t;; n 1, t,mt$iiZ3f f i. ? -.-,-. THE NEW AGrE. PORTLAND. OREGON. 1 v. Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID THOMAK, Prop. Wines, Llquo s, cigars. el shard's Beer. 'PHONE, RKD 1818. FAMILY RK80RT. Cor. Chapman and Jelteron Bis., Portland, Or Picture Frames.' Pictures. Art Materials Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washington Mrcet Ret. Fifth and Sixth PORTLAND OREGON, milB BAVAKIA SALOON A. B. I1URGKH, Prop. Imported ami Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Wolnhard's liecr. Phone Oregon IllaJk 1915. B. . Corner Second and Oak Streets, v ' PORTLAND, OREOON. BOYD & ARNOLD ...General Agents... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street, Hoar Stark. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for quality of work and prompt service. 101-5 E. Water St. Phone 0033. The Golden West FURNISHED ROOMS. ....KASSON SMITH, Proprietor.... Iloomi fiOc., Special Kates, by Week or Month Everything new and clean. Ilct loca- lion In tlio city. Specially desirable on in uio city, specially acstraoi able (or parties dmlrlnK a quiet Kir parlies ursirinKS place, No Children 4 Doors South of first National Bank Main St., Opposlto Fred Ernst. ' BAKER CITY - - OREGON Oregon Brass Works MOORE & HARPER, Props. Bran, Hell and Composition Castings. Aim lnuin and Hhoiphor Iironie. Rrass Rail. lug. 8leamoat aud Machlue Work a Specialty. 69 Second Street, North. Ilet. Davis and Everett. Talapliona Oregon Matin 075. rOUTLANI) . . ORKQON. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES TRANSIT SOLICITED I ..BOTH PHONES.. Traveler should take "8" Street Car at Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East Anlcney Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wfco'esale Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor. Burnside. MAIN'S IARIILIC IIMFIill rorswayingscaie.Diaca, greenorwooujr tpou, tnossand oilier luugus growin aim n no equal lor disposing ol the moth and Invlgoral Ing the trees. No heating or boiling, simply t "'"'. a mmm . Ymtfo or '' Ejc-s n CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP la compounded on scientific principles (ram car bolic acid and Stockholm pine tar, and destroys the ticks and etectually cures the scab, leaving the sheep In a healthy condition, being also one ol the greatest dlseniectants known. Prica lowest ot any good dip. Address all cone epondence FISHER. TH0RSEN CO. Pertkai, Or. Pao&c Cout A4H, rpHE OLD RKLIABLK 8EVKNTU AND QLI8AN EXC'IANO-. J. L. O'FARRELL, Prop. Seventh and Ollsan Sts. PORTLAND, ORE. A RT18T1C MONUMENTS IN NATIVE AND A. foreign marble and granite: new and oris' Inal designs. II, J. HLAKSIKU. Oltlce aud works 207 Third street, near Madison. A LTIKR3 k SCHNEIDER CO.-R. ALRKRS, f. Prcs. and Mgr, Tlios. Schneider. Vlce-1'rcs., II. Albert, Scc'y. aud Trras. Proprietors U, S. Mills and Merchant Holler Mills. Manufactur ers o( Rolled Oats, Ont Mial, Flaked Whcnt, Iluckwhcat Flour, l'carl llarlcy, Rye Flour Wholo Wheat Flour. Corn Mcnl, Rye Meal, Hominy, Farina, Steel ( ut Wheat. Pasta Fuc tory Mataronl, Vermicelli, Spaghetti. Dottier In Grain, Flour, Hay, Shlnglrs, Seeds, Etc. All kinds Mill Feed. Office, 210-242 Front Street, corner Main, Portland, Or. G. J. Erdncr R. Hochull. CHICAGO MARKET Erdncr & Hochull Dealers In fresh and cured meats; all kinds o( sausages. 814 Washington street, Portland, Oregon. Roth 'Phones No. 413. pHARLES J. BCHNAHEL 1 Mn.it..i'..l.l a CIS Chamber ol Commcrco Building, Portland, Oregon. 1 RMORY DRUG STORE "nro Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domestic Cigars. Prescriptions a Specialty. K. W. Comer Tenth and Everett Btrcets, Portland, Oregon. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Office S. W, Cor. Fourth and Stark Bts. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, OREGON. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriage or Coupes. B"gKpe checked at resi dences to nny destination. Branch Offices: Hotel Portland: United Carriage Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager. T. HXNDMCXBltM D. DAHK PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty OltKOON PHONIC 943 It ED 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co, Wholesale Dealers. Mechanical Rubber Goods, Belting, Hose Packing; Fire Department Supplies. Snbbtr Boots, Shoes, Robber Clothing Rubber Goods of All Kinds 18 20 Front St . i n c ... J. McCraken Co. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street... PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAN'S Evening Gown Street Suit Fancy Wmlmtm Tmllor Matte Suite Riding Hakite, Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON -ALL--..TRAINS STOP. ..AT.. Wilkins' Ealing House 30 Minutes for Meals Lunch Counter In connection. The only Eat Inz House at the Depot where you can get a First-Class Meal. ROSEBURG OREGON B. B. RICH III I INI DRUB : 111 IN THIIB ST. PtaTLANI N9TEL Ol GARS BIRDS MARK MAPLE. WOODPECKER ARE RESPONSI BLE FOR BIRDSEYE. In All Spots Where Their Sharp X.tt tie Ullla l'enetrnte the Bark There Appear the Led Spots that JJeuut'ty the Wood. After having snout moro than Blxty yours aud mure thun 10,000 in huutlug bears niul studying tho wuys of wild creature, Greenleaf Davis, of Pat ten, Me., has begun to raise tamo woodpeckers with Uio purpose of using them to convert ordinary rock tuaplcs into the rare and costly wood known as bird's-eye mnple., Mr. Da vis is more than 80. Sixty year ago he inherited a mill property valued at $10,000, which he soon sold and theu ho went to the woods under the sldo of Mount Katiiahdlu. Hero ho built a log camp und spent much of bla tltno on the trail of bears and Indian devils, of which he has killed more than any other man in Muluc. It has been Mr. Davis belief that no creaturo should be kept in captivity more than a month. If the creatures he caught chose to remain with him after that period they wero welcome to such fare as he could afford to give. If they wanted to go the doors were open. In this way ho has tamed squir rels, muskrata and woodchucks until they and their offspring nearly overrun his camp. With birds he has been less successful, because most of them went away south at the annual migrations, and when they came back, If any did coma back, they were ungrateful enough to prefer their liberty to any thing that Mr. Davis could offer. Ho has two crows, one of which la mora than 30 years old, .which havo stayed by him aud never sought the society of their klud. Two robins lived with him for three years, but perished one cold night when the camp lire went out Ills great success has been won with woodpeckers, of which he now lias near ly 100. They nre of tho hairy aud tho downy species In about equal numbers, but more than both of these In number and esteem nre the red-hended sap suckers, which pick round holes In tho bark of trees, making them look liko the bottom of an old-styled colander. As these woodpeckers did not migrate Mr. Davis hod company the year round. He put up boxes for them to occupy oa homes aud In a few years the maple grove back of his camp was tilled with birds. The yellow hammer Is the only species of tho woodpecker family that will live without Insect food, and after the saptsuckers grew very numerous Mr. Davis 'had much trouble to feed them. lie dug up the ant hills and lift ed the sand out to get the Insects for bla birds, but In spite of bla labors the red headed woodpeckers made sad havoc In his sap orchard, digging holes in bla best maples and Impairing the flow of sap, from which much of his living was derived. It was Impossible to kill the birds be cause of the company they afforded and It was equally Impossible to live with out the income from the sap orchard. The old mun sieut weeks in his grove, watching tho result of tho wounds which the birds Inflicted on tho bark As tho scars healed ho noticed that there wus a bright red spot left on tho wood directly below tho wound. If tho tree was badly marked tho red spots were more numerous than they were on trees which hud Buffered less, while on trees which the woodpeckers had not visited there were no traces of red. About this tlume it occurred to him that ns the beautiful marklugs of bird's eye maple were due to tho red spots in tho wood, and ns nobody had ever been able to account for them, It was possi ble that tho variety of maple known as bird's-eye might owe Its origin to Uio work of tho woodpeckers. If so ho bad made a discovery that had ballled bot anists for years. Ho had also learned how to make his colony of tame wood peckers self-supporting, Dy mixing the ants, which ho sifts from tho sand, with a paste formed from elm bark boiled down to a thick batter, he can smear the trunks of thrifty maples with such food as tho woodpeckers require aud while they are getting a meal from the bark their bills are boring new holes In the trees that shall transform ordinary mnple wood, worth uo more than f 12 a thou sand feet, into bird's-eye maple that sells anywhere for $S0 and $00 a thou sand, aud the dealers cannot get all they want at those prices. ORDERED A STRIKE FOR FUN. Bon Telesjrapliara' Tie-Up oa the t-ant. fr'e Was Ilrousht About. "The rcceut strike of the operators on the Sauta Ke," said an old telegrapher, "reminds me of the strike which took place In 1801. I bad been down In Texas and by easy stages was working back toward this city, and was in Ht. Louis when I met Itamsey. 1 forgot Ramsey's tlrst name. lie was a good fellow. I knew him when he used to work oc the L. & N., and then heard he had quit to study law, At that time he was practicing law In East St. Louis. Itamsey was the head of the O. It. T, I "He was a little fellow, full of grit, ; and a good talker. The boys put him I In at the head because he was a law- yer and it was thought best to do things according' to Hoyle In the or ganization. Like ever' body else that I comes out of Texas, after a siege of it I was anxious to get back to God's country and spend the balance of my Ill-gotten gains among the people of my birth. When I met Itamsey be asked ma if I was an O. II. T. man, and 1 told blm I was, He told me there was liable to be a strike on the Santa F and asked me to stay about for a lew days. You can always use a strange face in a strike, and I was ft soda card in a new deck, so far as St Louis or Chicago was concerned." "We wero about St. Louis for a few days shaping things, and Itamsey was having conferences with persons In tho ofllccs of the company. A cipher had been arranged so that when tho time came and It went out over the Hue ev erybody could quit. Every man In tho order kuew tho signal und wus waiting for It or some auuouncemcut that tho matter had been ttxed up. "After a harmony conference ono day at noon everything on the Santa Fe quit working. Tho slgual went out and there was not an operator from Chicago to Gainesville, Texas, that cared to work. It was a complete tie up. Tho railroad people blamed ItuiU' scy and said ho had acted In bud faith. Ho denied having given any order to quit Ho cnlled thcuien- back to tho keys, but tho dnmago had been done. Tho story was a couple of days getUug out "In Wichita there was a fat opera tor named Williamson, who refused to consider life nnythlug more thun a joke. It made no difference to him I whether his name was Williamson, or Jones. He could chnnge name with every Job, aud Jobs after ev ery pay day. Ho conceived the Imp py Idea that the thing to do w is to tlo up the Santa Fe. Tho more ho thought of It the funnier he thought It wns, aud finally he opened up und sent out tho cipher order to strike. Tho result wns that believing tho strike was on, many of tho boys decided the thing to do wus to become a grluvance committee of one, and in two hours, thero was a string of operators from Illinois to Texas declaring their Intention of never sending another word for tho Santa Fe till the strike wns won. "Ramsey sent out n clrclar over tho wire, and somo of them returned to work. It took a couple of days to get them all to understand that some ono had played a Joko 011 tho order und tho rond. Tho man In Wichita wns black listed by tho roads and tho order, and from that tlmo on until to-day ho has been kept busy changing his name. Tho last I heard of him he wns on a brunch of the Santa Fc, satlslled that he would bo discharged as soon as the pay car came aloug aud ho was recog nized as Uic man who ordered the fako strike." Chicago Inter Ocean. RUSSIA'S GREAT FEAT. Railway Ferry at Lake Ilalkal a Trl niuph of Modern KnsJnecrlnsr. The most Interesting portion of Rus sia's great 4,000 mile railway is the steam ferry across Lake Baikal, In Cen tral Siberia. The lake has an extent of over 13,000 square miles, and Is moro than twice as wide as the English chan nel at Dover. In placca It is as deep as 4,GiO feet, and parts of It have never beea. blumbed. It la surrounded by some Af the hardest mountains which a railway engineer could encounteV. The plan 4fythe Trans-Siberian Hallway in clude a railway around tho southern end of the lake to connect Uie two lake shore terminals, but tho enormous dif ficulty and the expense, which Is an Important matter to Russia at the pres ent time, of constructing such a lino conspire to Indefinitely postpouo Its completion. To link tho two ends with a Bteam ferry which would be able to break through tho Ice which covers tho lako from' the middle of December to Muy was doubtless suggested by tho excel lent work of tho Ycrmnh Ice-breaker In tho Baltic. Sir William Armstrong, Whltwortb & Co., of Newcastle, were the constructors of tho Yermnh, und to the order of the Russian government they constructed a second und larger ice-breaker which wns christened tho Baikal. The Baikal has threo lines of rail laid upon her main deck to curry one pas senger and two goods trains across the lake. Tho trains enter tho Ice breaker at the bow, which Is run up against a pier. The mils aro connected nnd tho trains run Into tho vessel. With this load sho will cut her way through three feet of Ico nt a speed of 13 knots an hour. A screw nt tho bow wllh a separato engine bucks away tho water from underneath tho Ice at the bow which thus splits from Its own weight; the two stubby-blnded propellers at tho stern at tho same time forco tho vessel through the broken Ico sheet. The ac tual track of the Baikal measures ihlr-ty-nlne miles. Keuewa Ita Uark. ' The cork tree Is nu evergreen, an oak, querous suber, about tho size of our apple tree and grown largely In Spain for commercial uses. The bark Is stripped In order to obtain the cork, which Is soaked and then dried. The moment tho bark Is peeled off tho tree begins to grow another cork skin, and each new one Is better than the last so the older the tree the better the cork. The trees nre stripped about every eight years, and bo strong does It make them that they often live to tho ago of 200 years. Aftev the bark Is stripped off It Is trimmed nnd dried and flatten ed out. Then It Is packed and shipped to all parts of the world. Moicow'm Great HoHiiHal. The municipal hospital of Moscow, which was founded In 1704, has accom modations for 7,000 persons, and In tho course of a year It receives 15.000 pa tients. The Institution has on Its staff twenty-six physlclana and over 0,000 nurses. In 1812, when Napoleon was retreating from Moscow, ho gave or ders that this hospital be spared. Comfort, Friend It's a good thing you don't be lieve In reincarnation. The pessimist Wby7 Friend Just think of having exist eaces without end, each worse than tbess which preceded JtlI'uck, OODYKAR KUBDER CO. R. II. TEASE, Vlce-rrcsldent and Manager. A I.I. KINDS OP KUIUIER GOODS. 'S-T3 First St. PORTLAND - - - - - OREGON HISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees Tho Mou Sparkling, Dcllelon and Aro matic COFFEK8 Kver Haced on this Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Pour Blends.. WASHINGTON HOTEL N. P. d. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Hoard by tho Week, T00. Meals, in cents, Rooms by the Wcek,S1.00andui. Tronslents solicited. BAR IN CONNECTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, CUy 683. PORTLAND, OR. $$$ ' BEST LINE TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dnlntb, Chicago. And all Points East. Through I'alaco and Tourist Sleepers, Dlnlns; Cars (meals a la carlo), Buffet, Bmoklnir, Library Cars. For tickets and full Information reirardlns Eastern (rip, vail at city ticket oltli'o, ViJt Morri son street. A. II. M. DKNNIKTON, City Tass. aud Ticket Agent. W; A. WISE DENTIST .Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, OREGON. Tei. Red 2844. BARRH0TEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. New home, newly furnished, two blocks (rare Union depot .All the modern tmiiroremeuts, flrr-prool, hot and cold water, ctntrally lo eatsd, Bates, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Meals 23o, Baths 24c. Cor. Sixth and Glisan, Portland. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Cari leave Tortland. Corner First and Wash, igton uric i, (or Vancouver as follonsi Ingt VMiicniivflr 4a Minutes. A. M.-'Alllf, 7:01, 7:48,8:33, Ojis, 10;03, 10:, P.M.-IJMH, l:03.1MH. 2:S),818, 4:08, 4!l8,A:X), tiilH, IO:i:i, llli'il. (Leave First and Jel Irr.nu streets, 4 minutes earlier.) Ferry It-au-s Vancouver lo connect with cari as follows: A.M.-nsus, 7sso, 8:l.i, :oo, o:iJ. 10:30, uu I.MUJ.M. P. M,-U:i5, l::i, 2:15, 3:00, S;4J, 4:30, o:i&,;oo, 0i Jlliio. Cars leave corner First and Washington treets (or Woodlawn as lollows: A. M 0:i8,6.sj.fl:,7rfn,7:l8, 7:S3,7:4.,8:fi, 8:i, hiss, 8:48.8:03, :i,9:.t3, 4: I0:0.i, iu:i8, lU;:tx, 10:18, II :0.'l. l :IH. l :xi, )m. T.l.-UM,U:n. U:.u mm, i:ua, ins, 1:33, l:t,2:03, :)h, 2:33, tftit, Usui, asm, 3::i3, 3:48,4:03, 4:18, 4:43,4:48, n;ui, ft:i8, n::i, 0,4, 6:03, IMS Gi'U :18, 7:03, 7:18,7:33, 7M8, 8.0. 8:18. 8:83. 8:4, Oi 3. Bi'A'i, 0:4J, 10:03. io:'J.iujt3, nioj, 11 ratlins. WnorilKwn SO Minutes. Cars leave Wnodlawn (or First and Washing. ton streets as follows) A M-a:4V0;iw, ':i, :. 8:45,7:00, 7 tis,7:4, B:ot), 8:15. 8:30, ;l :00. ;. 9:30, :, iu:s), iu;i5. 10:30, 10:15, u;oo, 11U6, il:ao, ils4'..W:0OM. p. M.-r.':i .. W:ko, 12:4 1 :0o. 1 :15, 1 :3o, 1 :l 2:00. 2:15,2:30, 2!43:UD. 3:15, 3:H0, 3145, 4:oo, 4:15, 4::u. 4:t'i, Ji:ie, A:l& imk 5:43, g:oo, b.i.V own, :i 7:oo, 7:15, 7:30,7:4), s:oo, 815, :;, h;U). 0:10, 9;M, 9.W, lo;10. 10:3o, 10:50, j li tio. 11:30. dally, except Holidays. Dally, except Menodarsand Raturday. Hcdntsdays aud fcalurday only, I ..EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.. W. T. PHILLIPS. 20JHtark street, between Front and First. 1'hone, Oregon, Clay 441, PORTLAND, OREGON. Help ol all kinds fnrnl.hed on short notice. Wanted: Railroad men aud deck hands, cooks, waiters and general lioiiso work, larm hands, Will hands aud city work. Real estate llse-d and wild, Ifi-upplr sgrnt (or the Fasr Mop Wringer, pat ent applied (r. btate and county rights lor sale. G WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER I'UOKT SOUND NAVI GATION CO. faa ."bIb s'-ixtIm KSlHIHHHHEbaVBSHlBBBSjBBlHHHP PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hercules leaves every morning in the cek at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Return ing, leaves Astoria every night In the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday, OfUce, Alder street dock. Telephone Main 151. Columbia 'phono 351. K. W. CRICUTON. Agent. A STORU & GOLUMBIi w Tio li Passenger His Doll,- WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BKTWLKN Portland, Astoria Seaside Leaves For Maygers, Rain. ler.Clatskanle Westport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flavel, dear hart Park and Sea side. Astoria & Beashore Express Dally, Astoria Express Dally. . Arrive Union Depot Portland Union Depot rortiana 1:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. UtU a, sa. t;t0p.i Ticket office, 255 Morrison street, and Onion aepot, Portland, J. O. MAYO, Gen, Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Hatters and Furnishers ''' ' ls '' , Sole AfenuVor' KNOX HATS , .6UFFUM & PENDLETON 04 Third Street, PORTLAND, ORE. mm Yen nmnPN wpst BAKING POWDER It la PUREST It la CHEAPEST It Is BEST !(7ot AtiHtt Cittiflil Too Uniy Back Ciassxt A Dsvsas, Portland, Or. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST Graduate of ttaa Northwestern Unlsvrslty Dsntal College. Flrit-Clns Work i.d Prleti luieaabli 711 Dekum Illd'g, Cor. Third A Washington. PORTLAND, Or. Oregon 'Pbsna Qrsn tW USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing: Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor ; Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tin Btst In Current Lltiratun 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR 5 20 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY DUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF iiM aBk mmm 1 wmmmmmm 11 I J m ttl v .:fi M v-'j 'j A