wrm,rtkniimwtm.2LHm, : , ,LJ2LJLLILZ!SiVL?RlSmrmr:mT!WJi.t iint'Tw - t i 'iftTi?nPWilrjqiwiirrwlnr?lw ff "ywwwTWfffy i wwtto i 4 mn-iu.i jf,y;...t-iii j-w.L,.irji'i'aLi.ifi. .-i. r w i i ,!' THE NEW AGKE, "FORTLAND. OHEGON. - 'fc rfrt, t .i i i m n m k Bar' Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. " Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, , at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil , Jiard and Pool Tables. Bowling i. Alleys and Suppiies always on hand. ,'" ' ' EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. ; The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS ' lift .UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles ol Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All ClootU Hold on IiuUiliniiiil. 61 Third St.. Oor. Pine, Portland, Or. - i ' "-f ' LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towel furnfrhed In Harbor. Doctor, OHIpci and limine lloii.ee, i;if. Wo alo do First- Clans Laundry prk, Fourth mill Condi Hi. PORTLAND, OH. Oregon Phone IW Columbia Phono 410. Old Kentucky Home , Club Whiskey ,.ANI).. Shaw's Pure Malt i. Blumauer & Hoch t , Wholesale Liquor A Cigar Dcalori ' ' SOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE rrLiwry Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, 'Prop. . Saddle HorcsUigle and Double Rigs ., At All Hours. Tramlent stock given Urn very llof caro. Rates nlw)s reasonable aud atlsfaullnii guar anteed. ' ' Phone Main 51, Cor. Rose and Oak Sts, ROSEftURG, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER i. Fourth and Yamhill Sts. both Phones no. 607 RINA STINION, ledr AllUlint. llinillkllkLlMMMMiaaIlM .Merchant Hotel.' CORN E K Tl 1 1 It I) A N D D A Via 8T U B ETS I l'ttUII.ANll, OUKOON. HOTEL' IS NEWLY HKNOVATKD. This Is the be( eiutpprd moderate rate hotel en the Pacific l'oat and ha all llie conven lences ol hlgli-prlrcd (intvli. Complete with electric Itghtraiul Ih'IU, and artetlan water 1U each room, Itaih loom on each floor. Elevator for accomodation ol gucaU. Hates tl and Jl.'.'l prdajr. MeaU'JArauU. SK'ilal rale to lam lllra and theatrical partlo. Krro'bus to and Iromall train. JM) room. Only lour block! Iioui Union Depot. Fire Prool litilldlug. F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop 'trletlir! Vlrat.OUss. Kale t,,oo ii; vr unti Up.. . .. i . . i 4 Stctm Heat, Electric Lights, Coos mefcUI Sample Room. ' ' K Munson. . " K Munson. THK ANHEUBER BUSCH-FInc lunch every day. llel beer on earth. Fine wine, llq I uors and cigars. 2M Merrlton St., cor. Second, Portland, Or. .rpiiE rorui.An 123Flmt Street, Uot. Washington and Alder riione Oregon Kcd 911 I'liono Columbia 66 JOHN ECKLUND, I'roprlclor, 1'ortlanu, Or. 7ILL1AM HUbSELL MACKENZIE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PORTLAND, OREGON I T K. HABKLTtNE .t CO. Importers and Dealer In IRON STEEL AND COAT. BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Carriage A Wagon Material, Hardwood Lumber 49 A fil Fecund Kt. I'dltTLAND, OREGON. u 8. CLKAN1NO AND PRESSING CO. Clothcn Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Vonr Clothe (-'ponged and Prcfscd for ft per per mouth. Culled (or nud delhurcd I'liono Clay toa. 4)1 Wellington Sine Between Tuclttli nud North Thirteenth PORTLAND. OREGON. a; 1 SUA HI. ..BI0N8 . Japanning. Tin Decorating 270)4 Alder Street PORTLAND, OHEOON TIOME IlAKEltY AND DELICATE ESSEN D. 1). LEAMINO, Prop. A Full Lino of Frulis, Candles and'Nuts AltMtji 011 Hand, t Newly Opened nt 207 Third Blreet. Itcmcinber the place. Opponlto tho ln)lor mreot Church. pONHAD L. IIOHKA rUNEIIAI. DlltKCTOK COUNTY CORONER Corner Ninth and Ilallroad Street! TACOMA. WASH. mltAVIS BROS WOOD YAH I) i Oregon Phono Hood 742 onice and Yard: 4M Everett, bet. Tnolttli and Thirteenth POKTLAND, OREGON. i A IILINUTON CREAMERY N. J. KITTKIt, Prop. )Miolalc and Ititnlt Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEESE IiyTTEK AND EGOJ 2C7 Burnsldo Street POKTLAND OHEOON. B' LAZIKIt IlltOS. Club Rooms Second Floor Wine Room, Concert, Pool and Hllllard Tfall Oregon Phone (Iraut 71 J) I Burnsldo 8t. PORTLAND OHEOON. s TANDAHD FISH COMPANY 1C9 North Sixth Street WHOLESALE AND HETA1I. Alto Groceries. Cigar and Tobacco, and Lunches lor Tourists. Fruits IlKED llltOH., Props. ,10 It FAIR DEALING PATIIONIZK O. P. H. PLUM M Ell. Drug, Medicine and Chemical, 'Intlvt Article, Trum's, Paints, Oils, (llax, Eto -a E. Comer Third and Madlton Street. pTANO WAHEIIOOMS or II, HINSHEIMEII, Sole Agent for THE JACOB DOLL PIANO The bet upright piano made, and other first elm piano rented and told on Inttallmenta. No. 73 Third btreet. Etabllhvd ItXU. Phone North UI. rvAY ii HENDERSON All Kinds ol FORNITUHE...... Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Ptiouu llfack 47. Cor, lllamette and 7th Sts. KUaKNK CITY, OHEOON, G RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. 8TOVE9 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUOENK, OREOOS PORTLAND ROU.ING MILia Manufacturers of PIO IRON AND HTKEU N. K AYER, Manager, .'ud and Nlcolal Street AY MLLIAMH, WOOD A L1NTIIICUM, (ieo. It. Williams. l K. 8, Woo.1. U R. Lin. lliluum, J, 0, Flaiider, Attornr) t-l.a. Chamber of Commerce Kulldlng, ' ' Portland. Oregon "I 7 rvRIKNTAL tM Wajhlugton 8t., bet, th and 7th, t Portland, Oregon actoiiy rmtciaas. Geo. Ekea, ProprUtor nowVAJSfllNCTONfe ftm TQ BE JsgIsmr HT took tuoro tlinn ten yearn of hard mid bitter lighting In Congress to llx tlio locntlon of the national cap ital Ht Wellington, the centennial bf which action was recently celebrated. Several times during tliat period of struggle It Rccmctl certain that tho "Federal City" would lie located else where. Once Biidh action was pro vented only by the easting votcbf Vice rreflldeut John Adams In tho United States .Senate after tho House hnd passed it, hill fixing the location of the CA1MTOI, IIUILDI.VO in 1800. capital on the "east bank of the IUvcr Busquchuiiiiu," nud tho Scnnto had taken a tic vote on the snnto proposi tion. On another occasion a hill amend ed by the Senate so that the scut of. na tional government was Axed at Oer mantowu, Pa., was passed by tho House und tlually failed of adoption be cause of an nmendment tnudo by the House that the State of Pennsylvania should havo control over tho national territory until Congress should puss suitable laws for Its government. Tills amendment lerjulred further nctleh' by tho Semite, but In the meantime the Senate had adjourned and tho amend ed hill wiih never heard of again. l)y such lippureiit accidents and by such small chances was the choice of a site for the Federal Government guided. Tho llnal selection of "tho banks of the Potomac" was the result of acorn- promise, In which Jefferson played the most Important part. The story of Washington's founding and growth Is most Interesting. In tho year 1788 all there was to show of tho Federal capital of tho young republic was a provision of the Constitution for tho establishment of Mich u city upon territory oulsldo the limits of nil tho constituent States. In that year tho Legislature of Maryland passed tiB uct "to cede to Congress a district jten miles square In this Stnto for tho ijeat of tho ,Uoverumeut of tho Uiuted States." About a year later an acl of similar Import was passed by theMeg (81011110 of Virginia. Mennwhlleftho Fedora! Legislature, slttmtf In'ievr York, carried on a heated nod rfcrl nionlous wrangle over tho Question of a permanent sent for Itself and Its sue- ceHSoru. Eventually It was decided to accept tho offer of Maryhiud nud Vir ginia, despite tho most violent opposi tion In some Quarters, and the Semite bill In favor of the proffered site was signed by George Washington, July 10, j 1700. Tho Senate act left n great dea( to tho President's discretion. Tho area of his choice extended 105 miles along i tho scrpeutlno course of tho Potomac, from Wllllaiusport to Hagerstown, and ! It is certain tlint tho llnal dctcrmlnn- tlou wns largely due to Washington's own preference. It also rested with him nloue to appoint three commission ers provided for by Congress to survey und plot tho Federal District, to tic qulro land by purchase or tho accept- Ulll)l Or MIS NATIONAL CAflTOI. ATTXB IT WAS BUKKSO BT Till SUITIIU. nnco of gifts, nnd to provide "suitable buildings for the accommodation of ' Congress and for tho pubic otilcea of ( the Government prior to tho first Mon day of December, 1800." DIMcultlea Kncountered. Everything went smoothly for a time. The lands accepted by tho untlou from Maryland and Virginia wero laid out nud sites wero chosen for tho public buildings, but then trouble arose. Con. laldorable difficulty was encountered .when an effort wns made to acquire freehold titles to tho land required for Itue public buildings, but' patient per- suasion overcame all obstacles, and , March 30, 1701, ulnctoen proprietors of ' the soil signed an agreement conveying l their property In trust to the chief executive to bo laid oS as a Federal ! city. ' Four days earlier than thla da to Major Peter Charles L'Enfant, one of tho soldiers who accompanied Lafay- i ctto to tho United States and who was 1 named as the engineer to draw tho i plans, hnd presented his report to tho i President. L'Eufant's Idea of what i tho Federal capital should be was much more like what It has now be- oouio than tho monotonous rectangular block arrangement which seemed good to Thomas Jefferson aud other I Americans of that day. Some of his oplulous were objected to, but he re fused to change them, so he was called upou to resign his position, and bo was succeeded by Andrew ElUcott, of Penn sylvania, The corBeratoutx of the Federal Dis trict was laid at Hunter's Pelut on April 15, 1701. and a alts-was chosen for the Capitol of the Ualtsd States on MHMiHHHBjaaicxj the lord of which To obtain tho best wns Daniel Carroll design for the building Itself n prize of a city lot nnd $500 was offered for open competition. The plant was to bo sent In beforo July IB, 1702. Tho prize wns so small that but littlo effort among competent architects was excised nnd hut seventeen sketches wcro offered, .... ,.i . mi . i... nic iiiniis oi iiiiuiii liiuriiiun, u iij- slclnn Of English pnrentnge. wcro nc- cepted, and tho corner stono of tho CiitiUol IliillilliifT tvnii Iti til with cfrnnti pomp and full Masonic ritual Sept. 18. 1'u', v..,..". u......, ...... .... r, I no Kcmnvni irnm i ii.inuciimin. uii itiu urnv -uuimuj ui uvtuuiuvi, 1800, the Federal Government, Leglsln - ture, Judiciary and executive, removed from Philadelphia, where It had been seated since 1700, to Its new home. Tho Federal archives nnd n lnrge number of clerks nnd subordinate olllclals wero brought round by the river In n const- Ing sloop nnd set down nt what with few exceptions, they regnrded ns a hideous nnd unwholeso.no swnmp be - yond tho confines of civilization. Every- body, from the Treasury clerks .nnd their families, up to Mrs. Adnms, tho President's wife, grumbled and repined nt the change. The Capitol wiih un finished nnd mndc, ns they universally complained, n very unfit shelter for tho nation's legislators. Of the luttcr, when Congress nsHcmbled. only a few could find honrd nud lodging within tho Urn - Its of tho Federnl city Itself. At tlint time the cnpltnl was tho butt of lutioli foreign ridicule. Everything about It wiih but promlssnry nnd based mi hone, nnd tho Htrents without end. nnd nlmost without houses, suggested to tho foreign, minister tho mocking ....... sobriquet which by the present gener ntlo'ii Is held In such high favor, "tho Clfy of Mngnlllccut Dlstnnces." Nevertheless, In spite of ridicule from without nud discontent within, tho Government of tho United "muined at .Washington until, after the battle of nindensburg, In 1814. the cltyl wuh entered by the Itrltlsh army under General Iloss. But tho British occupa tion of the city wns not for long, nnd Congress held Its sittings In tho Su premo Court building until n now Capl- f tol should ho ready for It It Hciiiarkuule Growth. This, tho present magnificent struc ture, wns begun In 4818 and finished Corn Ably Manor, .lBp9BaBaBaHsailSajhyjM (SbssHA TKHPOMAHY CAPITOL IN 1814. Stutes ro- sufficiently for temporary purposes nluel Eollpso steel hay presses. Columbns years later. Tho comerstono of tho ox- Boggy Co.'s Columbus boggles and tensions was laid In 1831. After tho carriages. Phono. Oak 731. 182-84-80 Civil War began tho most glorious Madison street, west end of Madison period of tho Federal clty'o material street brldgo.5 J. F. O'Donnell, gen nrnminrltv. At tlint time Washington eral agent. Oregon, Washington and was by no means a convenient or healthy placo to live In, tho drainage paving nud lighting nil being discredit able. But In 1871 Congress nunulled the municipal chnrter by which the city was governed ifnd placed the District on tho footing of a Territory of tho United States. Then wns Inaug urated nn era for tho better In nil tho outward aspects of Washington, nud since then tho thoroughfares, tho parks, tho public buildings, both Fed eral nud municipal, havo Increased In dignity nnd benuty, until to-dny It Is difficult to realize a condition of affairs at tho capital, of tho United Stntes which would havo given subjects of of tho older nations occasion for jeer ing ut Its squalor and Insignificance. Tho Territorial form of government has since been abandoned, and tho gov ernment of tho wholo district placed In the, hunds of commissioners. In the Washington of to-day arc to bo seen some of the most magnificent of public buildings. The Capitol Is far- famed for Its beauty of architectural design RUd finish, and tho Treasury, the White House, Library and Patent' Office are all magnificent examples of architecture. There are a host of tine1 private buildings, palatini residences,! offices, churches, and four great unlver-' sltles, aud their value all told Is not' less than 1250,000,000. Right In the city there aro 4.0S0 acres of parks, and three grand wooded districts, with the magnificent buildings, combine tol mako Washington one of the finest, if not tho tluest, city In the world, and marvelous when compared with tho prospects entertained for It by those whom It was laid out n century ago. Iiuaatio on Ilia Dlttnlty. A story Is told of an Irish lunatic who believed himself to bo tho Deity. What Is knowu as "a woman of inquiring nature" visited tho asylum and asked him If he knew all things. He answer ed. "Yes.! madam. I know all that has uapieivu, la uyn:uiuj, auu niu impr- pen." "Then tell me," said the visitor, "shall I be saved or damned?" To ber the lunatic, with amaslng dignity, said: "Madam, I never talk shop.'' Some men spend the last half of their Uvea discovering mistakes they made in the Irs kaU'. BUSLNESS10CALS. Always aik fer thfe faaeat GktMrml Arthur ctar. Babtrg-Guait Cigar Co., -femoral ageata, Portland, Or. C. A. "Watson, Marino Drug Store, 88 N. Third stroot, Portland, Oro. Spe cialties: Flockensteln's Lang Balsam '. and Celery Seltzer. For fine fruits of all telnds for the traveling public, call nt 150 North Sixth street. Jco oream coda. Basket fruits for travelers. Georgo Kiser pro prietor , Don't wear bnjtgy trousers or shabby elothesi Wo call for, spongo. prow, and deliver, one suit of your clothing ..nph week, bow on buttons, nnd'Bew up i i.. it nn n mnnth. Uninuo Tan up vf - " :,, . , , ., oring Company, 247 Washington Mroot, both phones. - T p Chn.lAV matttlfffirlimr nf h,,;;.;; aork; importer of , . ... .. w -., ........ rniidloa and strap saddlery, hnrdnnro, a-hi PS. pad 8. OtO. 65 Union ave., Port laud Or 1 ' ' Call up Union 491 when in ,need ol anything in the luei lino. East Mor- tlsou Street Wood ft Coal Yard. Tho Popular, 126 First street, bet. Wuihington and 'Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, pioprletor. Tel. Ore gon red 034, Columbia 608. , .PortUnd TranMer rta, ,, nr0tirietor tialoon Gbns. O. Choice wines, Ilquore and olgars. 831 Gliaan, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. "B----I -- -tr-. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. Is the old est and best service of the kind in the town. Headers of the Now Age, give them tho preference. 1 Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and m'ortgages bought. S. W. King, room 46, Washington building. ' I Ths finest place in the olty to obtain fliat quality cigarsj tobaoco and uraop i ' artlolcs is that of Rosenthal & I II... 1. 1 m. flDf a... I ODfl 1 f n l t...n.i UUIJII, Mb AOI HI1U iOI- ,f l.BIJI.IbjbW. street, between Fourth and Fifth. Give these gonial dealers n call when you wish anything iu tholr line. Tela phone Main 76. Frenoh Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at Tery moderate prices. Dyoing and oleaning of all kinds ol Indies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning sloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deloau, proprietor, 460 Gllsantr-t. Brtrybody smkes the celebrated Monogram and Pandora cigars. They hare no equaL Oregon Butchering Company, Fred MeUger, manager, dealera in all kindi of fresh and salt meats and flih, 416 Everett street. , Grebe, Harder Co., Portland, Ore son, dealers in Implements and ve- i hides. Mil burn farm, delivery, spring wagons and bngglea. Chase force lift and tank pnnips. Mllwaukle bindets, mowors and rakes. Engines and sep arators. Fountain City hoe, shoe and diso drills. Wolff-American high art bicycles. Stool and chilled plows, disc, spring, and spike harrows. Idaho NATIONAL Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works OFFICE AND WOKKSl 92 SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hata Cleaned, Dyed, rresed and Trimmed Ladles' Dreuea and Dress Goods Dyed all Col ors, or Well Cleaned, Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired, Oatrlch Feathers Cleaned or Dyed all Colors and Nicely Curled. S THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY DIALERS IN- SECOND HAND MO last Water tract C. II. CLARKE, President. T. F. SPENCER, Sec-Trets. Spokane, Wash, 8eatte, Vah SJEMCit-CLARK COMPANY , r - Mmmmlmmtmrm? Agmmtu Wktmtmmmt O FFI OKSi Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacosaa ' " ' and Spokane, wasa. Collins - Preston - Wilson Co. 8UCCKSSOK TO PATKICaC. MASTIOK 4 CO. MANUFACTURERS HARNESS, SADDLES, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. I -93 Front ttroot, Botwoon Stark anal Oak. SKVsV".0" 'ABIISM !. ' - ' ALLEN SHlppltiff AeC6iximlalbn,M)rcH4aUita WHOLESALE K TaT tttMtisMraBsa . iltiH freat . W' ORTLAND HOLL1NO MILU " ' Manufaeturervf ' ; BAR IRON AND BTMU N. R. AYER, Manatrer. Twenty-Eecond and Nlcolal Street. . TirEYEH A 8C1I1LLINQ l , ' T ' ' , "f ; FlNF. W1NE3 J LIQUORS. u LA ORANPE, ORK00K. 1- ARSON A. LONQ J ' ' 15 NORTH FIFTH BT. Fine nines, liquors and cigars. Give us a call. TTERIJERT A'.IIALE. AM. Hood. Columbia River and Northwest View. Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, for the trade. Electric Light and nromtde Enlargements. 132Thlrd Street, Corner Alder. PORTLAND, ORB. r i . H B.N BY IIKWKTT )U. Fir and Marina tnmirance. Rooms M and 27 Sherlock itulldlntf, Corner Third and Oak 8trceti. Portland Oregon. L. KAYBER Dealer In GROCERIES AND PROVI8IONB 961 Third Street, Near Madlcoa. Oregon Phone Hood 884. " ' PORTLAND, ORKQON rpHK IMPERIAL SALOON , . Liquors and High tirade Cigars. J.8. HILDERURN, Prop. Phone Main 2IS. Corner Can and Sheridan M RO8EUUR0, OREGON. T j, d. KADDERLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. ' Stoves, Ranges, Tin, Copper and Granite iron-Hare, urocnery, Fiirnlihlng Goods, tended to. Olauuaro and House Jobbing promptly at 141-14J First St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Bids;., rORTLAND, OREGON. ' PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Marx, Proprietor. ...Hlgnest Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver... .. Vo. 74 Third 8,trect, Near Oak i I'ORTLANP, OR. Loans money on all kinds of security. Unre deemed pledges sold for amount loaned., JR.'WILD ' ' ' Jobbing and Retail Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS 1S3 Third Btreet, Opposite Masonlo Temple. . pojina, orcfon.' W.- j m -A. wood: ' . M&'$& REAL K8TATK AND PENSION ATTORNEY. . Room 10, Odd Fellows' llulldlng. . PORTLAND, ORm ! Til W.-ARI83 F. W. ARIB8 A CO. Wholesalo nrokerage nnd Commission No. 63 Front Street. Colombia 'Phone 249. Portland, Or. TCUIRDANKB' ' STANDARD 8CALK3, Fairbanks, Morse & Company, First andfitark Street, Portland, Oregon, , Telephone 84. , , pAXTON, HBAOH SIMON Attorneys-at-Law. 610 Chamber olCommcrce, Portland Oregoa, Ty C. NOON RAO CO. Manufacturers and Importers of BAGS, TWINES. TKNTS AND AWNINGS, FLAGS AND VIN1NO HOSE. Bagging Material, Canvas, Ball Making In all its Branches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc SiS4 N. First St. and 210-2,11-214-218 Couch St, PORTLAND OR. MACHINERY. - PORTLAND, ORI4MNJ . H. UAMUN, Portland, Or. AND IMPORTERS OF SADDLERY GOODS PORTLAND. OREGON I laeeHuraBAi & IlEWIS QROpEM -ieCi'y. t . iw-'