The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, January 26, 1901, Image 1

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E7f 'fflaS'f.:: ' -2L4RHH I
v,-, ri;rr:,'v - 'vaiPr yfw: mro,.v p?$ "wi
' "L1.1 "1 ' r-'l." ' I !' ! ' . A
iff '
-j .
.jtf'l)erflk'fnil, Depositary niid financial
PfljkAV&b;cMIwiK.O. WJthlnKtoni
- t V - sMianim;naiuri n k
tatter of crodlt Issued. available In Kuropo and tho Eastern state'. Bight exclianpo and
telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Iluston, Chicago, Omaha, St, Tan), Ban Francisco and
the principal points In the Northwest. Bight and lline bills drawn In sums to suit on touduii.
1'arlit, Uorlln, FranktorWin-lhe-Matn, IIoiigKoug. ,
Collections made on labrablo terms at all ncccsslbto points. '
Established hi 1800.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections -raudo at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued
Available In Europe ahd the Eastern stales.
Sight exchange and Toletrrapliic Transfers sold on New York, Washineton,
Chicaeo, St. Louis, Denvc, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
gon, Washington. Idahoj Montana and British Columbia.
' "Kxcliange sold on1 London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kontr.
Transacts a General Bank llustncsa.
United States
Cashier in..,
'. Pendleton. Oregon, x
Capital, J70.000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, f00,000.00.
RESERVK AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. 111.; Flrt National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Gfiemjral National Bank, Now York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS To vl Ankeny, President; W. F.Matlock,
Yico President: C. B. Wade, Cashier; II. C. littorensy, Assistant Cnshler; .1. St
McLeod, V, S. Byer, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson.
Organized March y 1880, Capital, $50,000; Surplus, $53,500.
Intorost allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin
cipal points, .'Special attention gjyen to collections,
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. .T. MorrfB, Cashier.
' ' - -
letters of Credit Ismied available In tho Eastern States, Bight Exchange and Telecraphte
Transfer old on New Ytrk.Chli'Miro. at. Iiuls, Ban Kranclsrn, Portland. Ore., Beattlr, Wash,
and various poltits In Oregon and WashlnBton, Collectlonmade at all points on favorable terms.
Loewenberg &
229 to 238 Tmyten Strt
199 tm 19 Soon9timt
Lua aud Immigration Agouti
The Causey Real Estate Co.
Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands. Stock Ranches.
Mining Properties. j j i A
Office: Foley-Roche. Building. LA GRANDE, OR.
WM. MILLER, ,,.,,
1 .A"jr 'fntlnnoits reiMenceof brer lOjears
!. .tiimiMi.ijiuriu. iiiu iiiiurc iHi.Miuiiiiie.
j". 11, ice) 111. 1 uo our, veauii; u uorne. win inaae any mistase 111 lucatlug Here,
' Yaiir Correspondence la Solicited, and All Questions
....Cheeifully Answered....
.. aw..f... . ." ...
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Eftglnas and Boilers,
Saw Mill. Logging and Mining Machinery.
. Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery,
Pawdr Tranamiawan
We r aaaetatttly efeveealfts Medem
Agent of llm UiiUihI Hint.
assistant cashlor, J NewklrW; second
Drain Issued Arallabjle In all cities of tho
and Kurope.
,.P. C. JII.I,KIt
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Handled by AH First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
tne uest ana uneapest
in the Market
Portland; Oregon
I-oan and Insurauce Asratt
In thlsFamorfs VSller. andacloiestudr ol the
ui luiau. inua irsunai knnwi.uffa 01 lucii.r
'. . ... ----- - ,
Machinery far special purposes, which
tim! J-, ,
From All .Paris of the NcwiWorld
.j , , , .
- , vv a W the. Old. -. ,
,, 'j'"' ' '-'",f"' 'V'1 (.'',
"-'"m-.v- j . ZZ ' 72301'
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hip
penfngs of the Put Week In a
Condensed Form.
Tho queen's fortune is not
so large
as Ronerally supposed ..
Tho accession of King Edward was
attondod with much pomp in London.
Thomas Kenrns hits been elected
United tytutes sanator from Utah.
A fire in Montreal destroyed proper
ty worth from $2,500,000 to S.SOOO.'
California's ornngo
record of
promises to break the
ions years.
Three men hold np n saloon and
garnbing hotiso in North Yakima arid
secured $800.
Sholby M. Cullom wan ro-eleote'd
Unitod States senator from Illinois.
This is his fourth tor in.
Lieutennut Taylor, of tho United
States rorouuo cuttei Pourose, was
drowned at Poneacolu, Fin.
William A. Donton, n soldier of the
Black Huwk liulinn war, is doad at
Mudison, Intl., ngod 101 yonrs.
Washington Penata passed meinor
litis praying congress to appropriate
$16,000 for improvements ot Lewis
rivor nud $100,0.10 for complotton ol
Tho DalloR-Colilo canal.
A dispatch from Pokin Bays 26,000
Chineso rogulars lmo roassombled
noar Chnn Ting Fu, it day's maroh''
from tho French troops, Geporal Vey(
ron is alosoly watching them, and M.
Pichon, tho Frouoli minister, has aav1
eigotically requested tholr immedlatt
dispersal. , vM
' .... .- t..,. .If .i0..f-
a uiiuiugu huh noon seitiea at jtMoa
Joosn, Ala.rfor, which no ytaotd K;
in law could be found. II. Wilson wm nv.r tuionhnn. j-.i., - i
tulephono daring
.-.. ..., .. ...-.wuu UB..UK
thunder storm, and was struck
nsrntntntr ami Killed. nhis-i
brought for damages, but vm
by the' payment of $1,800 by.t4w'
phone company.
A spooial tourist train o Mm W4l?Mie-l'JiniBtHHs'arohiieliiffo.
Lonis, Iron Mountain & Southentjaatsida the lines desoribed in article
Railway, was wrecked near Walaatn. of that treaty and itartoiiliirly to the
Ridge. Ark. Tho ouly person injured
Wiie tho Pullman ptirtor. Tho pusseu
gors wcro only h.idly shaken tip. The
ncoidont was tho (estlt of an attempt
to wrook tho Cannon' Uall train which
was tin hour hohiud tho spooial, by
opening n switch. ' '
Tho oath of nllcgiance has been ad
miniat'red to over 1,000 Filipino;.
Fnll-blooded Indians in the Orue!
country tlueaton to exterminatu
white. s
The Oregon and Washington legis
latures adjourned tout'of respect, to
Queen Victoria.
Three people were killed near Van
couver as the result of an explosion of
powder being thawed out in a stove.
South Ilend, ,Wnh., has sent a dele
gation to Oly m ptu to work for tho loca
tion of a normal school nt that place.
The sloop Muriu Teresa, owned by a
subject of Great Drltaln, was burned
by the Venezuelan gunboat .Miranda.
Tho (irund opera house at Cinoinnati L
Durueu without logs or me, llio the
ater was packed ut tho'timo the fjre
Stenhen Parson Mver a wall !rnnw
S? who liuSf ihl Colorado
idUnd wllwav is dead at JuUvUl. '
v a ed 7" vi'ra LovHle,
y a en -years. '
The (luances of Oregon, with the ex
ceptlon of two special funds, are iu
good condition, reports the state tress
urer lu his financial statement.
Chinese JJoxera are said to haveJ ia" Gardner and Cox, of Htibols conn
acrain resumed nctivo onarntinriM in tli. ty. Tlie father Is said to hae died.
vicinity of Tien Tain. LI Hung Chang
and Prince Ching a.e acousod of being
associated with tho Uoxer leudcrs.
Particulars hae just been received 0f ,
a latal duel at
Ml'"" I " "!"
Knr nnu . In 1......I...
county, Ariz, .m 011 to Slaughter was
killed by ex-Sheriff Heeler and Clare
' I'nnrftv. an nnlnnt'nr. wan limlli- wnnmL
! e,i l)eele- and Klauuhlor wnra mttlo.
I men and bad bipod hud existed betweea
.--- ...-- ..v.:
them for a long time.
. 1
Seuators elected uro; J. It. Ilurlon.
Kansas; Kuute Nehon aud M. K.
Clapp,. Miunesota; ,lt. J. Gamble,
South Dakota; W. J. Sewell, New Jer
sey; J, II, Horry, Arkansas; F. K.
Warren, Wyominu; S. Jl. Elklus, West
Virginia;. J, W. llailey, Texas; F. Mv
v,..t, inn... 11 1 c L
-Frank Janasen, a bsrber of Soatfc
Scranton i a., went home drunk aad
u..w..-ra wH wHt.
mi. - "V "" "V '. ."
sited and their 7-year-old boy baiaed
to death. Mrs. Jaunsen was proliably
".Hlly 1b"n,,- Vw , ,i,w'
MoDoaald, was seriously burned. The
bouse was destroyed. Janasea Is aa-,
aw arrest. " 73. ;
Grind Opera. House at Cincinnati Burned
Fortunately no Lost of Life
I r!lllpliiiintl .Inn. 91 Tlin fJi-nnrl
i'erR house wa8 tonight destroyed by
lire, except for its staunch outor vrnlle.
lTho play hot for the night was "Unm-
lot," by E. II. Southern oompany, nud
tho house was" packed by a brilliant
i Tho first act had boon finished and
In the sooouil Mr. Southern, noting tho
part of Hamlet, had spokon but a fow
lines wnon a sugiu aisiuruanco in mo
orchestra seats was observed, it was
oausod by a slight Ibsuo of stnoko at,
that povit. An usher wont down tho
atclu and .quietly asked the pcoplo to
be Beated, eaying there was nothing
wrong. Mr. Souhtorn, at this' point,
stepped to tho front of the stage and
also assured the audience that every
thiag was all rlsht. Then he resumed
his part, bnt before ho had spoken iwo
lines the smoke issued 'in snoh vplumes
that thero was n spontane'ons movement
of the people in its vicinity.
Without further order or suggestion,
jane of the roost rsmarkuble scene ever
wunessoa in n orownea anuitorium
took place. It was as it the whole alt
nation had been revealed to every per
son in tho house, ami wlthmit a slnglo
shout or auythiug olse indicating a
leader, dispersal of the audience began
and was canied on with as, much or
der and composure as if no such thing
as flro had over boon known. Mr.
Southern estimates his loss at $60,000.
His company was compelled to roach
the street olad In tholr costuui'os and
to lose tho greater part ot their per
sonal offects. loft in tho thoator.
United SUtes hM Offered $100,000 for Certain
Islands In the Sulu Oroup,
Now York. .lun. 24. A special to
the Tribune from Washington says:
Senator Lodge will endeavor, tp pociire
the approval of thu'annute in executive
session today to the treaty signed by
Secretary Hay and Duko do Aroos, the
Spanish minister, on November 7 last,
roc the purcnaso uy tins government 01
certain small islands in the Sulu group
which had not been included in the
jg?1" treat-'- Tb1U treHt-' "M B,cut io
' M, senate early last month, and con-
,,., 41.ll 1 !.. f.l:..l
Its essentially ot the following artl
'' mmmmsMmsmtkiiik u
rWdands ot Cagnynu, Sulu and Mbutu
and their dependencies, and ngroos
that all snoh islands slptll be com
prised in the enssionnt tho arohlpolngo
as tally ns if they Jiail been oxprotsly
inoludeil within those line.
The United Stutos, In conaidoration
of- this rellngquihhmeut, will pay to
Spain tho sum of $100,000 v (thin six
iiionths utter tin ratification ot thU
1 tin, cnnvautloii. mid It onlv
The Spanish enrtos has just approved
aWnltS BO .
tlon by the senate for the exchange ot
ratifications, which are to bo made lu
The annrntiriatlons to enrrv ont the
ui?rnnmint niiiMt lin mmln till annsnti '
if the troaty is approved, hut it canuot
bo Inserted in uuy appropriation bill
until the senate has authorized ratifica
Two Men Arretted In Illinois
Arc Guilty 01 '
All Sorts of Crimes.
Mount Vernon, 111., Jan. 34. Geo. ,
... . -.,-. m ...... nt I
v. iinn joiiu i;ceves, iiiiiib iiiompsuu,
i alias ClarK", wanted in nt least llireo
"'"". "IUV" . ""'"' ".. t
orlme8' from ",unler ,0 pfl,,t ,rtrco,,'V' '
,mV6 en arrested In the northeast part
of .,,, CODnty by 8ierIr, Alanclon, ,.,
llcemnn Satterfleld and Donutv-ShorilT .
ditfont states to answer for various
I iceman Satterfleld and DoputyShorifI
On June I, 1886, near Huntington,
liid.tltob Heaves and his two hi tin,
George and Juhn, killed Doputy-Sher
"r,la "" w" Kentnoky, where!
'l'8 MuniB. the name of Thoinpsoj, '
I""l J"e 0. 1888, were sentenced from
lln.t.ii. ..n. ...... tn o I, .. UI ..aua I.I
V X" V" " - " 'r. " '". I
I " " "
September 2H, lKtlU. they i-
cuped from the Frankfort prison and
nude their way to this county. Thoy I
iiHsumed tho uaiiio of Clark aud hue
ulnnn tA(ilnfl Is nm
Twelve St,
Bcnards Have Left Chicago la
Special Car.
Chicago, Jan, ''. iu a private car,
fitted up especially for
comfort, 12 hardy and
their use and r
muscular St. '
. ... ., . -
llsrnard dogs will leavo umcago toiiay,
y for AlaiU, (jhlcago prospectors
wUl ge them iu the Far North to ,
transjiort supplies in tne uopper ru er
The canines Jiave been given n spe.
c4 coo-w 0f traluing by their owner,
who says he has hardened them la
preparation fofthe strenuous life they
wJn be forced to lead In the ice fields.
lilt 001 5 DUD
Met Death Surrounded
, Entire Family.
By Her
Passing of England's Queen Causes Universal
Sorrow-Was One of Most Beloved
Rulers of the World.
I Cowe. Islo of Wight, Jan. 23.
.Queen Victoria is dead and Edward
VII reigns.
j The greatest event in the memory of
, this generation, the most stupendous
change in existing conditions that
could possibly be imagined, has taken
placo quietly, almost gently, npon the
anniversary ot the death of Queen Via
toria'a father, the Duko ot Kent. The
end of tills carreer, never equalled by
any woman in the world's history,
came in a simply furnished ,rooui in
the Oaborne House. This most re
spected of women, living or dead, lay
in a great four poitod bed and made a
shrunken ntont whose aged face and
tlguro wero a oruel mookery of the fair
girl who, in 1887, began to rule over
England. Around her wen gathered
almost every descendant ot her lino.
Well within view of ber dying eyes
thuro hung a portrait of the Prinoo
Consort. It was ho who dosigned tho
room and overy part of tho eastlo.
In scarooly audible words, tho whito
hairod Hlshop of Winchester prnyod
boside lior, as ho hud often prayed, for
ho was her chaplain at Windsor. With
bowed heads tho imperious ruler ot
the German vmplro and the man who
is now kiug ot Kuglaud, the woman
who has sttccoodod to the titlo ot
queou, tho princos and prlncessos, and
thoHo ot less thau royal designation,
listened to tho bishop's ueaselosw pray
Six o'clock passoiL The bishop conj
tinned his Intercession. One of the
younger children asked a question In
shrill, childish trohle, and was Immed
iately silenced. The women of this
royal family sobbed faintly, and the
mon Bhnfrled uneasily.
At exactly halt past 0, Sir James
Held held np his head, and the people
then knew that, England had lost her
pala. 'The most of the mourners wrat
to thulr rooms.
A few minutes later the inevitable
dement of matoilallsm stepped into
this pathotlo chupter of International
history, foe the court ladles wwut f
briskly to work ordering tholr inouru
I iug from Loudon. Tho wheels of tho
world worn jHtred whou tho aiiuouuco
liiont canio, hut iu this pnlaco ut Os
homo owiry thing pursued tho usual
courso, Down lu tho kituhon thoy
J were cooklug a hugo dlunor for mi us
semhhigp, tho like of which has seldom
been kuowu iu Euglund, and tho din
nop tirAiittvntlnita t.pwa.rln.l 4ita ,,u If
,l, l.-.l hiintuinul
u,.....a ..... ...,,-,.-..v.. .
The body ot Queen Viotoria was em
bnlmed and will probably be taken to
Windsor Saturday, The coflln arrived
last eveuiug from London. ,
It was thought that the quoen ws
dying about 0 o'olook iu the eveuiug,
nud carriiigoH were sent to O iborne cot
tuge and tho rectory to bring all tho
princes and princesses and tho bishop
of Winchester to her bo'dsldo. ' It
seemol then very noar tho end, hut
when things looked tho worst, thu
(loneu had 0110 ot thu rallies duo to her
riiium-riiii i'uudi.iui...u, uiwiieu iur
even and recouulzed tho nroseuco of
Wales, the urlnceHsos and Kmnoror
Four o'clock
marked the beginning 1
01 tno enu, Agau
niiiiioiiotl. and this
WHH 110t followed by
The ,,rInc( 0( W'M
frnA,i ,i..... i.
of thu end,
Again tho family wero
time the rolupse
Wulos was very much
affected when tho doctors at last in
forinod him that his mother hud
breathed her last. Ivmperor William
was also deeply affected, hut did his
best to minUtor comfort to his sorrow
strickou uncle, wIiohu new diguity he
was tho first to uokuowledgu,
rrom an parts 01 tho world there
nro still pouring Into Cones
niessuges I
ot coudolenco. Thoy nuiie from
crowned heads, millionaires, trades
men and paupers, and aro variously
addressed to the Prluou of Wales aud
the king of England,
Kmporor William's arrangements
are not settled. His yacht will arrive
today, but it is bulioved he will not
dopart until after tho funeral,
1 T 1 . .
Attempt to Extort Money.
Fort Madioon, lu,, Jan. 24. George
Wolf, of Went Point, this county, was
lauded iu jail here luto last uight, the
warrant hating beou sworn out by
Fredorlok Kriokeub.inm, president of
the West Point bauk. charuim: him
with uu attempt to extort money.
Krinokeiilmum received letter order
lg 1,J, to deposit $6,000 at a certain
place under the Pitman
creek bridge,
a short distance from town, ou a cer
tain date, Tho letter stated that, un
ene the money was forthcoming, cer
tain properties owned by the banker
would be berned. Th Utter was com
pared with dlffernt band writings.
NO. 43.
Nearly Three Million Dollars' Worth of Prop
erty Lost.
Montreal, Jan. 26, Ono of tho most
destructive tiros from which this city
has over sulTurod began at 8 o'clock
last night, and, notwithstanding tho
otforts of the entire tiro department,
the progross ot tho flames was not
checked until 1 o'olook this morning.
Uy that tlmo it had dostroyod property
estimated at between $2,600,000 and
$3,000,000, nud was still burning,
though tho nppearanoo was that tho
flromon hnvo nt last got it under con
trol. Included in tho property burned
is the splendid board ot trade's build
ing, which cost $000,000, and honsl
over 100 tenants, half a dozen large
business houses and two score of small
er buildings. The weather was cold
and the firemen were greatly hsmpered
in this respect. Outside of the board
ot trade building there was not a Mod
ern structure among those barned
Crowds of people Jammed thenar
row streets, and tht police could aot
control them. Women fainted aad
their clothes were torn and a few
slightly injured in rushes for safety.
The tire started 'in the premises ot
Ml Saxe A Co., wholesale clothier,
at Leinerne and St. Peter streets. The
streets in the locality were deserted at
tho time and the tire apparently Mad
good headway boforo the fltst alarm
was sent in. The firemen found the
building a" three-story stone structure,
a mass of flames.
Three Men Were Burned to Death and Several
Injured al Kewanec, III.
Kownuoo, 111., Jan. 26. Fire early
this morning dostroyod tho Commer
cial houso and caused the death nt
throe men. Tho doad are: C. C. Cot
ton, agod 22 years, Terre II ante, lad.,
advonco ngjnt ol "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
company, suffocated in bed; Elmer
Peterson, Galesburg, ill., brick mason;
James Fischer, Walnut, III., aaettea.
John C. Gruber, of Fort Ways,
Ind., a contractor, and Martla Jaeeea,
of Chicago, an expert meeaaisir.
jumped from the thlriLstory wlneews
and were badly hurt.
An explosion iu the kitchen seal .Use
(lames into every corner ol the heme
aad out off escape hv means el the
slftus. a The Ml
,." "' at hy rt8 Hkhhw," Th
loss'is $4,000.
Train Robbers Tried to Hold Up the Overt.
Express Near Kearney.
Choyouue, Wyo,, Jan. 26. Informa
tion vas inceivod huio today that 1
desperate nttompt wan made I ant
night hy a gang of, train robbem to
hold up tho overland axpreis, near
Koaruoy, Neb. Tho bandits placed it
largo pile ot rocks on tho track is or
der to t wreck the traiu, whloh Is re
ported to have had it lurge nmomta of
money. Thu robbers socreled them
selves hohiud 11 hill noar the railroad.
A podestrluu traveling along the track,
came upou the obstruction, wax
pouueud upon, severely beaten, aad
robbed ot all his money, amouatiiHr
f 150. He got away from tbem aad
run to Kearney, whore ho gave the
alarm, nud 11 posso was at one organ
ized and orders gheu to hold the traiu.
'Iho poiuo came upon the baudite and
captured oue, tho others escaping, Thu
olllcers are still iu pursuit.
Ills Naturalization Was Postpones!.
Now York, Jau. 28. -A maa who
gave tno nitino 01 jieury zunraer ap-
idled Io the naturalization bureau ia
tho county court house for his iaal
naturalization papers, Zimiuer sahl
he wus nu Englishman. Clerk, Loos
started to administer the usual oath to
Zimmer, uud hud got so far as for
swearing "allegluuuo to all foreign
powers or potentates," and especially'
to the queou of Great Drltain and Ire
laud, when a messougor rushed israad
announced that the queeu was dead.
Zliiimor'H naturalization was immedi
ately itostpouod until the natarallse
lion bureau is ofilolully Informed of the
queen's iientu aun the successor to tno
throne of England formally announced.
The lust llritish subject to forswear
iilleglanco iu this city is Joha J.
BI4 Waihlnjton Hop Contract
Tucouiu, Wash,, Juu. 26. Pier
Ilros,, hop dealers, of Now Yoik, havo
cloned u contract with Woller & Ale
(iOwiiii to operntu threo large hopyariht
iu Pualup alloy, aggregating UU
acres, on the hauls of advancing 8 cents
u pound on an estimated crop of 1 10,
000 pounds for cultivating and deliver
iug crop free 011 board cars. All abovo
eight cents is to bo equally divided.
A Consumptive Quarantined.
San Francisco, Jau. 26. J. W.
Thompson, a consumptive, who ar
rived here from llritish Columbia on
the steamer City of California, was not
al lowed to laud, on the ground that hsr
wus afflicted with a contagions dis
ease, 'i his Is the first Instance wbsir'e
a persou afflicted with couiuaiptioai
bag been denied u landing, '
'. WJ
: Q
. "-Sj
"mit up teeee plant, awaaies ue .n-umwr vwnvniiaiir.K
jr coaaMi-owoiMCE souoiTipi. -a
- t - e&?
,y Jte