K "' "VW -mjf ' gsg V,- 'l v v 'a THK NEW A(E. POKTLA"NT. OTIEGON. 1 r ,ty W, 1 j TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Scientist) arc looking nt the Icoth of the earth In order to determine Its nge. Havana tobacco Is becoming bo cheap that Homo day It la likely, to bo made, up Into clgargj Robbers who took the shoes off a Chi cago Man because they squeaked evi dently have- suffered from that habit In the past. Wo knew It would como. A man In New York asks for an Injunction to prevent his mother-in-law from dis turbing hlin. The man who Is going to quit gam bling as soon as ho gets even' with the game Is like the fly on the sticky paper. It Intends to go away as spon fts It gets tooBc. d'ho man who knows how to dress a jimp window must bo taken Into ac count when the problem of "What Be comes of Our Christmas Money" Is under consideration. A contemporary sayB: "Tho United States nro the only nation In tho world," etc. We hopo Kmpcror Wil liam will not sco this In time to slop tho teaching of English in the German school. Mrs. Cnrrlo Chapman Catt thinks tho time Is coming when thcro will bo a woman In tho oxccutlvo chair at Wash ington. When that tlrao comes to pass there will always' bo n P. S. at the end of tho President's message. A Now Jersey clergyman Is Inveigh dig against kissing under the mistle toe nud a minister at tho Newborn, N. C, conference denounced "courting oh tho Lord's day." It will bo a Ono old world to get nway from when tho reformers aro through with It. Tho Postolllco Department may not bo able to prevent tho frequent Jostling of women at tho stamp window, but In making queen bees and ladybirds ex ceptions to tho law forbidding live ani mals In tho mnlls, does It not seek to offer compoiiHutlon to the sex? Premier Salisbury Is destined to go Into history as tho great nepotist of Kugllsh politics. It turns out thnt In I ho reorganisation of his cabinet aud In tho appointment of other high of ficials closely connected with that re organization one-llfth of nil appointees uro relatives of the Premier. This Is certainly "feathering tho family nest" with lordly contempt for nubile opln ""' Ion. rbe Marquis does not euro a innrquee tor icuiidiuh)-u is uiu juu ho covets. fc ' Tho opinion grows that athletics may be overdono at colleges If carried be yond tho point of compelling each stu dent to take adequate excrclso. Re form Is evidently required In the Inter est of tho students themselves, a ma jority of whom can 111 afford tho money thrown awny yearly on "sport." IOx crclso In a gymnasium Is well enough, hut the teams, with their games, rival ries, etc., If not properly regulated, de tract attention from studies, to say uothlng of Iohhos of life on tho football Meld and tho "enno rushes," hazlug, etc., which violent sports scorn to promote. Tho Cincinnati Enquirer says It would not for a moment discourage tho hold lug to strict accountability of all public men In public otllce, but thcro Is iln qcstlonably a tendency In the United Slates, as It seems by Mr. Chamber lain's speech there Is In Great Ilrltulu, to run vlgllanco Into persecution, to re quire public men to surrender property and busluess rights and to make what ought to be a public honor a practical Jlsadvantago. Some of the laws on this subject are unjust and even absurd, and tho husto to Interpret them bo as to disgrace public olllclals without hour lug them Is pernicious. It Is widely supposed that tho dis ease called "appendicitis" was un known to tho medical profession until the last quarter of the present century. Hut un'old Loudon doctor, who writes upon the subject In the Lancet, says (hero Is nothing nuw about It except "the nnmo and tho treatment." Tho disease was well described In tho older medical books, and wus then called "typhlitis." Hut Its real character was rarely verified except by post-mortem examination; whereas modem surgery, with Its anaesthetic and antiseptic aids, If summoned In time, Is able to nuvo nearly every patient who Is not exhausted by uge or otherwise de pleted. "A noble and eternal truth was ut tered by Uamlltou Wright Mablo of the Outlook In a brief address, wjien he said: 'Tho soul of a country Is al ways Invisible. No man ever saw that thing which makes n man glad to dlu for his country. Monuments and stat ues recall It, hut that spirit which prompts us to slug "Our country" has nothing tangible. "Our country" Is a thing of spirit nud soul.' This Is a profound aud terrible thing to say Just now. It arouses so many questions. Where now Is tho 'spirit ami soul' that once was America? Let us ask no fur ther. Wo drift and wait on events." Springfield Republican. Why not try liver pills? Veruon White Is a youth who lives In Attleboro, Mass. He Is a living ex ample of the possibilities of football as ui aid to tho medical profession lie also proves that a well-trained Ameri can youth, who has health, can stand more hard knocks than any other being on enrtu. In lttU5Jdr. White's left leg was broken above the knee. Laier his left collar bone was broken aud his right ankle sprained. The year 'Ittl wiu, a dull one, and he passed through li with his nose twice broken nnd back wrenched. He did better In '07. Three fingers nnd an ankle were broken. In 'PS) his left leg was fractured. In 1D-0, ho reached tho climax, of glory.. The list reads: "Head Injured, two ribs broken, legs temporarily paralyzed from a klckj ribs previously fractured aro rcbroken. It would be, natural to follow Mr. White's hospital record with a few remarks on the brutality of foot ball. Hut the sensou Is over. There Is no football, so let us not moralize, but glory in the physical prowess of our own men nnd hope that after they pass tho football age the Vernon Whites of this country will put ns much energy Into work for themselves nnd humanity aa they now do In sport that looks bru tal but seems to be enjoyable. In a recent address Andrew Carnegie said: "The rich man's surplus Is a so cial trust to he administered In one's own lifetime for the good of others." Hut Is thnt giving? Did you ever feel a thrill of pleasure In donating that for which you had no use? A surplus Is money which the possessor cannot find means of spending to the Incrcaso of his comfort or pleasure. Why not ad minister such a trust after death, through the courts, Instead of "In one's own lifetime," since mere worldly grat ification, and not ono particle of self sacrifice, enters into the gift of a sur plus? Tho child saves Its pennies, de nies Itself the little things which seem great to It, In order to give, where the gift means kindness and love. The good neighbor snves on gas bills nnd tnble luxuries In order to help his unfortun ate fellow-man. The. mother sits up late with her needle, forgoes that new skirt or tho longed-for piece of parlor furniture that she may be able to give somothlng to son or daughter. Hie sacred trust Is thnt which Is based on lovo nnd self-denial and comes from tho surplus of affection, not from the surplus of dollars. To gives without feeling that one hns mndc some self sacrifice Is not giving nt all, In n moral sense; It merely spending. Tho French gentlemen, says tho New York Journal, have always been very happy In tho coining of phrases and tho manufacture of proverbs. La. Rochefoucauld and ninny others have dono much to supply the world with peptonized wisdom. Of all the wlso French saylugs, uono Is more valuablo or praiseworthy than tho ono which, translated, Is: "Ilewaro of 'they say.' " Under "they say" hides every form of slander. Under "they say" hides the cowardlco that dares not attack openly. Do. not get tho "thoy say" habit -Do not encourago that habit. Tell chil dren and young men and nil women under your Influence not to listen wil lingly to "thoy say" nnd not to repeat tho lies which havo "they say" for a foundation. Tho United States ap pears to he tho favorite homo of "they Bny.""Yes, he gots n big salary.hut 'thoy say' ho has a pull with tho boss." That Is "thoy sny" trying to detract from honest nblllty. "Yes, his married life seems happy, but 'they say' he treats her cruelly." There you havo "they say" attneklng decency from Jealousy. "They sny" Ih busy hi almost ejrory house and on almost every tongue In this country. It Is the most active of slanderous agents on earth. When you hear a man prefaco u slanderous state ment with "they sny," nsk him theso questions: Who Is "thoy?" Who says the particular thing which you now put Into circulation? What do you know about thnt particular piece of slander thnt you nro spreading abroad with so much enjoyment? Do you think you are to bo excused for your malicious gossip merely becauso you drag In "they sny?" Ask yourelf those same questions, when you begin one of tho easy "they say" attacks on character. A few such questions put to yourself and others would soon dlscourngo tho hnhlt In your neighborhood. Think It over. Uemember thnt this world needs charity nt least as much uh dry earth "needs rain. "They sny" Ih the mean est and therefore tho most dcHplcnhlo of all attacks on decent human charity. Seo If you cannot do something to dis courage It. And Charles Ileonmo Silent. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Tor kins, "you aro very much opposed to bargain hunting, aren't you?" "Yes." "Ilut rou will admit that there nro occasions on which It Is quite proper." "Perhaps. Tnero are exceptions to overy rule," "Yes; In bnrgnln hunting It makes all the difference In tho .world whether you are going among the merchants seeing who offers the least expensive dress goods or whether you are visit lug tho bookmakers looking for the best odds." Washington Star. Too Much Court Plaster. Although court plaster Is useful In protecting small scratches or abrasions of the skin from harm, It should not be used over any considerable cut or wound lu process of healing. Theso will heal much faster If simply covered with a bit of soft linen, held In place nt tho ends with strips of surgeon's plaster, WM W fM. For Dyspeptics, linked potatoes nro digested more easily Hum boiled potatoes, nud should therefore, be preferred by dyspeptics, No matter what a man does,, some woiuttu can prove it la a Blgu of guilty conscience. "toH?,Lj yj.a.i 01 IrflRBT NATIONAL BANK, THE DALLES, ORi. ! J. B. Bchenk, I'rea.i It. M.-Beal, Cashier. I A general buildup business transacted. D- poults received, subject to night draft or check,; Collection rnado mid proceeds promptly re' , mltted on day of collection. Bight and tele-' graphic exchange Hold on New York, Ban Fran ciseo and Portland. F RENCH & CO., BANKERS THE DALLES, OR. '.' D. M. French. J. W. French.. " J. C. Hosteller. Caihlcr. f.t T HE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery Is now turning out ' me wsi wecr mm lurit'ri'nai ui mo unauiutsj The latent appliances for the manufacture of 1 good healthful Hcerhavo been Introduced, and I only the Unit-class article will be placed on the market. East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. T HE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and Front Streets.- ' Portland, Oregon. The UmatillaHouse THE DALLES, OR. SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietor!. The American Plan Only.... nat. It. I1.M and 12 tier dav. ' All trains slop for passengers. 0. R. AN. ticket offlce. Western Union telegraph. Long aisianoe lie a leiepnonc. Agents ana omcu lor all stage lines. Accommodations flrst-cla-s. Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OB. General Forwarding. AND Commission Merchant. Offices and Warehouse at " RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS. .. t Wool handling our sneolattr. . Grain bought and sold. - r The Regulator Lineq -'.-W'.CfiViv Ike Dillu. MM I Astoria NAVIGATION vCO. ' THROUGH FREIGHT. ' AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Line of'Stcamrrs Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and all Points on the Washington side. The steamers Dalles CI t jr and Regulator leare Portland every mernlag (except Sunday) at 7 and The Dalles att a.-a., arriving at destina tion In ample tint for outgoing (rains. "freight Kates Qrsalljr Reduoaa, W. C. ALLAWAY, Gn. Agt, Foot nt Court Street, The Dalle, Or mllE OMENTAL J. W.'GRUSSI. Proprietor. )2 Washington Et., Opposite Imperial notel Drinks 10 cents. Deer & cents. me EMP1& MKAT MA11KET. Free Delivery To All Parts of tho City. I No. W, Seventh and Davis Sis.. Phono Clajr Ml Lard, Ham and Ilacon. (1RONK 8HULZE, Proprietors. VANP SOAP AND CHijS QTAR BREWERY CO. Brewers and Holders of the Famous HOP GOLD PEER VANCOUVER, WASH. B ROWN 4 M'CADK, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon, Corrospondencfl solicited. Fhlp's mall promptly delivered. Cable address llrowu, rOIIN KKl.LY General Uuranre Agent. Fir and Marine. Scottish Union A National Ins. Co., Kdtnburc and Loudon; Western V. and St. Auuranco Co., Toronto, Can. fc! Third to., Columbian Uld. OTEIINKKN A JUUEH- Wholesale and reatatl grocers, U9414Burn- aide street, corner Sixth, rVrtland. Or. Tl 1 phone, Oregon Black -JiH, Columbia MA. - , . . a-..-. . , 'C C PORTLAND. OREGON. t THE DALLES, OREGON. MAYS &. CROWE Wholesale & Retail Dealers la HARDWARE. ST0VE3 AND TINWASI Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel," Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. - Hardwood and Vaeon Makers' Material, Bicycles. Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods, file SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leare Portland, foot of 'Washington,, 8t., Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evening at o o'clock, for hauvlca Island, St. Jlclens, Caples, Deer Island, Martins, Kalama, Ncer City, Itanler, Ml. Coffin, Mayger, Stella, Oak Folnt, Freemans, Mausanlllo,ClatskanU and all way landing. vn, B. BOWMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LANDSCAPS ARTI37 views of All Description Specialty, Kodak Developing and Finishing Main 8t., Near Bridge, NINDLETON, OHEOON. S' TAR HOTEL W. M.IROBIN80N. Prop. SUMFTKR, OREOON. pOTTAOE CHOP HOUSE If. C. COTNER. Prop. ' Open at all hours day or night. The test ueaU served In La'uraude lor the price. Remember the location East Side of Depot Street LA URAKDE, - OREOON. lOKDEGvE'S RESTAURANT PENDLETON, OREOON. Next Door to W. & C. R. It. Ticket Offlca , MEALS AT ALL HOURS, Plrst-Claxs and Quick fervlce. Trlvate Poles In Connection. Meuls ai All Prices. (10EDECKE, Prop. Commercial Livery Stable Opposlti Hotel Pendleton PEHDLETOH, 0REQ0I7 ...TELEPHOHE HO. 16... Finest turnouts of all kinds In Pendleton Oentle single drivers for ladles Good.cometciit drivers always on hand Boardlug horses given the best of care. a. M. FROOflE. KOFPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that Is kept In a modern and up-to-date drug; store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure i drugs.JMJ A. C. kOFPPFN fj RRO.. Manufacturing Chomists. 116 Court Bti PENDLETON, OB. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prep. BRANDS OK WINES AND LIQUORS IMPORTED AND DOME8TIC CiaAlU3.. Corner Depot Street and Jefferson Avenue, LA QRANDE, OR. GOTO SPANISH ORIGINAL TAMALE RESTAURANT 116 Dull Strut,. Bet. Third lid Foartk For the Best Meal for the Pile in the city. Quiet and Clean. Cooking by Noted Chela. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting; of Buildings, Stores and Residences rc and Incandescent, Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Willi Bmrtl Ebctrie Cr, SEttlTIAlillKISTS. BeA?iMMt3IS. HADING BUSINESS ;-HRMS- ,CP EASTERN OREGON.' ALSTON CO. ' Dealers In fualturt, Carpets,' Walt Paper and Shade. Uudeitaklug Goods. , LA GRANDE, 6 P. BA8CHK Dealer la iardware and Mining. Supplies, Stores, TtrJ ware, Cutlery aud duns. BAKER CITY, OREGON. BAKER CITY IRON WORKS OKO, F. NcLYNN, Proprietor. Builders of Stamp Mills, Ore Cats and Gen eral Mining. Sawmill and Planing Mill Ma. chlnery, Architectural Work, tn. Rraaa and Iron Founders anil Machinists, bpeclal atten. Host gln to repairing aud rebuilding all kinds it machinery. Telephone Red 181. BAKER CITY, OR. T BE BT. LAWRENCE FRED ERNST, Proprietor. 4aly flrst.claas. European plan BAKER CITY, OREGON. J. W. WISDOM a CO. Druggl'ts and Apothecaries). Prescriptions carefully compounded. Toilet Articles., Main 8treet, BAKER CITY, OR YfJ PATTERBON Proprietor of THE EXCHANGE SALOON Ma Agent for "Old Barbee." Woodford County, Ky., Whiskey. . BAKER CITY, OREOON. TYTATERMAN & 8CHMITZ Wholeulo and Rotall Dealers, 1st Vines, liquors and cioar baker city, or. T HE STORE One of the finest places In thes uuj tor traveling men. FINE WINES. LIQUORS AND CIOARS ' Remember the place. " X ACKERMAN, Proprietor.- .' MAKER CITY, OR u NDERTAKINQ In the neatest form. Pol. lshed and wctalllo cofflna, ' A No. 1 hearse. Good ser vice assured. W. B. NELSON, Funeral Director, .' 'A PENDLETON, VOa T. C. TAYLOR --. THE "HARDWARE MAN." t r. .! o.M... in . . - .-. iiuh.i, Diufn. .111 biiu vopprrwarc i Lime, Plaster,.' Cement, Coal, Iron and Bteel aud Hydraulic Pipe. T31 Main Street. PENDLETON, OR rnnE PIONEER DRUO STORE ULA SLATE, Proprietor. Our stock Is thoroughly up-to-date. We earn nothing but strictly Al goods at populsr prices. 1U Court Street. PENDLETON, OR. Hotel Pendleton.. ' PENDLETON OR HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery . BAKIR CITY, ORQEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IN fine Whiskies ind Cigars HraAjuarUrs lot Mbiag aad Commarckl Mscw. IAK-RQTY OREGON c MORPUY & CO. ' WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Wetnhard'a Beer on Draught, Bass' Ale, Ouln neaa' Porter. Val Mlau Milwaukee Beer and the Celebrated J. H. Cutter Whisker for Family Use. 45 Third St., Bet Couch and Davis. Goods Delivered Free. PORTLAND, OR w E PAY GOOD WAQCfs To G00J PeppI , For Oood Work STAR LAUNDRY CO, . No. Xi GHm& Si., MVTMHL 'PUoaeTW. ' I STEAMERS ALTON A AND POMONA DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOK Salem and Way Landings. Leares Taylor street. ........ Balem Arrlres Portland-. ,..6:A.Mi ,, 7:00 A. M. ...4:30 P.M. SUNDAY-TRIPS TO OREGON CITY. Leare Portland- 10:30 A. M 2and5:00 P. M. , Leare Oregon City ,.,....12:30, 3:30, 6:30 P. M. Oregdn City Trans. Co. ' Promptness and , quick dispatch our specialty A. B. CRAt AM, Agent. Office and wharf, foot of Taylor at Phone 0- :, WELUIDOlTr KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't fc&ow WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. i We are headquarters for Rabon Health .'. Qub Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Proem Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phoae407. PORTLAND, OR. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 835 North Third St. Boots and Shoes .Hade to Order Repairing Neatly. Done, '.Work'calUd for and delivered. All work.- guaranteed. H. C. RILEY, Manager. Headquarters for Capen Co.'s Shoe , cuititisoH & co. Wheat 11. SH 'Meri DIRECT Wi.. TO New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade' Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ESMOND HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. "' Front and Morrison Streets.; RATKfll ' 5 Etsroptan Plaa, 50c to JJ.50 Per Day L An-rkaa Plaa, $1 to 2 P DaT . ' OSCAR ANDERSON, UanagariK' J. C PENDEOA8T, Chief .Clerk. , , : 'WJIEN Y.OtI BUY e- Furniture, Carpets and Staves FOR HOUSEKEEPING ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First Strosit. f. I. IRttKE MUfi CO, 67 N. Third Street. PMactiptiom Accurately aoi ( , . , :;. CsuctuUy ComfouaMsl J TELEPHONE t COLUMBIA 750. if' OREGON RED 1M4, . SO YEARS' MAMS DCSJMN Cawfinirra . Aaroaa araMasi a akatek a4 4aaerMlaei m9 sjvleklr aaoestkia oar oUnioa trm mikk sua lOTantkui laprobablr MUotabl. Coaaiuln. Mona Mrtetlr aoMtfeatfaL -..-ml t raa. OMeat wwer for MnrtuMUuuP SCrtifltTc fliiertca Akaait.o-atr Waatratwl weakly. Ijsmas eal.Hrtn of anr erteajKa loynat, Tar a. m at IrArrr J"J,f t assjeaaajMssa, KIVJP rVTMM 'M , . V 1 I . . r TkyS' 'v .'A 1 ' 4 jlisMTTasfsi iTrs-i f 1 a : L V . .