PBaww gtgtgtgiglglgSsvSfa- Kty! -1 ,i.ijMflBjtjj rwaiw:t;,, ItMt: .WvJ: JW 'vf!i t&W'Wf'i T&iVrvtWj K i $ I, Tl I 5,b r i , ijftfe jcfofe AdApQRTL'Ain). Nxik jsn-j-t, s) .-nWB A .i-- ..-" f 4 --. Vf-ft--?' , v niw wiM8? '9naCirll'i 4 U v. . :4, sK '' , r r!sv'' && i Wbt it,'- fA.7 fULy t4 fit Jefferson darden sMiopn. ' y DAVID THOMAN, Prop. WlMf, Llqirtrs, Clgin.. Wtlikird'g Beer. 'PIldNK RE!D int. VaMILY RKSORTV Cor. Chapman and Jefferson Bis., Portland, Or 'Piciure Frames. Pictures. Art Materials Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washington Mreet -. Bet. Filth end8txtb -- PORTLAND OREGON. T HE BAVAUIA SALOON A.B. BURGER, Prop. - . Imported and Domestla Wines. Liquors ' and Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. Phone Oregon Bla2kl945. 8. K. Corner Second and Oak' Streets, . ' ', , PORTLAND, OREGON! ' ' . '' BOYD & ARNOLD .General Agents... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company" Ho. 102 First Street, Near Stark. TROY LAUNDRY' CO. Are noted for quality of work and prompt service. GENTLEMEN'S WORK II SPECIALTY 101-0 E. Water SI. Phone 0033. The Golden West: FURNISHED ROOMS. ..S..KASSON SMITH, Proprietor.... Rooms 'too., Special Rates by Week or Month Everything new and clean. Bo't loca. tlon in the eltv. Specially desirable on in tne eltv. bpecuily deiirabi able-for parties th-slrlng a quiet or parties m-siring a place. No Children. 4 Doors South of First'tfational Bank Main St., Opposite Fred Ernst. BAKER CITY - - OREGON . Oregon Brass Works itA MOORE & HARPKR.Prnn. l w.'. .. ' r" Brass, Bell and Composition Castings. Alus mum nu rnoipnor iironz. urass Hall ing. Steamtfuat and Machlu Work a Specialty, V 1 6& Second Street, North. Bet. Davis and Evsrett. Talephonn Oreguu MhIii 75. I'OKTLANU OIIKQON. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAR,, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS x REASONABLE RATES I TRANSIT SOLICITED I -.BOTH PHONES.. TraTtlers should take "8" Street Carat Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East AnVney Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures r ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wbo'esak Liquar Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor. Burnslde. icuirt iunui iimpivii jror spraying acale.black, green or woolly a taoMaaa other fungus growth and nai canal for dlsMwIns of the moth and Invig pJk J DO as no Jnvigotat. Ing the trees. . No beatlag or boiling, simply M dlluM with cold water and Is Inexpensive. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP Is compounded on scientific principles frost sw hoiic acid an Wookbolta pine tar. and destroy the tiofcs and ctectually euros the scab, leaving tbseplna healthy condition, being also aeei tk greatest dlsenfeetantekaowii. Priee leweKot ay food dip. Address ell corre--apoadence FISHER, THORSfN &.C01 .'Or. Passfic Ctwat Afta. jSsssVBBBBBBBBSDBBBBBBBBBBTStJ " jsis1 " ' ' ' BK OLD RELIABLE , SEVENTH AND QI.ieAN -XCtTAMGB. J. L. O'FARRELL, Prop. Tenth and Gllsan 8ts. PORTLAND. ORE. Hi RTI8TI0 MONUMENTH IN NATIVE AND W foreign marble and granite: new and orlg Ihal dcslriM. II. J. RLAKSINO. Office and works 867 Third itreet, near Madison. 1 LBERS A SCHNEIDER CO.-B. ALBERS, J. Prea. and Mgr, Thos, Schneider, Vlcc-Pres., II. Albers, 8cc'r. and Trcas. Proprietors 17.- S. Mills and Merchant Roller Mills. Manufactur ers of Rolled Oats, Oat Meat, Flaked Wheat, Buckwheat Flour, Pearl Barley. Rye Flour Whole Wheat Flour. Corn Meal, Rye Meal, Hominy, Farina; Steel i:nt Wheat. I'asto Fac tory Mat aronl, Vermicelli, Spaghetti. Dealers In Grain, Flour, Har, Shingles, Seeds, Etc. All kinds Mill Feed. Office, U4U442 Front Street, corner Main, Portland, Or. G. J. Erdner R, Hochull. CHICAGO MARKET Erdner A Hochull Dealers In fresh and cured meats; all kinds of sausages. 314 Washington streot, Portland, Oregon. Both 'Phones No. 413. 1HARLE3 J. BCHNABEL AttOriwy-at-tjiw, 61S Chamber nl Commerco Building, ' Portland, Oregon. A RMORY DRUG STORE "nre Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domestic Cigars. Prescriptions a Specially.- N. W. Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. Biffije and Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Office 8.' W. Cor. Fourth and 8tark Sts. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, OREGON. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger oa Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. Bafgage checked at resi- . dence to nny destination. Branch Offices; Hotel Portland; United Carrlago Co.,. Seventh and, Taylor. L. H. ADAMS Manager. T. IIinomcKsiN D. Dahx PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty OltBOON 1MIUNE .! ItRD 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co, Wholesale Dealers. Mechanical Rubber Good, Belting, Hose Packings, Fire Department Supplies. Rnbbtr Bwts, Shots, Robber Clotblig Rubber Goods of All Kindt 18 20 Front St. . ...THEf.. J. HcCraken Co. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving. Street... t PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAH'S Evmnlng Qmwnm SirmmiSuitm Fmmmy Wmimim Tmlhr Mm Mult RMIng Hmkttm, Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON ..TRAI1N3 STOP.. I T11 I nii j 1II1DS ISailDR UOUSe 38 'Miiitts fir Muls I.nnch Counter In connection. Jlie only Eat ing House at the Depot where nu can get Flrst-ClaM Meal. BOffEBURO OIEGON B. B RICH sja uuu a Iff fWtaap J1 rtCTLAM H4TIL CIGARS I PACIFIC TENT S AWNING BID S1HB MISS HELEN KELLER. HER INTELLECTUAL DEVELOP MENT IS MARVELOUS. Blind, Peaf and Dumb, Bhe Uae Been TauKUt to Hpealc aud Ie Now Ac quiring a Fine Collea-lata' Kak- CutlOB. t-fif ' Another marvelous nchlevemeat. oy Helen Keller lias again broughi .her name prominently be rote the public and reawakens interest (u the career of this remarkable girl, who Is undoubt edly the greatest intellectual phenolic noti the world has ever known. At Itadcllffe College, Cambridge, where Bhe Is now a student, this girl, who In childhood was deaf, dumb and blind, mado a speech to her fellow students upon being elected an otllcer of her class. Every wowl she uttered was clear and distinct and was heard In every part of the room. Helen Keller was born In Alabama on Juno 27, 1880. Her father 'wa a former Confederate otllcer and later a United States marshal. When sho was 10 months old, as tho result of slckneps, sho Was deprived of all her senses ex cept that of feeling. Until sho was 7 1ULKN KKLLKII years old no attompt was mado to reach the child anything. Her mind at that tlmo was entirely blank and tho life to como hopelesd. Then tho attention or tho parents' was directed to tho case of Laura Urldgeman, who, similarly afflicted, was taught to read, sew, play on musical Instruments and do many other seemlncly Impossible thlnzs. nt tho Perkins school lu Boston. Tho KeV lor girl was thereupon taken to this school and placed In tho hands of Miss Sullivan, ono of tho teachers, who whn to seo what sho could do with the little one. From that day to this Miss Sulli van .has devoted her whole time to the education of the girl and her succet stamps her as a prodigy of patience, m that of Miss Keller makes her a maryJl In mental development. Miss KelletM now aa highly accomplished as nf other young woman of 20, In splto of. her early Impediments. .,) When Miss Sullivan undertook the task of tenchlng Helen, tho child had only the senso of touch. It took niHiiy, many weary days to teach tho child, first that certain signs with her teach er's lingers meant certain things and then that tho tmnio signs with hor own lingers meant tho samo thing. In tlmo the child could uiaka her wants known In nu Intelligent sign language crudy and without much scope, but a start had been mado ami the little mind had begun to store up knowledge. In three years sho could talk In tho sign lan guage very Intelligently. Ono day In 1800 sho said to Miss Sullivan, spelling tho words out with her Angers In her teacher's hand, "Why cannot I speak? I would like to learn to speak." Conquering Dutubnee. Miss Sullivan went to Miss Fuller, In Xewton Lower Falls, ncar Ilostou, from whom she Icarued tho method of Up reading and speaking for tho dumb. Then the training of Miss Keller began. First she w.as taught the eutlre anat omy of the mouth and vocal parts of the throat. Sho comprehended theso things by putting her Angers In Miss Sullivan's mouth aud feeling of the condition and position of the tongue, teeth and lips when certain sounds were made. Tho vocal organs In the throat were carefully explained to. her, with their location and operation. Nffxt sho was told to put her lingers In hor own mouth and note tho position of her tongue, teeth and lips when she made certain sounds, as, for Instance. "T," "P" aud "O." Very strange were her first attempts to make dellnlto sout.d with her own vocal organs, but a sur geon bad said there was no physical reason why she could not speak, and again Miss Sullivan's patience and per severance conquered, aided this time by the child's own anxiety to learn. Slowly she was taught to make definite sounds, until she had acquired some facility in doing so. No attempt was yet made to teach her to speak, for first of all the vocal organs must be brought Into full use and control. When Helen could make sounds re sembling "R," "8" and ! and many otbofs, Miss Sullivan started at the be ginning of tho English alphabet and taught ber to say her letters. Doing this was somewhat slow, but It gave her excellent practice and was a One thing for tho vocal organs. When she had learned her letters the rest was easy. From 'saying her letters so that one could recognise them to Staying whole words was only a step. Learning to I.t.tea. But now she must learn to "listen." This was another bard task, depending more on the child than hep teacher. Placing Helen's forefinger across ber (Miss Sullivan's) lips and the thumb under thtrchl, the little girl learned to interpret arst simple sounds aad (ben whole words, by noting the movewesu of the Ufa and chin oaly. Prtcttea wade r X9Hflsl saBaaaaVVVsaaVsaaaaaBBaBaaK ' V.bbbbbb I 1ULKN KKLLKII. perfect, and 'to-day Helen Keller can carry on an Intelligent conversation with anyone by placing her finger and thumb on the speaker's lips and cum, her own speech being entirely Plata and In an ordinary tone. After learning to speak and to "listen" Helen's educational advance ment was phenomenally rapid. It was now possible to converso with hor with as much ease as with a person fully de veloped. Sho has an entirely normal nnd very actlve.brnln, a very rotcntlve memory and Is of a very Inquiring dis position. Anything sho docs not un derstand she luqultes about, anus Miss Sullivan has become, so skillful In ex plaining that she seldom falls to mako the girl comprehend. For Instance, tho word mercury oc curred In one of her books she reads books for the blind with the greatest ease. Sho did not know what mercury was. MIbs Sullivan took her Into tho. school laboratory and poured somo mercury Into her haud, explaining at tho same tlmo that tho metal Is some times called quicksilver. This was clear to Helen, for sho know what sliver was. After feeling of tho .mercury nnd try ing to pick- it up In her fingers the girl perfectly understood tho nature of the substance. In all their reading and conversation Miss Sullivan carefully makes clear every now word or term they como across, with actual Illustrations when possible, and In this way tho girl has como to know quite as much as others of her age. Her Higher KducatKSn. As sho learned more and moro Eng lish Helen was taught German, French and Latin, and In 1800 sho had so far advanced tbatlier parents and teacher decided she should have a full college education. That fall sho entered the Cambridge school for girls as a candi date for entrance to liadclltYe College. Sho passed tho entntneo examinations of tho school so highly nnd did so well that first year that, as n test, she took tho entrance examinations for Harvard In tho summer of 1807. After two years lu tho Cambridge school Helen went to a school In New York for a time, and in September last cntorcd Hadcllffo ns a freshman, whero she Is taking tho regular course, Miss Sullivan, llfco n fellow student, going through with her. Theso two are Inseparable They llvo together In Cambridge like nuy other students, work, sleep nnd eat 'to gether, and enjoy their little recrea tions together. m, THE NEW CUP DEFENDER. Thomaa W. Lawaon, On of Boaton'a Hemnrkabte Metw Thomas W. Lawaon, Boston's "cop per king" and turfman nnd owner of the 130,000 Mrs. Lawson carnation, has declared his Intention of building a yacht the cost of which will be between 1180,000 and 1300,000, which Is to de- fead America's reputation In. boa ting circles. 1 Lawsoa is 41 years old'and Is a Cambridge man by birth, with a re markable rocord. When he was 12 years old ho loft homo and went to ' work for a Boston banker at $3 n weok. j Ho worked Just ono day when his par- J ents put him back to school. Flvo days 1 later ho returned to tho bank, only to bo recovered ngaln after one day by his parents. In ten dnys ho was back at tho bank, and.thls time tho banker per suaded tho parents to lot tho boy work. Threo hours every day ho dovotcd to study, and in time becamo a well-educated nian. WUIe still In his teens he began to write tor tho newspapers, be came a financial writer and achieved 11 marked success lu this field. Mr. Law sou before he was 20 years old was worth 100,000, but lost It. Before he was ,10 ho had madp and lost several fortunes, and It Is commonly reported on the street that ten years ago he couldn't have rnlsed $100. To-day he can "buy aud sell" most of the brokers In Boston, v nialue Helped the Newspapers. One Interesting fact about Govern ment reports Is that they are generally published on Monday mornings, and tho reason for this la that tho newspa pers on that day aro not so crowded, and thus moro space Is secured. James G. Blaine, who wus an editor before ho became a statesman, was the first to appreciate tho opportunity of the Monday morning nowspaper, and when ho had an important announcement to make or a report to submit It was al ways sent out tho last of tho week, so as to securo the best possible treatment on Monday morning. His example has become a precedent In Washington of ficialism. Making War on Ulllboarde. Destruction of a number of billboards In a Western city by tho flro depart ment was ordered recently. Tho rea son given Is that thu billboards were regular nnd active disease-germ Incu bators, a 'menace to health and a nui sance generally. Of Course women are not babyish, but a Aalskln coat will square almost anything. Some people speak only to decclr and listen only to betray. BSWHim MHM MMMHMHHWWBHB WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVKR & fUGKT SOUND NAVI GATION GO. HBsHssVsSBlllHBtsSSBBBSSSS PORTLAND AND A8TORIA. Steamer Hercules leaves every morning In the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Return ing, leaves Astoria every night in the. week at T o'clock, except Sunday. Office. Altlor street dook. Telephone Main Ml. Columbia 'phone SSI. E. W. CRICHTON. Agent. A STOnU&COHl tvtA Two Ml nim Ins Dally WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BRTWLXN Pirtlani, IstiriaSeasidc Leaves Union Depot Portland For Maygers, Rain. ier.Ulatskanlo Westport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flavel, Gear, hart Park and Sea side. Astoria & Seashore Kxprcss Dflly, Astoria Express Daily. Arrives Union Depot Portland 10 a. m. Hits a. m, :ttp.m. 7:00 pm. Ticket office. SJ4 Morrison street, and Union depot, Portland. , .,,, ll, V. HA ft V, Oen. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Hatters and Furnishers ' 1 -MArU for KNOX' HATS u .BUFFUiM & PEHDIiETOjN... 94 Third itreet, PORTLAND, ORE. mtssmwfwxmtmmxm M GOLDEN WEST M BAKING 1 POWDER I It Is PUREST ?j It is CHEAPEST m It Is BEST m If Tea Art tfet Satisfied Tnt Koaiy ' M Cimkt ft Dkykm, Portland, Or. ff'i lVsXllMUi.3Umiifiliili.(HllUiLUlaiMtJiS Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST flraduate of thejiortb western Unlevrsllr Dental College. Plnt-Clii! Work aid Prieti Iwmblt 711 Dekum Dld'g, Cor. Third Washington. fORTLAND, Or. Oregon Taone Green M USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing Flannels. Will isTever Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tin list in CutTMt Uttfaturi 12 Complktc Novkw Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES ANO PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS St.SO chykar; 2S ctb. a conr NO CONTINUED STORIES KVIRV NUMBER COM 'Litre IN ITSKLf SBBsP oodyka'r rubber CO. ' ' r' ' i G" R. 11. PEA8E, Vice-President and Maaater. ALL KINDS OP RUBBRR OOOD& 73-75 First St. PORTLAND .-,--. ORMOX HISLOFS Triumph Roasted Coffees The Most 8parkllng, Dellclons and Aro matic COFFKKH Ker Flaced on this Market. Ask Your, Grocer for Them ..Four Blends., WASHINGTON HOTEL N. P. d. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Hoard by the Week, 13.00. Mea1,lA cents. Rooms by the Wcok,l.U0aiidup. Tronslents solicited. HAR IN CONNECTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, Clay M3. PORTLAND, OR. BEST LINE TO St. Pail, Mfiiieipolls, Dilnik, Clicito And all Points Kaat Through Palaco and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Cars (meals a la carlo), Ruff ot, Smoking, Library Cars. ' Kor tickets and ftdl Information regard I hsr Eastern trip, call at city ticket ofllco, aa Morn sou street. A. II. O. DKSNIHTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKU... Portland,,. OREOCm Tel, Red 2844, BARR HOTEL Europoan and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. New home, newly furnished, two block from Union depot .All the modern Improvements, flrt-prool, Mt and cold water, eeatrallp le cated. Rates, 91 and $1.25 a Day. Meals 2ic, Balbs Ke. Cop. Sixth aid OUmi, PtrtlawL PORTLAND .RAILWAY CO. Can leave Portland. Corner Pint and Wash ington street, (or Vancouver as lollows: Vancouver 45 Minute. A. M.-'Sil, T.0S, 7UMI3J, ll, 10!OB,'l:4s, II :w P. M.-.':1H, l:on, ims. 3:33, ann, 4:M, Jttt.Ssst. UUS, IUi4J,ll: (Leave First and .Ivl- ferion streets, 4 minutes earlier.) ' Ferry ktuu Vancouver to connect with care as follows! ' A. M.-MHS, 7t30, Sl, 8;00, 9:45, 10:30, Il:tt ViiW M. p. M.-Uits, l:: 2:lS, S:00, 3:43, :, 6:15, cm. Csrs leave corner First and Washington streets lor Vioodlswii as .follow S A. JI. :I8,,I. :, 7 .-08.7111, 7:83.7:4S.s.-m, 8tl, sal, H:8. if .03, litis, 4:83, 9tH, )0:o.i; lOiik, io:.n. joms, iitoa. litis, ii :W;:im. P. M.-W.ttt, UtlH. ii:33, n:U, 1:03, liis, laa. IHK.UiUS, i:.V.M.2M, 3:03, 3:1. ;.. 3:48,4:0-1, 4:lrf, i:4J, 4iM,ft:o, 6:is,n:i, 6,-W, llltfl, oil", 0:33, o:, 7;oa, 7:Ut,7Ui, 7:4, 8 oj, Hiltt, 8:ai.s:4, :3. Orjo, :t.i, I0:o3. io:). 10)43, it;u3, iliveieiJits. tVuudlawn SO Mliiutf. Cars leave Wondlawn for First and Waslitnp- toii streets as lollowst A-s:4'C:(w:i3,:3O,6t4J,7:0O,7ilJ,7,-t H:(i. k:1,V8;wi, a:4i, :oo, o:ift. ::, :f., lu.tu, iu:I.mo;3u, io:4J, n:oo, 11:1.'). I !:., U!4,Wi00M, P. H,-W:n, l.'iiw, U:4M :oo. 1 :15, 1 :. 1 :4.2:(n. .':tft, '.':.), J:4.s,a.uo, 3:lft. a:h, 3:t 4:u, i:i;-JO,V,i 6:00, AHA. k. 'aim, u.ui. ciIA,(!:ji,o:41,7:U), 7:15, 7:ao,7:4. 8:uo. hit h.S), 8:M), 9:10,9:30,00, 10:10, 10.3J, 10;M, 411 HO, 11:30. lislly, except Buiidsrs. tt'ally.exiept WeneKUj-ssnd Paturdsjrs. JVeJiinils aud fealurdays only, ..EMPLOYMENT AGENCY., W. T. PHILLIPS. ao; Stark street, between Front and First. Phone, Oregon, Clay 44t. PORTLAND, OREGON. Help of all kinds litrnUhed on short nolle. Wanted: itatlrofd mt.n and deck haitiU,,ooka. waller and general linum vrirk, larm baud., mill hands and i-Hy work. Ileal etiato listed and wild, . , llrupplr agrut lorthe Katy Mop Wringer, pat ent applied for, Htale aud bounty right lar sale. Hi 1 i ttfl i., ii A ' liH -lllL iwB 4H!wlil Sf tkter 4 r ia Lvw Mwam,iiShit $&&&& m "Tf f ja . " if ti A ' " JliM -B.sfSTir iiamr-M-fmiwmamMKmsmmammmF-iKiMmTKBj!cmnTZMimtiwm.wiMmvMt iu..w;r"'