Mr MVlMMVVknP V i.HE jsJffW AGE, PORTLA.ND, OREGON.' y v W fo,ili)H milE OLD RKMAULE 6EVKNTH AND OMHAN EXC1IANC1R. J. L. O'FAIUIELL, l'rop. Bventh and (lllsan Sl. roilTIMND. OltK. i ItTlBTlC MON'tlMENTH IN NATIVi: AND XX iforclgn mnrlilo and granite: now nnd orig inal cleslirns. II. J, lll.Al.SINd. Olllce and work HJ7 Tlilrd strcit, neilr Jladlsou. A I.HKH3 k RCIINl'.lDER CO.-ll. AMIEItH, J l'rcg. mid Mgr, Thou. Schnolder, VU-r-rriii., II. Albom. Bcc'v. nnd Trim, 1'rnnrlMorn U. H. Mills and Merchant Holler Mill. Mmnilactnr- era oi itoncil uni, unc .Mini, Kinked wiiunt, Hilckwhcnt Hour, lVnrl llarlcy, lte Klimr Wholo Wheat Flour. Corn Mcnf, ltyo Meal, Hotnlnr, Farlnn, Mcel ( itt Wheal. I'asto I'iiu torjr Mamronl, Vcrmlrvlll. Spaghetti, Duilcrd In Orrfln, Flour, liar, bhliiRlra,(5ecd Kte. All kinds Mill Feed. Office, lilWMr Front Ktrcit, corner Main, 1'ortland, (Jr. Q. J. Erdner It. llochull, (IIIICAQO MAItKET J Erdner A llochull Dealer In frch nnd currd meats; all Winds of sausage. 314 Washington fctrcct, Portland, Oregon. Jloth 'I'lionea No. KZ. 1IIARLE3 J. BCHNAHEIjs M Attoriuy-at-I aw. 6IS Chamhcr ol Cotnmerco llnlldlng, Portland, Oregon. A RMORY DIIUO BTORK nro Drug and Chemicals, Toilet Article Stationery, .Confectionery and Domestic Clgan. V Prescriptions a Specialty. N. W'. Corner Tcnlh and Krcrctt Streets, Portland, Oregon. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Office 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark 81. Telephone 639. PORTI.a'ND, ORKQQN. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on i rains and Urdcr (images or Loupes, Ungcajzo checked at real , denco to nny destination. Branch Offices: Hotel i'ortland; United Carriage Co., 8ccntli and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Munagor T. IlENDRICKSIN D. Daii PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty OHKOON I'llONK 04.1 KKI , 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Wuolcsalo Dealers. ''&&... ... .Mtcranlol Rubber Goods, Belting, Hose 1P'7( Packings, Fire Department Supplies. Miablier Boots, Shots, Rubbtr Clothing Rubber Goods of All Kinds ' 18 20 Front St. .. I n C m J. McCraken Co. t Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street... PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAM'S Evening Gowns Street $uite Fancy Wmietm Tailor Made Suite Riding Hmbite, Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON .TRAINS STOP. ..AT...... Wilkins' Ealing House . 30 Minutes for Meals Lunch Counter In connection. The only Eat- Ing House at the Depot where ou can set a Irst-ClsM Meal. R0SEBURG OREGON B. B. RICH 49 THUD, ST. WTLAUD HOTEL CIGARS nil EilHK QTEHNKEN & JUI.1KN Wholealo nnd rcntull grocers, 813 SI 4 Unrn tide (r cot, vomer Sixth, Portland, Or. Tele i phone, Oregon lllnck iSI.!. Columbia 6SG. T HE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office! Seventeenth and Front Streots. Portland, Oregon. (TlROWN & M'CAHE. STKV-KDOniiS Bs Portland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. Ship mall promptly delhered. Cable address Drown. milE BAVARIA SALOON A. II. DURGER, Prop. Imported and Domestic Wlne, Liquors and Clgnrs. W'clnhard's fleer. Phone Oregon DlajklOIJ. 8. E. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREQON. T HE ORIENTAL J. W. 0RUS9I, Proprietor. 828 Washington St., Opposite Imperial Hotel Drinks 10 cents. Deer A cents. Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID T1IOMAN, Prop. Wines, Llquo's, Cigars. Welohard's Beer. PHONE, RED 1813. FAMILY RESORT. Cor. Chapman and Jefferson Sts., Portland, Or t Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washington street llct. Fifth and blxth POR1LAND OltlXlON. BOYD & ARNOLD ...neneral Accnta... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 Pirat Btroot, Nenr Stark. The Golden West FURNISHED ROOMS. M..KASSON SMITH, Proprietor-.. Rooms fiOc., Spetlal Hates1jy Week or Month Kcrythlne new and clean. Rest loca tlon In the ellv. Specially desirable able for parties deslrtfeg a quiet ! plate. No Children. 4 Doors South of First National Bank Main St., Opposite Fred Krnst. BAKER CITY - - OREGON Gmra or : tsii men '-SfAfi.' tie.- ft GRAND j. OPIWIDlJb Is fatrv 5tinr ' HOTEL OSBORN GLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS 1 REASONABLE RATES TRANSIT SOLICITED ...IIOTH 1'IIOKKS... Travelers should talie,'S"Htreet Carat Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill btreet to Kst AnVne) Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wto'esale Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor, Burnside, A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting; of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Ci., SEVENTH INI iLDEI STS. Both 'Phones 3S5. I Georgie's Gab. WW W WVWW W WW W WWW V Pa IvxiilnliM n Trenty to Mn. After uiaw Got thru rcaillug llowto take out rlukolz and Itciuovc black beds without the aid of a Duzz saw. tbo Otljer nltu site turucd over to tbo uows from Washington ;uid prltty Boon you could see that they was Suiutblug she didn't understand. "Paw," alio says, "I wish you'd tell me what all the fuss Is about this Clin ton Bullyer's treaty, enny way. It does seem as tho this Country was getting In more trubble lately Than I over herd of Uefoie. ljirst we baft to go ami lite Kor Cuba and then we Get all tangled up with the FlUopcaus nnd tbo next thing we no up Come tbo Chinese to keep us nil In n Stew and now this llullyer has to go nnd Start everybuddy scolding at Oneauiithcr, nnd I can't make heads nor Tails out of It.", "Great heavens," paw told Her, "are you Living In this Cetitcbery or Awny baefc In tho Dark ages? That's tho treaty about the Canal. Wo can't Go ihcd and Hlhl the Canal till wo nock 'ut this trenty' "llutl tliot tho cannl was all Dug and the water turned on and St. Louis per tickly satlslled," tnaw snys. "Mawl" paw nun-rod, "I'm fclnd thoy tire no Strangers present. Of corso I tould live down tho Dlsgrnco, but It would be n snd thing for the children If It ever Got found out Their mother didn't no enny better Thnn thnt. This ts no Canal that's to clean out n Sewer ulstuiu. This trubble Is about n Cannl across Central Amerleky so Ships can (tet thrue without Going away around below Slnco nnnttl and Uslug up more thnn a Hundred and Fifty tons of extry conl. You see we Can't blld It unless England will give up tho Treaty." "How did Knglnnd get It?" maw ast. "She didn't, get It," paw scd. "Wo Don't want to be Held to It, that's nil." "Oh, I nee," maw says. "England wants to make us use as much cxtry Coal as they Haft to. How menu." "No," paw told her. "that's not It. England wants to keep us from Ulld Ing the Cannl bocoz wo mite put up Some forts along It. England's boats could go thru Just the Same as ours If It got Hilt" "Then I don't believe In It," maw sed. "The Idea of us going and Hlldlng a Canal and then Letting England com along and Use It! I'm glad this Hullycr or whatever his name Is Got up bis treaty, and I hope he'll stick to It till his sides Gets elected. What Is he, a Itlppubllcau or a Demmucktat?" l'aw looked klud or sad for n Mlnlt or so and then ho says: "You sec wo got bound by this treaty so we Can't own tho daunl nftcr we Ulld U. That's why they tiro TrylntMo bust 'the Thing. If It wasn't for that " "Who would own It then?" maw ast. "Well, It would kind of belong to ov erybuddy," paw told bor. "Then why don't the rest of Them, eomo lu and Help to dig tho Thing?" maw ast. "Uecoz they don't seem to care whether it gels dug or not," paw an sered, "and " "Hut you Just told mo England was making trubble about It," maw told him. "Say," paw says, "do you want to Hear about this Canal or not? Wo wouldn't let England or cnnybtiddy clso blld Jt, even If they Wanted to. It would be n Kino thing to Let n lot of forreners come over hero and Dig n Cannl thru our ilnolt yard, wouldn't It? There, you 'see, Is where the treaty Comes In." "Where?" maw ast. ,"Wby wo can't go abed on tho Cannl nnd put up forts to protect It till wo get It " "Oh, yes," mnw says, "I seo It nil now. This llullyer wnnts to gat the Contract (0 put up the forts, doesn't he? What 11 terrible Lot of corrupshen there Is In This world. I should Think ho would bo ashamed of Himself. Where Is bo from, paw?" I'aw was Going to say sumthlng else, but after bo Got to thinking about It n While ho went over to play bllycrds with Uncle Wesley. Chicago Times. Herald. How llervo Megan III Career. Ilerve, tho celebrated French com poiser, began his uiuKlcal career as nn orgaulst. When a boy he strolled Into a church one day and persunded the blower to let him try tbo orgnn after service. He then Improvised some thing wonderfully sweet and strauge. Tbo priest happened to come In, heard It and was nmuzed. "Where did you leant to play the orgnn?" be asked, and tho boy truthfully replied that he had never played It before. "Well," said tho priest, lu amazement, "there Is a vacancy lu the post of organist here and you had better apply for It. We do not waut nny one more skillful than you." The boy applied and wns accept ed. His success wns Immediate. The little church was crowded, and Strang ers became frequent visitors, and he soon received offers to complete his musical education. . ItutN ah lluir ItCHtorora. Tsln Chlng Chung, a Chinese gentle man who was a Yale student a few years ago, has undertaken the defense of the rat ns an article of diet. Ho says: "What the carrot Is to a horde's coat a rat Is to the human hair. Neither fuct can be explained, but every horse man knows that a regimen of carrots will make his stud as smooth and lust rous as velvet, aud tho Chinese, espe cially the women, know that rats used 1 as food stop tho falling out of the hair I and make the locks soft, silky aud btautiful. I have seen It tried many times and every time It succeeded." ' htmSmm eifoe mfmKMeBrr " " '"' W:wWtWjm'm- ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Comments on Kveryilny Matters by an Original Gcntim. Those who don't Impose on you, And fault with jou. You can do nnythlng In this world without grammar except teach school. An ugly baby seems to rcnllze Its mis fortune; an ugly baby isnenrly always good. l'eople have not outlived tho ago of romance so long ns 'it ts still posslblo to fool them. What n great, lot of good space for ndvertlslug on tho of tombstones that Is never used I Sympathy Is easy to get, but when you need help, you will tlnd thnt Is a different question. You talk a gieat deal about the Im portance of Truth. Do you know tho truth about .yourself? I'coplo have so few occasions to bo proud of kin thnt they overdo It when they do get a chance. During the progress of every breach of promise ense It occurs to us that nil love letters nrc much alike. The women talk of the dllllculty of catching up with their work, ns If their work ran like n scared wolf. There Isn't anything In n druggist's perfume ense that smells ns good as chDl sauce when It Is cooking. When n mother admits a fault In ono of her children, she Is reminded thnt It "takes some nfter Its father." Wlien nn old paBtor resigns, nnd a new one preaches bis Initial sermon, tho attendance Is always largo. When a man stays up lato theso nights, ho tries the excuse on his wife that ho was kidnapped, nnd got away. A man takes off his coat when ho wants to whip his rival; a girl tnnkes the strings of her corset a little tighter. It Is every woman's complaint thnt her husband gives the most dcslrnblo part of tho chicken to tho wrong guest Up to the time a girl Is '20 she hasn't fully decided If she will bo n frozen stntuc, or a coy aud clinging woman. Every time a doctor cures a woman patient he Is assured of 0110 drummer who will work for him forever without charge There never was a womnn's resolu tion to work hnrd that could resist stopping to cat peanuts or Jook nt a lovo story. When a tnnrrled couple stnrrs out to do light housekeeping. It means that they expect to get half of their living at "mother's." The guests nfter n wedding aro not raving over tho bride, ns she Imagine: they are nil grumbling, "I don't seo' how they can afford It" Jttla'a mistake from a womnn's standpoint, to unnkc tho dining room hjblo too long for her to reach her hus fjsd's legs under It with her foot "Parson Twine says every gentleman is smart without exception: n man enn't be a gentleman unless he Is smart Every lady will also bo found Intelli gent. When a woman Is nwny from home she does not care pnttlculatly for long letters from her husband, but likes to recelvo .them as nn evldenco of good faith. Wo havo noticed that kldnnppers never carry off a married man: proba bly they renllzo thnt no one would glvo a quarter to have a married man brought back. Whenever tho women seo a woman In n currlago at a funeral who has to bo fanned, they aro perfectly satisfied 1 that she was n good wife, and that iter grief Is sincere. Itnllroad men say a leg or nn nrm off does not count with a railroad man In throwing dice. Hut If tbo railroad man has one or more lingers "off he can nl ways throw high dice. If 11 railroad man has nothing but t thumb, nothing can beat htm, although a man with a thumb nnd one linger Is a close second. Tufty MlHtuko In London. A Welshman who was lu London wlien extensive suwerlng operations were In progress lost his watch. Ho1 reported tho mutter to Scotland Yard, I and the oIIIcIiiIh said they would leave) no stone unturned to tlud the missing timekeeper. Shortly nfterwnrd Taffy again visited tho metropolis, and saw , street after street turned up, He was told In all thirty-six miles of fund wero In the same condition. He rushed down to Scotland Yard and exclaimed to tho wondering Inspector: "I didn't think I ' wns giving you nil that trouble. If you don't tlud the watch by Sunday, I wouldn't break up nny more streets." Pearson's Weekly. Two Natural IKoch. Water will extinguish n tiro becauso , the water forms n coating over the fuel, which keeps It from the nlr, nnd tho conversion of water Into steam draws off thu beat from tho burning fuel. A little water makes 11 lire fiercer, while a largef quantity of water puts It out The explanation Is thnt water Is composed of oxygen nnd hydrogen. When, therefore, tbo tire can decompose the water Into Its sim ple elements It serves us fuel to the tin me. Effects or till) ( liaflliK DUli, A manufacturer of chatlng dishes re cently made the statement that he be lieved gas and coal consumption In New York would soon llo very material-1 ly reduced by use of that convenient means of cooking light meals. "Where , one was sold a year ago scores are sold now," he xald, "and the demand Is In creasing at a remarkable rate." It Is tho experience of fathers thnt they get more enjoyment out of daugh ters who are not the popular erase with jroung men. BUSINESS LOCALS. Always nak (or tho famous General Arthur cinr. Eaberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general Agents, Portland, Or. Everybody smokes tho colobratnd Monogram nnd Fumloia cigars. Thoy huvo no equal. f!nll nn TTnlrm 401 whnn in norrt nl anything In tho luol Hue. Knst Mor rison Street Wood & Coal Yard. Tho A. D. T. Messenger Co. is the old est and best ssrvlco of tho" kind in the town. Headers of tho New Age, give thorn tho protoronce. Money to loan, on furniture pianos, or any good securities. Notes nnd mortgages bought. 8. W. King, room IS, Washington building. Oregon Hutohoring Company, Frod Metzgor, malinger, dealers in all kinda of fresh nnd salt ihoats and tlsh, 41S Evorett stroot. C. A. Wajson, Marine Drug Storo, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Spe cialties: Flcckonstoln's Lung llalsam and Celery Seltzer. Tho Popular, 135 First stroot, hot. Washington nnd Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, ptonriotor. Tol. Oro gon red 0.4, Columbia C08. For flno frnits of nil kinds for the travoling public, call at 160 North Sixth stroot. lco oronm soda. Basket fruits for travolors. Goorge Kiier pro prietor Don't wear baggy trousers or shabby clothes. Wo call for, sponge, Pw, nnd dollvor, ono suit of your clothing each wcok, sow on buttons, and sow up rips for $1.00 a month. Unique Tail oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phonos. Jno. P. Sharkey, mannfacurar of hnrnees, collars, saddloi and strap work; imnortor of saddlery, hardwaro, whips, pads, oto. 65 Union avo., Port land, Or. Portland Transtor Saloon Chas. O. Blglln, proprietor. Choloo wines, liquors nnd cigars. B31 Gllian, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. Frenoh Dyeing nnd Cleaning Works, All work done at very moderate prices. Dyeing and oleaning ot all kinds ol ladies' aud Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deleau, proprietor, t5B Glisan strt. The finest plaoo in the olty to obtain 'flist quality cluursj tobacco nnd smok ers' nrtloles is that ot Rosenthal o. Ilad.l, at S87 and 287 Jf Washington street, batwson Fourth and Fifth. Givs theso genial dealers n call whan you wish anything in their lino. Tele phono Main 76. Armory Drug Storo, 81 Tenth stroot, northwest corner Tenth nnd Evorett stioets, Portland, carries u full lino of drugs, tollot nrtloles, school supplies, cigars, otc. Tho National I'ollco Gnzctto, pub lished by IMchard IC. Fox, I'ollco News f-timlnrd, and all other sporting papers. buliHc-rlptious taken nt A. W. Sohmnlo, bookseller ami newsdealer, 220 First street, I'oitluud, Ote, Ma . order, solicited. For Xmits goods, Holding Hros,, 45 N. Third street, have a choicu soloutl::i of holiday goods in thu lino of silver ware, pocket books, fancy jawulry, dia monds, umbrellas, gold and silver1 headed canes, watches, lockets, oto. Cull and inspect our stock. TO THE DEAF A rich lady, curod of her doaluoHs and nolsos in tho head hy Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, pin 0 .f .5, 00 J to his iustltuto, so tbst deaf people uiinblu to procure tho ear drumst may havo thorn free, Adilrews No. D !I81, Tho Nicholson In stitute, 780, Eighth aumuo, New York On the Inildr. of a collar, shirt or cuff done up nt this laundry menus that ou ate all right, and that your linen looks us lin maculute aud of ns smooth and lino a flniHh us if it Just ciimo from the fur nishers, Comfort and satisfaction no ghojouln oMiry piece of linen thnt we launder, mid our prices itru trilling for it, 'Jim Domcktiu Laundry, J. F. Kubiiiiou, I'eudlutou, Oregon, NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works OFFIUK AND IVOltKHl 92J SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 ifsts rirncl, Iiytil, I're'SKl siut Trlmnicil,1 I.sdlo" slid Dress (lools Diril all Col vim, nt Nell i; Oeiillrnieiils Iciltilnif C'lrmnl, Dyed ami Htpalrtd. O.trlcli r'eatliers Cleaned or Uyed " Colors aud Mcly Curled. LJu. : a,.( .ajL.t ALJ4... Msui ifi -THE- Multnomah Trunk' Co MANUFACTURKtlS OV TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St., Noar Morrison BLUNDEN &. VELTON, Props. THK FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New nullilliiR, New Fixtures, Choice Goods. W. I. McOauk, Seattle K. H. Hamilton, Tacoms. M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUCET 80UND Also Honolulu, H. I. Hoad Office: Tacoma, Wash. Cable Addross: MtCAIlK GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. KRIEQ A LEVY UNCOItrOllATKt).) COFKKK AND TKA A 81'IJOIAI.TY. 3U4 Wnslilngtnn Htrent, Ournnr Tenth THY OUIt GKt.KllllATKD COFFKK. llotll I'lioima H.'IH. rOUTf.AND, OK. 1 OLYMPIC STEAM LAUNDRY 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN & LOUIS i. BJOIH IMUHMIIKTOUH V TACOMA, WA8H. .' TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for quality of work and prompt service. 101-5 E. Water St. Phone 6033. PORTLAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION WIIOI.KHAI.I'. A HKTAII, .Cream and Milk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Managdr Milk IMIvered to All 1'itrtsot thoCltjr. Omit"" I'liuim Niirtli yoll. EAST PORTLAND WOOD CO. E. M. LAMBERT. Dealers lu All Kinds ot , , WOOD AND COAL Wood unwed to order In yard or on street, Ort'con I'liono Union 491 Columbia I'liono JUVH YAItl ANI (iPI'IOKl Cor. Knst Almrlsiiii hiiiI Wutor Htreo la I'OKTI.AM'. OltKUO.V. Tho Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Moiit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St., Portland, Or. OH Ml i hfl i- - iilfliii. Ht- C itmrr-f', "T"Tl'TsTsf i'VMH S --- .iiifttsV .J:tfJ, "fsssWiTlWIlrHiiri wl & i AHaUkSULiJta i in Ti Midi Miss'SS1 lI jL , LimWmL. .sjtf.t.A.