t $tt4 xHUi jttJHJW AGE, ROIlTIiA.NI, OREGON. Jnl rl ,A ? t &. rT 7 PDRTI AND I OfllHY ASSOGIflTIOfl WHOLESALE A RETAIL .Cream and All Ik. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Manager Milk Delivered to All Tarts of the City. Oregon Phone North 3011. . EAST PORTMflD WOOD GO. E. M. LAMBERT. Healers In All Kinds of WOOD AND COAL Wood sawed to order In yard or on street. Oregon Phone Union 491 Columbia I'hotie 6228 YAKll ANI OFFICE! Cor. Knit Morrison nnil Water Streets l'OllTl.ANI), OHEOON. M. E. Fire Insurance Real Estate s Loans in Rents.., 264 STARK STREET A, IV. ALLEN Dispensing Phmrmmclst Phona, Oregon Main 405. Oolumhlm 4-14- 16 th an Marahall Sta., 23 r anil Savlen Slam, PORTLAND, OREGON. Strong's 'Photographs flf Superior in Style ana Finish j STUDIOj In Goodnough Bulldine. ST, CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBL1N, Prop. First-Class Accommodations and Prompt scrv ice. Large batnple Qooms tor Commercial Travelers, Phone 7. Oor. PiratA Washington fits. ALBANY, OREGON. . BOTTERFIELD BROS. JOBBERS IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES inta' owl imw supplies Manufacturing; Jewelers, Opticians and Watchmakers. Silversmiths '162 1 2 First St. PORTLAND, OR. CI A. STOKES IiIQUOH CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled by Pabst Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. Salem Store, 143 tate St. THOMPSON sr w r .f NEW YORK FURNITURE CO. Dealers in Furniture. Carpets and Household Goods E. A. COVELL, Manager. Phone Oak 341 U FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. WiiiiciSAv ,' iet KRiEG A LEVY (ISCOnrORATED.) Grocers COFFEE AND TEA A SPECIALTY. 304 Washington Street, Corner Tenth TRY OCR CELEBRATED COFFEE. Ilotlt riinnes 838. I'OItlXAND, OR. 'OLYMPIC ' STEAM LAUNDRY ' 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN 4 LOUIS J. BJORN ritOPltlKTOltS TACOMA, WASH. W. I. M CCU BE, Seattle. K. H. Hamilton, Tacoma. M'CABE & HAMILTON ... STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Alto Honolulu, H. I. Head Office: Tacoma, Wash. Cablo Addreist McCADE v GRACIE, BEAZLEY tc CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St., Near Morrison BLUNDEN & VELTON, Props. THE FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New Building, New Fixtures, Choice Goods. The Popularity of RED. SEAL BRAND Uarrfc; -Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit, TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St,, Portland, Or, -THK- Multnomah Trunk Co UANUFACTUItERS OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Custom House Exchange SS5 Flandert Cor. Seventh Sts. McCROSKEY&EMMERT PROPRIETORS. Private Entrance on Flanders Street Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1 The Uarivalcd Piano of the World KRANICH & BAGH Established 1884. Visit our Vartroora and be convinced. Many other tUndard and reliable makes of Piano and Organs. We sell oa EASY TERMS. No large first Payment required. C. A. WHALE riUSIC HOUSE M. C MATTHIEU. Manager, 128 Sixth Street vj&jjfcjmtj.j'iu O. M. Hofsteater PHOTOGRAPHER 165 1-2 THIRD S1RIET Between Morrison and Yamhill I'OIITI.AMI, OltKfl. N. S. C. LYLE Home Bakery Delicatessen ... 180 SIXTH STI.EET, llctwvcn Stark and ' H,k. ltl I'linnm WeddliiR nii'1 party rakes n 11 totally, (londi deliver, d rf re t" any V"rl "' '"'V ' Hot aid Cold linicliis. I looks w rmln. I'd. Uinclio careiu IV prepared 'VfortravcU'raalidcxciirsluiilsis. PORTLAND, -4H11M10N. ..UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.. i $25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 Ornithological Contest. roin.Ml.lni? enilrtly new ""' '"'V.V T' 'iVm Hod what on arc to d. 'V1' .Fl Vi'Ii .' ("iirci.iil.sl Is to s-i- whi.c..n make the larsi'M 1i MiiaiiiM Vr kinds) of blrda Ir.m Hie fo.. IiiwIir I si ol liturat WDOOOCCK,QULlAP,R TARIDGESPNTELV EBRDIMWADOHTL BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY itS. Vt ..K; n'Konrah Vakil. Iil.inni.d .i..l .. . . . - .. tiui stiit I'll iii xl ui-ri nn 1 is iioiik mi 11 n, '"""" . Viiiiiili.ii h i:M liiriv ltlin" 'or ihe next bet lolnlloit, a lioin Piieo- . d for ill itlu-i eorreet aiijiillons - Vs."; .. " . J v..i.!.'. ! if j:r,?rHl 1 K warded . ly. in' w "'i l' 'i' "" l,?i 1 . pan. It inHk,'.; .... Tir..eil.,dirA,Bi! xoiirM.liitH.il lHte.rrl 'V.V'.Vln ..L .. lied Ik 10 n.all this Adi.r Ijeniilit I" l. ill I 01. Ihed) II icutl.i.is.lf xoi rll. si I.elHM. euj 1 .'"-"'-:; ,',-:: -,;,,, , w ,,, Villi 11. .Ill llHIl T ,1 n iiiihi ...-.-.. "'.-.; ,.i ihVTii.i. 1 iHiititiu t vl,l,.t:, ;;n;,ruLr II. 11 on our iM.rt-c.. anno- .flu d J. I e a 1.1 wi l.iUii well .' ."'"',' ', I 0 1 reaMn w uuii-i ' : , " ,"- ,; ,,;;;, ;.f ...an Vntiii . jK;n i .1 1.1 ... ...in I., niitkniii.il n umaniii' u..i lili !. II .PPIT1I lll.l l.ll.'iv .....-. offer, 1111111. r'.'.V' . i,i. T.n immev. brains ami r. pillatl.ili. -.-"- .. . .".... ..p.. 1I11 I and If wo 1 f oniinen.l Tht ii ' ' , ...Vi, .... I i hereby mil iiiiir ni. our v... ....... -; f nriliir We are will UK n mend iv In a ont. M In balldlliK ..,. a M ..ile Ipllot. U.t.aiid when tli Urnone) l jl e w',yjrnJ the rlclit lopiiplls. a Vf.'ni?!1 Ilnn'i del I iniiir.i hss tut n d scout lined. I on t tieiii) tin II ?t If to nl". 'Iho ...litest vlll eontl.ll.e until Jill) Wi.lWI. , , Il.d. lU'lld .in Tif all iithiia to Iho pornni who iius in U.i 111 T " ii I. In me t 'd I...", some; iihi nerl r Con.mlitro will .".! o and Hi.irVli.rlMi ilalU.b.il III.' ' I JO w Is.' will Iw a an'ed In rei teial er. 1WI Am blnl s iihiiiu imind In iheilletloniirlis amp ol. WO l!IV A nii.Mm i n.i-.n -- WHO WE ARE Vo'L Kamt, Sttftt, Ttiwi. ..Count v- K 11. Ho careful and l',lfI',1l1 ' i' do not receive undcipald letters, lettir 5e as We A,WrCriiK woman" vroiiMV' llrentfor.1, London, W., KngUnd. PHKHIFP'S BALK. In tho "circuit court of the state of Oreyou for Iho county of Multnomah L. L. lluvvUius, plaintiff, vs. Cnrrln Joues. ot ill., defenduuts. itv- virtuo of an execution dulv In- Hiie.l out of uml under tho seal of the mid circuit court, to mo directed mid dated the 3rd day ol January, 1001, upou a judgment duly rendered unrl en tered in caid court and cniueou the22d dav of Jauuury, 1802, in favor of J, O. Ai'uswortli and nfainit Z. 1. NNrlifht, et ul . therein, for the sum of Si.64.25 with interent tlieicoii at the rate of 10 tier cent per annum from the 22d day of .January. 1802, and Ihe further nui.i of 160.86 with interest theieon at the ratw of 8 per cent per annum from the 22(1 clay of January, 1802, aud the f..,t..r ui.n of 810 cOfcta and rtUmme- mini. a .lioruili. 1 .lid on tie .in nay oi l.nimrv. 10111. lllllv loVV UISM1 the fol lowiiig'desoriiie.1 teal property situated in tho county oi Muituumaii, state of Oregon, to-wit: ...... , Lots 1 and 2 in block 4 in Highland; alio, lot 14 iu blouk 13 'in I'amdl.e Fpriufc' Tract, and lot 8 In block RH in i'ortltfud City Homestead, ad will iu compliance witli its commands on Monday, the 18th day oi February, 1001, at'the hour of 10 o'colck A. M, at the frout door of the county court house, in the city of I'ortUud, said .ounty and state, sell the said real property at public auction to tbe high estbidder (or caBli to satisfy said judg ment with interest thereou as aforesaid and the costs of aud upon said writ. Dated Portland, Oregon. January 14, 1001. WILLIAM FUAZIEIC, Sheriff o( Multnomah County, Oregon. We v II reoi Kiilse as a blul m Ihli K Uili im Inirto tl i l"alhiu-d tnbi.v I cli.er ll iws lien, 1 row "inuer, " My wt kind. ou tan iio aLiVara In the il of K'lleia h;oc. lor In "."a1 c wl'mlc. ck . I'l.rt er. Hu , I n . J W 1 hiin ierMin w loctiii miil.li a lli-tof .'A or ii ore Vrriit nanus of VIW",." ' .".'. M.1?1 1' ' ly FRhKHleautllul Prise xnlito l.nu ir Ui. When .u liMjoinaihi o" "iJ. rflI I lei'!! thellniMin lltu hollniiiiil Ilia ,"1J,1,U1",1. .. teliiiR , stiiinp ol ir eoimirv vl I Hi . " rim .t .ar.le.l .1 prlio mi ; f '' ! ii'i tlm iir c l IhioiiiIiik iilisn'rn er in , '"'1 V f'f. We 1 hull award a j.r Ue to tVeryi'erMin wlo Minis tl.iimciil H Ulr.i. im'oi ? KlflK w 111 ho a, ft. I . , ".'t'i lUl. ruoled ea Ii day, ('.''1'.' W.k tliH In. VO..H.I hl minium ' "" J"V'"J .. i' iur int. money until ou know " ," ,"1.,,,.r, " ' i haiu KRltied by siiiiiw "liiij '" .Vi . 1 hi- .'i siMumUerlMii.iaclula) " ),"',".! .Hi.'.a Siii. rl will J. .Weihe l',"'-' 'V5U M 'M -l.llllj , and will deslmiMB l I''',1,.11,: u. ",iJ write 10 lonmi'iico iittir !,- S"1.? -?. Jii?I l,aM..Tii.i aided nu. if.en H J'" ' l"- i unti ivupiiv in 111 ui niuu" s'rn ntf pHT;Uliu.wlV' million '' ';,' .1.1. ....... ..1 .in usi Liinw ttiH 1 1 I11H minion 0 ell 1 uiien iUrllr can he Indeeed 10 rr; Thr "Trimn' H'orW" lhnrmtpht rtllnhlr II,. A,t"r rtW'MWy i r fn nuy Alr;r. i &n Agtut ur ivti'it maJ himlnn or .v 'JjSaBMJt ,J&&friJ&tmmL'ik.. ,--'' Lincoln's Great Rival. Lops of thu Btnkes for which they hud played presidential uud vice presidential numiUHtious uuturally briHijjnt Ahiaham Lincoln iin.l Judge Douglas into keener rivalry tlniii over. 'Ihis time the prlru was tlio seuutoi chip. It in safe to pay that had Liu' (din wiin it thu courso of history ami thu inn p of thufu United States might both huvu liccii signally cbangod. Ho should certainly havo won. Against nn.v hotly but Douglas, ho would certain ly havo (lono it. Not only was his pin ty in n clear numerical ii.njoritv, hut Douglas had by this tlino broken entirely with thu lluohiiniin atlmiuis trillion and had tho whole strength of feilernl pntronugo arrayod itgnlust him. I do net think it is wholly an elderly limns' pVrtlality for his own times which makes mo think thoro woro trulv giants in tho-o flays, and tho chlofest of them my own beloved "I.lttlo Cilaut." Heasonublo famil inrlty with present dar grout men war rants my myinir that thoy lose hy eon trust with tho pnhllo men ul tho flftlos. Tho moralo of public lifo has also til most wholly changed. I fear thoro is but too much justice in tho rhaigo that nowadays moralo spoils milllnuH. Col. Clm. I'. Ilutton, in February ".Vow" Llpplucott. I "The Star Doardtr" at Cordray's. "'I ho Mar llmiidcr," 0110 of tlm best and hrluheot of modern fiirurt-comedieri, I will ho tho alttrucl ion at Cordray's 'ihciter next week,' heitiuniuc i-uuday. Tho fun ruppllod hy thiw iiuiuhIuu skit Is Infectious mid i scnttered bo plenti ful ly thniuuh tlio three acts that theri is never a dull niomoiit duruiK the eveninn. Tho cliortiHCH aro Himnu and ctTui'tixo. ihu juuhIo catchy, tlio jokes new and tho dancing excellent. The coiiibjuiy in bended by Chalrca ii. Hoy lii 11 comedian of wiilo reiiutiition, who in tho niiiiio imrt fotH n lively puce for the aclor-. to follow. 'I here In a 1011I jilot to thu play, and tho fun duos not depend wholly upon special ties. It will 0.01110 to Portland after a most MU'cusHful Kasteru tour, and piomitoH to ho 0110 of thu features of tho theatiical suiisun. Kidnaped," at the Metropolitan. CoiiiiiieucliiK Sunday next, the put ioiih of tlio Mutiopolitan will havu an opportunity of witnesfinj! a real novel ty in inch diania. 'Iho piny will he "Kidnapped," hy that vermtilo aut'ior, D. K. IliitKiiip, author of "Iho Ven detta." A moro ulnliorntu production of ltn kind Iiiih never huen offered to a I'orthind aiidiotieo. It Iiiih an at moiiphoro of Hh own, mid holda itx an dlenco iuteiiKoly lnterenod until thu II mil drop '(f tho ourtaiu. Tlio Keener of tho phy aio laid in and around New York City, and tho ohiiriiotcm are all well drawn and lonniHtent. 'Ihe play in rather soiiBUtlniial in conatruo tlou, but, llkn nil Hu'cceaiiful draman, tho , comedy elemout is largely n evi dence, t. ere lleiiiK nbmti'of thu most orfyliuil comedy rilmitinuHconcelvalilo. Hpeuial Hciuery In cnrriod for tho en tiro production, an oxtremu euro in taken with detail)', which mean ho much to 'a HiiuceHnful preHuntatiou. Seat eiilo now open. BARELY ESOAPED A BUNKO. Iloaton "Vn m n n4 Hiianlclnti Arnnacd In Time tri hnvo h 9rtOO I.o. "Revvnre of the 'hello lllnn., ny tho Iloaton nifd Newton police, "for the wily bunko mail's In test hcIiciiio will 'Kot you If you don't vviiteh out.'" It la it telephone "dodge" nud one of the cleveteHt nnd moHt orlglunl conlldence trlcka now In tine, Hiiy tho police, and It ciiino very u'early "getting" In all probability tho wife of n prominent West Newton citizen who In nlno one of ItoHton'H leading bankers to the ex- .tent of $500 worth of dluinoiids on I'rl- day. Only her quick wit nnd leudliietis of mind saved hur dluiuoiuls, Her nninc Is cloHely held by the police on account of tho lndy wish to avoid all uuduo notoriety. It whs about noontime when the tele phone bell rang In her residence. "Hello!" called a strungo voice. "Is that Mrs. ?" "Yes. Who Is spenklngr "This Is Mr. , your husband's partner, you know. Yen, hnl ha! my rolco Is struugo Bounding to-day. I've got n cold. "Wo all hnve 'mil this vventher, you know. Oh, thank you. I expect It will be better to-morrow. Hut what I warn ed to do Is to deliver it iiieHtiago from your husband, who has gono out to at tend a directors' meeting. "Close friend of his has Imported n large number of diamonds of large size and extraordinary beauty and your husbaud wants you to bring to him or send a few of your best Jewels, as he thinks he cun manage to exchange them for some finer ones perhaps." Such was the message. For a mo ment the lady pondered It, a trifle doubtfully, and yet not altogether with suspicion as yet. "Hay many should 1 bring?" she auk ed. "About .VX) worth, your htisbotn'. snys. and hu thinks It would save jou 'not her If you sent lliein In by n mes- songer. This did stir the lady's suhj.IcIoii. "I really think I'd better bring them In myself," she said. "Oh, very well." suld the other volco pleasantly, and, both telephones rang off. Then the' lady, after pondering the matter over, called up her hus band ? office and was answered by him self. The whole affair, the pollcthluk, who woro notified at once, was the clever plan of nn original crook, and the drag nets were spread for him. Boston Post. i When peace folds her wings ovor some households, the wife shortly after ppueart In a uew dresa. .' SiS.'' tstfi v J( -j.-- HOISOmCE General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Progress of tV Various Llnu of Human Endeavor Being Accom- pllshtd by tht Race. Tho Nojsrn press, although poorly supptrtud, and hut littlo appioclutnd hy n largo niajotity of thu Nugro raco, is manfully doimt its duty in tho in terest of tho raco. 'Iho American Negro not having reached that point of intelligence mid actual oxperloiico in civilization and the huslnp world, doos not know tho valuo of a racu paper. llu does nut oven know the real good or harm of a uevvspnpor. To try to oxplaiu to hiin tho usefulness of raco newspapers in actually casting poitrls buforo swine, or il is uhoIpfh ox pendituro of breath. Ilonco tho lmrri ro for Negro journalists. All tlioso who n ro supporting raco newspapers by paying lor thuiti and ruadlug thorn aro exceptions to thu rule, and should not bouumo offended at what wo havo said. Itov. Hiram 11. HuvoS, form or ly United Stntos senator from Mississippi, died ilninniry 10, at Aberdeen, Miss., being stricken with paralysis whilu addrufsiug tho Mississippi conference of tho Muthdist Kplscop.il church, of which hu was a presiding elder. Mr. Hovels vviih priiminuut during the days following tho war, especially in Mississippi, whuto ho did much good iu his work among tho freediuen. Ho was olecteil to tho Hutu rtuato In MisMslppl in 18011, anil tho following year was n'lit to thu United States Semite, being tho llrst Afro-Ainuiican raised to that dignity. Comptroller General Wright Iiiih just linlthud tho work of coiisolldalliig tho tax rutin ns of thu colored peoplo of (iuorgin, mid his report makes iiultu an Interesting showing. AHstatud in thu .lnurnal, tho aggro gate of property owuud hy Negmos in Geo ruin Is .Tl 1,1 18,20, us against .fill, r.(lll,l?ll hiht.vo.ir, Of this .fi.ilol.HOO is in city mid town pioMiity mid 14,271,504 is ropro fented hy farm liindH. Th'ey own $72,070 worth ol merchandise, havo U1I, 480 iu rush Mil vent debts and $4110,01)7 iu plantation mid mechanical tools. Tho total number of acres of In nil owned hy Negroes is 1,076,0711, and there are 110,08 Negro voters iu thu statu ns shown by thu digest. Thoro aro 14 Negro lawyers, 45) doc tors mid dentists. 'iho report shows a marked Improve ment in tho condition of thu Negioes of Gerogin. In fact, their proporty returns show a llatturing Increase for ovory jear slneo 1870, when thoy re turned fur taxation only JfC,182,U8 worth of property. In 1800, ten jenrs later they had doubled their possessions, returning for taxntin.1 at that tlmu $10,41, ililO worth of porporly. M. Took, dealer iu iluo cigars and tolmccos. (IU street. groceries, N. Third How studio. Nuw building. New tl rm . Ila.ves & Khort Seventh mid Washington struuts, over UresHuis new grocery. ' s Armory Drug Store, 81 Tenth street, northwu.t corner 'leuth mid Kvurott stioets, Portland, carries a full lino, (I drugs, toilet articles, school supplies, cigars, otc, Tlio National I'nliuo Gazetto, pub lished by itlcliar.1 K. Fox, i'ollco Now a f-tmdard, mid all other sorting papers. Subscriptions taken ut A. W. Sohmale, bookseller and newsdealer, 220 First stroet, I'o tlaud. Oie. Ma orders solicited. For Xmas goods, Holding llros,, 45 N. Third street, huvu a choice Kelectie:. of holiday goods iu tlio lino ol silver. ware, pocket books, fanny jewelry, dia monds, umbrolhis, gold and silver headed canes, watches, lockets, eto, Call aud inspect our stock, TO THU DBAF A rich lady, cured of her deafmiss mid noises iu tlm liund by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Kar Drums, gavo $2fi,0()0 to his institute, so that deaf people unublo to procure the ear drums may hnvo them free. Address No. D HMHl, 'Ihu Nicholson In stitute, 780, Eighth avenue, New York, NOTH'H. Notion is Iwrehy given that iu pur suance of an order of the referee in bankruptcy for (ho district court of tho United States for tlm district of Oregon, residing at Portland, Orei'on, iiiudo on the 2(lth day of .limitary, 1001, in thu matter of thu estate of ,1, .1. Morgan, iu bankruptcy, iu raid court, the undersigned trustee of said estnlu will recti ho sealed bids and will sell to the highest bidder, for rash, all the uccounts. notes and judgments, listed as assets of said estate, at Ihe time of filing his said petition In bankruptcy, iu said court. That all bids must ho delivered to me, or mailed to mo, in care of Alex Hvveek, reforeo iu bank ruptcy, mom 000, Chamber of Com. nifTi'H lint 111 1 ii tr . Portland. Oreinn. on or belero 10 o'clock A. M,, of Iho I'Jtlij day of February, 1001. ilhls opsned ' at tho ofllie of said referee. THOMAS CONN KLL, Trustee Iu llankruptcv of thu Kstaio of J. J. Morgau. CITY NEWS C. A, Kilter, foelrl; - I'dltor. Wo shall know no favorites, mid shall bo absolutely Impartial. To in sure publication, iill local news must reach us not later than 'Ihursduy morn ing of each week. Thu In grippe is still quite pruvalont. Mr. C. O. Coffey is confluod to tho houto with an attack of In grippe. Mr. Il.jtijninlii Johnson, of Albany, an old pioneer of Oregou, diod iu that city ou tho 20th iuet. Mr. John Kumple, who was sont to tho itisano asylum, died at that insti tution un tho illst ultimo. Mrs. Laura Lapsley, well known in this city, has accepted a position with Williams & Walker's "Coon Town 400" compauv. Mr. .1. K. Colbert is nblo to follow his usual avocation after boitig con tlned to tho house fur sovoral days tho Hist part of tho week. Mrs. Chns. Green, of this city, ox pecti to move iu lied lllulT, Cal., to resldo pcrinanontlv, as her husbuud has fotttid employment there. Mrs. John Lang who lias been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Thomas, returned lo her homo iu Itnd lllulT, Cal., last Wednesday evening. Thoro will bo a Vnlontluo sooial at tho A. M. K. Zion church ThuiBdny uvotilug, Fob. 14, Muuy novel mid interesting features are promised.' Mrs, Maria .livkson who uuilorwout a severe operation ut HsJ Vincunt'H hospital lust week, is iirogrossiug nice ly and tho physlulani hnvo uvury liojio of her ultimatu recovery. Tho concert given 'Ihursday ovotilug at Odd FuIIuwh' hall, fur tho huuutlt of Mt. Olivet llnptist church, was n decided stiucuhs and refluoted great ciudit on thu committeu having cluirgo of tho same. A neat sum was raised as the rusult of their efforts, Tho parents of Fred Alexander, who wan htiruod alive, have takdu steps to sua tho county foi damages and sup port. It is announced that they aro pooi. If an appeal is Hindu for funds to astist them in their suit, lot our peoplo rospoiid'hoiirtliy. It wo cannot touch Ihu conscience ol thoio barbar ous mobs, wo may inako thuin pnuso by touching their poikels. At tho last regular meeting of tho Afro-Americnn Council tho following oxudutivo cnmiuitteo were selected: II. It. Corlo, J. O. Logan, J. N. Fullilove, lleury Taylor mid Chus. A. Hitter. Thu council is lapldlv increasing iu iiiombershlp mid bids fair to bo an in strument of great good iu our midst. Meetings aro Jiold on tlio second and fourth Mondavs nf each mouth at tho Ilcthel A. M. K. phuruh. Maiiy a man becomes a hero through having homo woman over estimate bin worth, itather than diKllliislou hur, hu acquires thu iialitlui with whluli hur loving Imagination has iuvestoil him. Colored women can in many cases assist their hnslinnds hy stuv nig at homo and beniitlljlng it. When on thu streut look in frout of them mid kuup their mouths shut, ami when in uhiiruh contiol their lit tit heels. Thin will go a lung ways toward helping their husbands. Mr H. S, Fruummi, who him for some timo pact conducted a grocery stoie on Seventh mid Davis streets, has opened a mint restaurant ami chop hotiMt at 2(lil Kvurott street, where hu is prepared to servo meals at all hours, day or night. Mr. Freouiau lias thor oughly renovated tho establishment mid secured an .lflluleut corps of wait ers and cooks nud Intends to conduct his nuw busluo-H in tlrst clusi stylo, Wo bespeak him success and recom mend parties looking for satisfactory srrvicoto patronize him, A fuvv men of tho push ami outurpriso of Mr. Freomiin iu any oommuuitv will do moro to solve thu raio question than all the roMilutlniiH ol regiut or con deiiimitlou that may bo passed by our people all over the country. Tho February Kvorybody's Maguluo U a first rate number full of articles with life and vim iu them, Iu every contribution there is spirit aud Indi viduality, Thu storlos uro brink mid stirring, thu descriptive artieks not ably interesting mid ilvld. Nothing better iu its way hits been written than Maximilian Foster's '"llm Con queror" which tells In piuturesnuo style thu life of u bull caribou in thu Northern woods. Tho "Curiosities of Courngs" is u subjeot that appeals uaiurally to llichurd Harding Diivs. who uarralei a variety of eutvrlaluiug stories illustrating various phases of the virtue, all ol vvliiuh make capital rending. Thu "Making of a Country Home," hy .1. I'. Mowbray, is u charming opening ton (cries of articles which a ill havo a wide circle nf read tri. There U u "Yawp," by V, J. Lampion, a virile impression of tho light ut "llloody Angle," by Cml Hovoy, togo'herwlth stories hy Adaohi Kiunosiike, Hugeuo 1'. Lylu, Jr., Ha pbael Suhatiui, aud the continuation of thu stirring navel ".lonely n Che shire," by Sura Hoauuiout Kennedy. NF.W N OUT IN wet lAviun, No. 2S54. O. U. O. of O. F, meets at 2"5j Seen d street. 'oriier of Salmon, tlrst mi'Hblrd Tuesday of each month, All Odd Fellows in gool standing are cordintlv invited. F D. THOMAS, K. WAlSON, I. S. N.Q. sy VjW ifj, sv -ri.j