, , THE 'SEW AGrB.? POTfTtiANT). OttEttuW. tfrv' ?; ' . a. v f. - A L t. 4 , r 1 v T 1 ., 4 'p - .'t. "'l k art' 4 j' , '" .' JftWi J.T bW0 UTTc -- m mHE OLD RELIABLE . 8RVRNTU AND ULI8AN KXOHANQK. J. L. O'FARRELL, Prop. Seventh and Ciltran Hit. PORTLAND. ORE. ' ; aRTlBTIU MONtiMBNTH IN NATIVE AND A. foreign nmrble nml Kratiltc: now mid orig inal deslitns. II. J. HI.AhFlMJ. Oillco aud works 067 Third street, near Madison. -'iii i i i i r --i AUREUS A SCHNEIDER CO.-B. ALBERS, JX. Pre. and-Mgr, Thos Schneider, Vlce-Prea , , II. Albert, 8cc'v. ami Tress. Proprietor U. 8. ' MIll&andMirt'liant Holler Mill. Manufactur- , era ol Rolled Oati, Onl Meal, Flaked Client, Buckwheat Hour, l'tarl Barley. "Hjro Flour Whole tthent Floilr. Corn Meal, H)o Meal, Hominy, Farina, Steel C ut hent. Paats Fac tory inaiamui, vermicelli, fjiatfiieiu. Dealctr i ' In Grain. Flour, Hay.ShtURlrs, Heeds, Etc. All kinds Mill Feed. Offlie, ilu-2M Front. Street, corner Main, Portland, 0-. VG. J, Erdncr R. Hoehult. (lillCAOO MARKET j Erilnor A, HoclniU Dealers In fresh am cured meats; all kinds of sausages. 814 Washlngum street, Portland, Oregon. Both 'Phones No. 413. V ftffARLES J. BCIINABEL . nMwiiivj'Bi'imni MS Chamber n( Commerce Building', Portland, OreRon. ittn.M .(..l.l .... i A UMORY DRUG 8TORX &nre Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domestic Cltrars. Prescription a Specialty. N. W. Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon, BiQige md Omnibus Transfer COMPANY. Offlc 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark 6ts. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, OREdON. Ekclunge Your Check With. Messenger on Train and Order Carriage or Coupe. BAgxipe checked at rest denco to nny destination. Branch Offices: Hotel Portland United Carrlago Co,, He tenth and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Manager T. Hkndmcksen D. Dahk PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flags and Yacht Sails a Specialty OllKOON rilONK 943 ItKf 27 NORTH FIRST STREET ' PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Coast Rubber Co. . Wiioleinlo Dealers. Mechanical RuttrJood( Beking, Hote i PacUsffaf-FircDcpartiaciitStrpplie. M Ml Ml ft . T 'BIHf',BMlS, SlltS, KBHtT- UUIIIH a '.. -: . ... ...... ORMtovW;W'Afl'XJa .' .4 -. ;.-..-...-,. . I, . ' 1 . ' ' ' ' I II Cm J. McCraken Co. Wholesale Dealers In BUILDING MATERIALS ...401 Irving Street... PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAN'S Evmlng Qmwnm MirmmiSviim Fmmmy Wmlmtm Tmlfr mmtf Suit RMiim HmMi; Etm. K1KI ESlfK . 280 Alder Street "v PORTLAND, OREGON - ; .. V . ,ALL ..TRAI1NS STOP., Wilkios' Ealing House M Wlltti bl lull 1 jimii rAtintf)F In CAtinMlloa. Thfl onlr Eti " ln Waiim t rksi TWtwit ivhrsi vmi ein tk. lm t" .w T7.r:w -r" "- " " - Virst-ClaasMeaL,, 10CIID1G 0IEG0N B. B. RICH CIGARS MOTLAM NtTfL Jefferson Garden Saloon.' DAVID THOktAN, Prop. WIim, Llquirs, Clin.. elkirl' Bm(. PHONE, RED 1818. FAMILY RESORT. Cor. Chapman and Jeffarson 8ts., Portland, Or Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washington street Bet. Fifth and Sixth PORTLAND OREGON. T HE BAVARIA, SiOON A. B BURGER, Prop. Imported and Domestic Wine', Liquors andOigars. Wolnhard's llccr. Phono Oregon BlaoklWS. B. E. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. BOYD & ARNOLD General Agents... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street, Hear Stark. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for quality of work and prompt service. 101-0 E. Water St. Phone 0033. The Golden West FURNISHED ROOMS. -.KASSON SMITH, Proprietor.... Rooms Wo., Special Rates br Week or Month Everything now and clean. Best loca tion In tho i-ltr. BpecUlly dcslralilu able for parties desiring a quiet place. No Children. 4 Doors South of first National Bank Main St., Oppoilto Fred Ernst. BAKER CITY - - OREGON Oregon Brass Works MOORE & HARPER, Props. Brass, Bell and Composition Casting. Alua Inum and Wmiphor Ilronso. Brass Rail. log, 8teamoat and Machine Work-attpaulaUy. 09 Second Street, North. Bet. Davis and Everett. Talaphona Orcgou Main 075. PORTLAND . . OKKdON. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAR, AIRT OUTSIDE BOOMS REASONABLE RATES TRANSIT SOLICITED -.BOTH PHONED Travelers should Use "R" Street Caret Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East Ancuvr Car. W. HEWETTT, Prop. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wbo'ewde Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor. Burnslds. I I lll l I ..I in, 11. . HtUII'l MIMLIB IIMPIHII For sprsrlB scale.black, areeo or woollrapn!. equal Jor dtsposinir ol the moth and Inrlforat In the trees. Nolieattnr or tolling, simply la dlluta with cold water and Is Inexpensive. (aoas ana oiocr lonius arourin ana du bo CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP I eoBtpoaaded on selenttde principles from ear. bollc acid and Ftockbolm plue tar, and destroy the Ucks and eCetluall y cures the scab, leaving the steep ta a. kealtuy condition, being also oneoltbe creates disinfectants known. Prica lowest of may good dip. ' Address all oorre- FISHER, TH0RSEN & CO. PaasUael, Or. - PacahcCeaat Aftt. jgkrcR or ferK-Y- DEFECTS OP VISION. MILLIONS OF AMERICANS HAVE WEAK EYES. Blcht of reople of United State Orewa Poorer Ynr by Year Ueaka-rhpWld Uen'luceu Ho that Julght May' Kail Upon Them from Left, anil Above. Arc wo to become a nation of spectacle-wearers Y It litis bteu observed by compcteut medical authority that there Is u progtessUo leiideucy to myopia lu otllce cinployes nud Bchool-teaObers due to tlie uatuio bt tuo.r work uud defect ive light. The dltectiou In which II lumluutlou outers the otllce and school room Is of supieme Impoctunce. It Is asserted by experts that light admitted full lu the frtco la fatal to ejrosljflit, whllo light from behind throws the shadow of tho body upon the desk and tho book. Light from both s.dcs throws a double set of shadows, duo to tho In terference of light waves, but cowing from the left and from overhead win dows falls directly upon tho desk. A French commission some tlmo since stated that from each desk thero Bboulil bo visible a sttjp of sky at least thirty centimeters wlue, measured from tho top of tho window. Tho curtailment of the strip of sky Is at tho expense of the eyesight of school ehlldtcu. Professor Cohu, of'Brcs'.ap, exam ined the eyes of 10,000 school children, and found that nearsightedness In creased ftom tho lower to tho upper grades. Tho lower classes In' the Latin schools showed 12.5 per cent, nd tho higher class 00.8 per cent of near sightedness. Dr. Lorlug, lu examining tho pupils In the publ.c schools In New York, found 24 per ctnt of tho children of Uermnn parentage nearsighted; of American descent, 10 per cent, aud of l-lsli parentage only 14 per cent. Of 500 colored chlldteu Dr. Cttllan found 3 2-0 per ccut Myopic In otio school and 1 1-5 per cent lu auother. Tho Infer ence tit awn by Professor lloltzoll, of I'ounnjlvunln, froiirtbew observations Is that tho 1'hlldreu of these national Itlcs, most commonly engaged lu study aud eyo work, have the grenter propor tionate ninount of myopic change, while those accustomed moro to out door life aud resting their eyes largoly upon remote objects nro gouerally freo from tho alTcctlon. Further observa tions made by Professor Colin vovealed tho fact that tho percoutago of myopia vnrled ftom 1.8 to tt.U In tho better lighted buildings, whllo tho s'chools on narrow stteotH, where tho light was moro or loss obstructed, showed a pro portion of 7.4 to 10.1 per cent. From observations mado In tho public schools of Philadelphia It was found that tho ratio of spectacle-wearing chil dren Is progressive, showing 1 per cent. In the primary grades, 5 1-3 per e in the intermediate graucs ana nsia In tho high schools to 12 2-9 per ce I Thero are no statistics bearing onjti nntsL as aunerlnddt&I bv faulty llsrlit ! ottlco building, but the perceutagl must bo larger. Judging by the number of adult spectacle-wearers who bare not yet reached the ago whon rlslqn naturally has to be assisted by glasses. Tho observations as to school children Indlcato overstraining of the oyes to InButtlclent or exceoslvo light, glaring and- conflicting lights, light coming from tho wrong direction, too prolonged use of tho eyo lu study without fre quent change of focus to distant ob jects, tho uro of too, small typo In tho printed pngo, reading from tho black board at too great a distance, tho bad position of the body assumed In tho ex ecution of tho slant system of penman ship, causing spinal curvaturo as well as myopia and other defects of vision, Tho statistics quoted showlug an In crease of tho affection In America, fur nish abundant ground for reflection to members of school boards and to build ers of oillco buildings, aud should prompt a timely halt lest the people of this country bo reduced to the myopic condition of other nations thus sadly afflicted. Dallas News. GAMBLER WAS EXPOSED. Betrayed by a Must Which Ho Wore to trick CarJa With. "The'story that Johu W. Gates, tho Iron trust baron, was fleeced on an ocean liner by card sharps who used a 'pricked deck' reminds me of a curious thing that happened years ago at Mem phis," aald a veteran sporting man. "It was In the days of 'wide-open' gam bling along tho Tlver. and tho principal figure lu the affair wae a strapping Cal ifornia who was known as Colonel Henry and who had attracted some at tention as a phenomenally successful poker player. Ho made no secret of be ing a professional gambler, but aobody bad eVer detected him doing anything crooked, aud be enjoyed an entree to roost of the places where gentlemen played In those days. "One night Henry got Into a row with a man In'a clubroora, and Jumping up from tho table where he was playing poker, he struck him In the face with his clinched fist. The man fell like a log, and when he was, picked up every body was surprised to see that- ouu $ heck was cut open from eye toyllp. As Henry bad nothing In bis band, nono could understand bow the cut had been lufllcted, but the victim himself threw some light ou the subject. "The scoun jlrel wears a ring especially made for "pricking cards," ' be said, 'and I guess that's what be wounded me with.' "An Investigation followed, and, sure enough, a very peculiar ring was found on the middle Anger of tbe Callfor nlan's right hand. A small triangular blade could be raised from tbe aide of tbe setting and projected aboat oae slxtk of an Inch above the surfaee. Its purpose, yyji, to. prc)t tbe backs of the cards so, that rvpassfsg tbera'iuuler tte thumb while dialing a mam woaM know when certain denominations were given out The deck with which Hen ry had been playing was examined and found to bo marked In that manner. At tho time he struck tho stranger ho bad ovldently forgotten about tho ring blado being open. Of course, ho was promptly kicked out of, tho clubs, and he made It convenient to disappear." New Orleans Tlnics-Democrat. IMPROVED POSTAL SERVICE; Apparatus for the Rapid Collection of Malt Matter. Tho main Improvement In tho postal service of this nud other countries for. some time past has been along tho lino or Increased rapidity of collection and distribution of mail matter, and tn all tho larger cities wagons have been util ized lu taking up the mall from tho col lection boxes. Uut heretofore no thougit seems to liavo been given to an Improved box which w.ould allow the collector to make bis tour without leaving tho wagon, It having been con sidered a Bulllclent Improvement of tho 8erlco to provide rapid transportation between boxes. Andrew L. Henry of Ladoga, Iud., has now Invented n box which makes It uuncccssary for tho driver to leave his seat during his en tire round of collection. As will bo seen by o glance at tho nbovo Illustra tion, tho box Is mounted on a pivoted sliding bar, whllo tho collector Is pro vided with a hook, with which bo en gages tho box, pulling It within easy reach and allowing hlra to extract tho contents, nfter which Jtbo box Is pushed back to Its normal position In contact with tho vcrtlcnl post. Tho Invention ahnillfl ntYlvn naniwlnltv nilvantaffnnns' MA.IL APFAHA.TUS. lu tho establishment of tho freo rural delivery system, boxes of a smaller size being provided for this purpose. By J driving clo8o to tho box with tho wag on the contents may bo extracted with out exposure to rnln or snow, and this also enables the driver to perform his dtttlpa without exposing himself to the ..mm. ' "-."'v -- V -.. .!. i . ?-') '?. IMfc UAniMAUfc. OP TO-DAY. latereatjaei Collection of Kxhlblt la the I nrdo Mueum, A railway now runs to Carthago from Tunls. Tho summer pnlaco of tho bey may b"o visited, but superficially. A walk through tho court yards Is allow ed, surrounded by thickly latticed win dows, but oiio may not stand still with in tho precincts. Not on the direct road to Carthago, but easily roached during tho sanio drive, Is tho museum at Uardo, opened In 1888 In tho old hnrom adjoining tho bey's public pal ace, aud full of most Interesting results of recent Nortli African excavating. Catalogues can hardly keep pace with discovery and additions, so that of many beautiful tilings a vcsbal descrip tion by tho Intelligent attendant com prises all avallablo Information. Es pecially rich td mosaics, the museum contains room after room filled vh lino examples of wall and floor decora tion, those found In fitua (Hadrume tum) being generally In a better state of preservation than tho Carthago re mains, Tho ancient Inhabitants would seem to bavo pleased themselves by reproducing with their bits of colored stono many familiar accnes, and so "fishing," with men aud boats and nets, a senshorq banquet, qulto elaborately worked oat tho "cbaso," with dogs, hunters aud flying game, appear. In 1807 a very large pavement design was discovered near Zajbrun, representing tho slgna of the zodiac In a circle,- sur rounded by the seven days of the week. In addition to the earlier mosaics, there are many exhibiting Christian designs. Hut mosaics by no means comprise the chief wealth of tbe museum. Hundreds of Punic lamps of earthenware are gathered, simple but showing graceful forms and decoration, weird masks with ingenious varieties of contortion lu tbe features, tear vials and water Jars and fine bits of sculpture. Three statues bare been recently excavated together at Cartilage, perhaps the most beautiful at Uardo. Tbe central figure lu this exquisite group Is thought to be a Ceres, and Is more perfect than the others. A few fine relics In gold and silver are shown and altogether the Musce'Aloul would be an enthralling spot for months of study. Scientific American. Rsntner I'hlloaophy, "If this world had no men In it," said the philosophic summer girl, "life would be like one long visit to the sea shore." Philadelphia Record. Big Miaaourl Nursery, A nursery uear Mexico, Mo., contalna 50,090 young, frulf trees, pruned and cultivated to perfection. When a lamp appears la tbe parlor,! ana tne wubsd uy ti sue preiers it because It Is so "cosy," It means that ber husband has been making a blgldck ea ty gas blalfc, WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER A PUOET SOUND NAVI GATION CO. sjkigBSIIBSSSSJBSppHHH TORTI.AND AND A8TORIA. Steamer Hercules leaves every morning In the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Return Inp, leaves Astoria every night In the week at 7 o'clock, except'Bundar. OfUce, Alder street dock. Telephone Main Ml. Columbia 'phono 351. E. W. CRICHTON. Agent. AST0RU&G0LUMBI& RIVER RAILROAD CO. ''' m u$ Possen i Trains Doily WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BETWLKM t Pirtland, AsttriiScisidc Leave Union Depot Portland For Mavgers, Rain ier, Clatakanlc Wrslport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flavel, Uear hart Tark and Sea side. Astoria & Seashore Express Dally. Astotla Exprei Dally. Arrive Union Depot Portland 1:00 a.m. UilS a. ra. 9:40 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. TJcke t oftlce , 2M Morrison street, and Union aepot, Portland. ... J. O. MAYO, (Jen. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agent for KNOX HATS f j&uFfitli fcphgm ' .94 Third ItroDt, PORTLAND, ORE. GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER It la DIIDPQT It Is CHEAPEST M It Is BEST If Ton An Uet Oattsflel Ts Untj 1st Civosarr a Dsvaas, Portland, Or. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST flraduste of tbe Northwestern Unlsvrsltr Dental Colin. rint-Cliii Vtrk nd FrlMi luMiibli 711 Dekum Bld'g, Cor. Third Washington. PORTLAND, Or. Oregon 'Phone Oreaa M USE LUCKEL'8 Borax Soap For Withing- Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden, TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tin list hi CwTMt LHtfitwi ' 12 Com r lit e Novklsj Ygaau MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.S0 PIN YKAN I 21 CTS). A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES SVCRY NUMB(e) C9MPICTK IN ITS) 1 1, f BBSKUoj tUaSBBSM mmmmmmm 1 riOODYKAR RUBBER CO. " R. It. PEASE, Vlce'-rreMdenUand .Xajaager. ALL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS; 7S-78 First 8t. r PORTLAND ORROON HISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees The Most flparktlnir, Dellclons and Aro matic COFKKKH hVer Placed on this Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them Pour Blends.. WASHINGTON HOTEL t N. P. d. FOLEN, Prop. A First Class 75 Cents a Day House. Board by tho Week, 13 00. Meals, 11 cents. Roomabrthe Vcck,1.00andup. Tronalcnts solicited. BAR IN CONNECTION. 100 N. THIRD ST. 'Phone, Clay M. PORTLAND, OR. BEST LINE ' TO ' St. Paul, Mfaneipolls, Dslntfe, CklcM. ' And all Points last Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, nintna; Cars (meals a la carlo), Buffet, Smoking, Library Cars. For tickets and full information rcgardltur Eastcrn trip, call at city ticket ofllee, Morr son street. A. II. U. DKnMhTON, City Pass aud Ticket Agent. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room .614 THE. DE(UM... PORTLAND, $ ., OREaONti T.I. Bed '2844, BARR HOTEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. New home, newlr furnished, two blocks Irons Union depot .All the modern Improvements, Are-proof, hot aud cold water, centrally lo cated. Rates, 91 and $1,25 a Day. Meal 2oc, Bath Xo. Cor. Sixth and GlUas, Pertlaai. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO, Can leave Portland. Corner First and Wash legion street., for Vaniouvecaa follows! Vancouver 45 Minute. A. M,-'ii:i, '1-M, 7:48.6:33, ;, lo:te, lo: li:!u p. M.-u:i8, l:tn, 1M. 2:33, s:l, 4:M, eus, ::, il, lu:4J,lll:il. (Leave First and Jel- fer.on streets, 4 minutes earlier.) Ferry It-ates Vaticouer to conned with cars as follows: , A.M.-'ost., 7:30, 8ll .00, ViiS, 10:30, U:l W.KJM. p, M.-w:45. l ::, 2:18, 3:M, a; 43. ;90, 8:16, :. :4 111:10. Cars leave corner First and Washington streets for N oodlawu as follow! A. M.-fl:l.M XI.l4S.7X)S,7lll, 7,iM.7l.8i(, s:l, h:s.i,s:4A. ii.03. :is, 4:aa,i. io.sh, io;ih, io:h.i, io:48, il-.oa. litis, iisao. una. r, M.-W:ui. liiW, l'i:S3, rii48, l:oa, Jili, l::tt. l:4s,'i:oi, -i:iH,y:3:i,i:4x. s.oa.au. a::. a: 18, t.0.1, 4iis, 4:43, 4 :. o.oa,' 6:i, ft:xir fl,H,a:o.i, 8;n, o:,u etM,7:t, 7iis,7:st, 7i4, sat, SiiH.s:H.i. 8:, 9:is. :ai. ;4J, I0.U3. 10:23. IU!43, HIW, 11:26 ll!i3. WuodUwn SO Mfnutes. ' Cars leave Wnodlawn (or First and Washing ton streets as follows: ' AM-'9:4Vasw,oilVv'.,fl:iS.7;0p.7tls,7;4J, s-wt, 8:15. 8:30, Kill, 0:00, 0:18.9:30,0:4 1u:ou,io:ia, io;3o,io:4.8,il:oo, 11:15, u:3ii. I IIM5, U.OUM. p.H.-i.':n. li:30,i2:48,l:00.liis,lto,ltt&,2:a). jii6,'.':J), 2:41, 3,oo aiif', 3:m. a:43, t;ui(, ' 4:18.4:30.4:48. AUK). 6lli MO. 6:4V .0O. 6:18, UM", 0:48, 7:00, '7:18, 7l80,7l4. Srtw, 818. :). HilQ, 0:10, 0:30, 9,10, 10,10, 10.W, lo:W,llilo, 11:30. Dally, exctpt Hundar. Ilallir.oxteiit Wenesdaraand Baturdasa. Hediirsdaysaud Saturdays only. ..EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.. t W. T. PHILLIPS. 1 I 90)f Stark street, between Vront and First. Phone, Oregon, Clay 441. PORTLAND, OREGON. Help of all kinds fiunlihrd on short natlre. Wanteds Kallroad men and deck hands, cooks, waiters and general house work, tana bands, , mill hands and i-iiy work. Ileal estate listed aud sold. Ift-upply agrnt for the EasyMop Wringer, pat ent at'plied fer, blate and couBti.rlghu lew sale. " KJt 'F. , 'A - i WI ) 1 ,1 mm wmmumij 'r JtfHr T'ewa'rrt'wiw- " w -rr 31. .. iitT-'- T it 1X4,