V THE EW AGE, POItTIi AJSD, OREGON. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. In addition to the rcndy money, Olilnn !s expected to ko-tow to tho rest of the universe for yenrs to couip. The nlm of a person who given a toy rlflo to a boy mny be nil right, but It's the lad's cureless aim that may do the damage. In case Prlnco fchowfa Mahn Vajrla vudh decides to visit this country we shall Insist upon him having his name manicured. Ono bunilng question has grown cold nnd been laid nway upon the historical shelf. Everybody Is now agreed wo arc In the twentieth century. Judging from that prune studlng In cident some excellent boarding house managerial Uileut has been wasted In the making of some ordinary cadets. According to the Hon. ThoninS U. Itecd, a triiBt Is "a body of very rich men entirely surrounded by water." The definition undoubtedly (Its some trusts. It has been discovered by scientists that hiccoughs may bo stopped by smoking a cigar. The next time tho baby gets them you muy know Just what to do. Ono West Point cadet declared his opinion that hazing there wns not as bad as football. Probably It nlso has omo humane advantages over shooting tho Niagara rapids In a barrel. In dcllulng a political candidate ns "a man who Is asked to stand, wnuts to lit, and Is expected to lie," Winston Spencer Ohurclilll, M. P hns nicely preserved tho balance between wit ami fact During 1000 nearly luilf a million for elguers decided that the United Htates of America Is the best place on earth to enjoy life. If wo do say It who should n't, they made a remarkably good guess Tho confession of the Chicago Wom an's Oluli that men are poor hands at conversation because thu women Insist upon doing all the talking Is not only candid but obviously true. Tho hon esty and perspicacity of tho Woman's Club are bound to win for It a place among the leading Intellectual organi sations of the world. After nil the discussions ns to the best method of preventing lynching tho placing of thu responsibility on tho ahcrlff must bo pclcutcd up the best. Hotter than public sentiment or gulling Kiwis lu the Jail Is a sheriff who Is de termined to protect his prisoner If ho Is obliged to shoot down a dozen of the "best citizens" of his county. When lynchlngs become costly to the sherltT nnd to his bondsmen there will be less lynchlngs. We belluvu sincerely that crime and Immorality among the lowly mid weak of will have their oilglu to a great ex tent lu the unpunished offenses of an other class who owe to thu world n good example, but glvu u bad examplu In atead. Theru Is no usu for thu social missionary to go among the Ignoble to restrain and admonish them when they know that thu sphere whence tho mis sion Issues Is dollied by thu practices which In them are rebuked. Tho agu Is progressive, productive, materialistic. It alms not at thu Ideal, but at thu practical, not at thu highest development of the few, but at thu highest happiness of the greatest num ber. Its object Is thu welfare of tho avernge man, and It naturally desires that he bhall get thu beiiellt of Its exer tions before he dies. Therefore the agu 'gets a move on" and preaches tho gos pel of "hustle." Tho result Is benu tidal to the average man to thu great " est number. A movement Iiiih been begun by sev eral art Institutes lu this country to check the exodus of American art stu dents especially girl students-to I'nrls. It lias the approval of Ameri can artists of established reputation men who have studied lu Paris, lived In thu I.atlu Quarter, nnd know thu un wholesome conditions existing therein. They assert that facilities for thu tlrst training lu art are as good lu America as lu Paris, If not butter. For a proper appreciation and use of the rich collec tions of art which exist lu I.urope, pre liminary training Is necessary, and that can be obtained at home. "To go abroad for a postgraduate course," said one of tho most celebrated of these artists, "Is all right, but by no mean for a begin ner. Thu I.atlu Quarter Is vile," ho added. College football, during the past sen ou, had no worthier representatives than the students of thu Carlisle Indian School, lu the essentials of manliness and sportsmanlike conduct generally. Tho games In which they engaged were at tunny and us tlercely contested us those of any other college team, and the spectators, lu some Instance., were uelther so considerate nor to sympa thetic ns they might have been. Vet their games were exhibitions of clean, otrulght football such ns nil true lov ers of the sport like to see. The um pire's decisions were never onco titles tloucd, nnd their defeats were accepted with the spirit of men who had done their best, and who had, therefore, neither excuses nor explanations to ffur. They hae won a place for themselves In the regard of many who would rejoice In their success In other fields where the rewards arc less lleet lng than those of football. Various reasons are given for the fact that married people us a rule live longer than the unmarried. The Literary Di gest contains an Interesting extract from an article on this subject by Dr. Prluzlng, a German scientist. Dr. Printing shows that the married are healthier than the unmarried, and ex posed to fower dangers. The mutual care of husband and wife for each other, and of the children for their par ents, If there be children, and various other factors are noted ns making for long life among married people. Hut one Important factor lu prolonging life Is not mentioned, though It Is probably the most Important, namely, the will to live, which Is much more powerful with a man or woman on whom others nre Intimately dependent. How often will n man or a woman threatened with Illness tight against nnd overcome It, for tho snko of the murltnl partner or the helpless children; whereas a single person would probnbly glvo up to the attnek. This Idea that sickness nnd perhaps death can be postponed by n determined effort on the part of the In dividual Is gaining ground, nnd the un doubted power of mental action over bodily conditions lends It strong sup port. We aru still only at the threshold of knowledge on the subject. Hut the fncts already noticed show that It Is a subject worthy of our most thorough Investigation. Tho court of Imiulry nt tho West Point Military Academy to Investigate tho charge that thu death of Cadets Hooz and Hreth was duo to hazing brought out some Interesting evidence ou tho methods of hazing lu general use among tho cadets. Absolute truth fulness Is demanded by one of the un written laws of honor among them, nnd thu telling of an untruth would be followed by ostracism. It mny, there fore, bo assumed that tho evidence given by cutlets before this court Is accurate as regards facts, but It Is not necessarily rellnhlo In mutters of opin ion. Thu endets appear to bo quite unanimous lu thu opinion that the methods of hazing In vogue nt the nucdemy are nofliriitnl. Ou this point thu public will be Inclined to dllTer from them. Among the methods used by thu tipper cluss men to amuse them selves nt thu expense of the fourth eluss men Is that of "feet Inspection," which consists lu dropping hot caudlo grease ou thu bnru feet of the victim. New cadets are nlso compelled to run down thu company streetH while the men on both sides empty buckets of wnter on them. This Is cnlled "taking a bath." Other ordeals to which fourth clnss men aru subjected are "bracing," or standing lu an exaggerated soldierly position; "eagllng," or ntnudlng on tip too; 'wooden Willie," or drilling to tho point of e.xhnustlqn. Milder forms of hazing consist lu 'numerous ridiculous ordeals, Mich as requiring n man to stand on his head In n bathtub half full of water, or In making him stand j on his head, speak n piece, mid deliver u right-hand salute with his left foot. J Thu list extends through n picturesque i variety of Items to such harmless tricks as naming tho new men after, different barnyard animals and com-, polling them to Imitate the noises made liy tho uuliunls. Thu cadets assert,. there Is nothing brutal In any of these forms ( of hazing. They admit that If a cadet ( refuses to perform any of these things I HI will III! l"lllllri'lll-ll III 1IKHI, Willi Hie chance In favor of his being vigor ously pounded. This Is what happened to Itonz. Whether these things nre brutal or not muy be n mutter of opin ion, but It Is clear that tho victim's opinion might differ from that nf tho lingers. "Uncomfortable" would cer tainly be rather a mild word to apply to some of these ordeals, nnd even compelling n man to stand on his head, while It may not bo brutal, Is hardly desirable or lu accordance with tho plans of nature. Col. Mills, superin tendent of the academy, snys the more Injurious forms of hazing described lu this Inquiry have been abandoned for tho Inst two years, while thu others nre Indulged lu against orders. The Insti tution would lose nothing valuable If the cadets were to abandon hazing nl together. It Is a relic of barbarism at. best. He Was In Demand, ( A merchant who lives on the upper West Side of the city was uwnkcucd I nt ii o'clock the other inoinlng by the1 continued ringing of his front door bell. Ho tried to go to sleep despite the noise, ' but had to abandon the attempt when a series of shouts coming from (ie street In front of his limine assailed his ears. Mingled with the shouts he heard thu voices of men engaged lu a war of ' words. Jumping out of bed he ran to, a window, threw it open and leaned out. Theru were live men on the street, ' nnd seeing hlmthey begun to yell with I Q renewed vigor. I "What Is wrong?" shouted the mer chant. The ll vo tried to reply at the sumo time and tho only word the mer chant understood was "1-Mre." "What Is wrongV" ho shouted again. One of the live gut his voice before the others. "Your store has burned out," he screamed, "and I'll give you $3 more than anybody else for the privilege ol pasting blls ou the front of your build ing." New York lheiilng Sun. Vornuloutt. lllrtls nro lilessiHl with Inrjjo apiH-' tltes. Tho robin can easily devour two- thirds of Its wolght In eurthworma lu n day. It sometimes hnimena that u woman likes to phi)' cards moro to show her prvtty hands and rltiKs thau for th excltemeut of the game. Mi Business His ol me Dalles p IRBT NATIONAL HANK, THE DALLES. OK. J. 8. Bchenk, I'res.; u. n. ucai, umnier. A general banking business transacted. De posits reclved, subject to sight draft or check. Collection-, made mid proceeds promptly rc- mliinl mi rinv nf collection. Kleht and tele graphic exchange told on New York, Ban Fran-tl-co and I'ortland. F RKNCH A CO., HANKERS T1IK DALLES, OR. D. M. French. J. W. French. J. C. Hosteller, Caahlcr. IT HK CELEBRATED C0LUM3IA 11REWERY AUGUST BUCHLKR, 1'rop. Thin well-known brewery Is now turning ont the Lost llcur nnd I'orteriast of the Cascades. The latist iippllanccs tor tho manuiACture ol good healthful llecr lime been Introduced, nnd only the llrst-class article wilt bo placed on tho market. East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. mllK WESTERN LUMIlEtt COMPANY Office! Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. The Umatilla House THE DALLES, OR. SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietors. ..The American Plan Only.... Rates, II, 1.M) and 2 per day. All tralm atop for pnnnviiRera. 0. R. A N. ticket ofllcn. Western Union telegraph. Lour dlntnncu Hell telephone. AKontsatid otllco for all stage lino. Accommodation! nrat-cla-s. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OB. General Forwarding. AND Commission Merchant. Oftlcea nnd Warehouse at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS. Wool handling our specially. Grain bought and sold. the Regulator Lii The Dalle?, Portland t Astoria NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of Steamers Between Portland", Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and all Points on the Washington side. The steamers Dalles City and Regulator leara Portland every roaming (except Sunday) at 7 and The Dalles at 8 a. ro arriving at dsstiua. (ton in ample time for outgoing trains. Freight Kates Greatly Reduced. W. C. AM.AWAY.asn.Agt., Foot nf Court Street, The Dalles, Or mllE ORIENTAL J, W. GHUSSI, Proprietor. S2S Washington St., Opposite Imperial Hotel Drinks 10 cents, Beer & cents. niKMPLK MEAT MARKET. Freo Delivery To All Paris of the City. No, 61, Seventh and Davis Bis. Phone Clay SOI Lard, Ham and Bacon. GKONK A SIIUI.ZK, Proprietors. SOAP AND CHfi TAR nRKWKRY CO. llrcttersaud Holders of the Famous HOP GOLD I1KER VANCOUVER, WASH. B ROWN A M'CAHE. STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. bhtp' 11111 promptly dully ereJ Cable addrtts llrowu. rHN kkuly co Age . Nailii i. fill ..it n.ium IN. ... lfl. VAND fe PORTLAND, OREGON, ey FcollWIi I'niou A National Int. Co., Edinburg and l.omlim; Wotrru K and M. Atauraneo Co., Toronto, Can. K!, Third l., Columbian Uldg. I OTEUNKKN A JUI.IEN Wlioloate and reatail grocers, 312-314 Hutu side street, comer Mxth, Finland, Or. Tele phoue, Oregon Hlack V3W.'. Columbia AM. I THE DALLES, OREGON. MAYS & CROWE Wholesale A Retail Dealers la HARDWARE. ST0YE3 AND TINWARE Farm Machinery,, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Material, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, i Will leave Portland, foot nf Washington 8t., Sunilny, Tuesday nnd 'Ihtirsday evening ol 6 i o'clock, for fnuvle Island, Ht. Helens, Uaptei, Deer it nnd, Martins, Kalatnn, Ncer City, Hauler, Ml. Collin, .Majger. Stella, Oalc Point, Frcemaiii, Manzanlllo, Clatslcanlu and all way landing. TXT B. I10WMAN PUOTOORAI'HIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTI8T Views ol All Description Specially, Kodak Developing and Finishing Main 8t., Near llrldgc, rENDLETON, OHEQON. QTAR HOTEL W. M. ROBINSON. Prop. 8UM1TER, OREGON. pOTTAOE CHOI' HOUSE II. 0. COTNER. Prop. Openat all hours day or night. The rcstmealk icrud In La Uruiido lor the prlt. Remember tho location East Hide of Depot Slrcot LA GltXNDK, . . OREGON. lOEDECKE'S RESTAURANT PENDLETON, OREGON. Next Door to W. C. II. R. Ticket Otllco MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Flrst-riaM and Quick Ken Ire. I'rlrate Iloics in luuncctluu. Meals at All Price. GOKDECKE, Prop. Commercial Livery Stable Opposite Hotel Pendleton PENDLETON, OREGON. ...TELEPHONE NO. 16... rinest turnouts of all Vinds lu Pendleton Gentle tingle drlt era for ladles Uood, comi'teiil drhurs alnayt on hand Hoarding horses glM'it the best of caro, O. At. FROOHE. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that is kept in a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drugs..... A. C. KOEPPEN Jt BR0 Manufacturing Chomists. 116 Court St., PENDLETON, OB. THE AUNT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. BEST RRAD9 OK WINES AND LIQl'OKS IMPORTED AND DOMESIIO CIGAK3.... Corner Depot Street and JeSvniou Avenue, LA GRANDE, OR. GO TO SPANISH ORIGINAL TAHALE RESTAURANT 166 Dnls Street, Bet. Third and Fourth For the Best Meal for tho Price In the city. Quiet and Clean. Cooking by Noted Chefs. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting: of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and Incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland Central Electric Ci., SEVEITI III 1LIEI STS. Both Tfeoact 3&S. teflEZB2MHnH2fllflateJH OF! R AUTON CO. Dealers la Varalture, Carpets, Wall Paper Uudeitaklug Gooils, nd Shades. LA GRANDE, OR. P. BA8CME Dealer In fardwart and Mining Supplies, Stores, Tin ware, CutUry and Uuns. BAKER CITY, OREGON., BAKER CITY IRON WORKS GEO. F. McLYNN, Proprietor. Builders of Stamp Mills, Ore Cms and Cen tral Mining, Sawmill and Planing .Mill Ma chinery, Architectural Work, tti Rrass and Iron Founders and Machinists, epeclal ntten lion given to repairing and rebuilding all klndi t machinery. Telephone Red 181. RAKER CITY, OR T HE ST. LAWRENCE FRED ERNST, Proprietor. Oaly first. cUss. European plan BAKER CITY, OREGON. J.W WI8D0M ii CO. Druggltti and Apothecaries. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Articles. Toilet Main Street, BAKER CITY, OR TTT PATTERSON Proprietor of THE EXCHANGE SALOON fcle Agent for "Old Rarbee," County, Ky., Vthlsker. Woodford BAKER CITY, OREGON TVATERMAN & HCIIMITZ Wholesale and Retail Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR BAKKR CITY, OR. T 1IIE STORE One of the finest plncea In tho cur lor traveling men. FINE WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS Remember the place. ACKERMAN, Proprietor. HAKER CITY, OR II NDERTAKINO In the neatest form. Pol Isbed and metallic coffins, A No. I hearse. Good ter vlco assured, W. S. NELSON, Funeral Director, . . , j . .t PENDLETON, OK TV C. TAYLOR THE "HARDWARE MAN." T. Hardware. Stoves, Tin and Copperware Lime, Plaster, Cement, Coal, Iron and Steel and Hydraulic Pipe. T21 Main Street. PENDLETON, OR T HE PIONEER DRUG STORE v ULA 8LATE, Proprietor. Our stock Is thoroughlr up-to-date. We earn nothing but strictly Al goods at popular prices. 115 Court Street, PENDLETON, OR Hotel Pendleton.. PENDLETON OR HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IN fine Whiskies and Cigars Headquarters for Mining iod Commercial Mtru- BAKER CITY Oregon! p MURPHY 4 CO. , I WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Weinhard'a liter on Draught, Haas' Ate. Guln I nets' I'orur. Vat ulau llitw aukm Beer and the Celebrated J. II. Cutter Whisker lor Family Use. ' I 45 Third St, Bet Couch and Da Is. Ooods Delivered Free. PORTLAND, OR 1 w K PAY GOOD WAGES To Goo 1 People For Uood Work 6TAR LAUNDRY CO- No. Gllian St., cttrTfeM. IHf o 'Phone T7S. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS EASTERN OREGON. . i STEAMERS ALTONA AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR Salem and Way Landings. Leares Tavlor street. -M A. M. fcnfcm 7:oo a. M. Arrives Portland :30 P. H. SUNDAY TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leave Portland lOiSO A. M 2 and 6:00 P. M. Leave Oregon City 12:30, 3:30, 6:?0 P. M. Oregon City Trans. Co. Promptness and quick dispatch our specialty A. B. GRAHAM, Agent. Office and wharf, foot of Taylor St. Phono 40, WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are headquarters for Ralson Health Club Foods. Grano. Acme Rolled Oats. Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St.' Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83I North Third St. Boots and Shoes Made to .Order Repairing Neatly Done. . Work called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Capcn Co.'s Shoes CUIiLISOH & GO. Wheat and St"-' brokers DIRECT tt ....... IO New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ESMOND HOTEL Portland, Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. HATKHl European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Dai OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J. C. TENDEQAST, Chief Clerk. WHEN YOU BUV Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Oct a Reduction at ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First Street. F. I HOKE DRUG CO. 67 N. Third Street. Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Compounded TELEPHONE: COLUMBIA 780. OREGON RED 1864, O YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tiiadc Marks Dcwn CejtvtiMMTa Ac Aaron, sending; a .act eh and daoctlPtlon mar (DM : mnn fnr BArrln nAlA s-atenu itien ttiroueb Wunn Co. raoMtr Sawiot not t(, without charts, la the Scientific JhKriuit A handsomelr Itlnntratad weeklr. Trceat atr euUUoii ot anr aeicntua InurnaJ. T.rsaa. H a l"SFJ. I""' moniua, ai. txu Djau mimmiw. sits?.. BMif Ytrir IP S IrTntisrfvi.LT'PlNy ijjjnjra o.WsCWal9rt0..C.