Mt-fc r .,.; q .,. jtttK:S.S.. 'lttrtAralK 7' 'jMwiaatt-rfa;j a:? rttrzrr, TITTfl NEW AftB,, PORTLAND, OREGON; r W K B GOWNS FOE EVENING. DRESSMAKERSTRYINGTO FORCE PRINCESS DRESS. Mlrlnm Jack Duukiiho tried to kits mo 11 vo times IiihI night. Mellecut Iu deedl What Interrupted lilm? I'uck. Cook Ilow'iii 1 fjoln' to make tnlnco pic when wo haven't any mlneo moat In tho house? Mrs. Keedem I'ut sotno Btignr In that cold liusli. Hultluioro i American "Is tho boss in?" nslted the stranger, entering tho drug store. "No," replied the nbsent'inlnded cleric, "hut we hnvo something Just as good." Youkcrs Statesman Clerk I'erhnps you'd like to look at some goods a Mile more expensive than these. Shopper Not necessarily, but I ' would like to look at some of better , quality. Philadelphia Press. Identified ntiUiHt: Assistant. Editor i I've found out at last who "Vox Pop nil" Is. Kdllor-WlioV Assistant lid Itor "Constant Header" under a uoni do plume. Syracuse Herald. i The Difference "Oil, well, you prude, I don't caio for your kisses." "Sour grapes Ily Nn Mennn Hccomliiit to n Orcnt Mnny Mmllficntloiis tliut Arc Now Mnklnu It Popular Home of the jfiew Features. New York correspondence: N O W I N O tho ways of stylish (IrL'ssinakurs, It N not surprising to sou thorn making their nnminl at tempt to Itiliig tho princess gown into popularity. They feel, apparently, that putting into it one woman whom the cut becomes ofTsets the dozen who essay the try lag fashion and turn out to be mure or less horri ble examples. The few women whose figures can stand the fashion do look finely in It, and rouse '"ion needn't send me any i tho ambition of their less favored sisters, &m w over the telephone, either." "Sour cur rento." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Hill Did you say that gun of yours would shoot 1,000 yanln? .1111 That's what I did. "Well. It's marked to shoot only fiOO yards." "Vcsj but there uro two barrels." YonkeiM Statesman. To the Manner Horn: Juggles When one Is annoyed by conversation In a theater It Is generally by the rich poo jilu In the boxes. Waggles Another proof that money talks. Smart Set. Passenger (to station porter) Now, It's 1 o'clock, and the time table says the train arrives at !l:ll. Station Por terOh, well, you mustn't take the tltno table too seriously. lllegende Hlatter. "Variety," said the man who never thinks for himself, "Is the spice of life." "I envy you," said Miss Cayenne "You envy mo what?" "Your enjoy ment of this climate." Washington Star. Mr. Coodboy Ah, little man! Want to sou the wheels go round? Waldo lleanes Thnuk you, sir; but I'm per fectly familiar with the mechanism of tho modern chrououioler. Harper's llaziir. "I Imvu compelled my wife to ceaso strumming on tho piano," said Mr. (loldsborougli to Mr. hunting. "How did you mniuigo It?" "I Insisted upon singing every lime she began to pluy." Judge. Sympathetic Friend Why haven't you exhibited anything this year? Art ist I refused nil their offers I simply can't sell myself to anyone. Friend IIuiul Something like your pictures! Journal Amusaut, Magistrate (severely) How could you tie so mean as lo swlndlo people who put confidence In you? Prisoner Well, yer honor, I'll make It worth something ffl vn If rnll'll lull run imiv In ivnrls -Iwim ns don't.-Tlt.Hlls. I lr'" I1"Ihw over trained skirt. ,.,, . ...... I Often the polonaise Is tilted at tho waist " hat do you think of the Christinas ,y ty K,diinled tneks that begin under inngazlues?" "Oh. I hnven't paid nny the bust Hue and continue over the hips, attention to their literary merits. Such a gown of delicate gray broadcloth W.hat I object to Is that so many of with tucked princess polonaise is worn the advertisements aro duplicated." , ov,'r " bK Mrt heavily draped with Cleveland Plain Dealer. i "'''""""1 Yoke and sleeves of the 1'in ii mi miiiiicK' i nit hicks, which is enr This winter's attempts have not been so much In tin1 direction of outright plain I princess gowns, as toward mollifications. These have made big headway In evening dresses, usually taking the form of a long shade was hunter's green, and enitirold open. Such nn arrangement loarea't&s street effect perfectly plain, a very de sirable point according to current no tions. The objection Is that the jacket cannot be removed unless It Is possible to remove the waistcoat also. Numerous other devices permit the employment of gilt In quantity. In embroideries it holds Its own. The seated figure of this group presents a white cloth gown embroidered in gilt, and quantities of like ornamenta tion are current. It is plain that the demand for glitter Is high when, in addition to this liking for gold, the use of spangle Increases. I. nee gowns set thick with spangles are voted very handsome, and make ii very rich appearance. The first gown of this group shows the form this fancy takes. Its spangled black lace was set over corn-colored satin, the latter giving tuck ed yoke, vest and deep bodice belt. Piece lace Is another sort that Is much used, and medallions and like designs are high-' ly elaborate. The method of their dis posal is made clear by the gown remain ing in this picture, Dove gray cashmere and ecru laec were Its materials. Velvet gowns are more than usually numerous. There are so many excellent brands of velveteen on the market that a velvet dress Is not quite so suggestive of magnificence us It used to be, though It Is as rich looking and as becoming as ever. If the weather be mild such n gown may he worn without a wrap. Tho bolero fitting closely, showing n narrow Hue of a pretty belt that clasps the under waist, is the usual choice. Now and then tho princess cut Is followH handsomely. Such was the case In the velvet gown shown at the left In the next picture. Its SHERIFFS SALE. A QUAUTKT WITH MOW KKATUKKS. In the circuit court of the State oi Oregon for tho county of Multnomah. Portland Trust Company, of Oregon, plaintiff, vs J. C. Jlnvely and Anna Havoly, defendants. By virtue of an execution duly iasuod out of and under the seal 6f the nbovo entitled court, in tho above entitled cause, to mo duly directod and datod the 17th day of January, 1001, upon a judgment rendered and ontorod in said court ou tho 18th day of June, 1000, in favor of Portland Trust Company of Oregon, plaintiff, and against J. O. llavely and Anna Havoly, defendants, for too sum of $4,4:37,8,3 with intorost thoreon at the into of 10 per cout por annum from tho 28th day of December, 1000, and also tho costs of and upon this writ, 1 did ou tho 10th day of January, 1001, duly lovy upon tho fol lowing doscribod real property, to-wit: An undlvidod ono-thlrd interest in and to tho following described real' prop erty: All of lot sovon (7) in block sixteen (10) in tho city of Kant Portland, .Multnomah county, Oregon. All of lots ouo (1), two (2), throo (ii), four (4), five (5), six (0), seven (7), oluht (8) and "D," in block three (I)), in ilrookland Heights, an addition to Kant Portland (now Portland), Multuo mah county, Oregon. All that part of tho south ono-thlrd (1-3) of tho following described parcol of laud: Beginning at a point which is thirty-two (J)ii) chains and sixty eight (OS) links south and twenty. -two (!!) chains and sixteen (10) links west of tho quarter section podt of sec tions two (12) and eleven (11) town ship ono(l) south, range ouo (1) oast, of Willamette meridian and running thence oast seven (7) chains; ttieucu south three (0) chuius and ninety (00) links;, thonco west threo (!)) chains and eighty (80) links; thoucu south two (2) chains, and ninety (00) links; .thonco north olghty-nino (80) dogroes and tlfty (GO) miuutos wost throo (U) chains and twenty (L'0) links; thonco north II vo (ii) chains and sovouty (70) links to the place of beginning, con taining 2.01 acres of laud, mora or less in Multnomah county, Oregon. All of tho north thirty coven (37) feet of lot eight (8), block seventy-six (70) Stephens' addition to tho city of East Portland, in tho city of Portland, Multumuh county, Oregon. Now, Theroforo, by viituo of said ox edition, I will on Monday, tho 2Gth day of February, 1001, at tho hour of 10 o'clcok, A. M., at tho front door of tho county court houso, in tho city of Portland, said county and state, soil at public auction, subject to lodomptlou, to tho liichost biddor, for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, titlo aud interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on tho dato of tho judgment heroin (the 8th day of Juno, 1000) or since had, and to the abovo described roal prop- ty or any part thereof, to satisfy said ecutloii, interest, costs and all a ecru- ng costs. tt Dated Portland, Oregon, January 23, h 1001. WILLIAM FKAZIKR, sheriff of Multnomah County Orogon. Any 81 m Any Quantity ,tnjr,rljri MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Ilubher Doot nnit Shoes, Halting, Fncklnr il Hole. Largest sndvMou Complete Assortment of all Kindt of Rubber Goods. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY R. II. l'EA8E, President. F. M. BHKl'AHD, JR.. Treasurer J. A. SIIKI'ARD, BecreUry 73-76 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. II 1 I , Columbia Hartford Vedette BICYCLES 1901 PRICES. AMERICAN BICYCLE CO. COLUH-ZIA SALES DEP'T 132-134 Sixth Street, ....Portland, Oregon. ....THEY ARE.... Built to Ride Thoy are tho'liest Bicycles possi ble to produce bv the most skilled workmen, from the beat materials, in the largest and most completely equipped Bicycle Factory In the World. 1901 PRICES. COLUMBIA, Mode's 74 aud 75, $75.00 (ClmltiU'ss) COLUMBIA, Models 72 and 73, 50,00 (Clml n) COLUMBIA, Models lift and 00, 60.00 , (C'linlnk'sj) , COLUMBIA, Models U.'t and 04, 40.00 (Chain) COLUMHIA, Models 51) and 00, 45.00 (Clintnlcsa) HARTFORDS, Models 27 and 28, 35.00 HARTFORDS, Models 23 and 24, 30.00 PENNANTS, Models 31 and 32, 20.00 We handlo tho best line of Juvonile Bicycles on tho market. WOLF & ZWICKER Iron Works PORTLAND, OREGON. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. MnunfoVturors of Saw and Shinglo Mill Machinery. Boilers, Engines, Head Itlooks, L"Ktilng Knirlnes. and Lowers' Supplies. Steel Riveted Pipes for Flumes .md Dry Kilns. Iron. Semi-Steel and Brass Castings for all pui noses. Special ittemion given to all kinds of repairs. Agents for Mnnnolla Anti-Friction Metal. lACOII FORTH l'ri'.ltletit 1. IIUI.MK Maunder II. V. STRICKLAND Hecroury R. V. ANKENY Trcuuror THE VULCAN IRON WORKS GO. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS MACHINISTS & BLACKSMITHS MANOFACTURKKS OF ALL CLA8EES OF MACHI.VKRY. Fifth Avonne South and Lano St. Tol.rMain 123. F. 0. Box 03 E. FRISK, Sec. and Treas. J. H. FUINK. Pres. and 8upt. cry In Kold and white silk and edging of mi Mo wero its trliumlnus. Women who early In tho winter used furs In tiny rullles aud ciIkIiich are now hroUKht hy sharper weather to ueck pieces, mufTs, aud capes. Tho fur irnwn usually seems freakish, hut It' is attempted occasionally nevertheless. One of the examples of this winter wint white "Come, clilldieii." said Mr. Wldwor, ,r(,.riM Hllvcr. Variations of this ' cloth with a very deep .Spanish llounco uiiriimiciiiK inn seconci .Mrs. win wit, ..neral plan are many and IiikoiiIoii. To Voiiio and kiss your now iniiuiuia." day's small picture shows one, an even "tiraclousl" exclaimed little Klslc, "If Inn kowii of white silk mull dotted In you took her for 'now' they stuck you, pule Mue. Its drapery was pale blue pa." Philadelphia Press. ' puniie velvet finished with cream lace, ami ine riniion minus were ninea velvet. Mrs. I-'orrester SeeniH to mo that you would set your nip for .Mr. Hull. He Is evidently an easy catch. Miss Chorister KiiHy catch Is no name for him. lie has heeu mi epidemic In our M't for ten years. Denver Nuwh. Ho Just hear how the newshoys holler! Isn't It eiituiuli to drive one crazy? She Why, Charles, aro you sine It Is uewshoyH? Iteally, It must lie college- hoya kIvIiir their college yell. 1 think It Is Just lovely. Uoston Tran script. "What's this!" exclaimed tho Hoer general, In u tone of annoyance, "More prisoners." "Dear inel I wish they would show some consideration for the fact that we are trying to conduct a Avar Instead of running, n hoarding house." Washington .Star. ".Madame, aro you a woman miffru glstV" "No, sir; I haven't time to be." "Haven't tlmo? Well, If you had ths privilege of voting, whom would you support'" "The same man I have sup ported for tho last ten years my hits hand." Modes and Fabrics. "Don't smoke" exclaimed tho friend "No," was tho reply. "I always iult Just beforu Christmas, I do It to oblige my wife." "Hut why do you select thla particular season"'"' "It obliges her to select something besides cigars for my Christmas present." Washington Star, The beggar had approached the so- nl.ll H.lflVMllll.H IIW'll! illtllU 1,1111 ..II - ueer thought or that.' exclaimed the j when lll0 MIilimu0 U employed upon beggar. The next evening the social rt hlnh-uecked dress, it commonly is less leformer delivered a lecture on "Sim-( fanciful, and usually Is a polonaho out. pie Advice to the Poor." Philadelphia iluht, rather than au elTect, The second Itecord. iof do three standing tlKiires In the next Diner (to restaura bae you got for tlliui Uoast beef frlcasxeilelilckenstowcd- a,.,,.,,,.!,., iinlsldnu ii. i..ttir mVl .-oru lambliashbakcd aud frledpotatoescol- v spilnMed with gold supplying a lire legcpuddlnginllkteaandcoirce. Diner telle, Despite the fact that gold in tho lilvo me the third, four, tlfth, sixth, cheapest und gaudiest forms Is used by eighteenth and ulutccntli syllables, , careless dressers, more atti.stlo trimming Answers ulu ,1,,ld,,ed with lueieasln freedom x ,t!.!..L. Just ns flood. llv von i ! velldressod won., ii. A pivtty fashion .,...-. .,. -- . . ,.,,ij,,,,.,t. i.iiiiiiniiiL- niuii nml siiHtvt. of sable, deep fur cuffs, a muff nml deen cape collar, tho latter lightened with chif fon and lace. A hat of fur with big pink roses over tho lace was au accompani ment. The artist puts here a biscuit broadcloth with which went a handsome fio ynMroSk ' Sir bMrnm. (1 Wmm Mi v kl IV mm al SHERIFF'S SALE. AS PUINCHSS OyT, PLAIDS AND l-'UIt AUK KMl'LOYKI). or mo inree siauumt: UKiires m me iicm, uit wnlterl-What ' .' 'Hl'" ty.lel example. ,...,. , . . '. ., .The daiker porttoiiH were black velvet illHiiiT niter- 1 1U( u hu,r W(,lv v,,tll,r hil, Hllver Dickens' 'Talo of. Two Cities' naked the occasional customer, "No, Blr," rei piled the now sulcsmnu at the book More, after a glance at tho shelves, "but I see we Imvo a Mloiuuuco of Two Worlds by Marie Corelll, Won't that doV Chicago Trtbuue. less, Hindu or white, bl.iek, scarlet or green taffeta or broadcloth. This Is run with closely laid Hues of narrow gold ribbon. Such a waistcoat 1 worn over a fancy silk shirt waist, and under a blouse Jacket that closes so there is no trace of the waistcoat till, at matinee or picture show, tho blouse Is throwu mink bolero. Possession of such gowns Implies ownership of a handsome for coat besides, though that doesn't follow always. For that matter the stylish coat of the moment is a long boxed garment freely trimmed with fur. Since plaids of largo site were used In furry weaves In separate skirts, they haven't made much of au imprersion, , Now they aro appearing In camel's hair! weaves as the material for entire dresses. Usually a little plain stuff is put with them. Pictured here is one that showed ! red, brown aud gray, the plain portions In the picture representing bands of red. Undersleeves like those of these three gowns are wont a great deal, aud another much favored sort Is clasped close to tho hand by bands of black velvet, some times jeweled, and either run through a Jeweled slide or piuued with pretty stick pins. Copyright, 1PQI. Hotter a IKtle chiding than a great deal of heartbreak. Suakeneare. In tho cirouit court of tho state of Orogon for tho county of Multnomah. L. L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carrie Jones, et ul., defendants. Jly virtuo of an oxoeution duly is suod out of aud under the seal of tho said circuit court to mo duly directod mid dated tho llrd day of January, 11)01, upon n judgment duly roudorod aud entered in said court aud cause ou tho HL'd day of January, 1803, in favor of said L. L. Hawkins mid jagaiust Z. T. Wright, et al., thoroiu, lor the sum of $0,1 111'. 80, with intorest thereon at tho rato of 10 per cout per annum from the '.'2d day of January, 16U2, aud tho further sum of $550. '..'5 with interest thereon at the rato of por cent per annum from tho '.'2d day of January, 1802, and tho furthor Rtim of $183.75 costs and disbursements thoroiu, which judgment has boon liurotoforo duly told, assigned und transferred to tho Aiiiswoith National JJauk ot Portland, Orogou, aud upon which judgment thero Iiiih been paid and iroditud certain amounts so that there remaiuod duo aud unpaid thereon on tho 14th dav of March, 1000, the . sum of $382,81, I'did on tho 7th day ot Jauuuij, 1 00 1, duly lovy upon tho following doscribod real property situ ated in tho (oouuty of Multnomah, atato of Oregon, to-wit. Una 1 aud 3 in block 4 in Highland; also lot 14 in block 1U in Paradise Spring tract, and lot 8 in block 50 in Portland City llomostoad, and will in compliance with its commands on I Monday, the 18th dav ol February, ! 1001, ut tho hour of U) o'clock A. M., at tho front door of the (ounty court liouto, in tho city of Portland, said county ami state, sell the said real property at public auction to the high est biddor for cash to satisfy the bal ance due on sai I judgment, to-wit: 9382.34 with interest thereon at the rato of 10 per cent per annum from tho 14th day of March, 1000, und the costs ot and upon eald wrjt. Datod Portland, Oregon, January 14, 1001. WILLIAM FKAZIKK, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS CO. Eighteen Years Undo' Same Management. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS WAORK9: ORANT.bTREKT UR1DOE. Telephone Main 33. SEATTLE .... WASH. RUSSELL COMPANY non.DEita of Engines, Boiler; Saw Mills, Threshers. If you contemplate buying machinery, write us for catalogue aud prices. RUSSELL & CO. A II. AVF.Rlli.. Manager. PORTLAND. ORECON. ii CHIRADELLIS" -THE BEST AND PUREST- I W, OARXAII AN. PlMMent. t II. liAKD.N'KIt, Vice 1'ro.Uvnt. W. W. ThltKY, Trurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT SPENCER-CLARKE CO., Agents 1 :; . G. ATKINS A COMPANY .PORTLAND, OREGON. Manufacturers of PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SA WS repair, t Branch, No. GO IFiirstiSt. sWKtzSmmsmk DRINK THE FAMOUS, Weinliard's Beer FOR SALE AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL SALOONS BREWERY AND OFFICE. " Thirteenth and