fourth Streot EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stock given tlio vory best of care. Itttcs always reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Main 51. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. R0SEBURG, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 RENA STINS0N, Lady Assistant. .Merchant Hotel. CORNER THIRD AND DAVIS 8TREKT8 VOHTLAND, OKKGON. HOTEL 13 NEWLY RENOVATED. This Is the best equipped moderate rate hotel on the Pacific Coast and has all the conven iences of high-priced hotels. Complete with electric lights and bells, and artesian water In each room, liath room on each floor. Elevator for accomuftatlon of euests. Rates 11 and 11.31 per day. sUkls'JS cents. Special rates to lam. Dies and theatrical parties. Free 'bus to and from all trains. SCO rooms. Only four blocks from Union Depot. Fir Proof Building. F. K. HILL. Prop. Electric Hotel i OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop. Btrletly Flrst-Clas. Rstss - 1.00 r.r Ht anil Vp. Steam Heat, Electric Light, Cos. merclal Sample Room. fiiiiiiiiiiOkMBkiiisNF I -8aaW: .ni. .Ml