-wr Bg JWUWBH, i 'i! fa2 5i A " 'iHB J5J8V AGB 'PORTLAND. OREGON. v ,vkb .j. .wKsiur ibanvnnmK lanBBiiBvaHki & jBijHISti,.i.l,,.fa,Wi CT.VBWwa8BBCTaBGg&B ' , , y v 7 " VTfpWW" Sntt Rheum You max call It ecsem, tetter or milk erast. But no matter what jron call It. his skin dtieaie which conies In patches that burn. Itch, discbarge a watery matter, dry ami tctle, owe Its existence to the pretence of 'humor lu tha eratciu. v&xu&Eritisz ...-ill .. . remain. lt it always radically and permanently cured by HmTm Smrmmpmrlll which expels all humors, ami is poMtlve' v unequaled fur all cutaneous eruptions. Another Industry for Everett. Establishment of another sash and floor factory at Everett is plnnnod. British Columbia. Cost Fields Sold. Tha Groat Northern Railway Com pany, through President Hill, has pur chased 275,000 aores of coal laud from tba Crow's Nest Coal Company, near Crow's Nest Pass, B. C. The purchase prioa ia approximately 16,000,000. Tha Best Prescription for XaUrla Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grovos. Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form, No Onra, No Pay. Price tOo. Seattle Public Library. Feattle people expeot to sperid soma 1200,000 is purchasing a site tor a library, and B0,000 a year in main taining It after Mr. Carnegie's '$300,000 betiding shall have been leoted. A Naval Sight. Did yon ever sea a hnnse and its con tents upside down? The novel sight will be a feature of tha Pan-Anericaa expotltloa midway. i orr cstr roriTsnnw, gbt rooT- EASH. A powder. At this reason yonr feet feel swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. If yon hare emrmlnp fret or tight shoe, try Allen's Foot-Enre. It rests and comforts; makes walking cam-. Cures sirollon and rweatlng feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes corns nurt bunions of all pnln and tea certain pure for Chilblains. Sweating, Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30. 000 testimonials. Don't get footsore got Koot-Knfe. Try it today. fold bv all drupplsts and shoe stores for 25a Trial packaee Fnicic. Address, Allen 8. Olm sted, Le Ilby.N. Y. lneVs(Notcd River. The Butley, in India, is the fastest jlowing river in the world. Its descent la on section u 19,000 feet in 1H0 so lies. Blj Trabi Shed. Tba bit anion depot in Portland is to have a train shed three blocks long and thea travelers will' not step ont of tha oars into the rain. DBAVNXSS OAIfMOT BB CTTRSB y local applications, as they cannot reach the amaaed portion ol the ear. Tbere Is only one way toeuridtetaii, and that Is by eomtltu- onairomeaiw. veaintM is eauwa oy an ia SuQtd condition ol the mucous lining ot the Xustaeblan Tube. When this tube gets In 'flamed yon have a rumbling soand or !mper leetkearlnc.aad-.whea ft-Tf.eotlreljr'eloeed deafness Is tha result, and unleas the Inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube reatired to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed lorereri nine cases out ol tea ate caused I ate caused by catarrh, whlen Is nothing but condition of the mucous surfaces. Wawlllcira One Hundred Dollara tor anv case otDealness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bead for circulars, tree. , F. J. CHKNKr A CO., Taleeto, a 8o!dbyDrucilsts,7M Hall's Vaaslly flUs are the bat Walla Walla En'oys Sltljhlne;. For the first time in abont 11 years Walla, Walla enjoyed an extended sea son of fine sleighing daring and after ths holidays 4&& irhla atgaaiara W ea erery"box ot the genuine Laxative brom-Qwai Tablet. aesM sss easaey 'PertUai Bhj Shew. .Let all tba oaaatrv kaow that a not able centennial celebration and exposi tion will be b'el&ia Portland ia 1005. i i ' IAD BLOOD, IAI CfMNEXItN. The skin is the seat of an altnoet end leas' (variety ol diseases, They are knewa by various names, but arc all ducto the same cause, acid and other poisons ia the blood that Irritate and interfere with the proper actios of the skia. " To have a smooth, soft skia, free frosa all aroetioa. the blood tnuat be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of sneak aacfpotash and the large number at face powaers ana touoas geaeraiiy sad ia this class of diseases cover up for a abort time, but cannot reanove per aaaaeatly tha gly blotch sad tha red, saaignriag pisnptea. a m Mmmmtlimt mmmwilmxlmm wheat each wsaadiss are railed ea. Mr. K. T. ahobe. 1704 X.tces ATcaac. at yoai. as, tays 1 " My daaahter wee astleted for years With a dUicwfac emotloa oa her face, which reatrtcd all treatmcat. She was takes to two ejatehrateS beaHkspriag.bHtrccic4 sobcae C4. Maay saedMacs were prescribed, but with- rmH. sHttil we decided to try B. a. a., and by Has the Bret bottle was fialsacd the eruftloa sa to disappear A dotca bottles eared her essapletely and left her akia perfectly eeaootb. ike le bow acrestcea years old. and bos a ixn of the sine its selng disease ass ever returned?' t, 8. S. is a positive. nafaUiag cure for Mm worst fonts of skia troubles. It is tha greatest of all blood purifiers, aad tha aaly one guaranteed purely vegetable. lad blood snakes bad cosaptcxioas. sa bb. bb. puriaes aad iavigo--fTarar retes the old aad taakes new, rich Mood Lak,ak,l that aouriahes tha sP MF WW body aad keeps the fjak actira aad healthy aad ia proper eaJhioa ta perforas its part toward tarrying eel the iaapuritiee frosa the body. If you have Xeaiasa, Tetter. Acne, Salt Hheuai.'Paor.aak, or year skia U rough ZZl 11 10 ' i. t- SlLl 73 ESrSLr? 3J5ZrJZ ZZX iBtJM lahoat joar tstr. esWwwhas. - tut this ssVeisa. , sssfT tfeBpaaW, MUUrTA, L THE CHURCH BACK HOME. When the big pipe organ's awellln' an' the city choir sings, An' you almost hear the swlshln of the lovln' angels' win go. An't the congregation's musln' on the proncness for to sin, Sort o leanln' listless, wattfn' for the .1 1"-MW W UVKIIIfl preacher to begin; , rn ? !,,"shitha,,pcn that x c,cRn forget the nlacc. An' 'again I'm meek nn lowly 'fore a throne of savin' grace; A throne that wasn't nestllu' 'neath a Bplrc of a dome. But the sinners sought their Savior in that little church back home. When we hnd protracted mcctln's, why, 'twould done you good to hear The congregation slngln' with a blend o' voices clear, How the "Rock of Ages" towered like a shell'rin"sort o' wall, An' our souls soared up to glory since the Rock was cleft for all. Bv'ry foccwas wreathed with sweetness, an' we always had n smile For the stranger, saint or sinner, In the pew across the aisle; For a diamond's often gathered from the commonest of loam. An' we didn't mlntl the stUn' in the little church back home. .There were weddln'a where-thc neigh bors gathered lu from far an' wide, An' the boys looked on in envy while their sisters kissed tho bride; There were fun'rals, too, where neigh bors didn't feel ashamed to cry When they laid to rest the sleeper In the little yard close by. Each pew seems sort o' sacred, an' the lowly pulpit there 'Pears like a holy gateway to a firma ment that's fair; Where ttie sweet, supernal sunshlno soft ly scattered sorrow's gloom An' lets us enter heaven from the little church back home. t The city choir's voices rise in cadences . so sweet As they slog about the river where the, sainted dnes shall meet, An' the preacher's colec Is plcadln' as he asks us, soft and low, To treat all men as brothers ra this weary vale of woe. This city church Is handsomel an' the congregation!) large, The preacher's doln' nobly with his heav en sceltln' charge. Tho choir's swcllln' anthems soar to heaven through the dome, But my old heart Is slghin' for tho little church back home. Roy Farrell Greene, In Leslie's Week ly. WELL, as I was saying, this Is tho way It came about: I was a young thing then. Just turu- ed'18. Vour grandfather had been my playmate, hero and protector from tho time that I was old enough to go to sctxxJl. I hnd never thought of marry lnganyond"but him, and so when he asked mo to be his wife, why, of course, I sold "Yes." Well, It was In tho spring of 1776 that wo were to bo married. Mother and I spent the winter getting my things made up, and I hnd as fine an outfit an a girl could possibly have In those days. Tho day set for tho wedding was tho nineteenth, of April yes, tho very day on which the battle of Lexington occur red, as I havo good reason to remem ber. Tho nineteenth of April was a beauti ful, day, though u warm ono for tbq.sca son. We were all up early tuaf morn ing, for thero was a great deal to bo dono. It was about 0 o'clock In tho forenoon when my mother, who had been looking over somo linen, suddenly raised her head, exclaiming ns sho did so, "Why, Mary, was that tho meeting house, bell?" "What con It mean?" I cried, and, running to tho window, I caught sight of our aelgbbor's sons, Joe, and John Eaton, running down tho road with their guns- Across the way Harry Wright was plowing thp field. Tho boys called out to htm as they passed, and without stopping to unhitch the horse, ho seized his gun and was off across tho fields. "It Is an alarm,- mother!" I cried. "The boys aro down by tho brook," she sold, "The sound will not reach theui!" Without delay I hurried to the kitch en, and, seizing the horn, I ran out of the house and started for the brook, which was some dlstanco from tho house. 1 blow a blast on the horn qs I ran, and as tho boys caught sight of me I pointed toward the road, where several men could bo seen running with their guus. The boys understood, and, waving their hands to me, they were off across the .field to, the road, "What is ItT Where are they going?' I asked. And as I spoke the men came hurrying out -of the meeting-bouse, where they had heard a few words from Parsoa Smith, and, mounting their horses, rode off as fast as they could go. I looked for your grandfa. tber, but he was not tbere. Catching sight of my father, I ran to hlra. "Havo you seen Henry?" that's your grand fatherI asked. "Henry was at (be tavern when the messenger rode through here," replied my father, "and, as ho bad his, horse with him, be rode away without wait ing for the company to assemble." My father bad reached home before se, and as I opened the door I heard mother ask, "Do you think It Is any thing; serious, father 'r" "I am afraid It may be, wife," he said. "The messenger said that Gov. Gage has sent some of the king's troops to destroy the 'supplies which have been 'UWHVJ Ml U..il- stored at Concord. If the report Is true. there will be resistance, and If It comes t that It will be very serious business for us." u I MY WEDDING DAY Saf -!?gWM). A French scientist has found out that even the scorned and despised dleae microbes can be used In making the softest and most beautiful light Imaginable. While the light Is strong enough to enable fine print to be read clearly nt a distance of several yards, it has all the sort, mysterious charm of brilUant moon light The laity generally would Imagine that the first difficulty In making thU light would be the collecting of the bacilli.' But Prof. Raphuel I)u Bois of the Univer sity of Lyons has found that microbe lamps are eminently practicable. The phosphorescent bacteria are those containing water, sea salt, one ternary com pound, one nitrogenous compound, one phosphate, and traces nt mlnetal. For purposes of decorattrc Illumination the bacterial fluids are placed lu bottle-shaped receptacles, with flat bottoms, covcrcd'by colored shades, which direct the light downward. These, suspended from the .celling of a room, supply a rlear, delicate glow, that transforms the most hopeless loom and makes tbcVdullcBt complex ion brilliant. The first news that camo to us from tho fight at Lexington and the other do ings of that day arrived about 0 o'clock In me afternoon, when some mlnutti men from nnothcr town stopped at tho tavern on their way home. They told the story of tho day to the little crowd of anxkniB women who cngerly ques tioned them for news of some dear one. My father would not let me go down to the tavern, but went down himself and brought us the news. "Something unusual has happened, Maryl" exclaimed my mother. "I never saw your father look bo excited." I hastened down tho path to meet him. "Bad news, my child; bad newsl" he exclaimed. "Tbere bos been an encoun ter with the king's troops," And then reading the question In my eyes, he con tinued, "But they brought no nows of our men," Tho hour set for the wedding was 8 o'clock, but It began to look as If thero would be no wcuulng, for it was now after 7 o'clock, and none of our men hnd returned home. At last we heard steps outside nnd then my brother Arthur, who was among the first to reach home, stagger ed Into the room. I sprang up and ran to him. ,IIc wink Into the neurcst chair, nnd his gun fell to tho floor with n thud. Arthur was only a boy of 15, you must remember, nnd the day had been a ter rible one. v When he had recovered 'a little, my father spoke. "What news do you bring my sou?" ho nskod. "Arthur." I said, "Is It Henry?" "Listen," ho said, speaking rapidly. "The king's troops were In full retreat when we reached the road. Wo did not keep with our companies, but each ono found shelter as he was ablo behind trees, walls or fences. I met Henry as I was crossing a Held, and wo took VMM" ;' NEW BIUDGB FOB. shelter together and awaited tho com ing of the troops. We had Just got set tled when Henry caught sight of a flanking party coming right down on us. He called to tho men near us to run for their lives, and at the same tlnio we both jumped the wall and ran for a houso which stood in tho field Just op posite. I reached the oppoBlto wall In safety and turned round to look for Henry, but be was not with me, At that moment tho troops camo round a sudden turn In the road hnd sent somo shots In our direction. At the risk of being shot, I stood up and looked across the road. Ho must have been hit by tho flanking party, for ho lay Just by tho wall." Suddenly I heard the sound of a horse's feet coming up the road at a furious pace. I sat up and listened. "Somebody Is riding on an Important errand," I said to myself. Nearer and nearer came tho sound, and the rider, whoever he was, drew rein at our door. Then tber were a murmur of voices and an opening and shutting of doors, and then my mother's voice calling to me; "Mary, Mary; child, como down I Henry Is here! He's come!" Scarcely believing thnt I heard aright, I got up and ran downstairs and Into the kitchen, and thero before me, bis face pale as death, with a blood-stained bandage bound altout his forehead, stood your grandfather. "Mary," he cried, holding out his hands to me, "I am In timet Tho clock has not struck yetl We have beaten the enemy at every point, and won a great victory! I am hit, but not seri ously hurt!" Then Parson Elder, who had come over to hear the news from 'Arthur, came forward and said: "Shall I per form the ceremony now?" So right then and there your grand father, l bis working clothes, all stain cd with dust and blood, and I, la my morning calico, were married, Why Short Girls re Preferred. It Is an undeniable fact that the ma jority of men prefer short woman. to ft I l aHia n -T bbIbbbbbbbbbI Vfis-SBBBaWJBBL Wk ,1lXBPSsBL ?S fllH.W ' tnll ones. Perhaps this Is because they like to be looked up to nt nil events by tho fair sex and it Is only natural for them to prefer tho girl who. In her ltttlo cnrcsslngs nnd fascinating, lover like ways, litis, omnccount of her short ness, to look up nt him for the purpose of peering Into his love-lit eyes. Tall women ure usually dlgullled, nnd appear to scorn kittenish ways, nnd although they mnnngo to draw ad miration It Is rather of the awe-lnsplr- Ing kind. - 1 io uuuui, owing 10 wie biimiiui-ns ui siniure. nnu pretty, pinyini ways, men givo to little women more petting tnnn the tall, dignified woman demands. The lover's oft-rencated exuresslon. "You lhtlo darling," could hnrdly be applied to tho very tall girl without tickling tho risibilities of those who overheard It. This Is cerltlnly very hard nnd looks llko n punishment for being tall, but who can help h'er stature? It Is n fact, too, that men aro rather shy about ap proaching tnl women beciuiHo of tho restraint whlcn they feel but cannot explain. They nre under the Impression why. It Is hard to tell thnt tall women are built to be commnnders, nnd they nro In their nntural element when left nlono lu their reserved dignity nnd musings In their lonely wanderings. TO BRIDGE THE BOSPHORUS. Fine Structure Will It Constructed by Hallway Company. The scheme of bridging the Bospho rus has been revived and It Is an nounced that a magnificent structure will span the river ero the lapse of an other year and will bear the name or tho Sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hamld. It Is to bo constructed by the Bosphorus allway Company, which designs a unction between the railways of Eu- '&teixmx!tiN THE BOSPHOUUS. ropo and tho Traus-Atlantlc railway of Bagdad. Naturally tho narrowest di viding lino of sea has been chosen for tho point of connection, A m.lltary bridge, erected by a Corinthian long beforo the Christian era, once spanned theso 000 yards of water nt tho snmo spot and over It marched King Darius nnd his 800,000 Persian braves. Lord Byron, Impatient of brldgos as of many things, swam tho flood und ns n result was addressed lu much minor vertu ns Lcander. Tho new brtdgn Is to be erected on lasting lines. Massive grnu Ito pillars nro to be built and thee will support the steel cables on which the bridge depends. They will provido u commodatlon for artillery and orna menu will not bo wanting lu tho shape of minarets and cupolas, decorated with tiles and arabesques. Coffee Intoxication. A visitor recently returned from Bra zll, says that the wholo country Is per petually Intoxicated by coffee. It Is brought to the bedside the moment one awakes and Just before he drops asleep, at meals and between meals, on going out and coming In. Men, women and children drink It with the same liberality and It Is fed to babies In arms. The effect Is apparent In trembling handJ twitching eyelids, yel low, dry skin nnd a chronic excitability worse than that produced by whisky. No Italn In Two Years. A West AuHtrallan exploring party that recently arrived at Oodnqdatn re norted that there hnd not been a (iron nf rnln fnr tu'n voiiru 111 tliA rpL'lim ' traversed. Cultivated Area. Within the last fifty yenrs the culti vated area of the earth has Increased by 300,000,000 acres. Prom the tlmo a boy's attention to his sister's guest Is called "acting smart," to thp day of her death, he Is uerer satisfactory when there la cobb-panjr. 11 1 i BTMa Change ef Agents at Salem. W W. Skinner, who for nearly 80 years has been the 8. P. agent at Fnlem, Oregon, is abont to leave that position. The vacancy there will most probably cause quite a readjust ment of tho agents in tho stnto through the system of selection and promotion in vogue. Making Sacks at Walla Walla. One thousand bales of juto will ar rive at the Walla Wnlln penitentiary in a few days, to be manufactured luto sacks by convict labor. It comes from Calcutta and costs tho state f 10.60 do livered at Walla Walln. To Abolish the Whipping Post. The law-mnVers are wrangling over the abolition of the whipping pon. The man who succeeds lu pa-sing such a hill, will prove as great a benefactor to the breaker of man's laws ns Hostettcr's Stomach Hit ters has to tho breaker of nature's laws. If you've neglected your stomach until In digestion, coustlpntiun. biliousness, liver and kidney troubles nre upon you, there's but one cure Ho'itettnr's Stomach Bitters. Don't fall to try It for la grippe. Sktgwiy'i Taxable Property. The taxablo wealth of Skngway, Alaska, aooording to tho corroctod val uation made by the board of equalisa tion, is 1081,370. Appropriate Souvenirs. Ida What kind of souvenirs did that tear-producing drama distribute? May Pocket handkerohlefs. iq CURB A COLD IN ON DAT Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tab- la tea All lvtlcl aAfnet ffisa iatj J IUW !! M tlga, IVIMUIl UrtSTS IIIVUU jf jt fglli to oure E Wj Grove's slg- sjatat is oa each box. 8S0. To Extend Its Unc. It is reported that the Northern Pa cific will extend it road from Ho qnlam, Wash., to Long Beaoh this coming summer. The beneflolal results of OAKriKLD tic A upon the ejrstssa aro apparent alter a lew days use; the complexion Is cleared Vor the Mood has been l'urjfled. Oovtrmtnt Regulates Prices. The prioob of medicines in Prussia are regulated by tho government. Every year a new price lilt is pub lished. ' Stomm thm Ooumh mn Workm Off thm OoM. Laxative Brouio-Quluine Tablets cure a cold in one day. Mo euro, No Pay. Price 35 cents, Portland Death Rats. a During 1000 there were 000 deaths ia Portland, 00 being Chinamen BAD BLOOD asd are a truly wpqlsril usdloine. lbaveolisa ii CANDY TBA Of MAMN -'Jf"11 E!asHle. Potent. Taste aood. Do flood, Merer Blokea. Weaksn. or Drips. lOo.Mc, tie. ... OURI CONSTIPATION. ... mtrttrnf S tf Umff, nlaf . Bulrol. . T.r. Sit M.TD.IAfl 8!ld ti sr tj etrsn eexl br alldrng. Can Anybody Tell, Can anybody explain why so few people go into the poultry and eitg bus inea, when at prices that have obtained for many mouths there mutt be a for tuna in it! " Must Keep After Wolves. Eastern Oregon seems to be unjted la faVor of the soalp bounty law. . YOD can earn substantial prolta monthly by investing JUl w or aiore, with tbls compear. Xt ua tell you bow, srospctus and full particulars fttt, tssiaraOII. Pmraotlesasl favest .. . - saeat Co., m, m, bn I'arrott Sldf , Sam Fkaxcisco i t 1 Cal, DROPSY 10 OAirTtiAiBW run. Usts made Dropiy sad its eoaf vllcauoas aspseisuyior iwsni Icauopiai iirfl with t Isrfal ysarswiio. toe Bto.it won incests, lists csridmiOT toons- aad oust. . BS.B.B. SHUTS BBSS, Box V, Atlsats, Oa. DR.flUNN'SSPILLS ONKFORADOag, CareBlskHsadacbeaadDys rxjxlt. tuino e I'luiples.l'urUr lbs Ulood. Aid DU es tloa.l'ratsolUaioutneu. lnnotUrlDorKicltn. Ta tonTlncioij,wilinilltnipofrlullto,VJo.0S;. ! OBANKOOO.lrkli4ita,r. Sldbrbrusglsls. Bend for ay Wok "OIL K!KM8 OF CAM-1 FOHNIA," Illwtkatko, Dialled Irse. Buy Vssuvliu at &' and make money, Nou dtllllng-. Adjoins Ibe U l.lou well. I JAMES R. T. MERSHON, Uorernment Mcenssd Uroker S37-3S-3S I'arrut Itlde;,, H, Y Cal. w m cj 5 J sapppsB ObbbHsbbI sbbbVssbI I prtl JL I raj ,3-ivat. "."i?"i. I m. r. x. v. WStW wrltiua; te adeerUaers ylease aeaUesi this (. s Scores Another Victory A Terrible niea Conquered by Dr. Williams rink I'HU-tlootnr's Xf- ) forts Hail 1'rnvfcil tJnaHlllna and a Cure was Despaired of. ' Trom thr Journal, St-utt fie unfit, Iuva. , Another person released from the terrible grasp of an agonizing disease, another name added to the long list of,'; thoso who have received new life by tho ubo of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for; Palo People. For years a snfferei from tho cruel disease of St. Vitus' Dnnoo, scarcely ablo to move, tho power ot speeoh al most gone, nnd nil efforts to cure hor proving in vain, Mrs. Mlnnlo Fiodler, Mt. Plosant, lown, thought hor case hopoloss and sno hnd sunk to the blackest depths of despair. V Sho turned as a last resort to Dr. ' Williams' Pink Pills, and the won ders worked by this remntkablo niorit clno are told in her own words: "I whs afflicted for years with St. Vitus' Dance. Tho first symptoms ot tho dlsoaso began iu 1880, when tho norvos began twitching lu my loft hand. I consulted physicians of this oity, but nono of them over did me a partiolo of good. A (tor I had suf fered for two and ono IibII years, tho disease continuing to grow worse, I heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for1 Pale People. "It was in 18.01 that I was induced " to try them, and I was. surprised at my', rapid improvement. I took only two,' boxes, and was entirely cured. It was hard to realise that 1,' who for over twoyears was scarcely able to walk, and who often found it almost Impoeslble'io talk, should be restored to perfect health and In fall possession of all of my powers by two boxes of this wonder- tnj remedy. "1 am happy to state that Bay health is still perfect and I have never had the slightest symptoms of a return of the disease, although it is eight years since I Was cured. ' "I know ot others who have been likewise benefitted and are as grateful as myself." MBS. MINNIE FIEDLER. All tho elements necessary to give' now life and richuoss to the blood and restore shattered nervos are contained, In a oondensod foim, in Dr. Williams', Pmk Pills for Pale People. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females suoh as suppressions, irregu larities and all forms ot weakness, Thoy build up tho blood, and restore tho glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radios! core in all cases arising from mental strain, over work or excessei of what ever nature. Dr. WilltamV Pink Pills' are sold In boxes (never in loote bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for f 2,60, and may be had of all druggist, or diieot by mail trom Dr. Willlms' Medicine Company, Schuectady, N, Ylt Soma Broad Streets la Eufeaa. Berlin boasts that "Outer den Liar den" is the broadest street in any great city. It is 316 feet wide. Tho "RlagV strasse" In Vienna is 188 fret; the Paris" "Grand Boulevard" 199 feet, and tha "Aadrasee StraaeV' at Budapest ll feet wide. . h OABVIKI.U TKA Is an Kerb Medi cine! It Is ol lurstlmatile value In all casss o( stornaob. liver, kldnry and Lol disorders! It Droniolrs a healthy action ct all tbeie oriraus. Made Good Showing;. Away reports Just received oa soma, rock Irom the Ninety-Nine mining proporty, on Plate creek, Wash., show an average of $400 to the ton, I do not believe Plsn'a Cure for Con sumption ha nu equal for coughs ai4 rolila. Jiijin F. lloYsa, Trinity aprliias, llid., Feb. 18. 1U0O r ) New Mining; Company. Anew mining company, known 'as, the Co-operathe Miblng' and Develop ment Association, has' been formed in Seattle. Ihe compWuy has a capital stock ot 13,000,000, divided into 9 000,000 shares. A Guaranteed Our. Most dldlcult to cure Cbrnnlo Conitlpattna.i Yet Csscarets Candy Catbartle are guaranteed to euie any cms or monsy refunded. Urui thus, 10o,2ftc,(oc. , For Municipal Ownership. Boise, Idaho, is considering prospect ive municipal ownership ot an eleotrlo light and water plant . TOO KNOW If HAT TOC AKK TAUINO When you take Grove's, Tasteless Ohlll Tonio because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form, No Cure, No Pay. OOo. Sunday Shaving a Crime. ' Portland barbets are moylPS to have the Oregou legislature, declare Sunday, shaving a misdemeauqr. , (, lliil'tt's Soliooi. Holtt's school (for bnrs), Msnlo Park. Cal., has more students and Is In bsltsr condlttoa than ever, Hprlug ttrm Uglin January 7lb, 1MI. Send lor catalogue. Ira II. Uollt, Pb. p., frlnclpsl. ' County Grows Fait. Clackamas county has been settling np during the past 10 years more rap idly than any other county in Oregon. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth- trc Syrup the best remedy to use for thrle ne nest remedy to use for ring the teelbluir period. Gunureii auri Oust st St. Great quantities of dust collect on the ducks of vessels at sea, no matter if they nre swept twice or thrloe a day. Moit of it, too, is ound on tailing tessels. The Infereuco is that the sails act as dust col lectori, arresting the nicies wuioii drift in the sir, i4Ka to time. Solo br cruail.u. TJseH m . 'j f Si, t. '.i fl Vi 4 V I I 4l9 t, I? ddJ&&2 & & lav: s tr ?'.&-. && :v IT- v iV. Ur Li t.