inw . rTrts5TVfrv5v --. ,i '.' (JL.g,vA.i fMArct iftUJT r.l ; -V ! A 'I v. -..-' "v J '..' ? '"- " 'vV ' -j '. - .,. .! EW xir f--r J V, ' y , I v VT -" - "V ' , ' I . t I t-U V, ,,.4' V VOL. V. f1 PORTLAND, OKEWOJSr, SAOjUltDAY, FEBIIUAHY ii, 1901. NO. 44. i -. ... . . ,., . ,,. ' .x'Al'i!. . :T .f-ia'mm "-?. r ' . xTlCxJcj. "' X H pj . FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0rS2&biFD' Deslgnat-d Depositary ntul Financial Agent of the Unltrtl Httiten President, 11. W, porbctt cashier, K. 0. Wlthlngton j assistant cashier, J. W. Nowklrkj second assistant cashier, V. C. Alvord. Letters of credit Issued, available In Kttropo and tbo Eastern states. Sight excliango and telegraphic transfers sold on Now York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, 8t. Paul, 8nn KranuUco and the principal points In the Northwest. Bight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank lort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Collections made on lavorablo terms at all accessible, points. LADD TILTON, Established TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections mndo at nil points on Tillable in Europe and the Eastern fctates. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Iouis, Denve', Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL , or roHTLAko, okkqon. Transacts a (lencral Dank Business. Drafts Issued Available In alt cities of the United States and Kuropc. , President it TYLER WOODWARD yioc-l'rcsldeut.,... .....: ..JACOH KAMM t asnier...... ...... ...m.... ........... i......... .......... M.t.... (........Mr. C Mll.I.Giv THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton, Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Snrplus and Undivided rroflts, t00.001.00. RKSKRVK AGKNTS First National Bank. Chicago. 111.; Fir.t National 'Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bunk, New York, N. Y. OFFJOKItS AND DIUKOTOHS !. vl Ankeny, President; W. F.Matlock, Vico President: C. B. Wade, Cashier; II. C. iuerensy, Assistant Catluer; J. S. McLeod, W. 8. Byero, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson. r TUC DPIMni CTOLM QAVILMtOQ R A lJ If I Lie fCIMLLeC I JM OM YIIIIVaO DMIVlV PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, 1880. Capital, 860.000; Surplus, 863.600. Interest allowed on tlmo deposits, clpal points. Special attention glvon to collections. W, J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. FRENCH & COMPANY, BANKERS THE DALLKS, ORBOON. TNANSAOT A QINKRAL ANKINO BUtlNISt. loiters of Credit Usual arallable In the Kastern Btates. Bight Exchange and Telegraphte Transfer cold on New Y rs, I'hlpaco. Bt. touts, Han Francisco, Portland. Ore., Seattle. Wash, and various rolctsin Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS B to 23 Tayktr Strt 199 tm 194 Smoom Street M dqtQjjp. I 1 WM. MILLER, LA GRANDE, OR. DEALS IN 0 RAIN, BKET AND KKUIT LAND8 IN THE BEADTirOL CRAD RONDE VALLEY IN EASTERN OREGON Alter a rontlnnona residence of orer 10 years In tbla Famous Valler, and a close stud? of the rat aceumiilhlinients and luture possibilities of Its .oil, aud a irsonal knowUdga ot luclb j wit, 1 (cat that uu one, .cekliiK u borne, will inako any mistake In locating here. ' Your Correspondence ! Sotloltee), and All Questions ....Cheetfully Answered.... JUad and Iiaml(ratlon Agents M. L. CAUSEY, The Causey Real Estate Co. Farm. Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches, Mining Properties. J- J J J J ' Office: Foley-floche Building. LA GRANDE, OR. Willamette Iron and Steel Works. ' Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. EttONEHS AND UILDIRS OF.., . . Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers, " Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery. Rail Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, . wmmr Transmission Machinery. W. .vr. tamatentl dev.lefOng Medern We ere eenetarrtly 9ft,T..JL Mir up w-e pm -m-- " - PORTLAND OREGON.... In 1859. favorable terms. Letters of credit issued t BANK fexciiango uougnt ana sola on an prm Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN BANKERS Stove Ranges, Holloww&re and Household... Specialties... Handled by AH First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest In the Market PORTLAND, OREGON Loan and Insurance Ageete General Manager. MacMn.rt fer .pwtal purposes, which J k,,ij ur-j-ji-Bd eanomle.ilv. - - " - - "" - - ,' - "" - " ' ps or i vi From All Parts oJ the NeW World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comprehensive Review of the Important lisp pcnlfljs of the Past Week In a Condensed Form. The Duke of York is siok. Tho sonato passed tbo Indian appro priatlou bill. Bothuon will try to drive the Boera ont of Cnpo Colony. President McKinloy may, visit Port land, Or., this spring. A revolutionary plot hni been dis covered in Prussian Poland. A prisoner escaped from tho Grants Pun 4ail unil la a. Ill or lll.o.. i Oenornls Wndo and' Ludlow have been orderod to tho Philippines. Now York men suo A. B. Hammond i for part of Astoriu railroad bonus. Minister Loomis lms postpoud the presentation of his ultimutum to Yen- ; ezuola. i I Tho prctiidont recOtumonds that nd-' ; ditionnl ooplos ot tho consul reports be I printed. The citizens of Skngwuy nro greatly !B.tatod over tho decision of tho socro- I tnry of ,10 interior granting the grouter ( phrt of tllo towuslto lo B. Mooro. j The body of Judge N. Fowl, of Port """" " mmmvv IlVCl UCUI lllUt IllltCU Willi I1BHVT . woluhts tiod around tho hnuds and ntlllna IIa lia.l linn. ttal.m MtAn ' two ncoks. I Mnjor-Genornl Arthur MaoArthor will ho rolievod from duty as the com mnuderiuK gonornl of the division ot tho riilllpptnus in April next, and will be sucoooded ljr I)rlgadierQoneral Jutnos F. Wade. Thn dead body of Jacob Kunta a her mit, was found in a miserable cabin Hoar Peoria, III. The body was elad in rags. On his person was f 458 la money and a deed to-80 acres of vala bio land. lie had literally starved himself to death. The president lias seuta message to congress recommending the appropria tlou of 1100,000 for ttie payment of the I claim of bpalti for Blbutn and Cagnyaa Islands, in tho I'hlllppluo nrchlpolago, in Hccordiiuco with tho tonus of the treaty recently rutilloJ by tho senate. Somo troops oncortluR laborers en gaged in opuiilng mad a In tho southern part of tho peninsula of Yncatau were desporutely uttiiclced by 1,000 rotiol In dians, who were only drlvon oft by the employment ol machiuo gnns. The euuai-oment took place uourSunta Crua. Tho Dallas, Or., woolen mills will rosuuio oporatlous. Tho urrest of Chief Ilarjoisoxpected to end the Urook upiising. A Forest Grovo. Or., flouring mill will bo moved to Cortland. Knovysut I'oktn reached nnatrceineBt on tho cjuoetiou of pnuinhnieut. Volnntoers who enlisted in the Northwest may be mustered out at Vancouver. A bad train wreck on tho Daltimore & Ohio was caused by the euglueer go inn to sloop. I The Gablo cove mining district is Eastern Oregon hus takeu on ,a new I leueo ol life. I Judljo Cuple. has resigned his pusi ' tion ascousul at Valparaiso, aud will return home, The crou pnnoo of Clermauy was decorated with the Order of the Garter at Osborne bouse. The Oregon supreme court has da ecided that the Multnomah county bi cycle tux is illegal, . Au intoxicated man at Colfax, Wash., attacked another with an as and seriously wounded hlai. Premier Robliu stated that the Man itoba government was making attempts to purchase the Northern Paciflo Kail way in Manitoba but so far, he said, nothing deilnlte has beeu done. George W. Kingsbury and Anthony, nmiwo were instantly Killed ne-r tiutte, i Mont., in the.L. K. it. miua by fall ing from the cage while being hoisted I toward the surface. It is supposed , they were overcome with gus. ' Charles II. Ferguson, a well known, Insurance man of Louisville, Ky and : president of the National Associatioa ' of Underwriters, is dead. Mr. Fcrgu' . son had been iu failing health for av year, no was uoru in u.wego, rn.'.; I, Y., August 13, 1840, jt i Orders have beeu glvon to put the? ; cruiser rew xorx in commission at the, I New York navy yard. 'This vessel la undergoing extensive repairs prepa tory to her departure for the Asiat ! station, which will be her oruisi ( ground for the uext two years. B. I has been selected' as the flag ship Kr Admiral Kodgera. who J. to ba eorataaud of oae ot the two dlvUleeW e( the Asiatic fleet. KILLED A BURGLAR. I Sm( Francisco Barber's Struggle With ' Desperado. . San Francisco, Fob. 1. Edward II. Hall, a barhor shot and killed a burg lar;here tonight in a lodging houso at 122J Taylor stroot. Hall, who livos in the) house, went to his room, which wa opouod by one of two mon who were eugngod in rifling tho npartmont. The' burglar instantly drew n revolver, placed its inuzzio hgainst Hall's body and pulled tho trigger. Tho cartridge failed to dxplodo and Hull giapplod with tho niHU. A dospnrato straggle ensaed, resulting in Hall gotting pos session of tho pistol. Tho othor burg lar then rushed toward him in an at tempt to ttscapo. Hall iirod at him as he reached tho door. Tho bullet en tered his binin and ho crashed head- ( long down the stalre, falling .dead at I the bottom. Not until then did Hall release his grip on tho other man, who I at ovee look Might, Jumping over tho (dead 'body of his companion, and reached tho stroet. He was captured I htf M nltlstnn n Itlnnlr iwit frnm thn .'....... . 1 ot th6 tragedy. He was Identi fied ns ired Ke6ler, alias Wilson, who has served terms in tho house of cor rection. Ho rofiisoJ to give tho name of.hls dead companion. TO INTERCEPT ANDRADE. i VenetueUn Gunboat Gms to Mud Olf the Supply Party. San Junu do Porto ltico, Fob. 1. It la wbAtrwi VtVrfwl Ititfn Alent ! n-tn1 n li i am v'vituM nvau t-iaitv itiiu ustuAiiuinii guHbo HostButaUor. loriuorlr faeorgo Gould's yacht Atlanta, is on hor way ,roru ""klyn with ordors from Prosl , dent Caotro, to iulorcept in tho Carl- Slltlon.r PimraRon 'onboard the v'Red D" line stonmor Phlladel phi,v , from La Guayrn, January S, whteh left-for New York today, assort ed tkiat Caracas was in a stato of sup prsssse excitement when tho ttoamer 1 lefs'eeefaelau waters; that President i CaereV troops had defeated the tnsur geatf Mar Guomaua aud that a com paratively unimportant mutiny among in the barraoks at Caracas ed, They also reported Veneanelan congress would ,ry 20 to legalize thn act of Castro, who, since the expe ls, has been a dictator. '"""" wmmvtrmt tm i - 1 .biiaIIaii Ik SSSilHSSMSSlilSS rrzzixsve'&s.-&rr. t -r. i a geaersi uarisief MigMi about the time of the as oongitMS, hut that the Na t party, a prominent organizit' tioei Venewela, had offered its serv Ices itT Castro to mniutalu ponoo. i Held Up by Drunken Yaquli. Tsiiaon, Ariz., I-eh. 1. La Ca nauwi the mining camp of tho Groon CoueVlidated Mining Company, iu So noralwas held for threo days by a baaej of Yaqul Indians, aud tho people of e cam;i..wero at tho mercy of the ladslas. It seems that n large mini bur of'Aspe Indians who are employed at thcimp got drunk whon paid and pur chased nil the mescal in the camp, TbJrJfoxloan police wero driven from tbJamp and held outside by u uum becSf Yaqnl8. Their guuH wcro tuken frewthem, and tho Yaquis also took gaMfrom Americans who attempted towerfore with them. There were a aaN&eroJ ferious cutting affrays, but ae'jeee was klllod. Tho AmerlcaiiH sot ahet to quiet the Indians aud fohor thM and, with tho ussitauco of tho Me'itjcan cavalrymon; were successful Va,taff IUU uiuunvM IUUUIIIUHi Creek Trouble Ended. (enrietta, I. T., Fob. 1. Ponce dg tho warring Creeks has uppar beeu reaolied, and all that now ilus to be douo is to give Chitto Iu, the ohlof Suako, who hus caused we troublo, a pnlimiiiory htmriiig send him to Muskogee for trial for i du. Iu the nieiiutimoa fow more1 minor leaders will be arrested ' tbo troop ol cavalry uudery Lieu. Dixon will probably remain few days longer, until the lust i of an uprising has disappeared. sight tho Indians burned signal on tbt hills surroumiiug tho and, fearing an attack, tho sol remained up. until daylight, and Veady for instant action. e iudiaus attempted no depreda New German Warships. rlin, Feb. 1, According to the Poet, eight new German war- Will iro in-KtH. .iiuiiMm.ftiuu will including the battleship Wll r der Gros.o. with, a dlspljooiiieut ,16-' tons: liiu twin vepftel UaUer rossa and Kaitier Karl dor Grosne, rultier Priuz lleiurloh, with a (lis- ment of 8,081 tons, 11 nil four il cruisers, each of 2,000 tons. battleships, one armored cruiser mo gunboat aro building, and two eships, one armored cruiser nud protected cruisers will be placed coDlraet during the pre.out year. Jas Soldiers Kilted by Explosion. sffhai, Feb. 1. The North China News asserts that whilo it quuu- Chinese guutHiwder was being eyed at fihan Kai Wun there was (plosion and 40 Japanese soldiers i kills,. the troees bed Mm jaaell tbatlfse msetSMsMM TnmMMmmmsmY dttMSBtaaaHMd maw ymt.mymmw EWNsWI tahiWpls tewffeUKof tiotMHa H H Minister Loomis Delays Presen tation of His Ultimatum. VENEZEULA WILL BE 0IVEN MORE TIME Situation at the Asphalt Property Becomes Critical Progress of the Insurrectionists Cludad, Bolivar, Is Threatened. 'Wtllomstad, Island of. Curacao Jan. 81. Advices, from Itarcolona say that tho Koverumeut troops iu that neigh boihood aro pursuing the insurgents very actively. The dispute boween the Cermudoz & Now York Asphalt Compauy and the Venezuelan govern ment is still unsottled, Unitod States Minister Loomis, not wishing to oanse further difllcultios for the Venezuelan government at this time, has postponed the presentation of an ultimatum on the subject. United States war vessels are expected. Tho Lancaster is on her way to Gulrltt, and the Scorpion is at La Guayra. Tho Venezuelan govern ment has advised the Donnudoa com pauy to appeal to the Venezuelan courts, but tho company rofused to do so, alleging that the courts aro undor tho iufluonco of Prosldout Castro. On ,tho, other hand, it is said that tho Unitod States minister is making an inquiry into tho disputo, and that as soon as it is ended attempt to cunool tho concessions of tho Jlormudcx com pany will no lougor bo toleratod, Situation Is Critical. Port of Spalu, Trinidad, Jan. 31. According to a disputoh received today from Caracas, a trustworthy ouglneer who has nrrlvml thuro from Pitch lako reports that tho sltnatiou is critical, lie says that 160 English negroes who were employed to do police tiuty tlod when the insurgents began firing in(o the jungles, only 25 Americans being init o i.roteot the uronertr and lives of American families. The iiiatiauor of thnlakn linnlnred thn Unitod fitnfei ipuiitlon at Caracas to afford nrotoo- tj0Ui gnvlllK tjIHt tho lives and proper tr of Americans wore exposed to truer- illla attacks, firing uround the lako was going ou nightly, uud tho AmoriCuus aro too low to hold out long. United States Minister Loomis, according to the samo advices, replied that these re ports were possibly exuggeruted, hut that they could not be ignored, uud that ho would wire the facts to Wash ington. Mr. Olcott, the Orinoco manager, bus returned from Cnacas, whore hu went to try to urrango for tho release of the steamers and schooners captured . .. v.,,,uf ,,,.,. 'I'rlnl. Jr , "i.J i." .iiV .. V1....V1.,. ''.. :'TL'"T1 . !" "Z ezuleau flag and the crew wero not idiot. The revolution in Kastern Venezuela near tho asphalt deposits is increasing, hut tho disturubnee aro romoto from Caracas, which remains tranquil. In formation has 'reached Port of Hpaiu saying that the iusargeuts lmvo retaken Cuiapuuo aud will attack Cuumuos soon. Steamers uro not allowed to land passengers or mails at Curapano. The commauder of tho French crulxer Suchet, which lies there, confirms this intelligence and the rented activity of the insurgents, It appears that an attempt to capture Cludad, Ilolivar, capital of the state ot Ilolivar, about 876 miles up the Orinoco, is likely to be made as soonas the insurgents have received a large supp'y a1 arms. . . . ! ... A . .isTsni'Eriir (fmt'jy j'' TmMmVJ immWmkWtAi Bmmwws 'TmammmkmW sWs i W-' XML v "' :Y.V-B?W' " "n1 "PWA mjmif-n I itat!9HsJBgsa!r mmWmimmwrmmz'ii-A V I pi tirrtjasjaii t sar) i-savVt 2 'mmrT Awmmmmmammr .ki SaV -iiM E gSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaTsal ---Vs'l-7iiijTlv -W mmmmLOt9MmmatmWmmmd kssaW) v saSBBsCsflsaMsSBBBBBBBBBBBBBF atv pTsr"aSisBTaiL sWiiV-SBSBSuBKaM ' Mt&MWWWWUMTJ9mTR?r9kwww9 ' i BURNED AT SEA. Bark and Entire Crew Perished by Flrt hi s Storm. Now York, Jan. 01. A spoolal from Mobllo, Ala., says: Tho British steam er Govornor II lako, which has arrived horo from Grand Caynn, brought, news of tho destruction of a bark by lire at sea. Presumably tho entire crew per ished on the vessel, which is supposed to lmvo boon tho Mary, of New York. Seamen could be soon clinging to the rigging) but the vossol was enveloped In flamoB and rescue was Impossible. Captain James Hunter, ot the Gov ornor Ulako, says ho sightod the burn ing vessel 100 miles, from Mobile bar. it was just at dark, and but for the high sea prevailing at the time the Ulake's crew would have gone to the resoue. "When we sighted the bark," stUd Captain Ilnnter, ' 'she seemed to be mass of flames. We were riding head on before the storm, and we were in imminent danger ourselves. We made several attempts to go to the lesoee, but the wind wan so high and the see "so heavy that we were compelled to Abandon all efforts to rescue and .give attention to saving ourselves. "We saw members of the crew of the unfortunate, bark up in the rigging making signals to us, and while we wcro lh sight two mon jumped fron tho ynrdarmn into tho sea. W jndgod that nothing could save the vessel, as sho soomod to . be afire all ovor." ' FAILED TO FIND TREASURE. Forthjn troops Looking for Hlddtn OsM In Chintic Village Mt Warm deception. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 81. Advices from the Orient brought by the United States transport Arab, give a remarka ble story of vongeaure meted oat to a Chinese, who informed the foreiga troops ot hidden treasure of 17,000 ia a small town 80 miles from Ijekia. On nuaring the village the Chinese was sent ahead of the expedition, which numbered about 95 men under the Brit- felt Colonel Tullock, to propare thu villagers. AVlien tho gold hunters arrlvod they found tho head of their informer in a bag and the villagers made other manifestations of their hostility to thn troops, Iteiuforcomeuts were sent for and in tho meantlmo tho troops bivou acked iu the village pawnshops. Thn treusute is still hidden. Chinese Ordered Deported. PluUsburg, N. Y Jail. 81, Mow. On and Mow Yo Chan, two Ghluameti arrestod at North ilurko recently ou n churgo of illegally entering thu United Slates, wero today ordered deported buck to China, There uro now '.'il Chiuameu iu jail here, 10 ut Mulnmi uud 11 at Canton, uwuititig trial, charged with entering this country illegally. Porto Rlcan Protection. San Juau, Porto ltico, Jan. 81, A joint resolution was introduced iu thn houso today uud adopted, praying tint United Stutos congress to puss lugU'u tlou levying taxes 011 coffee ontenn the United States from all countritM except Porto ltico, thus protecting this product of tho Islaud. It is under stood that Governor A lieu is iu sym- putby with the resolution. Consul Hay Comlnt, Home. Cape Town, Jan. 81, Adalbert H. Hay, the United States consul at Pre toria, will sail from here January ai. VI V ..'if 'tt l&lsVi&tAiU bsL.k, jX ( j& ;; 'fcrfA.W. Artt'iata'j :-A. ....ICftl