The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, February 02, 1901, Image 7

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- '- bV
' Eruption
Dry, moist, Bcaly tetter, all forms
of eczema or Bait rheum, pimples
and other cutaneous eruptions pro
ceed from huniorB, either inherited,
or acquired through defective di
gestion and aBsimilation.
To treat these eruptions with
drying medicines is dangerous.
The thing to do i'h to help the
system discharge tho humors, and
to strengthen it against their re
turn. Hood's Sarsaparllla permanently cured
J. O. Hinee, FraiikH, 111., of eczema, fros
which he'had suflVred for route time: av I
Miss A I Vina Woltcr, Hoz 212, A lama.
Wis., oi pimples on her face mid back am)
chafed skin on her btxlv, bv which she luul
been greatly troubled, 'there are more
testimonials In favor of this greut medi
cine than can be published.
Hood' Smrsmpmrillm
Promises to euro and keeps tho
promise. No longer put off trnnt
ment. Buy a bottle of Hood's to.-day.
One Good Law in Boston.
A law in Boston permits residonts to
keep street musicians 800 feet from
their houses.
"When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonio because tho formula is plainly
printed on every bottlo showing that it
is simply Iron and Qulnino in a taste
Mi form. No Cure, No Fay. 60o.
Wireless Telegraphy In Hawaii.
Ban Francisco, Cal., Jan. 20. Ad
rices from Honolulu have been re
ceived of tho putting in practical
working operation of the system ol
wireless telegraphy between tho city of
Honolulu and the various islands of
the Hawaiian group. Stations hnro
been established on all tho islands.
Tho tests showed good working. Tho
sevrko inoludos all the islands except
Kauai. By means of u cable mossagas
can bo sent from Lanni to the island of
Maui. iiy this moans and by tele
phone all tho group Is in closo com
airfield Tea Is a wonderful HKHIl
MKIHOINK that cleanses tho system
nd gives Now Life by purifying
the blood.
New Use for Aluminum.
Experiments are being roado to dis
cover if aluminum may not be used in
tbe manufacture of high-class wind
Instruments. If this could bo done it
it Is thought it would be very dosir
able, on acconnt of verdigris deposits,
and as it Is not easily affected by
- changes of temperature the instruments
would be less likoly to get ont of tune.
Don't Arcipt it Hubatlltitol
Wbsn you ak for Crrct, be sure you (ret
the genuine Caicarett CunilyCatbir tin I Don't
accept fraudulent substitutes, Imitations or
Immigration Into Canada.
Immigration returns show that
4,000 peoplo sottled in Cauuda in the
last six months.
Tha Hast 1'raaorlptlon for MaUrla
Chills and Fever is n bottle of Groves.
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply
Iron and quinine ,in a tasteless form,
No Care, No Pay. Price 0o.
For 1904 Kansas Exposition.
Kansas is already layiug plans for
a great exposition to be held at Topeka
in 1804 in celebration of tbe 60th an
niversary of her organization as a ter
ritory. The Oldest and Best.
S. S. S. is a combination of root
and herbs of great curative powers,
and when taken into the circulation
searches out and removes all manner
of poisons from the blood, without
the least shock or harm to the system.
On the contrary, the general health
begins to Improve from the first dose,
for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier,
but an excellent tonic, and strength
ens and builds up the constitution
while purging the blood of impuri
ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a
blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula,
Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and
Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles,
and is an infallible cure and the only
antidote for that most horrible disease,
Contagious Blood Poison.
A record of nearly fifty years of
successful cures is a record to be proud
of. S. S. S. is more popular today
than ever. It numbers its friends by
the thousands. Our medical corres
pondence is larger than ever iu the
history of the medicine. Many write
to thank us for the great good S. S. S.
has done them, while others are seek
ing advice about their cases. All
letters receive prompt and careful
attention. Our physicians have made
a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis
eases, and better understand such cases
than the ordinary practitioner who
makes a specialty of no one disease.
w aw aw We are doing great
( f f good to suffering
humanity through
LlllLl our consulting de
WW WW WW partment, and invite
you to write us if you have any blood,
r skin trouble. We make no charge
whatever for this service.
H Coach (mlTtsmi 6ouT Dm
M t tin. 8. Id by drnf!'liV- -L
Come Home Rich After an Absence of
Twenty-three Year.
Twenty-three years ago Oliver 11.
Newcomb left Wllkesbarre, l'a., for
the fnr West.
He wanted to get
rich. Most people
will think that It
was cruel to desert
his wife nnd baby
boy, but he was
seized with the
Idea of winning n
fortune. After au
nbseueo of nearly m
quarter of a cen
tury Newcomb has
returned. It Is nn
other case of Euocn
Anion, but this
Mlts. KwcuMii. Kuoen is in ocuer
luck thnn Mr. Tennyson's. He has not
only come back from tho Klondike, but
has found his wife still waiting nnd
loyal nnd his sou.n manly nnd strap
ping fellow, eager to welcomo him.
Newcomb's story Is one of early dis
appointments. SayB he: "1 hud hard
luck for some years, nnd I got so dis
couraged that nt last I did not write at
all. Seemed na If 1 couldn't wrlto un
less I hnd good news to send.
After a time my luck changed, nnd
I finally mnunged to make a little mon- ,
ey. My pile grew slowly, nnd when It
wnsn't so small I thought of rvrltlng
back home ngnln. 'But,' thinks I, 'sup- j
pose my wife thinks me dend nnd has '
married ngnlu. If she lins I nln'ttagoln' ,
to spoil her happiness by turning up
where I nln't wanted.' " j
After ho hnd struck It rich nt tho,
Klondlko he became homesick, return
ed to his old home, and fouud that bis
wife had lived In the hope of his ulti
mate return.
Hnrlow N. HlBliibotlinin Now a Re
tired Chicago Millionaire.
Hnrlow N. Hlglnbothnni, director
general of the World's Columbian Ex-
position of 1803, nnd n partner In tho
great niiWantllo (Inn of Marshall
Field & Co., of Chicago,, has, retired
from business with a balance of $10,
000,000 on the "right sldo of tho
ledger." He began life nfl n farm hand
nearly forty years ngo. Twenty years
ago ho entered tho employ of Marshall
Field as a bookkeeper.
Ilcgtilllng Childhood. 1
When my little sou could scarcely (
walk, says Itev. C. T. Brady, a Western
missionary, I took him to the cathedral
ouo day, when I returned for something '
1 had forgotten after morning service.
aflaaHLty '
aaHaafflflLaW v
.jfJr VsHHP
1 len tuo cnmi iu iuu nuvc, aim m--u , ,nt0 tll0 wo0()1 t,,py nimmoupl the
I went back to him ho had advanced ,,, 0IC0 ,,,H ,my maro folli her
half way up the mlddlo nlsle, and was fo()t inv,R cnngM n mass of brush
standing where tho sun threw a golden am, )rk,p ,, hnif.rotten logs; but up
light nbout his curly head. A tiny ob- pllt, 8(.,.nni,i,.,i, nnd nway she went, ns
ject he was lu that great church. ,f Hni, knuw tlmt t!l0 fnt0 of n coinmon.
It was very still. Ho was looking , wenlth ,iCpended upon her. In two
nbout In every direction In tho most ' ,I0uri, Tnck ro(lo lllH tllrty m,eg( ft)(1
curious and eager way. To my fancy ,mHB,.,j n tlic ford Just opposlto tho lit
ho seemed like n littlo nngol when ho, tIo immot 0f Milton, two miles from
said In his sweet, childish treble, which j0nticel!o. Only a mouthful of water
echoed and re-echoed beneath the
vaulted roor:
"Papa, whero's Jesus V Where's Je
sus'" He bad been told that tho church was
tho house of the Savior, and ou this, bis
first visit, ho expected to see his Lord.
That baby Is qulto grown up now.
Not In tho faintest particular does ho
resemblo an angel. The other day,
when I rode off to tho wars, ho nston
Ishcd even me with this request:
"Papa, If you get wounded, don't for
get to bring mo the, bullet that knocks
you out. I wnnt It for a souvenir' for
my collection."
Fortunately for me, If unfortunately
for him, I brought him no bullet.
Accounted For.
Grace Estello's future husband Is'un
questionably oue of the ugliest men In
Washington. That, however, Is not a 1
matter of any Importance whatever, j
foi bo Is good and- kind and wealthy,
and as be isn't a woman, nobody holds
his lack of persoual pulchritude against
him. Graco Estelle loves hint Just as
dearly aa If ho were Antlnous or Apol
lo, or a matinee hero, but as she says
herself there Is no call for people to say
such hateful things as Isabel said when
she heard of the engagement, and she
will never speak to Isabel again as long
as she lives. They met at luncheon,
and Grace Estelle tidied her back hair
with her left hand, till Isabel saw tbe
new ring glittering on It, and made In
quiries. Grace Estelle blushed.
"Yes" she said, "I am going to be
"Who to?" asked Isabel nobody out?
side of Boston or a book ever said ''to
"To Mr, EUmore," answered Grace
Este'lle, proudly.
"Mr. EUmore!" echoed Isabel.
EUmore! Why, Is It an election bet'"-
Some people derive a lot of pleasure
from affecting affectation.
Wise men feed on fools.
Another Revolutionary Hero Who,
Lu Ice Tout Mtvcrc, Kode Lone and
Hurtl to Warn American I'utrlota of
the Approach of the lirltlatw
rnul Itevero was not tho only man
who rodd long and hard to warn patri
ots that the, HihUh were coming, In
the days when the present entente be
tween England and America was a
Uilng tindi earned or. Worthy to rank
With it was tho adventure of Jack
Jouuit, n young Charlottesville luu
keeper, who rode thirty miles to Bavo
Thomas JefTer.-ion from cap.ure. The
btnry Is told In the St. Klcuolus by It.
T. W. Duke, Jr.
Jack slnowdly guessed that Tarleton
would follow the highway Into the
main road that led by the country
seals, the homes of the gentry. Jnck
knew a shorter route, au old disused
road that would lead him to the river,
thence to Moutleello, and then to Char
lottesville not n pleasant road to ride
or drive, though as picturesque a route
us oiiu often sees; for on either side
grew great pine trees here, and tuns
slve oaks there, while dogwood and
sasMil'rns and sumac tilled lu spaces.
The road had once been a buffalo
track and then au Indian trull, then a
wagon road for a while; but as no one
ever worked It or changed tho grade,
It rapidly washed Inch a succession of
red gullies and became widl-nlgh Im
passable. So It had been abandoned
many years, and nature had covered
up the sears made by the animals and
men, nnd only In n few places, could
one have known that It hnd ever been
used as a highway. Broom-sedge grow
wherever there was au open space;
ferns of 11 hundred varieties clustered
v) L,v,,ry holow whoro waU,,. rn. nmt
UlL, wIW .,H,0 r)ll, rot everywhere
hl tIlL, Hlmm ,llt0 ,M 0,i wmti jncK
pushed IiIh horse, mid soon was dash
ing at full speed over hill nnd Utile. It
was n (lnngeroim ride, even nt 11 hIow
gait. Deep gullies Iny concealed under
uvneherouHly smiling wild flowers.
Gauud-h g holes offered pitfalls liable
to break the leg of his steed; overhang
ing limbs swept him lu the face, and
the wild brier ever mid anon caught
li 1 111 In 11 painful and harassing em
brace. Ills face boro for many years
the sears left on It by this brier,
which, you know, climbs up trees nnd
seems to throw Itself from one to an
other. Hut Jack hnd no tlmu to con
sider these things. He knew that lu n
few hours the enemy would be lu Chnr
lottcsvllle, and make the Governor nnd
Legislature prisoners, unless ho could
give them Warning. Ills innre wns Btiru
of foot, sound of wind, and no othtx
fox-hunter ever got tho brush whew
.tick and she weru lu tho hunt. --4
So away he went, touching hfr
lightly with the spur now nnd then.
but ofteuer cheering her In tho rat's
with a merry whistle or encournglng
word. He had thirty miles to make.
He could have as easily miido fifty on
n good road ns thirty through this
wilderness. At one point tho disused
rond entered n Held In sight of the high
way along which Tnrleton's legion wns
passing, and n few strngglcrs saw Jnck
when he dashed Into tho open. They
followed lit 111 with loud shouts and n
pistol-shot or two, but when ho dnshod
,,(1 )lt, tow his gallant bay to sip, nnd
then no uasnen up tno river naiiK nnd
011 through tho streets of tho village,
stopping not nt anxious halls of men
, and women, but merely shouting: 'The
British are coming! 'I ho British are
coming!' In ten minutes ho drew rein
In fr.ont of n quaint brick housa on top
of the now famous mountain. 'Ho was
a sight, too,' the darkles said. Ills face
was torn nnd bleeding from the wild
brier thorns, his gay bluo sWIt covered
with mud nnd dirt, his maro covered
with sweat and foam and panting as
If her henrt would burst through her
sides. Down from the porch In front
of which Jack had halted caino a tall,
thin man, dressed In a suit of nan
keen, lace nt IiIh wrists nnd shirt-front,
and with a little sword-cnuo In his
hand. This man had clenr, sparkling
I duo eyes; n thin skin under which the
blood almost seemed starting. His hair
was thin and curly, nnd covered with
white powder. For a moment be did
not recogulzo the rider. Then, as ho
drew nearer, 'Why, Mr. Jouett,' he
Raid, 'what brings you here, and with
your good horse so well-tdgh spent?'
"Jack could only gasp, 'Tho British,
Governor! Tarleton and his men passed
Cuckoo Tavern at six o'clock this
morning.' "
They Live In a Manner Very Unlike
Tli sit of I irU Btn lent. -
The art schools of New York and the
life of the students lu them Is bandied
lu an Interesting manner lu the Wom
an's Home Companion In an article en
titled 'The Girls' Art Schools of New
York." As to how tho young women
students llvo the author writes as fol
lows: "There Is no absurd dressing among
the art students In New York at least
not after they have attended tbe classes
for a day or two; -and the popular no
tlon'that all art students live In dingy,
barren garrets, cook their own meals by
meaas of their oil-lamps, and live gea-
orally upon the outer ragged edges, has
no ground In fact, so far as the stu
dents lu New York nre concerned.
There are some such cases, but they
are extremely rare. In the great ma
jority of cases the students, if they can
not afford to pay for tho necessities
from their own pocketbook, Htny away
from the city until they can borrow suf
ficient funds. Many girls with thin
purses attend only half-day classes, aud
work nt some commercial occupation
the rest of the day. I know of several
girls who do enough type-wrltlug In the
tuorulngs to pay for their nftcrnoon art
lessons nnd their bonrd besides, whllo
numbers of students work for a salary
In the daytime and attend nrt classes
at night only.
"Tho nrt students of New York do not
Beck llvlng-plnces In any one particular
part of the town, ns do the students of
Pnrls. Tho vnrlous art schools are In
widely separate sections of the city, nnd
as living near to their schools menus bo
much saved lu car-fare, the girl stu
dents usually live within easy walking
dlstnnce of tljclr respective class
rooms. Possibly 05 pej- cent of the stu
dents bonrd with private families or
live In ordinary bonrdlng-houses,
where they can secure fair board nnd
room ns low ns four dollars a week; but
seven dollars a week Is tho averngo
amount charged. The other 8 per cent
of the students rent studios or their
own, or more often nieagetiy furnished
bedrooms, aud take their meals In res
taurants: or else three to a dozen of
them club together, rent n flat, and hlro
a servant to cook their meals."
V.illiarnlao Street Cur a Ruled by Fair
Girls of Complacent Nuture.
The most htnrtllug feature of llfo In
tbe Chilian metropolis that strikes tho
foreigner Is the street-car service. The
couductora on the cars nre nil women,
nnd that In n country where woman
hou by no menus reached the high
standing In social and public life of her
sisters In the United States.
The girls who run the cars nre, with
few exceptions, very pretty, and there
Seems to bo little objection to their
novcf occupation. The male passeuge'rs,
of course, are pleased and the few who
are not nre too polite and gallant to
give vent to their sentiments. Tlio fe
male passengers aro proud of the fact
that this Important occupation Is In the
hands of women. '
Tho fnet Is that Valparaiso's female
conductors are exceedingly courteous
aud obliging. They nre usually a strong
and robust set, and they sympathize
especially with women passengers ac
cAnipanled by children, whom they
help board nnd alight from tho enrs.
The'falr conductresses deservo overy
cone of their wages, which amounts to
about (30 cents per div In United States
money. For this they collect nil fares
nnd niuno the streets crossed by thu
tramway. Nor do they mouth their
phrases as do their brothers lu Now
York and Chicago.
On somo of the Hues leading Into tho
suburbs the conductresses havo an easy
time. Seats nre provided for them lu
nil tho enrs, and It Ih not au uusual
thing durjug the dull hours to seo them
taking It easy, reading novels or tho
dally papers. They nre neatly dressed
In black, with white aprons, In tbe
pockets of which they put their money
and tickets. They wear broad-brimmed
sailor lints.
The bano of their existence nro the
men Inspectors who nre detailed to
count tho piiscsiigers to seo that thoy
do not "knock down" fares. They bavo
nicknamed these men "Judases."
An AmuMed Foe.
The proprietor of a small store In
New York owns a black kitten that
cultivates a habit of squatting on Its
haunches, like a bear or a kangaroo,
aud then sparring with Its forepuws as
If It had taken lessons from n pugllUt.
The telegram tells how the kitten con
quered a big dog.
A gentleman took Into tho store na
enormous black dog, half Newfound
land, half collie, fat, good-natured and
Intelligent. Tho tiny kitten, Instead of
bolting at once for shelter, retreated a
few paces, sat erect on Its bind legs and
put lu "fists" lu an nttltudo of den
auce. The contrast In size between the
two was Intensely amusing. It remind
ed one of Jack tho Giant Killer prepar
ing to demolish a giant.
Slowly and without a sign of excita
bility the huge dog walked as far as
his chain would allow him and gazed
Intently at the kitten and Its odd pos
ture. Then, as the comicality of tho
situation struck him, he turned his
bead and shoulders around to the spec
tators, and If animal ever laughed In
tbe world that dog assuredly did so
then and there. He neither barked nor
growled, but Indulged In a low chuckle,
whllo mouth and eyes beamed with
Notice Is served ou the women that
no wrapper ever looks as If It had been
built according to the plans and speci
fications In the fashion book.
An egg Is best when fresh, but tt'a
different with an office boy.
LCaaaHaVfiaaVhu IMk.
Bhj Log for the PtAmtrlun.
One of the attraction of the Oregon
ixhibit at the Pan-American exposi
tion will be a log 80 Ibet long and 13
foot In diameter. Thin is the blupost
log the railroads could conveniently
transport. To accommodate the 80
loot log, with the diameter of 18 feet,
in too forestry building nt the exposi
tion, it will bo necessary to put extra
braces under that part oi tho lloor of
the forestry building.
The Nlursjus Canal,
When built, will prove the link between
prosperity nnd many people. It will prove
a blessing to humanity in jjeneriil. Improv
ing thecoudltou oT the uiiiiou, ns Itostet
ter's Stonmch Hitters does that of the Indi
vidual. Nothing to equal tnis remedy ha
ever been discovered for all ailments of the
stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys. It
will quicklv cleanse the blood nnd sharpen
the nppetlic. bee that our Private Itev
enue Stamp covers tho neck of the bottle.
Ten Huge Dynamos.
In tho central station ol tho Kingarn
Falls Power Company thoro aro 10
huge dynamos in operation, each ouo
of which generates 5,000 electrical
horse power. Thus uudor the roof of
this maguifleont building is a total de
velopment of 60,000 horse power,
which is said to be tho largost amount
of electricity generated under a single
roof in the world.
Btati or Onto, CtTT or tolido, I ,.
Lvcas Count. "
Frank J. Uhkney makes oath that he is thi
senior parter of the lltm of K. J. Ciiknbt A Co.,
doing bitJlncii In the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that said firm will par
tho sum olONKml.NimKDPOI.t.AnS for ouch
and every cto of Catarrh that cannot be cured
br the use ot Hall's Catarrh Cum.
Bworn to before me and subscribed In mr
presence, this (th day ol December, A. D. 1884.
J i, I Kotary MHe.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts
directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, tree.
F. J. Oil F.NF.Y it CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druKglsts, 76c.
Hall's Family I'llis art the best.
' "
Life Line 34 Miles Lon. .
Tho Chicngo drninngo canal has it
pormanont life Hud, consisting of a
stomg wiro cablo strotchod aloug its
entire distauco of 114 milos. It is thoro
for UbO aud safety iu cubo of accidont.
To Accommodate Live Stock.
Arrangomeuts are mado for the llvo
stock department of tho Pan-American
Tali signature la on every box ot tha itanulat
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabi.u
the remedy that cssrea m cola Iss asm alar
Chinese Employed In Mexico.
Two hundred Chinoto me now em
ployed lu tho minos of Zncatecas, Mex
ico, and are giving such satisfaction,
that more will ho sent for.
To Prevent HoldUpi.
John W. Hough, an engineer on the
Monou road, has patented a device to
provout train hold-ups. The plan is
operated by a secret button iu easy
touch of the engineer, and so located
that bo can, without being observed,
aud under cover ot the train robber's
revolvor, touch thn button whioh will
start Huvnral whistlos blowing, turn off
all tho lights and 11 ro off any number
of guns from tho baggage car.
PIso'n Turn for Consumption is an Infal
lible medrciiiii for entichs uud colds.- N.
W. Sauukl, Oceuu drove, N. J., Feb. 17,,
Visitors to the White House.
A boat 000 per hod 8 a day on an aver
ago visit the Whlto Homo tbe year
around. 'J ho numbor rises sometimes
to 1,D0U to 3,000, aud tho hours for
visitors uro not many, being from 10
A. M. to 3 P. M. Iu splto of this con
stant tread tho beautiful old gold fig
ured cupst In tho eust room looks us
well ub when it wus put down, before
Mrs, Gluvoluud lot the munslou for her
new home in Princeton.
darneld Tea Is tho best remedy
for all derangements of stornacb,
liver, kidneys and bowels; It
Cures Chronic (3iusllittlou.
Acids That Are Death to Cholera.
The acid of lomons and ornngos Is
fatal to the cholera bacilluH. Kvon if
placed upon tha rinds of tho fruit the
germs will uot survive Imiger than a
day. February Ladies' Home Journal.
A Close Resemblance.
"In what rospeot do I resemble my
own ideas?" ho asked, as bo handed
the editor a puckago of manuscript.
"I do not know" replied thu editor.
"1 am reduced to writing," ho said,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
Signature of
To Purchase Revolutionary Relic.
A movement Is ou foot iu New York
to have the city purchase l'uuuco's
tavern, the sole rovolutiouury relia iu
the down town dittriat. It was there
that Washington biidu farewell to his
officers on December 4, 178a- an eveut
the 117th anniversary of which was
recuutly celebrated in tbe historical
Mothers will find Sirs. Wlnslow's Booth
tng Hyrup tbe best remedy to use for th'ir
children during the teething period,
Borneo and Labuan Postage Stamps In Demand.
Tbe valne of the stamps sold in linr-
neo and Labuan daring 18(10 was 30,
000, but the postage paid on letters ,
sent from those two colonies never ex-
oesds tbe sum of 800 a year. Tha
tamps representing tbe remainder,
10,300, may be presumed to have
found their way into albums all over
the world. 1
' Xxi
If the Blood is Impoverished
Diseases Which Often
Puzzle Doctors are
From Th' Tribune, H'llrr CHy, la.
PhyslclnuB are olteu puzzlod by nn
ailmout that does not yield to tho usual
romodlos, patients nro onusod much
suffering and oxpouso, whllo export
uionts are boing tried upon them, whon
in many cases tho sont of tho dinorder
is in tho blood. If this vital fluid is
impoverished dlsenso 1b suro to follow,
liuild up tho blood, tho dlflcasod part
is nourished and stiongthouod, and
health rosults, Thin is tho simplo his
tory of what ofton appears to bo a com
plicated case Mr. Kzra Kdwardn, tho
woll-knowu morcham of Wobstor City,
Iowa, pnssod through suon an oxpor
leuce. Ho says:
"I have always believed that my
troublo was duo to tho impoverished
condition of my blood. About' tour
ytars ngo my ankles bogau toswoll and
cause mo groat pain. 1 am quito hoavy
and as I was ou my foot constantly I
suffered intousoly. Flually tho swell
ing became ho bad 'that I could not
walk and for a wook 1 was confined to
my chair 0? bed. Throo doctors troatod
mo but did not effect n euro.
"1 first heard of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Palo Peoplo through au ad
vertisement in a rollglons paper.
About six mouths ngo,l began taking
tho pills and 1 folt good results from
tho first box. 1 continued taking
them as dlrooted ior nearly flvo
months. 1 am now 42 years old and
am tho picture of honltb. I am will
ing to tell tho world that Dr. Williams'
Piuk Pills cured mo and I know thoy
will euro otlors if tl'ioy aro givou a
thorough trial.
"Hardly a day passes that I do not
toll somo ono of tho houollts I bavo re
ceived from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Palo Peoplo, for 1 think that any
oue suffering from any disordor of tho
blood or nerves should glvo thorn a
thorough trial. Hignud,
Subscribed nod sworn to holoro mo
this 2Urd day of Novombor, 1000.
WHIIh 0. Ilonnor,
(Seal) Notary Publlo.
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Modloino Co,, 'Sehonoutady,
N. Y., CO cents per bOxj o' boxes, $3. DO.
Por the Exposition fJuesti,
New hotels with accommodations for
thousands of guests aro building near
.tno Pau-Amorlcuu exposition grounds
at Uuffnlo. y ..'
Taku Laxative llroino 'Quinine Tab
lets. All driigghtii rotund thn mouoy
If it (ails to cure. K. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each, box.. .fl5o.
Trained Librarians' Scarce.
According to Herbert, Putnnm, con
gressional librarian, libraries aro grow
ing all out of proportion to librarians
Ho directs attention to, tho fact that
whereas thoro am now somo 8,000 11
barrios In tho country, thoro nro not
more than GOO or UU0 especially trained
librarians. ' .
Stopm tha Oough and
Work Oft tha Oold.
Laxative llromo-Quiulne Tablets cure
a cold In one day. No euro, No Pay.
Prlco 36 cents. ,
Not Much Ltft.
Lady Whore is my trunk?
llaggutfa Man I couldn't find nny
truuk, mum, but I've gut the handle
with the check on.
j Comforting I
Nothing o niirely breaks
up the enjoy menu of wlu
ttr as attack of
Nothing so surely
cures tbe trouble as
:: Si Jacobs OH :i
Good hustling- men capable of
taking orders for custom tailoring-.
The finest and best line in the
country. Address:
loom 512 Commercial Bank Building,
Hsv maJo Propiy and Its com-
fhcstious ft spicislty for tty
tarsfldi tas most wonderful
sooss1,. flatsosrtduisnj thous
and ouu
ft W
IalaaBai aUtV
ISZ H, AUaatS, til