The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, January 26, 1901, Image 4

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The New Age.
A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager.
Oron Tleihon Oak 801.
Eatarsd at the hutofnce at Portland, Oregon,
mhmiI clan matter.
OaaTmr, rybU In Adtinotx
Tho light nmong tho factions nt
fialom is becoming intensely interest
ing, from tho politician's point of vlow.
Whilo it is admitted that tho olomout
vlilch is not wholly in accord with its
intrty has suocoodod in delaying tjio
cnnoui, it is ovidout from tho jsroiit
Mtrongth of tlioso loyal ltopublicnus
who nro always trno to tho colors of
tlio party standard tunc n win yor ",
hold and that its expression will glvo
to Hon. H..W. Uorbott his triumph, I
whioh will bo tho triumph of tho poo-'
plo '
Tho votos already taken in tho logiH- j
latum show that members of other
,,,,, '
parties aro wnitlng for tho hopublicnns
to settlo thoir own lionsaliold nlTalrH ol
party and thou thoy will stop in and
. lit .. l.
help to oloot n Unltod Status sountor.
Tho Domocrats know that thfay can not
oleot n sountor; neither can tho Dotno-
trats, I'opullfltH and Citizons' voto all
toRflthor. Ilowovor, whon it shall U"i
Hoovorol that tho Itopubliemis of tho
ntalwnrt kind can mako a reasonably .
, . . , i-u ...I... i
fair showing in caucus, others who I
Imvo so ar hold aloof in thoir cousorv '
Htiain will step in and supitort tho voto
lor tho caucus nominee.
Mollrido's friends Imvo boon mukiug
desporuto effort to prevent this, but
information comes from tho Mullrido
m nkn that it is conceded therein that
his oaso his hopoloss. In ovout of ron
souablo proof of that fact, many will
step from Mcllride to tlio Corbutt col-
uinn. bocauso thoy will havo dlHohargod
their dobt of political gratitudo to AJo
llrltlo when thoy shall have fought for
him to tho'lHBt ditch and mot only do
feat. Pnlton'a chuncns aro not cousldorod
especially (laiiiaylng to Corbott, al
though, in tho ovout of his own full
ure, whioh will surely como, ho will
throw what strength ho has to uuy ono
u- -!) t Corbott.
iTefnlku)! t'auuot bo said to bo in it.
Ilia friends nro simply maklug a play
of tho exhibition tvpo in tho hope thut
"Oar lllngor" mnv ho known in tho
coataat when Senator Simon shall
have oomploted his first term.
General Goorgo It. Williams may
. atatttl directly in thu way of tho acci
dental Hush whon tho lightning begins
to hit among tho dark horsvH. Ho is
not OHiulidato, of courio, any more
than ia Judge Henry K. McGinn but
aoruetiuioH tho sturdy ouk thut stands
out alone in tho commons is sevorely
jarrad by tho bolts of Jovo when they
are hurled iu confusion.
Jodgo M. 0. Goorgo and Judge Frank
A. Mooro nro named, but so fur thoy
'havo not outurod into tho controversy.
Tho contort so far, thoroforo, is quite
tiutottlod. Those who havo started
. ., . .. , , ...
out for Corbott havo dono so at tho
request of their constituents, tho poo-
plo, and thero ia little doubt that in a
low days more thoy will havo received
' '
into their ranks a number of valiant
voluntoori who havo heard by wiro
and mall from their homo people.
,..,, , . w
Uorbott, iu tho most poiialiiiliitla
view of tho matter. 1h yet far in tho
lead ami Tho New Ago believes that
thoau who nro cuptaluing his eauso
will jot achieve victory.
In the death of Queen VlotorU of
Kuglaud thowoild bus lost a persouugo
of gteut character aud Grout Hritaln a
ruler of great virtues. Her peoplo
loved hor uud tlioso of other nation
respected her (or hor profound klud
uesa of heart toward all human klud.
Tho proposod fair iu Portland iu
1005 appears to havo all the elements' Ht tH0 elr 808 were bom, oc
, ,.,,,, I., curred 1,050 years after tho birth of
ill lullllllllll llllUlilAiia IIUHilftltilMt I w
of a substantial business proposition.
Many men ol much means aro nrgiug
hand Its promoters aro rooolvlugmuoh.uveuth verse reads us follows; "In
,., ,. ' tho six hundredth year of Noah's life,
BMBr"Kl: , In the second month, the seventeenth
Many bills are being introduood at
Kaleni; but, iu u mauuor, legislation
ia belug retarded aud confused by tho
senatorial tight.
Armory Drug Store, 81 Tenth street,
Horthweit corner Teuth and Kvorott
MtteetM, l'ortlaud, carries a full Hue of
drag, toilet articles, school supplies,
irs, etc.
LtoytfS Ts the Moat CowpreTrrstTO of
Insurance Companies Guarantee
Against Accident or Theft or Insures
the Lire of Monarch.
In rending tlio dally and weekly pa
pers one often runsacross the term "ac
cording to Lloyd's," but It Is probable
that very few know the extent of
Lloyd's, functions In the Insurance
world. Ilcnco It Is that an article which
recently appeared In Alnslee's Maga
zine Is particularly apropos us helping
toanswerthc question, What Is LloydsV
Thus the writer of tho article, 8. A.
Woods, says most members of Lloyd's
carry on business as brokers or under
writers on their own responsibility. As
a corporation Lloyd's assumes no tlnnn
clal liability for tho failure of any of
It., -..... i.l.,.tja.ttiria Ittlt It flfl.
niUs to lncmuer8llll, ony mcn 0f repu-
tutlon and means, who must deposit a
pecuniary guarantee order to become
underwriter and underwriting mem-
ber, an annual subscriber or nn nssocl-
nte. An underwriting member must
deposit with the committee on Lloyd's
f 5,000 or 0,400 , on which he receives
Interest, and wliltili may be returned
Q Um thKQ ycars nf(er ,0 cen8C8 lo bo
nn underwriting member. He pays an
cntrnneo feo of 4,000 and nn annual
suuscripiion or v guiuuiiH. ju uuuum
subsciibcr pays no cntrnneo .fee, but
nn annual nrcmltim of 7 guineas: an
assoclnte member pnys B gulucns.
There wero In 1771 onlyevcnty-flve
am!iurlltnia in T.lnvfl'fl. Tllnrn nl'A nnW
ncarly 1(00a Tho subscribers In thd
olden time, as now, did not confine
themselves to mnrlno Insurance. Thoy
woro willing to tnko a risk on almost
!j,hcro ,8 bM1I prcHem;d nt
Boyd's a nollov on tho llfo of Napoleon
Donapnrto for one mouth at a premium
of 3 So portent. Hank deposits uro In
sured In Lloyd's; also race horses and
tho lives of threatened monarchs. An
odd enso was the covering of a risk on
n glass bed packed In twenty cases for
a certain Sultan. I
Lloyd's Insured tho Prince of Wales
Jubilee stamps, guaranteeing that the
Issue would be successful. The voice
of a prima donna has been Insured. A
tradesman in a London street who has
an impression that n monument may'
fall on his shop has taken out a. policy ,
nt tho nominal premium of 2 shillings 0,
pence per cent. Gate money for cricket
mid' football matches, animals of all
sorts, ashore and afloat, aro subjects
for Insurance; policies against twlus Is
a favorlto form of Insurance. A well
known underwriter Is said to be al
ways 'ready to lay 1,000 to 1 against
Lloyd's Issues Insurance against burg
lary. Elephants aro Insured regularly.
Tho llfo of tho great Jumbo, who camo
to Now York on n Monarch lino steam
ship, was Insured in Lloyd's for tho
voyago to Now York. Ho was not In
sured whon top llfo was knocked out of
him by a locomotlvo on an American
railroad whose tracks ho was crossing.
A celebrated singer recently took out
an Insurauco In Lloyd's on tho llfo of
Queen Victoria. Sho paid a big pre
mium on accouut of ho ago of tho
Illble Facts nn Whleh the Bnuthern
lllshop Iluseil Ilia Qacatlou.
Some- peoplo havo had fun lately
over tho reported reJcctlonof eight
candidates for tho Afrlcau Methodist
ministry In tho South by tho examining
bishop because they could .not tell tlio
dato of the tlood. Nevertheless, tho bish
op who asked tho question know what
ho was doing, It may not havo been a ;
fair question, but there Is a concise an-
I swer to It In tho Illble, nnd ho no doubt
I thought that tho eight candidates, if (
I they wero well versed In tlio Old Tea-
' wouU, aMWor u at once
rril0 ,jllto ot tlu) fl0O(j waa i(uSo years
after tho birth of Adam, In tho second
, rao,I"1' nml tho foventeeuth day. It be-
' gun Uieu ami continued for furry days
nn,i nlKi8i yMa , uow lt 8 tiered:
Tho third verso of tho Jlfth chapter of i
wl rett',s tml8! "A,ld Ailuni Hvctl
,1510 years nnd begat a son In his own 1
ikoaeii.ri?r bla Imafto; nnd called bla
' name Sotli." Then, In tho sixth verse
1 1 told that Setli lived 105 years and
i negai unos. lAtiam, says mo rourin
verse, lived 800 yours after tho birth
of Seth, and tho latter after tho birth
of Euos lived 807 years. So It goes on,
Kuos begat Cainan when ho was 00;
Calniui begat Mahalaleel when ho wm ,
75; Mahalaleel begat Jared when uo
was 03; Jared begat Enoch when ho
was VXi, Methusaloh was born to
j Enoch when tho hitter was 05, and
I whon Methusulem was 187 ho begat j
' Iituucch, aud Lantech's sou, Noah, camo .
Into tho world when the father was
' IIIO MM. I.. !.!.... .... .1....... !.
birth of Noah, which, according to the
added ago of tho several patriarchs
Iu the seventh chapter of Genesis the
day of the month, the same day wero
all the fountains of the great deep
broken up and all tlio wludowa of heav
en were opened." This wm the flood,
and it camo to pass In the year 1066
after the birth of Adam.
Carious Halt ia Oeaaeotloat.
A New Hartford, Coaa., strawberry
(rower, A, M. Gray, l gelag to try te
collect 1100 trow the State tor berrlea
eatea by the three - tWer that Nan
abeut that MCtioa.
One of the Most Highly KsteemeJ of
Uncle Haul's AdopteJ bons.
With the passing avay of Oswald Ot
tendorfer. chief owner and editor of tho
New York Striata Zeltung, tho United
States lobes one of the most highly es
teemed of Its adopted sons. When Mr.
Ottcnddrfer came to America fifty
years ag'6, ao an exllo from his nntlve
land of Austria he brought with trim a
flnely equipped mind and nn ardent lovo
of liberty and of honest government
Throughout his long prfvnte nnd public
carver In this country ho clung stead
fastly to his high ideals, and during
his forty years on the Stnats Zeltung
ho was an acknowledged power on tho
side of good government. Mr. Ottcn
dorfcr was ono of tho most high-minded
nnd successful editors of German
publications In the United States. Ilo
wns guided by his conscience and by
his sense of public duty In all that be
did, and his high character and good
Judgment gave blm great and deserved
Influence among German-speaking
' OSWALD OTTKifiionricn.
Americans. He wns ono of tho many
iHicullarly able men of German birth,
like Carl Schurz, for whom this coun
try Is Indebted to tho revolution of
18-18. That' unrlHlnir on behalf of gov
ernmental reform, In which young Ot-
tendorfer was a prominent figure, sent
to tho American republic many liberty
loving Europeans of high Intellectual
Three KoHbue Olrla Who Kecently
Made Their Debut In Hoclety.
Now York's famous Cryder triplets
mndo their social debut tho other day,
and' their coming out revived the
stories of how they havo been enabled
to confuse even their best friends by
tho romurkablo'slmflarlty of their ap
peurauce. Of lato years tho sisters havo
adopted a simple and pretty dovlce by
which their friends distinguish them.
Miss Edith wears a red rose; MIm Elsie
a bluo bow of ribbon, and MlHs.Ethol U
easily picked out because she wears no
distinguishing ornnmentntlon. In oth
er respects they dress precisely alike.
Ono modiste plans alike for all. When
tho modiste makes one tit sho (Its all.
Tho sisters aro as allko In physlquo
ns In face nnd dress. Above the aver
ago Height of their sex, willowy aud
graceful, with eyes of tho samo color,
and mannerisms tho same, robed al
ways In perfect harmony with tho oth
ers, they quickly attract attention. Mr.
Cryder said that when one of them
Mine upon him suddenly he had to
study her for a moment to mako sure
which one It was. Tho young women
were educated In Europe, nnd a part of
their education consisted lu dodging
snapshot strollers, although one of the
latter succeeded hi 'gottlng'- them as
they lolled on tho beach at Southamp
ton two years ago, whfch only Intent
tied their dlsllko for artists.
. Ancient ltelloa In Algeria.
In some grottoes In Algeria French
explorers havo receuty discovered
stone Implements injiigled with the re
mains of extinct animals belonging to
quaternary times. Further explora
tions Indicate that during tho ago
when tho grottoes wero Inhabited the
coast of Algeria had a configuration
different from that of to-day. Among
tho animals associated with the an
cient and human Inhabitants of Al
geria were the rhinoceros, tho hippo
potamus and various species of ruuil
nauts. Nothltifc in It.
From White to lllaok la a Hurry.
George C Itidlel, who was hurt by a
ear coHtsloit near Toledo, Ohio, bad
hair raven black. In less than an hour
It; turned white aa snow. The plwuoaa
enon Is explained aa belug the result
of fright aud pain.
The women are making a ucwklad
of plum pudding, and It stays la the
aaie place In the stomach trow fall
uatll late la the spring.
bbbbbbIbIbPbF bbbI '
MHli '
T S!5-!
m, r- '
George Henderson Can -Talk anil iCat
,'by Alenns of This Artlflnlal Member,
'yjeo. Henderson, of New York City,
anoked So much he fostered u robust
tobacco (. n u u e r .
The ciiiiccr nte nwuy
his tongue nnd the
doctors thought like
ly ho would die. They
sawed his lower Jnw
in two lu the middle
'of his chin. Then
they took out two
lower front teeth nnd
about nn Inch of Jaw
bone that hud be
oko. uaNDKnsow romo diseased. "Next
they cut out nil that
was left of his tongue nnd spliced the
end of tho Jnw together with Hllver
bands. The bone soon knit mid then
ho had a now Jnw. The wounds all
healed ulcelv. but It was found that tho
r patient "cound not eat. He had no
tonguo to guide food down the throat,
nnd ns a result It always "went down
the wrong way." A rim of gold wns
made to fit "the Inner surface of the
lower teeth. This wns beveled off to
ward tho lower edge nnd nltnched to n
wire clnfcp which fitted over one of the
bnck teeth on either side. A bnr of
German silver wns fitted ncross the
mouth from ono of tho bnck teeth to
another opposite. This wns lnt'loxcdtln
a tube of the same metal of sutliclent
size to permit It to rotate cnslly on the
bar. A tonguo of. red vulcanized rub
ber wns mndo to tit nbout the tube. The
rearof the rubber tongue whs' beveled
off toward the bottom nnd placed un
der the tiase.of the real tongue, so tbnt
the least movement of the muscles
Dressed down on4tliu rubber, throwing
tho tongue up. Henderson I if now abo
to talk, aud ens with cniio nnd free
dom. ;
German Court licquirce Financial Pro
moters toBnenk the Truth.
A decision Just hnuded down by tho
Imperial Supreme Court of Germany
might 'create some consternation In
Hnanclal circles If It were handed dowu
by a tribunal of equal authority lu thlH
country. As told by United Stntes Vice
Consul General Hammer, stationed nt
Frankfort, tho Imperial Colirt held that
any banking firm or company selling
Htocks or bonds must refund the money
paid for securities If the purchasers
proved that statements made In the'
published prospectus were, not lu ne
cord with the fucts. The case was oue
In which a lower court had decided
against a banking llrm Hint bad recom
ufunded certain shares of stock of nn lu
dustrlnl company as promising after
the tlrst year of Its operation nbout 0
pel- cent dividend, nnd within four, or
!ht yenrs therenfterstlll more.
The batiks also recommended the
sttck issuing company as belug n con
cern sure to achieve, brilliant future re
sllits and the stock lis a good nnd fenfe
u rstment. The lower court held the
Ir t statements of the bunkers to be
of a general nature which nro custom-
nry In business linage, aud not of a
character to make them responsible,
but decided against the defendants on
account of the Inst mentioned remarks,
which amounted to a guarantee. Tho
Imperial Court on appeal declaml that
the bankers were liable under tho first
named statements, which they admit
ted were made by them, nnd which es
tablished their liability without regard
In the point on which tho lower court
had formed Its Judgment. There Is cer
tainly uo such understanding of respon
sibility. In this country, but It Is not
iuny to see why there sljould not be oue
xiictly UI'C It.
M. Pock, dealer lu tfino groceries,
cigars aud tobaecoi. 03 N. Third
?ew studio. New building. New
firm. 1 1 ayes & Short Seventh aud
Washington streets, over Dressers' now
grocorv. .
On the Inside.
of a collar, shirt or en ft done up at
this lauudry means that you aie all
right, and that your linen looks as iui
maeulute aud of as smooth and Hue a
fluiili as if it Just came from tho fur
nishers, Comfort aud satisfaction we
give you iu every piece ot liueu that
we launder, aud our prices are trifling
(or it. The Domostio .Lauudry, J. F.
Itobiiitou, Pendleton, Oregon. -
Dealer In
PUmomU. Watclu-t, Jewvlry, Silverware
tvcUclrs, Kte,
Old lluhlaml Stlvr lioueht. ' PorlUnd.Or,
. 130 Fifth Strvvt.
Our(-KciUkr II Monncrsm J III Cyrui
'-, NoblttWhU.U.
. . . J.
OrHon 1'hont, Mala 9W; Columbia rnr.?,-rrr
,-a-a. k rj
i DaBr '
lu thetcircuit. court of 'tho Ftato of
'Oregon -for the county of Multnomah.
Portland Trust Company, of Oregon,
plaintiff, vs .1, C. Havely and Anna
llavoly, defendants.
Uy virtueof an execution dnlyisued
out of uud under tho seal of tho above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly d I roc tod and dated
the 17th day of January, 1001, upon a
judgment rendered niid outorod in said
court on tho 18th day n( June, 1000,
in favor of Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, plaintiff, nnd against J. C.
llavoly and Anna llavoly, defendants,
for tno sum of .$4,427,81) with interost
thereon nt tho rate of lO.por cont per
annum from tho 28th day of December,
11)00, aud also tho costs of and upon
this writ, 1 did on tho 10th day of
January, 1001, duly levy upon tho fol
lowing doscrlbod real property, td-wlti
An undivided ouo-lhitd intorest iu and
to tho following doscribod real prop
erty: All of lot sovon (7) in block slxtoon
(10) in tho city of East Portland,
Multnomah oounty, Oregon,
All of lots ono (1), two (2), throe
(H), four (4), five (5), Blx (0), soveu (7)
oluht (8) nnd "D," in block threo (a),
iu Urookland Heights, nn addition to
Kast Portland (now Portland), Multno
mah county, Orogou.
All that part of tho snnth ono-third
(l-U)iof tho following described parcel
of land: Doctiuuiug nt a point which
is thirty-two (U2)i chains and l$ty
eight (U8) links south nnd twenty. -two
2S) ohnins nnd sixteen (IU) links
west of tho quarter section post of tec
tions two (2) and cloven. (11) town
ship ono (1) south, rauyo oue (i) east, of
WiUnmotto meridian and running
tlienco cast seven (7) chains; thonou
south threo (0) chains and ninety (00)
lfuksi.thcuco wast threo (3) chains and
olchty (80) links; thonco south two
(2) chains ,aud ninety (00) links';
thenoo norths eiuhty-uino (80) degrees
and fifty (CO) minutes wost three' (8)
chains nnd twouty (20) links; tlienco
north live (C) chains and eovouty (70)
links to tho placo of beginning, con
taining 3.0J. acres of laud, 'more or less
iu Multnomah county, Orogou.
All of the north thirty -seven (117) feet
of lot eight (8), block sovouty-six (70)
Stephens' addlHun to tho city of KaBt
Portland, iu tho city of Portland,
Multumnh county, Oregou.
Now, Therefore, by vitttio of said ex
ecution, I wilt on Monday, tho S6th
day of February, 1001, at tho hour of
10 o'clcok, A. M at tho froutdoorof
tho county court house, iu tho city of
Portland, said county and state, sell at
public auction, subject to lodomption,
to tho hiuhest bidder, for U. S. gold
coin, cush in hand, all thu right, titlo
and interost which the within uamod
defendants or olther-of thorn had on
tho dato of tho judgment herein (tho
18th day of Juno, 1000) or since hud,
in and to the obiro described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execntiofj, Interest, costs aud all accru
ing cost (
Dated Portland, Oregon, .tanpary 23,
Sheriff of Multnomah County Oregon. '
In. tho circuit court of tho stato of
Orogou for tho county of Multnomah.
L. L. Hawkins, plaintiff, vs. Carrie
Jones, et al., dofondnuts.
lly virtue of an execution duly is
sued out of and under thu soal of the
said circuit court to mo duly diroctod
and dated the 3rd day of January,
1001, upon a judgment duly renderod
and entered iu said court aud cuuse
on tlioji'-'d day of January, 1803, in
favor o'f said L. L. Hawkins and
against Z. T. Wright, et al., therein,
(Or tho spin, of 0,lfl'J.8O, with interest
theroou at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 23d day of January,
1802, ' and the further sum of 550.'J6
witli interest thereon at the rate of 8
per cent per anunm from the 22d day
of January, 1802, and the further sum
of 183.75 costs and disbursements
thereiu, which judgment has been
heretofore duly sold, assigned aud
transferred to the AInsworth National
Dank ot Portland, Oregon, aud upon
whioh judgment there has been paid
aud credited certain amouuts so that
thero remained due aud unpaid thereon
on the 14th day 'of March, 1900. the
biiiii of 1382.31, I did on the 7th day
ot Januaiy, 1001, duly levy upon tho
following described real property situ
a'ted iu the county of Multuouiah,
state of Oregou, to-wit.
Lots 1 aud 3 in block 4 in Hlgblaud;
also lot 14 in block 13 iu Paradise
Spring tract, and lot 8 in block 50 in
Portland City Homestead, and will in
compliance with its commauds ,ou
Monday, the 18th day ot February,
1001, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M.,
at ' tho front door of tho.couuty court
house, In the city of Portland, said
oounty aud state, sell the said real
property at pobllo auction to the high'
est bidder for cash to satisfy the bal
ance due ail sal I judgmeut, to-wit:
1382.34 with interest , thereon at the
rate of 10 per cut per auuurii from the
14th day of March, 1000, and the costs
ol aud upou said writ.
Dated Portland, Oregon, January 14,
Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon.
I. W. CARNAHAN. I'm'drnt.
C H.tlAKDXKK. VtcelTednt.
W, W. TKKKY, Tie-iurer.
Portland Implement Co.
!98i!S4;Frer.t Strccfj-Fvrtlartd, Ore.)
WJien.ln The Dalles " .:
Next Poor to the Flrit Nations! llnnk. ,.
The Only Flrt-Clo8 Place In tlio City-
Choice Liquors, Wines and 'Cigars ; ""
O. J. STUBUNG, Prom ; ' i;
.i -.;
Far Famed
General Arthur
! Do You "v.V
. -
I Know the News ?
Tou can hara It alt tor
X Per Eft'-' Pe.r,V J
i. montn uuv montn
In Tht Xrenlnc TsUfraoi, ot Portland,
Ortfon. It lithe Urgett evtnlnK news
papsr publlihd In Orejon; it contains
all tb news ol the itsts and of the na
tion. Trr It for s month. A iimnla
SqarwlUb malltd to jron frt. Ad- X
Portland. Oreron. Z
fAUrit LUA31. '.
mm IN Kit
r Mll, Poslatirn PU,
$.b.7U a Year.
iratcst Weekly ii Ik Cnilrjr,
$1.50 .JEH
(Inelodlna pota(') to nr P' of th.Usltl
Slate, CnU sud Mexico. "
THK WKKKI.Y UllllOMCtC loo tirlshtrst
end wost compete WfCkljr Neweptrr lq.tut
World, prints rffuWrlj 112 ColMmoe. or Slxterni
race, nt News, I.ltiratura and General' lufor-l
tnatlon; alao a nuialflcent Asrtcuttural anil
llortlcultaral Drp-irtuicut. 'Ibis la ooe of tbi
irtt iteiartrurut In any PJper on li
Coatl KTcf)Ttitiic wrllti'n lc "oaaed on i-
lrWric In tru- Cat tflatrs. not on Kaatern
men's knowletlr- of their uwri locaUtlis,
The Chronicle Bwliainar.
TIIK ranks nlth IU gnattst
senspapeta ,h United Statta.
THE OHUUNICI.F. hi. norqaal n the Taetae
Coast. II kl all Is slllltf euierprlse aivl
THK ClHWXlcr.lC'S T,lpapblc Reports alw
n latest and most rellaiil. It U S th,.
fullest aA plrtest, and Its KdltiriaU fren to -ablest
rMi In ttw countrx,
thu hu .1-... - .. ..
YJ will U, th. frtond and ehawplon of tb
Lmoilt. a scalnat eumblnatloni. eltflnpA. nr..rM.
tk-o or upiirraaluiu of aujr ktu-1 It will It aO
(wsdeai In eatblsc, naotral la aotblog.
00 'you wanTThe chronicle:
Reversible Map? '
BhowlDK ba United 8tat, Dooitolon o(
Canada aad Northern Mexico
Map of the World.
sad M asd ft Us'Usp sad Weeklr Chroaksa
lac m Vsar, Bsauwi prepaid eu nap an4 pspsr.
b ilea 9 " J
Msawtoiw&r.CsvMiMB. 1
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