lmWk' V 'i. rj . rki r : ! ' . THI'IiW AGBr;fPORTIiAin), OK3GOW. , ;t: i h v. i- PORTLAND pfllHY ASSOCIATION WHOLESALE A RETAIL .Cream and Milk:. ? ' DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN !' J10FFMAN, Manager . v Milk Delivered to Alt Parts of the Citjr. Oregon Fhone North sjOi.'l. ERST PORTMND WOOD GO. E. M. LAMBERT. ' . Dealers In All Kinds of WOOD AND COAL Wood sawed lo order In yard or on strict. - Oregon riioneUnlon 401 Columbia 1'lioiie 6228 TAItO AND OFKIOKl 'Cor.JlHt Morrison and Witter Streets' OKTI.ANI), OKEGON. v M. . Fire Insurance Real Estate Loans... Rents... 264 STARK STREET A. W. ALLEN Olapatimlna Phmrmmolmi Phmmm, Ormgoit Mmin 403. Omtmmhlm 4t4. 19th jtf MmrmhmH St:, 33 mm Smvlmr 'Sim., PORTLAND, OREGON. Strong's rai v superior in Style and rinishJJ ..STUDIO. In Goodqough Buildlntr. ST. CHARLES HOTEL . TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrst-ClaM Accommodations and Prompt serr Ice. Large Bnmple Qooms for Commercial Traveler!. Fhone 7. Oor. First 4 Washington Bts. ALBANY, OREGON. . BDTTERFIELD BROS. JOBBERS IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES J MannVtttnrlnr Jewelen, Opticians - and Watchmaker.. Silversmiths f 162 1 2 First Sit. PORTLAND, OR, , C. ft. STOKES LIQUOR CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled by Fabst Brewing Co, Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Ayenue TACOMA WASH. Store, 143 State St. THOMPSON Photographs Salem NEW YORK FURNITURE CO. Dealers in Furniture. Carpets and Household Goods i E..A.XOVELL, Manager, ' jf m FOST STREET, PORTLAND, OKEGON. 1,'. A tf. i L "ri-t-, JaViift. i ic.l,ulli Larra KKIEQ 1 (INCORPORATED.) .GROCERS COFFKK AND TEA A 8PECIALTY. 394 vrnalilngton Street, Corner Tenth TRY OCR CELEBRATED COFFEE. t. tlotrV Flionea 838. rOHTLAND, OR. OLYMPIC STEAM LAUNDRY 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN ft LOUIS i. BJORN FllOritlBTOUB TACOMA, WASH. W. L. McCabb, Seattle. E. S. Hamiltok, Tacoma, M'GIBE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES ., PUCET SOUND Alio Honolulu, H. I. Head Office: Tacoma, Wash. Cable Address! MCCAM GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., AgenU 14 Water Street,' Liverpool. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St, Near Morrison BLUNDEN &. VELTON, Props. THE FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New Building, New Fixture), Choice Goods. The Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND M ms -" Bacon, Lard, Etc., . Is Won on Merit, TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St., Portland, Or. -THE- Multnomah Trunk Co MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 148-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Custom House Exchange 335 Flanders Cor. Seventh Sts. McCEOSKEY&EMMEET .PROPRIETORS. Private Entrance on Flanders Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 11 II II Tbe Uirivaled Piaae of tke World KRANICH & BACH Established 1814. Visit our areroom aai be convinced. Muay other standard tad reliable makes of Pknos -uti Orrasu. 1ft self oa EASY TERMS. No Targe feet Payment required. C. A. WHAMS HIJSIC HOUSE M. C MATTHIEU. AUMjer, 138 Sixth Street Phone Oak 34i &. ZmnS'MLt W-f :i . ...... ti I W'i -f V ammh flvx afcje'raH, a xx&l M'A;B9 A 8HORT . '"' ".."'V-. ' 1 - ARTI8TIO 1 HOTOOrtAPHKKB. v' NCw Studio . , v. t- BcVcnth nd'Wa'shlt&ioii Streets, Over v lJresergNcw UroccrrXv ,.-,...:.,.; ( , i-lV mllEOHEOON IIVKKY. FEED 9, ltrAHDlNO i . r -AND BALE STA11LKS .U if' Columbia Phone C87. Otenon I'lionc Hood ittf JJIlllflK & IMllltlK, I'ropr. Bperlal attention Riven tobortct. Onrcar rURCH meet all tralim, Cor. 8lxtl( mid Couch Utrevtu. 1'ortland, OrcKm. nllOTO 8TUDIO 'Mli First Blrcct, Hot. falmon and Main, x FOllTLAND, OUKOOK. I'liotofrraplis taken' any rite or Ktjrlo: nlo I'linto lliitioiii made trom life or anr ptvtnre. Out door vlcwinc ilonr; aioo tlulnhtiiK Kodak's (or amatctirx. initriictlons In I'lmtoErnpliy. Copying and Enlacing. K. KRAFT, ArtlM. Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBKBLU -MANUFACTURER llcpiilrlng-aml Ucrnwrlng of Fine Umbrellas . . a'8icclaM). ' 319 yVnuli'iigtoii stret. i Throo doors nbovc Olds A King 1'OUTLANI). OUEtlOS, ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. One of thvmoat't'hmplcto Imkvryx hi tlio Norllhri'it. Bakes tbi Best Pullmsn Bread Id tbe West M. SHIELDS, Prop. 347 Morrlsim 8t I'OllTI.ANIl, OK. 'And 49.1 Union Avptinp. rorncr HAcrninuntn. AIIiIiih. Houif'inndo brrail, CHkc and iili-s. ' HiiKi'ii tii'nns nmi lioliiii llrown nri'itd uvory Hnturilny. Tel. lied 1MJ; Tel. IUhI 311. Buy Your Holiday Candies AT. Labbe& Rebe Ice Cream and Confectionery 310 Washington Street WIIOI.EHAL'K A RETAIL MANUFACTURERS Our Hclalty: Weddings, Poclals, 1'Icnlca and Home nw, Freo litltvery both I'hone-. BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHINQ, HATS, CAPS, DRY (JOODS AND FURNISHING GOODS. 229 Morrison Street lletwee n First and Second PORTLAND OREGON. Say!! If You Want . Good Shoes Goto EG6ERT-YOUNG CO 129 and 13) Third Street Ask Your Dealer For Ml ME . MARK. mrtkms LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - ,$72,00C THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL BLOCK, FRENCH raiUF V. CAE8AS, President; TRUMAN W. JAtUV H. V1.1VCKOII.I, ahiiiuii uiiuicr, GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Intarett allowed oo deposits Is Bavins- Department. Circular tetters o( Credit la4on Bobs Koeg. China, and Yoketioasa, Jai-aaj alsoUraluand Bill of Kicliaofe Issued en Ckllia end Japao, and the prine-ipa! cltiee ot Europe. Foreign moseys exebauced. MATS erKCIAI. rAVlLITIBIt VOK UANULINO OOL.U t VJY AMU WtlLUOH J. ft JajCiiifi Vift!illiriat'V" ' '-'', r - tffairs -.: iIPflME General Information Concerning ; . the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Progreii of the Various Usmi , of Human F.nduvor Mn$ Acconv pllthtd by the Race. ,.AIbort Meani is tlio proprietor ot one of tlio largest and bent oquipoil liat st'orua In Moinplile, Touu. John U. Lyucli, ex-coutirossinnn from MlfslfHlppI, now n pAyiunHtor in the United States nrm.v, with, tlio rank of iiinjor. ia Btntiouotl iu Uub.i. I'lnna nro lotns laid to mnko tu Amrrlcnu Negro art iuduslrlut and od uoatlonal oxhlliltlon' h fritturo of tlio I'rtu-Aniorlcau cxppBltiou t UulTalo. Pr. J. V. Amos, of Dotrolt, ia the niilv colored motnhor of the Mk-liliran loizialnturo. Ho ia aroprosoutatlvo and enjoys tlio roapoot and coiiiinundatlou of Ills afcouliiteg. The proporty ownuil ly n colored man named John llulltt, nt rittsbuiv, wna recently acizod bv tho olty for park putpotoa, nud $11,200, the prico llxed hy tlio court, win pcld him. March Lamb, of Vluoland, N. ,1 , lit 104 years of age. Lamb, is n war-vet-etan, having nerved in, Ilia civil war,' wns born a alavo in North Candlna, and counsels modoration in all things oHpocially uatliit:. " Tho Colored Wonmn'c Chrlatlan Tomporniicn Union, of Jackson, ia try inj to build a "lloiuu" in our midst for tho i-nro of their aucd psoplo and orphans, ami tn also instruct this ylrla and Lot s iu illttoreut indiibtrloH, cook imr nnd solving and tlio other mechan ical tmdoj. Oklahoma territory ia salt (o hnvo a colorod imputation of 00,000 persons, 111,000 of whom aru voters, and 7,000 nro owners of farms at an avorago Val uatiou of $600, making n grand total n( $6,000,000 worth of valnalilo farm property owned and operated by col ored farmers iu tho territory. John linker, n well-to-do colored man, died at Pulmutli, Ky., rocout'y at tho advaucod ago of 70 years. He was with hia master iu tho Moxtcan war, and was a voluuteor in tho One Hundredth United States infantry dur ing tbe oltll war. Ho was tho fathor of '24 chllilreu twlud three times and triplet ouV. He had only been mar ried ouce aud hla widow surtiyee him; The oldm oolored man in thia world Uvea' aear-tWaahluglou, Ga'. He ia Caeaar Hooker, and ho ia 120 yeara old. Ho waa tloru n slavo in Virginia and lua memory of oveuta ooonrrlug over 100 yeara ago ia very bright ami ho ia uu interesting talker. Ho was owned as a tilavo by Itichanlson Hookor, wliD has beeu dead now for CO yoara. He has a daughtor llvlug at 'Hiomsou who ia 08 yeara old. Judgo Scotl, of tho Fifty fourth dls triot court of Texas, lnt weok ilia charged the grand jury that indicted Will King, tho Negro who killed To licomau Mitchell, ou motto: of defend ant's iittorueya, ou tho ground that Negroea had boon cxolndod in selecting tho grand jury. The court directed tho sheriff to summon 14 men, from which Hat another grand jur.r will be impaneled, and, iu order to conform to tho decisions of tho courts, the sher iff was iuctruotod to summon somo Nogroos. The new graud jury will he impauoled next Monday; and the city ia interested auent the probability of there belug Negroea on it T08KKGKK NOTK8. Mr. V. V. Drown, u uotod looturer of Oxford, Ohio, was a visitor at Tns kegee, Wednesday of th'a week. The endowment fund of tho institu tion ii now iu the ueighliorhood of $103,000. This fund ia being greatly increased through the geuuruaity of Northern friends. ' The demand' for. Tuskegeo graduates aa touchers, dairy managers, black smiths, and in every form of Industry, coutiuuea to. grow. OYKUfl OAMI'PIKLD. Tuskegee, Ala., Jan. 18, 1U0I. CHARLEY I PHR RESTAURANT Now on Jolinaoii Hlrfet, ()polte Union lMiot, LURCHES PUT IIP FOR TR1VELERS 900,000 TACOMA, WASH. KNOD, Vlcr-Fmldeeti O. B. BKLVIO, CaabiMi - nS' - srar.r ttjgTOragEjK WE ARE AT THE HELM. The Appointment of Editor Adsmi as Assistant Register of the Treasury. Tho announcement on Fridav, Janu ary 4, that Editor Oyrus Field Adams, of tho Chicago Appeal, and roooutl.v elected South Town- clerk of Cook county, Illinois, a iidVition said to pay $4,000 pet annum, w'nsn big surprise ovou to tho knowing ono. Tho ikjII tiolaua nro iu n qunnpnry to know how it oamu about. Tho' Inter-Ocean had tho following Item ituont Mr. Adams just nfter the last election: "Among tho nowapnper inon nf tlio raco Cyrus Flold Adams, of this city, distiuguiahod liiinso)f in a rumarkablu degree Adams una appointed a mem ber of tho ltopiililicnn national advisory CYIIU9 F1KI.D ADAMB. AilUnt IU sjlsli'r of tlio Treasury. commltteo to control and keep in lie puhllca'n Hues thu tevoral hundred colorod newspapers puhllshod by and for tho colored pooplo. Thu tondonuy of some oditora unit hifhop to show n spirit ot hostile opposition to 'tho party of freudom' miido it necessary that soiiio apodal ollort bo made to chuck these 'evil tondoiiolo!.' "Adams, who, with hia brother, conducts a nowspapor publi'-atlou for tho colored peoplo, and who ia also president of thu National A fro-America n Cross Association, waa peculiarly suited to this work. Under Ills dlreo tioti ahecta of bright, short editorial paragraphia nnd strong loadors woro preparod and hont to tho colored press. Nearly every Afro-American paper in tho country mod aomo of tho imtttor. "It waa thu first time in any cam paigu that any real nowapnper educa tion was attempted exclusively among thu colored peoplo aa a ulass, aud that this aortot campaigning was considered an interesting recognition ot tlm grow lug intelligence ot the colored voters. The curious search for interesting facta concerulug tho development ot the Nogro aa a oitlcuu ami voter brought out a great doal that is now and sigiiiflcaut. How groat ia the number of colored men employed in all DMiienca oi tlio govurumout as diplo mats, ofTkors)lu tho army, chiefs of bureaus ami departments at tho capital, and iu tho federal servico all over tho country, may ho understood when it ia shown hy statistics that $!I8,000,()00 is paid out annually to colored olllco holders. . "In addition tn tho newspaper iull ucuro, thousands ot loiters were ad- dtossud looilored people in all walks of life aud iu every part of thu country. llio answers received form a curious and mousing assortment of all kinds of wants and needs, demanded in ex change for InlluDUco. Homo wanted mouey iu fabulous sums and others any old thing from a suit of clothes to a now llililo. One good brother sent a number of punch curds roprosontlug $200, with the ropiest that Adams punch and remit. Most of tho roplios, however, showod a stroug aeuso of patriotic aud party loyalty." SIIKKIPF'S 8ALK. In tho circuit court of the state ot Oregon (or tho county of Multnomah. L, L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carrlu Jones, etal,, defenlatita. Hy virtue of an oxecutiou dulv is sued out of and under tho seal of tho said circuit court, to mo directed and dated the ilnl day of January, 1001, upon a judgment duly rendered and en tered iu said court and caioon the 32d day of January, 1802, iu favor of J, O, AiiiHWortli and against Z. T. Wright, et al., therein, fur tho sum of $254. 2o with iuturest thereon at tho rate of 10 per ctint per anuum from tho 2 2d day of January, 1R02, aud the further stun of $80.8(1 with interest thereon at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum from tho 22d day of January, 1802, aud the further sum of $10 costs aud disburse meuta therein, 1 did on tho 7th day of Junuary, 1001, duly levy upon the fol lowing described real property situated iu tho comity ot Multnomah, stuto of Oregon, to-wlt: Lota 1 aud 2 in block 4 in Highland; also, lot 14 Iu block 13 iu I'aiadUu Spriug Tract, and lot 8 in block fit) iu Portland City Homestead, and will iu compliance witn its commands on Monday, tho 18th day of Foliruurv, f 1001. at the hour of 10 o'colck A. M, at tho front door nf the comity court bouse, in the city of Portland, said county and state, sell thu said real property at public auction to thu high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judg ment with interest thereon as aforesaid aud the costs of aud upon said writ. Dated Portlaud, Oregon, Junuury 14, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZIKR, Sheriff ot Multnomah County, Oregon. For Xmas goods, Holding Pros,, 45 N. Third street, have a choice selecth'U of holiday goods in the Hue of silver ware, pocket books, fancy jewelry, din mouds, umbrellas, gold aud silver headed canes, watches, locketa, eto. Call ud inspect our stock. CITYNlBWS . A. Hitter. Hodety Kdltor. , Wo shall know no favorites, nnd shall bo absolutely Impartial. To iu sure publication, nil local nows must reauh us not later than Thursday morn ing of each wook. Mr. JainoS llontty Iirs roturnod trom a short trip to California. Mrs. Lucy Jlraxtor is spending n tpw days in Portland preparatory' to mov ing to Soattlo, Wash. " " Mrs. J, E. Hawkins, of Seattle who has boon visiting trlonds, leaves thU Saturday fur her home. Mr. John (J. Logan, bond waiter of tho Portland hotel, is confined to hia homo with a sovoio attack of In grippo. Mrs. Hiimli Gnylos, tho gonial corre spondent ot tho Sun Fruuoisco Out look, is slightly indisposed this week. A conoort for the houollt ot the Mount Olivet Huptiat church will be glvon about tho laal of this mouth or the first cf noxt. Mrs. Jackson, of Kvorott strcot, un derwent a severe .operation at St. Vin cent's hospital this week, r-ho ia in a eritical condition. Ou January 20th Miss Louisa Col bort colohratud her sixth birthday. A number of her little Irlonda woro pros out aud spout it pleasant afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W, 11. Holds cola hrutod tho tlfth birthday of their daughtoi with a birthday party last Monday evening. A number ot young peoplo were iu attendance. , Tho Paul Lawrence Duubnr Literary Society, uftor u brief intermission dur ing thu holidays, haa resumed meetings and will hereafter hold woekly sonaloiiH oach Thursday evening at tho A. M. K. Zluu church, Thirteenth and Main stroetH. It'afTor.la great satisfaction to thu members to seo tho Iuturest takeu iu thu meetings. Tho friends ol Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gray, ha v lnu learned that ho contem plated leaving homo on (ho 20th, imiotly arranged it pluasivut surprise party for them uu tho 18th, on which occasion the spacious parlors woro illlud to overflowing with friends ot tho couplo, who, took ohargo ot tho houso aud proceeded to make themselves ttt homo aud to 1111 the house with uiorrl incut and mirth until thu fleeting hours compelled them tn return to the'r sev eral homos, wishing Mr, Gray a plena uut trip aud uu early teturu. An advertisement iu thb morning paper last Thursday, calling fur a muu to fill tho placo of assistant janitor, caused a crowd of at0u('70 tiiou, boys and a few Yomili, to gather to mquiru about it. Iu the wholo uuinhur we did not seo ono representative of the Afro-American raco. la it iws'lblo that wo have no idlo men amongst udf If so, wo aro glad ot it, hut wo are of tho opinion that there aru tnauy who Instead of soeklng pontlonj lit idly down ami wait for jobs to coino to them. We tiiust loam Hint anything worth having ia worth asking for and not wait aud take what uo ouo else wants, "Northern Lights" at Cordrsys. "Northern Lights," which ooniej to Cordrav's theater nixt Sunday ulght, Introduces several American historic uharacturs, dealing with thu events that led up to the Custer musmuro iu )87). General Crook, who waa known to the ludluua as the Gray Fox, ia a prominent figure in the play. Johu Kwiftwiud, an educated ludiuu who waa made prisoner by tho Sioux In dlana on tho buttle field, waa tho ouly living witness to tho Custer miissacru. .Several other well-known historic characters urn named in tho play. People who huvo witueasud thu batllu aoouo In thu play say that it is moro reulistiu than tho battle sceuu iu Shen andoah. Aftor the arrival ot thu cour ior with nows of the Indian treachery tho play has three distinct climaxes, oach so thrilling that it is dillloult to luiHgiuo that the uutlioi win he nblu to finish the play with a climax stronger than tho former one. The New Waifs ot New York." Mr. Lnrlu J, Howard's production of "The New Walts of Now York," with the inimitable littlo coinellcune, "Merry" Katie Kuimett iu tho loading role, will bo the offering ut tho Metro isilitau theater 040 week, starting Sun day, January 27. It goes without say lug that u most enjoyable ulght ia iu store for all who nro on hand. The plav has u record of over six months iu New York and proportionately long engagements in other cities of the country. It ia recognised us tho best sensational drama of Now York Hlu yut written, and is presented with an entire complement of scenery allowing tho principal points ol interest in Now York aud its environc Tim mechan ical effects aro nuw, original and start Hug, and aro calculated to enthuse any audience. Miss Kuimett has a uatiou al reputation us a most wlusoui 1 aud talented comedienne, Tho National Police Gazette, pub llshed hy IHchar.l K. Fox, Police News Standard, and all other sporting papers. Subscriptions taken at A. W. Kolunalo, txxikseller aud newsdealer, 220 First street, I'o t.and. Oie. Mu orders solicited. NKW NOIITII -st usltre, No. 2554. G. U. O. of 11. V meets at 205jj Kerod atreet. lorner of Salmon, tirst and third Tuesday nf each month. All Odd Fellows m good siamllnu are cordially" Invited. F 1). TIIOMA8. K. WA'fSON, P. 8, N. O. I" .VV , I A W . ,;.;, .- . Kjf Am Sffl xi tf ' . '.! it '-;-j 4 ' M ;- ''.Ihj 1 ' X'jtM , rM ' 3 -t .-.-a t. w "..& ;v . . " r 'r