-r t -y 4 i J.. S-K. ... ' I rv fr ' V, ' s The IN f f xjl(jt-Cj. 'irQ s it' PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1901. VOL. V. NO. 45. w. ,. ft ,1 .frajlHI 5ft f "-JBf-Y IJri"S 1B - i ' jF ' . n ' '- ,. WW f X 0f.T 7" W nip g' ft . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFgffitf,D- Deilstintucl Uitpotlturjr nnii IMiixiiclitl Agitat of the United States President. U. W. Corbcttj cashier, E. 0. Wlthlngton; assistant caihlcr, J. W. Kcirktrk; second ' assistant cmhler, W.U. Alvord. Letters of credit Issued, available. In Kitrope and tho Kastern slates. Bight exchange and teleeraphle transfers sold on Now York, Iloston, CIiIchko, Omaha, St. Paul, San Kranulrco and the principal points In the Northwest. Right nnd time bill drawn lu sums to suit on London, Paris, iloriln.Franklort-on.the-Maln, Hong Kong. Collections made on lavorablc terms at all accessible points. LADD TILTON, BANKERS SES ' Established In 1800. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 1 Interest allowed on titnn deposits. Collections made at all Kints on favorable terms. Letters of credit Untied Mailable In Europe and the Eastern' states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York,vWashlniton, Chicago, St. Louis, Denve, Omaha, San Francisco and various points hi Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong, THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , OF rOIITUHD, OKEQON. Transacts a General Dank Htislness. Oralis Issued Available In all cities ol tho United States and Europe. President - - .TYLHK WOODWARD Vice-President JACOI1 KAMM Cashier -T. 0. MILLER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton. Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $00,000.00. RESERVE AGENTS Fint National Bank. Chicago. 111.; Klrt National Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y. OFFICERS AND D.UEOTORS L- vl Ankony, President; V. F. Matlock, Vico President: C. B. Wade, Cashier; II. 0. (iuorensy, Assistant Cathier; J. 8. McLeod, W. 8. Byera, V. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, 1880. Capital, $60,000; Surplus, $53,600. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, Prosldont; J. N. Teal, Vico-President; T. ,T. Morris, Cashier. FRENCH A, COMPANY. BANKERS THK DALI.KS, ORKQON. TRANSAOT A GENERAL BANKING BU8INE8I. Jetters of Credit Issnet available In the Eastern Mates. Bight Kxrhangc and Telegraphta instf rs old on New Yirk.nilctBO. 8t. Uiuls. Bn Francisco, I'ortland. Ore., Prattle, Wash. d various points In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Trail ndi Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS 329 to 235 Taylor Street taa to 194- Second Street WM. MILLER, LA GRANDE, IMfe i less mmm DEALS IN GRAIN, BEET AND FRCIT LAND8 IN THE BEAUTIFUL GRAND RONDE VALLEY IN EASTERN OREGON After a continuous residence of orer 10 years In this Famous Valley, and a close study of the ft accompIUhnieuta aud future possibilities of itstoll, and a personal knowledge ol Itacll. mate, I feel that no out, seeking a home, will make any mistake In locating here. Your Correspondence Is Sollolteri, and All Questions ....Cheeifully Answarad.... Land and Immigration Agents Loan and Insurance Aftaw M. L. CAUSEY, General Manager. The Causey Real Estate Co. Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands. Stock Ranches, Mining Properties. j J J Office; Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR. Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. OESICNERS AND BUILDERS OF... Marina and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. W ar conatantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which ur up to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically. mW CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. " Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hoilowware and Household... Specialties... Handled by All First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market. PORTLAND, OREGON OR, tlfWN OF Lir WEI .1 From All Parts of the New World and the Old. A OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap- ptnings oi trie fait ween in a Condensed Form. Tho senate nnHsod tho war tnx bilL? Tho Boers hne cut tho railway. Nntliurlanda Queou Wilholtnina and Duko Henry; were uiarriod. f Thirty thousand inon will bo sent te)' rolulorco Kitohonor. , i Two loading Mauiln tnerchanta were arrostod for aiding insurgents. Tho governiuent has taken steps to porfoct titlo to inlets north of Luzon. Tho foreign envoys doiuand tho death poualty ho iiiiposutl on 112 Chinese oill uiitls. '- Tho snlo of tho Cnrucglo Company to tho Morgan syudiuato is an acooia plished fuot. Tho prcHidnnt has sent to tho sonata the nomination of lrn J. Stilos, to be postmaster nt Sodro-Wolloy, Wash. Nichhis Michaels, n saloonkeeper, and IiIh wifp, were brutally hoaton by thugs, in Chicago, and rubliud of $2,1)00. In n froight train colllson noAr Rip ley, Tonu., tho engineer and it tramp iworo killed. Tho Illinois Central's I loss is$i60,ooo. 1 Arbitration committees reachod an agreement which will moan tho end of tho buidliug trades striko that has ox isted in Chicago for over n yoar. ! Mnrool L. Silvormuu, n juwelor. whs . was shot throuKh tho head in Newi York, tiled. Thu jwlieo nro inveatigat ' inn suicide and murder theories. A sorious uloction riot hits ocuured aii wnssnr Mtpseruoiij, uuiitiuy. ijars;) orowtls of pooplo threatened the bob (Innnoi, nnd tlio lattor tired, killl; ilirnn nurl wnmiflliii. Dtl iinrtimia. w " " ? Lorenzo 1'riori, who murdorod Via oeuzo Garjzo, in New York City, Dtv: comber 11, 181)8, was put to death ill tho oloctrio chair ut &lui Sinir. It r quirod two shocks to kill him. Tho sitloonkeoporri of Wichita, Kan., nro oxpoutiiiK another raid.. Several women linvo houuht hatoheta to use ia loinollshln tho "joiuts." k'tiards with donuty shoriff ThlrM com mis t-itius havo heuu apioiJted. llutylura bound and itob'fod the post miatroKs at Itossfonl, u suburb of To ledo, O., and robhod tlo olllco of $160 iu stampH and $5 in coin. Lighted matohoH wore upplitul to hor feet, nnd elio was struck ovor tho houd nnd hru tally kicked iu tho sldo. Kmporor William has returned homo. Airs. Nation wroekort auother Topoka saloou. Miles is prompted to be lieatonuaat general. I'roparatioiis continue at The Hague for tho royal wetldim;. Gorman expeditions nro still bolug sent out from 1'oklu. Ihn transport Mcl'lierfon is nshore near Mntauzas, and will be a total lots. Cslonol Albert IlartzufT, assistant surucou'geuural, U. H. A., has been re tirtd. . Iho Chinese nnd forelRU envoys met at 1'okiu to discuss the quesliou of pen altics, I Yontsey was sonloncnd to life irn prisonmetit for complicity iu the Goo ' bel murder. An Athena, Or., electria company may build a plant which will supply power to four towns. The Utah legislature passed a resolu tlon favoriug the olectlon of United States senators by direct vote. lllackford, a small town in northern ' Kentuokv. on tho Illinois Cntrl rail.. road, has been wiped out by Are. Northern I'aciflo freight train in Cascade mouutalus ran away, killing cue man anu lujuiing several others. Patents for 1,500 acres of timber land in Clatsop county, Or,, have been filed for record. The property hasjtll been purclmsed by an Astoria company. ltearAilmiral F. Holers has been detached from duty as presldont of the board of Inspection and suivey. He is to take command of one ot tho two divisions of the Asiatic squadron. John Hathaway, a resident of North Yakima, Wash., mysteriously disap peared from his home last week, H ! left saving that ho was going fishing. ! and nothing has been heard of him l since. J. Pierpont Morgan and his asso ciates have purchased from Andrew Carnegie a controlling interest of the Carnegie Company. Whilo the por j chase price ia unknowu, it is thought I to be not lets than f 85,000,000. OUR LAWMAKERS. Dolnji of Importance at the State Capital Bills Passed. Aid for Orphanages. ' Tho house committoo on corpora tions Wcduosthty rondo red n favorable report on thu bill by Ilolcomb provid ititf itato aid for nil orphan asylums of not to oxceod $10 por annum por in mate. i i Dills Passed. Tho houso AVodnosday passod hills as follows: l)y Mtilkoy, to pivo old bor rowers of school funds tho beuoilt of fia tn o rnto of intorost ns givon to now liorrowers; by Smith, of Yamhill, to li.nond tho cliarter of Sheridan; by Masters, to reduce fees of wituosses nnd jurors in Douglas, Jackson and .losephino oountios; by l'ortor, to ro nuco tho salary of Clackamas county judgo from $1,200 to $720, beginning in 1002, The senato Wcdnosday pnBSod the following bills: Senate bill No. 77. ro quiring that sontonco of 'death bo exe cuted at the penitoutlary, by tho super intondont or a warden; senato bill No. 83, relating to tho proof of writings; senate bill No. 8(1, to croate the olllco of stato bacteriologist, without pay; senato bill No. 85, relating to title of floating logs; ponuto bill No. 103, to Huthorl7o district and county high schools; sonato bill No. 115, n substi tnte for tho original, to fix tho foos to ho paid county clorks; souato bill Nq. ,188, to amutid tho charter of Vornonia, Loinmiiin county; Mtuato out xso. nrj, to iucorpoiato Grass Valley; senato (bill No. 108, to amend the scalp boun ty law. Passed by Doth Mouse. Bills passod by both hausos aro as follows: Senato hill 12, providing for sale of school lands; Hotiuto bill 110, amending charter of Sheridan; sonato bill 17, fixing fcos of witnossos in Douglas, Jackson and Josophiuo conn tie in criminal actions; senato bill 05, tlxiag salary of judgo of Clackamas cooftty. t. Signed by the Governor. i governor Wednesday signed tho tag bills: House bill 207, re sad to United States for I-i?'. I in. .Ant B"iw5i I 0. ameadiasT Med ford Ml bill 3. nrnendiue Albany' bridge JJaet; houso bill 4, appropriating $45, WO' for Oregon Agricnltuial Cnllego; hoasa bill 26, uppropraliug $47,000 to Oregon State University; souate hill 103, amending Sumpter cliartor; sen .ate bill 104, removing luollno at Cas cade locks. The Vote. Tho voto Wednosduy stood: II. W. Corbet t, 30; George W. Mcllrido, 21; William Smith, Domoarut, 20; lllugor Hermann, 7; O. W. Fulton, 2; F. A. Moore, 1; S. A. Lowell, 1; not votiug, 1. t Bills Passed. The bills passing the sonato Tuosday wore as follows: lly Fulton, tlxing the rato of interest at (I por cent. liy Stolwor, relating to tho time of holding court iu tho Soveuth judicial district. Ily Smith, of Multnomah, regulating thu practice of dontlstry. lly Daly, relating to selections and salo of swamp and oxorflowod lauds. Senate bill No. 170, by Woliruug, to amoud tho charter of CoruolitiH. Semite bill, No 177, by Johnston, to incorporate Wasco, llotifio bill No. 220, to amond cliartor of Stayton. Semite bill No. 68, by Urownell, for holding a constitutional convention. Senato bill No. 08, by Mulkey, to amend the harbors' commission bill. Senato bill No. 70, by Hwook, to amend the Wndo hill as to taxation, Senato bill No. 101, by Johuston, to iucorporato Hood Itivcr. Pan-American Exposition. Oreirou'a l'lin-Aiiiorican commission. er)i ,nBt with the ways and means com ,jttee Tuosday morning for tho pur pose of pressing the appropriation of H0.000 sked for tho Oregon exhibit. Hut tno members of the ways aud means commitlHo appeared to bo in fin or of a smaller appropriation, be lieviug that $20, .100 would bosuflicient. As the importance of a creditable Oro B0II oxj,il,it at HufTalo, however, ia generally recognized, tbero is every ' " -0 believe that tho full amouut B"K0(' lor Wl" " sonetiuteu in mo gou oral appropriation bill. County Scit Fight. Whilo the reports that will be made by the houso committee ou counties on tho Malhour county seat fight aro known, it is by no means certain that thufe reports will settle tho contest, I The majority report, signed by Mc fircer, I'earce, Allen and Harris, is in faor of Ontario. The minority re port, signed by Ortou nloue, favors Vale, the present county seat. The Vale people, however, aro by no means discouraged, claiming to hate both the majority of the taxpayers of the county and tho property buck of their position. The fight therefore piomlses to be an interesting one. iii lira ro nit Sentence Was Pasesd on Henry E. Youtsey. rOR AIDIN0 IN Tlta GOEDEL MURDER Prisoner Protested Ills Innocence, Declaims, Mil Conviction Was Accomplished by Subornation of Perjury. Georgetown, Ky., Feb. 7. -Honry . Yontsey was sontencod by Judge Cuntrill this afternoon, and tomorrow will bo taken to Frankfort to outer upon his term ot life Imprisonment. Youtsey was palo and weak when he stood up to teceivo the sentence of tho court. His wife sat near by and hoard the sentence of tho law consigning hor husband to tho pouitentiary for life, bnt bore up under the ordeal bravely. Briefly, Judgo Cautrill outlined the progress ot the case from the time of the indictment until tho returning ol the verdict. "Now," continued tho judgo, "have you any reason to give why sentence should not bo pronounced upon you?" Youtsey shtftod his ositloii slightly aud olearod his throat. Ono hand olntohcd tho lapol of his coat nnd tho other rested on tho tablo. Tho court room was porfeotly quint. Iu n low but nutliblo touo Youtuoy spoke thoso words: "I havo nothing to say, oxcopt that I am innocent, and that my conviction watt accomplished only by baso and In famous subornation of porjury" Then ha quietly wit down. For a niomout no ono sjioko. "That was n subject which yon should havo addressed to tho jury whioh conviotod you," nnswoiod tho judgo. "it is the judgment of this court that you bo removod by tho sheriff of Soott county to the stato pon itoutlary at Frankfort, aud thero be coutluud at hard labor for the period of your natural life." Tho caio uf llarliour Weaver, aootisod of perjury in tho Powers care, was called for trial iu the circuit court this morning, but, owing to the ab nets NHsH kwlt tH.tua witnesses Sfcl-3 - '" A, - .rnna(V WSTAWi -W.M 111 miiw faulty to prepare aaalMriavit otwht .SMNUtfPhMLlAl the absent witnesses will testily tp. IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Oreat Northern Seems to De Proceeding on Extensive Plans. Vnncouvor, II. C Fob. 7. -Options on $500,000 worth of property iu tho east end of Vancouver havo just beeti secured by tho Oroat Northern rail way. Thn pioporty is a water front on Falso crick, a branch of F.ugltsh bay, Tho company Intends building a ciimil from deep water on tho main harbor sldo of tho oity to tho site that has teen secured. Two weeks ago tho Groat Northorn acquired the charter of thu Victoria, Yancouor& Kastern railway, Whose projected line is 2100 inilos iu length, from the Kootenai mining cities to Vancouver. Tho plan is for tho east em end of tho lino to connect with tho Great Northorn system ruuulug out of Kpokauo, which will give a separate outlet at the cast, ht'Hidrs Scuttle, To crotw thu Fraser river at Westminster is another feature of thu project, aud Irom thero to Vancouver, 12 miles, u road will bo built. TRANSPORT WRECKED. McPherson Ran 9n ""' Near Matanzas There Is No Hope of Saving Her. Havana, Feb. 7. Tho United States transport Mol'hersou run about half her length on a roof eight miles west ot Mntanzus in a fog this morning, whilo ou hor way from Now York to Mautanseas. All thn pasiengers wore transferred in tho ship's bouts, aud the freight was uuloaded, A heavy westerly wind swung tho Mnl'herson broadside to the shore this afternoon, She pounded a large bole amidsnips, her englues shifted and tho shaft has sprung. There is no hopo of saving her, us sho will sink if pulled off, She fs rolling in tho heavy seas aud is pounding badly, and will go to ploces if tho wiud increases, t Meeting of Uoer Sympathizers. Frankfurt, Feb. 7. -At a meeting ol the Hoer sympathizers hero todav, at tended by some 5,000 people, n resolu tlon was adopted uppeullng to Giout ilrltuiu to stop the wur in f-outh Africa. Christian Dewet, a nephew of the Hoer commander, was present, and wus car , rled around tho hall ou the shoulders of tho promoters ol tho meeting, j Robbed of His Purse. North Yukima, Feb, 7. A new ar ' rival from Cuuada, a young man named Ferrov,e, was robbed of his purfe iu his room in the Lowe block this morning, 'Iho loss was small, amounting to only nout $15, but as this was all the young man had with him in a strange laud, it was quite serious to him. AIEIED THE REBELS., Twt Prominent Manila Merchants Arrestee) An, American and a Spaniard. Manila, Fob. 8. Theodoro Cnrranza, n prominout and wealthy Spanish mor chaut, nnd hemp and cocoannt buyer, wan uirested this afternoon, charged with furnishing supplios to nid tho inBurgeuts. Carranzn is a partner oi D. M. Carmen, an American contractor and owner of boats, who has considers bio transportation con ti acta with the government. The provost marshal nnd eooret ser vico olllcials have been watching number of merchants nnd transporta tion mod for some time past. The) police olllcials had a long interview with Carranzn and at the closo of the iutorviow tho lattor was placed in con ilnoraeut in tho Anda stroot police sta tiou. Carman was arrested tonight, and after considerable questioning was sent to tho same station. 'iho men aro chargod jwlth oouduot ing tho business of buying copra (the dried kernel of the coconnut, broken up for oxport), from insurgent president at I'agfaujau, on the eastern extremity of Laguna do Day, and also with pay ing assessments to tho insurgent cause. Tho evidcuco adduced tonight was to tho effect that the prisoners have supplies ot the striped clothing used for insurgont uniforms, llotb insurg ent presldontcM who claim to havo dealt with Cairauza and Carman aro now imprisoned iu Manila. Ono of thorn. Fnbolla, fears hanging, bocnuso ho was oaptuiod as an insurgont nftoi having . sworn nllolauco to tho United (Mates. I llo made strong stntomonts lutonumf , to impltcatu Carman nnd Carranzn, and coullrmiug tho stiitomonts of ltolob, who been mo presltlouto of Pngsanjau I after Fabolln's ariost. Thn police havo lotters nnd verbal statements I from Carman, who sought Fabolla'ti ruloaso assorting that ho wai a patri otlo American Hubjeot. Aocordlug to papers found, both prosldoutos are oulpahlo usurgouts. Cnrranza aud Carman admit doaling with tho lusurg cuts, hut dony oontrlbutlug to their I oauso or furnishing thorn with supplies. Carman is ono of the best known Americans in Manila, llo has a mo nopoly of carrying goods golug through the customs house ashore, from the ships, and has inado a great deal ot motier. He possessed the ooBlUlenee el Usjaesel- Otis. .Other XI. ..II.. yrrrcz' W I - ' Pour Hundred Families Lose Everything Ttojr I Have Twenty Lives Lost, j Iluku, Hussinn Transcaucasia, Fob. 8. A lire broko out yestorday iu the i magazluoti of tho Caspian & Hlack Sea Company, whloh contained 0,000,000 ' pood uf petroleum, 'the coullugra'tlon I resultod in great loss of life and wido I snrcad damage. Tho flamos spread to other depots baling a capacity of IV 000,000 poods of naphtha, whloh pour ed out like a stream, Inundating and sotting fire to tho dwolliuga uf the workmen, which were totally destroy ' eii, Many persons perished. Twenty ! charred bodies havo boon found, aud upwards of CO pooplo are terribly burned. Four hundred families lost uory thing tlioy possessod. The maga zines aro stilt burning, aud neighboring rosorvolrs are iu great danger. A gen em I panto prevails. Kight naphtha springs bolouglug to tho Mellkoff, Italski and Caspian Companies, caught tiro February 11. Earthquake at Sta. San Francisco, Feb. 8. A violent outhquaku threw tho steamer Guatemala partly out uf tho water and cuuhqiI thu ostul to tromblu from stein to stern for at least a minute utf thu coast of Kouu dor during her last trip. Tho shock took place when thn Gmitomuhi was lite miles off tho roust, ubout 1(10 miles south of Guayaquil, at 7:16 o'clock ou tho otoulng of .January 10. On roach list (iiuviiutiil it wus learned that the I most violent earthquake iu the history of tho plu-o liutl taKun piuco at mo moment when thu Guutomala hud beau so Nhukou. No serious dumage was done, Earnings of Ihe Diamond Match Company. Chlcugo, Feb. 8, -At tho annual meeting of the stockholders aud d I rec tors of tho Diamond Match Company, which was held lu this city today, the old ofllcer and board of directors wore elected. The annual statement showed that not earnings equal to 1U.3 pot; cent on the $15,000,000 capital stquk; , huvo been earned. President llarber stated that tho company's progress (n Kuglaud is very sutisafotory, 40 per cent having beou earned in 11)00, ngaiust 10 per cent iu 18U0. The 1'oru factory was also roportod to bo operat ing satisfactorily. Nominations Conlirmed. Washington, Fob. 0, -Tho senate, ia executive session, mado tho following confirmations: Franklin Moses, of Alaska, to bo register of tho land olllco at Kt.Michael, Alaska. 1'ostmastorR Oregon, C, J. Howard, Cottage Grove; Washington, l-'ruuois M. Hchobolo, Weuutchiu. German Capital In China. Tho amouut of German capital la vested lu China is over $70,000,000. r'f'5W' v v j h i r usr4aL, ttW && ea. ,.ii4 V,t'