m' I mm ... ,. 'HS ' '".TTwas.rssrTr.? . 'iW. rT'.Vi y K . s-v- "- i . "i.iT-s.jyj ?U . ?i,. -fjf a jj 'iLAy . -'-v va 4" IV" V . . , VM Vi V TUB NEW AGJC, POIITIjAND, obegon. & m T IV Tv t mm L&M 'tf- Ei. PORTLAND MIRY flSSOGlflTIOil WHOLESALE A RETAIL '.Cream and Milk. 1 DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. -HOFFMAN, Manager f Milk Delivered to Alt Part o( the City. Orttgon rhnne North 3011 EAST PORThflNO WOOD GO. E. M. LAMBERT. Dealer In All Kind of VL WOOD AND COAL ".Wood unwed to order In yard or on itrcet. J, , , Oregon Phono Union 4S1 v '- Columbia l'lione 622S YARD AXI OrPlURl Cor. Katt Morrlaon anil Water Btreota PORTLAND, OltEOON. H. . Fire Insurance Real Estate Loans... Rents... 264 STARK STREET A, W.ALLEN Dlmpmnmlng Pharmacist Phonm, Oregon M-elit -tOBm Oolumhlm 414. 19th miHlMmrmhmHSt:, 23rd mutt Smvlmr Sim,' pomuum. OREON. Strong's Photographs graphs 'V1 Supcstor in Style and MnkruHj., STUDJQi, laV -Gd-JBaWaOytvlat ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flr.t-CU-a Arrnmmodatlnni and Prompt terv- Ice. Large Hsmple Qooma for Commercial Traveler. Fhoao 7. Oor. lirBt A; Washington Sta. ALBANY. OREGON. BUTTERFIELD BROS. JOBBERS IN DIAMONDS, WATCHE8 mm n Jewerefs' supplies Manufacturing Jewelers, Optician and Watchmaker. -Silversmiths 162 1 2 First St. PORTLAND, OR. Ct..J. STOKES LIQUOR CO. WHOLK8ALK DEAUCRS. PXBSI MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled by l'ab.i Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wt(. - " ' 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA WASH. Sales Store, 143 State St. THOMPSON .aST 3 Taa7SsSBBSBP""M avSsWslOtaaSaMiBWJ I r , NEW YORK FURNITURE CO. Dealers in Furniture. Carpets and - Household Goods E, A. COVELL, Mutuictr. HJ- fcr U FIRST STREET, PORTtAND, OREGON. LEVY (IHC0RP0RATRD.) GROCERS COFFEE AND TKA A BPKCIAtTy. 394 Washington Street, Corner Tantfc) TRY OUR CELKBRATKD COFFKK. Ilolh hoiiM 1138. PORTLAND, OR. 'OLYMPIC STEAM LAUNDRY 407 South J Street MICHAEL J, BJORN ft LOUIS J. BJOKN rnorniEToiis TACOMA, WA8H. W. I.. McCabb, 8cattlc. K. B. HAMILTON, Tacoma. "CUE A HAMILTOI .. STEVEDORES .. PUGCT SOUND Also Honolulu, H. I. Had Office): Taooma, Wash. Cabla Add ran: McCABK GRAOE, BEAZLEY & CO., Areata J4 Water Street, Liverpool ...THE OLYMPIAN.. 148 Fifth St, Near Morrlion BLUNDEN &. VELTON, Props. TIIK FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New Building, New Fixture, Choice Good a. The Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, ,.:.Jit-ivtiU -r - ' 'BacorfT Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit. . TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St,, Portland,, Or. -THE- Multnomah Trunk. Co MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS and SAMPLE CASES Salesrooms 143-145 Sixth Strati PORTLAND, OREGON. Custom House Eichange 335 Flanders Cor. Seventh $U. McCROSKEY&EMMERT PROPRIETORS. Private Entrance oa Flanders Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 11 ill I The Uerlvilc4 Pieee ef the WerU KRANICH & BACH Establlahati lt4. Visit ottr Wuttoem tad be ceawiacasl. Maay otktr titmUti tad feliakk makm ef Pianaa aai Orfuta. VchAm EASY TBtMS. rfaliy nt Ytymamx fyktd. W A WHALE WJSIC HOUSE M. C MATTWCU. MaMr, 128 Sixth Street Phone 0k 341 FUB COATS AND BOAST BOTH ARE CORRECT FOR LATE WINTER WEAR. Snowy White Kara 'Are New. bat Trr the Complexion that la Mot Always Clear Long Far Coats Replace.! by JaaatTTIxht Jackets.. New Tork correspondence! N the early winter the use of furs wits confined al most entirely to trimming and ac c c s a o r I e a. Of course, the owners of fine fur gar ments wore them ns often at the weather hermit toil, but new furs purchased were for ihc most pah of an ornamental nature. Many dainty conceits were advanced to promote this fancy for making the richness and be comlugncss of the fur tirnvntl na fur as possible without bringing too much warmth. These fancies arc com tinned and are sure of all-winter favor at least, furs preferred for boas arc llttssluti sable, Alaska sable, stone marteti, blue fox and FKOM TIIK LATEST OHO I lynx, fn their order -as sketched tbosri ib'iWvn. here were bluc,fox Alaska 'sable, Itftctf'banr and stout, marten. Ono novelty lu stylish peltry that akould have mention Is the fur waist coat. C1om texture furs nrc,ued, and the material Is us much trimmed, overluld with lace and the rest, ns though It were mere cloth. ' Muffs when curried arc large, fiat and often made of three kinds of fur. Krmlne and chinchilla remain a popular combination, though the result rarely Is pretty. Long fur coats are fewer than for many past winters, Jaunty tight jacket have replaced them In largo degree, and are the striking fancy 'of the season, Three of these ure put here by the artist; one of Persian lamb, one Kusslan sable with refers and collar facing of chin chilla, and one of seal. Most of the long er coats aro of seal, though a few of Itusslun sable are seen. It Is one of these the artist sketched. The general ten dency Is marked In both long and short coats to trim one fur with another. Home odd and some artistic effects result. The fashionable chooser of gowns seems this Tear to have- an ambition to 8QDICJS8 WITH tet into a many wahrtcoata a possible. By one rcccat faahioa aha seems to wear two at a time, thla readily accepUd forw of waistcoat being a doubUj-barrelcd af fair that appears to be one wore over act other. The wearer's jacket thee k ftte fc-Haaaai a m tmmw tj. with cither single or double waistcoat lapels. The eye Is no longer offended by great exaggeration In bulk about the low er chest line, and a blouse, In an ni Untie crush of Persian ci.Jors, may be part of the waistcoat effect. The in-dde one Is often cloth of gold closely run with nnr- .row velvet. The one next outside may be a handsome scarlet, with applli'tie or rich gieens, purples and Murk all out Jlncd lu gold. Then for the lapel of the jacket may be something lu n delicate green overlaid wltl'acc, a dush of black coming outside all. A single waistcoat of white panne velvet, buttoning double, with pearl studs, may be worn under an eton cut like a very low dress coat. A scarlet waistcoat lelt, slashed with gold, gives a pretty finish to a coat worn open over the belt. Such n coat Is usual.; on the eton order, and Is cut up in a point at the back to show tljere the scarlet and gold. The striking colors used consti tute the most surprising feature, of the acceptance of these waistcoats. One sketched In to day's second large picture was scarlet with black and gilt trim mings, and was quite the thing to ac company a gown of tan cloth. ' The prompt ludornetnent of these waist coats should! be Interpreted as a sign of rebellion on th part of women with trim waists. They found the bodice lielt lu many varieties Increasing rapidly In num bers, and they didn't approve of disguis ing their fine outlines with It, so jumped at the first satlrfactory substitute that offered. Olrdles and bodice belts remain In great favor with women to whose fig ures they are suited, and their stjllslr tics is sound. The seated woman of thl picture displays a typical one, and her jacket bodice also Is the general type of ' 5gy whatsis was" wn PUIt FA8UION8. ccguipaslcs the, bolt. This belt Ti colOiiil'satlBrHTille'broadclolh and Mvrr embroidery were other sped ficatlifit. Twp oddities In bodice construction re main In this Illustration. In one an un usual expanse of rerers turned back from a white Inner bodice, second rerers of black velvet appearing between. Green broadcloth was the dress material. A shield front was the distinguishing char acteristic of the other bodice, which was sketched In dove gray cloth and had trim ming of black velvet' and tucking, Few shield front effects are . jru, the decided preference being for blouse forms. To these some women object because they n often, are wqru with skirts that have a belt to match. The objection is ically to the belt, on the score 'int it will make a wearer seem short waited, but as the belts now arc arranged this fault does not exist. In the correct skirt, made with a stitched belt to mutch, the belt U shap ed to narrow towards the front aud there cross under the tip of the drooped blouso. To avoid a short-walsted look a second licit, often no more than a cord, must be NBVV POINTS. worn over the cloth one aBd be ptMhed to It lower edge, litis outside belt la often gold cord, or a narrow band of gold prick' Cf.yrllbt, WO. 11 AYES A 8IIOHT AtlTIBTK; I'ltOTOCliA I'll EltS. New Studio Seventh and Wsnhlngton Streets, Over ' IncMcr's New Grocery. mllE OREGON IIVKUY, FEED, HOARDING AMIMI.K STAPLES. Columliln 1'liotieCST, Oicftnti l'lione Hood isl 1M11R1K A IMIIR1E, Prop. 8irclnl attention (then to boarders. Onrrnr rliiKCs meet nil trains, Cor. Hlith mid Couch Street', Cortland, Oregon. pltOTO 81 unto '.-li!, KlrM Htrvvt, llct. Fajnion nnd Msln, I'OUIIiANI), OREGON. riiotoRrsphs taken any site or stylo: slo I'lioto HultouaniHdc from Itloorany picture. Out door viewing done, also (ItiUhliiK Kodak's loramnleurs. limlriictlons in rnntniirHpny Coping and EnlargliiR. E. KRAtT, Artist. Otcgon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Repairing and Rceomlnp of Flue Umbrella aHioclalij. .113 WHalilligtim R tree I. Three doors nlAio Old .t King PORT1.ANU. OREGON, ANN ARBOR .HOME BAKERY. Ono of the most complete bakery In the. Northwest. Bakes the Best Pullman Bread In Ibe West M. SHIELDS, Prop. .147 Morrln.m Ht. I'OHTI.ANI), OK, And 4KI Union Avenue, corner Hseramonto, Alhlus. lloute-tnndu brrnd, citko and pics, linked Ih'hiis sud llo.toii llrown Dread every Hiituidsy. Tel. Red 1MJ; Tel. Rod all. Buy Your Holiday Candies AT. Labbe & Rebe Ice Cream and Confectionery 310 Washington Stroet WHOLESALE RETAIL MANUFACTURERS Our Specialty: WeditliiKR, RoelaU. I'lcnlc and Ilomu nc. Free Delivery both l'lione'. BOOTS, SNOBS, CLOTHINO, HATS, CAPS, DRY GOODS AND FURNISHING GOODS. 229 Morrison 8treet Hetweeu Flral and Second PORTLAND OREGON. Say!! If You Want Good Shoes Goto EGGERT-YOUNG CO 129 and 131 Third Street Ask Your Dealer For IH traoc r y MARK. mMmmwmmmmmmmfmmmmmimmmrwmmmmmmm LA GRAIMDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - , $72,000 THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL - 950.000 FRENCH BLOCK. TACOMA, WASH. ,mUT V. CAE8AS, l-J O, B. HKLV,0, Ca,h.W GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Iutereat allowed on dapntlu la Mvlag Oeparlweut. areolar letter ol credit Iwaea on W,t "AT l,OIAI. VAV1LIT1K0 fUH MANUL1HU UOI.D UVHT AND NULLION CITV NEWS C. A, Hitter, tfuvlcty Editor. Wo shall know iiu favoritoo, and hIimII do absolutely impartial. To in sure publication, ul) local nuwa must' roaoh us not later than Thursday morn ing of utic.li weak. Mrs. M. n. B-kes In still In i very crlll. cat condition. S. S. Freeman spent several days In Bjilem tli ilrst of this week. Mrs. D. Stnlllngs, of Sjiokane, lsltc! I'ortlnnd this week. 8ho rcturuod on the 18th. t We have heard only rumors llontlnit nround about one of our prominent bust now men, which wo trust tins no founds, lion In fact. Mr. W. W. lu-clcr vtld n flying visit to Portland on the llth Inst., and at tended the ball given by the Afro-Amec- Icon LciKur. James V. Ilrotty loaves 1e last of this week for California. When ho roturns ho expectH to brlnK one who will have prom ised to care for him (turlnfr life. Wo wish him success In bis new life. The ball given by the Afro. American Ixtigue was a decided success, both so cially and financially. The hall was well filled with ladles and irentlemcn In full dress, nnd the cfllclcnt committees caused' everything to pass off pleasantly. Ittv. George A. TVnllry, P. K., of the Ilethcl A. M. K. Conference, visited Pott land nnd held Quarterly conference at thn A. M. 13. Church, on Worth Tenth street, nnd stnt'tejl revival wrvlces, anslntHl by Ilev. C, 13. Collins, imstor of the church. Fay Severe, who has been coiillnod ,4it the county jail for soveral months post. Mas on list Wednesday discharged from custody, after the Jury lu three trials hart failed to agree, the Prosecuting Attorney decldlngithnt It was unelirts to try further to convict her. Some of the mnny friends of Mrs. K. t. Bwnn tendered her n surprise parly on last Wednesday e.venlng on tho occtslon of her birthday, Many were tho tokons of rtitrem presentel by her friends, who passed u pleasant ewnlt.g nlllng tho par sonngo with merrtmont. Mr. Itobert Itrucc, whoso ll'nois wo noted last week, died on the llth lust, at St. Vlncvnt'r hospital. Iln was burteA from the A. M, li V.lon church last Run day, Itev, K. I, Bwnn ottlclatlng, nssls'.eil by Ilev. Vernon. A lorac number of hl friends attended th- funeral scrvtcoa. Mr. Charles Mitchell, who has been tit nt St. Vincent's hospltil for romo week past, died on the Win Inst. IIo was member of tho Oritr Wlkiw' ordor In good standing, 'which order burled him At Ta coma on Thursday, Itev. Qeorgn A. IMt ley,"of tho A. M, H clmrch, presiding, The changeable weather of tho pa-it week ha been very trying on tho hoUlh of our cltlsetia. Amongst thoio who aro suffering from attneks of la grippe In a moro or lesa scvero form wo can nuntlora W. I Ilrady, C. L. Houser, Mr, and Mrs. C, Kaiser, Mrs. Miimle Allen, Mrs. Kannta Herrmann and Miss IHunchu Crawford. ImpartUI Prostcutlon. Tho case of ly Be-vere, the co'oreil woman who has suffer d thrco trlaU for rnurd'-r, her allegeir vtctlm being another colored woman who persistently and causelessly pursutd her In a matter of mutual jealousy, was dlsmliuiod oti WedprMVay by Deputy District Attorney John Manning. Ihls net on will no doubt b approved by those people of thn city who ure familiar with the case, from the tragedy to the "end of tho legal conttu verny over It, The District Attorney's nilleo could not havo done otherwise than prosecute the case as It wiui prrNintl; nor could It avoid the several trials of It; but It ta especially noteworthy that, during litres actions In thn criminal court, nolther District Attorney Chamberlain nor iron, John MunnfW, IiIh uliltf deputy, mini festei In tho lwist tkgreo uny partiality or prejudice against the defendant; but (t was cleirly observable that sho Wits, un der all the trying circumstance of tho rases fought through Judge marge's courj. trent'd with entire fairness In trial In which the prevailing condUlona were, in the Inttlutlvo, much ugalnst hor until the fuels became known by Judicial Investigation. It wis this" dlicovcry that prompted the C-smiMtuI cf the cumo aguinst I'uy Beyerr, Ttte result of the affair causes general self.gralulatlon among our people on tlm fact tlmt, unlike the situation ippoars to bo lit many other places, wu have lu Multnomah County an Impurtlul coutt In which to try our causes, NKW KOKTJI. west lslge, No. iWM. II. U. 0. ( (). K.. iiihiiIji al 2'o)v Heco-d street. 1 orner of Hal toon, first ami third Tuesday of each itioiitli. All 0I1 Fellow h id good siandiiitr ee ponllally Invliwl, K I). TIIO.M,ArJ, K. WATK0.N, V, ti. N. (I, te'"!s3 i.- V H lv f 4 M .t I .i '.8 'i riElffl si V&LiMi