BJM - WJ' .J'.W ', rVf - r l ,r THE NEW AGkH; POKTXAND, OBEChKET. iv d ARCTIC RESEARCH A Young Prince of the House of Savoy Reaches ; the Farthest Point North Yet Touched. rrrlWHK Is a fascination about Arc jftlc exploration which nullities the dangers and privations, and Im pels adventurous men to bravo the ter rors of the fmsron solitudes and nations In Bcncrout rivalry to send expedition nftcr expedition to wrest from the lee locked boxoni of the North the secret which It has guarded successfully since the creation of the world. Little by little, one degree after nuothcr has jicldcd to the determined heroism of iniui, but the koiiI Is still IKK) miles dis tant. It Is doubtful If tlio contribution to science and geographical knowledge resulting from tho discovery of the North 1'ole would be commcusurato with the awful Ioks of life and vast ex pense nttendlng the effort to reach It. Hut love of adveiituie, honorable ambi tion to achieve what so many have fall ed to accomplish, mid man's conquer ing spirit which cannot rest whllu any obstacle remains to overcome, have In duced scores of attempts which hither to hnvc failed of t ho main purpoKC, but have not weakened the determination of others to battle with the awful noil- den Instead of oblique circles as here." There will be nothing to designate the pole when It Is reached, except the ob servations which 11 x the geographical point. The explorer takes frequent ob servations of the suu along his route to detcrinluo his latitude and longitude. Ity computation he should know when ho has reached the earth's apex. The series of observations nre after waid corrected whenever the exploring party reaches the base of operations or wherever the standard chronometer Is left. Teary, for example, who Is now In the north, and may have reached tlio pole, has with him six chronometers rated for different times, and showing tirccuwlch mean time, Washington mean time, and one rated nt some con venient camp, and Indicating the local time of that place. Ity this chrono meter his more northern observations would be computed, with corrections or errors added or eliminated, this to Indi cate precisely the places of observation. Again, when civilization Is reached the observations would be again computed with astronomical observations made stance pickpocket, a professional beg. gar, or a habitual "drunk and disorder ly? Is brought up for his or her fourth on fifth conviction. It is proved beyend doubt that he or she Is Incapable of per forming the duties, and therefore; of exercising tho rights, of a free cltlsen; sentence Is passed for the last time, a term of Imprisonment is Imposed which Is really a preparation for the new life which the hopeless case, the piece '.of human refuse, Is to lead: "At tho expiration of your sentence you will be placed In relegation," 'says the Judge. . That means banishment for life. The criminal never sees his old haunts, never mixes with his old companions again save In exile. It will no longer be possible or him to commit crime, or to contaminate the society which has now finished with him. Moreover, he has got to work, and If ho won't do that, ho will And his food cut down and himself In a prison, which Is made Just nbout as uncomfortable for him as It can be. Franco possesses two of these dump ing grounds for human refuse, as they may be called. One is French (Julariu. which Is nbout one of tho bent places 'In the, world to get out of and stay awny from. The other Is the Isle of Pines, which Is a coral-frlngcd paradise GRAVEYARDS OF GOLD. LarsaQnantltleaof the Preclottt Matat litdden la Jadla and China. Gold everywhere rapidly vanishes out of sight, but nowhere as rapidly as In India and China. These two coun tries are looked on as veritable grave yards of gold. Thomas Jefferson Hur ley, of the American Institute of Min ing Engineers states In, a recent publi cation that every year a great yellow stream flows Into both of these coun tries. This stream is never ending. The money does not reappear In In dian banks. The soil of Hludoostau absorbs It, even as the desert swallows the overflow of great rivers. This work of gold absorption In Asia has been go lug on for centuries and still continues. Treasures of gold Incalculable In value are hidden in India. This gold Is ster ile. Once placed In hiding It never emerges. It Is consequently lost, as far as good to humanity Is concerned. In the regency of Bombay alone 12, 000,000 gold sovereigns, or $00,000,000, are concealed. Hundreds upon bun dled." of other millions nre elsewhere throughout tho famine wasted laud se curely hoarded. Every class of Hin doos Is given to gold hoarding. "Even the gods of India," remarked a writer In the Courier des Etats Unls, rtfrt t'nPV f 1,1,1 rf rmtit 'f1lnl, ...lilutln far away In tho Smith Tncl.le, onuf f , tf , J ' the most beautiful snots ever trodden . .. ... ... .. '. .. v , . . ,... .. , , ..., , uuuuieni 10 me uivine can, it comes " r ",Tn ;,:,. r"1" "' ,UC rippling from nil points, until It reach- Any Style r 'Anr'niii AnJr'Qaatitlty MACKINTOSHES, BUBBKR AlfpIfc. CLOTHING nuniier Boot ana iinoea, nailing, raeaina; ana note. Largest and Moit Complete Auortracnt of all Kindt of Robber flood. OOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY R. H. PEASE, r-reildent. F. M. BIIKl'ARD, JR.. Treasurer J. A. SUKPARD, Secretary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. x ....THEY ARE.... 1 HI Columbia Hartford Vedette BICYCLES iooi PRICES. ...; V TV . i '. es the sacred pnruls. It accumulates In Their working day Is abou seven hc b can passages of the tern- hours and n half T'oy nre well ,,,, ,0 wch tJ prleg8ts a,one bttyo ed, well fed, and by no means over- r p. I DUKE ABRUZZI'S ROUTE TO THE POLAR REQIONS. MmmmmmmmmMnmmMmmmmmammaam : mw i mmmrmr'-mm' -ht : jB Jfffrl Slr fj - w J lCt k. V K a in a rtaljlL eaMHfaSjMeLarJiBa! t h .EgggM.! rfri Yl dV ij "" I rHILYUAmM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBaBBBBBSaBBBtaaBBBBBBBV ela nccess. Thence It ovcitlows and takes Its phico like a proud conqueror upon tho altars, where It shares with thu gods tho Incense and the homage of the men It has bewitched," It Is Indeed slgnlllcnnt that while half (of mauklnd devotes liBelf eagerly to inn nuurcu ui goiu uie iiiuuoo anu uai nese multitudes give every energy to keeping It out of sight or out or uio and circulation. India and China ire not. however, the only gold nlisorbers on earth. There Is In every country a teudoucy In gold to get out of view and remain hidden, Tho treasury olllclals nt Washington estlmnte that $10,000,000 In gold Is ov cry year used In tho arts nnd $30,0u0,. 000 In Jewelry nud plate. Since tho re sumption of specie payments In liTU 5:100,000,000 in gold has disappeared from circulation. The Hunk or Hugland Is stated to bo poorer by $100,000,000 In gold since 181)7. France l.kowlse re ports an luuncuse decrease In gold, both coined nud reserve. Other coun tries have like stories to tell. An linineuHo quantity of gold monoy Is taken out of America by travelers. The net annual loss In this regard is estimated at $000,000 to $800,000, niak lug In twenty-live years a total shrink age of 120,000,000. Inquiries mado of 45,000 firms aud Individuals throughout the country show a total consumption of gold coin by manufacturers, Jewel ers, dentists, etc., of $3,500,000 a year. The total stock of gold In the country was, at the beginning or last August, $1,053,518,802. v Mr. Hurley Is convinced thaTne world's output of gojd will continue to Increase oven bcyoHd tho 'Immense yields of to-day. Now processes nro to duy sav.lng gold which It was Impossi ble to save ten years ago. "Wo pre dict." ho adds, "that within tho noxt twenty years Alaska aud the Canadian Northwest Territory win ylold over $1, 000,000,000 aud that by li)25 they wlU Lhave a population of over 1,000,000." Cincinnati Commercial Trlbuno. AMERICAN BICYCLE CO. COLUMBIA SALES DEP'T 132-134 Sixth Street, . ....Portland, Oregon. Built to Ride They are the beat Bicycles possi ble to produce bv the most skilled workmen, from the best materials, in tho largest and most completely equipped Bicycle Factory In the World. 1901 PRICES. COLUMBIA, Models 74 and 75, (Chainlet) COLUMBIA, Models 72 and 73, (Chain) COLUMBIA, Models (15 and GO, (Chahtlcti) COLUMBIA, Models H3 and 04, (Chain) COLUMBIA, Models 5ft and 00, (uuaimcM) HARTF0RDS, Modols 27 and 28, 86.00 HARTFORDS, Models 2.1 and 24, 30.00 PENNANTS, Models 31 and 32, 20.00 We handle the best line of Juvenile Bicycles on the market. 975.00 50.00 60.00 40.00 45.00S WOLF & ZWICKER Iron Works PORTLAND, OREGON. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. Manufacturers of Saw and Shingle Mill Machinery. Boilers, Engines, rtead Itlocks, Logging Engines and Loggers' Supplies. Steel Riveted Pipes (or Flames ind Dry Kilns. Iron. Semi-Steel and Brass Castings for all purposes. Special ttoniion given to all kinds of ropairs. Agents for Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal. Aeon ruivnt y 1. I'rfildant Maiiag ger II. P. hTUlCKTAND Secretary R. V. ANKENY Trcaiurer Z tudes, terrible rigors, and enormous dllliculllcti of thu tin known North. The latest expedition has beeu the most successful of nil. Tho Duke of AhrtiKxl, a young scion of Italian, royal ly, bus rvwully rvturnvd from a voyage of exploration which ponotruted fur ther Into the polar regions than man has ever beeu before to tho knowledge, of the world. I'lveii Nauseu, tho In trepid, who, until Ahruxxl's voyage had the honor of going farthest north, did not get nearer than 2tU) mile of tlio (Nile, a distance, to bo sure, less than from New York to Buffalo, but It) min utes of latitude, or twenty mile, short of Ahruxxl's highest point. This does not seem to be a great advance, but it Is a distinct achievement aud brings the pole tuctity miles nearer than ever before, and represents an achievement which uuver before crowned tho en dcavors of man. The nearer 0110 ap proaches tho pole, the greater tho dlltl cultliH), To advance 11 single tulle Is often a physical Impovslblllty on ac count of the Ice barrier. Twenty miles may represent the labor of weeks un der conditions which would appall any but the stoutest hearta and exhaust till but the moHt robust physiques. II10 North l'ot Ueacrlltcd. What Is thu North Polo about which m much Is heard 1 An answer to this question Is found herewith: It Is sim ply the mathematical point which marks the northern termination of tho axis of tlio earth. It Is a place wheru there aie IHl degrees of latitude, or tunic, and :'.! dcgiees of longitude, or none at all, Jum as one prefers to look at It, A man standing at the North 1'ole would hac to go south whichever way he htcppvd. There is no north, 110 eaht 110 wct Should he stand at the )Kle for a ,otu- he would have but one night nud one day. The suu would lUe tm March 21 and set 011 Sept. 21, not to rUe until the following March. "After rUlug," sas a writer, "the suu would circle through the heavens as If rolling along the horlxou, ascending eery twenty-four bonis a little higher, until 011 June 21 It would be ll dcgiees above the horlxou. Then It would grad ually sink uutll suitM't. Sept, 21, Dur ing the night at the pole all the heaven ly bod leu would luuvo lu horlxoutul dr at Washington, aud would then be add ed to tho various nautical tables that are supplied to maritime nations. That an explorer had reached tho pole could be proved from his observations, aud would resohe Itself to a .matter of mathematical calculation. Oilier i:ieitltlon. Intense Interest Is felt In tho result of the Investigations being made at the present time, In which so many nation alities are Interested. Lieut. Peary will probably be thu tlrst to bo heard from among those who during thu past sum mer have Ih'cii engaged lu efforts to reach tho limit of latitude. Ills expe dition operates from his uorthermost supply on Western Greenland, from which ho was scheduled to maku a 400 mllo dash for the pole. The Uusslan expedition, which has been equipped for tho discovery or tho pole, has winter quarters lu Matthew Strait nud Its main objectlvo Is Nova y.emblu, with possible udvauceti farther northward, The Norwegian expedition now Is supposed to bo locked lu tho vicinity or the pole. It Is under tho commaud or Cnpt. Otto Svordrup, tho .Indomitable lieutenant or Kxplorer Nanseu, and tho noted Krnm Is tho vessel ou which tho expedition balled, A German oxinMltlon under the com mand or Capt. Hauediuhihl of tlio Gor man Imperial navy, has started In a small schooner with the determination to reach tho North Pole. Tho last heard from the Danish expe dition of which I.leut. Audrup Is In command, was that It had reached 74& degree north latitude ou the east coast of Greenland. The KolthotT expedition Is lu the same vicinity and after exploring Sa bine Ultuul, proposes making a dash northward, Robert Stein Is exploring tho un known territory of Kllrtuiere land on his own account. FRENOH METHOD. Whereby llutiltual CrlmlunU Arc Forced to I'cvome Ooo4 Cltliett. In France they manage the habitual criminal question better thun In any other couutry lu the world. For la- worked. Of course, very row or them know anything about 11 trade. Thelt only Idea lu lire has beeu to loaf from tho cradle to the grave. Those who can never be mado Into workmen or work women nro put on the fields, farms and coffee plantations. Others ate taught trades, and gradunlly the aimless, shift less loafer of the slums becomes a more or less skillful carpenter, blacksmith, wheelwright or stonemason. Compressed Air Ibr Canal I.ouk. On tho Krle canal at Lockport, N, Y 11 pneumatic balance lock Is being sub stituted fot a flight of old-fusulonctf stuuo locks, says tho Youth's Compnii Ion. Tho uew lock consists or two steel chamber one for ascending and the other for descending boats. Kach cham ber Is divided Into two parts, an upper one containing water to receive the boats and u lower one containing com pressed air ou which the upper cham ber floats. When n Ivoat bus been run Into the upper chamber It is either low ered or raised, as may be desired, by tilling or exhausting the ulr chamber beneath it Where Peter tlio Great IjodjteHt. " In the quaint town of .aurudaui, la Holland, Peter the Great camo lu 1097 to leuru the trade of shipbuilding. He worked like any ordinary workman, under the name of Peter Mlchaelhoff. He lived by himself, doing his own washing and cooking his own meals In his hut or two rooms. Tho cottage, which now leans lu all directions, still contains the rude furniture which the great Peter used a bedstead, table and two chairs. It Is Incased In a bulldtug erected for the purpose aud over the mantel U a tablet erected by Alexander of Uussta In 1814. Snake aa a lUt-Cntutior. One uf the men employed at the xoo logical gardens lu New York has u black snako that has the run of his house. It has the reputation of being tho best rut catcher lu the eutlre bor ough of the Bronx, It Is aUo a family pet. It Is folly to draw u bill ou a bllad , uiau pa) able at sight. , RECENT INVENTIONS. An Englishman has designed a clock mechanism for attachment to a gas Jet to extinguish It automatically at any desired time, a shaft being clamped to tho gas key to turn It as soon as the train revolves far enough to release the spring driving the shaft. Mustaches are mado to curl In the proper direction by the use of a uow celluloid device, consisting of a comb to be Inserted In the hairs closo to the Up, with tlcxlblo ends around which the ends or tho mustache are twisted ami fastened to guide thenr'. Beefsteaks and other meats are quickly made tender by a Mlssourlau'a Invention, having two toothed rollers sot In a frame to be revolved by a crank attached to ouo of them, the meat belug passed back and forth be tween the rolls until it Is tender. Bread and cukes can bo evenly baked by the use of a new oven, having shelves arranged on a rotary shuft to bo revolved by a clock mochanlsm and bring the bread In proximity to the top and bottom or the oven In turn, thus equallxlug tho heat on all sides. lu a now thread-cutter, designed by au Illinois woman, a steel ring or the proper size to slip over the thimble car ries a uotched plate ou one side, with a cutting blade set In the bottom, a short projection being placed on the luslde of the ring to eugage oue of the Indent tlons or the thlmhlo. Pictures can bo easily adjusted on tho wall by a uow hanger, formed of a Hat strip of metal, with curved ends, to be attached to the back or the frame, with teeth In tho under sldo of the strip, which eugage a sl'dlug ring sus pended from tho wall, each tooth changing the uugle of tho picture. THE VULCAN IRON WORKS CO. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS MACHINISTS & BLACKSMITHS MANtlKACTUltKHB OF AM, CLA88K8 OF MAC1IJNEHV. Fifth Avenue South and Lane St. Tel. Main 123. P. 0. Box 93 K. FK1KK, Bc. nnd Treat. J. at. RINK. Prat, and Bupt. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS CO. eighteen Years Undo Seme Management. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS WAORK8! ORANT.8TRKKT BKIDOK. Ta'ephone Main SEATTLE - - - WA8H. RUSSELL COMPANY -B0II.DKK8 0K Ermlmmm, Motlmr; Smw MMm, ThimherB; ' " '' ' JafclayJKlllllaaaaeaWll - If yon bob tern plate buying machinery, write us for catalogue and prices. RUSSELL & CO.' A. H. AVER It.... Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. ii CHIRADELLIS" -THE BEST AND PUREST- KnglUti lUcea IiCail ia Polltica. If we except the provinces of the Netherlands, the Swiss cautons au such tiny city states as Mouuco aud Sau Marino, which retalu their nnclout Institutions, there la not a uatiou on earth making auy pretense to freedom I aud cUlllsatlou which has not a con stitution In great measure copied with in the present evutury either from Eu gland or from tho Uulted States, Thus, whother willingly or uot, does the civ. Illxed world coHfcaa the primacy ol the English race lu Butters political. Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa e ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT SPENCER-CLARKE CO., Agents C G. ATKINS St COMPANY potrrukno, OREGON v Mmnfacturn PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SAWS 5JWa, $ Brmnoh, No SO First St. DRINK THE FAMOUS. VV'eiiilistaci's Beer FOR SALE AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL SALOONS ; BREWERY AND OFFICE. TV2JU2 IS? f S 1$&?ral '.. i ' T J " 1 ii - ; f , Ks i WL its , t. A'CveVsii .y ,.. i. d&'i V&grlV' "- M