KWffW1 THE OTJW AGE, PORTLAND. OJREGON. Jf' ? h f1 Ask Your Dealer For MARK. ymtmm A. W. ALLEN Dispensing Pharmacist Phone, Oregon Main 4-Q5. Columbia 4-14. 16th anil Marshall Sts., 23rd and Savler Sts, PORTLAND, OREGON. Do You ;Know the News ? You ean hava It alt lor Per Cflr Per. 50c Month Month In Tha Evening Tlgrara, ol Portland, Orcon. II li t ib largest mcnlug.mms paper publttlud In Oregon: It contains all th naws ol the itato and ol the na tlon. Try it lor a month. A sampia ropy will be mailed to you Irite. Ad dress THE TELEGRAM. Portland. Oregon. THE LEADING PAPERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. SAN fRANCISCO DAILY CHRONICLE II jr .tint I, I'oIiib;c I'll Id, $6.70 a to, SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CHRONICLE Greatest Weekly in Ike Country, $1.5(3'il (Including pxtajri) l any part of tbe CatUI bliilfic, Canada and Urxlco. Till'. WKKICI.Y CIIUONICI.I:, tic brightest and w curapleto Wkly Ni-wtprprr lu tb' World, prima regularly 112 Cofumus, or H'xlem t'ngea. cf Nts, I.lliraturt) and Gouvial lufoi-. in Hi ion I aUo a unculllcvnt Agricultural an I' Horticultural It. paitiiKUt, lbli la no of to gnaUkl ilrparlmrnta In any pipt-r on thl Uuaat Uterjtblng written l baaed on ex prrli'iirx lu Hi" Cat Plates, not on Kaatvrn men's knowltdgu ofihelr owu l.xalltln. I SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE.I The Chronicle Uulldlns. TJIK CHKOSICI.K ranks alth tb grtatist onapaptra In lh Unlieu siai's, TIIK CIIHU.N'ICLK baa m.tqualpV n the Taelrle Coast. U Kails ail m awiuy, p terprlie and ns, TIIK CHiU.NIC'.iVS Til'grapSle Repels aw the latent and m-t rrftaii'r, H- lwt ,Ni th fullest and splrlest, nod lis KdlivrlaU frvni tbe aldi-st P"'' lu ' Cvuntry. Till CIli'.O.VICJ.K has always hvn. sad al ways will b tb frlnd awl haioplon of tun l,.pU. a agaliut combination.. cIIqih-s, corpora tloio. of ..ppnJ"n if aur 1IhL It will be Ud. laleai In rtVQt'i.Pf, neutral lu acthlng. oo you want The chrchicle Reversible Map? Mowing tfce United Statu. Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico Map of the tWorJd ON THK OTIlMt HI K. I S3 a4 get ne Map wwsi" mroni. I Tear, pu(Sg prcpaio to wp . yyf. I H. de YOUNO, CTpxWtor a r. Chronical. ,UJt yaAMCiaoo. cai. KB bS?!? fS flhBW. ' - - I i .iiiii ii - in -n tL ' " - i 4,.; w-y.. -i-itf saaaaCsaPJaPBSjl.-i-- . " 1 "I HI IT1 1 U'TJtfSg" ' ''aaaaaaaaaaWaatKSfirls U iMl.ELWlsVk J i.Ji J ' t. I-X .. -- " ' -- -.-'r.rtWV 1mWmtT ) Ihjtf f WaW' "" i G. II. STOKES LIQUOR GO. WHOLESALE DEALKU8. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled by l'abst Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. Bc- Salem Store, 142 State St. , Any Blsa Any MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING llubber lloota and nhnea, tteltlns;. Pucklng stud Ifosn. Largest and Most Complete Assortment ol all Kinds ol Itubbcr Good. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft.IL r-KASK, 1'rosldent. P. M. BHKfAItD, JK.. Treasurer J. A. SllKi'AUD, Becrctary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RUSSELL & COMPANY BUII.DF.n8 OF Crglnea, Boiler m, Saw Mill; Thre&here If yon BOntctnplato buying machinery, write ua for cutaloguo and uricet. RUSSELL & CO. A. H. AVERriX. Manaitfr. PORTLAND. ORECON. Ea Ga ATKINS wssumwr rtEPjuREi $ Branate, ,aaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaW V am9fSlSa9ak .aaaaWSfaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaWmaam LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL FRENCH BLOCK, miLIP V. CAE8AB, President! TBUMAN W. EKOP, Vlce.I"resldent; O. B. 8ELV1Q. Cashl.rj JACOU 11. VANDEKB1I.T, Assistant Cashier. GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Interest allowed on deposits In Baring Department. Circular Letters ol Credit lunsd on engKong, China, and okohoma, Japan: alto Drafts and Hills ol Kxcliang. Issued ou China and Japan, and th principal cities ol Europe. Foreign moneys exchanged. WK HAVE 81'KCIAt, FAU1L.ITIKB FOlt HANDLING OOt.ll UHT AND BULLION THE H. C DEALERS IN SECOND HAND MACHINERY. MO Kast Water street Collins Preston Wilson Co. 8U0CK88OK TO I'ATltICK, MANTICK O. MANUFACTUREUS AND IMPORTERS OF HARNESS, SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 91-93 Front Street, Between Stark and Oak. Orgon -liou Malu 7... DRINK THE FAMOUS FOR SALE AT ALL THE BREWERY AND OFFICE, "W"eixiligtxcaL7 fTAMLiaslKD lil. iNoomroA INT. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: & Commission Mercnanti WHOLESALE GROCERS T. sa. Uaaa addraasi all CeatsaaaUatlOM to tba Casapaay, ... a t. Mertta. r . .rOBTXAMBj fp. ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrst-Class AcrornmodRUoim and t'rnrhpt scrv Ice. Large Sample CJooma tor Commercial Travelers. Phono 7. Oor. First & Washington Sts. ALBANY, OREGON. The Unrivaled Piano of the World KRANIGH & EACH Established 1864. Visit our Wareroom and be convinced. Many other standard and reliable makes of Pianos and Organs. We sell on EASY TERMS. No large first Payment required. C. A. WHALE HUSIC HOUSE , M. C MATTIIIEU. Minaer, 128 Sixth Street Quantity Any Style & COMPANY .PORTLAND, OREGON Manufacturers of PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR ' INDEX s ukuss uui ziwz Noa BO First SI $72,00C 800,000 TACOMA, VASH. 0 ALBEE COMPANY PORTLAND, OREQON. PORTLAND. OREGON PRINCIPAL SALOONS " TttM7r?5R.r5lfi?W lu DUE TO THE C0ESETn GREAT CHANGE IN THE FASH IONABLE FIGURE. Moves for Clinntio in Style of Bklrta and Wn'ata Cloe FttttiiK About the Hips t-ccina About to Oo KnaUlou lltttta from Ootlmnt. New York correspondence: ANY n twomnn now enn " climb Btnlrs nuil perform othor nnluoiis ox erclso with i-nst-thnt it your n;o would hnvu luul liL-r pViillne mid tialiiitattiiK. U'b all In tin now cor sets, which nro cut ho low Hint till w u n r e r's ilht pliniKui U not coniiircasoil. Thin uxtrvmu 1owiiob, which wouhl httvo Hconu-il linposslblo two j oars hko, iIooh lu tunny cased call for ailill tlonitl Hiiiuioit for tho flKiirv. To Biipply this, tlllly woven jerm-y corHct covers uro worn. All tho leiiRth of n fowot Is lielow tho waist line now, nml the hips uiu forceil hack, mill the stomach in. While these ihniiRi's in corsets nro tie toriniuluK anil lu'iij: hoilleo fashions, us unultH are IicIiik niailo upon the current forms of skirts. No ilotiht a bit; nut- Jtlrlty of women would prefer that tho ct)e-hlp skirt should continue, but thu Kuthered skirt and othor changes are be ing pushed. Tim gathered models make little hoadwny, even punier effects rc djlylng greater favor. KuhIiIoiiiiIiIch seem Hot to object to skirts that mv tucked oyY the hips Indeed, appear to llku tucking anywhere. So many women like tho close skirt that It Is reasonably sure to remain safe for another season, but shu who wants to be among tho early fines to adopt Uh ciicccssnr, will need to look alive. Though it may bo settled mi before tho winter Is over, Just what It Is to bn is uncertain. Tho skirls of the accompanying pic ture are n representative lot anil rellect the most promising of the newer develop ihi'iitx. That of the Initial picture shows one form of trimming that disguises slightly a really close hip lit. This gown Wits dark blue cheviot, with box pleats and cloth tubs caught with gilt buttons for trimming. lit was adhered to In ench skirt of thu next Illustration, flreen camel's hair stitched in gilt was .; NEW DEVBI.OI'MK.Vi'8 IN tho fubrle of the first, u cloth-of-gold wiiUtcoiit showing between the Juvket fronts. Iiark browu broadcloth was thu material of the second gown, stitching uml tucking being used us trimming, thu layer bolero standing as the dominant feu til re. The box pleated skirt shown was nil and white checked cloth, lllnck velvet appllqued ulth ecru lace was thu trimming. .Models of thU gctivrul charac ter limy hour off nny iimnuut of tucking without Interfering especially with tho closeness of lit. Mini oflin do so, In the next picture Is the model or tho guthered skirt that receives llio most favor, though far more striking examples nro put for ward. It wns sketched In old rose puuuu velvet. Across the picture Is it typo of skirt frequently seen In which uu over uUlrt iiUu'iiisc hln Hiiugiiess. It was striped dove gray und sage green taffeta. Muuy variations of this model re cur- ,' -A- CLOSK PITS THAT KKMAIN FPU HIPS. rent, and in not n few of them all sug gestion of close fitted hips Is lost. Still, those nlotiB the lines or the pictured typo nro most numerous, and unrelieved snug ucss Is plentiful. Prophesying for next wlnterii danger ous, but so many now capes nro 'appear ing that a return to capes is Indicated for another Benson. At present the out put is confined almost entirely to fttt lined models, but less costly ones Bhould follow. An example of the newest typu U pictured here, n tan cloth garment lined with sttble and trimmed with appli cation of dark browu tnlTetn and gilt. Whether ie has it cape or not, shu should linve'n ruglan. It tuny bo the Jls tlni'tly feminine nlTalr shown here, and sketched In red melton With white trim mings, or It may bo of tho mannish tind rough and ready sort. That signifies n coat of excellent cut. In the latest form with it deep yoke from which tho box hangs wide and lint. It may be water proofed, mid for it wearer who Is shab bily swagger may bear signs of usu In rough weather. Very dark mixed gray Is the thing, with rolled back regulation ruglan cufTs, nml n slightly revered col lar, faced sometimes with black velvet. Sometimes tho coat Is covert, In tnn, but gray Is more swagger. It Bhould clear the ground and If for rough wcar'should be easy enough to go on over u sweuter. Turn-over edges of laco are n stylish finish to fancy stocks, and n turn-over all lu scallops has been devised that will adjust Itself to the- Irregular edge of somo of the shaped stocks. Ilmiilsome laco for this use Is a new requirement from lace makers. There Is at once daintiness and economy In this protection of the col lar's edge. Linen collars are mado with turn-over edge, mid lu some cases such edge's nro finished with embroidery. Now ,mid then the turn-over Is dotted with tiny polkas, but pure white seems preferable No fashionable wouiiiu in these days tries to get along without some kind of klmotiii. The real thing Is mmlllled In many ways. Yoke and stock collar may bo Introduced to mitigate tho character istic neck, even, hut general outline be ing maintained, the garment remains u kiinouu. (''lowered crepe, silk or cotton, with odd tracings of lattlcu work, Is thu right material. Tho crepe is lined with silk of contrasting color, which should show through. American klmouns are Hindu In correct pattern of coxy eider down cotton, lined or iiullued, mid some stunning affairs are of dashing cretonne splashed with great Mowers. Tho real kiinouu should Jiang to tho floor, being stiffened by it roll-over of the lining stuffed with cotton. Klmonn jackets are pretty, but It Is dilllciilt to get them to limig right. Copyright.. 1UQ1. Everything; Mnilo C Irlsli I'cnt. A lurgu Dublin inanufnctunir litis u room entirely furnished with Irish HKIUTH AND WRAPS. pent. Tho carpets on thu floors, the cur tains ut the windows and tho paper oil thu wall are iimile from this substance. For years he has experimented with tho material, which Is now very largely exported iih fuel, nml ho has dlHcovcrctl that from It It Ih possible to produce al most any kind of fubrle. Tho process Ih simple tho llbrcs which uro strong nnil tough, being extracted itiu woven llko cotton or silk. Tho fabrics Imvu tho toughness of linen mid tho warmth of wool. HlanketH made of them art) found tooxcel In warmth and lightness niiythliiK yet discovered. Itecd pens, split lit both end like quill pens. Iiuve been found In Egypt'nu tombs, ilntliifa' probably ii.MJO years be fore Christ. 1- CITY NEWS 0. A. Hitler. Poddy Kdltnr. Wo shall know no favorites, nml shall bo absolutely Impartial. To in sure publication, nil louul news must reach us nut litter than Thursday morn ing of ouch week. You nro not in fitshlon if you li nvo not liitd an attack of "lit grippo." Mr. '"John Groon, who is employed nt Mcttuhom, is (.ponding it fuw days iu thu city. Mm. llossio T. lhtttio, ot Sknjjwn.v, spent sovoritl days in tho city this wool: visiting friends. Mrs. Faiinio Lit Motto was tho re uuplunt of tho sad uows of lior tlntigh tor's denth lust Saturday, iu Now York city. Mr. Ilonry Poo and wlfn pilssotl through our city last Woilnosdny ou thulr way ft out lluttu, Mont., to Krosno, Cnl. Mrs. Aiiulo Nnwfoms. Mrs. Luviim Doldun ami Mt. Glum Iluttis, nro nil recovering from tin attack of tho pro vailing tlisuaso. 'I ho A fro-American Council will moot ut thu llothol A. M. K. church, Wudnosday, February 11. A full at tendance uf tho members is desired. Tho llothol A. M. K church will give it Martha Washington ton party on February 21!iid, "1'ho success of formor efforts m-Huros it pleasant even ing to all who may attend. The Valentino tuoiitl to bo given Pobitiary 14 at tho A. M. K. Ziou cluircn, promises to ho very interesting. Several plouslng features liuvo been ar ranged by tho committee In charge. Tho Mt. Hood ANMioiittinn lias no on red tho Caledonian hull and will hold regular meetings every Monday livening. Tho an-ooiatlon has hi on or ganized for tho purposo of forming thumtolves into a MukiiiIo lodgo ami ox pouts in t,lm near future to sue uro n dihpoiiMttlou for tho work. Mr. V. Frit. Kcoblo has din'Miscri ot his hmideoiuo burlier shop to M oners. Mooro nml Ftillllovii. 'Urn now pro prietors are well nml favorable known and will bo able to mid largely toOio large piitronugo nl ready enjoyed by tho establishment. Mr. Kculile 'expect, to lcmu fur the Fast in n short time. 1 i Tho holding of meetings of tho Paul Laurence Duiilmr Literary Society, wcoky, instead ot twice n month, has udded ineieacod vitality to tho niolnty and ciiiHcd tho uicetlng of thu nune, whluh niu hold uxsry llnirnlny even ing at thu A.M. K. Zion rhncrh to be more largely nttriidod than heretofore, and excellent piogiiuiiiiiosiiru furnhliod tin each occasloii. All ato Invited to thu Hirelings mid urged to take part iu thu pioceedingH. ' Tho members of tho A. M. I'. 'I6n church linxu taken Ktvps to orgnnhe n jitvinilo choir to nttiitt thu tegular choir by taking cluirgo of tl o musical hervicu on tho lint Vuudnv of ciuh and every inortli. Alreiuly u largo uuinber liittu oxpniKHeil their illlii'.'ii.)HS to UHhint, and Mis. K. Cray has coiisontoil to stiperiiiteml tho nune. li Is ex pouted that the ten ices on the first Siinuay in Mart h will bo under their jnriMlintloii, on which date the pastor will deliver n blurt dlnoiirMi and tho main part of the Hrvicus vtlll bu iiiunI cnl. In rctpoiiso to iieni little notes Invit ing them to bo present, about ill) of our little liuls nml Iiihms nrmuliloil liift I'rldiiv nlteriieon nt tho midenco of Mr, mid Mrs. .1 nines K. Colbert to colebrntu the Kith birthday of their oldest daughter, Miss Jtilbt Colbert. Thoy eujou'd theuiKultos hucely with various games in t i 1 stiiiimoued to tho dainty rejmht furnUliid fur their on joyment. lea e ten in ami cake, ci n ly, nuts mid fruit, tilings mi dear to tho jinunilo heart, went in great abund ance; iiIfo morn mild fiod in the shnpo of duiiitv siiudwlcho', After a vigorous onslaught, tho emu puny roHimi'd tlloir games and relurtantly loft to reach their hotoral homes, ire their loving puronts lipriiine to nnxinus as to thnlr whereabouts. In addition to the young folk thorn were t-oieral ot more maturo years proent, who could not lefiuiii f om wishiiiK that they were joung ugitlu, "Shooting the Chutes." OIliu Mack am) Charles A. Murray, vthommlo "Pinuogmi's IlnU'' finiious for ruven years, nro stellar iniignnles in tholittetit furco, "Shooting the Chutes," announced nt Con I ray's for all next week. These two performers stand in the front rank of real Irish ooiiieilliuis sud they uro able to keep an 'audienuu in hilarious merriment during a per formance. In this lulcht invention they hnvu u vehicle which gives nmplo opportunity for tho dbplay of their vnrmtllu genius us fun producers. This is particularly emphsslzeil iu the great Irish derby at thu llunco lleach men track (iu which tiireo liorsoi aro nctii ally used), and iu tho rceuo lutroduu lug a real chute at work. Sprnnfjor's A rendu, E, II. Spranger, Propiiutor, fcoutbwost corner Sixth ami ('ouch streets. New and strictly ifp-to-ilute, Iiiulies' aiiiiux elegnntly ftirnikhed and securo from intrusion. Iteadlug room, pool and billiards. NEW N OUT II- west Livlge, No. 2WJ-I. (J. U, O, ot --f ! ........ 2ft5)i Seco (1 street, roruer of Salmon, nrst ami tniru luewiuv oi eacn luontii, All Odd Fellows in cool stamling uro eordUllv invited. F D. THOMAS, E. WATSON, P. B. N. 0. Ui -itrftiikv maaaammimmmmmmmammmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4jJ jstu