THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OKEGuTJSr. r i K A Wj k-v TOPICS OF I THE TIMES. Tbo greatest book of the century, anys an exchange, Is the check book. Now that even telephoning without wires Is spoken of, there's certainly something In the nlr. It must be quite unhealthful to live over 100 years, Judging from the wuy pcrions above the age are dying off. The general Impression seems to bo that the world's nineteenth-century run was n very fair accomplishment. A vaudeville trust has been organ ized, but thero Is little reason to bopu that It will throw out any of the old jokes. Does Ignatius Donnelly know abso lutely now whether there really wn a Iliiconliin cipher In Mr. Bhnkspcnro'u plays or not? Instead of giving the expression a bicycle llavor by remarking a man has wheels, the up-to-diito terms Is he's off ou his automobile. ' The man who Invented the photo graphic lllm died the other day in Now Jersey. To the uninitiated this may ceni like a thin excuse for fame. Pcoplo are so Impressed with the woudrous possibilities of the new century they are asking whero will they end. About the only answer nt hand Is they'll end In precisely u hundred years from date. It conveys a rather striking Idea of tho growth of the country In imputa tion to consider thnt the two States of Iowa and Minnesota contain together more Inhabitants than did tho country over which Washington beenmo rreI dent In 1781). With a man deatl from being hanged In a Joke and n woman killed by sit ting down nt n chair that was pulled away, wo do not need a dltln't-know-lt-wos-loaded case to remind us that some folk are getting Just too funny for any thing but the penitentiary. Tho llrst American deep-sea cable was laid liutt summer neroH one of the broad Alaskan buys, aud the work of continuing the connecting land line up tho Yukon valley Is now going forward. Iron masts are used lu place of timber. A hole la chopped In the eternal Ice, nd tho polo soon llrmly set by pouring a little water arouud It Into tho hole. This rapidly congeals, and unless dis turbed lu some other way will remain frozen forever. Evidently, "unstable a water, (lion nhalt wot excel," was not .poKvn of Alniknl Heredity does not determine courage, or Its opposite, but the constitutional tendency may bo dourly marked through generations. A recent rescue of shipwrecked persons off (Irnnd Ma tutu U the subject of a report from our consul at St. John, New llrunwlck. During n period of more than seventy ttvo ycarH, grandfather, father aud sous of n certain family have repeatedly saved life or piloted vessels out of dan ger. It Is said that the Canadian gov ernment Is to give the rescuers suitable testimonial. Tho whole world Is a debtor to Its heroes of peace. To strengthen tho courageous purpose of others by bruvo doing or endurliig Is to fultlll one purkite of living. It cannot possibly "mnko n mnn" of a boy to pour a peppery sauce down his throat; to pour hut greasu ou his feet; to pull him at night out of bed Into tho dirt and mlro of tho utreet; to compel him to persist lu n gesture or movement till ho faints from agony; to make him stand on his head lu a bathtub, or rldo logs ami slug hcusclcss verses; to goad him Into offensive replies nnd then challenge him to tight a higher-class man of more experience, with tho re mit of being knocked out by a blow In tho stomach and dlsllgurcd with cuts about tho face; to bedevil him night and day so that his nerves shall be un strung and study and success In exam inations will become Impossible, cutis lug him to bo expelled finally. Au Illustration of the present eager ttetts of practically all nations for oceanic Islands Is furnished by Franco In Its attempt at Introducing sheep-ruls-lug ou Kergueleu Island, about half way between Africa and Australia. These new sheepruleis will bu uearer tho south pole than any other l'ucltlc Islanders and the most southerly people on an oceanic Inland. Tho Island of Kergueleu for many years was claimed by both Hrltlsh and French geogra phers, but as It was not supposed to bo of any special value no steps wore taken by either government for the for mal occupation of the lonely Isle. In I Mill Franco formally annexed tho Isl and, owing to accounts from the Trench Island of Ueuulou, Inhabitants of tho hitter found that Kergueleu had mi abundance of llttli, that It was a re port for sea lions, valuable on account of their oil; that there were n number of good harbors, that lignite for fuel had been found. Moreover, us the Isl and lies near the sailing route between Australia, tho Kast Indies aud Chinese waters, It would bo n good place for a tpply station. Although the annual temperature Is only 10 or 1" degrees nbove the freezing point thero Is n strip or zone of grass on the Island, and ' now the attempt will be made to begin the sheep-ralslug Industry. If this can bo combined with the other advantages there will nt least bo a chance forhnrdy colonists to nmko a living on this other wise de.solatc Isle. A novel case has been decided by a New York court. A passeiger brought suit against the New York Central Itallroud for being deprived of his seat In the car. The question Involved was whether a mnn, when he puts his valise or any hand baggage Into a seat, there- by reserving t for his own occupancy, Is legally and morally entitled to It. The court decided that when a passen ger buys a ticket he presumes that he Is to got a seat, and unless there Is some unusual condition he Is legally en tilled to It. If he enters an ordinary coach where no seats are reserved and there Is no trainman to usher him to a seat, It Is the custom of railway com panies to allow the passenger to choose his own seat. This practically amounts to n regulation of the company. There fore, the court ruled, If a person occu pied a sent and then for any reason left It without In some way marking It as reserved by himself nnd returned to And It occupied by nnother passen ger, bo has no right to ask that passen ger to give up the sent. If, however, ho leaves his cane, umbrella or hand bag In IiIh seat when he goes to the platform to buy a paper, or for any purpose, and flnds his baggage moved nnd tbo sent occupied by another, he has a legal right as well as moral right to that scat. The court further held that a passenger was entitled to but one sent, and could not reserve one scat In an ordlnnry coach while occu pying another scat In a smoking car. This decides a point which has been raised thousands of times ou railway trains. In Its broadest statement tho prob lem of tho world's economy Is to de velop nnd give scope of Individual orig inality, tho benefits of whose exercise are registered In Individual character as well as In objective results. Tho English economist, Marshall, however, declares that one-half of tho power of human Initiative Is suppressed by the irresent social order, and It Is not dllll cult to nccept tho statement. The hap py Instances where Individuals manipu late circumstances so us to bring out striking recutita are rendered the more conspicuous by tho number of other In dividuals who entirely rail not only of such achievement but of anything com- parablo thereto. And yet It Is known thnt these others gratlc only somewhat below tho llrst In capacity. Of all tho stupendous wnsto exhibited In the physical aud moral world this Is per hnp the most tragic lu character and consequences. Vet It Is enacted unob trusively nnd with Utile dramatic ef fect It Is typllled by tho circum scribed career of tho working class boy who, nt 14 years, passes from tho Influ ence of tho 'graded" system of educa tion to 'tend a machine" for ten hours n day. Tho lot, of tho few who enjoy mora clastic and extended educational opportunities and a more adeqtmto Held of action thereafter Is more In tho pub lic eye. Theirs, however, Is not the lot of "tho great majority." Among the latter there Is no Inconsiderable pro portion whoso power of Individual Ini tiative Is but meagcrly developed nnd whose potential contribution to the world's enterprise Is nover realized. Thero can be no doubt that the domi nant aim of the century which has Just closed has been commercial rather than humanistic. It has been the century of wealth-mnklug. It has launched an entire series of world's fairs. It has established free puhiy schools aud abolished slavery, both of which acts mean accelerated material develop, incut. It has built great cities with their lack of art. It has gone haltingly forward with Its newly demanded fac tory laws. It has neglected perso s us conscious objects. It has trusted for salvation to the Instinct of gain. It has perhairs with some twinges of conscience-assured all men that the cur rent waste of tlesli and brain was In ovltnblo aud that there could bo no bet ter way. The problem of this century Is to work out that higher economy lu which there shnll not only be n still better directed effort to effect material saving but In which tho emphasis shall Iks shifted from tho material product to tho huiunn agent In which social ad vance rather than the Instinct of profit making or even of vast organization shall more effectually dictate action. This doea not mean the retarding of material progress. Quite tho contrary. Tho better the mnn the hotter his prod uct. And a century whose conscious effort shall be to make all existing prog tvss converge upon tho development of Its pcoplo nnd upon Insuring scope to their capucltles will realize n peculiar iiuullty tin profusion of productive ex precision. llrltisli War unioo Methods. It will not bo Sir Evelyn Wood's fault If there Is any red tape at the war cilice while he Is lu charge. When Sir Evelyn wan a captain In tho Seventeenth I.un eers he devised tut improved cavalry saddle and sent It to the war otllco. Tho latter and parcel were politely acknowl edged nt the time, and the matter rest edfor nearly twenty years. Then, when Sir Evelyn was iiuartcrmustcr mil tt tit.. ll.t .Mllll.l III' f.lintw.i I across t parcel addressed In his own handwriting to tho war otllco. It was, unopened, nnd on cutting the string ho' found his saddle!-St. .lames' Gazette. Tho Kxtroiulty or Uitrloiliy. Tito M-ywir-oltl wn of a tvsncotnble , Jow In Warsaw hmiKotl lilniM'lf the , otlwr tlay, He left a note, say Ins, "I . havo lmnBHt myself out of mere enrl. ivslty. I couUl not help myself. I had ' to tltul out what they were twlng lu the other worltl." .lewlsh Worhl. i. politician without patronage la like a eat without claws. ' LEADING 'BUSINESS FIRMS OF I EASTERN OREGON. Dealers In Furniture, Carpets, Wall Taper nnd Shades? ukumianiug uoous. ' la aiiANUE, on; J.W WISDOM 4 CU. Druggists nnd Apothecaries. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Articles. Toilet, Main Street, BAKER CITY, OR.'. iy PATTERSON Proprietor of THE EXCHANGE SALOON Sole Agent for "Old Ilsrbcc," Woodford , County, Ky., Whiskey. HAKEIt CITY, OREGON. w ATEUMAN A fcCHMITZ Wholesale and Retail Dealers In WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS BAKER CITY. OR. Tjc TAYLOR THE "HARDWARE MAN." Hardware. Stoves, Tin and Copperware. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Coal, Iron and Steel and Hydraulic Pipe. n Main Street. PENDLETON, OR. S' TAR IIREWERY CO. Drew crs and Holders of tho Famous HOP GOLD DEER VANCOUVER, WASH. w. 8. IIOWMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTIST Views of All Description Specially, Kodak Developing and Finishing Main St., Near Bridge, PENDLETON, OREGON. pOTTAaE CHOP HpUSK II. O. COTNER. Prop. Open at all hours day or night. Tho best meals served In La Orando lor the price. Remember tho location East Sid ot Depot Street LA GRANDE, . . OREGON. Commercial Livery Stable Opposite Hotel. PendletOB PENDLETON, OREGON. ...TELEPHONE NO. 10... Finest turnouts of all kinds tn'Pcndleton (Icullusliiglo driver for ladles Good, competent drivers always on hand Hoarding horses given the best of faro. G. M. FROOHE. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that Is kept in a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drues.ttJt A, C. K0EPPEN & BR0 Manufacturing Chemists. 115 Court St., PENDLETON, 0E. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. REST IiltAKlH OF WINES AND LIQUORS IMPORTED AND llOMKSriU CHI A US...- Corner Dorot Street and Juftersou Avenue, LA GRANDE, OR. Hotel Pendleton.. E. J. fltOORB, Proprietor. PENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER dealer in CJnp Hlkfc-kipc- an4 n?rtaftc: r1B UilllbKlCS 9110. WljaFS Headquarters (or Mininf and Commercial Men. IAKEROTY OREGON 01 mtlK CELEBRATED COLUMBIA UKEWEltY i . f AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. jy This wcli-known brewery Is now turning out tlie lit-Bt Jteer nnd Porlereast of thu (.'nuclides. iTIh" Intent Hjipllnncr (or the rnntiiifiicture of Rood health (til lifer lmt; been Introduced, nnd inn; wiu iirKi-uuiBs nruuie win uu piuui'u uu mo market. East Second Street THE DAM.ES, OH. MAYS & CROWE Wholesale t Retail Dealers In Hardware, stoves and tinware 1 Farm Machinery, Implements, ! Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. ., Hardwood and Wagon Makers Materials, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc. ' . Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OB. ; General Forwarding Commission Merchant, Offices and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handling our specially. Grain bought and told. When in The Dalles ..CALL AT.. the BANK CAFE .Next Dcor la tho First National Hank. Tho Only First-Class I'laco fri tho City. Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars O. J. STUEUHQ, Prop. The Regulator Line. i The Dalle?, Partland i Moris NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and all Points on the Washington tide. The steamers Dalles City and Rsgulatorleavf Portland ivory morning (exrsol Hunday)t7 anftTlis Dalles at I a, ru arriving at destina tion in ample time for outgoing trains. Jrtlght Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gn. Act., Foot nt Court Street, Tha Dalles, Or WASHINGTON H0TE.L N. P. J. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Dny House. Hoard by the Week, 11.00 Meals, 1.1 cents. Rooms by the Week, 11,00 aud up. Tronslcnts solicited. I1AR IN CONNECTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, .day 6?. PORTLAND, OR. GO TO" SPANISH ORIGINAL TAHALE RESTAURAINT 266 Davis Street, Bet. Third and Fourth For the Rest Meal for tho Prlc iti the city. Quiet and Clean. Cooking by Noted Chefs. IK Fire Insurance Real Estate Loans.,, Rents... 264 STARK STREET THOMPSON A LONG- 15 NORTH; FIFTH BlC Fine wines, liquors and rlgan, l aire us a call. H KNIir nitffKTT CO. Flrn unit Afitrtnn tn.nranrt Rooms 20 and 27 Sherlock Building, Corner , Third and Onk Streets. Portland ... Oregon; T. A. WOOD. REAL ESTATE AND PENSION ATTORNEY. Room 10, Odd Fellows Building. PORTLAND, ORE. TjUIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALE9. Fairbanks, Morso A Company, First and Stark Streets. Portland, Oregon, T-lcphotio 84. pAXTON, 11KAUII A HIMON Attorncys-atLaw. 610 Chamber ot Commerce, " Portland Oregon. Tjl W. ARISS F. W. ARISS A CO. Wholcsalo Brokerage and Commission No. 63 Front Street. Columbia 'Phono 249 Portland, Or. T KAYSER Dealer in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 201 Third Street, Near Madison. Oregon Phono Hood 88 1. PORTLAND, OREGON milE IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors and High Grade Cigars. J.S. HILDEIIURN, Prop. Phone Main 24S. Corner Cass and Sheridan St ROSEIIURQ, OREGON, T J. KADDERLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Ranges, Tin. Copper and Granlto Iron-Waro, Crockery, (ilaMwnra and Honso Furnishing Goods. Jobbing promptly nt tended to. 141-HJ First St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Illdg., PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Manx, Proprietor. ...Hlgnest Prlco Paid for Old Gold and 8IUer. No. 71 Third Btrect, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loan monoy on all kinds of security. Unre deemed pledges sold for amount loaned. T U. WILD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS 1S2 Third Street, Opposite Maaonlo Tempi. Tortland, Oregon. ORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers ot RAR IRON AND STEEL. N. E. AYER, Manager. Twenty-Second and Nlcolat Street. AT EVER A eCHILLINQ KINK WINES AND LIQUORS. LA ORANDE, OREGON. II ER1IERT A. HALE. Mt. Hood, Columbia River and Northwest Views. Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, lor the trade. Elcctrlo Light and Ilromlde Enlargements. 132JiThlrd Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, ORE." ly O. NOON BAQ CO. Manufacturers and Importers ot RAG8, TWINES. TENTS AND AWNING8. FLAGS AND MININO HOSE. Ragging Material, Canvas, Sail Making in all Its Branches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, eto. K-54 N. First St. and 210-2l2.2H.21S Couch St., PORTLAND, OR. p MURPHY & CO. WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Wenhard's Deer on Draught, Rasa' Ale. Guln tuns' Porter. Val Hints Milwaukee ileer and the Celebrated J. II. Cutter Whiskey (or Family Use, . 45 Third St , Ret Couch and Davis. Goods Delivered Freey PORTLAND, OR. pHOTO STUDIO '.nutf First Street, Ret. Salmon and Main, PORTLAND, OREGON. Photographs taken any slse or style; also Photo Buttons made fronr. life or any picture.' Out door vlewiugOnne, also finishing Kodak's for amateurs. Instructions in Photography. Copying aud Enlarging. E. KRAFT, Artist. mllE OREGON LIVERY, FEED, BOARDING AND 8AI.E BTARLES. Columbia Phone CS7. Oregon Phone Hood Ml IMBRIK& IMBRIE, Props. Boectat attention given to boarders. Our car. riages tueet all trains, Cor. Sixth aud Couch btrcets, 1'onUud, Oregou. li AYES A SHORT ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER!.. New Studio Seventh and Washington Streets, Over Dresser's New Grocery. ' w E PAY GOOD WAGES To Goat Peopl For Good Work BTAR LAUNDRY CO, No. m Gllsan fit, near Third. Oregon Tbon 77. I T ARSON K. Mnnson. Munaon. THE ANHEUSER HLBCrl-FIno lunch every day. licst beer on earth. Fine wines, llq. tiors and cigars. U Morrison St., cor. Second, Portland, Or. T HE POPULAR lift First Street, , , , llet. Washington and Alder Phone Oregon Red 934 Phono Columbians JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor, Portland, Or. w ILLIAM RUSSELL MACKENZIE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PQRTLAND, OREOON J. E. IIA8ELTINE A CO. Importers nnd Dealers In IRON STEEL AND COAL 11LACKSM1TH8' SUPPLIES. Carriage A Wngon Material, Hardwood Lumber 49 A til Sel'ond Bt. PORTLAND, OREGON. IT 8. CLEANING AND PRESSINO CO. .Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and Rcpalrod. Your Clothes Sponged and Prcfsod for tt per per mouth. Called for and delivered Phone Clay 90S. 451 Washington Btret DctwccnTwcltthand North Thirteen PORTLAND, OREGON. A. INDAHL I.SIONS.. Japanning. Tin Decorating 270 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON H OME DAKERY AND DELICATE ESSEN D. 1). LEAMINQ, Prop. A Full Lino of Fruits, Candles and Nuts Always on Hand. Newly Opened at 207 Third Street. Remember the nlaco. Opposlto th roll. Taylor Utrcot Churc riONRAD L. 110S1CA FUNERAL DIRECTOR COUNTY CORONER Corner Ninth aud Railroad Street TACOMA. WASH. A RLINUTON CREAMERY N. J. HITTER. Prop. Wholsalco and Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEESE I1UTTER AND EGGS 207 Uurnslde Btreet ' PORTLAND OREGON. B' LAZIER BROS. w Club Rooms Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard 1111 Oregon Phone Grant 71 ' . 213 Ilurnsido St. i r PORTLAND OREGON. - OTANDARD FISH COMPANY 1C9 North Sixth Street WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Also Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco, and Lunches for Tourists. FrulU REED IlltOS., Props. -ITIOR FAIR DEALING PATRON 1Z IS O. P. B. PLUM MBit. Drugs, Medicine and Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Trusses, Paluts, Oils, Glass, Eto...... a E. Cocr Third and Madison Streets, TAY & HENDERSON All Kinds ot FURNITURE-. Practical Embalmcr and Undertaker. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Phono lllaek 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th St. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. p RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. BTOVEI4 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREQOH l PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers of FIG IRON AND STEEL. N. E. AYER, Manager, ' 22nd and Nlcolai Streets. WILLIAMS, WOOD & LINTHICUM, Geo. II. William. C. E. S. Wood, L. B. Lin Ihtcum.J. C, Flanders, Attorneys-at-Law.' Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon OELDINQ BROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, ALL WORK WARRANTED. 4.1 Third St. Bet. Pino and Ash. Old Gold and Silver Bought. Portland, pr. PORTLAND CLUB AND CAFK ISO Fifth Street. Our Specialties: II Monogram and III Cyru Noble Whiskies. ' A RS30RT FOR GENTLEMEN, Oregon I'hcne, Main SOS; Columbia Phone, 497 rOUN KKLI.Y General Durance Agent. Fire and Marine. Ffotlith Union & National Ins. Co., Edlnbarg and. Londcn; Western F. and M. Assurance CoT Toronto, Con. 2 $ ThlrJ sL, Columbian Bid. r . v . 4 V, n A -rrJ , . ,i A ; ..'.jHr! ' S - .r f; f .' 4 ''Ok.