zv TH3B NEW AGE,...POBTIiAia). OREGON. I The New Age, A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. orrioK so Morrison strkei. Orxgou Tliilinnn Onk 801. Entered at the I'natofllce at 1'ortUnd, Oregon, ad clui mutter. BUIIHCKII'TION. OmTwr, Payable In Adrunc S2.00 (JltUHADK AGAINST TIIK KKGKO. KranRvlllo, liidinun, In tho lntot no (liiisition to thoBo cuininunitlcH in which, chiefly for political roimons, tho anti-Neuro oloniont Imh arruyod it wolf nBninat our people, procooiHnjr with most drastic and unlawful inran tires to oxpol tho colored population thereof. In this unholy work, uncoil Htitutioiml in point of any law which may, for expediency, ho invoked to faor it, thoso who proinoto it cito tho l.vnchiuK of tho colored mon at Hook port and Iloonovillo for tho allowed ciriino of enuring tho death of a white harbor at Itockport ono night ovor u month ago. Nearly all of tho popu lous communities in that district or Indinna havu applied similar moasuros ugniust our people. What docs this extraordinary em Hiido auainst tho Negro mean? it can not bo either religious or tomperatico in chnractor, for our peoplo aro among till) most U0V01UU III vilinnmuio. . . . i A...1 ..r I ii.aaiiin.ii ir ' iiiitiiiol bo educational or industrial, for tho Negro is among tho most apt, tho most ambitious and tho most advanced in his classes, ilo is tho most industribuH employe in what ho undertaken to do. Can it bo political? If bo, why should it occur in that par ticular part of Indiana? Ie t us seo. In ovory town mcutionod as tho cen ter of this antiNegro activity it is found to bo hold by thoHO whoso pioju dicos against tho raco is chiolly on ac count of its color. Who compose- this olumont? Generally, they aro mom bora of tho Democratic party and they do thoir work of crime invariably in communities in which partisan Democ racy prevails in political contests. Thoroforo. is it political? Largely no, boyond a doubt.' Tho iulluonco of disfranchisement of tho Negro iu oortnin Southern states has spread tb tho staid and stoical rouimunltlcH of Indiana. It in tho ini tial inovu to drive tho Nogroes from Indiana or disfranchise thorn. In those communities there aro many white- tramps. Ninoty-niuo iu ovory ono hundred of them aro criminals by instinct and habit. When arraigned for their depredations thoy plead in ability to obtain work- because of tho presence of Negroes who will work; and it in general ly on tho testimony of tho tramp that a colored man is con victed of crime. Tiiereforo, tho anlnniH in this unlaw ful movement is found in tho criminal heart of tho whlto hobo, nine times in every ten cacos tiled against tho former. Thoro aro a very few colorod tranipt not ton iu a thousand of tho hobo fratorulty. Our people will work. They have boon tauuht that principle of solf-presoravtlon ever since thoy wore old ouough to Imbblo for bread, if thoy cannot, for a given time, earn more than a living, thoy Imvo shown a disposition to do that lather than to loaf, tramp or steal. Hence, is the cnusu for this outrage oils treatment of thoyNogro political? What else can It be? A feature of tho progress of this bloody unmade U tho iucompieheuslblo supiuouessof tho Hopublicau managers relative thereto. MUCH PATIKKOK AT SAI.K.M. Tho souatorUl situation at Salotu la practically unchanged, exeopt to tho extent that publio patience shows signs of oxhauktlou. Corbutt receive! his usual support on each ballot, Mollrido his and Smith, tho Domooratlo aspir ant, his. The seatterrlng vo-ea may fall anywhere when tho break shall come. Hermann's most intimate friends have given out the statement that ho is not au avowed caudldato. Were bis strength will go on tho break Is already partially understood. It is positively ovidont, how over, that neither Mollrido, Hormauu, Smith nor Fulton stands any reat.ou;niiUfo state, should be mentioned Oltl oleohance of election. Their forces am holdlug outiu the hope that ex Senator Corbott may grow weary of . (be outwt aud withdraw, That hope' will uovnr bo rcnlizod. Mr. Corliett hiiH kIvoii it out oiitpliiiticnlly tlmt lie will nut withdraw. It 1h oiihor suc cess or dofoiit, with him, whilu it in cortniu do font for tho otliorH iminud. It in current liolluf, ImroiI on ividnnt work, tlntt tlie .Mollrlilo-llormnnii forcutt aro dohiyiuc tho flniil result in mi nflfiirt tn rmtlinr to ttinlr fltrnlli'tll till) " n tril(!f;linK VOtCU II lid lllittlo DulIIO- emtio support in tho break-up, thoir liojio being that in this way they may aoqulro votos enough to throw to ox Senator Mitchell to elect him, tho solo object boing to defoat II. VV. Corbott at all hazards. In this their folly may cost thorn much. It is generally boliovod that a break in tno alignment of tho so vend dllTor i' nt forces may occjr at any time. Tho Democrats aro becoming rustless. Tho peoplo all ovor tho statu aro de manding a final result. As said beforo, Mr. Corbott holds tho lead and wlion tho chaugo shall como it will beyond doubt placo n sullloicnt number of votes at Mr. Corbott's dlft.ofinl to oloct him. Itegular busiuoss Is bolug dolayod in this soriou by this tardinoss of dofiuito result in tho senatorial contest. It is ridiuulously silly for mon with incon sequential support to oxpoot Mr. ! Corbott to yield his place to tlioin , tj(j fmln ()f t( 110Op,0 cortalnly w, ot (lo lt ilo On tho other band, it In expensive folly for tho small fry In tho conflict to assume that tho peoplo of tho stato will applaud their work of dalliance with false Influences. Tho men who lead tho factions in this discord will be sorry iu duo tlmo for their play with public interests. Mr. Corbott wont to Salem with tho major portion of his party iu his bo half. Ho cannot yield. It has become far more than a personal matter with him. It is an affair of popular couso qiiouco now. Public sentiment is bo hind it and those who stubbornly refuso to yield to tho pressure of publio sentiment will ruo tho day thoy Ig nored it. Hon. II. W. Corbott is tho man to day, ami ho will bo tho man on the tlual ballot. A DAGO 8UII8TITUTE. It is said that, iu cortaiu sections of tho South Italians aro boing em ployed, iu the placo of Negroes, iu the work on tho plantations. This an nouncement ereatos no Hurprisn among thoso who have watched tho trend of current politlaal mid economic condi tions in "certain sections of tho South." For Instance: Hecently, colored voters of "certain sections of the South" were disfranchised, Itathor than live under such conditions of political proscription, thov lost no tlmo in finding homos where their logal political rights were respected. Thus industrial conditions iu "certain sec tions of tho South" became suddenly congested. Importation of labor was necessary. L.rgo enterprises suffered for lack of it. Tho Italian substitute was found to bo tho only alternative. Even now, however, employers aro complaining that Italians are not satis factory; that ho is not capable of be coming a good citizen; that Iu is lazy, troaohorous and generally iucoiupotout. This is ono of the llrst fruits of .tho movemuut to exclude tho Negro from tno Ninth, it is a rorooiul sugges tion of ono of the notable results of Afro-Aiuorican exclusion from tho plantations of tho Southland. Thoro will bo others, Hut those who ae aotuatod by an uureasouable pre judice iu this matter will not learn of tho full import of this infamous cru sade until tho ruination of their own enterprises and fortunes impel the con fession. Lot them enjoy tho dago substitute as long us they And virtue iu it. The Negro is bettor off in communities where he may pursue progress iu the essential uveuues of educational and industrial well being nun whore he may enjoy his constitutional rights of cltizeuship. OFFlOKl. HAWLKY'ti WOKK. GOOD Among thoso who aro doing excel lent work in behalf of the moral well- belui: of tho boys ami girls of the city, aud, indeed, tho young people of the '' H, 11. Ilawloy, of tho Hoys' aud Girls' Aid Society, whoso woric is no tthly commeudable iu many respects, I ahould bo said that the lloya and Girls' Aid Society of l'ortland ,is, in tho first place, ono of tho best and most activo institutions of its kind on tho Pacific coast. It is doing a nood work, morally and in charity. Officer Ilawloy, acting indor direction of Su perintendent Gardner and in pursunnco of his own conception of responsibility, is performing a noteworthy service. His duties aro multifarious. Ho seeks tho remotest corners of evil for victims of vico, whom ho roscuos, iu thoir early experience of waywardness, from the influences which invariably lead them to crimo when left to thoir own discretion. Ho is ovor alert. Dad boys and wicked girls cannot oscapo him. Ilo savos trlotn, not only from vicious association hut from public ity, ami ho places thorn under influ ences which mnko them permanently better. Not many cases aro troatod for waywardness iu tho Hoys', nud Girls' Aid Society without success. Ilo is a faithful, alort and ojusoiou tious olllcor. r TIIK GHKAT PAUL Tho proposed intor-stato fair for Portland in 1005 has already aroused tho busiuoss ouorgy of tho loading spirits of Orogon'fl metropolis and tho llrst results aro most auspicious. It is assurod beyond poradvouturo that this grand carnival of exhibits and accom panying features of outortaiumoat will bo hold. In addition to that, tho first stop in tho arrangement for it gives oarnostuoss that it will bo directed by managers whoso foresight, skill and ability in such extraordinary mattors will make it a success a success worth many hundreds of thousands of dollars to tho peoplo of Orogou in ovory lino of activo employment. Portland's growth as a metropolis has boon gradual, but substantial, and it shows today a pormauoncy not found iu any othor city ot tho groat North west. That ot Oregon gonorally has boon loss so, but not bocuuso of lack of incontivo advauco, but chiolly on ac count of tho absotioo of inspiriting en couragement and oousoquout enthus iasm. Iu a moasuro, this accounts for Oregon' s ropututioti as a slow-going commonwealth iu matorlal progress Tho day of tho comnieucemoijl of work on tho groat fair to bo hold Ifour years hotico marks a now era fy this state's advancement. Portland, pai tioularly, will roceivo a grand sharo of business bcuollt from this great un dertaking. A newspaper is really no moro than an admirable iuvoutlou for propagating ideas and news. Tho fact that a man is at tho editorial head ot it, or juiy where olso on the lino, doos nut iu tho loast relievo hlui from tho dutioi and responsibilities attending tho communi cation of thought. Tho libsrty of tho press means liberty to stato facts, lib erty to arguo them, liberty to denounce abuses, liberty to advocato reforms. It doos not mean tho venting of private aud personal spleen and grudge. Aris totlo delluos liars as of two classes, tho Hellish aud tho uusolllsli. Journalists may be divided the samo way. .Thoro aro thoso who aro iu it for some baso, solflsh, sordid aud porsoual end, aud there are others who like it beoauso it elves an opportunity to oouflrui mid spread truth aud to correct and uproot error. Tho personal journalism, that attempts to reward friends aud puuish enemies is a noxious aud uuhealthy thing. For the bouellt of tho press it self it outfit to die out. Littto work of a general character basso far been accomplice 1 by the present legislature. Much of thelegls laitou so far done is of a spooial enar aotor. Administrative results in the Phil ippine islauds are not vet prououueed ly dofiuito. It is evident that the task of subjugating the Filipluos bus only been begun. Tin special tax to relieve the conges tion of flnuuoos iu tho municipality of Portlaud will not cover tho dellcit by about 133,000, but it will help rc'liovo the eouditiou of the local treasury. Affairs iu tho settlement of the Uhi ue.se imbroglio are again entangled, ltussia's courso embarrasses the situa tion. Karl Li has proven' to bo a liar iu more places than ouo. Spranger'a Arcade, K. H, Sprauger, Proprietor, southwest comer Sixth and Couch streets. New and strictly up-to-date. Ladies' auuex elegantly furnished and secure from intrBsiou, Heading room, pool aud billiards. Ki.uiNii imos. Dealers in Dlnmomls. Watclii's, Jewolry, Sllvcrwnro HptTtnclcB, Ktc. ItKI'AlltlNa A BPI-rMITV. AM. WOHK WARRANTED. tt Third Ht. Ilet. I'llie Htiil And, Old tl o til mid Bllver Ilnuitht. I'orllnnil, Or. nOKTI-ASI) CI.U1I AND CAFE 130 Fifth Street. j Our Specialties: It MnnoRrntn mid III Cynii Noble Whlsfcloj. A RK80RT FOK GEKTt.KMKN. Oregon i'hone, Main 908; Columbia Plionc, 9 H AYES fc 81IOKT AUTISTIC I'lIOTOaitAI'lIEItb. New Studio Pevcnth ami Washington Streets, OveT Dresner's New Uruccrr. T IlKOItKOON IIVE11Y, FKKD, HOARDING AND BALE BTAIII.KH. Columbia Phone 087. Otegoa l'honc Hood Ml IM1IHIE & IMIIUIE, 1'rop. 8icclnl attention Riven to lxmrdcto. Ourenr rlngei meet nil trains, Cor. Sixth mid Conch Streets, l'ortliuid, Oregon. pHOTO STUDIO Sl')4 Flrnt Street, lift. Salmon mul Mnln, PORTLAND, ORKOON. I'liotngrnphR taken any si mi or style: also Photo lluttons mndo from life or miy picture. Out door viewing done, also llnlshlng Kodak's Copying and Enlarging. K. KltAIT, Artist lor amateurs, instruction in rnoiogrnpii). logm ', Art CHARLEY iPin.RoiRi Now on Johnson Street, Onpo-lto Union Depot. LUNCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Ask Your Dealer For mnsHucn Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER ItopalrliiK mid Iternverlng of Fine Umbrcllai a. rpeuinii). 313 WiialiliiKtiin Strent. Three doom abou Old A King " , l'OltTI.ANV.OHEON, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, DRV GOODS AND FURNISHING GOODS. 229 Morrison Street lletweca First and Second PORTLAND ' OREGON. Say!! If You Want Qood Shoes Goto EGGERT-YOUNG CO 129 and 131 Third Street B traoc r ' MARK. Ufftl mmmmamMammmmmmmmmmmmmmmWBwmmi III MUI lili. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL - - S50.000 FRENCH BLOCK, TACOMA, WASH. fUIUF V. CAESAK, lrtldent; TRUMAN W. EN08. VJce.I'resldent; 0. B. 8ELVIQ. CMblari JACOB II. VANURRMLT, AuUtant CaahUr' OJil'u -, GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Inttrtat allowed on deposlta la Barlnc Department Circular Letters ot Credit ls4on Bona; Konc, China, and okonoma, Japan: also Drada and Blllsol Kxchanca taauedaa China and Japan, and th principal ctttaa o( Kuropo. Koralgn moueya exchanged. r HAVE SPKOIAI. rAClLITlB FOK HANDLING GOLD 1CT AND BULLION ' ,iffl''Pv(iWMSw's.'11 On the Inside. of a collar, shirt or cuff dono up at this laundry means that you ate all right, and that your linen looks as ini maculato and of as smooth and lino a finish ns if it just camo from tho fur nishers, Comfort aud satisfaction wo glvo yon in ovory piece of llnon that wo launder, aud our prices are trifling for it. Tho Domestic Laundry, J. F. IlobiuEon, Peudlotou, Orogou. Buy Your Holiday Candies AT Labbe & Rebe Ice Cream and Confectionery 310 Washington Street WHOLESALE & KETA1I.MANUFACTUUKI18 Our Hpeclalty: Weddings, Poclnls, Picnics mul Homo use. Free Delivery both l'lione-. ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. One of the most complete Imkcrys In the Northwest. Bakes the Bcsl Pullman Bread Id (be West M. SHIELDS, Prop. 347 Morrison Ht. I'OHTf.AM), OK. And 403 Union Avenue, corner Haeramento, AlhliiH. llomc.mii.de tirend, cnkei mid pli's. linked beam and lloUin llroun llrcad eery fatuiday. Tel. Ited 1HU; Tel. Itod 311. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE Eight Trnlin Dallv between fit. Paul nud Uhlcnto, comirlliiB llir I,ittt I'lillnimi Nlrira, rerrlfn ninliiB 0'nn, Llbrury mul (Hiaervxtlon r, tr llftelliiliif; Clmlr Onra. TIIK TWENTIKTII CF.Xll'ltY TItAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN UMITEI'S ltnn Every Day o( tho Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHIUAtiO IIY DAYIIUHT. Tho lladvorHtnto Kxprm, tho Onest Day Iriln ItlllinlllK Hi'lHi'Oll St I'ntll ami ClilO'Kn Via the tihnrt l.tnu. Coiiniciloin (ion the West made v'a. The Northern Pacific, (irent Northern nnd Caiiailian Pacific Railways ThU Is aim tl e best lino betueen Omnha, Ht I'jtiil ittul Mlnntwl. .ll Ak'euta kell Ticket via. "Tl e Northwest, cm Line." W. H. MEAD, Oano-ol Agent, AL SISTER, T'aviling Agent, 148 Aliltir Strerl, INirtlnud.'Or. GROSS, WEITZEN J LIPPMAN Manufacturers of LADIES' TAILOR Ml SUITS Separate Skirts and Waists The Best Made Goods on the Pacific Coast 314 rirat Ntrntit, Cnriirr Hwlmuii, l'OUTI.ANU, OHKOON. BAKER CITV .IRON WORKS. HIGGIMS & HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural Iron Work ...ind Bridge Cstlngs WltlTK FOK KHTIHATKS. Oregon. $72,000 When in The Dalles CALL AT the BANK CAFE Next Door to the First National Hank. The Only Flrst-Clasi I'laie In the City. Choice Liqnors, Wines and Cigars O. J. STUBLING, Prop, Far Famed i General Arthur ..Cigars.. BEST SMOKE ON EARTH r Do You i Know the News ? You can hart It all for a crt Cii7 I criM 50c Month Month InTht Xrenlnt Telttrsm, ot Portland, T Orecon. It It Ihe Urgeitorenlnn ns- X paptrpubllihtdln Oresjon; It contains X all the news ol the state and of the ns,. X Hon. Try it tor a month, A sample X copy will b mallsd to you tr. Ad X drsst X I THE TELEGRAM. t Portland, Oregon. X ? THE LEADING PAPERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. SAN FRANCISCO DAILY CHRONICLE Ity .tlMll, Poalnire Paid, $6.70 a fa, SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CHRONICLE firmest Weekly ia the Gentry, $1.50 HEAR (Including puitw) to any part or tbe Dnlt.'.l Stnlcs, Caiuila and ttextco. i TIIK WKKKI.Y CHIIONILLI, Ibti brletitrat and m;at cmopletn Vily Newsprpr In th World. V'"' regularly 112 Columns, or 8'iK,n lKva. v( N". I.lt-ratur and ijcnctal tutor, inatlon; also a m iculflcnt AErtrultural an I llurlleultural Diparliixutt lbla la uu of tho cnati-kl ilrparlnicnta In any piprr on (lilt Uuast Kwrytblng wrlltrn I based on ex. reno In iIih Coast states, nol on Ks.tfin mca'a kiiowltUcv of their own UxMlltlia. SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. The Clirualrle llulldlnsy, TIIK LI1IIONICI.K rauks nllb tb grvattat on.apaprra In lb tlnllisl Slatra. TIIK CllltUNICI.K haa nnrQMl or, tb TactAc Coast. Il Kad all Iu ability, ntrprlM au.l oeua. TIIK CHP.ONICI.lfS Tvltgraphlc Rrpxrla ar lh Utrat and moat rrllalilr, Iu fK-al Niw lb-, tulloat and splcU-al, and Its KJlHtUU fioni lb ableat vu In Ibe cx-untry, TIIK CIlUONiri.K bM alwjya Krn, aad si ) v 111 U bi friend and clnnotl.m of bj liiplt, a agaliut rtniblnatkni. clllie, crpur4 lion or .pin olm nt any Dud. It will b Lido pen Jen i In rvcrjfilni:, nontral In ootbtog. 00 YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? Showing; tbe United SuU, Dominion or Canada and Northern Mexico OX JSK rilllK. Map of the World ON TJIK OTHKU fell I iK. aB4 gtt tb Map and Wefklx CbrooltW i tear, poatag prepaid on map and paper. IKKlfAHSil WSriSiatB .. laj VW J M. d YOUNO, Bwiutetor B. V. rralaa. avur fBAJKaaoa, oai , JSiM'iKi.