ran jVLf" , i l" urh -THIiir, 'il BKmmmiW.fvlt wWHnniBt Tj.vn i,-, ...,-. iT','tKc tJfcapBstirearexKiBiv 5sv Tri'Ty Tiiik '"fWr m y It1 's ., . r. i m iAT t-t HP j fesV tv 4 a TBOD OTJW 'AGOU 'iMBTIOKlD. WtiXGOlft Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. d. G. REDDICK, Manager. E. Munson. B. Munson. THE ANHEU8ER BUSOH-Flne lunch every day. Best beer on earth. Fine wines, liq uors and clear. 234 Morrison 8t., cor. Second, l'ortland, Or. fPHE POPULAR 123 First Street, Bet. Washington and Alder I'hone Oregon Hed 9M l'hone Columbla&CS JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor, Portland, Or. w ILLIAM RUBSELL MACKENZIE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PORTLAND, 0IIEGON r i iMi"iir' BNHII t' tvxmjk.0 miawofuiJ' The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS tin tt .UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles ot Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All floods Hold on lnsUlliiimits. 61 Third Bt.. Oor. Pine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towels furnished to Harbors. Doctors, Oftlcci and Business Houses, Etc. Wo also do First Class Laundry Work, F.-ni?:,iaot!8....i. hu. PORTLAND,- OR. Oregon Phono 429. Columbia Phono 410. T E. IIA8EI.TINE A CO. Importers and Dealers In IKON STEEL, AND CO AT. BLAOKS.M1THB' BUPPL1KS. Carriage A Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumber 49 A Gl Second Bt. PORTLAND, OREGON. u 8. CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Clothes Cleaned, 11) cd and Repaired. T fjll IMISli J ii '. nr am wmsmm." A FEW comujy 190! Your Clothes Sponged and Pressed for 11 per per month. Called lor and delivered Phono Clay 90S. 411 Washington' Btrco Hctwccn Twelfth ninl North Thirteenth PORTLAND, OREGON. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home ...AND Shaw's Pure Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesalo.Uquor A. Cigar Dealers BOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street Livery EMPIRE Feed and Sale Stable C. P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Hies At All Hours. Transient stock Ahen the ery lcstof rare. Kates hIw a) s reasonable and MtlsMctlou guar anticd. PboDo Main 51. Cor. Rose and Oak Sis. ROSEDURG, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts, BOTH 'PHONES NO. 607 RENA STINiON, Lady Alllllant. A 1NDA1IL SIGNS Japanning. Tin Decorating 270J Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON TJOME I1AKERV AND DELICATE KSSI'.N D. It, I.EAMINO, Prop. A Full Llnool Fruits, Candles and Nuts Aln)s on Hand. Newly Opened at 207 Third Blroet. bor tho pi boo. "la lor Street I Itomcinbor tho pi boo. Onposlto tho l uniirLii. 0 QNRAD L. HOSKA FUNERAL DIRECTOR COUNTY CORONER Corner Ninth and Railroad Btrcots tACOMA. WASH. rpRAVIB II It OS WOOD YARD Oregon Phono Hood 742 Offlronnd Yard: , 4(13 Everett, bet. Twelfth nud Thlrtocnth PORTLAND, OREGON. t RLINUTON CREAMERY N. J. RITTKR. Prop. holialto and Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEESE IIUITEIl AND KG08 'JG7 Burusldo Street PORTLAND . OREGON. tTlazier II ROB. Club Rooms Second Floor Wlno Rooms, Concert, Pool and Illlllard TTall Oregon Phono Grant 71 Mi lliirusldo 81. i PORTLM OREGON. QTANDARD FISH COMPANY 1C9 North Sixth Street WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Also Uroicrlcs, Clgnrs and Toharco. and I.iiiiUici for 'tourists. REED IlltOS., Props. Fruits . noil FAIR DEALING PATRONIZE O. P, B. PLUMMEH. Drugs, Medlrlno and riiemleals, 'loilet Articles, 'trusses, Palnls, Oils, Ulais, Elu T3l7 tars'. A. Jul .- 8. E, Corner Third and Madison Streets. P .Merchant Hotel. CORNER 1 lllltll AND DAVIS STRRKTU I'OK'II.ANlli OKKOON. HOTEL IS NKWt.Y RENOVATED, 1 his Is the bo.t equipped moderate rate hotel on the Pacini Coast and ha all Ilia cimven. truces ol high-priced hotels. Complete with clfdrlo lights and bolls, and artesian water In raeh room, Haiti room on each floor. Elevator for accomodation ot gnosis. Rales tl and ll.'.'i irdajr. Meals tuiils. uncial rales tolaiu. Iltea and theatrical parlies, l-rvo'hus maud from all trains, .vo rooms, Oulv four blocks fiom Union Depot Hre Proof liulldlug. F. K. HILL. Prop. Hotel Electric )REG0N CITY, OR, JACOB CASSKLTi? Prop. NO WAItbltOOM.1 OK II. BINSIIEIMER.Solo Agent for THE JACOll DOLL PIANO J The best uprliiht piano made, and other first vlass pUno rented and sold on Installments , No. Ti Third Street. Established 1MU. Photic' North Ml. I 1-lAY A HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE- Practical Kmbaluiors and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled pv..nptly, Phono lilacs. 47. Cor. UU.iiette and 7th Bti. ! EUGENE CITY, OREGON. f VlJsUl If a. 1 J d I " I & G RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware, STOVES AND TINWARE. Wlllametto Street, KUUENE,ORF.aol PORTLAND ItOLLINO MI I.I J Manufacturers of 110 IRON AND STEEL. K. K. AVER, Manager, i'ml and Nicolat Streets 1 i Vi rll.LIAMS, WOOD A I.INTHICUM, trlolly first. Class. KrUa t.OU l'r liny Mint U. Steam Heat, Electric LIghtv Com. merclal Sample Room. Geo. II. William. t E. 8. Wood. I.. II. IJn- lliUuiu.J C ! landers, Attorue)sa.I.aw. Chamber of Commerco llulldiux, Portland, Oregou rvlllKNTit. sa WMhlngtonSI., bcl.6thand7th, Portland, Orejoa ttrlctljr Fint-Clau, Geo, Shea, Proprlstor Durlnjr the ctntnrr the Bible has been translated Into mora than 350 languages, which uluo-tcuths of the human race can read. To-day tho Christian religion Is accepted by practically COO.OOO.OOU people. Tho first Iron war vessel built In the world was the United States steamship Michigan, which Is still on duty on tho tfrcut lakes. In 1B0O tho Indian canoe was practically the only floating vehicle on the great lakes, ' which hold one-third of all tbo'frcsh water lu the world. To-day the lake fleet numbers several thousand steel steamers. 'i'.' Only fifty years ugo but one woman worked to every ten men. At present the ratio Is ou toifour. "! S" One hundred years ago It took a month to cross tho Atlantic. .Now the trip Is uiudu between two Sundays. In 18C0 there, was not a cooklug stove In the United States. Now wo are beginning to cook without tire by the aid of elec tricity. One hundred yearn ago one-sixth of the people of the United States were slaves. To-day there Is uot a wluvo on tho American coutlucut. Wltulu tho century tho population of the world has doubled. The population of the United States hus been multiplied by four teen. In lbOO only 4 per cent of tho people ot the United States lived lu cities. To day 30 per cent live lu cities. : : A hundred years ago the largest fortune lu ttie United Htutcs was a30,C00. Now there are several fortunes of nioro than I'JOO,. During the century the center of popula. Hon ot the Uulted States has moved from n point twenty ml leu cast ot Ualtfinore to Western Indiana, a distance ot COS miles. During the century a total ot about 1U,. 000,000 people have come from foreign coun tries to make their homes lu the Uulted States. In 1800 the total revenue of the United States government was 10,848,COO. for 1800 It wass315,l3'J,0C0. ( :-: The first practicable steamboat was built In 1B0U am) the llrst railway locomotive lu 1804. f , I , : : ( In lBOOAtaau could travel oily by coach or ou horseback, To-day there are,' more than USO.OOJO mile of rallrond' truck In tke. United States alone, being more than six times the mileage of auy other country. : : The proportion ot passengers Injured In the "good old stago coach days" as com pared with tho present Is us sixty to one. The total value of the agricultural prod ucts of the Unltid State In 1BC0 wn. I00, 000,000. ,In 1000 It will be approximately 3,000,00000, while the farms of tho couu- I try are worth flo times as much. ' .; ... Up to 1TU1 there were hut three banks In tho United States with uu iiggregate capital of ?'-000,V00. Last year there were 3,031 national bank lu the couutr). The first saving bunk lu the I'ultcd State whs established In 1810. In IrllO there were ten uvliig bank In all, w'lth 8,11-13 deposit or. Iu 1MM there were 04'J satltigs bnk, with 3,087,000 depositors, uud with total deposits bf r.7J3O;o0O.O0O. : :- The firt Y. M. C. A. was organised In 1844 by Ueorge Williams. There are now 1,41!U association lu North Aiucilca uloue, with '.'30,000 members. In 100 there were DOI postotllce In the Uulted State and 1,873 mile of postal routes. Iu 1MM there were 73,000 poitotllceu and 407,000 mile of postal routes. In 1810 It co4t S3 cents to stfnd a single sheet by mall a distance of 400 tulle. To day a letter coutalnlug several sheets may go at mauy thotuaud tulles for 'i cents. .; ; Knvelopes were Urst used for letters In 1830 and the Urst Issue ot postage stamps was authorised In 1847. In 1848 It cost 40eent to 'Sand 'a hrtter from New York to San KrancUeo. ! : .; Merchandise was Urst admitted to the malls In IbtU. :-: The number or piece of mall matter of all kind which passe through the United StaUs malls annually at the present time I about 0,370,000,000. v ; : Id 1M there were not more than thlr.y college and other Institution of higher education lu the United State. At the tloe of last year there were 480, with a total or U',000 professors and teachers, t Uy act ot the Continental Congress, passed In 1783, oue thirty-sixth part of all, the public lnd belonging to tneunttra State were set apart perpe 'ally as nn en. downu-ut for the public schools of the coun try, Uuder this and succeeding acts 71,000,. 000, acres have beeu granted during the century for the support of public' school, and 1,103,000 acre to uulverllleaud col- .lege. ; ; The modem Kiiuday school date from 1780, when tho'uwt kCiool ot the kind was started by Robert 'Hike at Oloucciter, KngUnd. At present there are 110,000 Suu- ,0y school, lu the, Uulted States, with SOO.OOO teachers aud 11,000,000 pupils. In 1MX) all surgical operations were- per formed without the use of anaesthetics. The use ot chloroform was not discovered until 1847. titber was first used to deaden palu In IMS. ' In 1800 the total exports of the United States were tSl.OUO.OOO, TJ year they are ;.ooo,ooo,wo. sWB JlssaHsarlsW aiBSaaB P Gi m M't: 111 (Alw7f Hker tk faaiotM Oeatml Artssardfan laW;-(int Cigar Co., geaWisl agenU, Portland. Or. O. A. Wataon, Marino Drag Btoro, 88 N, Third street, Portland, Oro. Spe cialties: Fleojcenstein's Long Balsam and Celery Seltzer. For fine traits of all kinds for tho traveling' public, call at 150 North Sixth street. Ico cream soda. Basket fruits for travelers. George Klaor pro prietor Doh't wenr baugy trousers 6r shabby clothes. Wo call for, sponge, pre., and deliver, ono suit bl your clothing ach week, sow on buttons, ond sew up rips for $100 a month. Uniquo Tail oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phonos. . Jno. P. Bbarkey, manufneurer of harness, collars, saddles nnd strap aork; importor of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, etc. 65 Union ave., 'Port land, Or. Call up Union 401 when In need ot anything in the luel line. East .Mor rison Street Wood Coal Yard. .. i Tho Popular, 135 First street, bet. Washing ton and Alder, Portland, Or., John Eckland, pioprletor. Tel. Ore goiTd084, Columbia 608. Portland Transfer Baloon Ohas. O. Biglln, proprietor. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. 821 Ulisan, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. - The A. D. T. Mcsscngor Co. is the old est and best service ot the kind in the town. Readers of the Now Age, give them tho preference. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgages bought 8. W. King, room 46, Washington building. The finest place in the city to obtain flint qnalitv cigars") tobacco nnd 'mno era' article's Is that of Itosenthal & Uudd, at 387 and 387 Washington street, botwoon' Fourth and Fifth. Give theso gonial dealers a call when you wish anything iu their line. Tele phone Main 76. French Dyeing arid Cleaning Works. All work done at very moderate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds oi ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Doleau, proprietor, 465 Qlisaa atr. pORTLAKD ROLLING fMTfi Manufacturers ot ; ) ' BAR iRANfwML. " t N. S. AYER, Manager. Twenty-Second and Nlcolal Btreeta. :'C , , ,, rEYER A SCUII.tU0 '' .. ' , FINE WINES LIQUORS. 4 I LA ORANPE, OREQOH. TAttSON A L'ONO- ' 15 NORTH FIFTH ST. Fine wines, llitiors and cigars. Give ut a call. H ERI1ERT A. HALE. Mt. lfpod. Columbia River and Northwest , Views. ' Portraits, 'ater Colors, Crayons, for the trade. Electrlo Light and Bromide Enlargements. 132Thlrd Slrecl, Corner Alder.' PORTLAND, ORB. I TTKNRY IIKWKTT - OO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 26 and 'a Bherlock Building, Corner Third and Oak Streets. Portland ... Oregon. T KAYBER Dealer In GROCERIES And PROVISIONS , 241 Third Street, Near Madlsoa. Oicgon Phone Hood 384. PORT LAND, ORKQON, mllE IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors aud High Grade Cigar. ' J.8. H1LDEBURN, Prop. Phone Main 243. Corner Cass and Sheridan St ROSEDURG, OREGON. T J. KADDERLY,' ' DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Ranges, Tin. Copper and Orantte Iron-Ware, Crockery, ulasswaro and House Furnishing Goods. Jobbing promptly at tended to. ' 141-14J First St., cer. Alder, Odd Follows Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE IUil Marx, Proprietor. ...Hlgnest Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver Ho. 74 Third Street, Near Oak PORTLAND. OR Loans money on all kinds ot security, -Tarrbody smokes the celebrated Monogrard and Pakdoia cigars. They deemed pledges sold for amount loaned. oarenoequaL . i Oregon Butchering Company, Fred Metzger, manager, dealers in all kinds of fresh and salt meats and fish, 416 Everott street. . Unil. -d. "Ay-, Ia - " Grebe, Harder & Co,, Portland, Ore mtn uqIav-ii In f.nnlnmATita ntlfl vi. hlclos. Mllburn farm, delivery, spring T. A' W0D' Jobbing and Retail Dealer WINES AND LIQUORS 132 Third Street, Opposite Masonlo Temple. vt Portland, Oregon. wagons and bnggles. Chase force lift and tauk pumps'. Milwuuklo bindeis, mowors and rakes. Enirines and sep arators. Fountain City hoe, shoe and disa drills. Wolfl-Americnu high art bicycloit. Steel and ohlllod plows, disc, spring and spike harrows. Eclipie steel hay prossos. Columbus Buggy Co.'s Columbus buggies and carriages. Phono, Oak 781. 183.8486 Madison street, west end of Madison , aft lirliloM .T. if. n'Tlnnnnll. f7n eral agent, Oregon, Washington and. JAIRnANKb Idaho REAL ESTATE AND PENSION ATTORNET. Room 10, Odd Fellows' Uulldlne. PORTLAND, ORB. n W. ARIS3 K. W. ARISS A CO. Wholesalo Brokerage and Commlsilon No. 65 Front Street. Columbia 'Phone 249. Portland, Or. NATIONAL Steam Dyeing: and Cleaning Works OKF1CK AND WOltKai STANDARD SCALE9. Fairbanks, Morse . Company, First and Stark Streets, P.rtland, Oregon. Telephone 84. pAXTON, HKAOH SIMON Attorneys-at-lJtw. MO Chamber ot Commerce, Portland Oregeta. ty 0. NOON BAO CO. , ianuiciurers ana importers or 925 SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 bags, twines, .tents and awninor, I FLAGS AND MINING 1108K. . l:r?trtnl.n!Si.a"i?2iirl.?i,lfv3 B'S" Material. Canvas, Ball Making In all RM.MeKWh'lSSr fiMrnch- Co Dlk' fordage.ete. . ana zio-'jis-.'m-VId PORTLAND, OR. . Hat Cleaned, Dyed, Pressed and Trimmed l-aaies Dresses ana. i or, or Well Cleaned Cleaned, Djed and Repaired. Ostrich Feathers i-34N. First Bt. and 210-213-214-216 Couch St., vicnnuu v ;itu hii vu4ui rniti hivvi; uut,-i THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY DEALERS IN SECOND HAND MACHINERY. Utato mirm Mm. Jr -'w " "-- -w,. rwmmsiy, VWslSJSJsa,i B- s r 3m;z .ii3Jsi i kLSSSSBEi IbTEbV' I JPS g C. H. CURKK, President, beat tie, Wash, T. . BPENCER. Sec-Trea. Spokane, Wash. w t B. Hi HAMLIN, v Portland, Or, - SrENCEMOLAmKE COMPANY MmmmtmmtMrmrm' Agmmtm St and Bpokane, wash. ,'. OPFICKSi Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma S .i1 1 1 uv;i. v f Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. 8UOOaSOR TO fATRlCK, MASTIOK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF ;. . HARNESS, SADDLES, SADDLERY GOODS" THE LARGEST ASSORTMaTJT OF TINE AND MEDIUM GRADi . OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. Oregon Pliorta Main t7... 91-93 Front StrtMHt, twan, Stark and Oak. PORTLAND, OREGON i i iKcomrTa- lasjf . f sMTASLiaSS !!. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping 5c Cornmlpsion AlrcH4mnt4i WHOLESALE GROCERS T mm Ubm adshesa an tsmsMattsMs ls sm fssiss mr BTsut. us to arro sHreaa. IISSI. . tl M 'liiiWlflliW if ii " I) mB&&$& ,v T&Mlmmk .. . ui:.. ,,,....J.A.ykL.L Li ' ' -A' ;