WT "K T-"" THE NEW AfTR. PORTLATSTD. OREGON. WW- 'ff W 't'f "'yo Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their bust ness in ' PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street.' A full stock 6f Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling1 Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. i, The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS ittlliit .UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles or. Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All Honda Hulil on InstHllmitnta. Gl Third St.. Got. Pine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towels ftirnlsncd lo Harbor, Doctors, Offlcci and IHmliiCM Mimiiv, IUo. Wo also ilu First- laassi.aunury num. Ofl'M'llj ' ' Fourth nml ( iiiieti.Nta, PORTLAND, OR. Oregon I'liouo,! Columbia Phone 410. i Old Kentucky Club Whiskey. Home ,...ANI Shaw's . Pgre Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale. Lfiii'nr A Cigar Dealer BOLE AQENTa.. 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE Liiery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All iloitrs. i Transient stock given Did very best of rare. Itatcalwa)s reasonable, and satisfaction guar anteed. .'. Phone Main 51. , Cor. Rosa and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. EDWARt) HOLMAN UNDERTAKER i Fourth and Yamhill Sts. i BOTH 'PHONES NO. 607 i RENA STlNSON, li4i Alillttnt. .Merchant Hotel. CORNKR THIRD AND DAVIS KTU E KTU VOUTI.ANP. OltKllON. HOTKL IS 'NEWLY RENOVATED. This Is the best equipped moderate rale hotel on the Paeltle Col and ha all the couen. tenees o( high prlred lintels. Complete with rlrettlo lights and bells, and artesian water 111 raeh room, llath'room'oneaeh rloor. Klevatoi for aecomodatlnn o( guests Kates ft and 11.31 jierdar. Meals 'eimts. Speelal ratios to lam. Hies and theattliMit parlte. Frt'bua to and from all trains. 300 rtHims, Only four blocks fioui Union Depot.' Tire Proof llulldlng, F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. i JACOB CASSELL. Prop, Strlctlr iJIr.t-CUis. llnle 1.00 Vrluy and l'. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Com mercial Simple Room. ,sfc. imrumM dEfi22$15 K. Munsnn. K. Mitnnon. flllCK ANHEUSER BUSCH-FIno lunch every I day. Ilcxl beer on earth. Fine w Incs. Ho nors anil rizars. 234 Morrison St., cor. Second, I'ortland, Or. fPHE POPULAR mFlMt Ptrect, Hut. UanliliiKlon nml Alder t'lionc Oregon Heel oil Phone Columbia 6C8 I JOHN KCKLUND, Proprietor, rortlaniii Or, w 11,1.1AM RUbSKLL Mackenzie I'UHLIO ACCOUNTANT PORTLAND, OREGON J. "" HASEl.TINi: A CO. Importer ntul Dealer In IKON STEEL AND COM. BLACKSMITHS' bUI'PLII. Carriage A Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumber 49 A .',1 Kocoiiil Ht. rOIUt.ANI), OREGON. u. b. om:anin(i and riiKssixo co. Clothes denned, Djcd and'Rupalrctl. Your Clothe l-ponged ntul I'rcncil for II tier per mouth. Called lor and ilctlwrcit Phone Clay WU. 4M Washington tflrco HctweenTweltlh and North Thirteenth 1'OKTI.ANI). OREGON. A. INDAHL ..8ION8 . Japanning. Tin Decorating 270t Alder Street . PORTLAND, OltF.OON TJOMBHAKERV AND DKUCATK ESSEN D. II. LEAMINO, I'm p. A Full I.lnunf Fruit, Candles itud Nuts AIhhjn on Hand. Newly Opened at 3U7 1 bird Hired. Remember tho place. Opposite, tho 'in)lor htruot Churen. pONRAD I,. IIOSKA , FUNERAL DIRKCTOR COUNTV CORONER Corner Ninth and Itallroail Streets TACOMA, WASH. ; mltAVIS IIROH WOOD YARD Oregon I'liiino Hood 712 Office and Yard: 4KJ Kvcrelt, bet. Twelfth and Thlrt.ieiith PORTLAND, OREGON. RL1NOTON CRKAMF.ItY N. J. RITTF.R, Prop. W holsatee and Retail Dealer In MU.K, CREAM. CIIKKHK RUTTKR AND EGGB 267 Rtrrnildo Street PORTLAND ORKOON. TlLAKIEH IIR08. ' Club Rooms Second Floor ' Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Milliard TTa.ll Oregon Phono (Iraut 71 313 llurtisldu Ht. PORTLAND ORKOON. STANDARD FIHH COMPANY 1C9 North Sixth Street WHOLKHAI.K AND RETAIL Also Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco, and I.uueliei'fiir TnnrUis. REED IIHOS., Props. Fruits TMOU FAIR di:ai.in(i PATRONIZE O. P. 8. Pl.UMMKR. , Drug, Medicine and Chemleals, 'loilct Aitlclc, Truucs, Faints, Oils, GUm, Ktu B. K. Corner Third and Madlton Streets. 1IANO AHF.KOOM of il. SINHIIIMMER, Sole Agent lor TDK JACOII DOLL PIANO The boat upright piano nude, and other first cln piano rented and sold on liLiallmcuU No. 731 bird Street. Established IMi.'. Phone North MI. rAY a hf.ndi:rkon . All Kinds of FURNITURK-. Practical Kmbalmers and Undertakers, Order by telegraph llllod promptly. Phouu llUek. 47, Cor. W lllamelte and 7th Sta KUdKNK CITY, ORKOON, nKIFFlN HARDWARK CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. STOVF.S AND TINWARK. Willamette Street, Kl'tlKNK, ORKOON 1)0RTiaND ROI.LINO Ml I, US Manufacturers of PIQ IRON AND SfKKL N. K. AYKR, Manager, 33ud and Nlcolal Streets AY MLLlAMS, WOOD X I.INTHICUM, Geo. II. Williams. 0. K. 8. Wood, I.. 11. I.ln lliluim, J. i Flanders, Attntini). ut-Lnw. Chamber ot Commerce llulldlng, Portland, Oregon 0 UIKNTll, sa Wellington St., bet, eth and 7th, Portland, Oregon Strictly Flrtt-Clau. Geo, Shta, Proprietor DEFEATED JBYALAUGH, MAN'S MERRIMENT BRINGS ABOUT HIS CONFUSION. A Young? LhJjt Bcliool Teacher Henta a Muit After uu i'.xcitlnu llace of Bixty .)ilkn Over tho Ozark to euve u tciooiliouee. In tho little town of Onkluiid lives MibS lim KL-L'uril, it prutty bonool teach er, who recently iuu a tuee to the luud oillee with Jim AiuVuy, of tuu sumo piuee, beatiiij,' lilni by u fraction of n beeotid, but'heatlii,' hlui all the uutuo, to tho Uollght of her frlundu, says the St. Louis Uiube-Deuioerut, Misa ltecoid has beeu the teacher for several yeara lu tho lihiKy nestled aiuoui; the Uzitrku, Just olt the bunk of the pic turesque hlte Klver. Tho residents of the village had succeeded by buiu wotk and many privations In budding a substantial sciioolhouse. For conveni ence the teacher lived lu n small log house udjiteont, with her widowed mother uud little sister. There never would have been liny question us to tho rights of the vllluge lu occupying the bit of ground where the schoihoiuo Is located had It not been for tho recent mlneiai excitement throughout this en-1 t.io countiy. Tins wus the Incentive which Induced the people to look close ly to their own and their neighbors' title deeds, uud In the course of Ids In vestigation Jim AleVey dlscovt-red that the Hchoolhotiso wus built upon laud thnt hud never been clu.nied by any body. The young man mudo up his mind to own that bit of luud, uud so took measures to "honiestcud" It. Tho school teacher was told of the lnteutlon or the gentleman, uud Immediately de cided that who would piesettt u prior claim to the land, which wus of so much value to her as the site of the schoolliotise. Tho town of Harrison, the scut of the laud olllce, was sixty miles away, over rough mountain roads, but that didn't daunt the little lady, who determined that If McVoy wus going to Hike her schoolhouse she would get there llrst uud homestead It herself. She culled upon her brother to assist her, and they saddled their horbos and the race began, Miss Rec ord patriotically defending the rights of tho "little rod schoolhouse" aud Mr. MeVey working for Mr. MeVey. The ride wus long and full of dra matic lucldeuts. Upon reaching Wlilto Itlver Miss Record learned that McVoy hud Just crossed. She did not wait for tho ferrybout, but Into the river she urged her horse. He plunged breast high Into tho stream aud svymn most of the distance to the other side. Then on to Vellvllle with foum-decked sides tho horse went, the plucky little rider never hesitating a moment until she had Jumped from Its back at tho door of tho clerk's oUIco la this town. Tho clerk looked nt tho pretty, Hushed face of the lady as sho stated her wishes, and It was with real disappointment In his tono that he Informed her that Me Vey had been thero 11 vo mnutes before. "Rut," said he, "Miss Rocord, this man's papers have not yet gone to Har rison, and If you can get thero before they do you can yot havo tho land." It was C o'clock In tho nfternoou, but sho wus ready to mount a fresh horso aud begin tho thlrty-threc-mllo ride. In tho meantime MeVey had learned that she and her brother had set out for Harrison, and It didn't tako htm long to make up his mind to follow them. Ho arrived nt Harrison at about tho same time as tho others, and thoy rodo up to tho land olllce together, only to learn that tho laud olllce tvould not bo open until 0 o'clock the next morning. In the Interval Miss Record hud can rnssed all tho possibilities afforded by technlcaltles, and long before the hour sho was present, having taken her stand at the desk of tho recorder. Me Vey Btood before tfeo desk of tho re ceiver. Sho was In the best humor Im aginable, and mudo several witty re marks at his expense while the record er waited watch.ln hand. Finally, ho laughed Just nt tho moment tho record er called time, and Miss Record, drop ping her papers on his desk, said: "I tllo theso for record." MeVey was ono moment too late, his laugh having cost htm tho homestead. Miss Record de clare that, as soon as sho gets thotltle, she will deed the school building to tho town of Oakland, and although tho peo ple of tho village feel safe about their schoolhouse, they havo causo for re gret, as tho neighboring town has of fered Miss Record more money for her services In Its school. STUFFED PETS. Taxldermlat Pay Women Take a Met uncholy l'lcn.uro In Them, "Women take a melancholy pleasure In stuffed pets," said a well-known taxidermist on Sixth avenue to a Now York World reporter. "There Is a sort of tender, gruesome sentiment about It that pleases them. My prluclpal cus tomers are for this renson women. "They bring me dead dogs, dead cats, dead birds, and tho other day ono came In with a little llsh out of her aquarium that had come to uu untime ly end. The queerest order I ever had was to tx up a pet moine that had died from too much cheese. "I mount, moro cauury birds than any other pets. They look picturesquely pretty on the mantel. " 'I always have my pets stuffed after they die,' one womau explained 'be cause thou I cnu talk to them Just the same.' "The taxidermist, to bo successful, must be an artist. He must study live animals, familiarize himself with their pose, the droop dt tho head, and make the poor dead thing look natural. " That doesn't look like ray Neddie,' aid one of my customers when I mounted a white Java sparrow for her. 'It might Just as well bo any other sparrow. Why, Neddie had a tfay of tucking down bis head In the cutest way whenever you looked nt him. Ho never threw It buck like this. "And that one little gesture was tho keynote to the Individuality of her bird the one thing lu which It differed from all others. "Men urc different. It's trophies of the chnse they bring to me; sometimes the skin of n handsome dog, from prac tical, no sentimental reasons. They want It make Into u rug. You can't get a woman to --ok at a dead pet from a utilitarian standpoint. "One man came to me ono day In grout disgust. " 'My wife brought the, corpse of a parrot yesterday,' he said. 'Now I've been pestered with that blooming bird for live years, and I don't want It standing around dead, staring ut nio In triumph. I'll glvo you $10 Just to lose lU When she comes back say It Uew away, or the rats got It.' One little girl crcpttlmldly in hero one day with u wee kitten In her hcnd.s. " 'I want It lixed up so 1 can keep It always,' she whispered. 'I guess t Atjiieezed It to deafTi, I loved It so hard, so won't you put sawdust In It so I can hug It all I want to? I llko It better than a doll.' " YOUNG BUT PLUCKY RIDER. Youth Who Kollowei the Hounds with the KiitnunluMui of u Veteran. In a hunting community not far from this city there Is u sou of one of the members who seems destined to throw a famous leg over the pigskin. That 1b. it will be famous If the recklessness of Its owner permits It to come to matur ity. His courage is of tho llrst water, his nerve without limit, but'he Is only 11, aud his discretion leaves some thing to be desired. Once the urdor of tho chase Is on him, his futher says, ho will put his "gee" ut anything lu his path, even If It should happen to be u church. He has until recently rid den to hounds on his pony, but bo clover wus his work that the attention of the muster of fox hounds was nt tructed, nml he guve the boy recently a leg upon ono of his own hunters. Tho horso wus rangy, half-bred, 17 hands high, and with a temper of his own. After they were lu tho Held the mas ter of fox hounds temembered the hunter's peculiarities of temper, and his heart misgave him. The boy wna excited aud happy, but he looked a bit lonely and forlorn seated on tho huge horse, and the muster of fox hounds decided to ride close nt hand to keep a careful eye on him. After the hounds found all seined to go well, however, and tho master of fox hounds forgot his good Intentions as his sporting blood rose. Suddenly he remembered and looked around Just In tlmo to see the boy put his mount at a five-barred gate. Tho horso refused, and up his nick tho youngster slid. He grabbed wildly, and bis tiny arms went round the horse's neck. So close was tho horso that his hejtd was over tho gate be had refused, nnd as tho boy slid off be struck the top bar. To this be bung, and aa the frightened master of fox bounds rodo up be held up bis baud. "Please, Mf. Blank, does thnt (taunt as a fall?" ho demanded. "I didn't touch ground." "Why, no, Reggie," said tho muster of fox hounds, ns ho disguised a laugh In n cough, "I don't think that ought to count as n fall. Aro you hurt?" "Not a bit," was tho cheerful response, "aud now, If you'll lead him up I'll mount from hero nnd then I won't bare to touch ground." no did, and was In nt tho death, aud anything ho wants In that club now Is his from tho best hunter lu Its stnblcs to tho master ship of tho hounds when he grows up. New York Tribune. Wheeler Was Too Polite. At Washington tho other day It was raining hard, nnd tho street curs were crowded with passengers moro or less bedraggled. Among them was General Joo Wheeler. Next to him wus u wom an wearing n mackintosh, who roso to get off at Fourteenth nnd F streets. Gon, Wheeler noticed an umbrella leuu lug against the car seat. Ho grabbed tho umbrella, ran after tho womau, caught her at tho door, aud said: "Pardon me, madam, but you left your umbrella." 0 Tho woman looked puzzled, but took tho umbrella. Gon. Wheeler resumed his sent. Then n woman on the other side of him gave a little scream, aud said: "Why, you nasty little man, you gave that woman my umbrella." Theu sho appealed to the conductor. Gen. Wheeler apologized, but tho woman said: "Now you Just get right off the car and get It for mo or I'll notify tho police," Meekly tho veteran of three wars tumbled off Into tho rain and ran after "tbe woman with the mackintosh, lie made a hurried explanation, got tbe umbrella and rushed back to tho wait ing car, As bo handed It back to Its owner he said: "I trust you will pardon me, madam. I assure you It was all a mis take." The woman glared at him. "I don't know about that," sho sniffed. "I don't bellevo you nro any better than you ought to be." Sabbath Obeervanoo anil IMmtorpcat, A member of tho Volksruud -of tho Orange Free State, South Africa, rec ommends Sunday observance as uu ef fectual euro for tho rinderpest. Re cently, In tho course of tho debates on iuw uew ouuuiiy ouuervnuce aci or mat t State, be assured the members that If they only passed a stringent Sabbath law, "rinderpest and nil other plagues would vanish, and the land would be one flowing with milk and honey." If a man can't uud work In a yar, be Blight aa well quit looking. BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ask for the famous General Arthur cljrar. Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. C. A. Walson, Marino Drug Store, 88 N. Third stroot, Portland, Ore. Spe cialties: Flcckeustcin's-Lung Balsam and Celery Seltzor.- ( . For flno traits' ot all kinds for the traveling public, call at 150 North ylxth street. Ice orentn coda. I)asket (ruita for travolers. George Klser pro J prlotor Don't wear baggy trousors or shabby ojothes. Wo call for, spongo. prea, and deliver, ono suit of your clothing arh week, sow on buttons, and sow up rips for $1.00 a month. Uulquo Tail oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phonos. Jno. P. Sharkey, mnnnfncurer of bnrnoBS, collars, saddles and strap oik; importer of saddlery, hardware. Tlilps, pads, etc. 6G Union avo., Port land, Or. Call up Union 401 whon in need ot anything in the tool lino. East Mor rison Street Wood & Coal Yard. Tho Popular, 136 First street, bot. Washington and Aider, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, pioiirietor. Tel. Ore gon red 984, Columbia COS. Portland Transler baloon Chas. O. Plglln, proprietor. Choice wines, liquors and olgars. uai (oii8an, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tho A. D. T. Messenger Co. is the old est and best service of the kind in the town. Readers of the New Age, give them the preference Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgages bought 6. W. King, room 45 Washington building. The finest plaoe In tho olty to obtain Out quality ciguraj tobacco nnd niuoi prs' article's is that of Ro'enthal & liudd, at 287 and 287X Washington streot, between Fourth and Fifth. Give thoso genial dealers a call when you wish anything lu tholr liuu. Tele phone Main 76. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at Yery moderate prices. Dyeing and oleaning of all kinds oi ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deleau, proprietor, 46S Gllsan itr t. Krarybody loiAkea the celebrated Monogram and Paadora cigars. They have no equal. Oregoa Butchering Company, Fred MeUger, nanagurf.fiMtera in all kinds of fresh and salt nU and fish, 416 Everett street. Grebe,. Harder & Co., Portland, Ore gon, dealers in implements and ve hicles. Milburn farm, delivery, spring wagons and baggies. Chase force lift and tank pumpn. Milwaukie bindeis, mowers and rakes. Engines and sep arators. Fountain City hoe, shoe and diso drills. Wolff-American high art bicycles. Steel and chilled plows, disc, spring and spike harrows. Eclipse steel bay presses. Columbus' liuggy Co.'s Columbus bngfties and carriages. Phono, Oak 781. 182-84-88 Madison stroot, west end of Madison' street bridge." J. F. O'Donnell, gen eral agent, Oregon, Washington and Idaho NATIONAL Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works nrviOK AND WOKKSl 92i SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hats Cleaned. Dved. Pressed and Trimmed I.adlck' Dresses and Dress Goods Dyed all Col or, or Well Cleaned. Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned, Dyod and Repaired. Ostrich Feathers Cleaned or Djed all Colors and Nicely Curled. I t THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY DEALERS IN SECOND, HAND MACHINERY. MO last Water tret C C.H.CLARKE. President. T. K. 8PENCER. Sec-Tres Spokane, 'aih. Seattle, Wash SPENCER-CLARKE COMPANY Mamufmmttirer Agmmtm ShiHtlug Jtaf Ommmiamiom OFFICES) Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. SUCOKSSOU TO tATKIOK, MASTICS lO,' MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF' HARNESS, SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE OOAST. 9 1 -03 Front Stroet, Between Stark and Oak. Oregon' Vlione Mitlu 47... MTABLI.SHK1? tit 1. IXCeTOB-TB latf, ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping 5s CornrnIiori Merchant! WHOLE.VALE GROCERS To save time address U C MaateaMeas to tae Cessi-ay. - UI4 rraat Strt. Nertfc. VSKTUkirB, S , PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS i Manufacturers of BAR IRON AND 8TBKL. N. E. AVER, Manager. , Twenty-Second and Nlcolal Streets. M EVER A SCHILLINO FINE W1NE9 LIQUORS. LA OltANPE, OREGON. T ARSON A LONG 15 NORTH FIFTH ST. Fine wines, liquors and rlgars. Glvo us a calL H ERBERT A. HALE. Mt. Hood. Columbia River and Northwesl Vlcwi. Portraits, Water Colors, Crayam, for the trad. hlectrlo Light and Itromldo Enlargements. 132','Thlrd Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, ORK. H KMtY IIKWKTT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 36 and 37 Sherlock Hulldlng, Corner Third and Oak Streets. Portland ... Oregon. T KAYSER Dealer In GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ' 201 Third Street, Near Madison. .- ' , Oregon Phone Hood 334. ' PORTLAND, OREGON rpUK IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors and High Grado Cigars. J.S. IIILDKDURN, Prop. Phone Main 31). Corner Cass and Sheridan 81 ROSKnURQ, OREGON. J.J KADDERLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Ranges, Tin. Copper and Graulte Iron-Ware, Crockery, Ulasstvaro and House Furnishing Goods. Jobbing promptly at tendod to. , 141-ltM First St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Bldr, PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Marx, Proprietor. ...Hlgnest Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver No. 74 Third Street, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loans money on all kinds of security. Unre deemed pledges sold for amount loaned. JB. WILD .: Jobbing and Retail Dealer la WINES AND LIQUORS 133 Third 8treet, Opposite Masoulo Tamil. Portland, Oregon. m A. WOOD. HKAL. KSTATJS AND I'K.NSIUN ATTU.KNEX. Ilnnm In ClAA rlinaa llnlM In ' Room 10, Odd Fellows' Building. PORTLAND, OR TO W. ARIS3 Y. W. ARIS8 & CO. Wholesale Brokerage nnd Commission No. 63 Front Street. Columbia 'Phone 349. Portland, Or. -pUIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALE3. Fairbanks, Morse A Company, t First and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregoa, Telephone 84. pAXTON, IIKAUH SIMON Attorneys-at-Law. MO Chamber ot Commerce, Portland Oregoa. y 0. NOON BAG CO. Manufacturers and Importers ot BAG8, TWINES. TENT8 AND AWNINGS, FLAGS AND MINING 1IOSK. tumIus- Material. Canvas. Sail Maklnr In all iisllranches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, eto. K-U N. First 8t. and 310-312-314318 Couch St, PORTLAND, OR. PORTLAND, ORiaSNj i u S. II. HAM UN, Portland, Or. Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma and Bpokane, Wash, PORTLAND, OREGON v& i