The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, January 26, 1901, Image 7

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r ,, jjtirf
DrgggedtDownt Feeling
In the loins.
Nervousness, unrefrethltigtleep. detpn
aeacvj It is time you were doing DoiueihtiiK.
The-kidneys Vera anciently called the
reins in your case they are holding the
retni and driving you into aerinui trouble.
Thousand of testimonials prove that."
HmmtPm Smrmmpmritia
a purely vegetable compound, acts with
the niotV'dlrfct,' beneliclnl effect mi the
kidneys'. It contains the beet and safest
substances for correttliig and toning these
It thoroughly cleanses (he blood and
strengthen all the bodily functs lis.
Two Good Laws.
In Denmnrk the farmers are com
polled by la to destroy all weeds on
their premises, and in Franco a farmer
msy prosecnto his neighbor (or dam
ages i( the neighbor allows weeds to go
to seed. It would save millions of
dollars In this country if laws pro
vailed which prevented (armors from
growing weeds to seed on their own as
well as others' (arms.
Garfield Tea It the best remedy
tor all derangement of stomach,
llrer, kidneys and bowels: It
fcuras Chronic Cohetlphtlan.
Whst Constituted the Intuit.
"What did yon strike this man for?"
asked the magistrate.
"Ha called me 'Reuben,' " answered
the shookheaded individual whom
the police had brought in. ,
"What is your name, anyhow?"
"Reuben, your honor bnt he didn't
know it:"
The Mast Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves.
Tasteless- Chill Tonic. It is simply
iroa tad, quinine In a tasteless form,
No Care, No Pay. Price COo.
New Anti-Burglar Door.
To fasten a koy in a look so it can
not he tnrned from the outside a now
esontcheon plate has a biased member
en onu side, whioh swings to the cen
ter of the plate, a, .slot in the end
engaging the flat portion of tho key to
look it.
By local application!, at they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There U only one
way to cure dealneii, and that It by eonstltu
tlonal remedlei. Deelnesa la eauted by an In
flamed condition ot the tnucoua lining ottb
Euitachlan Tube. When thla tube gets In
flamed yon have a rumbling tonnd or Imper
fect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed
dealnesaU tnt result, and unlet the Inflamma
tion can be taken out and th It tube restored to
Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
lorever; nlna.eses out ot tea are caused by
catarrh, which It nothing but an Inflamed
eondltloaoi the tnucoue surfaces. ..
Wa will glvs" One Hundred Dollars for aay
caea ot Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Dead fee'V j. CHENKY CO.. Toledo, a
ItoM by Druggists, 760 .
issalwVasaMyrtlU are the best
Mack Diamonds Valuable,
Black diamond are comparatively
rare and correspondingly high priced.
They are three or four times as hard as
the white onea and fire cannot harm
them, however great the, heat, but If a
drop of water should touch them while
heated they will explode, and leave
aothlng bnt a little heap of ssyid la
their place.,
Stomm thm Oommh mm af
Work Off thm OoM.
Laxative llromo-Quinina Tablets cure
a cold In one day. No cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
A" Queer Fish.
There is a quaint little fish whioh
haunts tho weed traots of the guf
stream, und there builds nest and lays
its ogn like a bird rather than a fish.
This animal the antennarius imi
tated in color the weed it lives in, and,
like the cbumeleon, constantly ohanges
Its color.
Sufferers from this horrible malady
early always Inherit it aot necessarily
from the parents, but may be frosa some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through several generations. Thla deadly
poison may lay dormant in the blood for
years, or until you reach middle life, then
the first little sore or ulcer makes it ap
pearance or a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other part of the body,
gives Uie arst warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly at
eieatlv all the ooisonous virus
must oe
tlimlnated from the blood every vestage
sf it driven out. This 3. S. 3. does, and
is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood trouble like this.
When all the pekoa baa beea forced out
af the system the Caaeer beak, aad the
tHsesse never return.'
following- letter frosa Mrs. Shirts- shews , :
A aautt pimple eae on y law aboat an lack
WwtBtearoatJeUrtst4eoJsyeee. Xgevs
t aetata or laeaavea-
esaee. aaa z taea aaee
fenottea about k had if
aafbegaa ta lalaaso aad
fish; R would bleed a
WetW, then scab over, bet
vsawM not heat. Thla
eaaataueU far aaatc Ilaaa,
whea aay Jaw began to
sweet, ecoraiagiveey
saJafid. TheCaacefba-
Si to aat aad spread.
Slit was a large aa a
fdoiUr.wkeaf heard
I a a a. had deteraila-
ewtegtv k a fair trial.
sa a was leauraai
what a wa-'derf ut effect
khad from the very begijusta: tlMtmbagaata
has! am aJter takfaur m few Settles viae ppeared
easirety. Taleeroatwayeareegsi these are etUl
aa alf as of the Caaeer, and ay sjeacral health
-Mas. aaiaaw, jw rmm,
, sa the greatest oi an
I blood purifiers, and the
ealy one guaranteed
jearelyTefetable. Sead
'for our tree book oa
Caaeer. eoataJaias? valuable and interest-
Mar wfotmatiea anout uu oiiessr, eae
write our physiaiiM about your aaw. Wd
e o ciwrge tor wBt"'"-..
; iwn wnmem em, aiussna, mm.
sSHBBaaU' aW
"Is Miss Trlller an obliging singer?"
"Oh, yea; half the time she refuses te
, alng."-Phlladelphia Bulletin.
" 'Pay as you go,' la my ruie." "es;
so many people won't believe you when'
1 you eay you'll pay as you come back."
"Why do you call tlint speckled hen
Macduff and tho pig 'Barkis? ' "Be
cauBO Macduff lays on and B'arUli is
swlllln'." Life.
I Myer I wonder what causes concus
sion of the brain? Oyer A collision
between two trains of thought, I sup
pose Chicago News.
I Brldo (formerly a widow Oh. Ilnrry,
''what would I do If you should dlo?
llarry (doubtfully) I don't know, dpar,
but I think I can guess.
"Who was William tho Conqueror,
'Sammy'?" asked tho pretty school
marm. "McKlnley," replied "8aminy,"
promptly. Pittsburg Chronicle.
Uc I- point out your faults because
I love you. She Nonsense! If you re
ally "loved mo you would think -my
faults wcro excellences. Chicago Rec
ord. Tho Parent My boy, do you want me
to tell you what happens to boys who
tell lies? Tho Boy Yes, pop: but,
golly 1 can you remember back that far?
Yonkers Statesman.
'fhe Uc: "Just aa soou as a uian has
satisfied his consclenco that It's all
right to tell a white lie," says the
Manayunk Philosopher, "he becomes
colorblind," Philadelphia Record.
Mr. MeddcrgTMBB Well, them New
York folks has certainly gono the limit
now. Mr. Croshlots What they dolu'?
Mr. McddcrgriiM Goln to have u
horseless horse show. Baltimore Amer
ican, Schoolmaster Now, Muggins Minor,
what were tho thoughts that passed
through Sir Isaac Newton's mind when
the apple fell on his head? Muggins
1 expects ho wuz awful glad It wuru't a
brick. Fun.
"All tho world's a Btngo:" "All tho
world's a ntagc, Sam, ami tho men nud
women merely plnyers." "Yes, nmsmi,
but If dat's so, whar yo' gwluo to git
you' audience and .orchestry?" Col
llrf's Weekly.
Mistress You say you nro well rec
ommended? Maid Indeed, ma'nm, I
have thtrty-nlne excellent references.
Mistress And you have been In domes
tic service? Mold Two years, ma'am.
Glasgow Evening Times.
Nowltt--Lcnd you a V? Why don't
you borrow It from Markley? lie Is
easy. Borrowlt But I don't know him
as well as I know you. Nowitt That's
Just It, and he doesn't kuow you as well
as I do. Philadelphia Press.
Harlltt So you really think that
Miss' Mezzotint Is a genuiuo artist?
And yet you never heard her. Uarsad
No, but she freely admits that she
Blngs her selections. Shu docs not claim
that she "renders" them. Boston
Tess I understand Miss Krusty actu
ally paid me n compliment tho other
evening. Jess Not quite, but she t-amo
as near It as could bo expected of her.
Tcss What did sho say? Jess-Sho
said you wcro "very churmltig but "
Philadelphia Press.
Wide Open: BrljtBs Well, old man,
how Is that Authors' Club of yours get
ting on? Orlggs Flrst-rnto; wo 'have
mado a rule that no ouo can belong to
It unless he has written a book. Briggs
Is that so? I had an Idea that It was
an exclusive affair. Life.
Benedick It Is said that most of the
peoplo who commit sulcldo are unmar
ried. How are you going to get around
that? O'Batch-Ob, well, I s'pose after
a fellow has been married n while be
geta so he can put up with almost any
thing. Chicago TImes-IIernld.
Clerk (to patent-medlcln man) Here
Is a curious credential from one of our
customers. Medlcino Mau Read It.
Clerk Before 1 took your elixir my
face was a sight.. You ought to see It
now. Send mo another bottle for my
inother-ln-law." Harlem Life,
"Hello, Jones, moving again so soon?
I thought you were perfectly sntUtled
with your present home," "I was. old
man, but tho fact Is our slttlug-room Is
covered with a goldeurod pattern, and
I can't cure my hay fever at all. The
landlady won't repaper It, and so we
have to move." Puck.
Owens Is Mr, Lenders In? Boy
Not yet, sir; but I expect him every
minute. Owens It's 10 o'clock, Isu't
It? Boy Nearly. The clock will strike
In half a minute, If not sooner. There
it goes! Owens All right. I promised
to be here at 10 o'clock and pay blta
some 'money. Tell him I called and
he wasn't In. Tit-Bits.
Aunt Rachel Mandy. what's the
trouble between you and Mr. Haukln
son? I haven't seen htm here for sev
eral evenings. Miss 'Mandy He seem
ed to be getting a yltlle too confidential
he other ttlgnt, auntie, and I told bliu
to take his arm away. Auut Rachel
Well, he did, didn't he? Miss 'Mandy
Yes, be took It clear out of the house,
and be hasn't been back with It since.
Chicago Tribune.
Teacher (of Kugllsh) Michael, when
I have finished, you may repeat what
I have read In your own words; "See
the cow; Isn't she a pretty cow? Cun
the cow run? Yes, the cow can run.
Can she run as faat as the horse? No,
she cannot run as fast as ttie horse."
Future Mayor (of Boston) G It on to
de cow; ain't she a beaut? Kin de cow
git a gait on her? Sure. Kin de cow
hump It wld de "horse? Nlt; de cow
ain't la It wld de horse. Judge.
Cemaaeutei-eei Krarydar Mattes e? ess
Orlalahl Qaalu.
All worthless people are not lasy.
We have noticed tbatVhen a loktvt
goea to, work, he soon quits hla Job!,
It Is occasionally possible to stab a
man, and apparently never touch him.'
How sacred your lovo affairs; hoW
ridiculous the love affairs of other, pec
About one woman In fifty looks well
In the uniform she adopts on a' rainy
Some missionaries seem to go to
China not to brvo souls, but to collect
Whon n woman boa a corn trimmed
these days, it Is referred to as a surgi
cal operation.
The trotiblq about doing a favor Is,
that tho peoplo you obllgq never know
when to let go.
When u woman marries late in life,
her boys wear long curls uutll they
put on long pants.
It Is said of nearly overy preacher
that his friends nro very loyal', and hls'l
enemies are very bitter.
When a woman wins ln a church
fight, after a long contest she is about
the proudest thing on this earth.
A 10-year-old girl's Idea of helping
.with tho housework begins nud cuds
with cleaning up tho parlor.
To the avcrago person of any age,
the future Is rosy enough, If It contains
a promise of a good beefsteak for sup
per. When a man picks up a newspaper, a
woman Is reminded of a day's accumu
lation of questions she wants to ask
The first lesson for a boy to learn in
saving his money, Is to resist tho hints
of bis elstcrs every time he earns a
A woman who will bo n rabbit in u
business transaction Involving her own
money, Is a wolf In a fight over a dlmo
for her church.
Men understand why old maids trust
lu tho Lord, but they can't understand
wjiy married women need any ono but
their husbands.
When a woman gives a prize at a
card party, It is tho duty of her best
friend to relate how "that kind of ware
Is terribly expensive"
If a man says something affection
ato to his wlfo In public, sho forgives
him for nil tho mean things ho haa
said lu privato In ten years.
We nil know what It means to damn
with faint praise, but there Is praise
so extravagant aa to lie damning, and
aomo prnlso barely veils a sucer.
Tho profitable way of lifting the
tnortgago on tho old homestead these
days is by making Battenburg things.
Tho girl who buys a cow Is old-fashioned.
somenow, it never uawns upon a
'girl In love that lighting the parlor
Are for her steady is the practice given
her for lighting the fires after she Is
After n boy goes out to earn his own
living, tho presents ho buys his mother
nro cherished more than tho gifts she
received from hor husband when they
wcro courting.
When a woman mores Into n rented
houso, her Idea of tho worst tasto In
tho world Is that displayed by thoto
whp lived there before her, and who
picked out tho wall paper.
Not Strang KnouKfi.
At ono of the clubs tho other day two
members were arguing about will
Tho conceited man, who was In tho
habit of boring all present with his
pointless tales, said that his will was
stranger than his friend's.
"You are wrong there," snld the quiet
man, "and I will provo It u this way:
You go and stand In that corner, and
I will will you to come out of It. You
will against me, and I hot you that I
will have you from that corner before
I have commanded you a second time."
The smart ono took tho bet and put
himself In tho corner. Tho quiet man
said, In a commanding voice:
"Come out of that coruprj"
The other grluncd and' shook his
head. Tho Q. M. sat down and looked
at him steadily. Wvo minutes passed,
and then the man of will said, with a
sneer, "Hadn't you better give It up? I
don't feel any Influence at all, and I
can't stand here all the uveulng."
"There Is no hurry," said tho Q. M.,
"and I bavo a very comfortable seat.
There Is no time-limit, except thut you
are to come out before I ask you twice,
and as I' don't Intend to ask you again
until this day week, I think you will
feel the Influence before then."
The smart one came out looking very
foolish. The King. .
Vengeance at iiasc
A fashion note which Is destined to
be discussed In wood and meadow
comes from Paris by- tho way of Bird
Lore and Ernest Setou-Thompson's pen.
It runs:
The dames of France no longer wear
The plumef. they ustd to prize;
They find that nigrets In the hat
Bring crow's-feet In the eyes.
Winks What advice did the doctor
give you when you went to him this
Blinks Ho advised me to go to some
other physician to whom I dldu't owe
5. Answers.
If you are curious to know why Ere
ate the apple Just pause and analyze
your feelings when you see a, keep-off-the-gras
If the poor people did but know bow
little some millionaires enjoy tbelr
wealth there would be leas envy In the
ftMwjYeurWfcuifttlJs, .
More wheat Is destroyed in the fields
by too much water than from insects.
Everv wheat Held should be thpn
o tight drained, for if aot there is a
liability of the plants being thrown
ont of the ground whenever a freezing
and thawing occurs.
Cold I Gold I, OoW I
The latest El Dorado is reported 'tojbs
on Nome City Beach, Alaska. Thousands
of people are hntteiiing there, many of
v hoirt return broken in health. Of what
moll gold when health is gone? Guard
yuur health with the best of medicines,
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. It will regu
lute the bowels, stir up the liver, invig
omte the kldueva. nud absolutely cure in
digestion, constipation, ninlnrln, chllltand
feer. It's u good medicine to keep on
The Bicycle In Kansas.
The roads Are good and level in
Kansas, and as a result every farm
houso has its bloyclo. A farmer in
that state would as soon be without
his team as without his wheel.
Thlt signature la on evsry bos of tha geaulne
Laxative BromoQuioirte Tabieu
tha remedy that cktm ceM tat esse atay
Petroleum for Railway Locomotives.
The Russian ministry of communica
tions has decided to adopt petroleum
for generating motive power on the lo
comotives of all the railways.
Predicts Herd Year for Rulers.
Raphael's Almanac, a widely known
astronomloal publication in Europe,
bow in its 81st year, says that this is
to bo a hard old year for kings, presi
dents and other rulers.
I am sure PIsVj Cure for Consumption
.saved my llftf three jears ngo.MM. Titos.
Rosdin8, Muiilo Street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, 1000
' Tunnel Under Royal Paltce.
Within a fow wooka tho tunnel un
der tho royal palaco of tho quirinnl at
Romo will bo complotcd. it Will plaoo
the older part of the eternnl city in di
rect nud lnvol communication with
that now quarter of Rome ereotod since
1870 boyoud tho qutrinal. It is to bo
brilliantly lighted with elootrioity.
When you take Grove's 'Tasteless Chill
Tonio bocauso the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste
lew form. No Cure, No Pay. COo.
But Thlnj About Idaho.
Henry Eiwin, Welser, Idaho, says
to the Portland papers: "The best
thing about Idaho is he mines. There
are a number of them whioh are pay
ing good, dividends and the entire dis
trict around Welser is fall of minerals,
which will surely be developed at some
time in tsje future."
If 70a haven't a reaular. healthy Boreaieel of the
poweueTerrder. you're tick, or will be. Keep jour
Tlolent pnjilo or pill poison. It danteroui, Tbe
Msootbess. oilii. most perttot wa of keeplos ibe
Kili clear and clean Is to take
w..M uinn. uu n'n.ih cui
iff. rurce. fn m uapaoi
leaaaat, PaltUbls. Potent. Taste Qport Do flood,
TeTaiokaa. Weaken, or Gripe, we. 6O0 Write
for free sample, and booklet on health. Addrei
StMttM Utm4ifmfMt, &Ut, Sttlml, tr Ttrs. SSS
K.i.rDnHii nikKVUiuruiiiMiMi.
ProawMes DigeationXheerfuh
nessandResl.Conlalns ncllher
Oiium.Morplunc norXiivcxal.
"Nor Narcotic.
Aperfecl Remedy forCoMlipa
non, Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea
and Loss or Sleep.
-fwawaajawMvtat e aewawa-ww
FacSinwW Signature of
AVfegeteUePreparAtionrerAs- H
BLawwjwMwHWWvSiiwwiHaalvwMviiiiwfwaHi,iiiiH.J tH
I exact ccy or wrapper.
Work arid Worry
Wraek tha, Health of Han 7 a House
wife The Alary of One Woman's
Trlale anit How Hha Over
came Theln,
from (he Fcit, Columbia City, Ind.
The every day drudgery of the house
wife is extremely wearing upon her
sensitive and frail nature.
Many are prematurely broken down
in health, their cherished hopes blasted,
their home-life unhappy, bocauso of
the constant care and worry of houso
work. That home is indeed fortunate in
whioh tho wife is in perfect health and
ablo to do her own work, in fact such
a home is a rarity.
Mr. George JHoaton, who lives near
Columbia City, Ind., says:
"Daring the oarly part of the winter
of 1800 we had a groat doal of slok
nsB8 in the family, and it bolng impos
sible to find a suitable girl to do my
houBOWork, I had to do vonsldorablo
oxtra. My dauithtor and two sons
wero confined to their beds with tho
"I had a great many clothes to
wash, and I did tho washing in the
summer kitchen, adjoining our regular
one, without any fire. As a result I
was attacked with sciatic rheumatism.
At first I did not give much heed to it.
"It kept growing worse, however,
and in the course of two or three
months I was unable to do any work.
By this time my daughter had recov
ered sufficiently to get along very well
with the housework.
"One night my huqband was gono
from home over night on bnsluess, and,
my daughtor being overburdened with
work, 1 concluded to milk the cows,
whioh 1 did much against her wishes.
My limbs wore so badly affected thai)
I oould hardly got to tho barnyard, and
my hands nnd fingers were in such a
condition that it was with great diffi
culty, that I used them.
"I was worsoMhan over after this,
and I was confined to my bed for more
than ten weeks.
"It soumod that overy muscle In my
body painod mo, and my condition was
a critical one. Tho physican failed to
benefit mo, and I became disoonraged.
"I was provailed upon to try Dr.
Williams Pink Pills for Palo Peoplo,
which I did with wonderful results.
1 lhey began holping me at once, and
when I had taken five boxes I was
"My appetite is again good, lost flesh
has been restored. I spent the sum
mer in the best of health, and can now
do as much work as ever. 1 have
recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
f)r Palo People to a nnmber of my
neighbors, who. are also using them
with satisfactory remits."
At druggists or direct from Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Co,, Rchvnectady, N.
Y., 50 teats per box, or six boxes (or
12.60. ,
Increase ef Russian Recruits, '
Following the Increase of popula
tion, tbe recruits joining the colors
this year in Rusulii numbered 207,100,
as against 201,100 in 1800.
Take Laxative Uromo Quiulno Tab
lets. All druggists rofnnd the tnouey
if it falls to cure. E. W. Grovo's sig
nature is on each box, 26o.
Msgnlflcd Admiration.
"Whou would you call a man really
"When ho gots to be as great as his
10-year old nophow thinks he is"
A Pure, Vegetable Compound.
Ko merrrnr al o
Ca inr Calliait r.
mlier poisons In t'ascarets
only ete.autt snbMaines,
Us medliai Olcotot1 e.
All druggist liHi,
vac, Wo.
Telephone to Havana. '
Telephones are conuooted with the
syj&akS!? on botwetu
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
M 9
X If. IT
AT stilt
Clones for Sujsr Refinery.
Up to date Portland has no dtreet
commerce with Haw all. Now the O.
R. & N. Co. offers to run a regular
steamship line between Portland and
Honolulu if Portland people will eiv
tablish and operate a sugar refiners
Carter s
Little Liver Pills.,
Must leer Signature of
5ee Fae-SlaslU Wrapper Below.
Terr aataH a4 aa easy
to take sss 1
rod IIUtNtREM.
esasteusfvsi neat wwt wumi
"-"""w " .....WW
American Money Spent In Europe.
It is estimated that the '185,000
Amorloum who visited Kurope last
year spont there $00,000,000.
Sslt Lake Once a River.
It is Raid that the great Bait Lake of
Utah is bnt a remnant of a vastly
greater sheet of fresh water, which
onoe sent a river to the Paolflo.
Garfield Tea Is a vroadrrf ul IIKKII
MKUIUINR that cleansijs the system
and gives New Life by purlf) lug
the blood.
Improving; Street Hallwsys.
Melbourne, Australia, reports that' a
system of "electrics" are to be ballt,'
supplementing the cable railways, to
aot as feeders from the suburban dis
tricts. Farms In tht United Statu.
The United States contains aearly
,000,000 separate farms,
Mothers will find Mrs. Whitlow's Sooth
ing Syrnp the best remedy to use for taste
children during the teething period.
Enormous Freight Buslnus.
Freight cuts numbering 16,280 were'
switched in 1'ortlnnd during December,
1000. This means cars that were re
ceived and delivered, loaded and
Electric Rod In South Africa.
Pletormnrltzburg, Booth Afrioaf'l
to bill Id nu electriq tramway to be
owned and operated by the ninuioipal
ity. Kight wheeled, double deoked
oars are to be tried.
Iloltt'a Nclmiil.
Holtt'a Bchool (for boys), Menlo Park. Cat.,
has more stuilrnu ami Is In better condition
than ever. 'btrlng term Uglns January 7tb,
IW1. fiend lor catalogue, IraU, llollt, Ph. D.,
Extensive Electric Ujht Pltnt.
Plans are now being drawn up for
theestabllBhninut of an extensive elec
tric light plant at Klu Yerdo, San Luis
Potosi, All tho machinery required
will coino from the United titates,
The best it the cheapest. Carter's Ink
Is the best, yet it costs uu more than the
To Study Homestead Laws.
The RuBtiun goernment intends
sending an agent to tha Uuitud St-Mes
to study hoinetteud logislallnu with a
view of its partial application to the
peasant oummiinltlns.
kanw what
you're planting
when you plant
Ferry's Hetxit. It you
buy cheaD aeeda you can't
be'sure. Tako no cliances
.get Kerry's. Dealers every-
wnere Mil mem. write
for 1S0I Heed Anuual-
m ailed tree.
. M. FIMY a CO.,
UMleae eut easeful
end drsvrlutlou
MI I,0. H, nTKVKNH Uu , Kalab. IMI.
Dlr. 4.M7 nihMreet, W AHIIIM! KIN I), U.
Hrenclioflcesi Chicago. Cleveland and D'Mrolt
10 DATs" ThCATMEf.T FtE.
SHave made Dropiy and Its com
llcatiOBS a sDtciiil y for twenty
tsrswlth tils most woodsrfal
access, Usvscarsuiaaay toons-
v ii.n.g.oiriM-oBoifl,
Bos Mi Atlanta, Us.
IIINU J'Mos prvduce inobluM and huh llcblns.
ITCllINd lnet D(
Tblt form, as will u llltutl,
Uleedluir cr I'roirudluj
!'lls are cored brDr.Boeanko'ePllo Nemady.
Stops Itc blur and Umdlug.
Aboorbs tumors, too e
Jr atdruKsTtts or scot bi
iu or uli u,
mill. TrcllMfrte. Write
me aooui yuur case.
I'D Mda, l".
M. r. N. c.
.so, -itm.
m IibH r I Lib Wa
UttH writing U advertisers lease
-v r
meatiest Salt paper.
. - fc m 'tV-irVtJ
. a."